Energy gymnastics. Exercise to improve energy

The world knows very little about the life of Tibetan monks. Peace-loving Tibetans strictly guard their meditative peace - they have no need for extra interest, and can do harm. But still, some of their exercise techniques make their way into the world of mere mortals, and here is one of them.

This morning self-massage technique is popular among Tibetan monks. It would be fair to call her energy gymnastics, because affects the chakras and aura (biofield). Through acupuncture points, the activity of certain organs is affected. It is also called " hormonal gymnastics", since it has a powerful effect on the endocrine system.

There is a legend about how this technique came to us thirty years ago. In Soviet times, when our builders went to Tibet to build power lines, they saw a monastery and monks living in it without electricity, which caused them surprise and pity. Therefore, they brought the light to them at the same time. The monks, having seen such a miracle, decided to thank our installers by giving them this equipment and finally saying: “You will be able to appreciate this equipment in 20 years.” Over time, installers using this equipment covered it in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. They were over 80, but they felt great.

This amazing gymnastics of youth helps to maintain all the endocrine glands in a young state at the age of about 25+ years. Gives a powerful charge of vivacity, energy, and positivity. Improves mental activity.

Tibetan gymnastics for health and longevity very good, and if done regularly simple exercises the biological age of the body becomes significantly lower than that indicated in the passport. In terms of time, performing all the exercises of this gymnastics takes 5-10 minutes, which you wouldn’t mind spending on yourself for your loved one.

What Tibetan hormonal gymnastics gives:

    Hardening the body.

    The ability to wake up early in a cheerful state.

    If there was noise in ears, then he passes.

    Improves vision and hearing.

    Disappears double chin, belly. Cosmetic rejuvenating Effect.

    Slowing down the aging process.

    Increases brain performance memory improves and concentration.

    Correcting your posture.

    Lifespan increases by 20+ years

    Organism cleared of toxins, cells are enriched with oxygen.

    A surge of energy and strength.

    The flow of energy in the body improves and blocks are removed.

With systematic exercise, relief from ailments occurs over a period of 6 months to 2-3 years (depending on the severity of the disease).

10 exercises of rejuvenating gymnastics of Tibetan monks.

It is best to do the exercises in the morning at 6.00 right in bed.

1. Rubbing hands, biofield diagnostics

The exercises begin with diagnosing the biofield. To do this, rub your palms together with pressure for about 15 seconds. If after this your hands are cold, plus also wet, then there are problems with health and energy. If they are warm, the energy of the biofield is somewhat reduced. But if they are dry and hot, then everything is fine with the energy of the biofield. By the way, in order to simply feel the presence of the biofield, there is also one ancient exercise “energy ball”: rub your palms, stretch your arms slightly in front of you, place your hands at a distance of about 20 cm from each other. Relax your mind and mentally imagine a ball between your palms. After some time, move your palms slightly to the sides and bring them together, as if squeezing the ball. There will be a feeling of elasticity and possibly warmth. Such a ball can be charged with positive life-affirming affirmations and rubbed into the head or chest.
While studying Tibetan gymnastics It is important to do the exercises consciously, to imagine the movement of energies.

2. Palping (for the eyes)

Warm palms are applied to the eyeballs (fingers pointing upward). And then press down on your eyes bottom palms in this rhythm: 1 second - 1 press. After thirty presses, hold your hands over your eyes for another thirty seconds, and if you have vision problems, then another +2 minutes.

3. Gymnastics for the ears

Press on your ears with your palms, fingers on the back of your head. With a rhythm of 1 second - 1 press, for 30 seconds press your palms to ears. If painful sensations appear in the ears, the pressure can be applied more gently. If you do this exercise regularly in the morning, ear diseases go away and your hearing improves.

4. Facelift

The exercise has a cosmetological effect, making the facial skin elastic, toned, improving the oval of the face and lymph flow.

Hands clench into fists, thumb protruded. Starting from the chin and higher towards the ears, press with sufficient force with your fist (the pressure point is more on the knuckles of the index finger), bringing it to the ears so that the thumb is behind the ear (there is an active point there), and then in the opposite direction. Do this for thirty cycles.

5. Forehead massage

Exercise improves the functioning of the pituitary gland and has a positive effect on the sinuses.
There are many points on the forehead that influence the centers of endocrine (hormonal) regulation.

The left palm lies on the right, the right on the forehead. In this position, circular movements are made from temple to temple. There is an option without touching the forehead - the hands are at a distance of 4-5 cm from the face (energetic effect, but if you need a skin-smoothing effect, then with touch). The rhythm is standard, 1 movement per second. Do 30 seconds.

6. Crown massage

Exercise helps normalize blood pressure (both high and low), improves mobility shoulder girdle and relieves shoulder pain.

A cushion is placed under the neck, the hands need to be woven into a ring so that the right one is below and the left one is on top of it. And, as it were, “fly” with folded hands above your head (over the energy center located on the crown - Sahasrara) starting a movement 5-6 centimeters from the forehead and to the back of the head. Make thirty such movements. Afterwards, hold your hands above the crown of your head and move them from ear to ear thirty times as well.

7. Massage thyroid gland

The left hand rests on the right, which lies on the neck in the thyroid area. Leaving right hand on the neck, the left one should be moved down to the navel and back up to the thyroid gland. Moving your left hand in this way, keep it at a distance of 5-6 cm from the body. Thus, we seem to be collecting energy from the main energy center located in the navel area (see) and feeding the thyroid gland and the chakra located in this area with this energy.

In the last seconds of such movements, linger on the thyroid gland for 5-6 seconds.

8. Abdominal massage

Putting one hand on top of the other (left on top), do 30 circular movements. Exercise is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract: old constipation disappears, the intestines work smoothly, the functioning of the liver and pancreas improves.

I would like to mention in a little more detail about the energy center located in the navel area. In Qigong (by the way, there is one) this center is called the lower Tan Tien (in other teachings it may be called differently, but basically the essence is the same). The main energy center, the storage of Qi energy, responsible for the material component(well-being as well) and health in general. Qigong has good exercise by pumping this center with energy - , and Zen monks (Za-Zen) in meditation fold their hands into a boat and close thumbs with the upward direction just below this center, apparently for good reason.

9. Shaking

Exercise cleanses the channels through which energy flows and improves capillary blood circulation.

Raise your legs and arms up, palms and feet parallel to the floor. You need to rotate your legs at the ankle joints, and at the same time rotate your arms at the wrists. Finally, shake your arms and legs for 30 seconds.

10. Foot rubbing

Accept sitting position and massage the feet, especially in the center. If pain begins to be felt in some place, then you need to massage until the pain disappears. Finally, rub your legs from bottom to top.


Tibetan energy gymnastics can work wonders with our body, healing and rejuvenating it. But as they say, and faith can work miracles. Therefore, when doing exercises, you need to believe in it. And there is hardly any point in doing gymnastics with a negative message, distrust, because thought is material.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics video

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We are energetically whole when we are in harmony with ourselves. While everything collapses in this regard, we crumble into small parts, losing ourselves. Everything is really so serious! Our state of mind largely determines our state of health.

Energy gymnastics exercises according to Zealand

Do not be careless about this, because negligence will lead to serious consequences. Apathy, stress, physical ailments are all just part of what can await you.

Energy exercises can provide prevention and excellent recovery from these ailments. After all, just think about how much free energy there is from Space and Earth. Just an incredible amount, from which many of us draw insignificant particles. Because they do not fully control their capabilities and are subsequently left with almost nothing.

Human channels in energy gymnastics

This energy depends on the central flows (energy). Through them we assimilate it and carry out the so-called processing. Of course, over time it becomes dirty, wears out and, worse, can overlap. Behind this, again, are depression, illness, and a negative attitude.

With the help of this gymnastics, a person’s energy channels are brought back to normal and become guests in the world of pure energy. Nowadays there are so many sets of classes that you must in any case find your right direction. We’ll introduce you to some options now; maybe you’ll like what we consider the most powerful and correct solution. Go!

Tibetan energy gymnastics, also known as hormonal gymnastics, came to us more than 30 years ago from distant Tibet. The culture of those regions and customs are simply fascinating, reminiscent of a magical act. Energy gymnastics are performed by Tibetan monks in one of their monasteries. Once the secret of majestic harmony was conveyed to a man from Russia, which only after a full 20 years he was able to truly achieve with dignity. After all, the results were simply amazing.

By devoting just five minutes a day, you can keep your glands in order, as well as your hormonal levels at the same level as you age 25-30 years. At the same time, you can extend your life and spend it with incredible vigor. , also has healing properties. With a persistent and responsible approach, such annoying chronic diseases that complicate your life will finally leave you.

Be sure to do it every morning. They take from 5 to 15 minutes. With its help, you can ideally maintain the functioning of the body, as well as the functioning of all hormonal organs throughout the day. B

Health and longevity incredible gifts from Tibet

Without exaggeration, Tibetan energy gymnastics can increase your life by as much as 25 or 30 years. Of course, we should not forget that it is absolutely incompatible with harmful habits such as alcohol, smoking, and drugs. This gymnastics is righteous and leads to the purification of soul and body. It’s as if your life will begin to dance to the rhythm of the Universe itself, since it must be successfully completed before six in the morning!

  • minus bad habits;
  • do everything early morning(from four to six in the morning);
  • acquire reserves of patience, results are not immediately visible;
  • learn to perform a set of exercises in a certain order so that the harmony sparkles with all its colors.

Most of the exercises are performed lying down. Therefore, you should get a small gymnastic mat for convenience.

  1. Warm up your ears.

Hands on your ears, place them so that your fingers are under the lobes (thumbs). Actively move your hands up and down, rubbing the shell of your ears with your index fingers.

  1. Blood flow.

Place your palms on your forehead. It is advisable that the right one is under the left. Moving clockwise.

  1. Take care of your eyes!

Keep your palms relaxed. Bend your fingers and press them onto your eyes, massaging both eyes.

Rules and set of excellent techniques Tibetan monks
  1. Problems with metabolism? We have a solution!

Place your hands on both sides of your neck. Massage the thyroid area. Also, the acceleration of exchange is accompanied by wearing special beads made of amber (raw).

  1. Get rid of fat.

Right hand on the navel, cover it with your left hand and move clockwise.

  1. Take care of your internal organs.

Sharply draw in your tummy as you inhale, and bulge as you exhale.

Now you know the main part of the exercises. Perform each up to 20 times and everything will be at the highest level!

Start with a clean slate now. With energy gymnastics based on the set of exercises and Zeeland’s worldview, you can get the healthiest energy possible.

Healthy energy from Vadim Zeland

This is again a wonderful prevention and support for a healthy state of mind. It doesn't take up a lot of time and space. Everything is as comfortable as possible and without any tense moments.

If it is difficult for you to learn a diagram laid out in printed form, and it is easier for you, everything is perceived visually. Just type “energy gymnastics video” on the Internet and easily start an incredible technique that allows you to look at life with completely different eyes.

Gymnastics according to Zealand step by step

Now we will provide you with energy gymnastics according to Zealand in the form of exercises, a kind of complex. Please read carefully and proceed with implementation.

  1. As you inhale, feel the flow of energy go straight from the ground to the groin area, moving along the vertebrae, smoothly moving into the head and stopping at the final stop called heaven.
  2. As you exhale, imagine this picture. A stream of energy emanates from the sky straight into your head, which, moving through the spine, descends into the soil of the earth.

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but he can imagine it. Feel the entire surface of your body, as if you were immersed in a hot bath.

I'm not saying try it. Just do it. When you don’t try, but do it, it works right away, and no training is needed. The energy spreads like a slow wave from the center of your body, comes to the surface and turns into a ball. Imagine a ball around you. This is your energy shell. It doesn't matter that it's not really noticeable. With just your imagination you take the first step towards controlling the shell. Over time, the real feeling will come.

People with developed extrasensory abilities can see both the shell itself and all the defects on it. Every person initially already has extrasensory abilities, they are simply not used, and therefore are in a dormant state. You can wake them up by long training sessions or at one moment - it is only a matter of strength of intention. Of course, it is quite difficult to achieve such an intention. But for our purposes, it will be quite enough to bring your energy to a healthy state. The weak shell is defenseless against violent invasion.

Healthy energy can be developed and maintained by regularly doing special gymnastics. It's very simple and takes little time.

1. Stand up straight, as comfortable as you feel, without straining. Inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (at approximately the distance indicated above), leaves the head and goes into the sky.

2. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters your head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't have to physically feel these currents. Just imagining it is enough. Over time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you will learn to sense them.

3. Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without intersecting, each in its own channel. At first, do this while inhaling and exhaling, but over time, try to abandon the connection of flows to breathing. With the power of imagination (intention), you can accelerate flows and give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and spills over your head like a fountain. Likewise, the downward flow comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally connect the sprays of both so that you find yourself inside the energy sphere.

4. Next, pay attention to the surface of your body. Simply feel the surface of your skin and then extend that feeling into a sphere, similar to balloon expands when inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of the skin, the sphere of closed energy fountains becomes fixed. All this is done without stress. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something.

Don't worry that you can't physically feel the central currents. You got so used to them that you stopped feeling them, like any other healthy person. internal organ. By regularly concentrating on the currents from time to time, you will soon feel a physical sensation. Not as strong as, say, touch, not real enough.

This is energy gymnastics. By closing the flows onto each other into a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you secure this shell in a stable state.

The benefits of such gymnastics can hardly be overestimated. First, the shell protects you from damage. Secondly, by training your energy, you cleanse the subtle channels. The plugs that impede the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is consumed are closed. All this does not happen at once, but gradually. But you don’t need to constantly seek help from reflexologists and psychics. You yourself restore normal energy circulation.

It should be noted that the energy shell cannot protect against vampires and pendulums. These parasites pump energy by tuning into your frequency. When the pendulum tries to hook the victim, it deviates from balance. At this moment, in order to break the pendulum, you need to wake up and reset your importance. The muscles will relax, the energy will come into balance, and the pendulum will fall into the void. After all, if you don’t pump yourself, he won’t be able to take the energy. Awareness is necessary to constantly monitor those moments when you involuntarily deviate from balance.

Increasing energy does not mean accumulating it. This may seem strange because we are accustomed to phrases like “I lack energy” or “I am full of energy.” Only physiological energy can be stored in the form of calories. To do this, it is enough to eat well and rest regularly. There is nowhere for a person to accumulate free energy. She comes into the body from Space. If the channels are wide enough, there is energy; if they are narrow, there is no energy. Therefore, high energy means, first of all, wide channels.

Free energy is always present at every point in unlimited quantities - take as much as you can carry. You need to learn to let it in and feel like a part of the Universe. This should not be some kind of one-time act. It is necessary to constantly strive for a feeling of energetic unity with the world around us.

A person thinks that if he accumulates a lot of energy, he will become strong and be able to achieve success. Such accumulation serves only as preparation for influencing the world through the power of inner intention. As you already know, trying to change or defeat the world by force is an extremely difficult, thankless, ineffective task and, therefore, requires a lot of energy. A person, interacting with the world with the power of inner intention, thinks too much about himself. In fact, he is just a drop in the ocean.

External intention does not change the world and does not fight it. It simply chooses in this world what is required. External intention in the “shop of the space of options” does not need to bargain for goods or take them away from sellers. To work with external intention, you do not need to accumulate energy. There is already plenty of it everywhere - we are literally swimming in it. Accumulating is like swimming in a lake and holding water in reserve behind your cheeks. Don't try to accumulate energy, but simply allow it to flow freely through you in the form of two counter flows. You can sometimes close these flows into two opposite fountains. That's all it takes.

Don’t try to turn into a clot of energy, but imagine yourself as a drop in the ocean. Recognize and feel that you are one with the Universe, you are part of it, and then all the energy is at your disposal. Do not concentrate energy in yourself, but merge with the energy of the Universe. Expand your energy sphere and dissolve it in the surrounding space, while not forgetting that you are a separate particle. Then, just by moving the little finger of external intention, you will do in a certain period of time something that can never be done with the power of internal intention. I'm talking about achieving your goal, and not about the internal intention to punch someone in the face. Momentary needs can truly be satisfied only by the power of inner intention.

Free energy will be present in sufficient quantities if the energy channels are not narrowed. The narrowing of energy channels occurs for two reasons: clogging of the body and constant exposure to stress. In a slagged body, energy cannot circulate freely. In stressful conditions, the channels are clamped even tighter. Short bursts of energy recovery are usually followed by long periods of decline. During such periods a person cannot live a full life. active life, but ekes out a measured existence.

Over time, energy channels become increasingly atrophied. This is due to the fact that with age a person stops developing, enters a measured rhythm of life, and work with the channels practically stops. Channel training occurs when you have to use intention at the maximum level. By achieving vital goals, a person stimulates intention, and therefore channels. As soon as the main peaks are taken, the bar of intention begins to gradually decrease. So the time comes when in the evening (and not only) you want only one thing - to relax in a chair in front of the TV. Energy channels are narrow, there is no energy of intention, life is not a joy, but a burden.

Fortunately, everything can be easily fixed. To do this, you don’t need to force your intention to take new heights. Energy channels are well trained with energy gymnastics. But it will be even better if, if possible, you always carry the feeling of the central flows and the subtle body with you. This state brings with it a number of advantages. You are in harmony and balance with the world around you, are sensitive to changes in your environment and successfully move with the flow. You are connected to the information field - an unlimited source for creativity. Gain access to the energy of the Cosmos. You broadcast harmonious radiation, which creates an oasis of well-being and success around you. But the main thing is that you act on the edge of the unity of soul and mind, that is, closer to the external intention. This is how your ability to control external intention develops, which means that desires begin to come true faster and easier.

It will be enough from time to time during the day to turn on the fountains of energy flows and try to mentally strengthen them, but without diligence, without straining. If at the same time you feel some heaviness in your head, it means that the upward flow is stronger than the downward one. In this case, you should focus on the downward flow and strengthen it a little. The flows must be in balance, so that the central point is somewhere in the middle of the body. From this point, mentally direct the radiation to the entire energy sphere, while the sensation of the subtle body clearly intensifies. Thus, you should have a complex sense of the ascending and descending currents, coupled with the sensation of your energy body.

If you concentrate your attention on the downward flow, the energy center will move down. Conversely, if you focus on the upward flow, energy will accumulate in the upper body. In addition, the physical center of gravity will move in the same way as the energy one. This property can be used in sports. If stability on the feet is required, such as in alpine skiing, it is worth strengthening the downward flow. And if you need to jump, then strengthen the upward flow. Masters of martial arts are well aware of these properties of energy flows. There are such specialists who are almost impossible to move if they concentrate on the downward flow. Conversely, if a master concentrates on the upward flow, he can perform unimaginable jumps.

Carrying out physical exercise, pay attention to the central flows. You should not do this too diligently - you will not achieve anything with diligence. Just sometimes take an inner look at the area in front of the spine and imagine how the upward flow moves upward and the downward flow moves downward. If you regularly mentally move the central currents, you will gradually develop the free skill of sensing them. Some movements may seem to be inconsistent with the flow visualization. Take your time, over time you will learn to easily correlate any movements with the sensation of flows.

If you do strength training, you can significantly increase your energy by focusing your attention on the central currents. When a movement is made with tension, attention is paid to the muscles. When a return movement is made, in which the muscles relax, attention switches to the central flows. You need to hold the moment of relaxation for one or two seconds and feel the movement of the currents.

Let's take the pull-up bar as an example. At the beginning of the ascent, the breath is held, the ascent is performed, the exhalation is made, and the attention is focused on the effort. Then, when returning down, inhale, the muscles relax, and attention switches to the central flows. Imagine how, during relaxation, energy flows move simultaneously in both directions. It is necessary to fully straighten your elbows and hang on relaxed hands for one or two seconds. Then you will clearly feel the energy flows - they seem to be released and begin to move slowly. At the moment of relaxation, there is no need to speed them up, let them go and allow them to move freely.

When performing push-ups from the floor, the central flows can, on the contrary, be pushed through with force. Having straightened your elbows, at the same time mentally forcefully push the flows as you exhale. Inhale and exhale during the exercises in the order that is most convenient for you, so that it does not cause discomfort. But in general, in the majority strength exercises During the effort phase, breathing is held or exhaled, and during the relaxation phase, inhalation is done.

By paying attention to the flows, you are already stimulating their strengthening. Alternating tension and relaxation stimulates them even more if you direct your attention correctly. At the tension stage they stopped and contracted like springs. During relaxation, the springs straighten and the force of the flow increases. After tension, the accumulated and compressed energy is released and literally pushed through the central channels with force.

Increasing your energy will not only increase your vitality, but will also make you a more influential figure. Your radiation will become more powerful. This will come in handy when you need to influence someone or convince someone of something. Also known forceful methods energetic influence on people, but they go against the principle of transurfing, which states that you do not have the right to change anything, but can only choose. There is no need to fight and put pressure on the world around you. This is a very ineffective way to achieve your goals. As you know, the world, as a rule, responds in kind to forceful pressure.

The higher your energy, the better people treat you, because they subconsciously feel the energy and even consume it to some extent. But ordinary people do not feed themselves purposefully, like pendulums. It’s as if they are bathing in someone else’s energy, if the energy overflows in excess over the edge of your “fountains”.

By providing excess energy to people, you gain their favor. People are so accustomed to giving energy to pendulums that they are always pleased by the source that itself gives energy. Such sources include so-called magnetic or charismatic personalities. They say about them: they have some kind of inexplicable charm, magnetism. This is not surprising. What makes you more sympathetic: a puddle of stagnant water or a clear spring? Don't worry if your energy is being consumed by others. That little excess energy that you give to others will only work in your favor.

Let's say you have a very important meeting coming up. Give up importance and turn on your central currents. Let them flow like fountains. You will need much less smart words and convincing arguments. Just turn on your fountains. By attracting and passing free energy through yourself, you gift those around you. On a subconscious level, they will feel this and, without realizing it, will become imbued with sympathy for you. The secret of your charm will be a mystery only to them.

As already mentioned, energy enters the human body in the form of central flows, is formed by thoughts and at the output acquires parameters corresponding to these thoughts. The modulated energy is superimposed on the corresponding sector in the space of options, which leads to the material implementation of the option. Modulation takes place only if the soul and mind are one. Otherwise, mental energy is like interference in a radio receiver.

With the power of inner intention, you can perform elementary actions in the material world. However, the material realization of potential opportunity in the space of options occurs only by the force of external intention. It occurs when the soul and mind are united in their aspirations. Strength is proportional to the level of energy. External intention represents absolute determination combined with high energy potential.

Energy is increased by training central flows and cleansing the body. But in transurfing there is another wonderful method that will help expand the channels - visualization of the process.

In order to increase the energy of intention, intention itself is required. You can give yourself the following installation: my channels are expanding, and the energy of intention is increasing. When doing gymnastics, visualize this process. As you remember, the essence of process visualization is to state the fact: today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. When launching energy fountains, repeat in your thoughts the statement that your energy of intention is increasing every day. So the intention itself will support itself and increase energy progressively.

Do not forget that the intention to increase the biofield must be cleared of the potentials of desire and importance. Diligence and diligence in an effort to strengthen energy flows will have the opposite effect of blockage. Any effort and diligence creates excess potential because you attach excessive importance to achieving the goal. Intention is not diligence, but focus. All that matters is being focused on the process. If you do the exercises with all your might, but your mind dreams of something else, then you are wasting your time and energy. Release the grip of zeal and simply focus on action.

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The free energy of the Earth and Space literally permeates the space around us. But how to accept it and fill your body with its life-giving power? Why does internal energy literally overwhelm some people and is almost completely absent in others?

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A person’s reception and assimilation of free energy from the external environment occurs through his central energy channels. Time contributes to the gradual clogging of the channels, until they are completely worn out, and the lack of energy supply affects the general weakening of the body, resulting in the development of depression, illness and the accompanying dissatisfaction with life and oneself.

The energy of the Earth and the energy of the Cosmos circulates in space in the form of two central flows - ascending and descending, respectively. An ascending energy flow (from the Earth) permeates a person from bottom to top along a vertical channel located along the spinal column at a distance of 0.5 cm from it. The downward (from Space) flow is located at a distance of 3 cm from the front of the spine - from the crown to the tailbone. Energy gymnastics will help cleanse our energy channels and ensure their effective operation.


1. You can perform the exercises standing or lying down. While taking a deep breath, try to imagine as vividly as possible how from bottom to top, starting from the perineum and ending with the crown, you are pierced by an energy flow emanating from the Earth. Powerful and strong, it literally fills you with free energy, moving along the spine.

2. In the same way, after exhaling, imagine the passage of a powerful flow of Cosmic energy through a channel running along the spine, starting from the top, from the crown, further, bypassing the perineum, and then going into the ground. Try to use the power of imagination to influence the passing flows of energy, strengthening and holding them within yourself at the same time.

3. Imagine further that the incoming flows, having passed through you, turn into powerful fountains, gradually connecting with each other, which then take the form of an energy sphere within which you mentally find yourself. Imagine that you are a balloon, the surface of which, increasing, gradually merges with the boundaries of the sphere, absorbing the maximum amount of energy.

4. By repeatedly repeating the exercises, you will learn to imagine and really feel the energy flows passing through you. Forming an energy sphere, the flows provide a protective energy shell, which, connecting with the etheric body, creates a stable energy structure.

5. Gymnastics allows you to cleanse the central and subtle channels for the free circulation of energy, preserving it in the energy sphere formed around you, recreating the previously damaged shell through which energy left your body. The recreated energy shell will protect you from illnesses and problems, you will feel how strength and harmony around you are restored.

6. Repeating affirmations with confidence “I feel how my energy is intensifying!”, “I am full of strength and energy!” etc., the level of impact of energy gymnastics can be significantly enhanced.

Since everything new is well-forgotten old, I bring to your attention an excerpt from Vadim Zeland’s book “Forward to the Past!” (Reality Transurfing - 3), which describes energy gymnastics that help clear energy channels.
Don't miss the opportunity to feel the movement of the flow of energy in your physical body. Take and do this exercise:

Protective shell

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but he can imagine it. Feel the entire surface of your body, as if you were immersed in a hot bath. I'm not saying try it. Just do it. When you don’t try, but do it, it works right away, and no training is needed. The energy spreads like a slow wave from the center of your body, comes to the surface and turns into a ball. Imagine a ball around you. This is your energy shell. It doesn't matter that it's not really noticeable. With just your imagination you take the first step towards controlling the shell. Over time, the real feeling will come.

People with developed extrasensory abilities can see both the shell itself and all the defects on it. Every person initially already has extrasensory abilities, they are simply not used, and therefore are in a dormant state. You can wake them up through long training or at one moment - it’s just a matter of strength of intention. Of course, it is quite difficult to achieve such an intention. But for our purposes, it will be quite enough to bring your energy to a healthy state. The weak shell is defenseless against violent invasion.

Healthy energy can be developed and maintained by regularly performing special exercises. It's very simple and takes little time. Stand up straight as you feel comfortable without straining. Inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (at approximately the distance indicated above), leaves the head and goes into the sky. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters your head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't have to physically feel these currents. Just imagining it is enough. Over time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you will learn to sense them.

Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without intersecting, each in its own channel. At first, do this while inhaling and exhaling, but over time, try to abandon the connection of flows to breathing. With the power of imagination (intention), you can accelerate flows and give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and spills over your head like a fountain. Likewise, the downward flow comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally connect the sprays of both so that you find yourself inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Simply feel the surface of your skin and then expand that sensation into a sphere, just as a balloon expands when it is inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of the skin, the sphere of closed energy fountains becomes fixed. All this is done without stress. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something.

Don't worry that you can't physically feel the central currents. You got so used to them that you stopped feeling them, like any other healthy internal organ. By regularly concentrating on the currents from time to time, you will soon feel a physical sensation. Not as strong as, say, touch, but real enough.

This is energy gymnastics. By closing the flows onto each other into a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you secure this shell in a stable state. The benefits of such gymnastics can hardly be overestimated. First, the shell protects you from damage. Secondly, by training your energy, you cleanse the subtle channels. The plugs that impede the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is consumed are closed. All this does not happen at once, but gradually. But you don’t need to constantly seek help from reflexologists and psychics. You yourself restore normal energy circulation.

Material taken from the site: "New Instruments of the Spirit"