Functional training training programs for men. Who is functional training suitable for? Strength functional training

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

21 Mar 2017


When asked what functional training is, trainers answer – a type of fitness aimed at increasing endurance, strengthening muscles and losing weight. The basis for its development was Pilates (stretching and flexibility). The meaning of fitness is to practice the movements that a person needs in everyday life - jumping, squatting, bending. Classes last 20 minutes.

What is functional training

Functional training or functional training is a type of fitness that is suitable for people of any age, with different levels of training and needs. During training, athletes practice movements that help improve strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination. Functional exercises make all muscles work, even the smallest and deepest ones.

Fitness is based on the principle of gradually engaging in movement and muscle tension - first one exercise is performed, another is added to it, and a long ligament is obtained. In everyday life, and not in the gym, this type of gymnastics can even be understood as climbing stairs, cleaning an apartment, walking with a child in a stroller on uneven terrain.

The benefits of training include:

  • increased metabolic rate, rapid fat burning;
  • home or gym conditions are suitable for training;
  • sport trains coordination and endurance;
  • functional fitness forms healthy muscle relief;
  • Constantly changing exercises does not allow the body to get used to it and reduce efficiency;
  • The sport is suitable for any level of training, men and women.

The following health conditions are considered contraindications for classes:

  • acute inflammation, trauma, infectious and chronic heart diseases;
  • varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • increased bone fragility, calcium deficiency.

Functional training for women

Functional training for women provides effective results. As a result of the exercise with a load, muscles are tightened, a beautiful body contour is formed, excess fat is lost, and according to reviews, the body's endurance increases. An approximate functional circuit training for girls looks like this (5-6 repetitions of cycles):

  • Monday – pull-ups on the bar in the gym, rowing, burpees, jumping rope, cross-running;
  • Tuesday – weighted squats, push-ups;
  • Wednesday – high jumps, pull-ups on rings, squats, rope climbs, lunges, crunches;
  • Thursday – standing push-ups, deadlifts, bend-overs, hyperextensions, running in place, hanging knee raises, crunches
  • Friday – push-ups, lying pelvic raise, corner on parallel bars and rings.

Functional training for men

Functional training for men helps to develop muscles, increase strength and flexibility. As a result of playing sports, excess fat is burned, endurance and coordination increase. For beginners, the functional fitness program looks like this (gradually increasing in complexity):

  • Monday – pull-ups, rowing, burpees, jumping rope, cross-running;
  • Tuesday – squats with a barbell in accelerated mode, push-ups;
  • Wednesday – jumping onto a hill, pull-ups on rings, squats, rope climbs, lunges, side crunches;
  • Thursday – standing push-ups, deadlifts, overhead pushes, hyperextension, kettlebell swings, running in place, hanging knee raises, lying crunches;
  • Friday – push-ups from the floor, on rings, again from the floor, on uneven bars, corner on uneven bars and rings.

Strength functional training

Functional strength training is popular, the exercises of which are performed in alternation. One day includes training with your own weight, the next - with a barbell. Due to this complex, not only the main muscles are trained, but also stabilizers (deep-lying ones), which cannot be controlled consciously. For effective results, it is recommended to train 3-4 times a week.

The first workout is always carried out with weight, in each approach it is increased in order to achieve maximum muscle performance. Example of a regular program:

  • Monday – lifting the barbell, squats, jerks, cardio;
  • Wednesday – pull-ups, light barbell throws, kettlebell swings, sit-ups, dips;
  • Friday - cardio training (methods - running, cycling, jumping rope).

Basic principles of the functional strength fitness program:

  • monitor your pulse so that it does not exceed 120-150 beats per minute;
  • Before starting classes, warm up for five minutes on the treadmill;
  • Before each exercise, warm up with light weights;
  • Finish your workout with 15 minutes of stretching.

Functional training exercises

Exercises for functional training are very diverse. They are similar for men and women, differing only in the number of repetitions. Here are the universal exercises:

  1. Burpees – Push up from the floor, pull your arms to your chest, jump up and clap your arms above your head.
  2. Lunge – stand up straight and take a long step forward. Return your torso to the starting position.
  3. Cross running - running at an accelerated pace with turns.
  4. Corner on the parallel bars - straighten your arms, raise your straight legs parallel to the floor, hold, rotate.

Functional training exercises are replacing the classical approaches, which allow working exclusively on certain muscle groups. Its main difference is its complex effect on the human body. The functional training exercises included in such programs allow you to develop strength and endurance, agility and coordination, balance and grace.

Functional training has gained popularity recently, but today it is loved by many men and women. Regular exercise in such a program allows you to burn no less calories than a full-fledged cardio workout. Functional training exercises are most often chosen by those who want to lose extra pounds.

And if you give preference to strength-based functional training, you will pump up your muscles, increase the power of your blows, and achieve the same results as when working in the gym. You can either create a set of functional training yourself or find it on the Internet.

The Importance of Functional Training

Due to its characteristic features, strength and functional training plays an important role in the lives of many men and women. During training, the person who prefers it performs movements that can help in everyday life. You will become more dexterous, faster, learn to maintain balance on a slippery road, and be able to easily lift a child in your arms...

Functional training burns calories well and is suitable for everyone. Thanks to him, boys and girls learn to control their bodies with ease. Young mothers tone their muscles. Elderly people improve their health. Athletes should give preference to functional strength training, which involves performing certain exercises with weights.

Previously, this type of training was preferred exclusively by people involved in sports professionally. Today it is available to everyone. To get acquainted with this technique, you don’t even have to go to the gym - with the help of special video lessons you can practice at home. Functional training in physical culture is gaining more and more popularity.

Examples of exercises

To better understand what type of load we are talking about, let’s consider several effective exercises included in the functional training program:

  • Exercise for balance. You need to stand on the inflatable sphere with one foot, and lift the other one off the floor and pull it back. Take the Swallow pose for a few seconds, trying to keep your legs and back straight. For each limb you need to repeat the movement several times.
  • Exercises for strength and endurance. Take a medicine ball weighing 2 kg, extend it in front of you, and bend your legs slightly. The back should be straight, the chin raised. Slowly lower the ball and touch it to the floor, leaning to the right. Return to the original position, and then bend in the other direction. Repeat several times.
  • Exercise for coordination. Standing in front of the inflatable hemisphere, lift one leg, bending it. On the second, spring a little, and then jump onto the hemisphere and from it immediately to the side. Repeat for each leg several times.
  • Exercise for strength and endurance. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place a weight near your right foot. Bend your knees, reach it and, holding the handle, straighten your legs. The elbow remains motionless. Do this several times on each side. If you have good physical fitness, you can add kettlebell swings.
  • Exercise to develop grace. Standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly bend down and walk forward a little without raising your head. Do several of these “dives”, imagining that there is an imaginary crossbar above you. You need to act slowly, carefully, gracefully.

You can create functional training programs for yourself using these and other exercises. Focus on your physical fitness, age, gender, and other individual characteristics.

Over time, functional training is increasingly included in the standard list of services offered by fitness clubs. Since supply and demand for services are always closely connected, there are also more people wanting to engage in functional training over time. The growing interest in this type of physical activity is due, among other things, to its relative novelty. More and more people want to first of all find out what it is, what it is for, and what types of functional training there are, in order to understand for themselves whether it is interesting to them or not.

Functional training is a type of training process that aims to comprehensively develop motor activity by improving the five physical qualities of a person: strength, flexibility, speed, coordination and endurance. An important nuance at the beginning of the training process is your level of physical development and health status. It is in order to determine the current state of these two parameters that it is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor before you begin functional training. This is important to understand, since the stress that you place on an unprepared body very often leads to negative health consequences.

Functional training came to the mass fitness market from specific training programs for athletes in completely different sports. This is a unique set of movements and exercises that athletes, cyclists, skiers, swimmers, kayakers, speed skaters and other representatives of both team and individual sports use in their daily training practice. The purpose of functional training is, among other things, to develop and improve the vestibular apparatus, proper breathing, sense of balance, explosive strength, starting push, finishing push and more. The huge variety of exercises and unusual loads have made functional training something completely new on the fitness services market, which is why it has become widely popular and in high demand among fans of a healthy lifestyle.


No matter how specific the system of functional training may be in relation to certain sports, its very essence comes down to practicing the movements necessary for a person in everyday life or in extreme conditions. This could be lifting weights at home or at work, stepping over obstacles, holding a child, climbing a stepladder, jumping off a high platform and so on, the list can be endless. The main thing here is that thanks to functional training, the muscle corset is strengthened and stabilizer muscles are developed.

A characteristic feature of functional training is the use of free weights, expanders, bollards, jump ropes, balls, platforms and other equipment, which allows you to perform movements not along a fixed trajectory at a given amplitude, as in weight-block simulators, but in free movement, since most of the exercises are performed with your own body weight. This allows your muscles to reproduce movements as naturally as possible, as they usually do in everyday life. The high effectiveness of functional training lies in the fact that it involves almost all the muscles of your body, including the deep ones, those responsible for stabilization, balance and smooth movements. As mentioned above, this type of training makes it possible to improve the five main parameters of your body - strength, flexibility, speed, coordination and endurance.

Personal requirements

A positive feature of functional training can be considered the minimization of axial load on the spine and the absence of excessive stress on ligaments and joints. Both the first and second factors make the functional type of training less traumatic than classic training with weights in the gym. However, during training you must adhere to certain criteria, compliance with which will allow your training to become more effective and achieve results as quickly as possible.

Criterion No. 1. Opportunity assessment. You must approach the training process with a cool head and sober calculations. Never use professional training programs at the very beginning of your journey. The load should increase gradually as your level of training increases.

Criterion No. 2. Load alternation. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise must be constantly alternated. More precisely, they need to be used in the correct ratio. In any type of physical activity, the main thing is not to let the body get used to the monotonous load. It needs to be varied all the time.

Criterion No. 3. Correct breathing. The body consumes more oxygen during exercise than at rest. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor its correct circulation and work out the cycles, duration and frequency of inhalation and exhalation for each exercise together with a trainer.

Criterion No. 4. Recovery period. This factor is one of the key ones. It is impossible to achieve increased results if you only load the body without giving it the opportunity to recover. Stretch before and after your workout, eat healthy, and get good sleep.

Functional training

The simultaneous and even distribution of the load on the upper, lower limbs and body allows you to work out the entire muscle structure as efficiently as possible, raising and adapting your level of physical fitness to different environmental conditions. Thanks to the system of functional training, it is possible to achieve full and harmonious progress in the development of the entire morphofunctional system of the human body. Functional training is based on several principles that make it an independent area and distinguish it from many other types of physical activity. These are the principles:

Principle No. 1. High temp. The training should be intense and short-lived;

Principle No. 2. Free weights. It is advisable to use non-stationary equipment in training.

Principle No. 3. Basic exercises. Predominantly multi-joint movements are performed;

Principle No. 4. Honing movements. The emphasis is not on muscle growth, but on coordination and technique.

Functional exercises

Functional training includes a great variety of movements, exercises, their combinations and execution options. This is due to the fact that each individual sport from which the exercises were removed provides a fairly extensive arsenal of general physical training. However, a certain core of exercises is always taken as a basis, which in the basic variation of execution is suitable for all levels of training. This core is divided into four categories of exercises:

Adaptive divergences

Often, the specific training of athletes in specific sports is confused with functional training. Why is there such confusion? It arises due to a misunderstanding of the fact that elements of athletes’ specific training often do not transfer into functional training in their original form. They adapt to the conditions of the fitness industry for a wide range of users with completely different levels of physical development. This can be described in detail as follows.

Specific training of athletes for a particular sport implies the reproduction of a specific vector of effort required to apply it in competitive conditions. The training process is based on exercises, the task of which is to duplicate the kinetic chains that are part of specific motor functions (the number of working joints, muscle groups involved, points of application of force, and more). At the same time, functional training does not aim to focus on individual physiological and biomechanical parameters, which is necessary for specific sports disciplines, but is used as a way to train and develop the functional abilities of the human body as a whole. In other words, when we talk about specific training for professional athletes, we emphasize the biomechanical and physiological aspects of training, and when we talk about functional training, our goal is to routinely use exercises with characteristics corresponding to exercises from the training arsenal of professional athletes.


A 2009 study compared the effects of functional training and classical strength training in the gym. The results of this study showed that the effectiveness of functional training in some indicators was higher than that of strength training. Comparing data from two control groups of athletes, the strength gains of the functional training group were 58% greater than those of the gym group. The first group also showed a 196% increase in coordination abilities and a 30% decrease in joint pain. Thanks in part to the results of this study, functional training has proven itself to be an excellent way to rehabilitate patients with various musculoskeletal disorders.


Functional training continues to gain popularity around the world due to its effectiveness and simplicity. By and large, this type of training does not require any expensive or stationary equipment. In fact, all you need are parallel bars, rings, a horizontal bar, a barbell, a kettlebell and a jump rope. You can even purchase this small set of devices yourself and store it in the garage, and practice it on the sports ground or backyard of the house. Functional training ensures comprehensive development of the body, which is why it is often used in preparation for sports competitions, hiking, mountain climbing, kayaking and more. It is also suitable for increasing physical activity in everyday life, for the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders and in preparing for conditions of independent survival in an aggressive environment far from civilization. Functional training is a universal tool for always being physically prepared for any life situation.

In sports, there are many opposing approaches and ways of achieving results - and it is not always easy to figure out which one is right for you. One such case is the choice between functional training and isolated strength exercises.

Which approach will be more justified in a particular case, what are the typical mistakes made by athletes, and what you should know - but, unfortunately, not everyone knows.

Functional and isolated training: what is it?

First, let’s look at the definitions themselves: you need to understand what we’re talking about. Functional and isolated training are indeed absolutely opposite to each other, both in form and in the tasks they solve.

Isolated training is a set of exercises that are aimed at training a specific small muscle group, or one muscle at all.

For example, if you are working with a barbell on a biceps press bench, this is an isolation exercise

Functional exercises always affect large muscle groups - sometimes even almost the entire body at the same time. But this is not their main characteristic: this criterion is also met by, for example, squats with a barbell, which are not a functional exercise.

The key point in functional training is training not only the muscles, but also the movement of the body itself. Any such exercises are aimed not just at increasing strength or endurance, but at making the body capable of performing some real actions. A great example of a functional strength exercise is the pull-up bar.

Many people tend to classify as functional only those strength exercises that are performed with their own weight - pull-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, and so on. However, this is not true: functional training is quite possible with the use of weights.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches?

Let's start the conversation again with isolated training. The advantage of this option is that you achieve maximum efficiency at the selected point of the body: the entire load falls exclusively on the target muscle. This advantage is absolutely irreplaceable in bodybuilding, but it is often useful for ordinary fitness enthusiasts: it happens that you need to work a specific muscle, give the body a point load.

This same property of isolation exercises is also their disadvantage: developed biceps, for example, are good in themselves - but they are not enough for either a harmonious figure or real functional strength. And now it’s time to talk about functional training.

There are three main benefits of functional training:

Firstly, you don’t just increase muscle strength and endurance, but accustom your body to a specific type of physical work. In life, we don’t have to do anything similar to a French press, but the need to do pull-ups can easily arise.

Secondly, the effect of functional training is extremely diverse. A very large number of muscles are involved in the work at the same time. You become stronger and more resilient, develop coordination, flexibility, balance... the list depends on the specific exercises, but it is always extensive. For example, even banal push-ups strengthen not only the arms and chest (which are primarily aimed at), but also the abs, legs and back.

Thirdly, due to the extensiveness of the load, functional exercises effectively burn calories. This means that you can combine the effects of strength and cardio training. Many athletes think that these two types of training are some kind of antagonists, however, this is not always true. It is in functional exercises that strength and cardio components coexist perfectly.

Are there any downsides to functional training? Of course there is. There are two main disadvantages

Firstly, due to the wide range of effects of such exercises, the results are less pronounced. For example, you will develop your heart more effectively on a cardio machine, and your strength with the “Big Three” with a barbell.

Secondly, intense functional training is poorly compatible with gaining muscle mass: too many calories are burned. If the Apollo body type is closer to you than Hercules, functional training is perfect, but not otherwise.

You probably already guessed that choosing one type of training is not at all necessary. In fact, it is quite possible to combine isolation and functional training in your program. Moreover: if you can still do without isolated strength training (it, after all, serves mainly to achieve an aesthetic effect), then every athlete needs functional training to one degree or another.

Is functional training performed using machines? Of course!

For example, the free pull ones produced by Life Fitness are great for them. And Life Fitness creates all the opportunities for interesting training. For example, by combining a multi-station with a free-trajectory row, a training one, or any other one, you can perform the most interesting exercises at home aimed at functional development!

How to combine two types of training?

There are several tips on this topic: it is possible to fully disclose it, rather, in a separate material. But here are some tips.

The main advice is not to “jump” from one exercise to another too quickly - this is a typical mistake of those who try to combine a lot of different things. Your body must have time to get used to the new type of load, to the rhythm of training - otherwise there is a risk of a training plateau or even injury.

Add changing angles, twisting, bending and other complications to your usual strength exercises - use all possible planes of movement! This is possible with, and on, and with the help of a multistation. Of course, this must be done carefully, reducing the working weight. This way you will engage more muscles and make the exercises more functional.

And be sure to change the speed of the movements! This is especially convenient on traction machines that have low starting resistance: for example, the same Life Fitness home multi-stations. Such technologies allow you to perform movements under heavy load very sharply - but without risk to both joints and ligaments, and to the simulator.

Hello. I am glad to welcome all readers and subscribers of my blog. Today’s article will cover the following topic: “Functional training, training programs.” You will also be able to understand how functional training differs from regular fitness and how it is similar to. Let's get started.

Don't like the monotony of training? Are you dissatisfied with the same type of exercises or the speed of achieving your goal (for men - mass, for women - )? Then functional training is definitely for you.

What he really is?

Functional training is a new trend in fitness culture. It is aimed at the harmonious, speedy and comprehensive development of the human body and all its physical qualities. Functional training allows you to develop qualities necessary for everyday life - speed of reaction, endurance during non-standard work, and the like.

Have you ever dug anything? It doesn’t matter whether it’s potatoes or an ordinary hole. The main thing is muscle pain. And if you think that a trained athlete who has been training for more than 5 years will not have any pain after an hour of manipulating with a shovel, then you are mistaken. Completely different skeletal muscles work there.

Yes, digging up potatoes can be called functional training aimed at developing skeletal muscles and coordination. It is for this reason that such training was invented - so that everyday tasks do not cause difficulties when performing them.

I hope you understand the principle of the training?

What is the difference?

The difference from regular classes lies in the exercises themselves, which allow you to simultaneously work with several physical qualities at once, for example, endurance and speed, flexibility and coordination.

You can say that functional training is very similar to CrossFit, which is known to many, and you will be absolutely right - they have a lot in common, but still they are different, like brothers. Do you understand?

Although most people think that CrossFit is the same functional training, it’s a little different. Functional training is aimed at developing a person for maximum functionality in normal times, while CrossFit is about developing to win competitions.

Training program for beginner men

The 5-day program is designed for people who have never (or very little) had a “relationship” with physical activity before.



  1. 15 – 20 dips.
  2. Rest 1 - 1.5 minutes.


  1. 15 pull-ups on gymnastic rings (palms facing each other).
  2. 15 regular squats.
  3. 2 rope climbs without using legs.
  4. 12 lunges (for each leg).


  1. 8 – 12 push-ups while standing on your hands (lean your feet against the wall).
  2. 10 deadlift.
  3. 10 overhead jerks.
  4. 20 – 25 hyperextensions.
  5. 18 – 20 kettlebell swings (“swing”).
  6. 2 – 3 minutes of running in place (raising your hips high).
  7. Rest 3 – 4 minutes.
  8. Repeat the complex 2 – 3 times.
  9. 25 hanging knee raises or wall bars;
  10. 25 crunches on the floor.
  11. Repeat 2 times.


Training program for beginner girls


  1. 10 pull-ups on the bar.
  2. 2 minute rowing.
  3. 15 burpees.
  4. 2 minutes of accelerated jumping rope.
  5. 1 minute cross-run (round trip).
  6. Repeat for 10 minutes without rest.


  1. 15 squats with a barbell (at an accelerated pace).
  2. 15 – 20 flexion-extension of the arms in support from behind (arms on the bench, legs on the floor).
  3. Rest 1 - 1.5 minutes./li>
  4. Repeat the complex 3 – 4 times.


  1. 20 high jumps.
  2. 10 pull-ups on gymnastic rings (palms facing each other).
  3. 20 squats with wide legs (you can change the width of your legs each set).
  4. 2 rope lifts using legs.
  5. 15 lunges (for each leg).
  6. Repeat for 10 – 15 minutes without breaks.
  7. 25 lateral crunches (both sides without breaks).




Well? We can end our communication now. You received two absolutely unique programs with originally selected exercises and learned about functional training, and I, in turn, enjoyed communicating with you.