Shape of female legs. Is it possible to fight false curvature of the legs? Types of female figures: what they are


Many, echoing the genius of Russian literature, exclaim with slight mischief: “In Russia you are unlikely to find two pairs of slender female legs...”. Pushkin was lying - there are a lot of slender women’s legs and plenty of beautiful ones too, but their owners are not always satisfied with what they see in the mirror. After all, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. Modern girls are ready to do a lot to ensure that their legs are close to ideal. What are ideal legs like? The concept of “ideality” is ambiguous and depends on the era, social environment, religion, culture, way of life, heredity, and even the territory in which we live. The desire for the beauty of humanity is eternal and unfading. People began searching for “ideal body proportions” back in ancient times.



Today, for men the golden ratio is 1.68, and for women 1.62.

The closest to this value in the studies of traumatologist and orthopedist Marker N.A. (2009) there were representatives of the Negroid race - 1.63 ± 0.023 and Caucasian races - 1.59 ± 0.006. Representatives of the Asian race, in order to visually more closely match these “ideal” proportions, need to either wear high-heeled shoes or “increase their height” in other ways.

Returning to the ideal proportions of the legs, you can pay attention to the research of Howard, who in his work described the “ideal” ratio of the length of the legs and shins based on the research of Leonardo da Vinci and the “golden ratio”. The author confirmed that the value 1.618 was ideal for the length calf muscle and a value of 1 corresponded to the distance between the ankle and the lower border of the muscle and, respectively, between the knee and the middle of the gastrocnemius muscle.

Further, L. Slazay, in his search, came to the conclusion that in women with a normosthenic physique, a shin circumference from 33 to 36 cm looks more attractive, and an increase or decrease in these parameters will look less aesthetic. In this case, the thigh circumference should be one and a half times larger than the shin circumference.

And yet, when modeling an ordinary person, we most likely do not take a ruler and a calculator in order to calculate the golden proportions. We simply intuitively sense these forms, because the forms of a human being come across our eyes more often than anything else...

Spanish plastic surgeon Martin M.D. in his article on complex liposuction lower limbs(2001) writes that beauty is based on the difference in the ratio of one area to another. An isolated assessment of a single part of the body is not sufficient to provide an idea of ​​the harmony of the body as a whole, and an isolated correction of one area can introduce disharmony into the appearance as a whole.

He describes the structural features and aesthetic criteria of ideal female legs.

“The lower limb in women is widest in the area of ​​the trochanters, then it gradually narrows at the thigh to the knee, widens somewhat in the upper third of the calf and is very thin in the ankle area. Women's femurs tend to slope more inward than men's. The profile of the thigh should protrude slightly forward and gradually deepen towards the knee. It should be shaped like a spindle. The place under the knee should be as thin as the ankle, there should be no protruding parts on the side of the knee, and there should be a depression (hole) on the back of the knee.”

In his article, Martin also describes the most typical fat traps in women: the area of ​​the sacrum, flanks, “breeches,” the front, inner surface of the upper third of the thigh and knees. The author calls all these areas “the curse of the female figure.” And he mentions that we should not forget about fatty deposits that distort the shape of the lower leg itself, distributed over the outer surface in the upper third of the legs and the ankle area along the inner and outer surfaces.

Based on these criteria, Martin performs contour correction of the shape of the lower limb as a whole using complex liposuction.

The photograph shows an example demonstrating the formation of ideal leg contours after complex liposuction.

In popular literature you can find the following definition of “ideal legs”: “ideal legs” placed together will touch each other in certain places and thereby form four “French windows” - above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee, in the middle of the thigh , and in the proximal part of the thigh. The last “window” should be the narrowest.

And also the following


Let's not forget that a very large influence on ideas about beauty and ideal figure fashion has its own standards, which differ radically in different eras. Standards female beauty have changed and continue to change over time - this can be observed in the paintings of artists different eras. Because they always admired harmony female body, now we have the opportunity to compare their ideals with the ideas of beauty of our time. In the works of Rubens, Botticelli, Titian, Monet, Renoir, Kustodiev, etc.

Sandro Botticelli - “The Birth of Venus”, Titian - “Venus of Urbino”

As the century changes, so do the standards - a galaxy of Hollywood beauties: Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, Marilyn Monroe, etc. - these are the “ideals” for millions of people in the mid-20th century.

If in the sixties the beauty industry placed the image of femininity and natural beauty on a pedestal, no one paid attention to minor flaws in the figure (protruding tummy, large hips, etc.).

Today the fashion industry has dramatically “stepped” far forward. The models are slender, anorexic, their hair is long, their shape is the established “model” - 90x60x90.

Osteoplastic surgeries) that will help make your legs the most beautiful - long, straight, regular in shape - ideal. And, most importantly, they will certainly meet modern world beauty standards.

Leg shape– features of the shape of the legs and methods of correction.

Types of leg curvature

If a girl correct figure legs, then she is always on top! There is no need to be embarrassed by the curvature of your legs and hide them under wide trousers. The shape of the curvature can be true or false. True curvature is associated with deformation of the lower leg bones. This is manifested in a violation of the contour of the legs from the perineum to the closed ankles (O-shaped deformity) or the absence of closure of the ankles with closed hips (X-shaped deformity). False deformity is a curvature of the lower extremities of the legs, in which there is no deformation of the bones. This curvature is associated with the location of soft tissues.

Causes of irregularly shaped legs

Most people acquired bow legs in adolescence. Most people suffering from this disease believe that they got it from birth. But this opinion is wrong - in fact, such cases are quite rare. At an immature age, bones have not yet fully formed and are subject to deformation. The deformity can be caused by the habit of standing and walking incorrectly, placing weight on one leg. These factors cause flat feet and disturbances in the bone growth zone, which leads to bowed legs. Tight and uncomfortable shoes also play an important role, even in older age.

Often, curvature of the legs is observed in athletes who engage in, for example, ski jumping and other specific sports. There are also observations that people who have a car with an automatic transmission are more susceptible to bowed legs, since they use one leg more than the other while driving.

Among women with true curvature, you can often find owners of X-shaped curvature, and among men - O-shaped curvature of the legs. There is one in India public transport like a rickshaw. It is a modified bicycle with a platform for passengers. It is believed that people working on such transport are practically not susceptible to bowed legs, since their legs are constantly exposed to physical activity, and the climate allows them to wear light, spacious shoes.

Thus, in order not to acquire curvature of the legs, you need to follow several rules:

  • Don't sit on one side of your thigh while placing your legs on the other side. It is also not recommended to sit with your legs crossed or too wide apart.
  • You cannot stand with your legs crossed or even on one leg.
  • You should not sleep on your stomach or one side all the time.
  • You can't walk in high heels for a long time.
  • You cannot always carry a bag on one shoulder.

Correcting the shape of your legs at home

You can correct the shape of your legs at home. For each type of curvature, different methods will help.

So, to correct X-shaped curvature of the legs, it is necessary to engage in swimming, running, cycling, horse riding and skiing. You can also do this exercise: sit down completely with your legs crossed and stand up without using your hands. At night, you can wrap both legs around the ankles with an elastic bandage, while placing a hard pad between the knees.

Correcting an X-shaped curvature of the legs is much more difficult, but still possible. To do this, you need to squat with your legs wide apart. You can also wrap the knees of both legs with an elastic bandage at night, while placing an elastic pad between the ankles. If such a curvature cannot be corrected, then you need to change your gait. When walking, point your toes out to the sides and keep your heels in line. This gait will visually hide the irregular shape of your legs. If you have beautiful shape legs, then it must be supported. To do this you need to do several exercises.

  • For 4 minutes, walk alternately on your toes, on your heels, then on your inner and outer heels. external sides feet.
  • Swing your legs to the side, back and forward, 20 swings for each leg.
  • With your legs crossed, slowly sit on the floor, then stand up. Then cross your legs in reverse. Repeat several times.
  • Follow slow running on your toes until you feel tired.

Correcting the shape of the legs with surgery

Plastic surgery to correct the shape of the legs is called cruroplasty. This is not the only way to correct the shape of your legs surgically. Curvature of the legs can also be corrected through orthopedic surgery using the Ilizarov apparatus. Cruroplasty is very effective in correcting false curvature, since it is possible to select an individual implant. But such an operation has limited indications. The operation costs from 80 to 200 thousand rubles (2014). The price includes a preliminary consultation and collection of tests, the cost of the implant, anesthesia, the surgeon’s work and hospital stay.

True curvature, as well as some cases of false curvature of the legs, can be effectively corrected by orthopedic surgery. False curvature is treated in this way in short patients with large legs. This operation is performed using the Ilizarov apparatus. This is a special device that affects the bone structure. During the operation, the bone is cut and its parts are fixed with a device. Gradually the bones grow together in the desired position. You need to wear the device about three months, and after the first 3-4 weeks the patient can already move independently. The cost of this operation is from 40 to 100 thousand rubles. The price includes collection of tests, preliminary consultation, anesthesia, surgeon’s work, installation and removal of the device, rehabilitation procedures and hospitalization.

The final cost of the operation depends on the degree of curvature of the legs, the location of the medical center, the chosen technique, the qualifications of the specialist and other factors.

Thus, feet need to be protected from a young age. Then the risk of such problems is reduced. If you are faced with this problem, then you should not despair, because there are ways to correct the curvature of your legs and bring them into the correct shape.

If you don't cheat, the answer is clear - to go to short skirts and drive the strong half of humanity crazy. So that later they would take us to the Wedding Palace or at least to an expensive store, depending on your luck. Meanwhile, even men, these “connoisseurs of female beauty,” cannot specifically and clearly explain what it is beautiful slender legs .


One men’s website, at our request, conducted a survey on this topic, and most of the answers boiled down to boorish “from the ears,” that is, men are primarily interested in length (by the way, the owner of the most long legs Czech super-model Adriana Sklenarikova is now considered to be 121.5 cm, in the photo). What if your legs are long but thin, like matchsticks? Or vice versa, thick? Or curves? Remember Tina Turner. This grandma of rock and roll, with a height of 160 cm, does not have long, but slender and fit long slender legs, which she insured for 8,000,000 (eight million) dollars. And the insurers agreed, and there are no idiots sitting there.

From this we can conclude that the length is not such a significant fact, what is more important is the proportionality and shape of the legs, which we will talk about.

Feet - like fingerprints or the retina of the eye - are all unique; no two pairs of feet are the same. If we talk about global scales, then African women are luckier compared to us slender skinny legs longer by nature, and this indicator is not at all important for African men; for them, female beauty lies in something else. Injustice, don't you agree? In addition, African women have longer thighs, slightly tapering at the top, the knee is almost invisible, the calves are long, and the ankles are slender. Northern Europeans (Swedish) take second place in terms of length and slenderness, but their legs are not so graceful. But the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, whom God himself ordered to wear mini-dresses, have more short legs with a small foot and more pronounced muscle relief. Oriental beauties are unlucky - their legs are even shorter, their calves are not so long, and their ankles are not so graceful.

The shape of the legs can also be used to determine the character traits of their owners. It turns out that there are several very scientific works on this topic. They were written, of course, by men. They established that long-legged women- romantic natures, who love to dream. It is difficult for them to cope with everyday problems, but they have strong principles that they do not simply compromise. Women with short legs“stand firmly on the ground,” but have changeable moods. They easily solve everyday problems, but are susceptible to outside persuasion.

Next, the “researchers” studied the gait. Need to say, beautiful gait, unlike beautiful slender legs, this is not a gift from God, but most often a labor acquisition. It turns out that timid people walk with their toes in and find it difficult to establish any contact. I don’t argue with this - after walking ten meters inside the editorial office with my toes, I saw the wary glances of my friends. They calmed down only when I returned to my table with a light, flying gait, as women happy in love walk, but they whispered again when I took off my shoes and began to examine the soles. Little did they know that I was testing Dr. Garre's concept. HE writes that if the heel and sole are worn down evenly, then this is a faithful wife and an excellent mother. If the inner edge is worn out, then the person is completely introverted. And if the outer edge is worn out, like mine, then this is a person with strong will, proactive, but adventurer. I decided not to offend Dr. Garre and agreed - I had other adventures, but I’ll tell you about them another time. And now let’s move on to the main thing - what are the parameters of slender, ideal legs.

The first parameter of slender beautiful legs is often called “four windows”. To see them, put bare slender legs together. In certain places the legs will touch, with the “correct” legs forming 4 windows - between the foot and ankle, above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee at the bottom of the thigh. The last window - above the knee at the bottom of the thigh - should be the narrowest.

In addition to the principle of four windows, there are 13 more parameters for the slimness and beauty of legs. Almost every place is described and must meet certain canons. Want to know more about this?

So, what does science say about what the ideal should be? the most slender legs:

  1. When at rest, the front (“front”) of the knee should be shaped like a child’s face with bangs, cheeks, and dimples for the eyes and chin.
  2. The area under the knee should be as thin as the ankle. In any case, get closer to these sizes.
  3. The ideal ankle should be thin, but not skinny.
  4. There should be no protruding parts on the side of the knee.
  5. The back side of the knee should have a depression. Experts believe that this is one of the most beautiful places on the female body.
  6. The calf muscles should not be overdeveloped so as not to disturb the contours of the leg.
  7. The Achilles tendon should be thin and have proper grooves on both sides. It forms the back of the leg.
  8. The heel should be visible, not too protruding, but round in shape.
  9. The thigh should become thinner towards the top.
  10. The widest part of the thigh is in the first upper third.
  11. The profile of the thigh should protrude slightly forward and gradually deepen towards the knee. It should be shaped like a spindle.
  12. The knee should be at the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, exactly halfway between top part hips and feet.
  13. The ideal leg should have a concave, elongated and thin foot. Toes should lie freely next to each other and not be deformed by unsuitable shoes.

In addition to the parameters of the legs themselves, there are proportions between the height and length of the legs, which make the whole body harmonious and beautiful.

Leg length is considered ideal when the difference between the length of the legs and half the height in large-boned people is 2 cm or more, in normal build- 4 or more, thin-boned people - 6 or more. (Leg length is measured from the tubercle of the femur opposite hip joint, to the floor). There are also the canons of Polyclitus, according to which a woman’s beauty has certain dimensions, for example, ideally, the waist circumference should be twice the circumference of the neck, the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half circumference of the lower leg. The distance from the heels to the waist should be related to the length of the body as 2:3.

The criteria for young women of normal physique are as follows:

  1. With a height of 161-165 cm, weight should be 54-55 kg, leg length 84-86 cm, thigh circumference 56-57, shin circumference 34-35.
  2. With a height of 166-170, weight 55-56, leg length 90-92, thigh circumference 57-58, lower leg 35-36.
  3. With a height of 171-175, weight 60-61, leg length 91-94, thigh circumference 58-59, shin 37-38.

Unfortunately, even those women who have beautiful perfectly slender legs And good figure, often do not know how to walk correctly. Some mince, others twirl their hips, others shake their shoulders. Regarding women whose figure is not ideal or has excess weight, then for them a beautiful gait is all the more important, since it gives a real chance to catch up.

Not all women know how to walk correctly and beautifully. Some mince, others twirl their hips, others sway their shoulders. Some people have it because of natural clumsiness, while others have an ingrown toenail on their big toe. Meanwhile, the correct beautiful gait can, firstly, hide many of the shortcomings of your body, and secondly, emphasize your advantages.

The artistic director of the Moscow school of clothing demonstrators “Burda Moden” Valery Viktorovich Yantsev will tell us about how to walk correctly, how to give lightness and grace to your movements:

Our school teaches two gaits. One for working on the podium, the other for Everyday life. The difference between them is not very big - it mainly lies in the movement of the hips. But if you've ever seen a fashion show, you'll understand: a professional, beautiful gait that looks chic on the catwalk will be inappropriate and even vulgar in a grocery store. Therefore, the question “how to walk correctly and beautifully” must be clarified - where exactly to walk.

For most women, the runway step will never be useful. Therefore, I will give a recipe for a beautiful walk for every day. Mainly correct gait depends on how you hold your head and back plus how you place your foot. Additional signs include movements of the arms and body, as well as footwear. First of all, make it a rule not to walk quickly - when going to work, give yourself plenty of time for the road. Correct positioning feet - toes turned slightly in different directions. The ideal line of movement for a woman is when her heels seem to be in one straight line. Walking in a figure eight podium, that is, in a rush, is unsightly. And you don’t need to place your feet wide when walking, unless, of course, you are rehearsing a man’s gait.

An important point when learning to walk correctly is that the leg moves forward first, and then the body. In no case is it the other way around. Otherwise, the gait will not be smooth, calm, but jerky. Another error that may occur is that with each step you will begin to bounce slightly. The length of the correct step should be equal to the length of your bare foot. Do you think that in this case the gait will be mincing? Nothing like this. You just have to try, and you will understand that walking this way is not only correct, but also very comfortable. Moreover, with a wider step, body jolts and head-up jumps will inevitably occur.

Walking correctly and beautifully in high heels is a special science. Make sure that when you walk, place your feet with your toes apart, and not inward, otherwise the most slim look clubfooted. In shoes with very high heels, they often do not place the foot on the heel first, but step on the entire foot at once. But it’s more beautiful if the heel comes up earlier, even if only for a split second. There is no need to say that you should not step on your toes first and then your heel - such a gait looks strange. Many people in high-heeled shoes walk on bent legs. Remember: the leg on which you are this moment moved the center of gravity, it should be straight. By the way, having strong legs, walking correctly in high heels is much easier.

The basis of a beautiful gait in particular and female beauty and health in general is correct posture. Posture is the habitual posture, the way a person holds himself while standing and sitting. Posture is usually assessed in a standing position; at correct posture the head and torso are located on the same vertical, the chest is raised, the stomach does not protrude. if you look from behind, your shoulders should be at the same level and your shoulder blades should be pressed together. It is with this posture that you can easily learn to walk correctly. If you have a large mirror, you can check your posture at home. Stand close to the mirror and mark with chalk on both sides the points of the ear, the middle of the shoulder, hip, knee joints, ankles. After that, connect these points and see how straight these lines are.

To learn how to walk correctly and beautifully, so that your posture is beautiful, first of all, learn to hold your shoulders and head correctly. To do this, stand in front of a mirror, place your head straight and align your shoulders. Stay in this position for 1 minute, then close your eyes, relax, shake your head, roll your shoulders a few times and try again. correct position. Open your eyes and check yourself and your gait. This exercise should be repeated as often as possible until the correct position becomes a habit, until you can walk in this position.

In conclusion, I would like to say that often an ugly, irregular gait and stooping develop from lack of self-confidence. A woman should know that everyone is beautiful and unique, and learning to walk correctly is a matter of technique and desire. Repeat this to yourself often. From such thoughts, the shoulders straighten on their own, and the gait becomes more confident.

We thank Valery Viktorovich for the interview and hope that the question of what a beautiful gait is, how to walk correctly and beautifully is no longer in front of you.

Regina Raitova

The great Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first to study and define ideal parameters human body. The anatomical proportions he presented are still studied in art schools all over the world. From Leonardo da Vinci’s theory of ideal proportions it follows that the volumes of the chest, waist and hips, taken separately, do not solve anything, it’s all about their ratio.

In modern society, changes in the parameters of the human body (anthropometric data) are revised every 15 years, because during this period, as a result of the acceleration process, changes in size, proportions and shapes occur figures person. The well-known 90 – 60 – 90, of course, are not the standard of ideal women's proportions for everyone. Body proportions generally cannot be the same for all women, since there are Various types physiques given to us genetically.

Main body types

The main body types include asthenic (thin-boned), normosthenic (normal-boned) and hypersthenic (broad-boned).

  • In women with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type, thin bone, long limbs, thin neck, muscles are relatively poorly developed. Representatives of this type are usually light in weight, they are energetic and active. Eating plenty of food for quite a long time does not lead them to gain weight, since they spend energy faster than they accumulate. If a woman of this type is not very thin waist and normal ones are not narrow hips everything seems miniature due to the thin bone.
  • The physique of normosthenic women (normal bone type) is distinguished by the proportionality of the main body dimensions, the correct ratio. Most beautiful female figures are found precisely with this body type.
  • In representatives of a hypersthenic (big-boned) physique, the transverse dimensions of the body predominate. Their bones are thick and heavy, their shoulders, chest and hips are wide, and their legs are sometimes somewhat short. Women of this type need to remember that they tend to be overweight.

You can determine your approximate body type by measuring the circumference of the wrist of your working hand. For normosthenics it is 16-18.5 cm, for asthenics - 16 cm, and for hypersthenics - 18.5 cm.

Quite often there are mixed body types with a predominance of the parameters of the above types.

If we talk about gradations female height, then they are as follows: low height - 150 cm and below, below average height - 151-156 cm, average height - 157-167 cm, high - 168-175 cm, very tall - 176 cm and above.

The truth in last years This gradation needs to be changed taking into account the acceleration of modern youth, so normal height can be considered for normal and large-boned people from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned people from 168 to 172 cm.

Correct legs

There are certain proportions between height and leg length. Legs can be considered short if their length is less than half the height. Can be considered proportional figure when the length of the legs is more than half the height. Forfor broad-boned people, preferably by 2-4 cm, for normal-boned people - 4-6 cm, for thin-boned people - 6-9 cm. For example, ifIf you have a normal bone body type with a height of 168 cm, the length of your legs is 90 cm, then this is ideal.

The length of the legs should be measured from the protrusion of the femur to the floor. In cases where the legs are somewhat shorter than the accepted norm, shoes with heels will help change this ratio, since visually they eliminate the existing imbalance.

The diameter of the leg at the calf, depending on the body type, ranges from 36 to 40 centimeters, at the ankle from 16 to 20 cm. Experts even tried to compile a table of the ideal leg shape depending on the body type.
Here are the approximate parameters: with a height of 156 and a weight of 50 - 55 kg - leg circumference at the hip from 48 to 54 cm, in the calf 31-32 cm, in the ankle 18-20 cm; with a height of 160 and a weight of 55–58 kg, the leg circumference at the thigh is from 50 to 56 cm, in the calf 32–35 cm, in the ankle 19–22 cm; with a height of 167 and a weight of 56-65 kg, the leg circumference at the hip is from 52 to 58 cm, at the calf 33-36 cm, at the ankle 22-23 cm.

And above all, ideal legs should have three gaps between them. To do this, you need to stand in front of a large mirror and put your feet in the position - heels together, toes apart. You should see the first gap under the knees, the second at the ankles, and the third at the top closer to the hips. In other places the legs should converge.

Correct weight

Body weight depends on the body type, height and, very importantly, the age of the person. One option for calculating weight is the Quetelet index. According to this index, for women with a thin-boned body type, it is enough to have 325 g for every centimeter of height, for normal-boned women - 350 and for large-boned ones - 375 g. Then the index is multiplied by height, and the weight corresponding to your parameters is obtained.
It must be emphasized that ideal weight women, especially those whose height is below 160 cm, should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women, at least under 20 years of age, it is advisable to weigh 3-5 kg ​​less than normal, i.e. calculated using the Quetelet index.

As mentioned above, body weight also depends on age. The table shows the weight-to-height ratio (weight in g divided by height in cm) for women aged 15 to 40 years.


Body types








To determine your normal weight, you need to multiply your height in cm by the weight-height coefficient corresponding to your age and body type.

Excess weight can be tracked by measuring fat fold on the abdominal wall, above the navel, 3 cm from the midline. Its thickness should normally be from 1 to 2 cm.

Hips, waist and chest

Knowing your body circumferences - chest, waist and hips - also helps determine your body type. Suchthe indicator is called "whites".

Normal whites indicators for young women (18 – 28 years old) with a normosthenic body type can be considered if the circumference chest equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm, for the bust - chest circumference plus 8-10 cm, for the waist - standing height, minus 100, hips should be greater than the waist circumference by about 25-30 cm. For thin-boned women, it can be considered normal if their chest circumference is in the range of 84-86 cm, and their bust is plus 4-6 cm to the indicated figures.
Their waist is usually thin, ranging from 60-64 cm, and their hip circumference is approximately 25-30 cm larger. In women with a broad-boned body type, the chest circumference exceeds half the height by 8-10 cm, chest - by another 8-10 cm. The waist circumference with a height of 166-168 cm is within 70-76 cm, and the hip circumference is larger by the same 25-30 cm.

Devendra Singh, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas, came to approximately the same conclusion in the early nineties. Only he calculated the proportion between the hips and waist in percentage According to his theory, the ideal proportions are those in which the waist volume is from 60 to 70% of the hip volume.

To do this, you need to divide the waist volume by the hip volume, the resulting coefficient should be from 0.6 to 0.7. By the way, the ideal beauties according to this ratio are the Venus de Milo - 70% and the Nude by Rubens, the same 70%. But among real women, the waist-to-hip ratio is ideal: Marilyn Monroe 0.61 (56/91.5), Brigitte Bardot 0.66 (58.5/89), Demi Moore 0.72 (66/91), Claudia Schiffer 0.67 (62/92), Cindy Crawford 0.69 (58/84), Gisele Bundchen 0.70 (61/86), Kylie Minogue 0.70 (63/89).

Doctors believe that the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference should not exceed the endocrine balance coefficient, which is 0.85. If your waist does not exceed 85% of your hips, then your figure in perfect order both from an aesthetic and medical point of view.

Time moves forward, new criteria for assessing the beauty of a female figure appear. The latest analysis of the results of an anthropometric examination of women, carried out in our country at the beginning of 2000, showed significant changes in body proportions. Young women have become more Long hands, legs, more high level waistline, more broad shoulders with the same body size, posture improved. So we can conclude that the young and middle generations of women have become taller and slimmer than the previous generation. Well, if your parameters do not match the ideal ones, don’t be upset! Still, the most important thing in a woman is her individuality and, of course, her well-groomed appearance.

Every representative of the fair sex undoubtedly cares about how she should look perfect girl. We all want to look attractive, so it is not at all surprising that we are constantly trying to strive for ideal body proportions and the same appearance. But in order to achieve the ideal, it is necessary to decide what it is. Let's look at how such a part of the body as legs should ideally look.

What do ideal legs look like?

Each girl has her own proportions of ideal legs, as they depend on her body type: height and bone width. Therefore, set achievable goals for yourself, taking into account the parameters of your own figure, and not being guided by the parameters of Hollywood stars or famous models. But the ideal leg shape is, in principle, the same for everyone. It is very easy to determine it yourself, just by going to the mirror. Ideally shaped female legs have five points of convergence and four points of divergence, because beautiful legs should have a certain shape, and not be “sticks”. So, go to the mirror, put your feet together. Regularly shaped legs will have “windows” in the areas between the thighs and groin, between the thighs and knees, under the knees, and between the ankles and feet. As for the length of the legs, which worries many women, it should be at least half the height, and ideally a little more.

Also, do not forget that you need to exercise in moderation to keep your legs looking attractive. After all, overly muscular legs are not feminine, but if the skin is flabby and sagging, this is even less attractive. Therefore, watch your figure, be active and healthy image life and remember the golden mean so as not to rush from one extreme to another.

In addition, it is necessary to properly care for the skin of your feet. Moisturizing or softening creams, as well as hair removal, are mandatory measures for the modern woman to care for her feet.

So, when answering the question of what ideal legs should look like, first of all you need to think not about the correctness of their shape, but about how well-groomed they are. After all, the fact that we differ from the standards accepted by society does not make us defective, but, on the contrary, special.