Photo exhibition. Sergey balalaev's expedition completed another cycle of exploration of the sacred mountain kailas Sergey balalaev kailas

Photo exhibition "Kailash Phenomenon"

Sergey Balalaev, Galina Kotovskaya, Alexander Titov

Based on materials from expeditions to the region of Mount Kailash (Tibet) in 2005-2013

For nine years now, our small expedition has been exploring one of the most amazing places on the planet - Tibet. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of Mount Kailash, which has become sacred for almost a billion followers of the four religions of mankind. In the Hindu, Buddhist, Bon and Jain traditions, Kailash is traditionally viewed as a place of revelation, the center of the Universe, the source of life, the path to heaven, the temple of the gods, the expression of the ultimate reality in its many manifestations. From the point of view of Eastern cosmology, Mount Kailash is the center of our world system, through which the axis of the Universe passes. The mythological Mount Meru, one of the projections of which is Kailash, is a symbol of the axis of the World and contains all levels of being: from the lowest to the highest.

Four sacred rivers of Asia originate near Kailash: Brahmaputra, Sutlej, Karnali (one of the tributaries of the Ganges River, which carries its waters including through the territory of Nepal) and the Indus, which, according to the beliefs of the Tibetans, have special mystical qualities - to heal and purify, bestow pep, wisdom, enlightenment ...

In 2011-2013, we investigated the traditional sources of all four rivers.

The Tibetans call Mount Kailash Kang Rinpoche, which means "snowy jewel." Rounded, almost symmetrical dome of Kailash, covered with a hat eternal ice sparkling in the sun really looks like a giant crystal. Near Kailash there are two lakes, also endowed with mystical qualities. With living water - Manasarovar, with dead - Rakshas Tal.

The pilgrimage attractiveness of Kailash is also explained by the idea that with the help of the "Mandala of Kailash" the planet has an information and energy connection with other structures of the Universe.

It so happened that we managed to visit and explore all eight valleys, forming an eight-petalled lotus, in the center of which is Kailash, during difficult ascents, touch the four Faces of this amazing mountain and make a number of ascents to the surrounding Kailash mountains, including on its south -east shoulder.

For us, the ascent to the Faces of Kailash and to the peaks of the surrounding mountains is first of all a spiritual ascent, and then a physical one.

We watched Kailash at a distance from him to know his greatness; we went around Kailash to understand its shape; we contemplated Kailash at dawn and dusk, at full moon and at noon, in the sun and rain, in the snow, during a storm, to feel it.

Kailash - a land of mystery and ancient traditions, where time is measured in terms of eternity, where existence itself is filled with spirituality.

We would like you to get in touch with one of the greatest secrets of our planet, which is located in an amazing place called the Temple of Kailash. This is especially important in anticipation of the amazing changes that are already happening to the Earth and to us.

Kailash is changing. The bottom line is that it becomes more open to more people. More open, both in terms of stunning transformative energy with an updated, wider and higher frequency spectrum of vibrations, and in terms of physical accessibility for a large number of people. An asphalt road has been laid to Kailash, and last year, embankments were made to the Drolma La pass.

We present unusual exhibition. Unusual for many reasons. The presented works are powerful transforming energy flow from one of the most mysterious and powerful places on our planet - mountains Kailash... Each of us can feel not only amazing beauty of this divine area, but also to feel energy this amazing place. To do this, you just need stop internal dialogue, and try to include feelings! And we can find ourselves in the center of a huge energy vortex. In the center of the Universe, in the center of an energy vortex created by two counter-rotating creative forces, in the stream of life we ​​create. At this point, the past, present and future becomes our Here and Now. At this point of complete balance, we become All That We Are. At this central point, all possibilities and potentials exist, without limits! ..

And if in our ordinary world, in which we are deeply immersed every day, materiality prevails, then in this place you will be transported to magical world of Tibet that awakens Spirituality, something that we all are so acutely lacking so far. And each of us knows this, for this is what ours tells us The Spirit we are and who we are. Yes, Kailash allows us remember our true essence and to manifest in us that original quality that is always present in us, but which we sometimes forget about - quality Spirit... Exactly our Spirit creates reality on all planes of being. We have been convinced many times - Kailash enhances spirituality people who come into contact with it! This is very important for each of us. And it can happen to us Here and now, at this exhibition!

We were shocked that a large number of people left feedback on past photo exhibitions, in which they described their impressions and inner experiences in contact with the wonderful world of Kailash. This is a confirmation that our materials are alive, saturated with vibrations that have amazing transforming properties.

Many of the photographs presented are unique.

Based on the results of the expeditions, two books were published - A. Redko, S. Balalaev “Tibet-Kailash. Mysticism and Reality ", S. Balalaev" Tibet-Kailash. Sacred Valleys "and S. Balalaev's photo album" Call of Kailas "in Russian and English.

Website on the Internet:

Sergey Balalaev- candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, traveler, writer, organizer of many expeditions to the most interesting places on our planet (Tibet, India, Nepal, China, Altai, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Guatemala, Spitsbergen, etc.). The last nine years he devoted to the study of one of the sacred places on Earth - Tibet.

"For me, a journey to places of power is, first of all, a spiritual journey into the inner space of oneself, the purpose of which is to acquire the state of the One, when there is no longer any need to move anywhere ..."

Galina Kotovskaya. Mathematician by education. She was engaged in advertising business before her 4th trip to Tibet. Now he is a spiritual practitioner, transmitting the Power and Knowledge of the Primordial Energies of Tibet through the experience gained and the photographs taken. One of the organizers of photo exhibitions about Tibet in the N.K. Roerich in Moscow, assistant in writing the books “Tibet - Kailash. Mysticism and Reality "," Call of Kailash "," Tibet - Kailash. Sacred valleys ". Dedicated to exploring Tibet for the last 8 years. Including one of the most difficult journeys in December 2013.

Alexander Titov- photographer and traveler, organizer and participant of expeditions to many lost corners of the East, including the route of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerichs (India, China, Mongolia, Altai, China). In 2011-2012, he took part in the expedition of Sergey Balalaev to the Kailas region, the materials of which are presented at this exhibition, as well as in the framework of a personal photo exhibition in Italy (October 2011).

Personal photo exhibitions - Moscow 2004, India 2005, India 2010, St. Petersburg 2009, Umbria (Italy) 2011.

For nine years now, a small group of Russian enthusiasts, led by the renowned contemporary explorer of Tibet, Sergei Balalaev, has been exploring the unique region located on the Roof of the World. In the Museum named after N.K. Roerich in 2011 and 2012. his exhibitions "Call of Kailas" and "Phenomenon of Kailas" were held, which were very popular with visitors.

At the end of May this year, the expedition returned from another trip to the most sacred mountain in Asia - Kailash.

The inaccessibility and restrictions of the Tibetan government in the first half of the 20th century, and then the ban on visiting this territory by the PRC until the 80s did not allow foreign travelers to explore this unique region in detail. However, to the present time, Tibet is the most closed territory for visits on our planet.

In 2012, the expedition of Sergei Balalaev visited the sources of all four rivers: Brahmaputra, Karnali, Sutleja and Indus. And this year, the topic of studying water sources has received a new development. Samples of water were taken from several sacred springs and preliminary results were obtained, confirming the assumption of its special properties, including the health-improving effect on humans.

The ascent to the western edge of Kailash was completed with an overnight stay at its foot. This place has not been visited by any European researchers due to its inaccessibility.

During the expedition, a large amount of research was done. The main results of the expedition at Kailash include the following:

· Completed the so-called Cora of the Merging of the Elements, which implies ascents, touches and special meditation techniques at each of the four facets of Kailash.
· We passed the inner crust around Mount Nandi through the Serdung Chuksum pass with an approach to 13 stupas in the Saptorishi niche on the southern edge of Kailash with an overnight stay at these stupas. In this place, we managed to observe and fix a very rare natural phenomenon - a vertical rainbow.

Climb to the top of Mount Takaryola, at the foot of which is the monastery of Drira Phuk. Top part this mountain consists of three (!) nested concave stone mirrors. The outside mirror is apparently the largest in the Kailash complex. Its length is about 4 km! Unique photographs of the Kailash Complex were taken from the northern direction from an altitude of 5860 m.

· Explored the ruins of Chuku Monastery, destroyed by the Chinese during the Cultural Revolution. The building was located 150 meters higher than the existing monastery, built relatively recently.

In total, more than 200 km were covered at altitudes from 4700 to 5950 m in conditions of cold weather atypical for May and a large amount of snow.

The Kailash region is a powerful place of power, one of the most important energy-information centers of our planet, influencing human evolution.

From January 18 to March 6, 2011, an exhibition of photographs by Sergei Balalaev "The Call of Kailas" is exhibited at the Museum named after N. Roerich.

Sergey Balalaev is a scientist, traveler, organizer of many expeditions to the most interesting places on our planet (India, Nepal, Tibet, Altai, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Spitsbergen, etc.). The last six years he devoted to the study of one of the sacred places on Earth - Tibet. He pays special attention to the research of places that were of particular importance for the Roerich family.

In May 2010, the most important according to the results obtained, the seventh expedition to Kailash took place, and in September - a unique expedition to central Tibet and some closed regions of southeastern Tibet.

The exhibition is the result of eight complex private expeditions. Their routes ran through the most inaccessible areas of the mysterious "roof of the world".

The photographic materials presented at the exhibition not only acquaint visitors with the picturesque and mysterious world of Tibet, they carry a powerful transforming energy flow from one of the most amazing and powerful places on our planet - the sacred Mount Kailash.

The phenomenon of this mysterious mountain interested Europeans about 100 years ago, and access to it became possible only in the last two decades. About one billion followers of four religions, who consider this peak their most important shrine, strive to make a ritual "outer crust" around it at least once (55-kilometer walk at altitudes from 4700 to 5650 meters). Those who have performed such a ceremony 13 times are admitted to the so-called "inner crust" around Mount Nandi, during which the pilgrim comes close to the southern wall of Kailash and ascends to a niche with 13 chorten of the Drigung Kagyu sanctuary. The attractiveness of Tibet for pilgrims is also explained by the notions according to which information and energy communication with other structures of the Universe is carried out with the help of the "Mandala of Kailash".

During the expeditions, the outer, inner crust, as well as the touching crust of the Faces (the four facets of Kailash are commonly called Faces) were repeatedly performed, in which a direct approach to each facet of the sacred mountain is carried out with the implementation of special ritual practices in accordance with Buddhist tradition.

The participants of the expeditions managed to visit and explore all eight valleys forming an eight-petalled lotus, in the center of which is Kailash, touch the four Faces of this amazing mountain and make a number of ascents to the mountains surrounding Kailash, including the southeastern shoulder of Kailash. To date, a large research material has been accumulated on the structure and properties of the Kailash Mandala.

During the last Tibetan expedition in September 2010, research began on one of the sacred regions of Tibet - Pemako. This territory is located in southeastern Tibet, in the place where one of the greatest rivers of Asia Yarlung Tsangpo (Indian name Brahmaputra, we recall that N.K. ) and Namcha Barwa (7756 m), bends around the latter and flows in one of the largest canyons in the world with an elevation difference of about 5000 m. This area is a place of enormous power with powerful energy flows, but at present it is practically closed to foreign travelers.

During the expedition, its participants managed to visit several more interesting places: Lake Lhama Latso or Lake Oracle, on the water surface of which, according to the ideas of the Tibetans, one can get answers to questions about the past and the future; Lake Namtso or Heavenly Lake, on the northern coast of which the cave complex of the Jador Monastery destroyed by the Chinese during the "Cultural Revolution" was explored, practically unknown to modern Western researchers (this was the route that the Roerich expedition took in 1928); sacred mountain Tangla, which N. Roerich called "the greatest and holiest", having dedicated several amazing paintings to it.

Based on the results of the expeditions, two books were published - A. Redko, S. Balalaev “Tibet-Kailash. Mysticism and Reality "and S. Balalaev's photo album" Call of Kailash "in Russian and English. The third book is being prepared for publication - "Tibet-Kailash: Sacred Valleys".

Within the framework of Sergey Balalaev's exhibition "Call of Kailas" a number of lectures will be held:

March 6 - Following the traces of the Roerichs' Tibetan expedition. Mount Tangla, Lake Namtso and the Brahmaputra River.

Kailash - Tibet in the light of the cosmic evolution of mankind

Cultural and educational work

January 21, 2017.
In the project of the ONTs KM .
Lecture: “On the mysterious paths of the Trans-Himalayas. The main results of the new expedition to the Kailash region
(Tibet, August 2016) ".
Speaker - Sergey Yurievich Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Kailas Phenomenon Research Group (Voronezh).

The lecture presents the results of a unique expedition organized and carried out by the Kailas Phenomenon research group led by Sergei Balalaev to the region of the most sacred mountain in Asia, Kailash. Her routes were based on objects of sacred geography described in ancient Tibetan texts. The members of the expedition visited four "Great Self-Rotating Lakes of the First Creation" - Kongyu, La Ngak ( ind.- Rakshas Tal), Mapang ( ind.- Manasarovar), Kurgyal Chungo; four "Great Uncreated Mountains of Existence" - Takri Trabo ( ind.- Gurla Mandhata), Ponri Ngeden, Riva Tsepgye, Kang Tise ( ind.- Kailash).

Stone Sphinx. Valley of Khandro Sanglam.
View from the southeastern shoulder of Kailash

Of great interest was the study of archaeological and natural monuments belonging to different time cuts, including Lungten Phuk - the highest place on the planet (5500 m) of permanent residence of people in ancient times.
Near the Ponri monastery, relatively well-preserved dokhangs - semi-underground stone structures from the times of the ancient kingdom of Shang Shung were examined. In the valley of Khandro Sanglam, a mysterious stone massif about 150 m long, similar to the Sphinx, was discovered. It cannot be ruled out that this object is a remnant of an ancient artifact, executed by so far unknown builders. The participants of the expedition managed to make the Dakini bark with a visit to the little-known sacral lakes of Vajravarahi and Kubera, to ascend the southeastern shoulder of Kailash. On the route of the inner crust (Nandi-kora), the valley of the Two Lakes was visited with the sacred lakes Kapala and Kavala.

Those present got in touch with the amazing beauty and energy of the Kailash region through unique photographs and a considerable amount of video materials collected by travelers.

The topic of the lecture aroused great interest, as evidenced by the overcrowded hall and a large number of questions from the audience, which were asked at the end of the lecture. These questions, one way or another, went to very ancient layers of human history, for example, associated with the legendary naga, and the possible presence of cyclopean objects of clearly unnatural origin. In particular, the host of the event s. n. with. ONTs KM, Ph. n. Vladislav Sokolov raised the problem of a small mountain Tijung (or Small Kailash), which is located in the southwestern part of Kailash itself and which, by all external signs, cannot in any way be related to natural objects, including by eyewitnesses. It is possible that this unusual object, consisting of huge stone blocks of almost regular geometric shape and having clear alignment seams, may be of artificial origin. Without a doubt, the region of the sacred Kailash keeps many secrets and mysteries that will inevitably give a creative impetus to open-minded scientists, researchers of the ancient history of mankind.

May 22, 2016.
In the project of the ONTs KM "Cultural traditions of peoples along the route of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerichs."
Lecture: “Sacred geography of the Kailash region. Ancient sources and modern data ”.
Series “Sacred Planet. Sacred Tibet ".
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Kailas Phenomenon Research Group (Voronezh).

Sacred geography, as a direction in the modern scientific space, is still quite young, however, without a doubt, very promising and, hopefully, fruitful. Of course, this is subject to a serious approach to it. From the point of view of cosmic thinking, development in this direction have an important foundation. Its essence lies in the fact that the Earth is not some kind of separate body, but our planet is developing in cosmic Infinity with all its laws and evolutionary mechanisms. Accordingly, there are special connections between the planet and the Universe, which, according to the cosmic worldview, is a grandiose spiritualized system of creative forces ...

The lecture presented today is still one of the first steps in posing the problem of the sacred geography of the important region of Tibet and the Asian continent as a whole. Her material is based on the analysis of ancient Hindu, Buddhist and Bon texts, as well as the results of regular expeditions of the Kailash Phenomenon research group, conducted over the past ten years. During these expeditions, the main elements of an entire mountainous country called the Mandala of Kailash were studied.

Legendary lake Gauri Kund - center
symmetry of two rock formations in the form of OMs

The most revered mountain in Asia, Kailash, located in the southwestern part of Tibet, is considered by millions of people to be the center of the universe. This view is based on ancient texts containing information about the Mandala of Kailash as a unique multidimensional, multi-level formation, the Center of the World, containing all aspects of being. In Hinduism, it is identified as a physical manifestation of the mythological peak of the Universe, Mount Meru - the axis connecting heaven and earth. The ancient texts say that all the rivers of the world flow down from Meru. Near Mount Kailash, or Kang Rimpoche, as it is called in Tibet, are the sources of the four great rivers of Asia: Brahmaputra, Sutleja, Karnali and Indus. Like Mount Kailash, each of these rivers is steeped in legends. According to the Indo-Tibetan cosmology of Chakravala, the universe is divided into four sides or continents. Each side feeds through the line of life, or the river, which connects it with Mount Meru (Kailash) - the original primary source of the creation of the World.

Taken together, the sacred mountain, lakes and four rivers originating near it form a vast geographic Mandala, which had a profound impact on the attitude of the people living in the Himalayas. The understanding of Kailash in various religions differs, but its dominant position in them remains unchanged. Kailash seems to be a connecting link between the material and spiritual worlds, the differences between which lose their significance and are absorbed by the greater Unity. Viewed from this point of view, Mount Kailash, nearby lakes and four river sources become a symbol of universal understanding for pilgrims, regardless of the differences in their religious views. This is the basis of the irresistible attractive power of the Kailash Mandala.

The lecture provides an analysis of traditional ideas about the location of the sources of the Brahmaputra, Sutlej, Karnali, Indus and the geographical sources of these rivers, between which there are differences, as well as two watershed points of the basins of three rivers, which are the highest on the planet.

The central part of the Kailash Mandala is a huge stone eight-petalled lotus formed by eight river valleys separated by eight mountain ranges adjacent to Kailash. For the pilgrims, the journey to the Kailash Mandala is more than walking through geographic locations; it is a passage through the immortal world of the human soul, where myth and the material world merge into a single whole. The Kailash Mandala can have a special effect on pilgrims, which is expressed, for example, in a change in attitude, in which a person begins to perceive himself not only from the point of view of a physical body, but also as a spiritual being, whose spirit only temporarily dwells in a dense body. The resulting impulse can lead to the alignment of the ratio of the spiritual and material sides of life and contribute to their harmony.

The lecture material is illustrated with unique photographs of hard-to-reach places in the region of the sacred Tibetan peak.

April 16, 2016.
In the project of the ONTs KM " Cultural traditions of peoples along the route of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerichs».
Lecture: “Archaeological sites near Mount Kailash. Based on the results of the 2006-2015 expeditions. " Series “Sacred Planet. Sacred Tibet ".
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Kailas Phenomenon Research Group (Voronezh).

The lecture provided an overview of archaeological sites of the pre-Buddhist period of history and even more ancient megalithic complexes in the region of Mount Kailash, as well as near the lakes Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar. Despite the great importance of understanding the characteristics of the life of people in this unique region for many thousands of years, very little attention is paid to this topic. In addition, the topic of caves was touched upon, which have been used by spiritual adepts since ancient times.

Until now, few people know that this sacred mountain was the main center of early settlement in the region. Mount Kailash was home to a number of high-altitude temples and retreats built before Buddhism spread to Tibet. According to the sources of the ancient Bon faith on the planet, the first capital of the ancient state of Shangshung was located near the Gyandrak monastery, which existed in a large territory of Upper Tibet. Near Kailash are the remains of an extensive network of stone residential buildings known as dokhangs ... These solidly built, half-underground chambers cover the slopes of Mount Kailash and the surrounding ridges. On the southern side of Kailash, there are a number of dokhangs at altitudes of 5400 - 5500 m. This is the world's highest place of permanent residence of people in ancient times. (At present, the maximum height of human habitation in Tibet does not exceed 5100 m). The closest to Kailash is Dokhang Nandi, in the immediate vicinity of the "Thirteen Golden Tombs" - stupas in the Saptorishi niche on the southern edge of the sacred mountain, which is apparently the highest cult site on our planet. On the slopes above the Buddhist monastery of Drira Phuk, located opposite the northern edge of Kailash, there are more than ten dokhangs. According to the Bon tradition, this is the place where the main god Shangshung Ge-kho first descended from Heaven in the form of a wild yak. Almost nothing is known about these structures, and even local monks do not know the history of their origin ...

Many ancient megalithic sanctuaries ; the shape of some of them corresponds to the images of a number of constellations. Apparently, these are traces of the earliest stay of people at Kailash. Already in later times, dokhangs and monasteries began to be built next to these megaliths. Some megaliths are still revered, Buddhist mantras are engraved on them, but this is a relatively recent period in history.

The lecture is of particular interest for travelers and pilgrims who would like to get closer to understanding the meaning and qualities of the sacred places of the Mandala of Kailash. The participants of the meeting got in touch with the divine beauty and energy of these places through unique photo and video materials collected during the expeditions.

March 26, 2016.
In the project of the ONTs KM "Cultural traditions of peoples along the route of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerichs".
Lecture: “Spiral crust (bypass) of Kailash. Based on the results of the 2015 expedition ”.
Series “Sacred Planet. Sacred Tibet ".
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Kailas Phenomenon Research Group (Voronezh).

This lecture continued the story of a new unique expedition undertaken by the Russian Research Group "Kailash Phenomenon" on August 7 - 31, 2015 to the region of the mysterious mountain complex, over which the sacred Mount Kailash (Tibet) rises. The second part of the trip was associated with the so-called Spiral crust of Kailash. Its essence is the passage, physically and, most importantly, in the inner space of a person, a route that is a spiral gradually converging to a point. This route took place in one of the most powerful places on our planet, along the special points of the Kailash Mandala, some of which are practically not visited by either foreign travelers or local residents. To carry it out, the members of the group made a number of difficult ascents to the mountains surrounding Kailash. The most difficult part of the Spiral Crust is the so-called northern traverse of Kailash, which is the intersection of Shiva's Trident from the Vajrapani, Chenresi and Manjushri mountains. These three passes have heights that exceed the height of Elbrus, the highest point in Europe.

The southern traverse was also passed through three passes from the Zutrul Phuk monastery to the Gyandrak and Serlung monasteries. This part closes the ring of all six monasteries at Kailash and is the second tapering turn of the spiral. A description of this part of the bark is given by the famous Indian explorer of Tibet, Swami Pranavananda. However, modern Tibetans do not know anything about him ...

The final part of the crust is another turn of a narrowing spiral, converging to a point when you touch the South Face of Kailash at a huge conical mound of snow and stones, called the Atma Lingam by the Indians.

The lecture was accompanied by unique photo and video materials that were collected during the expedition and which brought into the hall the living presence of the very atmosphere of these most beautiful and sacred places of the planet ... The event attracted a large number of spectators - both those who have already visited Tibet and those who is just beginning to be interested in the amazing phenomenon of Kailash.

November 21, 2015.
In the project of the ONTs KM "Cultural traditions of peoples along the route of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerichs".
Lecture: “Travel in the sacred space of lakes near Mount Kailash. Based on the results of the 2015 expedition ”.
Series “Sacred Planet. Sacred Tibet ".
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Kailas Phenomenon Research Group (Voronezh).

The lecture was devoted to the results of a new unique Russian expedition to the four sacred lakes of the region of one of the most revered and mysterious peaks of the planet - the city of Kailash (Tibet). This expedition was undertaken by the Kailash Phenomenon Research Group on August 7 - 31, 2015. Its first part is associated with successive visits to the lakes located in the Kailash region: Konggyu, La-Ngak (Rakshas Tal), Mapang Yum-Tso (Manasarovar) and Kurgyal Chungo. Only two of them are well known to Western travelers and pilgrims - Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal. At the same time, all these four lakes are part of a harmonious system associated with the creation of the world, described in the ancient Tibetan texts of the pre-Buddhist period. Sergei Balalaev provided data on the correspondence of ancient texts to modern information about the water system near Kailash, formed by the four main mountain peaks of this region: Kailash (6624 m), Gurla Mandhata (7694 m - the highest peak on the Tibet plateau), Ponri (5953 m) or Mount of Fragrant Incense and Kanglung Kangri (6250 m). Mount Kanglung Kangri is the highest dividing point on our planet, where the basins of the three great rivers of Asia - the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus; by the way, this point has not been practically explored by Western travelers to this day, despite its great importance. It is a kind of blank spot, and therefore is included in the program of future expeditions of the "Kailash Phenomenon" group.

The members of this group made crust (rounds) around the Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar lakes, during which they visited ancient archaeological sites, hermit caves, monasteries, and megalithic sanctuaries.

The listeners were able to get in touch with the extraordinary beauty and energy of these places through the unique photo and video materials filmed during the expedition. The viewers were greatly impressed by the video footage, which carried the audience to the shores of the sacred lakes, made it possible to hear the sound of the waves, admire the sunset, look into mysterious caves, walk along unknown paths ...

March 14, 2015.
Lecture 7: “Archaeological sites of the pre-Buddhist period in the Kailash region. Results of expeditions 2006-2014 ".

This presentation by Sergei Balalaev completed his lecture cycle "Sacred Tibet", which consisted of seven lectures and was held at the International Center of the Roerichs from November 2014 to March 2015. This lecture was dedicated to ancient high-mountainous temples and shelters and even more ancient megalithic complexes in region of Mount Kailash.

This sacred peak has been the center of religious pilgrimage for many centuries. Ancient Indian and Tibetan texts speak of the great importance of this mountain for practitioners of a variety of religious traditions. Kailash is mentioned as a place associated with divine beings and great sages who stayed at the sacred mountain for a long time. The study of archaeological sites in this region allows you to take a fresh look at the information contained in ancient texts and oral traditions.

Until now, few people know that the sacred Mount Kailash was the main center of the early settlement in this region, belonging to the so-called Shangshung civilization. The Shangshung state, which existed in the vast territory of Upper Tibet, was a wide group of cultural communities that spanned the period from the 1st millennium BC to to the 1st millennium AD The most distinctive physical characteristic of the Shangshung civilization near Mount Kailash is the remains of an extensive network of stone dwellings known as dokhang. These solidly built, semi-underground chambers are located on the slopes of the adjacent ridges of Mount Kailash, reaching an altitude of about 5500 m above sea level. Such ancient complexes form the highest living quarters in the world, of all the structures known today, built by man ...

In total, at least fourteen main sites of ancient settlements existed near Mount Kailash. All these places are now abandoned, and they are only occasionally visited by pilgrims or adepts. This chain of ruined sedentary settlements clearly demonstrates that in ancient times significantly more people lived near Mount Kailash than during the period of the spread of Lamaism. In addition, the nature of these early structures indicates that in some cases the inhabitants of the pre-Buddhist period had a more developed culture than the inhabitants of the Lamaist time (J.W. Bellezza). In any case, the style of structures used in ancient times was based on sophisticated masonry technologies that fell out of use in Upper Tibet around the beginning of the 1st millennium AD.

Many archaeological sites are located in places that, according to the Tibetans, have strong geomantic properties.

The lecture also provided data on megalithic complexes near Mount Kailash, dating back to a much more ancient period. These groups of stones are also located near the pilgrimage route of the outer crust, but usually no one pays attention to them ...

The presentation was accompanied by unique photo and video materials that were accumulated during the annual expeditions led by S.Yu. Balalaev to the region under consideration.

February 14, 2015.
In the cycle: "Sacred Tibet".
Lecture 6: "The Tibetan route of the Central Asian expedition: 86 years later (based on the results of the 2014 expedition)".
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Kailash Phenomenon Research Group; Galina Viktorovna Kotovskaya, traveler (Voronezh).

The lecture by Sergei Balalaev and Galina Kotovskaya was devoted to the results of their unique expedition (August 2014), for the first time in the history of exploration of the Tibetan part of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerichs, which traveled through Tibet in 1927–1928.

The purpose of the expedition of Sergei Balalaev, timed to coincide with the 140th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian thinker, artist, scientist N.K. Roerich, was to pass the Tibetan route of the Central Asian expedition, and, of course, to continue the exploration of this most interesting region of our planet. Indeed, even in our time, it is a kind of "blank spot" for European researchers due to geographical features and political restrictions. At the moment, this is the most inaccessible and little-visited territory of the Earth. Unfortunately, due to the lack of time, even despite the very busy schedule of the expedition, the research data can be called initial, exploratory, only outlining the contours of future research. Along with scientific goals, for many participants this trip was also a pilgrimage, a spiritual journey, during which a unique inner experience and knowledge was gained.

The lecture presented the results of the refined identification of the route of the Central Asian expedition, made using modern maps and satellite images, as well as during the passage of this route. Nicholas Roerich's paintings depicting the highest peak of the planet Chomolungma, one of the greatest rivers in Asia, Brahmaputra, Lake Dangra Yumtso, as well as monasteries and fortresses in Tibet were accompanied by modern photographs and video frames. The main part of the lecture was accompanied by unique video footage filmed in remote regions of Tibet.

Photo and video materials of this expedition helped the listeners to plunge into the wonderful world of Tibet and make a virtual trip to the main places of the Central Asian expedition ...

Numerous questions from the listeners were related both to the details of the Tibetan route of the Central Asian expedition, and to the peculiarities of trips to Tibet.

January 31, 2015.
In the cycle: "Sacred Tibet".
Lecture 5: "The sacred space of the Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal lakes."
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Research group of the Kailas phenomenon (Voronezh).

Sergei Balalaev's next performance was dedicated to two sacred lakes located near Mount Kailash (Tib. Kang Tise, Kang Rinpoche) - Manasarovar (Mapang Yumtso) and Rakshas Tal (La Ngak Tso). Despite their relatively small size compared to other Chantang lakes, these twin lakes are important pilgrimage sites, especially in the Tibetan Year of the Sheep, which is 2015. Tibetans believe that at this time the energy of the sacred lakes increases many times over.

Just as in every Indian temple there is a sacred pool, so on the southern slope of Kailash there is its own sacred reservoir - two lakes - Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal. The delightful natural surroundings of these lakes, enclosed between two towering snowy ridges of mountains, are one of the most spectacular sights in all of Tibet. To the north is Kailash, a crescent-shaped mountain outcropping that stretches from west to east of Tibet. Within Kailash is the mythical palace of the powerful deity Demchog and his wife Dorje Phagmo. Together they symbolize compassion and wisdom, making Kailash and Manasarovar an ideal sacred couple: male and female, father-heaven and mother-earth. It seems as if the power that feeds the whole world emanates from Manasarovar ...

Tibetans regard Mapang Yumtso as a mandala containing the palace of the serpent goddess, and for the Hindus, this lake personifies the mind of the creator god Brahma. About this lake, Buddha told his disciples that it is the highest lake that was ever consecrated by Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

The lecture provided an overview of the main elements of the sacred space of the Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal lakes from the point of view of Indian and Tibetan traditions, including the results of research on the islands in Lake La Ngak, which, according to ancient Bon text sources, were the cult center of Drablai Gyalmo - the most powerful female deities of the ancient kingdom of Shangshung. She was the queen of all warlike spirits and dual spirits of heaven and earth. A visit to her geomantic "heart" was considered a great blessing ... In the ancient Bon texts, Lake La Ngak is described as healing.

Together with the author, the listeners made a virtual crust around the Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal lakes and got in touch with the divine beauty and energy of these places through unique photo and video materials collected during numerous expeditions over the past 10 years. The author paid special attention to the practical issues of physical and spiritual preparation for the trip, as well as the influence of the cortex on the spiritual evolution of a person.

In conclusion, the main tasks of the expeditions planned for 2015 to explore the lakes of Tibet and the Kailash-Manasarovar region were formulated.

The presented materials aroused great interest among the audience, who at the end of the lecture asked the author many questions.

January 17, 2015.
In the cycle: "Sacred Tibet".
Lecture 4: "The sacred meaning of the cortex (bypass) of Kailash."
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Research group of the Kailas phenomenon (Voronezh).

Within the framework of the lecture cycle "Sacred Tibet", the fourth lecture by Sergei Balalaev, dedicated to the most sacred mountain in Asia, Kailash, took place. For a billion people professing different religious systems, this place is the most important shrine, bypassing which is considered the greatest blessing. Based on the analysis of ancient Tibetan and Indian texts, communication with pilgrims of various religious denominations, his own ten-year experience of research and pilgrimage to Tibet, the lecturer cited data on nine types of special routes in the Kailash region.

Among them, as well known among the pilgrims traditional species kor (outer bark, Nandi bark, Dakini bark), and little-known, information about which is beginning to be lost (inner southern traverse through the Gevo and Shapje passes to the Gyandrak monastery, the bark of the Kailas Faces touching). In addition, descriptions of other routes are given, such as the Bark of the Confluence of the Elements and the Spiral Bark.

The lecturer paid special attention to practical issues of physical and spiritual preparation for the trip, as well as the influence of the cores on the transformation of consciousness and the spiritual evolution of a person.

The lecture was accompanied by unique photo and video materials, and the listeners had the opportunity to make virtual travels along the considered routes. The lecture aroused great interest among the audience, who asked the lecturer many questions.

December 13, 2014.
In the cycle: "Sacred Tibet".
Lecture 3: "The relief elements of the Mandala of Kailash".
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Research group of the Kailas phenomenon (Voronezh).

During the third lecture as part of the lecture cycle "Sacred Tibet", an overview of the main relief elements included in the Kailash Mandala was presented, illustrated with unique photographs taken by the author during numerous expeditions to this region. During these expeditions, ascents to the surrounding Kailash mountains were made, many valleys and sanctuaries were visited. A practically unvisited sanctuary on the western ridge of the inner crust is examined in detail, including at a stone monument called Shivalingam, which, apparently, is the highest cult site on our planet (5830 m).

The relief of the central part of the Kailash Mandala can be viewed as an eight-petalled lotus formed by river valleys and mountain ridges extending from the central element - Mount Kailash. The unusual form of Kailash itself and Little Kailash (Tijung city), adjacent to Kailash from the south-western side, was considered. Kailash and a number of surrounding mountains have a pyramid-like shape. The Kailash complex contains giant concave stone mirrors, huge stone Oms, swastikas, etc. Some stone formations look like sculptures of animals, people, or deities. The author dwelled on such relief elements as stone Oms (Om is the ancient Vedic symbol of the original sound that creates the Universe), two of which are located at the Drolma La Pass, and one is located north of the Gyandrak Monastery.

Geological data were presented on the formation of the Kailash region, rocks, the main natural processes, under the influence of which the modern relief was formed (glaciers, frost weathering, river erosion).

It was suggested that the unusual mountain formations of the Mandala of Kailash were formed during natural processes in the special subtle-energy fields inherent in this place, and, precisely because of this, they acquired special forms.

This message aroused great interest among the listeners, many questions to which the author gave detailed answers and comments.

November 22, 2014.
In the cycle: "Sacred Tibet".
Lecture 2: "Sacred and physical geography of the Kailash region: ancient texts and modern data."
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Research group of the Kailas phenomenon (Voronezh).

In the minds of millions of people of different cultures, Kailash, located on the southwestern outskirts of Tibet, is the center of the universe. In the next lecture by Sergei Balalaev, illustrated with unique photographs and video materials, generalized results of the author's annual expeditions to the Kailash region were presented. These expeditions, during which the main elements of the Kailash Mandala were investigated, have been organized for ten years.

Particular attention was paid to the analysis of ancient Hindu, Buddhist and Bon texts describing the sacred geography of this region. These texts speak of the Kailash Mandala as a unique multidimensional, multi-level formation, the center of the world, containing all aspects of being. The central part of the Kailash Mandala is a huge stone eight-petal lotus formed by eight river valleys separated by eight mountain ranges adjacent to Kailash. The understanding of the sacred geography of the Kailash region is based on the so-called lotus model of the Kailash Mandala, which was discussed in detail by the speaker.

The ancient Tibetan texts contain descriptions of the Four Great Self-Rotating Lakes, the sequence and process of their origin, and the features of the places associated with them are indicated. The analysis of these texts allowed us to take a fresh look at these four lakes: Kurkyal Chung, Mapang (Manasarovar), La Ngak (Rakshas Tal) and Kongyu.

For pilgrims, traveling to the Mandala region of Kailash is more than walking through geographic locations; it is a passage through the immortal world of the human soul, where myth, material world and awareness merge into an inseparable essence. The Kailash Mandala has a transformative effect on people who have made pilgrimages to the region. This is expressed, for example, in a change in a person's picture of the world, in which he begins to perceive himself not only and not so much as physical body, but as a spiritual being, whose spirit only temporarily dwells in a dense body. The resulting vector of development leads to the alignment of the balance of the spiritual and material sides.

In conclusion, the main expedition tasks for the 2015 season were formulated.

First in the practice of the events held at the International Center of the Roerichs, online streaming ... In view of this, the questions traditionally asked at the end of the lecture from the audience were supplemented by questions from the viewers who joined the broadcast.

November 8, 2014.
In the cycle: "Sacred Tibet".
Lecture 1: “The Great Lakes of Tibet. Based on the results of expeditions in 2010 - 2014 ”.
Speaker - Sergey Balalaev, Cand. physical-mat. Sci., traveler, writer, head of the Research Group of the Kailas phenomenon (Voronezh).

The first lecture was preceded by a presentation of the entire lecture cycle "Sacred Tibet", at which representatives of the United Scientific Center for the Problems of Cosmic Thinking (ONTs KM) of the International Center of the Roerichs spoke.

V.V. Frolov - Deputy Director General of the Museum named after N.K. Roerich for scientific work, head of the ONTs CM, Doctor of Philosophy. Sci., professor:

“The lecture hall of the International Center of the Roerichs is dedicated to the popularization of the cultural heritage of the Roerichs, in which culture is considered extremely broadly. In its space, science, philosophy, religion, art and many other forms of culture are considered. Therefore, in the context of Roerich's understanding of culture, the lecture cycle of the head of the Research Group for the Study of the Kailas Phenomenon S.Yu. Balalaev “Sacred Tibet” looks quite natural. Within the framework of this cycle, the problematics of Kailash undoubtedly constitute the semantic core. Along with this, the author considers other, that is, consonant with this topic, questions devoted, for example, to the sacred aspects of the lakes of Tibet. In the culture of the East, the Kailash phenomenon is perhaps one of the main directions of both scientific knowledge and the spiritual experience of people. This is evidenced by the history of the culture of Central Asia. The task of the present generations is, based on the level of their consciousness, to comprehend the multifaceted phenomenon of Kailash and the richest mythology formed around this phenomenon by the peoples of Central Asia. The Joint Scientific Center for Problems of Space Thinking of the ICR with great interest in cooperation with colleagues from the Research Group headed by S.Yu. Balalaev, approaches the study of the Kailash phenomenon. ICR scientists see their main task in this work in combining the possibilities of empirical science, which has given a lot in the study of the culture of Asia, with the possibilities of metascientific, or spiritual knowledge, which highlights the data of classical science in a new way. The spiritual experience of travelers who have visited Kailash and the surrounding regions is extremely important for these purposes. We wish S.Yu. Balalaev has creative success in revealing the themes of his cycle and advancing along the path of spiritual improvement, which, as can be assumed, became possible largely thanks to his travels to Kailash and deep study of this most interesting phenomenon of our planet. "

V.G. Sokolov - Senior Researcher of the ONTs KM, Ph.D. philosopher. n .:

“This cycle of lectures is a continuation of the fruitful cooperation of the International Center of the Roerichs and, in particular, its scientific department - the ONC KM - with the Research Group of the Kailas phenomenon, the leader of this group himself - S.Yu. Balalaev. I must say that this group is unique, as it is the first and, probably, the only one of its kind. This is valuable for Russia as a whole, since this group is Russian. This fact is not accidental: after all, it is Russia that is the homeland of the new cosmic thinking, and to study the Kailash phenomenon, like other important natural and spiritual centers of Tibet, can be studied in the most complete way, only from the point of view of a cosmic worldview and such an important characteristic of it as the synthesis of empirical scientific and metascientific, that is, internal, spiritual, ways of knowing. Therefore, one of the important results of the cooperation of our Center with the Research Group of the Kailash phenomenon is the gradual formation of another, new, direction of scientific work of the International Center of the Roerichs.
The lecture cycle, which begins today, covers a wider field of research problems, one way or another, related to Kailash, in comparison with the previous lectures of Sergei Yuryevich. The results of new expeditions of the Research Group, carried out under the leadership of S.Yu. Balalaev in 2014, and the expeditions are unique. Suffice it to say that their routes lay in one of the least explored regions of the planet, where there are still many so-called “blank spots”. Our lecture cycle will begin with such a practically unknown topic, a very beautiful topic, concealing deep spiritual roots and a huge potential for scientific research, like the Great Lakes of Tibet. "

So, the first lecture was devoted to the results of expeditions organized by S.Yu. Balalaev to the region of the Great Lakes of Tibet. Attention was drawn to the fact that the beginning of the exploration of this region was laid by the Central Asian expedition of the Roerichs, which took place 86 years ago. In August 2014, an expedition took place, which for the first time was able to pass a significant part of the Tibetan route of the Central Asian expedition. The purpose of the modern expedition, timed to coincide with the 140th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian thinker, artist, writer N.K. Roerich, was the passage of the route of the Central Asian expedition, the identification of the places along which the path ran, and, of course, the continuation of the research of this unique region of our planet. After all, in our time it is a kind of "blank spot" for European researchers, due to geographical features, and, especially, political restrictions. At the moment, this is the most inaccessible and little-visited territory of the Earth.

The route of the current expedition was a huge ring about 3000 km long. The Great Lakes of Tibet are located along the 30th parallel, more precisely between 30 and 32 degrees north latitude, from Lake Namtso in the east, and further to Lake Rakshas Tal in the west. The strip of the Great Lakes stretches for almost a thousand kilometers across the expanses of the Chantang plateau. The expedition visited the following large lakes: Namtso, Serling, Kering, Dangra Yumtso, Teri Namtso (Tashi Namtso), La Ngak (Rakshas Tal), Mapang Yumtso (Manasarovar), as well as a number of small lakes, in particular Pangong, Taktse, Tangshung, Takeel. The members of the expedition were amazed by the dynamically changing palette of ancient structures and artifacts: castles, temples, villages, stone pillars, graves, caves, rock paintings and inscriptions practically unknown to Western travelers. The study of the archaeological sites of this region, belonging to different time frames, was successfully continued. Almost every lake has been found many caves, from ancient times used by practicing yogis for retreats.

In the middle of the northern coast of Namtso, Tamchok Ngangpa Do (Magnificent Cape Goose Horse) is located. The most distinctive and sacred characteristics of this coastal ledge are two symmetrical rounded stone formations with sloping sloping tops, similar to the "ears of a horse." In one of them, a natural internal passage with man-made steps leads to the top. This place is still revered by the Tibetans for its strong geomantic properties.

On the northern shore of Lake Namtso, another stunning feature of landform known as Tanglai Gyago is located - a natural arched passageway on a rocky platform jutting into the lake. The Tibetans believe that this formation is like an elephant, with which it has an extraordinary resemblance. The elephant-like limestone formation is interrupted by a natural hole 6 meters high. This is the so-called "main gate of Mount Tangla" - a place with tremendous geomantic power ...

An interesting find of the expedition was Lake Tangshung, which has a symmetrical shape and dimensions corresponding to the golden ratio. A number of discovered regularities made it possible to assume that the water of this unusual natural object has properties that affect in a special way the functional state of a person. Testing this hypothesis is in the tasks of the next expedition in 2015.

Further, the route of the expedition ran through the territory of Mount Targo and Lake Dangra, almost never visited by foreigners, sacred for the Bonpo, located in the Tibetan district of Naktsang. This unique combination of one of the largest lakes in Tibet with the splendor of a high snow ridge makes this area one of the most spectacular places in the country ...

One of the little-known sacred places is the cape in the middle of the northern coast of Lake Teri Namtso. The shape of this cape from a bird's eye view is similar to the shape of the sacred symbol AUM, or rather its mirror image. The members of the expedition visited this amazing cape, on which there is a lagoon corresponding to the top of AUM, and explored a number of megalithic sanctuaries located there.

Lake Tangshung - a vessel with Amrita

During a visit to the two largest islands in Lake Rakshas Tal, pre-Buddhist archaeological sites were discovered. Dokhangi Do Ser (Yellow Island) and Do Muk (Crimson Island) are located between the two great mountains of Upper Tibet: Kailash (Tise) and Gurla Mandhata (Takri Travo). Text sources say that these islands were the cult center of the most powerful female deity of the kingdom of Shangshung Drablai Gyalmo, who was the queen of all warlike spirits, as well as dual spirits of heaven and earth. A visit to her geomantic "heart" at all times was considered a great blessing ...

In conclusion, the tasks of new studies of this region in the planned expeditions in 2015 were formulated.

Trip around the world

Exploring the unique places of Tibet is for Sergey Balalaev, Deputy Manager of the VTB Bank branch in Voronezh, the main hobby of his life, to which he devotes almost all his free time. On June 13, Sergey Yurievich presented the results of his last expedition to the region of Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar.

For nine years now, a small group of Russian enthusiasts led by Sergei Balalaev has been exploring the unique region of Tibet. According to the traveler, his first contact with Kailash happened during his student days, when he became seriously interested in the Himalayan series of paintings by Nicholas Roerich. The artist's works inspired Sergei Yuryevich to organize expeditions to Tibet.

Sergey Balalaev's group returned from the tenth trip to the sacred mountain of Asia - Kailash at the end of May this year. In total, the researchers covered more than 200 kilometers at altitudes from 4700 to 5950 meters.

Travelers and pilgrims from all over the world gather to Mount Kailash, one of the most mysterious places on our planet. It is considered a link between earth and sky for followers of four religions at once (Hindus, Buddhists, adherents of Jainism and Bon). Believers strive at least once to make a ritual "outer crust" around the sacred mountain (a 55-kilometer walk at altitudes from 4700 to 5650 meters). Those who have performed such a ceremony 13 times are admitted to the "inner crust" around Mount Nandi, (6008 meters), which adjoins the southern side of Kailash. Pilgrims believe that such ritual circumambulations improve karma.

The participants of the expedition performed the Cora of the Confluence of the Elements (it involves a three-fold walk around Kailash, climbing, touching and special meditation techniques at each of the four facets of the sacred mountain) and the inner crust around Mount Nandi. Travelers managed to visit several sacred places to which foreigners were closed for a long time; discover a number of surprising finds, such as a "stone throne" or a stone formation in the shape of a ram (ram) facing north.

Presenting photographs from the trip, Sergey Balalaev was able not only to acquaint the audience of the presentation with the picturesque and mysterious world of Tibet, but also to convey to them the powerful energy flow of the sacred places of the unique mountain complex. According to the scientist, Mount Kailash is a phenomenal phenomenon.


Sergey BALALAEV,scientist, traveler, deputy manager of VTB Bank branch in Voronezh: “Kailash differs from other mountains, first of all, by its pyramidal shape. A number of concave stone formations - "mirrors" - have pronounced junctions and a common axis of symmetry. Usually, for mountains, the presence of such extended symmetrical formations is uncharacteristic. Plus, in our opinion, this place is a source of very powerful "reference" vibrations, laid down at the moment of the birth of the human race. The members of the expedition felt that the Kailash mountain complex has a very strong energetic influence on a person. All these data allow us to speak about the phenomenon of place ”.

Based on the results of previous expeditions, Sergei Balalaev and members of his group have accumulated considerable research material, which laid the foundation for the creation of books about the mysteries of the Tibetan Plateau. The results of the latest research are currently being processed. And in the plans - the continuation of expeditions to the sacred mountain. Sergey Yuryevich admitted that he dreams of making a film about the Kailas phenomenon in the future.


"Such a humble person has an amazing energy!"

Irina KORNEEVA, participant of the presentation:“I have long been interested in the topic of human spiritual development and, considering the expedition of Sergei Balalaev in this regard, I was convinced that a person comes to self-awareness through external points. To break the vicious circle along which we have been running all our lives, we need to do something different, which we have not done before, and then new spiritual horizons will open to us. Sergey Yuryevich is a vivid example of how a person managed to completely change his life. As a banking worker, he is deeply interested in the exploration of Tibet and thus improves his spiritual development. Such a modest and seemingly quiet person has an amazing energy. And the same enthusiasts are drawn to him, like himself: these people came to today's meeting. "