Elena Govorova: “I want to be healthy and happy so that I can dance at my son’s wedding!” The Herbalife expert was the legend of Ukrainian athletics Elena Govorova “Sport is like falling in love!”

Kyiv, April 29, 2015 — Herbalife, a world leader in the production of balanced nutrition products, announced the start of cooperation with the Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in athletics Elena Govorova. As an Herbalife expert, Elena will contribute to the formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition in Ukrainian society.

“I fully support Herbalife’s initiatives to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. I am impressed by the company’s comprehensive approach to this process, which includes motivation, support, training, forming a community of like-minded people, and introducing innovations through balanced nutrition products,” says Govorova. “I am ready to share my experience and knowledge to contribute to the popularization of an active lifestyle by becoming an Herbalife expert.”

“Elena Govorova is a famous athlete and TV presenter who is close to the values ​​of the Herbalife brand. She provides a wonderful role model for anyone who strives to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. We are confident that our cooperation will be fruitful,” comments Tatyana Serebryanik, director of Herbalife Ukraine.

During her sports career, Elena Govorova specialized in the long jump and triple jump. She competed in three Olympics (1996, 2000 and 2004) and five consecutive World Athletics Championships (1995 to 2003). Elena won a bronze medal in the triple jump at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, also bronze at the 1997 World Athletics Championships in Athens, and won the Universiade twice: in 1997 and 1999.

After completing her sports career, Govorova became actively involved in social activities and popularization of sports in Ukraine. She leads sports programs on television, organizes various sporting events, is working on a social project to help children from disadvantaged families together with the National Olympic Committee Ukraine. For your sports achivments and contribution to the development of physical culture in the country, Elena was awarded the Order of Princess Olga of all three degrees.

Cooperation with famous athletes- part of Herbalife's global strategy to promote a healthy lifestyle. The company partners with more than a hundred teams and athletes around the world, including world football star Cristiano Ronaldo, Olympic champions in various disciplines known football clubs, including FC Shakhtar (Ukraine). The world record holder for extreme strength training, Sergei Konyushok, also acts as an Herbalife expert in Ukraine.

About Herbalife Ltd.
Herbalife is an international company operating in the healthy lifestyle industry. The company was founded in 1980 in Los Angeles and today operates in more than 90 countries, including Ukraine. Herbalife shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: HLF). The company employs more than 7 thousand employees, its net revenue in 2013 amounted to $4.8 billion.
Herbalife helps people fight overweight and unhealthy eating habits by developing high quality products and providing personalized nutrition education services. As well as creating an atmosphere that inspires our consumers to stick to their habits healthy eating, control your weight and be active and healthy image life.

Elena Govorova will popularize a healthy and active lifestyle in Ukraine together with Herbalife.

April 292015 In Kyiv, Herbalife, a world leader in the production of balanced nutrition products, announced the start of cooperation with the Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in athletics Elena Govorova. As an Herbalife expert, Elena will contribute to the formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition in Ukrainian society.

“I fully support Herbalife’s initiatives to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. I am impressed by the company’s comprehensive approach to this process, which includes motivation, support, training, forming a community of like-minded people, and introducing innovations through balanced nutrition products,” says Govorova. “I am ready to share my experience and knowledge to contribute to the popularization of an active lifestyle by becoming an Herbalife expert.”

“Elena Govorova is a famous athlete and TV presenter who is close to the values ​​of the Herbalife brand. She provides a wonderful role model for anyone who strives to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. We are confident that our cooperation will be fruitful,” comments Tatyana Serebryanik, director of Herbalife Ukraine.

Sports achievements of Elena Govorova

During her sports career, Elena Govorova specialized in the long jump and triple jump. She competed in three Olympics (1996, 2000 and 2004) and five consecutive World Athletics Championships (1995 to 2003). Elena won a bronze medal in the triple jump at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, also bronze at the 1997 World Athletics Championships in Athens, and won the Universiade twice: in 1997 and 1999.

After completing her sports career, Govorova became actively involved in social activities and popularization of sports in Ukraine. She hosts sports programs on television, organizes various sporting events, and works on a social project to help children from disadvantaged families together with the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine. For her sporting achievements and contribution to the development of physical culture in the country, Elena was awarded the Order of Princess Olga in all three degrees.

Young and active mother

In addition to active social and sports life Elena remains, first of all, a loving wife and caring mother. In 2013, the legendary athlete and her husband Vladimir had a son, Bogdan. The baby will soon turn 2 years old and Elena happily talks about the achievements and secrets of raising her son in various interviews.

“He is lively, like mom, and sedate, like dad,” Elena admitted in an interview. The young family is not going to stop with one child and dreams of having a younger brother or sister for Bogdanchik.

In September 2000, Ukrainian athlete Elena Govorova stood on the podium at the Sydney Olympics, winning bronze in the triple jump, and wanted to embrace the whole world. And she found her own way to fulfill this desire: after completing her sports career, Elena began to popularize sports and a healthy lifestyle in Ukraine and abroad. Today she is known not only as an Honored Master of Sports in Athletics, a prize-winner Olympic Games and TV presenter. As an Herbalife expert, Elena Govorova visited Minsk and shared useful tips about exercise and proper nutrition.

“Sport is like falling in love!”

- Elena, you have completed your sports career, but continue to be quite active in sports. What helps you - a habit or something else?

— Honestly, if at that moment, when I was professionally involved in athletics, someone told me that so many years after leaving sports I would voluntarily perform such volumes of physical activity, I would never have believed it! But never say never, and my example is another proof of this.

It probably all depends on motivation. For me, the most important reason for playing sports is the desire to start the day feeling good, to feel that you are full of strength and can move mountains, that everything works out, that you look good in the end. In my opinion, it is very important for a woman to like herself. Then she can control everything, she can create, she can fly, she can change the world.

And another effective “motivator” is my son. I really want that when Bogdan goes to school, he will proudly say: “This is my mother!”, and not be shy: by that time I will already be close to 50! It is very important for me. And I also see us in a beautiful dance at his wedding... And such little things are not little things at all, in fact. This is the secret - to listen to yourself and find your own reason to change your habits and take care of your physical fitness.

- What is ideal? physical form and is it worth striving for?

- All people are different. What is good for one may be completely unacceptable for another. And it is very important for people to understand: sport and physical activity are not toned butts and pumped up abs. Or rather, this too, but it comes as a bonus. But the main thing is to be full of vital energy. And a person can feel this physical level, if you purposefully change your habits towards a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, the formula for a healthy lifestyle is very simple and implementable: 80% is a balanced diet and 20% is physical activity. At the same time, the world of sports is so wide and diverse that everyone can find something they like.

— Are there sports that are best to start with?

— Do you know how I compare training and playing sports? With love! When a person falls in love, he wants to fly, run to his soulmate and never part with her. Joy, euphoria, endorphins in the air. And when a person finds “his” activity, the sport that suits him, the sensations are very similar: in the same way, you want to run to training in order to feel a surge of emotions, joy, strength and energy.

My story: there was a period when I wanted to try something new, I decided to “develop feminine energies” and went to Zumba. And this is a completely different muscle reaction, unusual, “not native” for me. I literally went through it for a while and realized: it’s not for me. I decided to return to my favorite stadium - and within a month I was happy with my sports uniform. Because the muscles remember everything, I understand what, how and why I do it, and most importantly, I enjoy it! All these components together give the desired result.

So the main rule is to listen to yourself and search. If someone dances and you don’t like it, don’t dance. If someone does yoga and you don’t like it, find another sport: try the same Zumba, run, join the gym... Just go outside and walk, in the end! By the way, in this regard, Minsk residents are very lucky: you have all the conditions for this. Greenery, cleanliness, tranquility - on the way from the airport I just wanted to jump out of the taxi and go for a run!

- What do you do yourself?

— I still remain a fan athletics. You come to the stadium and it’s like you’re going back 20 years! I notice that even my gait is changing. In addition, I connect functional training and mandatory complex morning exercises, no matter what time you go to bed and no matter what time you wake up. Even if I can’t do it in the morning, I always find an opportunity to do my five exercises during the day.

“A month without training and you have to start again”

— For beginners, the principle “From simple to complex” is important. In general, the ideal physical activity is three days of cardio training per week, and at the next stage you can add strength training twice a week.

If a person has not exercised at all for a long time, you can even start with walking, increasing the intensity over time. No need to chase complexity. You can find a set of simple ones for yourself - I emphasize, simple ones! - but at the same time effective exercises: at school we all did squats, push-ups, ran... 5−6 simple exercises 15 repetitions each, which must be repeated for 21 days - this is how the habit is consolidated. It is the same exercises that are important! If you want to see results, you don’t need to constantly rush from side to side and change something: today I’ll do it this way, tomorrow I’ll do it differently... Methodically and monotonously reach a certain level in certain exercises.

And the second rule is regularity. And not as it often happens: we trained for a while, “awakened” the muscles, felt the first results - and relaxed... Meanwhile, a month without training - and the body returns to the starting point, when you need to start all over again.

“Awareness is important both in sports and in life”

— What determines how quickly a person will notice the results of training?

— There is a very good and useful word “mindfulness” - not only in physical activity and health care, but also in work and in life in general. You can work hard in the gym, but if you don’t use your head, knowledge, there will be no effect.

Any professional sportsman will tell you that success is not only training, but also nutrition. Moreover, nutrition is even primary. It’s not for nothing that the athlete’s team has a whole group of nutritionists - the very people who monitor what he eats and describe the diet literally by product: which ones are suitable for him, which ones are not... And this is an important component high results V big sport. And in everyday life too, only each of us must become a nutritionist for ourselves.

— What should be the diet on the day of training?

- When a person turns on the active physical activity, he must definitely reconsider his diet. For good result an emphasis on protein foods and replenishment of the water-salt balance is necessary.

The best time for training is between 15:00 and 19:00 - this is the period when our body is ready to cope with the upcoming load. Remember the schedule of sports broadcasts: all the most important matches, all important competitions are held in the afternoon, when the body is at its peak of activity.

If you have the opportunity, then arrange a full lunch in an hour and a half: lean meat with vegetables, but not potatoes or pasta, and without using basins instead of plates. If it doesn’t work out, you can have a snack 40 minutes before training, but it should be easily digestible food. When training, be sure to take water with you, or even better, a special drink to restore water-salt balance (personally, I don’t even go out to the stadium to just run without it).

Immediately after training, the body needs protein food (the simplest option is a protein shake) to restore and strengthen muscles.

— Even if the goals are increased muscle mass no, is this still necessary?

— Many women are afraid of the word “protein,” but if we take two girls who go to the same gym with the same trainer and do approximately the same set of exercises, then even by eye it is very easy to distinguish which one. which one is used by protein after training, and which one is not: the first one will be fit, “ringing”, in sports language, and the second one will be somewhat “smooth”. So there is no need to be afraid, but you need to give your muscles the necessary nutrients to recover after exercise. And an hour later, if you want, a full meal, again focusing on protein (for example, lean poultry) and something easily digestible instead of dinner. I don’t like to eat heavily before bed; it prevents me from getting enough sleep. My favorite formula for good sleep is to go to bed with a light head, a light heart and a light stomach. Therefore, for dinner it is usually enough for me to drink a Formula 1 Protein Shake.

— What can you afford and what should you remember on a day when there is no training?

- Outside of training - split meals and mandatory adherence to the drinking regime. Even with the busiest pace of life, you can always find time for a healthy snack; Even the smallest bag has room for a half-liter bottle of water. The thirst and hunger centers in the brain are very close, and sometimes we think we are hungry, but in fact we are thirsty. And when water is always at hand, you will drink the prescribed amount automatically. And you will immediately notice a general improvement in your well-being.

In general, there is an 80/20 formula: a healthy lifestyle is 80% nutrition and 20% physical activity. It’s not for nothing that the emphasis is placed this way. Training takes place three times a week, and we eat three times a day! And they must “refuel” the body with high-quality fuel. This is where awareness is required from us: we must think and understand what and why we eat.

“Don’t pamper yourself, but enjoy life”

— How to pamper yourself properly and is it possible? How do you pamper yourself?

- It depends on what you want and what scale of “pampering”. If you really indulge (that is, eat something sweet and high-calorie), then only in the first half of the day. I am not a supporter of evening snacks, especially cakes and sweets. And if you just want something tasty, then you can treat yourself to something more healthy: for example, a Herbalife protein bar.

Let's not pretend that we are robots. In life there are holidays, birthdays, visits... It is clear that sometimes everyone has to deviate from the principles of healthy eating. But for me, “pamper” is very close to “pity”: when a person feels good, he does not need food substitutes for pleasure.

- A little more - and summer will end. What to do in autumn and winter for those who are used to playing sports fresh air?

- Those who run will continue to run in winter - I know this from myself! But, of course, not in the cold. A replacement for running can be found in the gym and even at home: half an hour, forty minutes a day and a square meter of space - all that is needed for this is the desire. In the fall, before the cold weather sets in, go out into the yard: any bench is already a whole training complex for all muscle groups. And if you have small children, then no gym is needed at all - if you actively participate in all their games and offer active activities, and not turn a walk into digging in a sandbox.

If I’m on a walk with Bogdan, I generally try not to take out my phone, I may not even answer calls if it’s not something urgent, but I dedicate this time to him, his friends, and their favorite games as much as possible. It is important for me not just to be with him, but also to set the right example for my son, so that he has someone to learn useful habits from - in physical culture, in nutrition, in attitude to life in general.

5 fitness tips from Elena Govorova:

  • find “your” look physical activity, which will give you pleasure;
  • start with the simple and gradually move towards the complex;
  • be sure to warm up before intense workout and never forget to cool down (like stretching) afterwards;
  • drink the required amount of water (about 1.5 liters) in even portions throughout the day;
  • 10-12 thousand steps a day on foot is the norm for a healthy person.

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