Fallout: New Vegas - builds. Leveling up your character in Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout: new vegas: collector's notes - game tactics and tips from the masters Fallout new vegas best melee weapons

In this article we will tell you about unique weapons in Fallout New Vegas. You will learn the characteristics of this unique weapon, its pros and cons, as well as where it can be found in the game Fallout New Vegas.

Unique energy weapons in Fallout New Vegas

We will start our article with very interesting examples of unique weapons - energy weapons. There are enough of this type of weapons in the game; each rifle or blaster has its own interesting story and for the most part they are quite easy to find. So, let's begin.

Gauss rifle YCS/186

This rifle is a good replacement for a large-caliber sniper rifle. The YCS/186 is advantageously distinguished by its more capacious magazine, which can accommodate an additional cartridge; this fact may well play a role in combat; this rifle also differs from its counterparts in its greater damage.

In order to become the owner of this unique weapon, you need to kill a gang of mercenaries, which is located next to the Tumbleweed ranch. The leader of this gang is armed with this rifle.

This is interesting: if the main one has the “Wild Wasteland” perk, then instead of bandits, main character will stumble upon Aliens, from whom you can get hold of their blaster.

AER14 prototype

This weapon is a unique improvement on the regular laser rifle. If you study the history of this weapon, it becomes clear that the AER14 prototype is a new rifle that should replace the current AER9 laser rifle. Naturally, this rifle is better than the AER9 in all characteristics, including damage.

If you decide to become the owner of this rifle, then you should go to Vault No. 22, there you will get into the living quarters on the fifth level (the door to the living quarters is locked, you will have to tinker with it), and already in the living quarters themselves, look for the rifle nearby with stairs.

Euclid's algorithm

This weapon uses a satellite located in Earth orbit, at its core, the Euclidean algorithm itself is a target-indicating device, you simply mark what to destroy, and an orbital strike is launched at the specified target. This is a powerful weapon, but it also has disadvantages: a strike can only be made in open areas, and the reload interval for this weapon is long.

To become the owner of the Euclid algorithm, you need to complete the quest “Sun Glare” and get a rangefinder, which is owned by an ordinary boy named Max, who can be found in Freeside.

Modulator Q-35

This unique weapon is a plasma rifle, which has increased basic characteristics compared to a regular plasma rifle. The Q-35 modulator has increased critical damage (by 15 points), but the normal damage is reduced by 7 points, but despite this, a huge plus is the reduced charge consumption, which in the long run makes this weapon more profitable compared to conventional plasma rifle.

You can find the Q-35 modulator at the REPCONN headquarters; to do this, you need to get into a closed room on the first floor of the building. There are 3 ways to do this:

  • The door can be opened using Pierce Isley's key, this key can be found on the 3rd floor of the building, look for a briefcase;
  • The door can be opened with high levels of hacking and science;
  • If the hacking level is more than 75, but less than 100, then go to the second floor and look for a hole in the floor there, it will lead you to this weapon.

Alien Blaster

This weapon can be called truly unique, because it is a product of unearthly technology. The alien blaster has incredible damage and we can say that among one-handed weapons, it is the most powerful, even in inexperienced hands it is just a “bomb”. There is only one minus, this is a non-standard ammunition, the Alien energy cell is quite difficult to find, so after the supply of these cells runs out, it will be just a beautiful toy. Although there is one more drawback, in order to use this weapon, the main character’s energy weapon level must be at least 75 points.

In order to become the owner of this weapon, you need to look for smoke from the fire, next to the Tumbleweed ranch, at the fire you will meet three Aliens, so you need to take this blaster from them.

Missing laser pistol

It sounds intriguing, but unfortunately this pistol will only bring joy to collectors of unique weapons, because its characteristics are practically no different from a regular laser pistol.

You can find this weapon in the scorpion gorge, next to the corpse of some poor fellow. In order for the weapon to appear there, you must talk to the following characters:

  • Torres;
  • Shooting range manager;
  • Novice Stanton.

Van Graff Plasma Rifle

A good gun that is not difficult to get, for this you need to do a little work for the Van Graff family, completing the quest “Two Boots That Match.”

Energy pistol "Pew-Pew"

In appearance, the Pew-Pew is no different from a regular laser pistol, but its power is amazing; it is almost six times more powerful than its regular counterpart. But as usual, not everything is so simple, such power cannot be free, this weapon has disadvantages, it is a lower rate of fire and high energy consumption.

To become the owner of a Pew-Pew pistol, you need to fulfill a number of conditions at the Sunset Sasparilla headquarters.

Tesla-Biton gun

This gun is an improved version of the regular Tesla gun, the main characteristics are higher than those of the Tesla, and is considered an anti-tank gun. You can find this weapon at the rotorcraft crash site.

Unique firearms in Fallout New Vegas

Now let's look at the most popular unique weapon in the game - this firearms, it is represented quite widely in the game. In this section we will look at the most popular copies among players.

Vance 9mm submachine gun

According to legend, this submachine gun belonged to the legendary criminals of its time - Vance and Vikki. A detailed history of this weapon can be found at Primm-Slim. In appearance, the Vance submachine gun is very similar to a regular submachine gun, only it is more beautiful and well-maintained. Differences from a conventional submachine gun include an increased magazine capacity of up to 60 rounds and a higher level of damage and rate of fire. To use this unique weapon, you need to have a Weapon skill above 25 points.

If you want to become the owner of this submachine gun, then you need to visit the hideout of two bandits Pauline and Sammy Wins. It is they who keep this submachine gun in their safe. The couple's hideout is located between Miguel's pawn shop and the H&H Tools plant.

Mysterious Magnum

In appearance, this is an ordinary magnum, only more beautiful, besides the appearance, the feature of this weapon is the playing of the “Mysterious Stranger” theme, it plays every time the magnum is taken out of the holster or put back.

According to its characteristics, the Mysterious Magnum differs from the usual one in increased damage and rate of fire, but at the same time it is heavier. You can find this unique weapon from the character Lonesome Drifter, and it in turn can be found at the billboard with the inscription “Sunset Sasparilla”, which is located near the Highwayman.

Big boom

This weapon is very similar in appearance to a regular sawn-off shotgun, but unlike it, it has a much smaller spread and slightly higher damage. This unique weapon can be taken from the character Mother Gibson, who in turn can be found at the dump of the same name.

CZ57 "Avenger"

This weapon is also known as the "Avenger" and is a unique version of the minigun. In order to use this weapon, you must have a skill of the same name of 100 points.

The only characteristic in which the Avenger is not superior to a regular minigun is the number of rounds; in all other respects, the Avenger is better than a minigun. You can find this weapon in the back of an abandoned truck, which is located next to the Bravo post in the Devil's Throat gorge.


A very beautiful revolver, which is created on the basis of Magnum.357, like any unique weapon, “Lucky” is superior to the weapon on the basis of which it was created in all respects. This weapon can be found at the Bison Steve Hotel, it is cleverly hidden in the safe, which is built into the floor, behind the counter. To find this safe, you need to enter the hotel through the main entrance and move in an easterly direction, as soon as you see the counter, go behind it and look for the safe in the floor.


This is a very show-off gun, it looks quite modern and beautiful. It is believed that the “All-American” is an improved version of the shooter’s carbine. In terms of its characteristics, the All-American is superior to the shooter's carbine in everything, both in damage and in speed of fire and in magazine capacity.

You can find this unique weapon in Vault No. 34; to do this, you need to visit the armory of this shelter.

Rat Killer

This weapon is a sophisticated sniper rifle, the basis for which was a varmint rifle. The Rat Killer has 23 points of damage, an 8-round magazine, a reload time of 2.16 seconds, and a weight of 4.5 pounds.

You can find this rifle in the eastern part of Brok Cave.

Unique melee weapons in Fallout New Vegas

Next, we present to you a selection of unique edged weapons, of which there are many fans among Fallout New Vegas players.


Is a unique super sledgehammer. The appearance of this weapon is not very good, it is all covered with rust and looks as if it was used by a super mutant, most likely it was. From the usual super sledgehammer “Baby!” differs in damage of 80 points and a unique blow “Like Dame!” in V.A.T.S. mode

Find "Baby!" possible in the Charleston cave, there are several night hunters there and a sledgehammer lies next to the corpse of a shadow.

Blade of the East

It is a two-handed sword that belongs to the Beast of the East, the legate Lanius is hiding under this pseudonym. It is precisely from him that this blade can be taken away during the final battle. The damage of the Blade of the East is 65 points.


It is an improved version of a regular machete, differs from a regular machete in increased damage, faster attack speed, as well as larger multipliers for crit and limb injuries.

You can find this blade in the barracks of the Dean of the Dead Sea, which is located in Nelson.

Knock Knock

This unique weapon is an improved version of the regular fire axe. You can find the Tuk-Tuk in the Searchlight fire station, on the second floor in the toilet.

That's all the information we have about unique weapons in Fallout New Vegas. We hope this article helped you, but if you still have questions or have additions to this article, write them in the comments. And don't forget to rate our articles, thanks in advance!

Our courier rushes towards danger, incinerates enemies with a laser, and knocks out an armored Nkrovian with a blow of his fist. If all the parameters are driven into the “muscles” and not into the “brain”, the game, even in the “Hardcore” mode, is like fiddling around in a sandbox. And so - until the first locked door or secure terminal appears on our way - you cannot melt the door with a laser, there is no EMP grenade for hacking computers, and it will no longer be possible to “talk” to the key character with your fists.

Obsidian has once again ruthlessly broken the mold of role-playing games. If in Alpha Protocol it was still supposed to play the role of a “terminator,” then in “New Vegas” this approach is completely eradicated. Brute force solves barely a quarter of the problems and tasks in the game, and knowing how to correctly distribute starting parameters, which skills should be developed first and where to look for secrets is valued more than our own dexterity and reaction.

Collecting a character

Is it really possible to embrace the immensity if there are so few development points, and each parameter convinces with its description that it is the very best in the game?

    Force. It is responsible for how much junk we can pick up and carry away without causing damage while moving, as well as how much formidable weapons we can use. Inventory size is very important for a treasure hunter, so you should invest at least seven points in strength, but you should not develop it to the maximum - the carried weight increases only by 10 units for each point, and weapons with a parameter requirement higher than 8 are not found in the game. Strength can be increased temporarily by drinking alcoholic beverages and buffouts.

    Perception. This parameter is not of the first importance - it determines how quickly we notice the red dots on the map. If you plan to play with a tandem of companions Boon and ED-E, do not invest points at all, since with the help of the robot our hero will be able to see the danger at a very great distance, and thanks to the sniper, enemies will be highlighted in red in aiming mode. However, the “Sniper” and “Critical Damage” features, which require six perception points, will become unavailable.

    Endurance. It is vital for both a lover of word wars and a fan of heavy guns to develop this value to the maximum - stamina determines the amount of health the character has, and it will never be superfluous, especially in the “Hardcore” mode. This parameter also affects your survival skill, which is extremely important at the highest difficulty level.

    Folk sign: if the passage is blocked by mines or traps, it means there is something to guard ahead.

    Charisma. Conversational skills are now valued above all else, but charm in itself does not play a role. It gives an increase to the defense and damage of your companions, and also a plus to “barter” and “eloquence”. If you are playing the role of a lone wolf, there is no need to invest points in charm, and it is better to develop skills separately. In addition, at the right moment, charisma can be temporarily increased by as many as five units by eating “holiday mentats,” and you can get another one by wearing “revealing pajamas.”

    Intelligence. The second most important parameter after endurance. Affects how many skill points we will receive when moving to the next level. And if you want to create a universal character, a specialist in all areas, a high level of intelligence is of the first importance.

    Agility. Affects how many action points we get in V.A.T.S. mode, the speed of walking and reloading weapons. Considering that the game has twice as many default points as in Fallout 3, the increase granted by dexterity will be negligible. Those who are used to solving problems peacefully can do without any investment at all, while “terminators” will benefit from an increase in dexterity.

    Luck. Traditionally it affects a little bit of everything. The most tempting thing is that the chance of critical damage from all types of weapons increases, and this is a good reason to invest the remaining points in this parameter.

As the game progresses, you can improve your parameters in several ways:

    Implants. In the New Vegas medical clinic, for an immodest sum (4000 caps) you can raise one of the parameters by one. And if the character has a large supply of health, you can install a second implant. In addition to standard skill increases, two more upgrades are available - armor enhancement (8,000 caps) and health regeneration (12,000 caps).

    Peculiarities. You can select the “Intense Training” ability when gaining a new level to increase the parameter by one. A feature can be selected multiple times.

    Food and drinks. If a high value of a parameter is required in a conversation with key NPCs, you can temporarily increase it by taking a certain drug, drink, or eating a fruit of the Mojave flora. For example, tobacco chewing gum increases agility and perception, ant nectar, Brahmin steak or alcohol increases strength. You need to eat the gifts of the desert carefully so as not to catch by-effect, for example - a minus to strength for eating raw meat.

We study professions

With a high bartering skill, we can not only buy cheaply, but also shake off extra money from NPCs during some quests.

After distributing the parameters, you need to select three main skills in order to receive a one-time increase of fifteen points for each of them. We recommend Speech, Barter, and Weapons (or Energy Weapons) to compensate for their low starting values.

Key Game Skills - barter And eloquence. A well-spoken tongue means saved time and money, the opportunity to get new tasks, avoid unnecessary battles, or simply maintain a good reputation with NPCs. Additionally, without these skills, it is impossible to complete some quests such as "Pay the Bills" and "You Can Rely on Me."

At the initial stage, you need to raise at least one of these skills to 50, and by the middle of the game keep both at 75. It is not necessary to develop them to 100 if you have things in your inventory that raise the skill, or magazines that temporarily increase their value, but it is better do to avoid some battles in the end game.

The second most important thing is combat skills - weapon, without weapons, steel arms, explosives And energy weapons. There is no point in studying them all; it is enough to invest points in only one or two, depending on your preferences.

An important role is assigned medicine And survival. The higher the value, the more effectively you use medications (stimulants, antiradin, etc.) and the more health you restore with food, and in the “Hardcore” mode you will be hurt and bitten often. The success of some quests depends on the high level of medicine. For example, Joana from Gomorrah will talk about her problem (and give out the quest) only to an experienced doctor, and healer skills can also make it easier to complete one of the main quests for Caesar’s Legion. Survival influences what foods (and how potent they are) we can cook over campfires.

An experienced scientist is always held in high esteem. Show Jack your high knowledge of science, and this will save you from unnecessary running around the map.

It's much easier to fight monsters when they don't have the power to
If you can grab us by the leg, you can shoot an entire flock of geckos from this hill.

The next most popular are the science And breaking. The sooner we start investing points in them, the fewer secrets will remain undiscovered. If at first they are of little use, then closer to the middle of the game, locked doors and password-protected terminals will be encountered at every turn, especially when exploring secret shelters and scientific complexes. Science can make solving some quests easier - for example, by telling your interlocutor the right recipe for his invention.

These two skills should be intensively developed when reaching levels 13-15; it is at this time that the hero’s path will begin to come across many castles of “medium” difficulty. But in the beginning, you can still get by with magazines; fortunately, there is a lot of scientific literature scattered across the Mojave.

A less important but still useful skill is repair. Determines how long we will carry equipment and shoot guns before it all turns into unnecessary junk. But first of all, repairs are needed to solve plot problems - block a secret door, repair an elevator, repair the ED-E robot without the help of parts. I recommend developing repairs to at least 50 - at initial stages it is not relevant, but is needed only when we get our hands on unique weapons and powerful armor in order to keep them useful for as long as possible.

Probably the most useless skill in the game secrecy. Responsible for how successfully we will rob neutral and friendly NPCs. Considering that the developers don’t indulge in stealth tasks, and theft has a negative impact on karma, is it worth it?

We collect souvenirs

In “New Vegas” you can not only search for books that improve your skills, but also collect souvenir “snow globes”. There are seven such balls, and collecting them threatens us with great benefit.

Residents of the Mojave do not need souvenir balls - collecting them will not be considered theft.

The collected balls are placed in the presidential suite of the Lucky 38 casino, on a special pedestal, and Mr. House's friend, Jane, puts them there. She can be found opposite the elevator, in a huge room with monitors, and you can bring her trophies at any time.

For each ball, Jane gives out 2000 caps (this is the easiest way to earn money in the game). These items cannot be thrown out of the backpack (they are considered quest items), and if you kill Jane or House, there will be no one to receive the reward and the “snow globes” will remain in our inventory forever.

    Goodsprings. The ball lies in Goodsprings Cemetery, next to one of the gravestones.

    Mormon fort. In a square tower on the fort grounds. Go up the stairs and look at the rack.

    Nellis AFB. Lying on a table in the bomb museum. The easiest way to pick up the ball is during the mission “Into the Sky!”

    Polygon. The snow globe is located in the Lucky 38 casino itself, in the cocktail room, behind one of the cash registers.

    Strip. The souvenir is located in Vault Hotel 21, on a table near the bed in Sarah's room. You can get into the room by breaking the door or stealing a magnetic card from the owner of the establishment.

    Mount Charleston. In one of the buildings in Jacobstown, lying on the counter in the hotel.

    Hoover Dam. The toy is located in the first building, in the information center, on a counter in the very center of the hall.

Let's become special

In addition to skills and parameters, an important place in the game is occupied by peculiarities, or rather, their correct choice every second increase in combat level. When creating a character, we can choose up to two such abilities - however, the choice is not wide, and almost all of them are flawed (more action points, but the damage threshold is reduced, etc.). Except "Wild Wasteland"(in the game you can discover secret events and find unique things, but the collectible gauss gun becomes unavailable) and "Good soul"(a plus for peaceful skills, minus for combat skills - suitable for “diplomats”) I don’t advise you to pay attention to anything.

Now let’s determine which features need to be taken when leveling up. There are many of them, so we will describe only the most useful and those that look tempting, but only at first glance.

    Intense workout. Adds one point to any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Can be studied several times (up to ten). You can take it once, at the second level, until more appetizing skills are available.

    Convinced Bachelor and Wife Killer (Cherche la Femme and the Black Widow- for female characters). In battle with a character of the opposite sex, you deal +10% damage, and unique phrases may appear in dialogues - sometimes they help to impress NPCs (as an alternative to eloquence) and even make it easier to complete some quests.

    Educated(requirement: level 4; intelligence 4). Grants two additional skill points when gaining a new level. It’s not for nothing that the game advises taking this feature early - this is extremely necessary if we are going to make our ward a jack of all trades.

    Understanding(Level 4; Intelligence 4). We get a double skill boost when reading scientific journals (temporarily gaining +20 points instead of +10), as well as one additional point when using a study book (permanently adding 4 points instead of three). This is useful for book hunters, although not as important as the Educated ability.

    Durability(Level 6; Stamina 5). Increased defense, +3 to the overall damage threshold, can be selected a second time. Mojave is an unsafe place, and this feature will not be superfluous for anyone.

    Strong ridge(Level 8; Strength 5; Stamina 5). The capacity of our backpack increases by 50 units. It will be useful for those who regretted extra power points for their character, but do not forget that companions can also be used as “walking backpacks”.

    Here and now(10th level). Opportunity to immediately gain the next level. Suitable for fans of speed play; fans of more thoughtful games can do without it.

    Accuracy(10th level). Significantly increases the chance of dealing critical damage in battle (this is the same as with five additional luck points). Suitable for everyone - those who are used to solving problems by force, and even diplomats. After all, you will have to shoot a lot and often in the game.

    Long journeys(level 12; barter 70; stamina 6). Allows you to use fast movement even when you are overloaded. Perfect for those who like easy money - you can collect all the equipment on the battlefield, ignoring inventory capacity, and quickly move to any retail point on the global map.

    crazy hands(level 14; repair 90). To repair weapons and armor, you no longer need a similar sample; simply a similar thing will do as a repair material. Useful in the later stages of the game to repair unique or simply expensive equipment.

    Center of gravity(level 14; weapon 70). In V.A.T.S. mode we deal an additional 15% damage if we aim at the torso or torso. Useful feature for security forces, especially late in the game.

    Prize!(16th level). Allows you to choose a fourth prize skill, which allows you to immediately raise it by 15 points. Take it without hesitation.

    Researcher(level 20). An extremely dubious ability - displays all locations in the game. Its disadvantage is that on a global map, among a lot of points, it is sometimes very difficult to find the right place, especially if the task marker does not point to the area you need.

    Rad absorption(level 28; stamina 7). The level of radiation contamination will decrease on its own over time. A very convenient thing if you like to run around secret underground complexes, you don’t need to take the rest, since radiation is rare on the surface.

Features can be obtained not only for obtaining every second level, but also during the course of the game, for certain actions and completing quests. For example, Andy from Novak will teach you the ranger throw if you complete his small assignment, and if you kill the required amount of some kind of living creature, you will receive an increase in damage against this type of enemy.

Improving abilities

If you are not strong enough in some area of ​​activity, you can look for books that will allow you to increase your skills by three to four units. There are four books scattered across Mojave for each of the thirteen skills, which in total allows you to raise each of them by 12 units, and with the “Comprehension” feature – by 16.

All books (as well as magazines) should be looked for not in the bare steppe, but in locations, be it a cave, a shelter, a hut or an entire complex. They usually lie in visible places - tables, beds or bookshelves. To make your search easier, here are some tips:

Skill books are not difficult to find; Usually they lie where they belong - on tables, shelves and racks.

    “A merchant from Junktown. Stories"(Barter): Primm - Bison Steve Hotel; Vault 22; False roof shack; Allied Technologies offices.

    "Lies: A Primer for a Congressman"(Eloquence): NKR Correctional Facility; Tumbleweed Ranch; Freeside - Sirulien Robotics; Lucky Jim mine.

    "Guns and Bullets"(Weapons): Vault 34; Streep - "Gomorrah"; Nevada Highway Patrol Post; Raoul's hut.

    "Nikola Tesla and you"(Energy Weapons): Hidden Valley; Repconn headquarters - 1st floor; Repconn headquarters - 2nd floor; Old nuclear test site.

    “For cover! Get down!(Explosives): Mojave Outpost; Sloan; Foxtrot Ranger Station; Nellis AFB.

    « Fist fight in illustrations"(Unarmed): Nipton Road Stop; Fisherman's hut; Streep - "Tops"; Vault 11.

    "Groknar the Barbarian"(Melee Weapons): Cannibal Johnson's Cave; Secret Cave Warehouse; Cottonwood Cove; Jacobstown.

    "DC Journal of Therapeutics"(Medicine): Novak; HELIOS One; secret apartment of the Followers; crater in the Mesquite Mountains.

    "Science for everyone"(Science): Nipton - town hall; Repconn headquarters; Camp Forlorn Hope; brewery

    It is important: Another book can be obtained as a reward from Ignacio for the quest “Sun Flares” if you direct Archimedes’ energy to the entire region.

    "Modern Castles"(Hack): Wolfhorn Ranch; prospectors' lair; Bitter Springs Recreation Area; Silver Peak Mine.

    "Electronics Fixing"(Repair): Sloan; wind farm; Nellis AFB; Brotherhood of Steel bunker.

    "Wasteland Survival Guide"(Survival): Marauders Platform; camp in the Mesquite Mountains; Lone Wolf Radio Station; Matthew's livestock farm.

    "Combat Manual of Chinese Special Forces"(Stealth): Goodsprings; Vault 3; sharecroppers' farms; Camp Searchlight.

Hunting for achievements

Having moved to the Steam service, the game inherited it traditional system achievements. Among the fifty commemorative badges, there are both standard ones, which are obtained without fail upon complete completion of the game, and those that are achieved through considerable effort. Let's discuss them now.

A special place is occupied by achievements where you need to inflict 10,000 units of damage with a certain type of weapon. It’s not difficult to get medals for conventional and energy weapons - be sure to shower your enemies with plasma and lead, it’s harder with melee combat and explosives.

Bighorn sheep are ideal
new “targets” in order to increase the amount of
damage caused by explosives.

Fists by themselves are not effective anywhere, especially against monsters, so to get the “Fist Fighter” award, stock up on power or spiked brass knuckles. Surprisingly enough, Caesar’s legionnaires (as well as simple bandits, demolitionists and Devils) are suitable for the role of “punching bags”, thanks to their weak armor, but a sufficient amount of health. Also, melee attacks exhaust the enemy, and when you sweep him, he is practically incapable of combat.

The tactics are similar with melee weapons, but it’s better to fight monsters. Provoke the enemy flock to aggression and start running back, waving something heavy in front of you (rebar or a sledgehammer will do, or even better - the “Super Sledgehammer” of Tabitha, who lives on Mount Black) - if you don’t let the enemies get very close to you, so in this way you can beat everyone without harm to health.

The hardest thing to do is deal 10,000 damage with explosives. This can be done in several ways - throw dynamite or a grenade at a flock of bighorns (they have a lot of health, and they usually walk in dense packs), plant C4 explosives in a neutral camp of a potential enemy, and then blow it up - or use anti-personnel mines, planting them in narrow passages , and then luring opponents to this area of ​​the terrain.

Restoring 10,000 units of health with food and stimulants is unlikely to be possible in one playthrough, since developing both medicine and survival at the same time is not justified - it is better to focus on one thing. Another difficult task is to pick fifty pockets, because this is fraught with the loss of karma. Try to steal from enemies or those with whom you do not intend to be friends, and to avoid being caught doing this, use a “stealth boy”.

We are looking for unique guns

In any role-playing game there is a place for several unique weapons and uniforms. But in New Vegas weapons Very a lot of. To collect a good collection of exclusive guns, you will need a lot of time and the habit of looking into the pockets of each story NPC, but tips will make the task easier.

Without weapons:

    Golden Gloves (Lucky 38 strip casino): in the VIP box, behind the bar.

    Brass knuckles "Retribution of the Fallen" (Cottonwood Cove): in Aurelius and Phoenix's office, in the desk.

    Brass knuckles "Love and Hate" (Bonnie Springs): from the leader of the Vipers gang.

    "Nakhrap" Glove (Ruby Hill Mine): On the corpse of a Jackal gang member.

    Opener Cutting Glove (Camp McCarran): Little Brat has it.

    On a note: You can get the glove only by killing its owner, but this is difficult to do at the airport in McCarran. Better complete the quests related to eliminating the Devils, and you will find Brat in Freeside, near the Mormon Fort, on the railway strip, already dead.

    Paladin Toaster Glove (Black Rock Cave): On the corpse of a prospector.


    Annabelle Grenade Launcher (Mount Black): On Shadow's corpse.

    Grenade launcher (40 mm) “Boom-boom” ( solar panels AB Nellis): you can get into the complex only through the quest “Bad Ants”.

    Grenade launcher (40 mm) “Mercy” (Ded-Wind Cave): guarded by the legendary Death Claw.

    Holy hand grenade (5 pcs.) (Camp Searchlight): in the broken church, in the basement (3 pcs.); the remaining two can be found in random order from NKR soldiers (all grenades are available only if you have the “Wild Wasteland” feature).


    Vermint rifle "Rat Slayer" (Brock Cave): in the northeastern part of the cave, on the table.

    Long Carbine (Camp McCarran): Carried by Corporal Sterling of the NKR 1st Recon Battalion.

    It is important: If you kill the Chief Chief during the quest "Headhunter", the entire recon battalion will be transferred to the Forlorn Hope camp, along with a corporal and a unique cannon.

    Marksman's Carbine "All-American" (Vault 34): in the armory, near the overturned table.

    Minigun CZ57 "Avenger" (Devil's Throat): in the back of a truck, in the center of the abyss.

    Rex and Cass are an excellent tandem for fast-paced and deadly battles.

    Sawed-off "Big Boom" (Junkyard Gibson): in the garage, at Mommy Gibson's.

    Hunting Shotgun "Dinner Bell" (Thorne, New Vegas): reward for the quest "Take It All" from Red Lucy.

    Pistol "Maria" (Strip Tops): Benny's.

    Vance's submachine gun (Vince's cache - not far from the H&H Tools plant): in the safe (you can get it with a hacking skill of 100 or with eloquence 55, convince the owners to part with it themselves).

    Revolver "Lucky" (Primm - Bison Steve Hotel): in the floor safe of the "hard" level (requires lockpicking skill 75).

    Revolver "The One" (Novak): sold in the Dinosaur Gift Shop.

    Machine Gun (Camp McCarran): Rewarded for hacking the computer in the warehouse and turning Contreras over to Lieutenant Boyd.

    Gobi Company Scout Sniper Rifle (sniper position - near Cottonwood Cove): in the locker (lockpicking skill 100 required to open).

    Mysterious Magnum (Eldorado Dry Lake): from Lonesome Drifter (with barter 50+ the sample can be obtained peacefully).

    Exclusive air gun "Abilene's Child" (Fields' cabin). On a shelf, near the wall.

On a note: If the Wild Wasteland trait is taken, the weapon will be located in Jimmy's Well. After leaving the hut, Rex (if only he is your companion at this moment) will howl, and in a conversation with him you need to ask if anyone has fallen into the well. After this, the location with the weapon will be displayed on our map.

Steel arms:

    Two-handed hammer "Baby!" (Charleston Cave): in the lair of the night hunters.

    “Driver - Nephi’s Stick” (south of Vault 3): from the leader of the Devils Driver Nephi.

    Pipe Piece "Simple Club" (Sealed Sewer): Removed from the prospector's corpse.

    On a note: You can get to this location through the Central Sewer through a hatch near the entrance to Camp McCarran. The key to the locked sewer is held by "Blind" Luke.

    Liberator Machete (Nelson): in the barracks, near the Dead Sea.

    Chance's Knife (on the hill, near the Tribe location): in Chance's grave.

    Straight razor "Figaro" (Freeside): at the school of the King's doubles, at the hairdresser Sergio.

    Cleaver "Chopper" (Wulfhorn Ranch): on the farm.

    Knock Knock Ax (Camp Searchlight): In the fire station, on the second floor.

Energy weapons:

    “Euclidean Algorithm” (Freeside): the boy Max is running after the girl Stacy.

    Alien blaster (north of the Horowitz farm): from the Alien captain (only during the “Wild Wasteland”).

    Gauss rifle YCS/186 (north of the Horowitz farm): one of the mercenaries (not available if you have the “Wild Wasteland” skill)

    Laser rifle Prototype AER14 (Vault 22): in common areas, in the recreation area.

    Laser pistol"Pew-Pew" (Sunset Sasparilla Headquarters): given as a reward for the quests "Legend of the Star" and "A Priceless Lesson", for collecting fifty star caps.

    Plasma rifle Q-35 Modulator (Repconn HQ): On the ground floor, behind the door opened with Keycard, Science (100) or Hack (100).

    Tesla Biton Prototype (Vortibird Crash Site): Guarded by golden geckos.

There is a way to get your hands on some unique specimens without killing their owners. To do this, first provoke the aggression of this NPC (shoot from a weak weapon so as not to kill), and when the character is armed with the gun you need, switch to V.A.T.S mode. and fire one successful shot at right hand, so that the opponent drops the weapon. Now we quickly hide our gun behind our back - your hands are empty, and so are the NPCs, there are no more reasons for aggression. All we have to do is pick up the unique cannon and go home.

Already waiting for you:

— stories about the most unusual and confusing plot and additional quests;

— a story about the win-win tactics of playing “caravan”;

- ten of the most dangerous enemies in the game and the most effective ways their elimination.

Fallout: New Vegas is the penultimate installment in the RPG game series, which is beloved by the gaming community. Complete freedom of action, variety of quests, different options for leveling up your character and a living world encourage you to return to this RPG again and again. Some players play New Vegas repeatedly for different factions, some simply travel through locations, while others constantly try new builds. Fallout: New Vegas does not limit your choice of abilities and weapons in any way. You can upgrade your energy weapons and heavy armor, becoming a full-fledged “tank,” or become a peace-loving diplomat with the skill of eloquence, and leave the combat part of the game to your partners. There are hundreds of options, so you can spend many evenings and nights in Fallout.

A little about the game

Fallout New Vegas has become a truly cult game and was warmly received by the public. The Russian-speaking community, despite the English dubbing of Fallout: New Vegas, still loves and remembers this project. Most of the leveling and build guides are compiled by the players themselves, so in addition to those presented in the article, you can find many more character options on the Internet for every taste.

Game mechanics

Before disassembling builds in Fallout: New Vegas, you need to understand a little about the mechanics of the game. A set of skills is responsible for the main characteristics of the character - strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck. At the beginning of the passage you are given 40 points, which must be distributed among all parameters.

The second thing you should pay attention to is abilities. As you increase each level, you get the right to choose 1 or 2 abilities that increase a particular skill or provide interesting “passives”. Using cheats in Fallout: New Vegas, you can try to upgrade them all to decide which ones are more profitable to use during normal playthroughs. But we recommend that you read the description of each ability in the guide, since their choice differs depending on the chosen build.

The third important aspect is skills. Each of them is responsible for one or another area of ​​gameplay. For example, the Stealth skill allows you to sneak past enemies unnoticed, and the Speech skill increases your chances of chatting up your interlocutor or convincing him of something.

Build selection

Fallout: New Vegas offers many development paths. You can choose one of the standard builds, with which completing story missions will become much easier even at high difficulty levels. This leveling is recommended for beginners and those who play only for the sake of the plot and dialogues.

The second option is to choose one of the "exotic builds". Standard upgrades are based on one of the weapon skills + additional ones (science, repair, etc.), because of this, your character becomes a master in one area, which allows him to quickly deal with enemies. But no one forbids a player to mix builds. For example, you can create a diplomat who breaks down doors to secret places, and then, instead of killing the guards, tries to set them up for a peaceful resolution of the issue. All builds in Fallout New Vegas imply a certain selection of abilities, skills, armor and weapons. Let's look at a few of the most popular options that may be useful to a player on his first or second playthrough.


A build recommended for most players who are just starting to get acquainted with New Vegas. All combat will be carried out using stealth and VATS. It is better not to engage in open combat with enemies, since light armor is unlikely to help the character. Fallout: New Vegas allows you to get a good sniper rifle almost at the very beginning of the game - this is another plus for the build. If you are looking for difficulty and challenge, then we recommend that you avoid upgrading your sniper. Let's start with the distribution of SPECIAL points.

At the beginning of the game you must distribute the points in the following way: strength - 4, perception - 7, endurance - 1, charisma - 1, intelligence - 10, agility - 10, luck - 7. You need to take the “Reinforced Spine” perk to get two additional strength points. With strength 8 you will be able to carry a heavy sniper rifle.

Among the skills it is worth highlighting “Weapon”, “Repair” and “Stealth”. They must be selected at the very beginning when creating a character. In the future, as secondary skills, we will pump up science and barter to 70 points, and survival to 45. Among the features, you will definitely need “Kamikaze” (adds 10 action points), “Four Eyes” (adds “Perception” when wearing glasses).

Equipment for a sniper

Now let's look at what equipment Fallout: New Vegas has to offer for a sniper. The “Cloak of Ulysses” armor is perfect for our build, since it adds 5% critical damage per shot. Remember that you should only wear light armor to receive the speed bonus from perks. An alternative armor option is the Soldier's Luck courier cloak, which adds one point of strength and gives 15 action points.

The sniper build in Fallout: New Vegas, of course, involves shooting from a sniper rifle from a long distance. The main weapon will be a large-caliber rifle and sniper rifle with muffler. In case you get into close combat with enemies (and this cannot be avoided 100%), then a police shotgun will come to your aid, which you should always keep at hand. Additional equipment includes "Lucky Sunglasses", which can be obtained for a positive reputation with the Legion.

Thus, at the end of the game you will get a fighter who can kill almost all enemies with one shot from a long distance. Considering that the game has auto leveling (increasing the enemy's level in proportion to the character's level), then the ability to kill monsters and raiders without loss is very valuable.


The entire Fallout: New Vegas is imbued with the theme of the Wild West and cowboys. Therefore, some players try to act out the behavior model of a real cowboy. If you remember all the films in this setting, you can understand that all cowboys usually use revolvers as their main weapon. Accordingly, in this leveling there will be an emphasis on everything related to light one-handed weapons, critical damage and a little melee. Such builds include those in which preference is given to abilities on light weapons, melee and critical damage. There are no exact figures for the distribution of SPECIAL points: you need to pump in 10 agility and 10 luck, and “scatter” the remaining points as you wish. The essence of the build is based on the use of perks.

Among the weapons in the initial stage of the game, I would like to highlight “The Same One”. This pistol can be obtained after several story quests, and it can be repaired with weaker weapons. At the same time, “The One” has good characteristics.

Don't forget about items that will add critical damage chance and light armor. As you can see, this build is very similar to the sniper with a couple of differences. Firstly, you won't be able to kill enemies at very long range. Secondly, your hero does not need 8 strength points to carry a heavy rifle. The cowboy build in Fallout: New Vegas is suitable for those who love the theme of the Wild West. You have to use pistols, of which there are quite a lot in the game. However, do not forget about close combat, since some enemies will have time to run up close to you. To minimize risks, do not skimp on upgrading your Stealth skill.

Build through energy weapons

Fans of the first two Fallout parts were dissatisfied with the power of energy weapons in the third part and New Vegas. If in the original games energy weapons were considered one of the most powerful and helped to complete the game, then in the continuation of the series its importance decreased significantly.

Let us note right away that if you want to play through the build for energy weapons in Fallout: New Vegas, then get ready to spend caps on repairing equipment and purchasing ammunition. This weapon is the most expensive to maintain, which is why it is extremely unprofitable at the initial stage of the game. When you reach the casino and can get rich with luck 10, you will allow yourself endless ammo. There are several energy cannons in the game that do not require replenishment of ammunition - they shoot a plasma beam and recharge over time.

The main skills in this build are “Energy Weapons” and “Science”. The first is for accurate shooting, and the second is for repair and self-creation ammunition. Also, a flamethrower and similar types of weapons are classified as energy weapons.

Although in Russian Fallout: New Vegas you only have to read and not listen to the voice acting, many players like to level up spoken characters. The gameplay for them is radically different from all previous builds.


Leveling up the diplomat build in Fallout: New Vegas is significantly different from all previous ones. “Peaceful” skills come to the fore. This upgrade is recommended for those who have already completed the game and know in which dialogues you can solve the problem peacefully, and where you cannot do without weapons. Also, some decisions and beliefs are made depending on the level of a particular skill. Therefore, it will be much more difficult for a beginner alone; do not forget to take a partner with you who will help you resolve combat issues.

So, the main parameters are “Eloquence” and “Barter”. When distributing, don’t forget to pump up “Charisma”. It is worth giving one main skill slot to one of the weapons so as not to remain completely helpless without a partner. Next, it is recommended to upgrade passive skills that will help you in passing - repair, science, medicine, etc.

It’s worth noting right away that you won’t be able to play a character without a single kill - you’ll still have to get rid of monsters and some quest NPCs. You can delegate this task to a partner, and personally participate only in negotiations and trade.


The stealthy character is the most difficult to play, but this will not stop fans of stealth games. This class is based, of course, on stealth movement, hacking, critical damage and melee attacks. You can combine the ninja build in Fallout: New Vegas with regular melee and combine it with light weapons. In such a situation, you will have a truly “universal fighter.” At the beginning, we focus on the following SPECIAL points: agility, intelligence, perception and luck. High level luck will greatly affect the chance of a critical backstab from stealth. Perception will also help: it increases the range of enemies on the radar, which gives the player a tactical advantage, which is important for ninjas.

The main skills are melee weapons, stealth, hacking and science. Once you have 100 stealth points, you will be able to sneak past most enemies. Remember that this class is capable of inflicting huge damage only in in the right hands. In open combat, most likely, they won’t even feel you - the damage from melee weapons is too small. Another disadvantage is that it does not combine well with computer partners, since you will have to constantly give instructions (stay in place, duck, etc.). Without control, your allies will automatically engage in combat, which immediately destroys the concept of stealth.


This build is suitable for beginners, just like the sniper. The difference is that you don't have to hide over long distances. The main parameters for a stormtrooper are strength, endurance, intelligence and luck. The first two parameters of SPECIAL are obvious: you get the ability to take more equipment, carry heavy weapons, and stamina increases the number of health points. The character becomes a kind of “tank”. Intelligence is useful for increasing the Medicine skill. This way you can restore more health points through healing. Useful skills also include weapons, repairs, and explosives. If you like to fight in close combat, you can add melee weapons to the list.

If you are playing through the game for the first time, we advise you not to try to get all the skills and weapons at once. In New Vegas you can level your character up to level 50. During this time you will gain so many skills that you will feel good with almost any weapon. Improve those skills and abilities that suit your style of combat and play.

For the strongest players

Have you completed Fallout: New Vegas many times and tried all the builds that you think work? Then a random selection of parameters and skills will add fun to the next playthrough. Try to create a strong hero, where points are distributed randomly and you get random perks per level.

To make things even more challenging, you can add a random selection of weapons and armor. Also, variety will be added by mods that add new skills and abilities. With them you can take more partners with you, get rid of your character’s hangover and much more. With such changes, completely new builds may appear that cannot be used in the original game.


So, we looked at the current builds of Fallout: New Vegas. You can make your own adjustments, change the distribution of points at your discretion, and so on. Because of this this game is popular with hundreds of thousands of fans. The developers limit freedom of action only within the game map. Otherwise you can do whatever you want. The same applies to the choice of weapons, leveling, etc.

It is worth remembering that incorrect distribution of points and abilities can lead to the fact that at some points you will not be able to pass a conversation check or hack a complex computer. However, the creators have thought through everything: each problem has several solutions. The only thing you risk with arbitrary, thoughtless leveling is getting an incapable hero. Therefore, you can use Fallout New Vegas cheats to try different builds and abilities and choose the one that best suits your playstyle. All the described classes work in the original version of the game without add-ons or mods to change the balance.

Strength 7 (+3)**
Perception 5 (+1)*
Stamina 7 (+1)*
Charisma 1
Intelligence 6 (+1)*
Agility 5 (+2)!
Luck 9 (+1)*

** - implant, power armor,training.
* - implant.
! - implant, trait.

With strength, everything is clear - for melee it is No. 1, all damage is based on this parameter.

Since we are focused on crits, we should not underestimate the importance of perception - the perk “Critical Damage” (+50% to critical damage, VSP requirement = 6) is a primary task for us. We will have the opportunity to acquire it only at level 16, but by this time I strongly advise you to purchase a perception implant.

Endurance is, of course, important for us, but we are primarily focused on damage, so only 7. Let me remind you that our choice of implants is all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (except charisma) and “Steel Skin” (“Regeneration” is of no use to us).

Charisma is useless to us. Period:)

Since we don’t need a lot of skills, intelligence will do just fine at 5. However, I advise you to purchase the first implant “brain” :)

Action points are, of course, good, but with V.A.T.S. we will only neutralize the enemy (the “Super Strike” perk will help us with this), and we will finish off in “normal” mode. Therefore, agility is 5.

Luck is the most important parameter for us, it gives 1% crit for each skill point - which is not bad at all. It will also help us get rich :)

So, now that we’ve sorted out the parameters, let’s move on to the skills (tentatively):
1. Stealth, Melee weapons, Without weapons ~100.
2.Survival, Speech, Science ~75
3. Medicine, Repair, Hacking ~50
4. Other skills 10-25

Traits - I advise you to take “Wild Wasteland” (you will see a lot of interesting things :) and “Nimble” (+1 to agility for the “Quick Strike” perk, increased damage to limbs, but we’re stealth, right?:)

Perks, Armor and Weapons

Perks (not counting implants, traits, etc.):

Silent running
Fighter for purity
Quick Strike
Intense workout
Stone wall
Critical Damage
Blood bath
Irresistible force
Penetrating Strike


Despite the small stealth orientation, we must be good in open combat, so for these purposes the T-51b power armor is suitable for us, and even better - the Remainers power armor.
At first, any medium or heavy one is suitable, the main thing is with good protection (PU, DT).


At the beginning, you can use any brass knuckles and melee weapons with good damage, later it’s worth getting hold of three copies:
1.Ballistic fist.
According to personal observations, the most powerful weapon when attacking with stealth.
As a level 30 character, when tested on Legion fighters (yes, they mostly have light and medium armor, but still), he gave impressive results - 9 hits covered 10,000 damage :)
Also, with the help of this murder weapon, the entire Jacobstown was mowed down without any treatment / restoration of health.

It is worth clarifying that this weapon is necessary against all mutants with a “dash” attack, starting from ordinary geckos and ending with cazadors and death claws.
Since this weapon has a higher attack range (and the “Knock-Knock” has a higher attack speed) and no less high damage, we have before us an almost ideal option for clearing wastelands :)

The general rule for everyone is that the most effective is a regular high-speed attack; with the “Super Strike” perk, it is guaranteed to knock anyone down after 1-4 hits. Then, when the enemy is on the ground, you can use a power attack.

Playing style:

The most beneficial thing is the following - choosing the right weapon (I repeat, for those who have a “dash” attack - choose one with a high range (axes, swords, sledgehammers), for the rest - with a low range (brass knuckles, knives)), approaching the enemy in stealth ( fortunately, our skills and perks allow us to do this with excellent efficiency), attack (and most often - murder:) the strongest, in your opinion, opponent and open battle with the remaining company. In principle, there is nothing new here.
Against everyone, with the exception of packs of cazadors and groups of death claws, this works with a bang. Because our chance of crit is 30% (Ninja (15%), Accuracy (5%), Basic luck (10%), and the critical damage itself due to perks increases by 50% (“Critical Damage”) and by 75% when attacking in stealth (“Critical Damage”, “Ninja”) (+ with a hidden attack, critical damage is multiplied by 2 times).

Suitable against cazadors and deathclaws (if there are many of them):
We take "Knock-Knock", or any other fast weapon with a good range. And swing it more intensely :)
The main thing is to constantly maneuver.
Without treatment and chemicals, an average of 4 regular deathclaws and 4 young ones are killed.
With stimpaks, poisons and something like a slasher, 6-8 are killed, but here it’s a matter of chance - if you are attacked by 3-4 claws at the same time, you won’t live;)