Fitness accounts on Instagram in Russian. The most beautiful fitness trainers on Instagram. "Best Butt on Instagram"

For those who love sports. In this collection, we have collected profiles of athletes and fitness trainers who publish a variety of training plans: with weights own body, free weights and exercise machines.

These profiles do not break down the exercise technique and often do not indicate how many sets and repetitions to perform or how to choose the weight of dumbbells, medicine balls and other equipment.

Be guided by your feelings: if you perform exercises with weights, the last one or two repetitions in the approach should be difficult. If you do cardio exercises, your heart rate should not fall below 150–160 beats per minute.

1. Robert Luth

Account of fitness trainer Roberta Luth, in which she posts her workouts. Here you'll find exercises for specific muscle groups, weight-free workouts you can do at home, options with free weights, and even unusual ways to exercise on machines.

2. Jessie Babyfit Workouts

In this profile you will find many exercises with own weight, resistance bands, TRX loops, dumbbells and kettlebells. There are almost no barbell or machine exercises here, but quite a lot of cardio exercises that can be done at home, in the park or on the beach.

3. Stefanie Williams

Profile of fitness trainer Stephanie Williams, in which you will find a lot of workouts with barbells, dumbbells, and crossovers. Mostly Stephanie posts workouts in the gym, but there are also options without special equipment, for example for training on the beach or in the park.

4. Health for Wellness

This account contains sets of exercises and video recipes healthy dishes from different Instagram profiles. There are workouts in the gym, on the street, at home and even on the playground. There are incredible workouts like treadmill squats, hell sprints and push-ups.

5. Jay T. Maryniak

Performix training athlete profile of Jay T. Maryniak. Here you will find ready plans training, most often harsh and very intense, with additional equipment in the form of weights, dumbbells, a massage roller, ropes and bollards. Some workouts are just crazy. Only a truly trained and courageous athlete can repeat this.

6. Andy Speer

Account of Reebok and Performix athlete Andy Speer. Here you will find programs for the gym and options for training on the street or at home without equipment. It is especially useful for those who travel and cannot work out in the gym for some time.

7. Ben Booker

Profile of trainer and gym owner Ben Booker. He posts excerpts from his workouts, but the description of the videos contains the full program: names of exercises, number of repetitions and approaches, rest time, cool-down.

8. BJ Gaddour

BJ Gaddour is the director of fitness at Men's Health magazine. In his profile he posts programs for study different groups muscles, as well as quick workouts- for 10–15 minutes and even for one minute.

9.Hannah Eden

Profile of Reebok athlete and personal trainer Hannah Eden. Here she posts her workouts with equipment: medicine balls, TRX loops, dumbbells and kettlebells or with. The descriptions do not contain a clear training plan, but from the videos you can learn many new exercises and their combinations.

10. Kenneth Gallarzo

This profile by Kenneth Gallarzo, Vice President of the World Calisthenics Organization, will appeal to those who want to train with only their own body weight (or with a friend as a weight) and thus develop maximum strength, agility and balance.

You will learn a lot of interesting complexes and exercises for developing strength and balance, and some videos will certainly arouse admiration and a desire to learn how to do the same.

If you have your favorite Instagram profiles with training plans or analysis of exercise techniques, share them in the comments.

Today, using specific examples, we will look at how to launch a daily flow of clients from Instagram for a fitness club or fitness trainer.

You will see the path you need to follow to make your account not only popular, but also create a powerful sales machine out of it.

First, let's see what results you can achieve if you seriously start promoting your account.

Meet me.

Kirill Silaev, fitness trainer Instagram @silaybb Khabarovsk.

Kirill has been developing his account for a year now; before promoting himself on Instagram, he earned 50,000 rubles a month; now, thanks to the created flow of applications, his income is 150,000 - 200,000 a month.

Taimuraz Appolonov, fitness trainer Instagram @appolonov_teymuraz Ufa.

For Teimuraz, Instagram is also the main platform for attracting clients. Although he has recently become less involved in promotion, the work done earlier still bears fruit in the form of daily requests via direct message.

Ksenia Romanova, head of the personal training studio “Realfit 3, @realfit_izhevsk. Izhevsk

Even before the opening of the studio, I organized a queue of clients and this despite summer season, and 400 subscribers in the account.

Renat Secretov, head of the Azzurro fitness club, Nalchik @azzurro_club.

With the help of Instagram, we attracted 830 applications for the fitness club’s birthday and sold subscriptions worth 767,900 rubles in 3 days.

Sergey Armada, fitness club “TSEKH” @sportblag Blagoveshchesk.

Sergey was promoting the TSEKH club for 3 years. Now the fitness club’s Instagram brings in about 1,000,000 rubles in revenue per month, every 20 residents of the city are subscribed to the club’s account, and every 4 subscribers have visited or are visiting TSEKH.

These examples are ordinary average fitness clubs and trainers; they simply saw opportunities on Instagram and began to implement them.

Now let's take a look at the path itself that will lead you to similar results.

4 key points in promoting a fitness club or fitness trainer on Instagram:

1) Setting up a selling account for a fitness club or trainer on Instagram

Before promotion, you need to set up an account.

To get started, we recommend connecting your business profile. You will need it in order to see all the statistics on your account: gender, age and geo of your subscribers, what posts they like, audience growth, etc. Thanks to the data obtained, you will be able to make adjustments to your promotion strategy.

After connecting your business profile, you need to create an account header. A properly designed header will set you apart from your competitors and increase the likelihood of subscriptions and sales.

2) Creating content for fitness Instagram.

After setting up your account, we move on to creating high-quality, interesting and engaging content for your subscribers.

This is why people subscribe to your account and follow you, comment and like you day after day.

These are your posts, Stories, live broadcasts, IGTV channel.

Content should bring the subscriber closer to purchasing your fitness services, create trust, and trust, as we know, is the key to sales.

Here 14 topics that resonate most with the fitness audience:

  1. motivation
  2. healthy food recipes
  3. reviews of useful products
  4. before/after project participants
  5. life of the club (coach), behind the scenes, live moments
  6. training tutorial posts
  7. nutrition educational posts
  8. meeting coaches (for the club)
  9. customer reviews
  10. news and plans of the club (new directions, promotions, events)
  11. polls, discussions, competitions, games
  12. stories of project participants (goals, progress, feelings, emotions)

You don’t have to use all the topics listed, start testing, look at the reaction of your subscribers (statistics will help you), focus on those topics that will be most interesting to them.

3) Promotion of Instagram fitness account

So, you have set up an account, created interesting content, now our task is to attract subscribers - your potential clients.

There are more than 30 in various ways attracting an audience for your Instagram fitness account. Today we will touch 5 most effective:

Fitness Bloggers on Instagram

Bloggers are popular people on Instagram who have authority among their audience. Such accounts usually have thousands of subscribers, more than 500 likes on photos, as well as dozens or even hundreds of comments under posts.

The point is simple, you agree with them on cooperation: a review of your service in their account in exchange for a subscription to the club or classes with a trainer.

Fitness bloggers on Instagram have the most target audience, unlike ordinary bloggers, but nevertheless we recommend gaining experience in collaborating with both.

Bloggers can attract dozens or even hundreds of subscribers to your account; if you do everything correctly, the result of cooperation will be a large flow of applications for your services.

Bulk subscription

When you like and follow a person on Instagram, they receive a notification about this. Out of curiosity, he comes to you and evaluates your account. If he is interested in your account, he follows you.

This tool allows you to subscribe to competitors’ subscribers, and also find users from a specific area of ​​the city.

Thanks to mass subscription, you can attract up to 2000 subscribers per month.

Promotional posts for a fitness club or trainer

Knowing your customers, their gender, age, interests, you can show ads to similar people. These people are more likely to show interest in your account.

What posts to promote?

Here are some ideas:

  1. Results for your clients
  2. Invitation to a trial lesson
  3. Useful post about nutrition or training
  4. Post with promotion
  5. Call to download your useful mini-book

There can be many options. Try it and get results. Setting up will take no more than 2 minutes, and applications can arrive in as little as an hour.

Giveaways in your fitness account

Sweepstakes allow you not only to create loyalty to your club and attract new subscribers, but also to earn money.

In order to earn extra money from the drawing and track the results in money, we recommend giving all participants bonuses at the end of the drawing: a discount on a subscription, free lesson, solarium minutes, cocktails, etc. Such a bonus will be an additional motivation to make a purchase.

“Interesting People” is a built-in functionality on Instagram, a simple tool that you can implement in 1 minute right now, but for some reason many people forget about it.

This feature allows you to subscribe to contacts from your phone book and friends from Facebook. This function also allows you to subscribe to accounts that Instagram itself recommends to you, based on your topic.

Thanks to such a subscription, you will attract the attention of new subscribers.

The tool will work well if these contacts include your target audience.

4) We work with your fitness Instagram subscribers

When promoting your account, it is important not only to attract target subscribers, but also to work with them correctly. Often there are thousands of subscribers, but there are no sales. The example with the Realfit 3 studio account proves that even with 400 subscribers you can create a queue of clients.

In order for each of your subscribers to be processed, it is better to use automatic sending of direct messages.

Sending messages via Direct is one of the most trending tools today.

Set it up once and clients are attracted automatically.

What's the point?

When a person has subscribed to you, he receives a message in direct message on your behalf, which motivates him to continue the dialogue with you and leave a request for training.

What to send and how to format the message.

From experience, the results are better with useful newsletters:
- a selection of posts about training and nutrition
- your mini-book (if you have one)
- sign up for a trial training session or free consultation

You can also simply thank the person for subscribing and ask him an engaging question.

This service allows you to send 50 messages per day.

According to statistics, 10-20% react and start a dialogue with you.

So, with this tool, you can generate from 5 to 10 hits per day.

Liking your subscribers also helps to engage the audience; by doing this, we not only once again attract attention to ourselves, but also create additional loyalty to our club.

This process can be automated using the Tuligram program.

This is how, in general terms, the path to creating a popular selling account for a fitness club or trainer on Instagram looks like.

Workouts, the correct technique for performing exercises, ways to correct your posture and improve your performance - all this can be found in these Instagram profiles.

1.Dr. Jacob Harden

This is a profile of chiropractor Dr. Jacob Harden from the clinic manual therapy Myodetox Orlando in Florida. There really is a lot published here. useful videos and articles with exercise techniques, stretching,.

Trigger points, errors in technique and positions, ways to improve posture, research, injuries - just a storehouse of information for those who care about the condition of their spine, joints and muscles.

2. Vinnie Rehab

Profile of Toronto physical therapist and founder of Myodetox manual therapy system Vinh Pham. He posts a lot of useful information about correct technique, stretching, ways to relieve tension and prevent injuries.

A little anatomy illustrative examples biomechanics of the body, correction of errors in technology. This profile is worth subscribing to if you want to know more about your body and constantly improve it.

3.Fitness Physio

Another profile for those who want to know more about human body. Mostly posts about the anatomy of specific muscles are published here. If you are not interested in anatomy and biomechanics, skip it.

4. Doc Jen Fit

Profile of physical therapist Jen Esquer. There are a lot of great stretches here with videos and explanations in the post. It is worth subscribing for those who want to develop flexibility and are hungry for new knowledge about physiology. Also in the profile there is enough beautiful photos Jen herself, most often in handstands, and videos of her training.

5. Scott Fournier

Profile of trainer Scott Fournier of Yorkville Fitness in Toronto. Here you will find a lot of new things for your workouts, you can check and correct your technique, and get tips on stretching. Scott posts exercises with free weights (especially a lot of kettlebells), loops, exercise machines, and massage rollers.

6.Strength Coach Therapy

Physiotherapist Teddy Willsey profile. Posts about warm-up, mobility and stability, exercises for the health of the back and joints, and tips on the correct technique for performing them are published here.

7. Muscle & Fitness

In this profile you will find ready-made workout plans and recipes for healthy eating.

8.Fitness IQ

Profile of trainer Jorge Rosado. He posts photos and videos from correct technique execution strength exercises. Due to the arrows and inscriptions on the photos and videos, everything is very clear and understandable.

9. Lifters Clinic

Profile of physiotherapist Mario Novo. Here you can find new exercises for your workouts and get tips on how to correct musculoskeletal problems.

10. Journey to the booty

A beautiful profile for girls who are passionate about fitness. There are a lot of exercises, motivational notes, sports bows, various dishes.

A clear structure of posts and a lot of cool photos, a minimum of fitness stuff in front of the mirror - simple, beautiful and useful.

If you set out to lose weight, the issue of your trainer’s appearance is not as pressing as the effectiveness of your training with him. But still, if your coach is a beautiful and successful girl, the likelihood of breaking down and stuffing yourself with a fatty burger and milkshake will be much less. Skinny models cause envy, but athletic beauties motivate! Subscribe to the accounts of the most beautiful fitness bloggers and spend your winter evenings in the gym.

@tanyatgym(55.4 thousand)

Tanya Fedorishcheva(23) has become an example for many. The girl gives advice on nutrition and training. She has already helped many, and on her page you can often find words of gratitude. In addition, Tanya not only has enormous willpower, but also an angelic face.

@mariazki(35.5 thousand)

Maria Tskiria actively communicates with his subscribers, gives advice on training, diet and online lessons. With it you will learn how to achieve a “Brazilian butt” and “effective fat burning.” But one of the biggest motivators will be her fiery hair!

@guznenkova(96.6 thousand)

Guznenkova(22) in her years has already organized a whole community of her followers, and this is not surprising. The girl has a stunning appearance, happily shares her beauty secrets and perfect figure and, by the way, he doesn’t deny himself sweets.

@usmanovakate(578 thousand)

The most popular fitness model, Russian body fitness champion and simply beautiful Ekaterina Usmanova(27) has achieved incredible success in fitness, conducts online training and actively participates in the social life of Moscow.

@diana_volcow a (56.8 thousand)

Diana Volkova(21) is simply amazing with its achievements! The girl is already a real champion, coach and model at her age.

@yulia_ushakova(38.3 thousand)

Yulia Ushakova- five-time champion Russia and absolute European champion. With such awards, the richest ladies in Moscow dream of getting her as a coach.

@masha_mulle r (22.8 thousand)

Account Masha- a real find for yoga lovers. The girl takes photos of all kinds of asanas in the most unimaginable places.

@anyastar(65.6 thousand)

Anna Starodubtseva Until recently, she could boast of bright pink hair. In the end, the girl still chose blonde, but that didn’t make her any less bright! Anna creates online weight loss programs, gives private lessons and fitness tips.

@laptevakaterina(16.2 thousand)

From a distance, this blonde can easily be confused with a model, but up close you see how the relief appears, and you understand that this is a professional fitness trainer - Katerina Lapteva.

@t.kostova(28.7 thousand)

Professional trainer Tatiana Kostova Although she looks like a sweet beauty, in life she is a tough and firm mentor! Her training program will burn off excess fat from you in one go!

>A little motivation for training will never be superfluous for any athlete or person who watches their figure. Therefore, by following several accounts of famous fitness gurus on Instagram, you can follow their example and always keep your body in model shape. Especially for you, we have found new trainers, exclusive workouts and tips, following which you can not only get your body in great shape, but also become healthy and happy. Below are 20 best fitness Instagram accounts we think all athletes should follow.

20 @bodybyjennla

You know Jenn Gleison is a top-notch trainer because she follows the example of personal trainers to the stars like Astrid Swan. Based in Los Angeles, this certified trainer specializes in kickboxing and HIIT (high-intensity interval training). interval training. She is also good because she often publishes posts from her private classes. This account is perfect for getting ideas for your next gym workout.

19 @tracyandersonmethod

Follow Tracy Anderson for an inside look at how the world's superstars take care of their bodies and keep them in great shape. This trainer has worked with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Richie and Gwyneth Paltrow. She publishes not only snippets of her workouts, but also many motivational posts that will help you become irresistible.

18 @omristrong

Personal and group fitness trainer Omri conducts his classes in Israel. But before connecting his life with this area, he collaborated with the Israeli Defense Forces for three years as a paratrooper. Always active, he has a wide variety of training types in his arsenal, starting from Thai boxing and ending with a downhill mountain biking. In addition, the coach always holds various promotions on his Instagram page.

17 @mistyonpointe

This account is suitable for those who are looking for female inspiration during their workouts. Incredibly feminine, but at the same time strong in spirit Misty Copeland works as a principal dancer with American Ballet and is an Under Armor ambassador. Each of her publications demonstrates toned body coach and incredibly inspiring.

16 @mrcourtneypaul

Personal trainer, group fitness instructor and Bravo's Work Out New York star Courtney Paul, is known for her sassy personality and tough-but-effective approach to each client. He says, “No one wants to pour syrup on a pancake’s butt.” He is known all over the world, and his Instagram account is very popular among fans of challenging workouts.

15 @ kiley.holliday

A famous coach who is very popular among world stars. For example, popular actor Colin Farrell periodically attends her training sessions. She can inspire anyone interested in yoga. In addition, the girl loves to travel, so for her photos she tries to choose the most pleasant and beautiful landscapes.

14 @hannahbronfman

Entrepreneur and DJ Hannah Bronfman also runs her website, where she shares nutrition, beauty, and health knowledge with her readers. On her page, she likes to publish fragments of Beyoncé's dance class lessons and motivational photos for her subscribers.

13 @erickellylife

He may have earned the title of "The Most Formidable Boxing Trainer on Wall Street," but Eric Kelly is actually a very positive guy. Check out his account to get some great boxing motivation and just some pointless fun posts at the same time.

12 @balletbeautiful

Remember when, as children, many of us hoped to have a successful, paid career as a ballerina? Well, Mary Helen Bowers managed to do it. She happens to be professional ballerina and helps everyone who wants to form the same toned body, with the help of elegant and beautiful workouts. By the way, it was she who trained Natalie Portman for filming the film “Black Swan”.

11 @jenselter

Long Island native Jen Selter always does lunges or squats, no matter where she is (the New York City subway is no exception). This is precisely what explains why she has such elastic and attractive buttocks at 22 years old.

10 @kayla_itsines

There is no talk here about pretentious fitness accounts, because we are talking about Kayla and her huge army of loyal subscribers. On the page you will find an inspiring transformation from an ugly, unkempt duckling into an athletic, attractive girl, as well as all the details from training programs and lots of tips on healthy eating.

9 @tarastiles

Yoga instructor, author and founder of Strala Yoga in New York City. She loves sharing her yoga workout videos and taking playful selfies. The former model even released her own book, in which she wrote all about how to feel your best.

8 @curtiswilliams17

Curtis Williams was in the past famous athlete National football league, and is now a highly qualified sponsored trainer at the newly opened Training C.A.M.P. Performance Center. His Instagram account is constantly updated with pictures from his personal training sessions, as well as group and private classes. All these photos and videos can greatly help you in your training and will come in handy during your next workout in the gym.

7 @basebodybabes

Sisters from Australia founded Base Body Babes and are personal trainers who demonstrate all their professional skills on their own Instagram page. They'll tell you all about preparing and training your body, so be prepared to work up a good sweat.

6 @gypsetgoddess

Caitlin Turner always says "gypsy + jetset = gypset." The Arizonan yoga teacher and blogger often shares stunning photos with her followers from around the world, in which she strikes an incredible yoga pose every time.

The Move Nourish Believe blog is Lorna Jane's home where she shares her philosophy and all things health related. In her healthy account, the girl publishes photos of delicious dietary dishes And useful fitness exercises.

2 @msjeanettejenkins

If you want the same fit and attractive body like Kayleigh Rowland, then you should definitely sign up with Hollywood trainer Jeanette Jenkins and spend six virtual weeks at a boot camp. She knows her stuff when it comes to building an amazing body.

1 @shauna_harrison

Shauna Harrison is a self-proclaimed "nerd, hip-hop master, jock, and yogi." This is the kind of girl you want to be best friends with. Not only does she have a PhD in Philosophy from Johns Hopkins University, but the trainer is also able to convey to her followers all the secrets of an ideal figure, in just a few pictures.

We hope that from the 20 best fitness accounts on Instagram you were able to choose at least a few trainers for yourself, following whom you will get your body and health in great shape. If you follow someone who may be of interest to our readers, leave a link to their profile in the comments. Be beautiful and healthy!