Relay running: technique, types and standards. Odinokova A.O. Methods of teaching relay running technique Rules and nuances

Many who have been to track and field competitions cannot wait for the relay races. Usually it is appointed on the last day of the competition or the final event of the program. This is the most interesting competition that is worth coming and watching. Usually all the stands roar during the relay.

You can see the enormous tension of the entire coaching staff and fans. The relay raises team spirit and unites the team that runs it. If you have ever run a relay race at least once in your life, even in physical education classes, then you remember this feeling of adrenaline and exciting emotions. Athletes need to remain calm and composed throughout their entire stage.

What types of relay races are there?

The main relay disciplines are 4x100 meters and 4x400 meters, these are the usual distances at all competitions. At amateur competitions, the organizers themselves can decide which type of relay to choose; it can be 4x60 meters, or there can be stages of 4x800 meters.

There is also a type of relay race called Swedish. It consists in the fact that participants go through stages of different lengths. Usually the distances decrease. There is such a relay called “Swedish”, it consists of such stages as 800+400+200+100 meters.

Many city residents have seen street relay races, which are usually timed to coincide with some holiday. For example, the famous May relay race, held in honor of "May 9". At such competitions, the distances depend on the length of the streets and the creativity of the organizers.

What are the rules of relay running?

The main moment in the relay race is the passing of the baton. If suddenly an athlete loses it, he must pick up the stick and pass it to the next runner. The wand transfer zone is 20 meters. It is usually highlighted with white lines. Competing people can start accelerating 10 meters before this corridor.

At official 4 x 100 meter relay competitions, competitors must run strictly in their own lanes. In the 4 x 400 meter discipline, you need to stick to your lane only for the first lap and 100 meters (the first turn) of the second stage of the relay.

Strict rules must be followed:

  1. You cannot cross into someone else’s lane; if you do not, the entire team is disqualified;
  2. Athletes should never help each other. For example, if the receiving person’s stick falls, then only he can pick it up;
  3. An athlete who has already run the distance cannot leave his lane until everyone else is free.

Relay running technique

Coaches begin to teach relay participants from the basics, i.e., with the technique of passing the baton. There are two options:

  1. During the distance, the athlete can transfer the stick to the hand that is more convenient for him;
  2. The wand remains in the hand in which it was handed over. Typically this type is used in short relay races so as not to lose precious fractions of seconds.

Athletes also need to clearly know the place from which they need to start accelerating. More than one training session takes place to clearly work out this moment.

During the distance, the athlete of the first stage extends his hand already in the middle, and with the help of his voice warns the next one about passing the stick. The other athlete should have his arms back and the position of the hand should be kept like this: the thumb is directed towards the hip, and the whole hand is down. Then the first one will be able to put the wand into the second one’s hand without any problems.

Athletes must also take into account a very important point: transmission speed. It must be kept approximately equal for both transmitters in the baton transmission zone.

It is important for the coach to select the right relay participants. The following points need to be taken into account:

  1. Personal records at this particular distance;
  2. Proper coordination of all runners;
  3. Performing perfect technique when passing the baton;
  4. Team spirit of all participants.

When all athletes feel what a huge responsibility they have, and each one tries to help the other, only then do victories come.

Video: Relay running technique

Relay running is considered one of the most exciting and spectacular disciplines in the athletics competition program. Athletes here represent not only themselves, but also defend the honor of their team, which encourages them to give their best with redoubled effort.


Relay running is the only team event in athletics. The essence is that the total distance, divided into stages, is alternately passed by athletes of one team, passing the relay symbol to each other. In biathlon or swimming, the turn is passed symbolically, by physically touching each other or touching the side, so the process of moving from stage to stage is formal.

In running, track and field athletes cover the distance with a relay baton in their hands, the process of passing it on to the next participant is surrounded by a number of rules and restrictions, which brings the perfection of team actions to the fore. The relay rules are quite strict and punish the slightest violation.

Athletes carefully practice the moment of passing the baton during training, which allows them to neutralize the speed advantage of runners from different teams.

A little history

Relay race competitions began to be held in the nineteenth century. Given the great popularity of this discipline among the public, this discipline was included in the program of the 1908 Olympic Games. True, among the types of relay running, one of the most exotic for the modern viewer was presented. The runners competed in the so-called Swedish relay. It was divided into uneven sections and looked like this: 100-200-400-800 m.

In other words, athletes representing a wide range of running disciplines took part in the competition - from ultra-short to medium.

Due to the great popularity of sprint distances, the most popular type of relay race has become the 4x100 m discipline, which has taken its place in the Olympic program. Soon specialist competitions in the long sprint - 4x400 m - were added to it. The exotic Swedish relay race turned out to be unnecessary and lost its status as an Olympic discipline.


The program of the largest athletics competitions, which include the Olympic Games, World Championships, and Continental Championships, includes only two types of relay distances - 4x100 m and 4x400 m. The remaining types no longer fit into the busy competition schedule and are tiring for athletes.

In addition, the World Athletics Federation records records in the disciplines 4x200 m, 4x800 m, 4x1500 m. Professionals also have their own relay race - 4x110 m hurdles, but this discipline is not particularly popular and is practically not included in the program of major tournaments.

One of the trends in today's big sport is the promotion of mixed sports, where men and women compete on the same team. This fashion has also affected athletics; at various tournaments they are actively trying to hold mixed relay races 4x100 and 4x400 m, there is talk about including these events in the Olympic Games.


There are completely unusual types of relay running. These include disciplines with uneven segments. The Swedish relay race consists of ascending or descending segments of 100-200-400-800 m.

Due to the popularity of cross-country running, team competitions in cross-country and highway running are being actively introduced. Athletes run 3 or 5 kilometers, which turns the competition into a long tactical struggle.

Fans of ultra-long distances have watched dynamic sprint competitions with envy for many years and decided to create their own relay race. These competitions are especially popular among the Japanese, one of the trendsetters in the marathon. This relay race is called equidence and is held at the classic marathon distance of 42,195 m.

The ultra-long section is divided into six runners, with the length of the sections alternating with each leg of the relay race. The role of the baton here is played by a special ribbon that is hung over the shoulder.


Smooth running is not a particularly fancy sport, so most of the rules relate to the moment of passing the baton. The size of the stick is regulated, the length of which is in the range of 28-30 cm, diameter - 4-5 cm, weight does not exceed 150 grams. The color scheme is yellow, red, orange, in general, the stick should be visible to the judges from afar.

The transfer of the baton takes place in a special corridor, the length of which is limited to 20 meters. The athlete taking the next stage has the right to start accelerating ten meters before the start of his segment in order to gain speed. All athletes start from a low start. They even regulate the order of alternating hands, according to which the stick can only be passed from the right hand to the left and vice versa.

The stick must be passed from hand to hand; it is forbidden to throw it or roll it over to your partner. Athletes do not have the right to interfere with each other or run into adjacent tracks, otherwise disqualification may follow.

If an athlete drops a stick, he can pick it up and continue running, although the chances of a decent result are close to zero. If another participant takes the dropped stick, the team will be disqualified.

It is prohibited to use any means to improve the adhesion of the palm to the stick - bandages, gloves, glue. This clause was introduced after an incident at the Olympics, where participants of one of the teams generously treated their hands with an adhesive substance to pass the baton faster.


Relay races are very popular among spectators because of their dynamism, so they are usually held in the last days of the competition. Particular prestige is given to victories in the relay race by the fact that a team of the strongest runners in a particular distance is identified.

The results of the relay competitions allow us to judge quite objectively the development of running in the country as a whole. At the men's 4x100m distance there has long been an epic battle between the US and Jamaican teams, with British athletes sometimes intervening. However, the presence of Usain Bolt in the Jamaican team for the last ten years has made the islanders' advantage undeniable, they won every major tournament until his recent retirement from the sport.

Relay running, the distances of which are tailored for sprinters, is one of the most exciting sports competitions, attracting millions of television viewers.

Lesson topic: Relay race. Passing the baton.

The purpose of the lesson: Teach relay running and passing the baton

Lesson objectives:

1) Educational:

Training in relay running and baton passing techniques;

2) Educational:

Instill interest in physical education and sports;

3) Wellness:

- Development of speed abilities of those involved.

Location: sports ground ChPK No. 1

Equipment: whistle, stopwatch, cones, relay batons





for 1st year students

Representatives: Vildanova Milana,

Batus Tatiana (49 group)

Methodist: Melikhov Vasily Alexandrovich

Lesson topic: Relay race. Passing the baton.

The purpose of the lesson: Teach relay running and passing the baton

Lesson objectives:

1) Educational:

Training in relay running and baton passing techniques;

2) Educational:

Instill interest in physical education and sports;

3) Wellness:

- Development of speed abilities of those involved.

Location:sports ground ChPK No. 1

Equipment: whistle, stopwatch, cones, relay batons

The date of the: 10/02/2018





Preparatory part

(20 minutes)

Construction. Greetings.

1 min

“Group, stand in one line!” "Be equal!"



“At ease!”

“My name is Milana Dzhamilievna!”

The topic of our lesson: Relay race. Passing the baton.

Posture exercises:

3 min

"Right! One, Two!

“Detour around to the left, march!”

Distance 2 steps.

  1. “Hands up, on your toes, march!”

1 time

The back is straight, looking forward, palms facing each other.

  1. “Hands behind your head, on your heels, march!”

1 time

  1. “Hands on your waist, roll from heel to toe, march!”

1 time

Back straight, look forward.

  1. “Hands on your belt, in a half-squat, march!”

1 time

Back straight, look forward.

  1. “Hands on your belt, in a full squat, march!”

1 time

Back straight, look forward.

“No assignment!”


3 laps

5 minutes

Tell students that after running around the stadium we will gather near the teacher inside the cones.

“Run around the stadium for 3 laps, march!” the pace is average.

Students return to the cones and continue walking, saying if necessary:

“Step, march!”

Gymnastics Strelnikova. Breathing exercise:

1) Palms

3 reps

Now we will restore breathing using Strelnikova’s gymnastics:

Palms away from you, at head level. Rhythmic clench and unclench of fingers, with sharp breaths. 8 repetitions with breaks of 4-5 seconds.

“The guide is in place!”, “Left, left! One, two, three!”, “Stop! One, two!”, “To the left – one, two!”.

“Group, 1,2,3, settle up!”,

“1 – on the spot, 2 – three steps, 3 – six steps forward, step, march!”

Outdoor switchgear on site:

6 min

1) Head turns

1 – head turns to the right;

2 – I.p.;

3 – turn left;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

2) Head tilts

I.p. - Same

1 – forward;

2 – left;

3 – to the right;

4 – forward

8 reps

The movements are not sudden, the back is straight.

3) Hand jerks

I.p. – legs apart, right up, left down

1 – 2 – left up, right down;

3 – 4 – right up, left down.

8 reps

The back is straight. Arms straight. Look ahead.

4) I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands in front of chest

1 – turn left;

2 – I.p.;

3 – the same to the right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. Look ahead. When turning your body, your arms are spread to the sides.

5) Different circular rotations with hands

10 times – right forward, left backward;

10 times - left forward, right backward.

20 reps

Do not bend your elbows. Look ahead. The range of motion is full.

6) Torso turns

I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands on waist

1 – left;

2 – I.p.;

3 - right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

Keep your back straight. Look ahead.

7) Side bends of the torso

1 – left;

2 – I.p.;

3 – to the right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. Look ahead. When bending, bring the opposite arm above your head.

8) I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands on waist

1 – tilt to the right;

2 – to the middle;

3 – to the left;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. When bending over, reach down with your hands and keep your legs straight.

9) I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands in front of chest

1 – 2 – lunge with torso turning to the right;
3 – 4 – the same to the left

8 reps

The back is straight. Look ahead.

10) Leg swings

I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms forward

1 – right to left;

2 – I.p.;

3 – left to right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. Arms straight in front of you. The legs are straight when swinging.

11) Circular rotations in the knee joint

I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands on waist

10 rotations – right

10 rotations – left

20 reps

12) Circular rotations in the ankle joint

I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands on waist

10 rotations – right

10 rotations – left

20 reps

Carry out at your own expense. Keep your back straight. Look ahead.


1 min

“All around!”

“Step to your places, march!”
“All around!” - to turn students to face the teacher.

“Follow me, march!” - to get on the treadmill.

Line up one behind the other for special running exercises:
“In one column, stand!”

Special running exercises (SBU):

5 minutes

Running with shin choking;

2 times

Combine with relaxation of non-working muscles. Touch your buttocks with your heels. The arms work as if they were running. The torso is tilted forward.

Running with straight legs forward;

2 times

Work on the forefoot.


2 times

Hands work as in running, landing on two feet. Pull the knee of the swing leg as high as possible. The pushing leg is straightened at the knee.

Running with high hip lift;

2 times

Raise your knee to an angle of 90 degrees. Land on your toes. The foot of the swing leg pulls towards itself. The torso is tilted forward. The arms work as if they were running.

Running backwards

2 times

Moving forward with minimal bending of the leg at the knee joint. The body is slightly tilted forward. Stretch your swing leg in the direction of movement. Putting your foot on your toes. Arms and shoulders are relaxed, working as if running.


“In one line, stand!” - we build inside the cones.

Main part

(60 min)

Relay race

15 minutes

Relay running is an athletics discipline in which results are achieved through team rather than individual efforts. Classic competitions are held exclusively at the stadium, but some relay variations can take place on the highway.


  • Official relay races for women and men: 4 x 100, 4 x 200, 4 x 400, 4 x 800 m;
  • Official relay for men – 4 x 1500 m;
  • Olympic relays for women and men: 4 x 100 m and 4 x 400 m;
  • “Swedish relay” - 800/400/200/100 m or 100/200/400/800 m;
  • Amateur and school relay races - the distance of the stages is chosen by the organizers independently.

Relay running technique:

The main task of runners is to correctly pass the baton at high speed. Sticks can be wooden or metal. Their length reaches 30 cm. In short-distance relay races, a stick may not be used. Runners of the 1st stage begin running from a low start, holding a stick in their right hand. Then they pass their baton from their right hand in the 20-meter zone to the next runner in their left hand, etc. There are several ways to pass a stick: with and without changing hands. The receiver can transfer the stick from one hand to the other, or he may not transfer it, and pass it to the next one with the same hand with which he took it. If a runner drops a stick, then he must pick it up with the hand in which it was before the fall. The relay is passed strictly in a designated area - from 10 m before the end of the 1st stage to 10 m at the beginning of the 2nd stage. Failure to comply with the rules may result in disqualification of the entire team.


3 min

Formation in 1 line on a football field.

“Stand in one line”

"Be equal!"


“Calculate for 1.2!”

“2 numbers 3 steps forward march!”


Lead-in exercises:

15 minutes

  1. Passing the baton from below in the column on the spot.

2 times

  1. Passing the relay baton in motion 20 m.

3) Relay “Pursuit Race”

2 times (top/bottom)

1 time

Students are divided into pairs. They all run at once. Don't run into the corridor. The corridor is 5 m before the start line and 5 m after the start line.

Try to accept the stick without turning back. At the transmitter’s signal, extend your hand to accept the baton, first accelerating.

The teams are lined up on opposite sides of the field. At the signal, the first numbers begin to run, trying to catch up with each other, then pass the baton to the next participant, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

100m relay race

Students are divided into 2 teams. Participants are divided into stages.

10 min

If a team loses a stick or runs out of the corridor, then it is removed from the race

Final part
(5 minutes)

Slow running

1 lap

3 min

Heart rate recovery

Construction, summing up

1 min

The teacher asks if you liked the relay race and which exercise caused the most difficulties.

Organizational care for college.

1 min

Relay race is considered one of the most spectacular. This type of competition is designed to unite the team and raise its sports spirit, while greatly increasing the adrenaline level of the runners. This is exactly how you can describe running with a relay baton.

What is relay running like?

Anyone who has managed to run a relay race at least once, for example, in physical education classes at school or even at important competitions, will remember the emotions you experienced all life. However, the emotional component in such races can be harmful, so everyone needs to know the method of relay running, as well as its technique. There are the following types of relay running:

  1. Traditional. This type of relay includes distances of 4x100 meters and 4x400 meters. They can be found at any official competitive tournaments. In addition, at amateur competitions or just small races, for example, at school, the distance can be significantly shortened, while setting completely different distances.
  2. Swedish. Another method, which is usually carried out on stadium tracks, is the Swedish relay race. The point of such a relay race is that you need to cover distances with different distances. Most often this distance decreases.
  3. Street. Today, so-called street relay races are increasingly being held. As a rule, they are held in conjunction with some important dates or names, holidays. What the stages will be or their distance should be taken into account by the organizers themselves, according to their idea and, of course, the calculation of the length of the city streets themselves.

How to run a relay race correctly

The entire focus of attention is focused directly on the baton itself.

At relay competitions, the athlete needs to pass it on to an athlete from his team who will run the next leg of the race. If the transmitter loses the stick, he must pick it up without leaving the track.

Stick transfer area in a relay race it is equal to 20 meters. It is limited by special white lines that run from the transverse side of the tracks. The runner who receives the stick has the right to start accelerating ten meters after this zone. During the 4x100 relay, which is one lap around the stadium, athletes must run exclusively within their lanes.

In the 4x400, track and field athletes only need to run the first lap and then the second leg of the relay. However, you cannot switch to other tracks. If such a violation is detected, the team may be completely disqualified.

In addition, by passing the baton, runners cannot provide any assistance or support to other athletes on their team. The athlete who finished the run at my stage, is obliged not to leave his path until others are free.

The transfer of the baton is carried out by taking it from the hands of one athlete to the hands of another. It is important that the team that has completed its distance will be considered the one that managed to carry the relay baton from the very beginning of the race to its finish, while excluding any violations of the rules of this competition.

Relay Technique Rules

Studying relay running technique should begin with the most basic rules, such as correct hand pass, another relay runner. Among the variations of this key action, there are various examples: if the athlete transfers the stick to the hand in which he is more comfortable, or if the stick remains in the hand with which it was originally accepted. The last option is most common in relay races, where athletes develop enough, and unnecessary manipulations with their hands can affect the decrease in pace and lead to the defeat of the entire team.

Passing the stick

In order to ensure that the transfer does not go beyond a certain track, the athlete needs to calculate with extreme accuracy the marks at which the start of the race took place. To practice these skills you will need several intensive training. The presence of a control mark acts as a guide for the second runner when he sees the first one approaching it.

When athletes reach the middle, they need to be within arm's length to make the pass. When will it be announced voice signal transmitting, the one who receives the wand must move the palm back so that it looks at the floor, and the thumb should be adjacent to the thigh. So the transmitter will independently transfer the stick to the hand of his partner.

The crossing of the corridor must be carried out at the same level of speed for both athletes, otherwise one will overtake the other, which will make it difficult to pass the baton. Also, the receiving athlete can run away from his partner when he finds himself behind the limit line.

Qualities of athletes

At the same time, an important aspect remains with the coach - the selection of good team members. In order to be confident in the victory of your team, you need to take into account certain qualities that team members must have.

At stage I the runner starts from a low start into a bend, as at the start of a 200 m race. The baton is held three fingers of the right hand, and the index and thumb are straightened and rest on the path at the starting line. In order for a Stage I runner to run at the edge of the track, he must always keep stick in right hand, and transmit to left hand to your partner. The difficulty lies in passing the baton in a limited area at high speed.

There are two ways to pass the baton: from below - up and from above - down.

With the first method, the runner The person receiving the relay baton moves his hand (opposite to the hand of the passing runner) back slightly to the side, the thumb is moved towards the plane of the palm, four fingers are closed. The passing runner places the baton in a bottom-up motion between the thumb and palm. Feeling the touch of the baton, the receiving runner grabs it, squeezing his hand.

With the second method the hand is also moved back slightly to the side, but the plane of the palm faces upward. The passing runner places the baton in a top-down motion, lowering it onto the palm of his hand.

When the runner passing the baton reaches the control mark, the receiving runner begins the starting acceleration. Running into the relay handover zone, both runners get closer, the first one catches up with the second one, the handover runner must take 2 running steps give a short command by voice in order for the receiving runner to straighten and move his arm back to pass the baton. After completing the transfer, the runner who accepted the baton runs quickly along his stage, and the runner who passed the baton, gradually slowing down his run, stops, but does not go beyond the lateral boundaries of his lanes And. Only after passing through the passing zone by other teams does he leave the track.

Runner II stage carries the baton in left hand and will pass to the runner Stage III V right hand.

At stage III the runner runs along the bend as close to the edge as possible and passes the baton to IV stage from right hand to left hand.

In the passing zone, runners must run without interfering with each other, i.e. along the edges of the treadmill depending on the hand performing the transmission.

Typically, the runner taking the relay starts either from a high start or from a low start with support on one hand. With a high start, the runner turns his head a little back to see the control mark and the runner running up to it. When starting with one arm, the runner looks back over the shoulder of the non-support arm, or, with his head down, looks back under the non-support arm.

A very important element of technique at the moment of transfer is running in the same rhythm, i.e. you have to run in step. It is also important to find the optimal “head start” for starting a run, i.e. start running with such a length of “handicap” when the speed of the transmitter and receiver coincides in the middle of the transmission zone.

In other types of relay races, the same methods of transfer are used, but the runner who takes the baton can transfer it to a hand that is convenient for him when running the distance. The main task when passing the baton is to pass it on as quickly as possible without wasting time on the handover itself.

The distance between the runners at the moment of passing is equal to the length of the backward arm of the runner receiving the baton, and the length of the straightened forward arm of the runner passing the baton.