Fallout new vegas laser pistol torres. Unique weapons in Fallout New Vegas. mm Vance submachine gun

In this article we will tell you about unique weapons in Fallout New Vegas. You will learn the characteristics of this unique weapon, its pros and cons, as well as where it can be found in the game Fallout New Vegas.

Unique energy weapons in Fallout New Vegas

We will start our article with very interesting examples of unique weapons - with energy weapons. There are enough of this type of weapons in the game; each rifle or blaster has its own interesting story and for the most part they are quite easy to find. So, let's begin.

Gauss rifle YCS/186

This rifle is a good replacement for a large-caliber sniper rifle. The YCS/186 is advantageously distinguished by its more capacious magazine, which can accommodate an additional cartridge; this fact may well play a role in combat; this rifle also differs from its counterparts in its greater damage.

In order to become the owner of this unique weapon, you need to kill a gang of mercenaries, which is located next to the Tumbleweed ranch. The leader of this gang is armed with this rifle.

This is interesting: if the main one has the “Wild Wasteland” perk, then instead of bandits, main character will stumble upon Aliens, from whom you can get hold of their blaster.

AER14 prototype

This weapon is a unique improvement on the regular laser rifle. If you study the history of this weapon, it becomes clear that the AER14 prototype is a new rifle that should replace the current AER9 laser rifle. Naturally, this rifle is better than the AER9 in all characteristics, including damage.

If you decide to become the owner of this rifle, then you should go to Vault No. 22, there you will get into the living quarters on the fifth level (the door to the living quarters is locked, you will have to tinker with it), and already in the living quarters themselves, look for the rifle nearby with stairs.

Euclid's algorithm

This weapon uses a satellite located in Earth orbit, at its core, the Euclidean algorithm itself is a target-indicating device, you simply mark what to destroy, and an orbital strike is launched at the specified target. This is a powerful weapon, but it also has disadvantages: a strike can only be made in open areas, and the reload interval for this weapon is long.

To become the owner of the Euclid algorithm, you need to complete the quest “Sun Glare” and get a rangefinder, which is owned by an ordinary boy named Max, who can be found in Freeside.

Modulator Q-35

This unique weapon is a plasma rifle, which has increased basic characteristics compared to a regular plasma rifle. The Q-35 modulator has increased critical damage (by 15 points), but the normal damage is reduced by 7 points, but despite this, a huge plus is the reduced charge consumption, which in the long run makes this weapon more profitable compared to conventional plasma rifle.

You can find the Q-35 modulator at the REPCONN headquarters; to do this, you need to get into a closed room on the first floor of the building. There are 3 ways to do this:

  • The door can be opened using Pierce Isley's key, this key can be found on the 3rd floor of the building, look for a briefcase;
  • The door can be opened with high levels of hacking and science;
  • If the hacking level is more than 75, but less than 100, then go to the second floor and look for a hole in the floor there, it will lead you to this weapon.

Alien Blaster

This weapon can be called truly unique, because it is a product of unearthly technology. The alien blaster has incredible damage and we can say that among one-handed weapons, it is the most powerful, even in inexperienced hands it is just a “bomb”. There is only one minus, this is a non-standard ammunition, the Alien energy cell is quite difficult to find, so after the supply of these cells runs out, it will be just a beautiful toy. Although there is one more drawback, in order to use this weapon, the main character’s energy weapon level must be at least 75 points.

In order to become the owner of this weapon, you need to look for smoke from the fire, next to the Tumbleweed ranch, at the fire you will meet three Aliens, so you need to take this blaster from them.

Missing laser pistol

It sounds intriguing, but unfortunately this pistol will only bring joy to collectors of unique weapons, because its characteristics are practically no different from a regular laser pistol.

You can find this weapon in the scorpion gorge, next to the corpse of some poor fellow. In order for the weapon to appear there, you must talk to the following characters:

  • Torres;
  • Shooting range manager;
  • Novice Stanton.

Van Graff Plasma Rifle

A good gun that is not difficult to get, for this you need to do a little work for the Van Graff family, completing the quest “Two Boots That Match.”

Energy pistol "Pew-Pew"

In appearance, the Pew-Pew is no different from a regular laser pistol, but its power is amazing; it is almost six times more powerful than its regular counterpart. But as usual, not everything is so simple, such power cannot be free, this weapon has disadvantages, it is a lower rate of fire and high energy consumption.

To become the owner of a Pew-Pew pistol, you need to fulfill a number of conditions at the Sunset Sasparilla headquarters.

Tesla-Biton gun

This gun is an improved version of the regular Tesla gun, the main characteristics are higher than those of the Tesla, and is considered an anti-tank gun. You can find this weapon at the rotorcraft crash site.

Unique firearms in Fallout New Vegas

Now let's look at the most popular unique weapon in the game - this firearms, it is represented quite widely in the game. In this section we will look at the most popular copies among players.

Vance 9mm submachine gun

According to legend, this submachine gun belonged to the legendary criminals of its time - Vance and Vikki. A detailed history of this weapon can be found at Primm-Slim. In appearance, the Vance submachine gun is very similar to a regular submachine gun, only it is more beautiful and well-maintained. Among the differences from a conventional submachine gun, one can highlight the magazine, which has been increased to 60 rounds or more. high level damage and rate of fire. To use this unique weapon, you need to have a Weapon skill above 25 points.

If you want to become the owner of this submachine gun, then you need to visit the hideout of two bandits Pauline and Sammy Wins. It is they who keep this submachine gun in their safe. The couple's hideout is located between Miguel's pawn shop and the H&H Tools plant.

Mysterious Magnum

In appearance, this is an ordinary magnum, only more beautiful, besides the appearance, the feature of this weapon is the playing of the “Mysterious Stranger” theme, it plays every time the magnum is taken out of the holster or put back.

According to its characteristics, the Mysterious Magnum differs from the usual one in increased damage and rate of fire, but at the same time it is heavier. You can find this unique weapon from the character Lonesome Drifter, and it in turn can be found at the billboard with the inscription “Sunset Sasparilla”, which is located near the Highwayman.

Big boom

This weapon is very similar in appearance to a regular sawn-off shotgun, but unlike it, it has a much smaller spread and slightly higher damage. This unique weapon can be taken from the character Mother Gibson, who in turn can be found at the dump of the same name.

CZ57 "Avenger"

This weapon is also known as the "Avenger" and is a unique version of the minigun. In order to use this weapon, you must have a skill of the same name of 100 points.

The only characteristic in which the Avenger is not superior to a regular minigun is the number of rounds; in all other respects, the Avenger is better than a minigun. You can find this weapon in the back of an abandoned truck, which is located next to the Bravo post in the Devil's Throat gorge.


A very beautiful revolver, which is created on the basis of Magnum.357, like any unique weapon, “Lucky” is superior to the weapon on the basis of which it was created in all respects. This weapon can be found at the Bison Steve Hotel, it is cleverly hidden in the safe, which is built into the floor, behind the counter. To find this safe, you need to enter the hotel through the main entrance and move in an easterly direction, as soon as you see the counter, go behind it and look for the safe in the floor.


This is a very show-off gun, it looks quite modern and beautiful. It is believed that the “All-American” is an improved version of the shooter’s carbine. In terms of its characteristics, the All-American is superior to the shooter's carbine in everything, both in damage and in speed of fire and in magazine capacity.

You can find this unique weapon in Vault No. 34; to do this, you need to visit the armory of this shelter.

Rat Killer

This weapon is a sophisticated sniper rifle, the basis for which was a varmint rifle. The Rat Killer has 23 points of damage, an 8-round magazine, a reload time of 2.16 seconds, and a weight of 4.5 pounds.

You can find this rifle in the eastern part of Brok Cave.

Unique melee weapons in Fallout New Vegas

Next, we present to you a selection of unique edged weapons, of which there are many fans among Fallout New Vegas players.


Is a unique super sledgehammer. The appearance of this weapon is not very good, it is all covered with rust and looks as if it was used by a super mutant, most likely it was. From the usual super sledgehammer “Baby!” differs in damage of 80 points and a unique blow “Like Dame!” in V.A.T.S. mode

Find "Baby!" possible in the Charleston cave, there are several night hunters there and a sledgehammer lies next to the corpse of a shadow.

Blade of the East

It is a two-handed sword that belongs to the Beast of the East, the legate Lanius is hiding under this pseudonym. It is precisely from him that this blade can be taken away during the final battle. The damage of the Blade of the East is 65 points.


It is an improved version of a regular machete, differs from a regular machete in increased damage, faster attack speed, as well as larger multipliers for crit and limb injuries.

You can find this blade in the barracks of the Dean of the Dead Sea, which is located in Nelson.

Knock Knock

This unique weapon is an improved version of the regular fire axe. You can find the Tuk-Tuk in the Searchlight fire station, on the second floor in the toilet.

That's all the information we have about unique weapons in Fallout New Vegas. We hope this article helped you, but if you still have questions or have additions to this article, write them in the comments. And don't forget to rate our articles, thanks in advance!

Issues Quartermaster Torres. Asks to find the missing one laser gun. A paladin sits directly across from Torres at a table in the shooting range. We ask him about the gun. We are looking for novice Stanton on the first level of the bunker. He reports that he lost his gun in Scorpion Gorge. We leave the bunker and go southeast through the gap in the fence. The area is infested with radscorpions. Having arrived at the place, we see a large stone in the center, on which the pistol lies. After picking up the gun, you will be attacked by a large number of radscorpions. Either run away or shoot back. Let's return to Torres. We pass the quest and receive a reward.

"Computer virus"

Issued by the scribe Ibsen in the information storage on the second level of the bunker. The computers in the storage facility have caught a virus and we need to catch it. In 60 seconds you need to find 3 computers in the storage on which the virus is located. If the computer is empty, there will be a jumble of symbols on the screen; if there is a virus on the computer, then there will be a mocking entry on the screen and an option that allows you to block this part of the virus. A science skill of 70 allows you to isolate individual parts of the virus after failures, which reduces the number of terminals checked. After 3 parts of the virus have been caught, we talk with Ibsen and gain access to the information storage.

While Han Solo brandished a converted Mauser in " Star Wars", USSR engineers were developing real space weapons that could be used directly at the orbital station. Are you preparing to take over space? Quite possible.

The laser pistol was developed by specialists who, several years earlier, had implemented the Almaz military space station project. It was equipped with an orbital cannon, and a laser pistol intended for astronauts. for a long time remained a secret project.

In Soviet archives, the laser pistol was characterized as an individual self-defense weapon in orbit. But even in the paranoid atmosphere of the Cold War, it is difficult to imagine a scenario in which a “probable adversary” storms the space station.

However, the laser pistol was not intended to destroy enemy personnel. It was needed to effectively disable the sensitive elements of optical systems: it was assumed that with a successful shot it was possible to send an enemy satellite into endless wanderings across endless space.

The laser pistol was never (at least officially) put into service. Now it can be seen in the museum of the Peter the Great Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy.