There is a tradition in the Olympic Games that is touching, kind and a little funny. Test tasks of the Olympiad in physical education on the history of the Olympic movement The talisman that brings happiness to any Olympian appeared for the first time

As you know, athletes and fans are a bit superstitious. They half-jokingly, half-seriously believe in various omens and carry talismans with them. It is known, for example, that the best soccer goalkeeper of all times LEV YASHIN kept his first cap for many decades.

When it became completely impossible to play in it, the great football player, a little embarrassed by curious questions and glances, put this half-decayed rag into his goal. And only then could I feel calm!

Here we go Olympic Games ah - and this happened for the first time at the games in Mexico City - a mascot appeared. But not for anyone personally, but for everyone - common, to bring happiness to any Olympian, any fan.

The mascot was a jaguar. And this, I must say, is one of Mexico’s favorite animals.

Everyone immediately liked the new Olympic custom. Four years later, a new mascot appeared in Munich - Waldi the dachshund. In Montreal, the mascot became a traditional resident of Canadian forests - the beaver, and in Moscow in 1980 - the famous and still beloved bear cub Misha.

And so it went. Nowadays, each Olympics has its own mascot, which personifies not only olympic spirit victories, but also the way of life and the unique culture of the country - the host of the Olympic Games.

The 2008 Olympics in Beijing will not be an exception to the good old rules. The Organizing Committee of the Olympics in China decided that the mascot of the upcoming Summer Games will become CHILDREN OF LUCK or “bringing well-being.”

There are five children of luck - three boys and two girls. Each of the kids is individual and has its own character, each of them has a favorite sport and its own element.

All together, CHILDREN OF LUCK are a kind of ambassadors of the Olympics, their goal is to spread the Olympic spirit of friendship and peace throughout the world. Happy symbols of the Beijing Olympics - the Fuwa mascots represent the entire Chinese people, who address all the peoples of the world with their most cordial wishes. It is no coincidence that if you combine the names of all five Children of Fortune together, you get: “Beijing welcomes you!”

The first mascot of the five is a girl named BAY-BAY in the guise of a fish. Bay – Bay symbolizes prosperity and represents the blue Olympic ring and aquatic species sports

The cheerful and joyful boy JING-JING in the form of a big panda carries the idea of ​​​​the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature. At heart, Jing - Jing considers himself a weightlifter and imagines a black Olympic ring.

The symbol of the Olympic flame and team sports is the energetic young man HUAN - HUAN, who embodies the famous Olympic motto “Faster, higher, stronger!” and representing the red Olympic ring.

Fast and agile IN - IN in the guise of a Tibetan antelope is a symbol of the speed and at the same time nature of China. This kid's favorite sport is Athletics. It represents the yellow Olympic ring and is also a symbol of the “Green Olympic Games” (that is, environmentally friendly).

The final symbol of the 2008 Olympics is a cheerful and airy swallow girl named NI-NI. The swallow in Chinese culture is a symbol of spring and happiness, endlessly clear skies and good luck. Ni-Ni accompanies representatives of sports and rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics and represents the green Olympic ring.

The idea of ​​raising the flag, like many other things in the Olympic movement, was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin. It was decided to raise the flag at the 1916 games. However, the First World War interfered.

And the flag is truly beautiful: on a white satin cloth measuring two by three meters, the Olympic symbol is five intertwined, multi-colored rings, personifying the unity of athletes from five continents of the globe, their meeting at the Olympic Games. The rings are in strict order: blue - Europe, yellow - Asia, black - Africa, green - Australia and red - America.

The white field of the flag complements the idea of ​​friendship of all nations of the Earth without exception.

The flag was raised for the first time at Olympic competitions in 1920.

At the closing of the Games, a representative of the city that hosted them hands over the flag to the IOC President. And he, in turn, presents the banner to the mayor of the city, who becomes the host of the future Games.

There is also an Olympic anthem, performed at the Games and on other special occasions in the Olympic movement.


The idea of ​​lighting the Olympic flame right in the ancient homeland of this wonderful holiday was born to Coubertin back in 1912. He also thought through the entire solemn ritual of lighting the fire. A beam of sunlight collected by a concave mirror is directed onto the torch. The torch started smoking. Another second - and it flares up with a bright, unquenchable fire!

This is cool! This for real beautiful...And the sun over Olympia is still the same - ancient, wise, hot. And the ruins of ancient temples - and it is near them that the ceremony takes place - they remember the heroes of the past Olympic Games...

The tradition of lighting the Olympic flame at the stadium began in 1928, at the games in Amsterdam. And at the Winter Games this happened in 1952 in Oslo.

The Olympic torch relay, the first of which flares up in Olympia, first took place in 1936.

The lit fire is carried day and night by torchbearers - in rain, snowfall, and stormy winds. Therefore they must be very courageous people. But one more thing: along with the main torch, several more are lit (as if to say - spare ones). Their fire is stored in special lamps - just in case.

Last steps, last lap around the track olympic stadium... This honor is usually given to the best, one of the most famous athletes countries where the Olympic Games are held.
It has already become a tradition that oaths are taken at the opening of the Olympics. There are two of them. The first on behalf of the participants. Its text was suggested by Pierre de Coubertin. True, now it has changed somewhat. This is what it sounds like these days:

“On behalf of all athletes, I promise that we will participate in these Games respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and for the honor of our teams.”

Simple, honest and very good words. Only real athletes, noble people, can talk like that. The Olympic oath was first taken in 1920. And at the games in Moscow in 1980. it was said by gymnast Nikolai Andrianov.

Oath of sports referees. Perhaps we should be especially proud of this Olympic tradition. She appeared at the 68 Games in Mexico City. And our Olympic Committee proposed it! The text of the oath is:

“On behalf of all judges and officials, I promise that we will carry out our duties during these Olympic Games with all impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held in a true spirit of sport.”

So in this oath they are intelligible. And most importantly - honest words.

Scenario of the Small Summer Olympic Games.
The camp is set up on the sports ground.
Reader 1: In the old days, in the ancient world 25 centuries ago

The cities did not live in peace; brother went to war against brother.

And the wisest decided: eternal quarrels are terrible,

You can compete in courage and strength without war.

Let those who are brave and strong come to Olympia.

For peaceful battles the stadium will be the battlefield.

2nd reader: S Ancient Greece, from Hellas, took the example of the new century,

Modern man revived the Olympics.

It is good for envoys from all countries to gather, loving sports,

and no one here will feel like a foreigner.

Presenter: Each Olympics begins its report with an important moment - the raising of the Olympic flag. There are no words written on the flags, but people all over the world know that the five intertwined rings represent the UNITY of the athletes of the five continents of the globe in the Olympic movement, and the white cloth of the flag complements the idea of ​​​​friendship of all nations of the Earth without exception.
Reader: I repeat the word of the usual command again:

I saw valor and glory, so many heroes, victories,

You, Olympic banner, are the answer of proud athletes.

You are the start for all tests and competitions.

Symbol of competitions and Olympic rings.

I repeat the word of the usual command again:

Olympic banner! To carry out the banner - stand up!

6 people (3m+3d) in uniform carry out the Olympic banner, attach it to the flagpole, and return to the line of athletes.

To the sounds of the Olympic anthem, the flag is raised by champions or best athletes schools (boy and girl).

Greek music sounds.
Host: Once every 4 years in distant Greece on a slope sacred mountain Olympus from the sun's rays using lenses beautiful girls- Greek women (fire priestesses) light the Olympic Flame. The torch, with sacred fire, is passed from hand to hand like a relay baton by the best athletes of the country through which the path to the capital lies. new Olympics. The torch with the Olympic flame is approaching us (school champion or Olympic champion Misha runs in with a torch in his hands). The torch is passed to the parade participant standing on the right flank. He, in turn, passes it to the next child to the left, etc.

On the left flank is a participant who will light the Olympic flame in the cup (this can be either a guest of honor or another school champion in another sport). The Olympic flame is lit. (It is possible to play the music “Heroes of Sports” during the passing of the torch with fire)

So, Small Summer Olympic Games 2008. considered open.

Traditionally, at the opening of the Olympic Games, athletes and judges take an oath. We will also not deviate from this tradition.

Olympian Oath:

Who can compare with the nimble wind?

  • We are Olympians!
Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

We are Olympians!

We swear to be honest and strive for victory

We vow to achieve high records!

  • We swear! We swear! We swear!

History of the Olympic Games and modern sports movement

The term "Olympiad" in Ancient Greece meant: a four-year period between Olympic Games;

The right to take part in the ancient Greek Olympic Games was only free Greek men

The final stage training of athletes for the Games in Ancient Greece was carried out in special nal room called gymnasiums.

Physical education children at the state level in Ancient Greece began in age seven years in a special institution called palaestra.

At the final stage of preparing athletes for the Games in Ancient Greece, the future
the Olympians carefully and strictly observed Hellanodics.

WITH 776 G. before n. uh The ancient Olympic Games are counted:

Duration ancient Games The Olympics changed and by 468 BC. e. reached 5 days;

In ancient Greece, the winners of the games were called Olympians.

In the Olympic Games of 776 BC, athletes competed in a race over a distance equal to: one stage

In the Olympic Games of 776 BC, athletes competed in running over a distance equal to one stage. The stage is equal to: 192 m 27 cm;

What disciplines included the pentathlon - the ancient Greek pentathlon: Long jump, discus throw, running.Struggle, Javelin-throwing:

IN 776 BC e., running the name Koroibos appeared - the first winner of the Olympias ski games

Pythagoras was an Olympic champion:

Feodosia 1 Roman Emperor in 394 AD e. banned olympic competitions:

International Olympic Committee was created in 1894 G.?

Henri de Bayle-Latour, Siegfried Edström, Avery Brundage, Michael Killanin - This former IOC presidents.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in one of the cities: - Athens.

The United Nations announced International Year sports and olympic
ideal in honor of the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympic movement, and also called on all
states to observe the Olympic Truce in 1994;

The Olympic Games are held during the first year of the celebrated Olympics;

The IOC has decided to hold the Winter Olympic Games in 1925

Winter Olympic Games are held in the third year of the celebrated Olympics;

The Olympic Games consist of Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games;

The fundamental principles of modern Olympism are set out in Olympic Charter;

Olympic Charter This document establishing the conditions for the celebration of the Olympic Games.

In accordance with the Olympic Charter, the country is represented at the Olympic Games by National Olympic Committee;

. The Olympic motto, expressing the aspirations of the Olympic movement, sounds like this - "Faster, higher, stronger";

to the right in the following order: at the top - blue, black, red; below - yellow and green;

Olympic symbol“five intertwined rings” is placed on a white panel measuring: (2x3m)

Torch olympic flame modern games is lit in Olympia;

The tradition of lighting the fire in Olympia and carrying it to the Olympic Games with a relay was introduced at the Games in Berlin 1936;

For the first time, the Olympic oath of athletes to fight honestly was sounded in 1920 G.

For the first time the Olympic flag was raised and the Olympic motto sounded during the Games VII Olympics in Antwerp (1920);

For the first time the Olympic flag was raised and the Olympic motto was sounded during the Go Games
sort of Antwerp; 1920.

A talisman that seems to bring happiness to any Olympian, any fan, for the first time appeared at the Games in 1968 in Mexico City;

ancient times, during the modern Olympic Games competitions are held in marathon

Before I At the modern Olympic Games in Athens, such a discipline did not exist. This:


The distance of 42 km 195 m was called a marathon because: that was the name of the city where the first start was made;

In honor of the Athenian warrior Filipidis, who brought news of the victory over the Persians to Athens ancient times, during the modern Olympic Games marathon competitions are held. How far did this warrior have to travel? 40 km;

In honor of the Athenian warrior Filipidis, who brought news of the victory over the Persians to Athens
ancient times, during the modern Olympic Games marathon competitions are held,
whose distance is 42 km195 m.

The first Olympic champion to win marathon running, was: Spyros Louis.

At the 1908 Games in London, failure befell a participant in the race. marathon distance- He crossed the finish line first, but was not awarded the champion medal because:

b) Pietri, after the fall, was helped by spectators and judges to get up and cross the finish line;

In St. Louis, the American Lorde won the marathon. After being awarded the gold medal, he was stripped of it becausehe traveled most of the distance by car;

At the Olympic Games in the city Paris;No medals were awarded to Olympians in 1900

The first champion in the history of the modern Olympic Games: James Connolsch

The greatest number of gold medals at one Olympics was won by: Mark Spitz.

Which of the athletes and in what sport won 7 gold medals in one Olympic Games:

Mark Spitz (USA) swimming during the Games XX Olympics in Munich!

The largest number of gold medals - 9 each - in modern Games Olympics won:

Paavo Nurmi, Larisa Latynina, Mark Spitz, Carl Lewis;

Indicate which of the Olympic Games participants’ achievements cannot be improved, but can only be repeated:

1. John Weissmuller. 2. Sony Henie. 3. Vasily Alekseev. 4. Lydia Skoblikova.

5. Mark Spitz. 6. Alina Kabaeva.7. Jesse Owen. 8. Eric Hayden. 9. Carl Lewis.---


For the first time in the high jump, American Dick Fosbury demonstrated a jump with his back
to the bar, which was soon called the “Fosbury flop” at the Olympics in
1968 in Mexico City

At the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, Bob Beamon set an all-time long jump record that stood until 1991.-- 8m90 cm).

Which sport is the second in the number of medals awarded at the modern Olympic Games? swimming.

The first representative of Tsarist Russia in the IOC was A. D. Butovsky.

The Russian Olympic Committee was created in 19111; .

List the years of three Olympics that took place without the participation of Russian athletes 1896; 1900; 1904.

Russia's first unofficial participation in the Olympic Games took place in the city London, 1908.

IN 1908 G.Russian sport changed for the first time became an Olympic champion.

When Russian athletes first participated in the Olympic Games, there were only 5 of them. Nevertheless, figure skater Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin managed to become an Olympic champion. It happenedin 1908 at the Games IV Olympics in London;

Russia's first official participation in the Olympic Games took place at the Games V Olympics in Stockholm (1912);

Due to the First and Second World Wars, the Olympic Games were not held in 1916, 1940, 1944 .

The USSR Olympic Committee was created in 1951 .

The first representative of the USSR in the International Olympic Committee was Konstantin Aleksandrovich Andrianov;

Chairman of the All-Russian Olympic Committee, created in 1989, Vladimir Alek Seevich Vasin - Olympic champion in diving .

Representatives of the International Olympic Committee for Russian Federation jav are: Vitaly Smirnov, Shamil Tarpishchev, Alexander Popov;

President of the Russian Olympic Committee until March 2010: Leonid Tyagachev.

Russian Olympians participated for the first time (Summer Olympic Games) as part of Russia Empire, USSR, Russian Federation in: 1908; 1952; 1996

The USSR made its debut at the Winter Olympic Games 1956 on VII games in Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy);

In what year were the Olympic Games held in our country: -1980 -22 Olympic Games

For the first time at the Olympic Games in Mexico City, a mascot appeared. What talisman was on Olympic Games in Moscow - teddy bear;

The games held in Moscow were dedicated to 22nd Olympics:

Place in chronological order the cities where the Olympic Games were held. games starting from XXII :

1. Atlanta. 2. Athens. 3. Barcelona. 4. Los Angeles. 5. Moscow. 6. Seoul. 7. Sydney.-

5, 4, 6, 3,1,7,2;

The 2008 Olympic Games were celebrated in Beijing

The first Summer Paralympic Games were held in 1960. in Rome (Italy);

V The Winter Paralympic Games Albertville - France were held for the first time on the same arenas where healthy Olympians compete in 1992

The World Youth Games, which are the Olympic Games for young people knees, were first carried out in Moscow in 1998

Athletes of the Russian Federation competed under the Russian flag for the first time in 1996 Games XXVI Olympics in Atlanta (USA);

Larisa Latynina (gymnastics) won the most gold medals.

Alexander Karelin - Olympic champion in boxing;

Alexander Popov - Olympic champion in swimming

Vladimir Kuts, Valery Borzov, Viktor Saneev, Valery Brumel - Olympic champions


In 2004 in Athens, Yuri Borzakovsky became the champion XXVIII Games in athletics :

The final stage of preparing athletes for the Games in Ancient Greece was carried out in
gymnasium .

Who were the Hellanodics in Ancient Greece who observed the future Olympians during their preparation for the Games - judges and administrators of the Games

One of the types of ancient Games was pankration. What was he like:

Type of martial arts

What was the name of a game similar to football in Ancient Greece? - spherobol.

In what year was the centenary of the creation of the International Olympic Committee celebrated?

in 1996;

The highest body of the IOC, which makes all important decisions, is called: session;

The first President of the International Olympic Committee was: Demetrius Vikelas;.

Over the years they headed the International Olympic Committee - Juan Antonio Sa- Maranch, Demetrius Vikelas, Michel Breal, Jacques Rogg, Pierre de Coubertin, Michael Killanin.

Demetrius Vekelas, Pierre de Coubertin, Juan Samaranch, Jacques Rogg

In accordance with the Olympic Charter, Olympic competitions carry out:

International Olympic Committee;

Who of those presented in the photograph was not the President of the IOC?

    Is not

    Avery Brundage

    Michael Kilanin

    Henri de Bayle-Latour

    Siegfried Edström

The modern Olympic Games consist of:

Olympic Games andWinter Olympic Games.

The Olympic symbol consists of five intertwined rings located on the left

to the right in the following order by color: blue, black, red

bottom: yellow and green

The five intertwined Olympic rings symbolize the five continents. Next to the name of the continent, write the color corresponding to it.

Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Australia

During the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, the flag is handed over to the organizers of the next Olympics and for four years it is stored: in the building of the National Olympic CommitteeWomen competed for the first time at the Olympic Games in Paris in 1900. First Olympias The champion was: Sony Henie ( figure skating);

By Olympic motto“Faster, higher, stronger,” expressing the aspirations of the olim Piy movement, was: priest Dido;

For the first time, the Olympic flame lighting ceremony was held at: GamesXIOlympics in Amsterdam, and atIVWinter Games in 1952, in Oslo;

In 1894, at the Paris Athletic Congress, the IOC, consisting of only 13 members new, the first Russian was elected. Who is he: A. D. Butovsky;

During the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, a representative of the city that hosted the Games ry, passes the flag to the mayor of the host city of the next Olympics

Do the photographs of these people correspond to their last names and their positions?

Under the photo, in the empty square, write the correct answer (full name, position).

Sh. ATarpishchev IOC Member (since 1994)

. 1 K. A. Andrianov Member of the IOC (1951-1988),

L. V. Tyagachev President of ROC since July 2001

2. Sh. ATarpishchev Member of the IOC (since 1994),

K. A. Andrianov Member of the IOC (1951-1988)

V. G. Smirnov

4. V. G. Smirnov President of the ROC (1992-2001) Member of the IOC

Class: 1

Goals: introduce the history of the Olympic Games mascots; broaden the horizons of students; promote students' cognitive activity; promote popularization healthy image life.

Progress of the event

I. Organizing time

The anthem of the Sochi 2014 Olympics is played.

II. Defining a theme

Teacher. Guys, what do you think the conversation will be about now? Do you know what the most important competitions for athletes are called?

Children. These are the Olympic Games.

Teacher. Right. Every athlete dreams of competing and winning the Olympic Games.

The modern Olympic Games have their own symbol, flag, motto, emblem, oath, mascot and awards. Guys, how many of you know when the Winter Olympic Games will be?

Children. In 2014.

Teacher. In which country will they take place?

Children. In Russia.

Teacher. In what city?

Children. In Sochi.

Teacher. Name the last winter month.

Children. February.

Teacher. It is this month, or rather February 7, 2014, that the Winter Olympic Games will begin in Sochi.

III. Main part. Meet the mascots of the Olympic Games

Teacher. Today we will get acquainted with the history of the mascots of the Olympic Games.

What is a talisman?

Children. A talisman is an object that brings happiness and good luck to its owner.

Teacher. An Olympic mascot is usually an image of an animal that is especially beloved in the country where the Olympic Games are being held. These are animals that people always try to imitate in agility and speed. By tradition, they are chosen by the whole country. It turns out that there were not so many of them - talismans. Let's go in order. At the Olympic Games, and this happened for the first time at the games in France, a mascot appeared. But not for anyone personally, but for everyone: to bring happiness to any Olympian, any fan. The mascot was the skier Schuss.

The children's performance is accompanied by a presentation.

Student 1. In February 1968, at the Olympics in Grenoble (France), a mascot was used for the first time - a character named Schuss, whose author is considered to be the artist Maurice Lafargue. It was a figurine of a man on skis with a red and white head and Olympic rings on his forehead. The blue, curved body, like when starting from a ski jump, smoothly turned into skis. As a result, the coloring of the talisman resembled the stripes of the French flag.

Schuss is a toy. Badges and figurines with his image were so popular that Schuss became the unofficial mascot of the Olympic Games.

Teacher. Everyone immediately liked the new Olympic custom. Four years later, a new mascot appeared in Munich - Waldi the dachshund.

Student 2. Waldi the dachshund is the mascot of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich (Germany).

It is with her that the tradition of official mascots of the Olympic Games begins. Waldi the dachshund is the first pet in the history of Olympic mascots.

Since in German the word "dachshund" is masculine, it is generally accepted that Valdi is a "mascot boy". The dog was chosen as a mascot because of its hunting qualities inherent in a real athlete: stamina, perseverance and agility.

The designers brightly colored Valdi, emphasizing the cheerful nature of the mascot, symbolizing joy. Olympic holiday. Moreover, the 1972 Games are considered one of the most colorful in history. The dachshund's head and tail were light blue, and its body was painted with vertical stripes of three of the five Olympic colors, as if Waldy were wearing a colorful jersey.

Waldi is a common noun. In Bavaria, where dachshunds are very popular, any dog ​​of this breed can be called this, just like in Russia the bear Misha, or the cat Vaska.

Student 3. Initially, the XII Winter Olympic Games were to be held in Denver (USA). However, city residents decided not to hold the Games in a referendum due to environmental threats. As a result, the competition was moved to Innsbruck (Austria), for which these were already the second Olympic Games. The organizers proclaimed these competitions the “Games of Simplicity.” The chosen mascot, the Olympia Mandl snowman, was supposed to reflect precisely this quality.

According to the designers, the snowman consisted of only one snowball, had arms, legs and a red carrot nose, traditional for snowmen. On his head, as an attribute reflecting the national character, the mascot wore a red Tyrolean hat. The creators gave him the unusual name Olympiamandle.

The 1976 Winter Olympics were held under the motto “Games of Simplicity.” The talisman also reflected the simplicity, clarity, accessibility and openness of the Austrians.

Student 4. The organizers of the 1976 Olympics in Montreal (Canada) made Amik the beaver as a symbol. In the indigenous language, "amik" is the word for beaver. This talisman first had a symbolic meaning: the beaver is considered a symbol of hard work. He also had the qualities of a true athlete - patience and hard work, which are also very characteristic of Canadian lumberjacks. The beaver is a symbol of Canada, and its image can be found on coins and even some government seals.

Student 5. Roni the Raccoon is the mascot of the 1980 Olympic Games in Lake Placid (USA). There is a legend that the mascot Winter Olympics-80 there was a “prototype”: a real tame raccoon named Rocky. Shortly before the start of the Games he died...

The designers stylized Roni as a skier, painting his face in the shape of goggles and a ski cap. The goggle mask became the most fashionable accessory of the Winter Games. Roni the Raccoon became the first Winter Olympics animal mascot to be styled after an athlete.

Student 6. The Olympic Bear is one of the most successful mascots in the history of the Olympics. They even came up with a full name for him - Mikhail Potapych Toptygin.

Misha the bear is the mascot of the XXII Olympic Games, held in 1980 in Moscow. Represents a bear smiling and standing on its hind legs. The author of the character is book illustrator Viktor Chizhikov.

The name Misha is a traditional Russian nickname for a bear. The organizing committee of the Moscow Olympics chose this animal as a symbol, since it has such qualities characteristic of an athlete as strength, perseverance and courage.

During the closing ceremony of the 1980 Olympics, a giant rubber doll of the Olympic symbol floated away in balloons. Moscow sky. The spectacle was so touching that both spectators and Olympic participants could not help but cry.

Student 7. Little Wolf Vuchko is the mascot of the 1984 Olympic Games in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia). The wolf cub mascot Vuchko was chosen from six candidates as a result of a vote by readers of three popular Yugoslav newspapers. This symbol was perceived ambiguously, since the wolf traditionally has a terrifying image. According to the creators, the wolf cub symbolized a person’s desire to “make friends with animals and become closer to nature.”

The little wolf turned out to be a strong, brave character and, at the same time, cheerful and carefree. As a result, Vuchko is recognized as one of the most charming characters in the history of Olympic mascots. In Yugoslavia it became a favorite children's toy.

Student 8. Sam the Eaglet is the mascot of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (USA).

Eagle is national symbol United States of America. In addition, this talisman contains another image, thanks to which it received its name. Walt Disney artists have painted an eagle wearing a top hat painted in the colors of the American flag, just like the one worn by the famous Uncle Sam.

Student 9. Polar bears Heidi and Howdy are the mascots of the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada. According to legend created for the mascots of the 1988 Winter Olympics, polar bears Heidi and Howdy are inseparable brother and sister. Their names are derived from the word "Hello!" Thus, the creators of talismans embedded in them a symbol of unity, friendship and hospitality.

For the first time there were two mascots. Since Calgary hosts the annual Cowboy Festival, the cubs are dressed in appropriate costumes to reflect their national character. The Canadian national team was dressed in exactly the same way at the opening ceremony of the Games.

Student 10. Little Tiger Hodori was the mascot of the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea.

The hero of Korean legends became the mascot of the XXIV Olympic Games - Amur tiger. In order to neutralize the negative aspects of the predatory beast, he was depicted as a small tiger cub, kind and harmless.

The name for the mascot was chosen by popular vote from 2,295 proposed options. The winning name can be translated from Korean as Tiger Boy ("Ho" means "tiger" and "dori" means "boy").

The main attribute of the Korean talisman is a small black cap placed on his ear. This is an element of the national costume; In the old days, peasants wore such hats to perform dances during folk festivals.

Student 11. The leopard is one of the mascots of the XXII Olympic Games winter games, which will be held in Sochi in 2014.

Mountain rescue climber Leopard lives in the crown of a huge tree that grows on the highest rock in the snow-capped Caucasus mountains. He is always ready to help and has more than once saved a nearby village from avalanches.

Leopard is an excellent snowboarder, he taught this sport to all his friends and neighbors. Leopard has a cheerful disposition, he cannot live alone and loves to dance.

The white leopard Barsik symbolizes speed and endurance.

Student 12. The Polar Bear is one of the mascots of the XXII Olympic Winter Games, which will be held in Sochi in 2014.

The Polar Bear lives in an icy igloo in the Arctic Circle. In his house, everything is made of ice and snow: a snow shower, a bed, a computer and even sports equipment.

White Bear with early childhood was brought up by polar explorers. It was they who taught him to ski, skate and play curling. But most of all, Polar Bear liked to ride a sled. He became a real luger and bobsledder, and his friends - seals and fur seals - watch his victories with pleasure. Now they organize competitions in these sports together, and they never get bored during the long polar night!

The White Bear, named Polyus, is similar in character to his predecessor - Bear, the symbol of the Olympics-80, just as flexible and kind, the best friend of children, gives them his care and respect. He cannot sit still for a minute, loves sledding, has real athletic drive and constantly strives for new sporting heights, demonstrating strength and the will to win.

Student 13. The bunny is one of the mascots of the XXII Olympic Winter Games, which will be held in Sochi in 2014.

The bunny is the most active inhabitant of the winter forest. Her friends are always surprised - how does she manage to do everything!? After all, Bunny not only manages to study at the Forestry Academy with excellent marks, help her mother in the family restaurant “Lesnaya Zapruda,” but also participate in various sports competitions. Bunny assures her friends that she has no secret: she just loves sports very much. She also loves to sing and dance.

Bunny Arrow symbolizes dexterity.

IV. Summarizing. conclusions

Children. The Olympic mascot is part of the Olympic symbolism.

Talismans carry Olympic values: friendship, respect, excellence.

The main feature of all talismans: they must evoke positive emotions, sympathy and a smile.

to be especially proud, She appeared at the 68th Games in Mexico City. And our Olympic Committee proposed it! The text of the oath is as follows: “On behalf of all judges and officials, I promise that we will perform our duties during these Olympic Games with all impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules by which they are conducted in a true spirit of sportsmanship.” And in this oath, intelligible, and the main thing is responsible words!

2.5 Talisman

So far we have all been talking about solemn and, so to speak, strict traditions. But there is also a touching, kind, and a little funny tradition in holding the Olympic Games. As you know, athletes and fans are a bit superstitious. They - half jokingly, half seriously - believe in various omens and carry talismans with them. It is known, for example, that the best football goalkeeper of all time, Lev Yashin, kept his first cap for many decades. When it became completely impossible to play in it, the great football player, a little embarrassed by curious questions and glances, put this half-decayed rag into his goal. And only then could I feel completely calm! So at the Olympic Games - and this happened for the first time at the Games in Mexico City - a mascot appeared. But not for anyone personally, but for everyone, common: to bring happiness to any Olympian, any fan. The mascot was a jaguar. And this, I must say, is one of the favorite animals in Mexico. Everyone immediately liked the new Olympic custom. Four years later, a new mascot appeared in Munich - the dachshund Waldi. In Montreal, a traditional resident of the Canadian forests became the mascot - beaver... And so it went. Some cute animal was declared as a mascot, as if it were the “master” of the country where the Games were taking place. When a competition was announced to create a mascot for the Olympic Games in Moscow, many famous artists took part in it. The best offer was a cute bear Misha, painted by Moscow artist Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov.

Misha the mascot enjoyed incredible success in the USSR and all over the world. It was a victory for the Russian artist.

The tradition of the Olympic mascot continues: in Los Angeles - the eaglet, in Seoul - the tiger cub Walker. At the Winter Games in Lillehammer - an image of a boy and a girl, at the Games in Atlanta - a completely unlikeable creature “Izzy”...

2.6 Awards

Of course, everyone knows about Olympic medals. They are awarded in each issue of the program - to the winner and runners-up: gold, silver and bronze. For third place the medal is indeed bronze, for second place it is indeed silver. But for first place... also silver, but covered with a thick layer of gold (at least 6 grams). The winners are also awarded badges. Accordingly - gold, silver, bronze. Athletes who take places from first to eighth in individual and team competitions receive diplomas IOC. Diplomas, as well as commemorative medals, are awarded to all participants of the Games and team officials. For special services to the Olympic movement, the IOC awards the Olympic Order. Among those awarded this highest sign of Olympic honor are many citizens of the USSR and the current Russian Federation. The highest Golden Olympic Order was awarded to: in 1992 the first President of Russia Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, in 1998 the mayor of Moscow Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov and in 2001 the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Outstanding athletes were awarded the Silver Order: Len Yashin, Galina Kulakova, Alexander Medved, Elena Mukhina, Yuri Titov, Larisa Latynina, Lidiya Skoblikova, Viktor Saneev, Galina Gorokhova, Boris Lagutin, Sergei Belov, Nikita Simonyan, Anatoly Kolesov, Alexander Tikhonov, Alexey Paramonov , Vyacheslav Starshinov, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alexander Ragulin, Alexander Karelin, Anatoly Karpov, Vladimir Vasin. The Bronze Order (there is no such award now) was awarded to Irina Rodnina and Lyudmila Turishcheva. Among those awarded the Silver Order are coaches Alexander Gomelsky, Vladimir Maksimov, Leonid Arkaev, Konstantin Beskov, Viktor Tikhonov, Viktor Ivanov, doctor Zoya Mironova (she was also awarded the Bronze Order in 1976!), famous commentator Nikolai Ozerov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Games of the XXII Olympiad 1980 in Moscow Ignatiy Novikov, first mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, vice-mayor of Moscow Valery Shantsev and head of the Rostov region Vladimir Chub, statesmen Heinrich Yushkevichyus and Vitaly Ignatenko, sports leaders Konstantin Andrianov, Andrey Starovoitov, Valery Sysoev, Vyacheslav Koloskov, Anna Sinilkiva, Alexander Kozlovsky, Alexander Kozhukhov, Yuri Kooylov, Evgeniy Polikanin, Vladimir Aleshin, Leonid Miroshnichenko, Valentin Piseev, Yuri Bychkov, Vladimir Panteleev, journalist Alexander Ratver and two of WTOOV of this book: Len Kofman and Vladimir Rodichenko. Two more leaders were awarded the Bronze Order: Vladimir Smirnov and Leonid Khomenkov and journalist Alexander Ermakov.

3. How the Olympic Games are held

The Charter precisely and strictly defines the rules by which the Olympic Games must be held. You cannot deviate from the rules. But in addition to them, you can introduce something of your own, good. The Olympic Games are held in the first year of the Olympics, and the Olympic Winter Games are held in the third year of the Olympics. Although until 1994, the Winter Games were held in the same year as the Olympic Games. The duration of the Games should not exceed sixteen. How is the capital of the Games chosen? This is an extremely responsible matter. The final decisive word belongs, of course, to the IOC. As you understand, there are more than one or two cities that would like to become hosts of the Games. Each of them is visited by an evaluation commission specially created by the IOC. And only then at the IOC Session, the highest body of Olympic power, the Olympic capital is elected. Unfortunately, due to strong rivalry between candidate cities, scandals sometimes arise: not all IOC members maintain an equally objective attitude towards each candidate. And there are still no precise instructions in the Olympic Charter on what specific criteria a city should be given the right to host the Games. But let’s be optimistic: the Charter is improving year by year... This is especially important for our country: after all, Moscow has put forward its candidacy to host the Games of the XXX Olympiad in 2012. Most Olympic competitions must be held in the main city of the Games, unless the IOC has given special permission to deviate from this rule. This, by the way, was the case with us in 1980. As for the Olympic Winter Games, the IOC in some cases can act even more democratically. If the host city and its country do not have the opportunity to hold certain types of competitions, then they can even be transferred to another state. After the selection of the city to host the Games, the national Olympic committee and the city itself form an organizing committee, and a very representative one at that. After all, it is necessary to build all the required first-class sports facilities and equip them with the best equipment. Resettle athletes, journalists, tourists. Yes, plus the organization of the competitions themselves, and plus security... That's it: it so happened that the fight against brutal international terrorism came first!..

3.1 Opening and closing ceremonies

In recent years, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games have become increasingly important. And if you try, you can make everything very beautiful and very interesting. You can create a real fusion of sports and art. This is what happens when the organizers take the matter seriously. Many people remember the wonderful footage of the closing of the Moscow Olympic competitions, when the huge and so touching Misha flew from the Luzhnikov Stadium into the skies. But the wonderful opening and closing sports and artistic festivals also have an official part - one that is described in detail and clearly in the Olympic Charter. The opening ceremony begins with the appearance of the head of state at the stadium. Then the parade of participants begins. In front of each delegation is a banner with the name of the country and the flag of the delegation, usually the state flag. It is carried by one of the athletes of each delegation. The teams are in alphabetical order of the host country. But the Greek team always marches ahead - this is a sign of respect for those distant, but eternally living in our memory, Games of antiquity. And the home team goes last. Then the President of the Organizing Committee and the President of the IOC speak in front of the athletes, spectators... and, in fact, in front of the whole world (after all, television is right there!). Finally, the most solemn moment - the head of state declares the Olympic Games open. The Olympic anthem sounds. Supported by the hands of the athletes, the Olympic flag floats into the stadium... Now it is already fluttering on the flagpole. A second pause. An athlete appears on the stadium treadmill with an Olympic torch in his hands... Applause, shouts of greetings, the athlete makes a circle around the stadium, runs up the stairs to the place where the Olympic flame should be lit. The flame flared up, now it will not go out for all sixteen Olympic days and nights. Hundreds of white doves rushed into the sky. The white dove is a messenger of peace. The standard bearers participating in the parade line up in a semicircle in front of a small stand installed on the ground level of the stadium. Now the Olympic oath will be taken. As we know, it is pronounced on behalf of all participants by a representative of the organizing country, one of the best athletes in the world. Here he raised his right hand! His left hand grips the corner of the Olympic flag. The embossed words of a solemn oath sound. Then one of the most respected sports judges in the world, also a representative of the organizing country, rises to the podium. He pronounces the judicial oath. The anthem of the organizing country is played. But the Olympic competitions are behind us. Spectators gathered for the closing ceremony of the Games. The standard bearers enter the stadium in the same order as at the opening. They take place in the center of the field. Then come the athletes. But now, no longer as separate delegations of their countries, but as a single column, who wants to be with whom, who has become stronger friends with whom. The anthems of Greece, the host country of the just ended Games and the country that will be the future host of the next Games, are played, and their flags are raised. The mayor of the current Olympic capital passes the flag of the Games to the IOC president, who hands this sacred banner for all Olympians to the mayor of the city where the Games will come in four years. There are speeches from the president of the organizing committee of the just completed Games and the president of the IOC, who declares the Games closed. The Olympic flame goes out. The Games flag is slowly lowered to the sounds of the Olympic anthem.

3.2 Life and leisure of Olympians

The Moscow guys may have visited the Olympic Village at least once. And if you come to Moscow on an excursion or visit, be sure to go there. After all, this is a whole city, and what a city at that! Sixteen eighteen-story residential buildings, restaurants, clinics, and various sports facilities that were necessary for the Olympians to train. The Organizing Committee of the Games very carefully develops the “cultural” program. It needs to be rich, varied, full of all kinds of festivals of all genres of art. The purpose of such a program is to develop and strengthen friendly ties and mutual understanding between participants and between guests of the Games.

3.3 Honesty and nobility

The Charter strictly defines the requirements for athletes who want to participate in the Games. We already know from the Olympic oath that every athlete must respect and abide by the rules of the competition, and compete in a truly sportsmanlike spirit, that is, honestly. An athlete should not use drugs prohibited by the IOC and international sports federations... You, of course, understand what we are talking about - the so-called doping. First, doping gives one competitor an unfair advantage over another, and in essence, doping is cheating, gaining victory by dishonest means. And therefore - a crime! And secondly, these drugs are very harmful to health. Especially the young ones! How many talented, once cheerful and smart guys paid for their frivolity with forever lost happiness, a broken life...

4. Olympic sports

At the Games, athletes compete in so-called Olympic sports. Their selection was carried out gradually over several decades. For the Olympic Games, Olympic sports are those summer sports governed by international sports federations, associations or unions: athletics, rowing, badminton, baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, weightlifting, handball, field hockey, judo, wrestling , swimming (this federation also governs water polo, diving and synchronized swimming), modern pentathlon, tennis, table tennis, shooting, archery, kayaking and canoeing, cycling, equestrianism, fencing, football, sailing , triathlon, taekwondo, as well as the International Amateur Boxing Association. It's probably not necessary to remember all this. Moreover, the IOC expands this list from time to time. For the Winter Games, the sports governed by the bobsleigh and toboggan federations are considered Olympic sports. ice hockey, luge, biathlon, speed skating (including figure skating and short track), skiing (including alpine skiing, combined event, ski jumping, freestyle) and curling. As you understand, many teams and many athletes want to take part in the Olympic Games. But the Games, as they say, are not rubber. And for competitions of this class, a high sports level is important. Therefore, some particularly popular sports have preliminary tournaments and qualifying competitions. For example, you all probably know about the qualifying football tournament... The Charter allows no more than three athletes from one country to participate in each event of the Games program. An exception is made only for certain winter sports, for example cross-country skiing.

5. Olympic troubles

The Olympic Games are managed from start to finish by the IOC. But the sporting competitions themselves are held under the leadership of the international federation for the relevant sport. All places of training, competitions, all equipment must comply with the rules and regulations of this federation. The federation appoints judges, timekeepers, and members of the jury of appeal... And the competitions are not held at all the way the country organizing the Olympic Games wants, but according to the rules of international sports federations. Now you can imagine what a huge and difficult task it is to hold the Olympic Games. We have already mentioned sports facilities, which should be literally “packed” with the best, most modern electronics, equipped with all kinds of scoreboards, computers and other equipment for television and radio broadcasts to the whole world. And buildings must also have protection systems from uninvited guests - not only from terrorists. non of all kinds of maniacs, swindlers, etc. But would it be good if an athletics disc or a heavy hockey puck hit - I don’t even want to say it - into a spectator. This means we need to make sure this doesn’t happen. And at the same time it was convenient to watch the competition! Mostly the spectators, of course, are local fans. But also guests from all over the world. They don’t want to live anywhere and anyhow. This means that the host city must have a sufficient number of good hotels. Do you know what the word volunteer means? This is a voluntary helper who is completely free of charge, simply from a pure heart and good soul, ready to do some good work for the common benefit. The Olympic city needs many thousands of such kind...volunteers. What is this - a volunteer? Let's listen to the very sound of the word. Volunteer- a man of good will. Very, very Olympic concept! The organizers of the Games should also take care of the training of volunteers.


Nothing ennobles the human soul more than art. And nothing is as close to art as real, pure sport. Art, said Coubertin, must coexist with sports, must be connected with the practice of sports. This close unity - this is what the founder of the modern Olympic Games believed - will help the development of the human personality. At his suggestion, art competitions were included in the program of the Olympic Games, as was done at the ancient Greek Games. Such competitions were held from 1912 to 1948. The IOC then decided to replace the "artistic battles" with extensive cultural programs. And now the Olympic Games are decorated with concerts, exhibitions, and theatrical performances. Another useful thing is various creative competitions, events where the main theme is sport, its masculinity and beauty. The Russian Olympic Committee, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the formation of the International Olympic Committee and the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympic Games, organized competitions for the best work on a sports theme in the field of literature, journalism, cinematography, theater and fine arts. Authors of musical works, television sports programs, and photographers also participated in creative competitions. Contests were held for schoolchildren who were experts in Olympism, children's posters, and sports museums. With the support of the ROC, collectors of Olympic relics became active promoters of the ideas of Olympism. They have united in their society, hold exhibitions in Russia, and participate in major world forums. And here is another tradition of the unity of Olympism and art, the Russian Olympians’ Ball held at the beginning of the year. This meeting is a celebration of active athletes, sports veterans, coaches, heads of physical education and sports organizations, presidents of sports federations, sports journalists, and famous artists. Guests of the Olympians' Ball are often prominent foreign sports figures and always leaders of the Russian state. The Olympic project contains interesting proposals for combining sports with art. "SpArt"(the name is derived from three English words: Spirituality - spirituality, Sport - sport, Art - art). It was developed by Professor Vladislav Ivanovich Stolyarov. The project is being implemented<СпАрт>here in Russia since 1991. What is the main thing in this project? During competitions for children and youth<СпАрт>not only encourages highly moral and aesthetic behavior of athletes, but their behavior is taken into account when it comes time to determine the winner. The Spartans transform ordinary sports competitions into so-called “cooperative games”, or, in other words, into “cooperation games”. It is not your personal achievement or the achievement of a separate team that is taken into account here; here all participants are united into one team. The “Spartan” competitions include regular sports disciplines and tests for general physical fitness, various tourism competitions and competitions, artistic and intellectual competitions. That is, at Spartan competitions it is not enough just to be healthy. To win, you must also be an intelligent, skillful, interesting and spiritually developed person.


*Your Olympic textbook: Textbook. manual for educational institutions in Russia. – 15th ed., revised. and additional / V.S. Rodichenko and others - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2005. – 144.: ill.

*Physical culture of a student: textbook / ed. IN AND. Ilyinich. M.: Guardarion, 2000.- 448 p.

* Physical culture: textbook. A manual for students. avg. prof. F505 textbook. establishments/ N.V. Reshetnikov, Yu.A. Kislitsin, R.L. Paltievich, G.I. Posadaev. - 6th ed., revised - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 176 p.

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