Forms of motor recreation. The purpose and objectives of physical recreation. Adaptive motor recreation


Physical recreation (recreation - rest, entertainment) - the use of any types of physical activity (physical exercise, games, physical labor, etc.) for the purpose of physical development and health promotion. Its peculiarity is complete subordination to the interests, tastes, and inclinations of a given person or group of people. In this regard, there is complete freedom to choose the type and nature of classes, their frequency and duration, time of day, content, means, methods and forms of organization. Here the person himself is a designer and architect, a methodologist and trainer, a controller and a respondent. All this is precisely one of the criteria and indicators of his general and physical culture.

General purpose of physical recreation- strengthening physical and mental health, creating a basis for fruitful mental and physical work. Its particular tasks are very diverse and depend on the personal tastes and desires of those involved. These include the following:

Leisure. This problem can be solved as the need for short-term rest for 5-15 minutes during work (physical education breaks, physical education minutes, active rest during the lunch break). This also applies to activities after the end of the working day. In this case, the duration of classes will be longer. Finally, classes at the end of the week, on weekends and holidays can last several hours.

Changing the type and nature of activity. For example, from rest to activity, from mental to motor, or from one motor to motor activity of a different nature. In the first case, this may be a change from working at a desk to physical exercise, in the other - a change from exercises of one sport to exercises of another (a boxer swims, a weightlifter plays tennis, a skier plays basketball or vice versa, etc.). Active rest and a change in activities contribute to a faster recovery of the body after fatigue. This is especially important in those professions in which people spend a significant amount of time without moving (knowledge workers, etc.) or perform monotonous, monotonous movements (on conveyors, looms, etc.). During intense training, it is advisable for an athlete to change the nature of movements, their intensity and pace. Both of these types are widely used in production, in design bureaus, research institutes and other institutions (industrial gymnastics).

Shaping the figure, volumes of body parts, weight regulationare an important need for people of different ages. Most often, these classes begin with imitation of an ideal, a model, based on a critical assessment of the shortcomings of one’s own physique. Men are concerned about developing an athletic figure, the desire to develop sculpted muscles, lose belly fat, etc. Women - to be slim, flexible, graceful, attractive, have a beautiful figure, relaxed gait and posture. For this purpose, individual and group classes are used, which can be conducted at home, in sports halls, gyms using both improvised means (your own weight, dumbbells, expanders, etc.) and special exercise equipment. Both men and women are often concerned with losing weight, which exercise also helps them with.

The fight against aging and inhibition of involution processesis also one of the tasks of physical recreation. Motor activity activates the activity of the body and contributes not only to the preservation of its biological functions, but also to their improvement, which leads to a noticeable decrease in the rate of involution. This problem is solved with people of mature and older age, it is solved both individually, on the basis of one’s own non-professional physical education, and in health groups, sports and recreation centers.

A very important task and incentive for physical exercise for adults, especially the elderly population, isopportunity to communicate, which occurs in group study areas. In their process, before the start and after the end, people can exchange opinions, talk about their joys, ailments, problems; This especially applies to people who have lost loved ones and are left alone; physical recreation contributes to this.

Many types of physical recreation are accompanied bygreat pleasure from physical activity. This is primarily due to various games (with a ball, puck, shuttlecock, balls, etc.). Their high emotionality is a great incentive for physical exercise. They are carried out both spontaneously, independently, on the initiative of the players themselves, and in groups, sections, teams.

Development of individually attractive physical abilities.Some “pump up” strength, others develop primarily flexibility, others develop endurance, etc. In general, people develop in a complex all their physical abilities and everyday motor skills (walking, running, jumping, throwing), master new ones - rowing, skiing, cycling, skating, racket handling, etc. .

In recent years, new hobbies have appeared that are recreational in nature - hang gliding, flying saucers, windsurfing, aerobics, shaping, etc. The means of physical recreation are any physical exercise, games, entertainment, as well as recreational sports that satisfy the above needs. Classes are organized in universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, in factories and factories, enterprises and institutions, in offices, firms, and various organizations. Its main goal is to organize leisure

activities in the interests of promoting health, and not achieving maximum indicators in physical activity.

Physical recreation can be carried out in organized forms. However, often she does not need them. Its content and forms can easily be adapted to the needs and capabilities of any social environment - individuals or groups of people, their gender, age and external conditions and the subjective needs of each of those involved. Its main significance is that, while satisfying people’s needs for motor activity, it creates the prerequisites for the normal functioning of the human body in other types of activity (study, work). Nurturing these needs is one of the main tasks of physical culture and non-specialized physical education for people of all ages. This is one of the criteria for personal culture.

In official documents and media reports, this area of ​​activity is often called mass physical education. This is not true. Firstly, the most widespread physical education activities are those carried out in educational institutions and the army. This is where the mass is present. Secondly, physical recreation should be focused not on the masses, but on each person, based on his tastes, interests, inclinations, and it is he who personally determines the types, forms, and duration of physical exercise.

We can agree that there are mass forms of physical culture that are aimed at attracting a large number of people both as participants and spectators (sports competitions, races, holidays, etc.). They perform an important propaganda function and contribute to the involvement of many people in physical activity.

In the field of physical recreation, general methods are used, but with an emphasis on individual characteristics (gender, age, inclinations, tastes, health status and degree of physical development of those involved) and strict dosing of the load. Constant self-monitoring and regular medical monitoring are of particular importance during individual physical exercises and in groups of older and elderly people, in special medical groups in places of public recreation and treatment.

Basic forms of recreation.

Main forms of classes physical exerciseadults inrecreations are:hygienic gymnastics, shaping, aerobics, walking (skiing, cycling, walking), tourism, training sessions in health groups and sports sections, industrial gymnastics, swimming,

skating, various games with balls (football, volleyball, tennis), shuttlecocks (badminton), balls (billiards), etc.

All types and forms of physical recreation are carried out at home, in gyms, swimming pools, saunas, clubs, recreation areas, at industrial enterprises, in places of recreation and treatment, and during military service.

Elderly and elderly people should pay more attention to breathing exercises, locomotion, and be extremely careful with exercises involving bending, sudden movements, and rotations. The duration of the run can be from 5 to 30 minutes, the distance from 1 to 5 km. If shortness of breath occurs, exercise should be stopped immediately and normal breathing restored or consult a doctor.

In health groups, it is advisable to use various types of exercises in a comprehensive manner (gymnastics - athletics - games).

One of the main tasks of physical culture in old age is to curb aging and involution processes in the body, to create the foundations for normal, age-appropriate human activity.

For older people, it is very important to maintain and show goodwill, positive emotions, to “control yourself”, without succumbing to pessimism that arises due to illnesses, partial loss of communication, and unsettled life. It is necessary to protect family ties and friends, colleagues, and fight the feeling of loneliness and alienation.

In solving many of these problems, physical recreation is of great importance, because it is associated with positive emotions, the pleasure of movement, communication, and the joy of being, despite difficulties and problems. This does not mean that it completely solves them, but it helps to significantly reduce their negative impact on an elderly person, and not withdraw into oneself, on one’s troubles and troubles.

The level of their actual non-specialized physical education education is important for older people, i.e. improving their physical abilities, motor skills, both everyday (walking, running, swimming) and more complex (cycling, rowing, etc.), knowledge of the elementary, simplest fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical recreation, hygiene, work regime, food, rest. Physical activity and feasible household work (removing snow, collecting firewood, working in the garden) are of utmost importance for maintaining health and fighting aging.

Physical exercise and physical activity in general have a beneficial effect on the psyche, on all vegetative functions - gas exchange, digestion, cardiovascular and excretory systems, and endocrine glands. They create the basis for a healthy lifestyle, help fight bad habits and increase the body's ability to resist fatigue and illness.

The most general provisions of the physical exercise method, which are absolutely necessary for older people to follow, are the following. Before starting hygienic exercises

you need to tune in, relax your muscles, do a few breathing movements and stretches. Alternating exercises for the arms, legs, and torso, starting with small ones and gradually involving large muscle groups (for example, starting with exercises for the neck, hands, and later for the arms, legs, and torso). The load should be increased and decreased gradually, its peak should be in the middle or at the very beginning of the last third of classes.

Maximum loads, the appearance of a deep feeling of fatigue, exhaustion (“legs and arms are shaking”), excessive emotional stress, straining, rapid changes in posture, turns, bends, accelerations are unacceptable. The drama of old age lies in the fact that desires persist, but opportunities fade away, so you cannot get carried away and overestimate your capabilities, because this sometimes leads to tragic consequences (strokes, heart attacks, ruptures of muscles and ligaments, fractures).

Physical exercises, any types of physical activity should be combined with water and hardening procedures (shower, bath, swimming), massage, thermal procedures (sauna, Russian bath).

It is unacceptable for older people to actively engage in physical exercise without constant medical supervision and self-control, and without their competent, conscious attitude towards their health. The content of self-control includes well-known provisions - monitoring of well-being, sleep, appetite, weight, heart rate (pulse). At rest it is 60-80, and at peak load it is 100-120 beats/min. It is very interesting and useful to keep a self-control diary, in which you record the dynamics of the functioning of the body and the unusualness of subjective sensations.

Individual, independent physical exercises (aerobics, shaping, jogging, athletic gymnastics) are very popular among older people and young people. They are carried out at home, in institutions and enterprises, in gyms and swimming pools. Their content and form are selected according to the tastes of the students themselves and are held at a time convenient for them.

Particularly important here is the ability to control the load, “listen” to your body, constantly exercise self-control and promptly seek advice from a specialist or doctor. An elementary form of self-control is monitoring the pulse, its normal (at rest) and maximum values. In a person of middle age and average physical development, they range from 63 beats/min at rest to 140-160 (in older people up to 130-140) beats/min after exercise. In addition, the method of counting the pulse 1, 3, 5 minutes after finishing physical exercises is very informative. With a normal, non-painful reaction, the pulse rate gradually decreases and after 3-5 minutes of rest it returns to normal.

Individual classes are conducted in full accordance with the health status, degree of physical development, gender, and age of the participants. Currently, there is an extensive literature that outlines issues of content and methods of independent study.

In exercises where the goal is to increase muscle mass, medium weights are used (50-60% of the maximum possible), allowing you to perform the exercise 5-7 times. To increase muscle strength, it is advisable to use weights 75-85% of the maximum possible and perform movements 2-3 times. To reduce the volume of adipose tissue in the body, it is advisable to use light weights (20-40% of the maximum) and perform 10-12 movements at a fast pace. Perform each exercise in 2-4 approaches. For women, it is advisable to use “stretching” exercises, rhythmic to music, with objects on the head, at a ballet barre (chair, table, wall), if possible in front of a mirror. This allows you to improve your posture, increase flexibility, joint mobility, harmony and plasticity of movements.

It is advisable and interesting for everyone to keep a self-monitoring diary, in which he notes his well-being, the dynamics of the development of physical abilities (strength, flexibility, endurance), sleep, appetite, volumes of body parts (arms, legs, waist, chest). In the diary you can write down self-tasks (plan) for physical exercises and summarize the results for the week, month, year.

One of the important problems that a person solves during the working day is maintaining physical and mental performance and counteracting mental fatigue. One of the most important means of solving it is to change the nature of the activity, distract from its professional types and forms, and switch to other types.

Types of physical exercise that are strictly recreational character.

There are different types of physical exercises that have specificrecreationalcharacter. These include introductory gymnastics, physical education breaks, physical education minutes, physical exercise during the lunch break and after work.

In fairly wealthy institutions and enterprises, there are special places for such activities, equipped with inventory and equipment (volleyball courts, table tennis tables, exercise equipment, bicycle ergometers, billiards).

Introductory gymnastics is carried out for 5-10 minutes before starting work. When selecting exercises, it is guided by the nature of labor and the biomechanics of labor actions and movements, the nature of working postures. Therefore, exercises are included that promote rapid adaptation, workability, and increase the physiological functions of the body.

Physical education breaks and physical education minutes are introduced to prevent the development of fatigue and act according to the mechanism of changing the type of activity. They are held an hour or two before the lunch break or the end of the working day and help improve the functional state of the body, maintain attention, reduce the adverse effects of working posture (“straighten up, stretch”), and reduce the influence of physical inactivity and immobility. It is necessary to determine in advance the time of the working day when performing the movements will give the best effect. The effect of the exercises will be enhanced if they are accompanied by music. It is necessary to take into account the gender, age and degree of physical fitness of those involved.

The exercises are performed at a slow or moderate pace, with deep breathing and an emphasis on exhalation. It is advisable to change their complexes once a month.

In a number of professions it is impossible to take a break even for 3-5 minutes (dispatchers, drivers). In such cases, it is advisable to carry out two or three exercises for 1-2 minutes, aimed at those muscle groups that require a change in the nature of their functioning. It is advisable to use, taking into account the working posture and the nature of the functioning of muscle groups, exercises in stretching, bending, turning, swinging movements with a wide amplitude.

During the lunch break, it is preferable to organize active recreation. Its content can include exercises and games. The complex can consist of 5-7 exercises performed at a slow or moderate pace along with deep and accentuated breathing, and walking for 10-20 minutes. You can use badminton, table tennis, billiards as games. Games should end 5-10 minutes before the end of the lunch break. The content of active recreation can include water procedures, self-massage, and auto-training.

After work, also in order to change the type of activity and recreation (in the broad sense of the word), either at the workplace or in specially designated premises (playgrounds, swimming pools, gyms, dispensaries), it is useful to engage in physical exercises, games, entertainment for your own pleasure and to your liking. These can be either organized or independent classes, group or individual. They can be carried out quite effectively at home, especially if there are videos or tape recordings of exercises (shaping, aerobics, qigong) with rhythmic and attractive music.

Great opportunities for physical recreation are available in houses and recreation centers and sanatoriums. There, individually or in groups, all the above types and forms of physical exercise, games, and entertainment are carried out. The advantage is that there is more free time and real opportunities for this, including swimming, health paths, hiking and skiing, and the opportunity to study in health groups.

The result of physical recreational activity.

The result of physical recreational activity can be expressed in the following values:

1. Biological. It helps restore the functions of the human body after professional work and optimizes the state of his health.

2. Sociological. Promotes the integration of people into the social community, the assimilation of social experience and cultural values. The process of socialization in this context includes two plans of action: adaptation to society, functioning primarily on the innate mechanism of human self-regulation, and self-determination in society, determining one’s place in it through a conscious attitude to current events, acceptance or rejection of them.

3. Psychological. Forms an emotional state that arises under the influence of a feeling of freedom, joy, well-being and inner satisfaction, liberation from tension and stress. Freedom in this case should be understood in two dimensions: external - from coercion, violence, pressure, prohibition and internal - subjective, spiritual - freedom of will, freedom of independent choice of actions, freedom of creativity. Of course, there is a relationship, not a contradiction, between these dimensions of freedom.

4. Aesthetic. Responsive recreation to the beauty of one’s body, the surrounding world, the possibility of knowing it in a broader sense.

The outstanding English philosopher Bertrand Russell argued that being able to manage leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization. Leisure makes up 30-35% of free time, but, according to domestic sociologists, only 10-12% of people know how to intelligently organize their leisure time, participating in sports clubs and cultural and educational institutions.

Of particular concern is the fact that physical education in the sphere of leisure, which gives a recreational effect, occupies 38% among younger schoolchildren and only 10% among older ones. Fostering a culture of leisure, the use of physical activity that gives a recreational effect, should be based on the formation in a person of a conscious attitude towards his health as a necessary element of his full development. Leisure physical activity should create optimal conditions for creative self-expression, self-realization of the internal reserves of those involved, which are not adequately demanded under normal conditions. But in modern conditions, an acute contradiction has arisen between the need of society and each individual for the rational use of leisure and the lack of a developed leisure infrastructure, scientific and methodological recommendations for the use of specific forms of physical recreation. Unfortunately, the scientific organization of work is significantly ahead of the development of the scientific organization of leisure. Caring for health, its strengthening and preservation for many years has not yet become a “second religion”, as is the case in some foreign countries. So, leisure and physical recreation as one of the forms of its implementation are important factors in improving the psychophysical state of a person, his spiritual world, systems of value orientations.

Physical recreation - a type of physical culture

The problem of structuring physical culture and its types (parts) has not yet been resolved. There are different points of view on this matter. So, for example, some sources indicate recreational forms and places of physical exercise (recreational corridors), in others physical recreation is expressed in such terms and concepts as “mass physical culture”, “mass health”, “health”, “industrial gymnastics”, “mass sports”, “mass health”, “active recreation”, etc. In other words, the goals, objectives, content of physical recreation, its status as a type of physical culture have not yet been clearly defined and have been little studied. At the same time, it is an area of ​​motor activity that satisfies the individual and group needs of people in unregulated motor activity that is adequate to their subjective needs and capabilities.

The presence of different views, terms and concepts in defining the essence of physical recreation requires a social and more detailed study. In this regard, this article attempts to give a general description of physical recreation as a type of physical culture.

The word “recreation” is a derivative of a Latin word that has several variants and, therefore, several meanings: recreo (recreo) - to recreate, reproduce, renew; recreatum (recreatum) - restore, strengthen, refresh, strengthen, encourage; recreare (recreare) to recover, to be reborn, to become stronger again, to rest, to come to one’s senses; recreatio (recreation) - restoration (of strength), recovery.

Adding the word “physical” means that in these processes (restoration, rest, refreshment, recovery, etc.) motor activity predominates, physical exercises, games, and entertainment are used. They are aimed at promoting the normal functioning of the human body by creating an optimal physical condition.

The essence of physical recreation as an activity inevitably narrows if it is considered only in one aspect - either as entertainment, or as a restoration of strength, or a switch from one type of activity to another, etc. In this regard, it should be considered as a set of various aspects of motor activity, the interaction of which leads to a useful result.

To objectively determine the presence of components and their connections in a given system, it is necessary to proceed from the main characteristics of the metasystem, which, on the one hand, is not the sum of its components, on the other, is inevitably reflected in the characteristics of each component.

In relation to physical recreation as a system, the metasystem will be physical culture, since it is an area of ​​socially necessary activity that satisfies the needs of the individual and society for the versatile and optimal development of physical abilities and motor qualities in the interests of life.

Using basic, background, and auxiliary means traditional for physical culture (physical exercises, natural forces of nature, diet, work, and everyday recreation), physical recreation with its specificity attracts the attention and sympathy of people of different ages, gender, health status, and physical fitness.

The wide spread of this type of activity is facilitated by complete freedom to choose the content of classes, time and place of classes, duration of classes, choice of partners, etc. The motivation for classes is based on purely personal individual tastes, interests, inclinations and needs. The advantage of physical recreation is that it has a huge number of varieties and provides ample opportunities for contact with the natural environment. Simple and varied means make it accessible to people of all ages. The combination of game and competition elements in activities creates unlimited possibilities for expanding its attractiveness (entertainment, games, competitions, etc.). Physical recreation often does not need an organizational and institutional superstructure typical of other components of physical culture (physical education, sports); its content and forms can easily be adapted to the needs and capabilities of any social environment, group of people, external conditions and subjective needs of those involved.

In the process of substantiating a specific object as a system, it is necessary to identify a system-forming factor that shows “around what objects or processes and for the sake of solving what tasks and problems certain subsystems and elements of a given system are concentrated and formed.” According to the definition of P.K. Anokhin, the system-forming factor is the final result of the system, “for the sake of which the system is created.”

Consequently, when studying physical recreation, it can be assumed that satisfying people’s various needs for physical activity, entertainment, switching from one type of activity to another, preventing adverse effects and restoring temporarily reduced or lost body functions in the sphere of the system being studied are only its particular tasks. These needs of people are satisfied individually and in general by all types of physical activity. So, the prerequisites are created for the normal functioning of the human body in the specific conditions of its life. In other words, their commonality, unity lies in the final result.

So, the system-forming factor that unites various aspects of motor activity within the framework of physical recreation is the end result - the creation of a certain physical state that ensures the normal functioning of the human body.

In this regard, the importance of physical recreation is increasing as a necessary component of people’s life and activities, allowing them to satisfy their natural biological needs for movement. Activation on this basis of the physical state and development of the body, strengthening of health ensure the physical capacity necessary in the current living conditions. Its exclusion or minimization for any significant part of a person’s life inevitably results in damage for him, worsens the functioning of all organs and systems, and makes him less resistant to the negative influences of the external environment. With a decrease in the volume of motor activity, one of the important factors contributing to the improvement of the body and strengthening of its functions is lost.

It should also be taken into account that all types and forms of physical recreation help rationally use free time, combat negative behavior, increase performance, expand and increase the functional capabilities of the body, help combat unfavorable working conditions or the impact of the nature of work.

However, all this gives a long-term cumulative effect. For a person exercising on his own initiative, based on subjective tastes, interests, motives, the main thing is to enjoy physical activity and satisfy personal needs in this type of activity. And nurturing these needs is one of the main tasks in physical education and physical culture of people of any age.

All aspects of recreational activity using physical culture means, considered within the framework of the system under study, can be covered by the concept of “physical recreation”. So, physical recreation is an organic and immanent part of physical culture, a set of free, unregulated motor activity, ultimately aimed at ensuring the optimal physical condition of a person, contributing to the normal functioning of his body in specific living conditions.

Aspects of physical recreation.

Physical recreation includes the following aspects of motor activity: 1) satisfaction of biological needs for motor activity; 2) the need for entertainment, pleasure, enjoyment; 3) switching from one type of activity to another; 4) activation of the body’s activity through movement; 5) prevention of adverse effects on the human body; 6) restoration of reduced or temporarily lost body functions.

However, the study of problems of physical recreation is not limited to this. It is necessary to study the components of physical recreation more deeply, to study its structure (composition and structure), the causes of its occurrence and the stages of development and functioning in the interests of satisfying individual and group needs.

Recently, a number of successful attempts have been made to study physical recreation as a complex social phenomenon. Revealing the social essence of physical recreation, the works of the natural scientific and social science cycles greatly contribute to the further development of knowledge about this phenomenon and serve as a prerequisite for the creation of a theory of this phenomenon.

In the most general sense, physical recreation refers to any forms of physical activity aimed at restoring the strength expended in the process of professional labor. Numerous features that make up its main content are also identified:

based on motor activity;

uses physical exercise as the main means;

carried out in free or specially allocated time;

includes cultural and value aspects;

contains intellectual, emotional and physical components;

carried out on a voluntary, amateur basis;

has an optimizing effect on the human body;

includes educational components;

is predominantly entertaining (hedoʜᴎϲtic) in nature;

characterized by the presence of certain recreational services;

carried out mainly in natural conditions;

has a certain scientific and methodological basis.

This far from complete list of signs of physical recreation could be continued. Here, aspects and features of different directions and importance, different levels, types and forms are noted. Perhaps something is missing, some of them are indirect in nature, and some are elevated to the rank of dominant ones.

According to this variety of signs of physical recreation, its different forms are distinguished: recreational physical culture, recreational physical culture, sports recreation, tourism recreation, health-improving physical recreation, physical culture-industrial recreation, etc. Different forms are based on different signs, the definitive meaning of many of which are simply designated, and some of them are considered as synonymous concepts.

Such an analytical way of trying to create a theory of physical recreation is acceptable, but it cannot answer the question: all the listed signs, types and forms are available in necessary and sufficient quantities, which introduces a certain confusion and makes it difficult to perceive physical recreation as a systemic phenomenon.

Many scientific studies affirm the idea that the theory of physical recreation is most fully developed within the theory and methodology of physical culture. This, in particular, is the basis for the concept of physical recreation, especially intensively developed by V.M. Vydrin and his staff.

The main idea of ​​the proposed concept is to consider physical recreation as an organic, immanent part of physical culture, the system-forming factor of which is the final result - the creation of an optimal physical state that ensures the normal functioning of the human body. In this concept, the main emphasis is on the biological side of physical recreation - the impact on the human body. Other aspects: cognitive, cultural, communicative, entertaining - are considered as accompanying the solution of the main task. This statement, however, is only partly true; it narrows the problem of physical recreation and, in our opinion, requires a social discussion.

It is legitimate to consider physical recreation as a type of physical culture, since they have a number of common features. But scientific hypotheses regarding physical recreation in themselves do not influence the formation of the theory of physical recreation, because they have an indirect influence, justifying and strengthening the didactic apparatus of the particular methods studying it.

Physical culture has its own theory, which includes not only physical recreation, but also physical education, sports, and motor rehabilitation, which also have their own theories. The presence of common features allows us to combine them into the main metasystem - the theory of physical culture. Then the subject of the theory of physical recreation turns out to be, essentially, without its own theory, because some cognitive, health, value-orientation and other aspects, presented both in the theory of physical culture itself and in particular theories of its types, can no longer be sufficiently fully to the required extent, satisfactorily fulfill its explanatory functions regarding such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon as physical recreation.

Moreover, in the theory of physical culture itself, all the numerous aspects of physical recreation are presented fragmentarily, incompletely, and vaguely, as a result of which the very subject of the science of physical recreation has become uncertain.

At the same time, one becomes more and more convinced that due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of such an object as physical recreation, it is impossible to describe it with sufficient completeness from the standpoint of only one, even such an “integrative” science, which is considered to be the theory of physical culture. The analysis is more successful if the subject side of the object is clearly identified from the standpoint of the sciences serving it: philosophy, history, sociology, cultural studies, pedagogy, psychology, biology, theory and methodology of physical culture, etc.

The need for the term “physical recreation” arises primarily when we are talking about the analysis of a certain element (in this case physical) of recreation, for which this term is used. Recreation as a scientific discipline is a generic concept for all its types and forms, one of which is physical recreation.

The concept of “recreation”, derived from the Latin “recreatio”, was introduced by the Romans and has several meanings: restore, rest, strengthen, refresh, etc. Historically, this term was in one way or another associated with human health, but it is important to note that the understanding of health is not limited only by the state of the human body. Today it is viewed in a broader sense and includes social, psychological and biological content.

It is customary to distinguish these types of recreation , as social, biological, psychological, climatic and geographical, etc.

Of all the variety of characteristics of recreation, the main ones that determine its essence are considered to be the following: it is carried out in free time, is of an active nature and is built on a voluntary, amateur basis. These are the three most important signs of recreation, without them it loses its meaning. Its other features: cultural-axiological, cognitive, health-improving - are considered as derivative, accompanying.

A new scientific direction has emerged - recreationology, a social interdisciplinary branch of the science of recreation, recovery, and reproduction of the health of practically healthy people. This section includes the process of physical, social, mental self-development of a person, during which he acquires more and more universal ways of adapting a person to the constantly changing conditions of the natural and social environment. The most important methodological principle of recreation is the principle of unity of the physical and spiritual, biological and social, organism and personality.

The main area of ​​research in the theory of recreation is a special area of ​​human life - the sphere of leisure. There are various types and forms of leisure activities that are recreational in nature, and it is not yet possible to bring them to any unified system.

The above allows us to return again to the key issues of the theory of physical recreation and, to a certain extent, analyze them from the standpoint of the theory of general recreation.

Physical recreation is one of the forms of recreation, its aspects are presented in almost all its types, and it is carried out through motor activity using physical exercises as the main means. This gives grounds to classify this form of recreation as physical.

The recognition of physical exercise as the main means of physical recreation in scientific research is generally accepted. This statement is true, but requires discussion. Firstly, most of the physical recreational activity takes place in the natural conditions of the natural environment, where environmental factors can also act as its means. Secondly, physical recreation can also have relatively passive forms. At sporting events, spectators are only spectators and do not literally perform active motor activity or physical exercise. In this case, the very fact of sports competition can act as a means of physical recreation, since it contains emotional, health-improving, hedotical and other components that give a recreational effect. From this point of view, the statement of V.M. is correct. Vydrina that the main system-forming feature of physical recreation should be considered its final result (goal), for the sake of which this form of recreation is organized.

Principles of Recreational Training

To achieve the best results in recreational training, the following principles should be adhered to:


"do no harm"

Biological feasibility




Accounting for gender differences

Accounting for age-related changes in the body

Beauty and aesthetic expediency

Biorhythmic structure

The purpose and objectives of physical recreation

The general goal of physical recreation is to strengthen physical and mental health, create a basis for fruitful mental and physical work. Its particular tasks are very diverse and depend on the personal tastes and desires of those involved. These include the following:

Leisure. This problem can be solved as the need for short-term rest for 5-15 minutes during work (physical education breaks, physical education minutes, active rest during the lunch break). This also applies to activities after the end of the working day. In this case, the duration of classes will be longer. Finally, classes at the end of the week, on weekends and holidays can last several hours.

  • 2. Change in the type and nature of activity. For example, from rest to activity, from mental to motor, or from one motor to motor activity of a different nature. In the first case, this may be a change from working at a desk to physical exercise, in the other - a change from exercises of one sport to exercises of another (a boxer swims, a weightlifter plays tennis, a skier plays basketball or vice versa, etc.). Active rest and a change in activities contribute to a faster recovery of the body after fatigue. This is especially important in those professions in which people spend a significant amount of time without moving (knowledge workers, etc.) or perform monotonous, monotonous movements (on conveyors, looms, etc.). During intense training, it is advisable for an athlete to change the nature of movements, their intensity and pace. Both of these types are widely used in production, in design bureaus, research institutes and other institutions (industrial gymnastics).
  • 3. Shaping the figure, the volume of body parts, and weight regulation are an important need for people of different ages. Most often, these classes begin with imitation of an ideal, a model, based on a critical assessment of the shortcomings of one’s own physique. Men are concerned about developing an athletic figure, the desire to develop sculpted muscles, lose belly fat, etc. Women - to be slim, flexible, graceful, attractive, have a beautiful figure, a relaxed gait and posture. For this purpose, individual and group classes are used, which can be conducted at home, in sports halls, gyms using both improvised means (your own weight, dumbbells, expanders, etc.) and special exercise equipment. Both men and women are often concerned with losing weight, which exercise also helps them with.
  • 4. The fight against aging and inhibition of involution processes is also one of the tasks of physical recreation. Motor activity activates the activity of the body and contributes not only to the preservation of its biological functions, but also to their improvement, which leads to a noticeable decrease in the rate of involution. This problem is solved with people of mature and older age, it is solved both individually, on the basis of one’s own non-professional physical education, and in health groups, sports and recreation centers.

A very important task and incentive for physical exercise for adults, especially the elderly population, is the opportunity for communication that occurs in group exercise areas. In their process, before the start and after the end, people can exchange opinions, talk about their joys, ailments, problems; This especially applies to people who have lost loved ones and are left alone. Many types of physical recreation are accompanied by great pleasure from physical activity. This is primarily due to various games (with a ball, puck, shuttlecock, balls, etc.). Their high emotionality is a great incentive for physical exercise. They are carried out both spontaneously, independently, on the initiative of the players themselves, and in groups, sections, teams.

5. Development of individually attractive physical abilities. Some “pump up” strength, others develop primarily flexibility, others develop endurance, etc. In general, people develop in a complex all their physical abilities and everyday motor skills (walking, running, jumping, throwing), master new ones - rowing, skiing, cycling, skating, racquet handling, etc. P. In recent years, new hobbies have appeared that are recreational in nature - hang gliding, flying saucers, windsurfing, aerobics, shaping, etc. The means of physical recreation are any physical exercise, games, entertainment, as well as recreational sports that satisfy the above needs. Classes are organized in universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, in factories and factories, enterprises and institutions, in offices, firms, and various organizations. Its main goal is to organize leisure activities in the interests of promoting health, and not to achieve maximum indicators in physical activity.

Physical recreation can be carried out in organized forms. However, often she does not need them. Its content and forms can easily be adapted to the needs and capabilities of any social environment - individuals or groups of people, their gender, age and external conditions and the subjective needs of each of those involved. Its main significance is that, while satisfying people’s needs for motor activity, it creates the prerequisites for the normal functioning of the human body in other types of activity (study, work). Nurturing these needs is one of the main tasks of physical culture and non-specialized physical education for people of all ages. This is one of the criteria for personal culture.

In the modern period of development of society, a number of problematic situations can be noted, which can be divided into social and individual levels. At the social level, the difficulty lies in the fact that there is a high need for society to develop a healthy nation, but the progress of social development and the deterioration of the environment leads to a deterioration in the health of citizens.

At the individual level, contradictions lie between a person’s need for active recreation, recuperation and low motivation for physical activity, a low level of knowledge of the basics of physical education, accessibility and the effective health-improving effects of many physical exercises.

The huge role of physical education, as part of the culture of society, is of great importance in the cultural and moral education of student youth. Recently, a number of attempts have been made to study physical recreation as a complex social phenomenon in the public life of the country.

There are methodological and methodological problems that determine the place and significance of physical recreation in the field of physical culture, which are associated with the undeveloped conceptual apparatus, content, structure, goals, objectives, principles and patterns. At the same time, today the mechanisms of interaction between physical recreation and other types of physical culture have not been sufficiently studied.

Physical recreation is understood as any form of motor physical activity aimed at restoring the strength expended in the process of professional work.

It is interesting to note that from Latin "recreation" means to restore health and strength. In the modern sense - restoration of strength, refreshment, entertainment, rest, change.

There are two types of recreation: physical (motor), which is associated with performing physical exercises, and intellectual, which involves certain mental entertainment.

Physical recreation- one of the forms of recreation, its aspects are presented in almost all of its types, and it is carried out through motor activity using physical exercises as the main means.

The variety of signs of physical recreation determines the variety of its forms: recreational physical culture, recreational physical culture, sports recreation, tourism recreation, health-improving physical recreation, physical culture-industrial recreation, etc.

Specific tasks of physical recreation are considered in the context of the tasks of physical education or sports. In scientific research, it is customary to highlight the following aspects of physical recreation:

1. Biological. It helps restore the functions of the human body after professional work, optimizes the state of his health;
2. Sociological. Promotes the integration of people into the social community, the assimilation of social experience and cultural values. The process of socialization in this context includes two plans of action: adaptation to society, functioning primarily on the innate mechanism of human self-improvement, and self-determination in society, determining one’s place in it through a conscious attitude to current events, acceptance or rejection of them;
3. Psychological. Forms an emotional state that arises under the influence of a feeling of freedom, joy, well-being and inner satisfaction, liberation from tension and stress. Freedom in this case should be understood in two dimensions: external - from coercion, violence, pressure, prohibition and internal - subjective, spiritual - freedom of will, freedom of independent choice of actions, freedom of creativity. Of course, there is a relationship, not a contradiction, between these dimensions of freedom;
4. Aesthetic. Responsive recreation to the beauty of one’s body, the surrounding world, the possibility of knowing it in a broader sense.

One of the main functions of physical culture in modern society is the spiritual socialization of the individual and moral and psychological preparation for life. The works of N.I. are devoted to the cultural, philosophical and social aspect of physical exercise. Ponomareva (1974, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1996)

Targeted propaganda and adequate informed support are important factors in introducing the population to physical education (P.A. Vinogradov, A.A. Severyanov, V.M. Smolensky (1983); A.V. Sedov (1983, 1985, 1987); S.S. Filippov (1984, 1985, 1986, 1991).

The main point in forming the habit of regular physical education, according to N.I. Ponomarev and V.M. Reizin (1989) is receiving pleasure, expressed in a feeling of “muscular joy,” which is based on the process of the body’s production of adrenaline, corticosteroids and endorphins, which stimulate the activity of the reticular complex of the brain.

Moreover, each of its components such as physical education, sports, physical recreation and motor rehabilitation must have a developed theory, methodology, organization, structure, functions and tasks.

It is important to note that physical recreation allows students to satisfy their needs, interests, and motives for emotional active recreation and rational use of free time. This can be satisfied based on the group and individual needs of young people and a relatively free form of motor activity, adequate to their subjective capabilities, while promoting the normal functioning of the body by creating an optimal physical state. Active recreation of a person has a positive effect on the level of intelligence, due to an increase in the efficiency of the nervous system and its resistance to various loads.

The health-improving and recreational direction in the educational process of the university is important in maintaining health and provides for the use of physical education means in the collective organization of recreation, cultural leisure on weekends, and during the holidays in order to restore and strengthen health. The means of this direction include hiking trips, excursions, outdoor games, sports events, which can be organized on the basis of student dormitories, in holiday homes, health and sports camps, construction teams, during educational practice, etc.

In conclusion, it can be noted that improving the process of managing recreational motor activity of student youth is one of the pressing research problems in the theory and methodology of physical culture. Its successful and widespread implementation will help relieve psychological stress in the educational process, improve personal qualities, morphofunctional indicators, and increase the level of health of students.

Reference lists

1. Vydrin V.M. Perestroika in the field of physical culture // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 1987. - No. 8. - P.22-24.
2. Vydrin V.M., Dzhumaev A.D. Physical recreation - a type of physical culture // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 1989. - No. 3. - P.2-3.
3. Kalinkin L.A., Matov V.V. Physical culture and recreational strategy for the development of modern society // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 1990. - No. 1. - P.8-11.
4. Recreology - a system of sciences about recreation. - Kyiv: Knowledge, 1990. - 16 p.
5. Ryzhkin Yu.E. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical recreation: textbook. allowance. - SPb: RGPU im. Herzen, 1997. - 36 p.
6. Physical rehabilitation: textbook; under the general editorship of prof. S.N. Popova. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005. - P.5-19.

Physical recreation (recreation - rest, entertainment) - the use of any types of physical activity (physical exercise, games, physical labor, etc.) for the purpose of physical development and health promotion. Its peculiarity is complete subordination to the interests, tastes, inclinations of a given person or group of people, in connection with this - complete freedom to choose the type and nature of activities, their frequency and duration, time of day, content, means, methods and forms of organization. Here the person himself is a designer and architect, a methodologist and trainer, a controller and a respondent. All this is precisely one of the criteria and indicators of his general and physical culture.

General purpose of Physical Reconstruction - strengthening physical and mental health, creating the basis for fruitful mental and physical work. Its particular tasks are very diverse and depend on the personal tastes and desires of those involved. These include the following:

leisure. This problem can be solved as the need for short-term rest for 5-15 minutes during work ("physical education breaks", "physical education minutes", active rest during the lunch break). This also applies to activities after the end of the working day. In this case, the duration of classes will be longer. Finally, classes at the end of the week, on weekends and holidays can last several hours.


Change in the type and nature of activity. For example, from rest to activity, from mental to motor, or from one motor to motor activity of a different nature. In the first case, this may be a change from working at a desk to physical exercise, in the other - a change from exercises of one sport to exercises of another (a boxer swims, a weightlifter plays tennis, a skier plays basketball or vice versa, etc.). Active rest and a change in activities contribute to a faster recovery of the body after fatigue. This is especially important in those professions in which people spend a significant amount of time without moving (knowledge workers, etc.), or perform monotonous, monotonous movements (on conveyors, looms, etc.). During intense training, it is advisable for an athlete to change the nature of movements, their intensity and pace. Both of these types are widely used in production, in design bureaus, research institutes and other institutions (“industrial gymnastics”).

Formation of figure, volume of body parts, weight regulation are important tasks for people of different ages. Most often, these classes begin with the imitation of an “ideal”, a model, based on a critical assessment of the shortcomings of one’s own physique. Men are concerned about developing an athletic figure, the desire to develop sculpted muscles, to “remove” their belly, etc. Women - to be slim, flexible, graceful, attractive, have a beautiful figure, easy, relaxed gait and posture. For this purpose, individual and group classes are used, which can be carried out at home, in sports halls, gyms using both “improvised” means (your own weight, dumbbells, expanders, etc.) and special exercise equipment. Both men and women are often concerned with “losing” weight, which physical exercise also helps them with.

The fight against aging and inhibition of involution processes is also one of the tasks of physical recreation. Motor activity activates the activity of the body and contributes not only to the preservation of its biological functions, but also to their improvement, which leads to a noticeable decrease in the rate of involution. This problem is solved by people of mature and older age both individually, on the basis of their own non-professional physical education, and in health groups, sports and health centers.

A very important task and incentive for physical exercise for adults, especially the elderly population, is opportunity to communicate. which is happening V group training places. In their process, before the start and after the end, people can exchange opinions, talk about their joys, ailments, problems; This especially applies to people who have lost loved ones and are left alone.

Many types of physical recreation are accompanied by great pleasure from motor activity. This is primarily due to various games (with a ball, puck, shuttlecock, balls, etc.); their high emotionality is a great incentive to practice. They are carried out both spontaneously, independently, on the initiative of the players themselves, and in groups, sections, teams.

Development of individually attractive physical abilities. Some “pump up” strength, others develop primarily flexibility, others develop endurance, etc. In general, people develop in a complex all their physical abilities and everyday motor skills (walking, running, jumping, throwing), master new ones - rowing, skiing, cycling, skating, racket handling, etc. .

In recent years, new hobbies have appeared that are recreational.


character - hang gliding, flying saucers, windsurfing, aerobics, shaping, etc. The means of physical recreation are physical exercises, games, entertainment, recreational sports that satisfy the above needs. It is organized in universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, in factories and factories, enterprises and institutions, in offices, firms, and various organizations. Its main goal is to organize leisure activities in the interests of promoting health, and not to achieve maximum indicators in physical activity.

Physical recreation can be carried out in organized forms. However, often she does not need them. Its content and forms can easily be adapted to the needs and capabilities of any social environment - individuals or groups of people, their gender, age, external conditions and the subjective needs of each of those involved. Its main significance is that, while satisfying people’s needs for motor activity, it creates the prerequisites for the normal functioning of the human body in other types of activity (study, work). Nurturing these needs is one of the main tasks of physical culture and non-specialized physical education for people of all ages, one of the criteria for personal culture.

In official documents and media reports this area of ​​activity is called "mass physical education". This is not true. Firstly, the most widespread physical culture activities are those that are carried out in educational institutions and the army; this is where the “mass” is present. Secondly, it should focus not on the masses, but on each person, based on his tastes, interests, inclinations, and it is he who personally determines the types, forms, and duration of physical exercise.

We can agree that there are mass forms of physical culture that are aimed at attracting a large number of people both as participants and spectators (sports competitions, races, holidays, etc.). They perform an important propaganda function and contribute to the involvement of many people in physical activity.

In the field of physical recreation, general methods are used, however, with an emphasis on individual characteristics (gender, age, inclinations, tastes, health status and degree of physical development of those involved), and strict dosing of the load. Constant self-monitoring and regular medical monitoring are of particular importance during individual physical exercises and in groups of older and elderly people, in special medical groups in places of public recreation and treatment.

Main Forms of classes physical exercises for adults in recreation are: hygienic gymnastics, shaping, aerobics, walks (skiing, cycling, walking), tourism, educational classes in health groups and sports sections, industrial gymnastics, swimming, skating, various ball games (football , volleyball, tennis), shuttlecocks (badminton), balls (billiards), etc.

All types and forms of physical recreation are carried out at home, in gyms, swimming pools, saunas, clubs, recreation areas, at industrial enterprises, in places of recreation and treatment, and during military service.

Elderly and elderly people should pay more attention to breathing exercises, locomotion, and be extremely careful with exercises involving bending, sudden movements, and rotations. The duration of the run can be from 5 to 30 minutes, the distance from 1 to 5 km. When

269 Theory and methodology of physical culture

shortness of breath, exercise should be stopped immediately and normal breathing restored or consult a doctor.

In health groups, it is advisable to use various types of exercises in a comprehensive manner (gymnastics - athletics - games).

One of the main tasks of physical culture in old age is to curb aging and involution processes in the body, to create the basis for normal, age-appropriate human activity.

For older people, it is very important to maintain and show goodwill, positive emotions, to “control yourself”, without succumbing to pessimism that arises due to illnesses, partial loss of communication, and unsettled life. It is necessary to protect family ties and friends, colleagues, and fight the feeling of loneliness and alienation.

In solving many of these problems, physical recreation is of great importance, because it is associated with positive emotions, the pleasure of movement, communication, and the joy of being despite difficulties and problems. This does not mean that it completely solves them, but it helps to significantly reduce their negative impact on an elderly person, and not withdraw into oneself, on one’s troubles and troubles.

The level of their actual non-specialized physical education education is important for older people, i.e. improving their physical abilities, motor skills, both everyday (walking, running, swimming) and more complex (cycling, rowing, etc.), knowledge of the elementary, simplest fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical recreation, hygiene, work regime, food, rest. Physical activity and feasible household work (removing snow, collecting firewood, working in the garden) are of utmost importance for maintaining health and fighting aging.

Physical exercise and physical activity in general have a beneficial effect on the psyche, on all vegetative functions - gas exchange, digestion, cardiovascular and excretory systems, and endocrine glands. They create the basis for a healthy lifestyle, help fight bad habits and increase the body's ability to resist fatigue and illness.

The most general provisions of the method of physical exercise, which are absolutely necessary for older people to follow, are the following.

Before starting hygienic exercises, you need to tune in, relax your muscles, and do a few breathing movements and stretches. Alternating exercises for the arms, legs, and torso, starting with small ones and gradually involving large muscle groups (for example, starting with exercises for the neck, hands, and later for the arms, legs, and torso). The load should be increased and decreased gradually, its peak should be in the middle or at the very beginning of the last third of classes.

Maximum loads, the appearance of a deep feeling of fatigue, exhaustion (“legs and arms are shaking”), excessive emotional stress, straining, rapid changes in posture, turns, bends, accelerations are unacceptable. The drama of old age lies in the fact that desires persist, but opportunities fade away, so you cannot get carried away and overestimate your capabilities, because this sometimes leads to tragic consequences (strokes, heart attacks, ruptures of muscles and ligaments, fractures).

Physical exercises and any types of physical activity should be combined

Lecture 20 Features physical culture of adults

combine with water and hardening procedures (shower, bath, swimming), massage, thermal procedures (sauna, Russian bath).

It is unacceptable for older people to actively engage in physical exercise without constant medical supervision and self-control, and without their competent, conscious attitude towards their health. The content of self-control includes well-known provisions - monitoring of well-being, sleep, appetite, weight, heart rate (pulse). At rest it is 60-80, and at peak load it is 100-120 beats per minute. It is very interesting and useful to keep a self-control diary, in which you should record the dynamics of the functioning of the body and the unusualness of subjective sensations.

Individual, independent physical exercise (aerobics, shaping, jogging, athletic gymnastics) are very popular among older people and young people. They are carried out at home, in institutions and enterprises, in gyms and swimming pools. Their content and form are selected according to the tastes of the students themselves and are held at a time convenient for them.

Particularly important here is the ability to control the load, “listen” to your body, constantly exercise self-control and promptly seek advice from a specialist or doctor. An elementary form of self-control is monitoring the pulse, its normal (at rest) and maximum values. In a person of middle age and average physical development, they range from 63 beats per minute at rest to 140-160 (in older people up to 130-140) beats after exercise. In addition, the method of counting pulse 1, 3, 5 minutes after finishing physical exercise is very informative. With a normal, non-painful reaction, the pulse rate gradually decreases and after 3-5 minutes of rest it returns to normal.

Individual classes are conducted in full accordance with the health status, degree of physical development, gender, and age of the participants. Currently, many literary sources outline issues of content and methods of independent study.

In exercises in which the goal is to increase muscle mass, medium weights are used (50-60% of the maximum possible), allowing you to perform the exercise 5-7 times. To increase muscle strength, it is advisable to use weights 75-85% of the maximum possible and perform movements 2-3 times. To reduce the volume of adipose tissue in the body, it is advisable to use light weights (20-40% of the maximum) and perform 10-12 movements at a fast pace. Perform each exercise in 2-4 approaches.

For women, it is advisable to use “stretching” exercises, rhythmic to music, with objects on the head, at a ballet barre (chair, table, wall), if possible in front of a mirror. This allows you to improve your posture, increase flexibility, joint mobility, harmony and plasticity of movements.

It is advisable and interesting for everyone to keep a self-monitoring diary, in which he notes his well-being, the dynamics of the development of physical abilities (strength, flexibility, endurance), sleep, appetite, volumes of body parts (arms, legs, waist, chest). In the diary you can write down self-tasks (plan) for physical exercises and summarize the results for the week, month, year.

One of the important problems that a person solves during the working day is maintaining physical and mental performance and counteracting mental fatigue. One of the most important means of solving it is to change

271 Theory and methodology of physical culture

on the nature of the activity, distraction from its professional types and forms, switching to other types. Therefore, there are various types of physical exercise that are purely recreational in nature. These include introductory gymnastics, physical education breaks, physical education minutes, physical exercise during the lunch break and after work.

In fairly wealthy institutions and enterprises, there are special places for such activities, equipped with tools and equipment (volleyball courts, table tennis tables, exercise machines, bicycle ergometers).

Introductory gymnastics is carried out for 5-10 minutes before starting work. When selecting exercises, it is guided by the nature of labor and the biomechanics of labor actions and movements, the nature of working postures. Therefore, exercises are included that promote rapid adaptation, workability, and increase the physiological functions of the body.

Physical education breaks and physical education minutes are introduced to prevent the development of fatigue and act according to the mechanism of changing the type of activity. They are held an hour or two before the lunch break or the end of the working day and help improve the functional state of the body, maintain attention, reduce the adverse effects of working posture (“straighten up, stretch”), and reduce the impact of physical inactivity and immobility. It is necessary to determine in advance the time of the working day when performing the movements will give the best effect. The effect of the exercises will be enhanced if they are accompanied by music.

It is necessary to take into account the gender, age and degree of physical fitness of those involved.

The exercises are performed at a slow or moderate pace, with deep breathing and an emphasis on exhalation. It is advisable to change their complexes once a month.

In a number of professions it is impossible to take a break even for 3-5 minutes. (dispatchers, drivers). In such cases, it is advisable to carry out two or three exercises for 1-2 minutes, aimed at those muscle groups that require a change in the nature of their functioning. It is advisable to use, taking into account the working posture and the nature of the functioning of muscle groups, exercises in stretching, bending, turning, swinging movements with a wide amplitude.

During the lunch break, it is preferable to organize active recreation. Its content can include exercises and games. The complex can consist of 5-7 exercises performed at a slow or moderate pace along with deep and accentuated breathing and walking for 10-20 minutes. You can use badminton, table tennis, billiards as games. Games end 5-10 minutes before the end of the lunch break. The content of active recreation can include water procedures, self-massage, and auto-training.

After work, also in order to change the type of activity and recreation in the broad sense of the word, either at the workplace or in specially designated premises (playgrounds, swimming pools, gyms, dispensaries), it is useful to engage in physical exercises, games, entertainment for your own pleasure and in your own way taste. These can be either organized or independent classes, group or individual. They can be carried out quite effectively at home, especially if there are videos or tape recordings of exercises (shaping, aerobics, qigong) with rhythmic and attractive music.

Great opportunities for physical recreation are available in houses and recreation centers and sanatoriums. There, individually or in groups, all the above types and forms of physical exercise, games, entertainment are carried out -

Lecture 20 Features of the physical culture of adults

mi. The advantage is that there is more free time and real opportunities for this, including swimming, health paths, hiking and skiing, and the opportunity to study in health groups.

End of work -

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All topics in this section:

Theory and methodology of physical culture as a science and as an academic discipline
As a scientific discipline, the theory of physical culture is a system of scientific knowledge about the essence of physical culture, the general laws of its functioning

Research methods in the theory and methodology of physical culture
Some students and specialists in the field of physical education believe that research work is beyond their capabilities. Such doubts are unfounded. Every person studying at a university, and those

Physical culture as a type of culture
2.1. Definition of the concept "culture". Culture is the most complex phenomenon in modern science. This is evidenced by the fact that in the domestic and early

Structure of physical culture
Any complex social phenomenon and each area of ​​human activity always has a historically established form of organization or structure, which means, firstly, the composition of that and

Functions of physical culture
The special functions of a particular phenomenon are its way of being, the ability to satisfy the needs of society or an individual in a given type of activity. Without finding out the functions of the physical

The concept of principles and their significance in the field of physical education
In the theory of physical education, sports training and physical recreation, the analysis of the system of principles and their unification rightfully occupies one of the leading places, since it is closely related to optimization

Specific features and structural components of the pedagogical process in the formation of personal physical culture
Physical culture, as noted earlier, is structurally divided into two parts: subject and personal. The subject part combines the products of material and spiritual labor in the sphere of physical

Physical education as a pedagogical process
Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities through their purposeful transfer from one generation to another, from one community of people to another. This process can be direct

Higher physical education
Professional physical education appeared in the second half of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. In our country, the first specialized educational institution was the Higher Free School of P.F.

General principles of human physical culture formation
The principles of the formation of human physical culture are the initial ideas, theoretical provisions that regulate all the main aspects of the pedagogical process in the field of physical culture. In his

The principle of harmonious development of personality
The essence of this principle is that physical culture in a person’s life should occupy a place commensurate, on the one hand, with the needs of society, and on the other, with the interests of the sport itself.

The principle of connection with life activity
Highlights the applied function of physical culture in society - to prepare members of society for activities in the sphere of production, and, if necessary, for participation in military operations.

The principle of health-improving orientation
Reflects the humanistic orientation of physical culture in society. The meaning of this principle is that physical culture should promote health. Required

The concept of means. Physical exercises are the main and specific means of developing a person’s physical culture
The term "means" comes from the word "middle", "middle". A means is something created by man to achieve certain goals. To the means of physical perfection

Factors that determine the effects of exercise
Exercise affects more than just a person's muscles. They have a multifaceted and profound impact on him. When performing physical exercises, a whole process occurs in the body of the practitioner.

Natural forces of nature and hygiene factors
Natural forces of nature (sunlight, air, water) are an important means of strengthening health and increasing human performance. One of the main tasks of physical education is to form

The concept of physical exercise technique
When performing any physical exercise, a person solves a certain motor task: push a barbell of a given weight, overcome a certain height in a jump, push a shot as far as possible. IN

Spatial characteristics
Includes: body position, trajectory (path) of movement. Body position. Whatever motor action a person performs, he must give his body a certain

Power characteristics
In practice, the concept of force of movement is used to characterize the force of movements. Motion force is a measure of the physical impact of a moving body part (or all

Rhythmic characteristic
It is defined as the proportionality in time of strong, accentuated movements associated with active muscle efforts and tensions, and weak, relatively passive movements. Rhythm is

Methods for the formation of personal physical culture
Rice. 5.7. An example of the relationships between the categories “methodological approach”, “methodological direction”, “method”, “methodological technique” when improving speed

Methods aimed at acquiring knowledge
Knowledge is one of the leading components of the content of physical education of an individual. They are usually defined as information perceived, conscious and consolidated

Principles of consciousness and activity
These principles provide for defining ways of creative cooperation between teacher and student in achieving goals in educational activities. Its essence lies in

The principle of visibility
It is realized in the process of learning the essence of the motor actions being studied and the biomechanical laws of their construction. It involves the formation of an accurate sensory image in students

Principles of accessibility and customization
Provide for the determination of a stimulating measure of the difficulty of a pedagogical task in the process of physical education, taking into account the characteristics of age, gender, health status and level of preparedness

Continuity principle
It is one of the most important principles for constructing physical exercise classes. Its implementation provides for the inadmissibility of discreteness of the pedagogical process, leading to a decrease in

The principle of progression of effects
Provides for a targeted increase in the requirements for physical activity (in terms of volume and intensity) in the process of adapting the individual to physical activity. Implementation of this principle

The principle of cyclicity
Determines the structural orderliness of the educational process. Its essence is revealed in the compositional repetition of individual classes and their series. In practice, it is customary to distinguish between micro-, m

The principle of age-appropriate pedagogical influence
It is implemented in the process of targeted regulation of educational measures at various stages of ontogenesis. Since the age dynamics of the development of physical abilities, perfection

Motor training
Training is an integral part of any pedagogical process, including in the field of physical education. Learning is carried out through the interaction of teacher and student. The activity of the teacher is called

Formation of knowledge, motor skills and abilities as a process and result of learning
Every motor action consists of movements. The act of movement (motor act) is carried out with certain relationships of forces (internal and external) and leads to a change in the position of the body in the simplest way.

u knowledge
The student’s perception of educational material is carried out through organized observation, listening to the teacher’s speech, reading the text of the textbook, and practical activities. Their combination provides

Interaction (transfer) of skills
The formation of some motor skills can have a certain impact on the acquisition of other skills. This phenomenon is called skill transfer. Highlighting

The structure of the process of learning motor actions
The process of learning motor actions is largely determined by the fact that it combines the patterns of formation of motor skills and abilities with the laws of control theory and the requirements of didactics.

Learning process management
Effective management of the physical exercise learning process requires a learning plan (project) in the form of a dynamic program of specific learning tasks; a certain control system (inspection),

Error prevention and correction
Throughout the entire learning process, students’ performance of physical exercises may be accompanied by deviations of the actual technique from the given sample. The nature and degree of deviations can

General characteristics of physical abilities
8.1 The concept of physical abilities, the main forms of their manifestation. In the process of forming a person’s physical culture, not only the acquisition of motor skills and related

Movement is a leading factor in the development of physical abilities
In the formation of abilities, both congenital and environmental factors are of great importance. However, under equal conditions, physical activity plays a decisive role in the development of physical abilities, for example

Dependence of the development of abilities on the mode of motor activity
Physical abilities develop in the process of activity, requiring not only their manifestation, but also a certain mode of its implementation. By regime we mean a precisely established order of turns.

Stages of development of physical abilities
In the dynamics of the development of physical abilities during repeated, long-term performance of the same loads, three relatively independent stages can be distinguished: Lecture 8 О

Unevenness and heterochrony (multiple times) of development of abilities
Uneven development means that the degree of increase in physical ability indicators at some stages may be more significant than at others. This is true for both small periods

Transfer of physical abilities
Various physical abilities develop in close interaction with each other. This is a phenomenon when a directed change in the level of development of one ability entails changes in the level of

Principles for the development of physical abilities
The processes of learning movements and developing physical abilities are subject to different patterns, despite the fact that

The principle of regularity of pedagogical influences
This principle presupposes the need for constant physical exercise to develop a person’s physical abilities, since the latter develop and improve primarily in

The principle of progression and adaptation-adequate limiting in increasing the effect of pedagogical influences
This principle is based on the patterns of phasing and uneven development of physical abilities. According to this principle, it is necessary to combine physical methods in the process of improving

The principle of rational combination and distribution over time of pedagogical influences of various types
This principle requires compliance with a reasonably substantiated, expedient method of interrelation and sequence of loads of different magnitude and primary orientation, both internally and separately

The principle of purposefulness and adaptive adequacy of influences
The formation and improvement of physical abilities are based on the mechanisms of long-term adaptation of the human body to the conditions of motor activity. The Benefits of Adaptive Change

The principle of age-appropriate pedagogical influences
Obliges the teacher to carry out the formation of abilities in accordance with the trends in the age development of students, i.e. in relation to naturally changing periods of ontogenesis. Certainly,

The principle of advanced influences in the development of physical abilities
Its essence is that the pedagogical influences used (means, methods and forms) must correspond to the degree of development of these abilities in the individual. But this correspondence should not

The principle of proportionality in the development of abilities
It assumes compliance with the optimal ratio (proportionality) in the level of development of a person’s abilities at each stage of age development. Better proportionality in the development of certain joint ventures

Strength abilities and methods of their development
9.1 The concept of power abilities, their types. Factors that determine the level of development and manifestation of strength abilities. Performing any movement or maintaining any posture of the human body

Means for developing strength abilities
When developing strength abilities, use exercises with increased resistance - strength exercises. Depending on the nature of resistance, they are divided into three groups:

Methods for developing strength abilities
Directed development of strength abilities occurs only when maximum muscle tension is exercised. Therefore, the main problem in strength training methods is to

The concept of speed abilities, their types. Factors that determine the level of development and manifestation of speed abilities
To characterize a person’s ability to perform motor tasks at maximum speed, the generalized term “speed” has been used for a number of years. Considering the multiplicity of fo

Methods for developing the speed of motor reactions
The speed of motor reactions can be simple and complex. A simple reaction is a response with a previously known movement to a previously known, but suddenly

Choice reactions
Most often, these types of reactions are found in games and martial arts. The speed of reaction to a moving object is 0.18-1.00 seconds. The latent period of this reaction is longer than simple and may

Methodology for developing speed of single movement and frequency of movements
The speed of a single movement is manifested in the ability to perform individual motor acts at high speed. This, for example, is the speed of hand movement when throwing a javelin

Methodology for the development of complex forms of manifestation of speed abilities
In many motor actions, the types of speed qualities discussed above appear in combination. The complex manifestation of speed abilities is determined by the content of the main movement

The concept of coordination abilities. Criteria and forms of manifestation of coordination abilities
The term “coordination” can serve as a starting point when defining the concept of “coordination abilities”. The word "coordination" is of Latin origin. He

Methods for developing coordination abilities
When developing coordination abilities, the teacher has to solve both general and specific problems, the definition of which is carried out on the basis of components that characterize the quality of management

Lecture II Coordination abilities and methods of their development Great importance in the formation of a “sense of time” has recently been attached to the use of physical training.

The concept of endurance. Fatigue and endurance. Types of endurance
ENDURANCE - a person’s ability to perform any activity for a long time without reducing its effectiveness. Since the duration of work is ultimately limited

General endurance is a person’s ability to perform long-term and effective work of a non-specific nature, which has a positive impact on

Methods for developing endurance
Development of speed endurance. It is customary to talk about speed endurance in relation to exercises of a cyclic nature (running, walking, swimming, rowing, walking and

Load Components
I | h Option Goal « | | ^ ° method of application | a 5 I i I ® ​​Ss5^e=5x?5 s »ь 11 I: g 1111 i &po

Objectives, means and methods of developing flexibility
In the process of physical education, one should not achieve the maximum development of flexibility, since its excessive increase leads to deformation of joints and ligaments and then to their “looseness.”

Education of personal qualities of those involved in physical exercises
14.1 The role and place of physical education in the formation of personal qualities. Personal qualities include properties at a high social level that determine, to a large extent, the expression

Patriotic and moral education
It is advisable to consider these two types of education in a single context. Love for your Fatherland; readiness to stand up for him, not sparing his life; We accompany high patriotic feelings

Legal education
The content of legal education is a system of educational influences on the consciousness, feelings and will of the person being educated, with the aim of conveying a significant set of information about legal norms, strengthening

Aesthetic education in the field of physical education
Aesthetic education is an inseparable component of the versatile harmonious development of a modern person, capable of mastering cultural values, building life according to the laws of beauty

Personality of the teacher, requirements for his professional abilities, preparedness and skill
The success of any events in the field of physical culture, the effectiveness of physical culture and sports activities largely depends on the composition of the relevant specialists and the level of their profession

General characteristics of the forms of lesson construction
The holistic process of physical education of any population is practically carried out by sequentially conducting individual physical exercises. Being relatively

General characteristics of extracurricular activities
In physical education, non-school forms of organizing classes have become widespread: morning exercises; introductory gymnastics (before lessons at school, before work);

The concept of control and accounting. Requirements for control and accounting
The essence of control and accounting is to identify, comprehend and evaluate real conditions, specific facts of the dynamics and results of the pedagogical process. Thanks to control and accounting, they accumulate

Control and accounting documents
The main documents of control, accounting and reporting are: a log of the group’s educational work, a medical card, a log of injuries, a log of the presence and condition of equipment, a record book

Physical education in the system of education of preschool children
17.1 Social and pedagogical significance of physical education. Age periodization of preschool children. During the first seven years of life, a child goes through a huge physical journey.

Features of the method of physical exercises
1. Protection and promotion of health, comprehensive and harmonious physical development of children. Considering immaturity, greater skeletal flexibility, muscle weakness, low level

Forms of physical exercise
The following fairly diverse forms of physical education classes with children have become widespread in kindergartens: 1. Physical exercise classes in the form of a lesson. 2. Zan

Social and pedagogical significance of physical education for school-age children. Typical age features
School age includes children, adolescents and young men aged 6-7 to 17-18 years. In accordance with the existing general education system in our country, this age period is divided

Towards improvement
designed, essentially, for the formation of individual motor skills and abilities. In practice, especially in the field of general physical education, classes are predominantly (mostly in

Basic requirements for the development of physical abilities at school age
They consist of providing a connection with the formation and improvement of motor skills. Characteristic physical abilities (or various combinations thereof) appear only in conditions

Features of the development of coordination abilities
They are determined primarily by their significant role in the modern motor practice of schoolchildren. Their systematic development should be given close attention throughout the school period.

Features of the development of speed and speed-strength abilities
At school age, especially from 8-9 to 13-14 years old, all manifestations of speed abilities intensively progress under the influence of natural development factors. They are also adjacent to speed-power sports

Features of the development of self-strength abilities
In boys, there are two periods of intense growth in muscle strength - from 9 to 12, and from 14 to 17 years. In girls, muscle strength increases rapidly from 8-9 to 13-14 years. Greater strength gains in older boys

Features of endurance development
The development of endurance is mandatory, starting from primary school age. Most of all, it is necessary to pay attention to increasing resistance to fatigue in various types of motor activities.

Annual plan for completing program material
Compiled for each class parallel. In order to develop such a plan, the teacher must do the following preparatory work. First, you should outline the number of hours that will be

Quarter plan
It is a sequential presentation of the content of each lesson of the academic quarter. It is compiled on the basis of an annual plan for completing program material, taking into account the actual progress of studies

Technology for drawing up a plan for the educational process for an academic quarter (six months)
At the next stage of work, it is necessary to correctly distribute private tasks and educational tasks for their solution among the lessons of the quarter. The effectiveness of this operation will depend on the teacher’s ability to accurately

Methodology for planning educational work in a physical education lesson
In each lesson, 3-4 planned educational tasks are usually solved and, in addition, permanent tasks of harmonious development, health promotion and moral education of the school

Lesson summary
General tasks of the lesson Date

Progress test system
Progress checks are carried out systematically, in a specific system. This ensures not only timely recording of the results of the educational process, but also its improvement. In physical education lessons

Accounting for academic work
All current and final grades are promptly posted in the class journal, which is the main document for recording academic work. In addition to academic performance, it records attendance at each level.

Purpose and objectives of professional applied physical training
Physical education in secondary specialized educational institutions is largely similar in its structure and functioning to the system of physical education in secondary schools. At the same time, I have

Means of professionally applied physical training, fundamentals of methods and forms of training
Of particular importance in the purposeful formation of professionally necessary properties and qualities of a future specialist are the means of influence on the student’s body. The main one of these means is

The main factors and conditions determining the physical culture of adults
The category of the adult population includes all people from reaching adulthood to their very old age. There are different approaches to adult periodization of people. They all wear more or less

Non-special physical education for adults
It involves the formation by each person of his own idea about the level of his physical development, the degree of proficiency in motor skills, knowledge of the methods of his physical development.

Motor rehabilitation
Motor rehabilitation (rehabilitation - recovery) satisfies the needs of people in the treatment of various injuries, bruises, mental breakdowns as a result of stressful situations, etc. Perennial

The essence and structure of physical training in the Armed Forces
The system of physical training of troops is built and put into operation in accordance with a certain concept - a set of views on the essence of the process of physical improvement of military personnel

Physical training classes
They occupy an important place in the overall system of combat training for military personnel. They are aimed at the development and constant improvement of physical abilities, the formation and improvement of military

Morning physical exercise
It is a mandatory element of the daily routine. It is carried out for the purpose of: systematic training of military personnel and is aimed at quickly bringing the body into an active state after sleep

Physical training in the process of combat training activities
Allows you to use the time allocated for official activities and combat training for additional physical training of personnel, connects physical training with specific tasks

Sports and mass work
It occupies an important place in the system of physical improvement of military personnel. It is characterized by the following features: a combination of compulsory sports activities and voluntariness in

The emergence and state of modern sports
Sport originated at the dawn of our civilization. Elementary forms of sports in the form of competitive exercises already existed in primitive society. In a slave society, maximum development

Ami activities
Rice. 23.1. General sphere of sports (according to S. V. Bryankin) In a broad sense, sport includes the actual competitors

Society - as a social system
rice. 23. 2. The place of sport in society 300 Lecture 23 Sport in the system of physical education Currently

Religious factors
Rice. 23.3. Factors influencing the formation of sport as a social subsystem of society Entertaining

Athlete preparation as a multicomponent process
The preparation of an athlete covers the targeted use of the entire set of factors such as means, methods, conditions by which the athlete’s readiness for sports is increased.

Concluding the presentation of the course of lectures, it is advisable to summarize the current state of the theory and methodology of physical culture and outline some prospects for its development. Theory and methods of physical science

Volumetric requirements for the theory and methodology of physical culture
1. Theory and methodology of physical culture as a science and academic discipline. 2. Comparative characteristics of the concepts “physical culture”, “physical education”, “with

Recreation as a process of expanded reproduction of human physical, mental and intellectual powers is one of the most important functions of tourism and is implemented in the form of human recreational activity with the help of animation programs.

Recreational and cultural-leisure activities are expediently organized and meaningfully filled activities of large groups of people or a specific person in their free time, which develops on the basis of the human need to change the nature of activity with the goals of rest and restoration of physical and spiritual strength, as well as socio-cultural development. A person chooses the forms and types of this activity independently, based on individual preferences, capabilities and level of cultural development, as well as taking into account traditions, fashion, the influence of surrounding people, the level of physical activity and physical fitness.

Tourism and recreation, as the most rapidly changing service market, requires the emergence and development of new specific forms of recreational and cultural-leisure activities, and, consequently, the training of animation specialists (animators, technologists and recreationalists) in the field of recreation and tourism.

Physical recreation, according to V.M. Vydrin and his colleagues (1983-1991), is an organic part of physical culture, unregulated physical activity, which is ultimately aimed at optimizing a person’s physical condition, normalizing the functioning of his body in specific living conditions. He notes that the formation of this state is ensured by specialized motor activity due to: 1) satisfying physiological needs for movement; 2) activation of body functions through movements; 3) prevention of adverse effects on the human body; 4) compensation for reduced or temporarily lost body functions; 5) satisfying the need for entertainment, pleasure, enjoyment; 6) switching from one type of activity to another type.

The focus of physical recreation on compensation for reduced or temporarily lost body functions coincides with a similar function of motor rehabilitation (E.P. Ilyin, 1987; S.P. Evseev et al., 1996; Yu.F. Kuramshin et al., 1999, 2003) . However, this coincidence is rather semantic in nature, since in the case of physical recreation we are talking about functional compensation after overexertion, overwork, overtraining of a person, and in relation to motor rehabilitation, we obviously need to talk about compensation of functions after some kind of injury or pathology. In this regard, there is a need to identify specific features of each type of physical culture, which is very important for solving the problem of their socially oriented use.

The social essence of physical recreation has not yet been sufficiently studied, and therefore, the experience of its use by Russians has not been adequately substantiated, and the experience of its use by Russians has not been adequately generalized. In addition, it is not useless to turn to European and American experience.

Let us note that the process of creating a theory of physical recreation is still far from complete.

The term "recreation" was introduced by the Romans. It is derived from the Latin "gereato", meaning restoration.

In Russian science, this term appeared in the middle of the 20th century and is now used in three main meanings.

Originally under recreation meant holidays, vacations, a way to fill free time. That is, we were talking mainly about recreation as a form of entertaining pastime. In this meaning, any of its phenomenological characteristics, types, structural and component composition were not distinguished, and its main function was reduced to providing emotional fulfillment of free time.

In pedagogy under recreation refers to a specially designated room in an educational institution where students, through outdoor games, relieve mental and intellectual stress and switch from one type of activity to another.

Domestic sociologist A.S. Orlov (1995) defines recreation as “a specific type of biological and social activity of the subject, accompanied by the experience of a recreational effect.”

Recreation means any forms of free, voluntarily accepted, accessible, consciously performed motor activity aimed at man’s knowledge and transformation of nature, society and himself, self-realization and self-improvement (Yu.E. Ryzhkin, 1997). An important point is the free time factor. It is within its framework that recreation is most likely possible.

In the Encyclopedia of Tourism (I.V. Zorin, V.A. Kvartalnov, 2000) recreation is defined as “1) expanded reproduction of human powers (physical, intellectual and emotional); 2) any game, entertainment, etc., used to restore physical and mental strength; 3) the fastest growing segment of the leisure industry associated with the population’s participation in active outdoor recreation, occurring mainly on weekends; 4) restructuring of the body and human populations, providing the possibility of active activity under various conditions, nature and changes in the environment.”

Recreation(from Latin recreatio - return to health, restoration) - human biological activity, which is aimed at restoring physiological, physical potential, at improving mental and spiritual forces that are weakened during work, monotonous activities or illness.

Recreation began to be widely used in industrial enterprises in the form of industrial gymnastics to relieve mental stress and restore temporarily reduced psychophysical functions of a person.

In selected values recreation is closely related to vocational education (G.N. Ponomarev, 2003) and labor activity. It is presented as a way to restore the essential forces of a person expended in the process of physical and mental labor, and is thus considered in close connection with increasing the adaptive capabilities of the human body. The connection between recreation and professional human activity is also emphasized in the encyclopedic literature (BES. - T.21. - P. 617; World Encyclopedia, 1976. - T.2 - P. 2003; British Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1984. - T. 19 . – pp. 15-16; F.P. Suslov, D.A. Tyshler, 2001, etc.).

Physical recreation– is the recovery, recovery and relaxation associated with physical exercise. But besides these exercises, it consists of other types of activities, leisure, etc. (S.V. Berezkina, O.V. Glukhova, 2003).

Recreation(L.V. Kurilo, 2006) – the process of restoring the psychophysical balance of the human body (Fig. 1.1). Therefore, recreation is now interpreted as a holistic physical and socio-cultural recovery.

The concept of “recreation” is closely related to the concept of “rest”.

Rest– this is a means by which restoration (recreation) of a person’s strength and performance takes place. The most productive rest is sleep. A person’s need for rest is inseparable from his opposite need – activity. Rest can be realized through active leisure forms, which is associated with the actualization of human social and cultural resources.

Since ancient times leisure was considered as a goal and a way to satisfy various needs, including cultural ones. In the life of society, leisure is important for stabilization, relieving tension, preventing social conflicts, strengthening solidarity, intergenerational relationships, communication, satisfying the individual’s needs for joy, entertainment, etc.

In approaches to understanding leisure but there is still no complete unity and at the same time there are three positions: 1) dividing the time period into working and non-working time, where “leisure” and “non-working time” are considered as one and the same thing; 2) identification of the concepts of “leisure” and “free time”; 3) leisure – part of free time, rest and entertainment not related to personal development.

Today, in encyclopedias and reference books, “leisure” and “free time” are equated.

Leisure(free time) - part of the non-working time (within the boundaries of a day, a week, a year) remaining with a person (group, society) minus the immutable, necessary costs (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1989).

Leisure- time that is free from necessary labor in the sphere of social production, as well as from a person’s reproduction of his life functions within the framework of the household and social relations (G.A. Avanesova, 2006).

The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 3, Section 5, Chapter 17) gives the concept of rest time and lists the types of rest time. In accordance with Art. 106 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, rest time is understood as “the time during which the employee is free from performing work duties and which he can use at his own discretion.” Consequently, the employee uses rest time to satisfy his personal needs, interests, and to restore expended energy. In accordance with Art. 107 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “types of rest time are: breaks during the working day (shift); daily (between shifts) rest; weekends (weekly uninterrupted rest); non-working holidays; vacation."

Cultural and leisure activities is a specific activity of people during leisure time. Cultural and leisure activities are expediently organized and content-filled activities of large groups of people or a specific person in their free time, which develops on the basis of the human need to change the nature of activity, as well as for the purposes of recreation and socio-cultural development. A person chooses the forms and types of this activity independently, based on individual preferences, capabilities and level of cultural development, as well as taking into account traditions, fashion, and the influence of surrounding people.

Recreational activity– a leisure activity that is enjoyable and has socially acceptable qualities.

Recreation presupposes the inclusion of a person in specific activities that enrich the personality. This circumstance is the main significant difference between recreational activity and leisure activity, since leisure activity does not have a pronounced value orientation, since it can include both positive and negative types of activity that destroy the personality (for example, hooliganism). However, only types of activities that create a healing, restorative effect are recreational, i.e. constructive, positive, socially justified types of activities.

Recreation should be studied as a multifaceted holistic social phenomenon. In this aspect, B.V. Evstafiev (1985) argued that the generic concept for physical recreation is not physical culture, but “recreation”. In the structure of physical culture, it is presented as its type. In this capacity, physical recreation carries a powerful healing effect, which can be directly reflected in the improvement of not only physical, but also mental and social health of a person (A.S. Orlov, 1995; V.Ya. Surtaev, 1995; Yu.E. Ryzhkin, 2003; J. Dumazedier, 1974; M. Kaplan, 1975; S. Iso-Ahola, 1980; R. Kraus, 1984; J.R. Kelly, 1987, etc.).

Despite all the ambiguity in the interpretation of the term “physical recreation” and the multifaceted nature of its conceptual content, the following main categories can be distinguished. These categories of physical recreation in different meaningful interpretations are designated in almost all existing definitions, regardless of the scientific disciplines and scientific schools that study it.

Yu.E. Ryzhkin (2003), having analyzed various interpretations of physical recreation, identified the following main categories: physical activity, subject-object of physical activity, conditions and methods of functioning of physical recreation, recreational effect.

Physical activity. Human activity in the field of physical recreation is of an active nature and is considered as a way of expressing and satisfying his basic needs.

It is known that one of the natural needs of a person is the need for movement, physical activity. Its satisfaction is a necessary condition for the functioning of physical recreation, without which it loses all meaning and becomes a kind of amorphous phenomenon.

Motor activity involves the use of a person’s motor potential and the formation of the necessary motor abilities. All this reflects the essential features of physical recreation, which make it possible to distinguish it from other types of recreation, where mental (intellectual) activity predominates.

Subject-object of motor activity. Physical education and recreational activity is a practical transformative activity in accordance with existing theoretical ideas about it. It has its own object, which is its carrier – a person. Human interaction with the external environment is objective. At the same time, he simultaneously acts as a subject due to his transformative activity, thereby introducing into it his individual originality. Subject-object relations are another basic category of physical recreation.

Conditions and methods of functioning of physical recreation. The basic category of physical recreation includes the conditions of its functioning. Physical culture and recreational activities of a person are carried out in free time, mainly in the sphere of leisure. At the same time, it is assumed that the conditions for its manifestation are accessible, that participation is voluntary, and that it is predominantly amateur. Voluntariness and independence are manifested in the absence of external coercion, which provides opportunities for self-expression and individual uniqueness of a person, as well as in the variety of provided forms of physical recreation.

The content of physical recreation is a specific form of leisure. Leisure is a sphere of human life, which is characterized by a large number of recreational services provided to satisfy many human needs (physical, cultural, aesthetic, environmental, moral, religious, etc.), as well as a huge variety of means and ways to satisfy them. All this ensures the manifestation of the individuality of each person in proportion to his motives, interests, capabilities and abilities.

Recreational effect. V.M. Vydrin (1989) identifies one of the system-forming features of physical recreation as its final result - the recreational effect achieved through its effective use by humans. Recreational effect is the next main category of physical recreation. There are many points of view regarding the understanding of the recreational effect, which is understandable, since physical recreation is the subject of study of many scientific disciplines, various scientific directions, and each science considers the final result from its own perspective.

The following aspects of the recreational effect can be distinguished:

· healing effect, manifested in optimizing the functions of the human body and the state of his physical health;

· educational effect associated with the expansion of a person’s motor and cognitive abilities, the actualization of his reserve capabilities;

· an educational effect that ensures the formation of a person’s positive attitude towards the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This effect promotes the rational organization of leisure, self-knowledge, self-realization of potential abilities, manifestation of individuality and originality of a person;

· the social aspect determines the acquisition and enrichment of social experience, the formation of a sense of belonging to a certain social group and the ability to create one’s own image, increasing social status in society;

· socio-psychological effect, expanding the possibilities of informal communication, formation of socio-psychological competence, optimization of a person’s emotional state;

· “physical culture” effect, expressed in the manifestations of a person’s physical culture, his qualitative mastery of the values ​​of physical culture, the ability for transformative and creative activities in the field of physical culture;

· socio-economic effect associated with improving labor skills, preparation for professional and defense activities.

The identified aspects of the recreational effect manifest themselves systematically. In this case, there may be either their equal share, or the dominance of one or more of them, depending on the goals, objectives of recreational activity, the specific conditions for its implementation, as well as the individual needs and capabilities of a person.

The identified categories of physical recreation are basic and represent its specific features, without which physical recreation cannot exist as an objective social phenomenon.

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