Energy exercises for women. Energy Qigong gymnastics is the initial stage of energy management. Lumbar spine

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Energy gymnastics was invented by Tibetan monks. It helps to rejuvenate the body and become healthier through exercise, without medical intervention, and in general, the use of medications. And today I will share with you techniques that are effective and quite simple.


Stability and regularity

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that will cure any disease in one go, and, among other things, make you happy. You must understand that the effect will not be from the first day, and that you will have to work hard for a certain time, and then constantly practice to keep yourself in shape.


Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. You will be studying for yourself, so do not focus on beauty. Because if trousers or a T-shirt press and tighten, you will not achieve a feeling of inner freedom, lightness and harmony.


It is most effective to exercise in the morning before meals. It is ideal to start the techniques at 6 am. Performing this energy exercise in the evening can lead to insomnia. But it has no health benefits at all.


It should be deep, slow, conscious. You need to watch him, because sometimes people forget to breathe, not completely, of course, but still, they do it superficially and quickly. Look at the article, in it you will find recommendations and descriptions of each type of breathing.

Internal state

It is clear that a stress-free life is impossible, but you should not do exercises if your head is occupied with completely unrelated thoughts. If you understand that in this moment If you are unable to focus on yourself and your feelings, then it is better to take a break. Automatic actions will not bring the expected results.


In addition to the fact that each person pursues his own special goals, resorting to Tibetan gymnastics, there are also a number of so-called bonuses that he will receive. So this is:

  • Increased vigor and activity;
  • Relaxation and relief of muscle tension;
  • Stabilization of the emotional state, when a person feels peace and tranquility;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Increased libido, sexuality and arousal;
  • Rejuvenation of the body as a whole;
  • Stabilization of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • Saturation of cells with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on mental abilities and capabilities;
  • Improved vision and even hearing;
  • Restoration of emotional sensitivity;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Losing excess weight.

By the way, you can learn how to learn to cope with your emotions from.



Sit on a chair, spread your legs wide and try to feel how stable you are and how comfortable you are. Squeeze left hand into a fist, and grab it with your right. Place your elbows on your knees and bend over. Try to relax in this position, resting your head on your hands. When you feel the tension go away, take a deep breath into your stomach, hold for a couple of seconds and exhale. The duration is approximately 5 minutes, but do not forget to listen to your feelings, you may want to extend the time.


Lie down on the floor, you can put something under your back, but so that the hardness of the surface is preserved. Bend your legs and press your feet together, place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Now it’s time to use chest breathing. Close your eyes, focus on the sensations and take about 20-25 breaths.


Sit accordingly in the lotus position. Tibetan monks most often use it for... Breathe at a pace that is comfortable. Try to simply observe how the flow of air enters and then leaves your body. If there is a swarm of thoughts in your head, you should not strain and try to drive them away. You are an observer. Let them be, then over time your consciousness will clear up. Stay in this position and state for about 15 minutes.

On the bed

Can be performed immediately after waking up. This, by the way, is very convenient and helps you prepare for a busy day without harming your well-being. In a hurry, we waste resources, energy, and miss moments that would be nice to track and realize. In this technique, it is recommended to open your eyes so as not to inadvertently fall back to sleep and miss important meetings. Stretch, rub your palms together, this will add energy and warm the skin of your hands. If heating does not occur, it’s okay, everything will gradually improve, and your body will react as it should.

After rubbing, apply warm palms to your eyes and give a light massage. Only without rubbing, but as if springing slightly and pressing on them. Repeat approximately 30 times. Once you've finished with the eyes, work on the area behind and under the ears. Chin and forehead. Also under 30 times. Then close your fingers and massage your head. Start moving from the top of the head to the back of the head, smoothly moving to the neck. Rub chest and stomach, gradually moving towards the legs. Stretch your knuckles and each finger. In just a couple of days you will be able to notice improvements in your well-being and mood.

Hermes Trismegistus

This is the ancient Egyptian physician who is believed to have invented this three-step technique. It is not recommended for persons under 23 years of age to perform it. And also for those who have problems with the respiratory system and who are over 70 years old.

Step 1: Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your arms and inhale sharply through your nose, while clenching your fists as hard as you can, spreading them to the side and placing them behind your back. Try to throw your head back and arch your back, strongly tensing the muscles of the whole body. Hold this pose for about five seconds. It's not easy, but over time you'll get used to it. Now exhale just as sharply and noisily, leaning forward so that your hands reach the floor. Then swing them and return to the starting position.

Stage 2: It is for uniform energy distribution. Stand straight, feet again shoulder-width apart. Tilt your body forward so that your relaxed fingers touch the floor. Try to make sure that your knees are not bent or too tense. With this position, it will not have a very good effect on the health of your joints. Inhale slowly, mentally counting to four while straightening up. Raise your arms above your head and bend back, exhaling slowly through your mouth, trying to make a sound similar to “ho.” Then return to the starting position.

Many eastern religious and philosophical dogmas are based on the fact that every person can heal himself and live a long time with proper dedication, purity of thought and the amount of knowledge.

There are many legends that Tibetan monks knew how to maintain health and active longevity, as well as independently cure their own ailments. What was the secret of their longevity? First of all, probably, that they moved away from a number of worldly sins: dependence on money, bad habits, junk food, pride, envy.

In addition, the spiritual improvement of the monks of Tibet was combined with the development of physical abilities, which were achieved not only through martial arts, meditation, but also special exercises. Over the centuries, they accumulated, systematized their experience and knowledge and created various complexes recreational gymnastics which are still practiced today oriental medicine. And Western medicine is showing increasing interest in these practices.

One of the most common health practices in the world is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed. It is often written about as a panacea for all diseases. But it is not so. Of course, it won’t save you from all diseases, but it will strengthen your health, improve the functioning of your internal organs, and reduce lability nervous system and increase your resistance to stress with the help of the exercises described below. Performing this complex daily will allow you to feel within a week that getting up in the morning is easier, your work is going better, and your mood is happier.

In Russia, they became acquainted with this gymnastics only in the 80s of the last century thanks to a publication in Komsomolskaya Pravda. But long years she was not given enough attention. And currently, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is experiencing a rebirth in our country, and many Russians have seen from their own experience its unique healing properties.

Miraculous influence hormonal gymnastics Tibetan monks on the human body is explained by the fact that it has a positive effect on the hormonal system. It is well known that hormones of external, internal and mixed secretion and the work of internal organs are closely interrelated, and the slightest failure of one of the glands leads to disruption of the activity of the others and the development of many diseases.

About the benefits of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Effect on physical condition

Thanks to Tibetan hormonal gymnastics exercises, the function of thyroid gland, which is directly connected to the pancreas, adrenal glands, testes (ovaries), prostate, that is, glands responsible for carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism, sexual function, and digestion. People who do gymnastics have a decreased appetite and gradually lose the desire to eat something sweet, because the body begins to receive energy through other channels, and energy-intensive carbohydrates become unnecessary.
The condition of the skin changes, it acquires a healthy color, becomes more elastic and firm, because blood and lymph circulation improves. A person becomes more resilient, his performance increases.

The influence of hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks on feelings

The gymnastics of Tibetan monks is perfect for people with changeable moods, including teenagers. After several months of practice, a person engaged in this practice has a calmer attitude towards external stimuli, copes more successfully with negative feelings and stressful situations, since systematic exercises help to neutralize negative energy and reset it, and at the same time replenish the supply of positive energy.

In the five minutes it takes to complete gymnastics of Tibetan monks, thanks to its influence on the functioning of the pituitary lobe and hypothalamus, the release of endorphin is stimulated - the hormone of happiness, which affects a person’s mood, the stability of his emotional state, making a person more cheerful.

The effect of Tibetan morning exercises on the mind

Gymnastics of Tibetan monks has a positive effect on mental activity, because during exercise the brain absorbs oxygen better and receives a larger amount of organic and inorganic nutrients. Thanks to this, the practitioner more easily assimilates information and improves his knowledge. Both long-term and short-term memory improves, and concentration increases.

Morning exercises of Tibetan monks and spiritual level

By practicing these exercises, a person activates all energy centers that influence spiritual growth. Even after a short period of time, for example, after a week, a person feels a surge of energy, thirst for life, and self-confidence. It has been noticed that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics promotes the disappearance of gray hair and the restoration of natural hair color.

10 morning Tibetan hormonal gymnastics exercises in bed

To prepare a little for the exercises, first stretch lightly while lying on your back, relax, take a few breaths and exhale and begin the first exercise.

While lying in bed, rub your palms until they become hot. It will only take 7-10 seconds. So you can find out a little about the state of your own biofield:

  • Dry and hot palms indicate a holistic energy shell, which is the norm;
  • If the palms are warm but damp, the biofield is slightly weakened;
  • If the palms do not warm up, but remain cold with sweat, the body suffers from an energy failure and has obvious problems.

But no matter what this simple diagnosis shows, proceed to next exercise Tibetan morning hormonal exercises.

Place your heated palms on your eyes and apply light spring pressure to the eyeballs 30 times at a speed of one pressure per second.

After thirty presses, do not rush to remove your palms, but leave them pressed to your eyes for another 30-60 seconds.

However, if you have glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure, you must first consult with an ophthalmologist. As the practice of using the exercise shows, visual acuity increases due to improved energy supply to the eyes.

Place your palms on your ears, fingers pointing towards the back of your head. Perform springy presses without lifting your palms. 30 movements in 30 seconds.
When performing this exercise, chronic hearing diseases may worsen, but this phenomenon is temporary. Gradually, this disease will be cured, and hearing acuity will improve.

Exercise for cervical lymph nodes

Grab yourself by the ears so that thumb lay behind the ear, and four bent fingers on the front surface of the ear. Perform counter sliding movements along the lower jaw from the ear to the chin and back to the ear 30 times.

This exercise will help to improve the health of the entire ear-pharyngeal lymphatic ring, middle and inner ear by increasing blood flow to the face and neck and lymph drainage from these areas. The oval of the face will be tightened and the body will be rejuvenated.

Place your right palm on your forehead and your left palm on top of your right. Perform 30 rubbing movements from the right temple to the left and back.
This exercise cleanses the frontal and paranasal air sinuses, relieves sinusitis, sinusitis, and activates the activity of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the function of the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal and reproductive). It also gives an excellent cosmetic effect, as it smoothes out facial and age wrinkles.

Non-contact massage exercise of the parietal area back and forth

Raise your arms, folded in the same way as in the previous exercise, above your head at a level of 3-4 cm and perform 30 straight movements from the forehead to the crown and back.

Non-contact massage exercise of the parietal region

The starting position of the hands is the same as in the previous one. Perform 30 movements overhead from the right ear to the left and back.

These two exercises can be performed either in a lying or sitting position. They normalize blood pressure in both hypertensive and hypotensive patients, and also improve the health of the shoulder joints and have a beneficial effect on the fight against cellulite on the inner surface of the shoulders.

Place the palm of your right hand on the area of ​​the thyroid gland (Adam's apple area), your left palm on top of your right. Right hand hold it on the gland area, and with your left perform 30 movements from the thyroid gland to the navel and back. Connecting your palms on the thyroid gland area, hold the movement for 5-7 seconds. After the thirtieth movement, lower both hands from your neck to your stomach.

Abdominal massage exercise

The position of the hands is the same, but on the stomach. Perform 30 abdominal rubbing movements in a clockwise direction.

The exercise is aimed at normalizing the functioning of both organs digestive system in general, and the glands involved in digestion affect the carbohydrate balance in the blood. It is recommended for people to:

  • having intestinal problems (frequent constipation);
  • with the liver and gall bladder;
  • who have impaired pancreatic function.

To perform this exercise, you need to move from the bed to the floor or some other hard surface.

  • Lying on your back, lift your arms and legs up without lifting your pelvis.
  • First, perform 30 flexion-extension movements with your hands and feet at the same time.
  • And then 30 outward circular movements and 30 inward circular movements with the feet and hands at the same time. And finally, make small shaking movements with your arms and legs for 30 counts.

This exercise will “wake up” your circulatory system after sleep, will have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, especially the capillaries of the arms and legs, and will open small energy channels.

Exercise “Massage of feet and legs”

After performing a complex of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed, sit in a position comfortable for you and rub your feet, then light movements Stretch your fingers, stroke the top surface of your feet. Focus on the arches of your feet, as there are many nerve endings coming from organs there.
Then perform light stroking movements along the inner and outer lateral surfaces of the right leg, then the left. Lungs in a circular motion rub it knee joints, make several stroking movements along the thighs from the outside to the inside. These final movements will help promote a healthier lymphatic system. If the skin on your feet is dry, use some kind of oil when doing exercises, preferably olive oil.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed, video:

It takes no more than 10 minutes a day to perform a complex of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, but these ten minutes will put the work of the external, internal and mixed secretion glands in order. And this will have a very beneficial effect on your health and well-being. Daily practice will give you vigor, fill you with energy, a sense of joy and harmony, because working well endocrine system provides good energy tone.

Be healthy and physically active!

Slimness, youth, beauty. The Complete Kremlin Encyclopedia for Women Konstantin Medvedev

Stage 2. Energy gymnastics for legs

Immediately after the baths, you need to wipe your feet dry, then it is recommended to apply a moisturizer, preferably a special one. Now we move on to the next stage of working with legs - gymnastics. Gymnastics ensures leg mobility, increases the power and strength of the muscles of the foot and lower leg, prevents damage, and also helps get rid of muscle tension and injuries. I offer several sets of exercises from which you can choose the one or those that suit you best. They can be used in the future. The main condition for success is the regularity of performing the complex that you choose for yourself. Our goal is to restore the natural flow of energy “vortices” or flows for the body.

You should also pay attention to the fact that we constantly wear shoes, which are generally an unnatural constraint for our feet. Shoes are often not comfortable enough, and in addition, in any case, they significantly limit the mobility of the foot, reducing the number of movements it needs to maintain normal tone. This creates additional stress on the legs and feet, which can ultimately lead to a whole “bouquet” of diseases or create favorable conditions for their development. Therefore, a number of exercises are aimed specifically at relieving fatigue and tension from our feet, improving blood circulation in them and preventing the development of flat feet. (In general, it’s better to walk barefoot as much and as often as possible. It’s hard to say who came up with the glorious tradition of walking around the house in slippers or even slippers. This is nonsense. Thus, we seem to be taking care not to overcool our limbs and catch a cold, we deprive ourselves of the main thing - natural rest, normal energy exchange with the environment. What to do? Wash the floor more often, throw warm rugs or rugs on it, if you are so afraid for your precious health - and barefoot on it, barefoot. And in general - barefoot at the first opportunity: on sand, on grass, on earth, on water, ideally on snow too. Don’t forget that on our feet we have a large number of reflexogenic points, which, when walking barefoot, are very effective impact. So, at the slightest reason, go barefoot - and you will be rewarded a hundredfold!)

From the notes of the Kremlin Masters

It is known that the human body is a special system designed and intended for long life, including under conditions of deprivation and long-term overload. The natural mechanisms inherent in a person from the beginning are configured for rehabilitation, revival and self-reproduction. However, in practice we are faced with something completely different: we grow old, get sick, fall into illness and dementia. What is this connected with? This is due to blockage of the channels through which energy is transmitted. Everyone knows the operating principle of any electrical appliance. When it is plugged in, it functions. The voltage drops in the network and it starts to act up. The same thing happens if the cable frays. If the current supply is stopped, the device stops working completely. Isn't it an analogy with a person? When his energy meridians are tuned to receive energies from the outside, he functions normally and is vitally active. There is a malfunction in the functioning of the meridians, stagnation of energy is formed - and, as a result, the person gets unsettled. The chain is as follows: ailments, diseases, organic lesions, death. If the energy meridians are constantly maintained in the right state, then energy will circulate freely in the human body and he will become immune to disease, aging, and death will be pushed back indefinitely.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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In the modern age of information overload and fast pace, many of us are faced with the problem of a low energy state, when we literally “give up” and have no strength for anything. Fortunately, there is a simple and quick way regain fullness of energy: this is energy gymnastics.

This set of energy gymnastics is easy to perform and accessible to people with different health conditions, at any age. It does not require special equipment or special physical training. The complex also does not require “deep” knowledge of the structure of the energy body or. The miraculous restoration of energy balance occurs as if “by itself.” The whole set of exercises can be performed in 2 positions: lying down (even in bed!) or standing, and it takes a little more than 5 minutes.

People who, after performing this energy gymnastics, were examined on devices that checked the aura, demonstrated an increased volume of the field and blissful colors - soft blue and white. And this is not surprising: gymnastics helps get rid of energy debris, “patches” holes in the field and strengthens the aura. Regular performance of a complex of energy gymnastics leads to strengthening of the immune system and resistance to adverse environmental influences, improved health, a stable increase in strength and improved mood.

Exercises of the energy gymnastics complex:

(standing or lying position on a flat)

Exercise 1.
Circular rotations of the feet (in a standing position - alternately) 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 2.
Circular rotations of the lower legs, with bent knees(in a standing position - alternately) 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 3.
Circular rotations hip joint, alternately right and left 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 4.
First, by raising the buttocks, we perform rotational movements with the pelvis 4 times in different directions.

Exercise 5.
Rotational movements of both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 6.
Rotational movements elbow joints both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 7.
Rotational movements shoulder joints both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 8.
Rising on the elbows, we bend our heads 4 times back and forth, then circular rotations head clockwise and counterclockwise, also 4 times.

Exercise 9.
Rotational movements of the eyes 4 times back and forth and also clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercise 10.
Raising ourselves above a hard bed, with support on the feet and shoulder blades, legs bent at the knees, we make progressive alternating movements with our knees, as if we were moving forward, with our hands on the pillow under our head. The spine twists and the vertebrae move into place from the lumbar to cervical region. This does not happen immediately, but after some time of training.
If we do it standing, then these exercises are performed with legs slightly bent at the knees, with the toes positioned slightly inward, at shoulder level. Exercise 10 in a standing position is similar to a “mower” who mows from different sides each time.

The final stage of energy gymnastics: we rub our hands well, rub our feet - foot to foot, (if we are in a standing position - we make movements on our toes, on our heels, on the inside of our feet and on the outside), we rub our ears, wrists, perform movements similar to “washing the face” from bottom to top, several massage movements on the head.

When to perform energy gymnastics?

This energy complex can be performed at any time of the day when the desire or need for energy replenishment arises. However, it should be remembered that if we want to get a stable improvement in health, then we need to devote some time to regular daily exercise without skipping. And then the result will be sustainable and the body will thank you for your efforts.

Since everything new is well-forgotten old, I bring to your attention an excerpt from Vadim Zeland’s book “Forward to the Past!” (Reality Transurfing - 3), which describes energy gymnastics that help clear energy channels.
Don't miss the opportunity to feel the movement of the flow of energy in your physical body. Take and do this exercise:

Protective shell

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but he can imagine it. Feel the entire surface of your body, as if you were immersed in a hot bath. I'm not saying try it. Just do it. When you don’t try, but do it, it works right away, and no training is needed. The energy spreads like a slow wave from the center of your body, comes to the surface and turns into a ball. Imagine a ball around you. This is your energy shell. It doesn't matter that it's not really noticeable. With just your imagination you take the first step towards controlling the shell. Over time, the real feeling will come.

People with developed extrasensory abilities can see both the shell itself and all the defects on it. Every person initially already has extrasensory abilities, they are simply not used, and therefore are in a dormant state. You can wake them up by long training sessions or at one moment - it is only a matter of strength of intention. Of course, it is quite difficult to achieve such an intention. But for our purposes, it will be quite enough to bring your energy to a healthy state. The weak shell is defenseless against violent invasion.

Healthy energy can be developed and maintained by regularly doing special gymnastics. It's very simple and takes little time. Stand up straight as you feel comfortable without straining. Inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (at approximately the distance indicated above), leaves the head and goes into the sky. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters your head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't have to physically feel these currents. Just imagining it is enough. Over time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you will learn to sense them.

Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without intersecting, each in its own channel. At first, do this while inhaling and exhaling, but over time, try to abandon the connection of flows to breathing. With the power of imagination (intention), you can accelerate flows and give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and spills over your head like a fountain. Likewise, the downward flow comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally connect the sprays of both so that you find yourself inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Simply feel the surface of your skin and then extend that feeling into a sphere, similar to balloon expands when inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of the skin, the sphere of closed energy fountains becomes fixed. All this is done without stress. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something.

Don't worry that you can't physically feel the central currents. You got so used to them that you stopped feeling them, like any other healthy person. internal organ. By regularly concentrating on the currents from time to time, you will soon feel a physical sensation. Not as strong as, say, touch, but real enough.

This is energy gymnastics. By closing the flows onto each other into a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you secure this shell in a stable state. The benefits of such gymnastics can hardly be overestimated. First, the shell protects you from damage. Secondly, by training your energy, you cleanse the subtle channels. The plugs that impede the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is consumed are closed. All this does not happen at once, but gradually. But you don’t need to constantly seek help from reflexologists and psychics. You yourself restore normal energy circulation.

Material taken from the site: "New Instruments of the Spirit"