Psychic Sasha Dashi. Swami Dashi - biography, psychic, participant in the Battle of Psychics. The meaning of the name Dashi

Swami Dashi was born on August 22 in Kazakhstan. True, no one except him knows the exact year of birth of this mysterious man. And all because Dashi himself believes that if anyone finds out his date of birth, this will deprive the psychic of a certain protective barrier that he has been building for many years.

However, nothing can stop inquisitive fans. Presumably, the clairvoyant was born in the 60s. Moreover, as befits most psychics and magicians, “Swami Dashi” is just a pseudonym that the famous Osho named this person. Real name at birth: Peter Smirnov.

The man’s biography is literally pieced together due to the secrecy of its owner. Whether Dashi was an only child is also unknown. As a child, the whole family moved from Kazakhstan to St. Petersburg.

Swami's father is a fairly well-known Russian scientist in narrow circles. It is impossible to say what occupation the boy’s mother was. She committed suicide when her son was 20 years old.

Since childhood, Peter devoted a lot of time to physical and spiritual development. He combined visits to the gym with spiritual practices. Young man the meditation teachings took him so long that he decided to quit higher education, who is at the pediatric university and, without a doubt, will leave, not just anywhere, but to India. In addition, the father turned away from his son because he was against the unusual hobbies of the future psychic. Essentially, from then on, the guy was left to his own devices. He did not try to return his father's love.

Life in India

In total, he spent 20 years in India. During this time, Dashi moved further and further away from the worldview of the common man and immersed himself in a state of some kind of spiritual sublimity.

It is worth noting that his teacher was none other than Osho. During his studies with the famous mystic, Dashi mastered yoga. In addition, he was a supporter and admirer of neo-Sufism. After the spiritual leader died, Swami did not return to Russia, but traveled to Asian countries to learn new teachings. In particular, he begins to become interested in the activities of Filipino healers.

Having gained experience and knowledge, he returns to Russia.

Practice in Russia and participation in the show

Upon returning to Russia, Swami Dashi decides that the experience he gained must certainly be passed on to other generations. Thus, for 10 years he has been conducting seminars and trainings in which he teaches his students concentration and control of their psyche. In addition, Dashi was engaged in therapeutic massage.

He received a lot positive feedback from his followers.

Having achieved a certain spiritual growth, in the fall of 2016 Dashi decides to take part in the casting of the famous show “Battle of Psychics.” The man successfully passes the casting and becomes one of the regular participants in the project. After many difficult tests, in a bitter struggle he takes the main prize of the TV show, which brings him unprecedented success and recognition throughout the country.

After the show ended, the psychic continued to work in his meditation centers.

Personal life

According to information available in sources, Peter has a wife, Irina, who works as a fitness instructor. During life together the couple had three children: two sons and a daughter. It is worth noting that this is not Swami’s first marriage. The clairvoyant has a son from his first wife.

Swami Dashi is the most mysterious participant 17th season of the show “Battle of Psychics”. Little was known about the psychic’s biography before the filming of the TV show began, but this did not stop him from becoming a public favorite, passing all the tests and beating his competitors.

Biography of Swami Dasha (Petra Smirnova)

There is no publicly available information about when and where Swami Dashi was born. The master does not talk about his childhood, what family he grew up in, where he studied and worked. To compile a biography for Swami Dasha, you have to extract data bit by bit from his interviews.

According to some fans, the psychic himself was born on August 22 in St. Petersburg. There is no information about the year of birth, but many believe that he is about 50 years old. It is known that the psychic Swami Dasha has a beloved who is much younger than him. He has four children, with the eldest son being 34 years old and the youngest son 6 years old. There is no more information - the master prefers to keep his personal life secret.

Swami Dashi traveled a lot in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and lived in India for more than 20 years. While traveling, in a land of contrasts, he communicated with Teachers and learned Eastern and Western practices. He started practicing oriental massages, meditation and yoga, Osho’s bodily pulsations. He changed his name at birth - Peter Smirnov - to the pseudonym Swami Bodhi Dashi, which fully reflects his personality. In Judaism, "Swami" means a person freed from feelings.

Swami Dashi - participant in the “Battle of Psychics”

From the first issue it became clear that Swami Dashi is a real contender for victory. He easily found the man in the car and talked about Natalya Sumburskaya’s strong connection with her father, who went to prison when the actress was very young. The psychic surprised the jury and television viewers throughout the filming: he easily coped with all the tests, how he read the characters from notes and told their secret pages of life. He performed particularly brilliantly in a test in which he had to find a way out of a building full of armed men.

Swami Dashi - winner of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics (2016)

The best psychics claimed first place: Marilyn Kerro, Daria Voskobaeva, Masha Gan, Denis Vysotsky, etc. It was not easy to snatch victory from the hands of their opponents - everyone was worthy of receiving a prize. At the final test, the psychic Swami Dashi and the witch Daria Voskobaeva showed themselves to be the best. The finalists were so good that the jury couldn't decide the winner and had to resort to a white envelope. According to the results of the draw, Swami Dashi became the best of the best.

Swami Dashi after the “Battle of Psychics”

After participating in the television show “Battle of Psychics,” Swami Dashi became incredibly popular. This led to a flurry of letters and calls from fans, and in in social networks Dozens of fake accounts have appeared. It is easy to distinguish a real account from a fake one - Swami Dashi does not give remote consultations, does not answer questions on social networks, and does not take advance payment for an individual appointment.

Those who want to change their lives for the better and find themselves with the help of body-oriental practices come to the master. Swami Dasha has an official website in the public domain, and there are several Meditation Centers. The master uses his own technique based on energy practices with a thousand-year history. He emphasizes a combination of Eastern and Western approaches, spiritual practices, and a balance of physical, spiritual and mental activity. She practices massages, teaches meditation and yoga, and Osho’s bodily practices.

Swami Dashi does not engage in predicting the future, magic or rituals that can cause harm. If you want to tell fortunes, make a love spell or a lapel, or cause damage, it is better not to contact the master with such requests. But if you want happiness and health, dream of getting rid of emotional garbage, trauma, fears - welcome. Swami Dashi will help you take a step towards yourself.

The psychic hides his real name, preferring to be called a pseudonym. According to unconfirmed information, the psychic's name is Peter. Birthday - August 22. He himself is from the northern capital of Russia.

Swami is a title characteristic of the teachings in neo-Hinduism. It denotes a person freed from feelings. So we can already draw a conclusion with what forces the psychic works. In addition, Swami sounds like “with you”, which encourages people to work with this clairvoyant.

Swami Dashi is an interesting and controversial figure. Swami is known for being quite active in conducting all kinds of seminars, not only in Russia, which are aimed at unifying the soul, thinking, spirit and body.

Working in the Spirit-Soul-Body system - Swami Dashi always emphasizes the importance of balance between Physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. Based on his knowledge on stimulating the vertical flow of energy through three main aspects: breath-movement-sound, he makes it possible to return the true feeling of your body, release suppressed emotions, reveal blocks associated with them and remove them on the physical, mental and energy planes.

In the first episode of the 17th season of “Battle,” I gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season, Natalya Banteeva. Almost immediately he determined which person was in the trunk of which car. But he infuriated the actress Samburskaya, who performed in the role of Miss X, because he spoke about her internal connection with her father (Nastasya did not want to hear about him - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old) and that she The souls of children are lined up in heaven, and she must fulfill her main destiny - to become a mother. The actress categorically disagreed with this.

Swami Dashi - The Man in the Trunk. Video

Almost from the first episode of “Battle of Psychics Season 17,” fans of the project put Swami Dashi in the lead, predicting him to at least reach the finals, and possibly win the show.

Swami Dashi biography, personal life, real name.

Esotericist and magician Swami Dashi became the deserved winner of the Battle of Psychics in season 17. The mysterious and undeniably powerful psychic captivated the audience from the very first release and fell in love with the viewers who supported and worried about Swami throughout the entire project. But the personal life of Swami Dasha, as well as the real name of the esotericist, still remained an intrigue. And after the finale, some details of his life became known.

Swami Dashi was born in St. Petersburg on August 22. But Swami lived in India for a long time, almost 20 years. It was there that he taught spiritual art and yoga.

Swami Dashi is a Russian master of oriental practices who won the 17th season of the television reality show “Battle of Psychics” on the TNT channel. This man is one of the most secretive participants in this program. Very little is known about his biography. As Swami Dashi writes on his official website, he deliberately does not disclose information about himself.

Swami Dasha's real name is Peter Smirnov. Peter, at 62 years old, looks much younger than his age. In his youth, he played sports and even took part in the Tokyo Olympics. Peter participated for the Russian team.

As for Swami Dasha’s personal life, very little is known about it. Swami Dashi has children and is married. His wife is a famous master of sports in the field of rhythmic gymnastics. Swami Dasha’s wife Irina Nogina is very worried and is rooting for her husband. Swami Dasha has a daughter and two sons.

His name in the world is Peter Smirnov, he is originally from Kazakhstan. Although Swami Dasha’s biography was not published by him directly, some facts from his life are known from messages on his official website forum, where he shared information with other participants in conversations.

Swami Dashi was worthy of victory with the Battle of Psychics project at the very beginning; his abilities can be envied. In addition, the magician does not pay attention to the evil in a person, trying to consider only the good.

Biography and personal life

For some time the young man was involved in sports - pole vaulting, but did not achieve any visible success. Having left for India, Swami studied spiritual practices and the local culture of working with the body, achieving knowledge of Neo-Sufism, and was initiated into the Naqshbandi order. Upon returning home, Swami Dashi continued his development, began to delve deeper into spiritual and philosophical teachings Western world, completely changed his worldview, and eventually managed to create his own personal practice, combining the approaches of Western and Eastern culture - yoga, Osho bodily pulsations and general body massage. Now the man conducts his own trainings and seminars in different cities of Russia.

Swami Dashi does not consider himself a psychic in the direct sense of the word; he is confident that the experience that has accumulated over more than 20 years of activity is quite applicable within the framework of the television show “Battle of Psychics.” Therefore, the man went to the casting of this project in the studio of the TNT channel, successfully passed all the qualifying tests and is now considered one of the favorites of the television program.


Little is known about Swami Dashi’s family either. Petr Smirnov is married and has children, but the man himself does not confirm this information and once again emphasizes that he deliberately does not let the public into his private life. According to media reports, Swami's wife is a 36-year-old master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Nogina-Chernyshova. The couple has two sons and a daughter.

Swami Dasha has a large number of tattoos on her body and arms, and it must be said that the designs are quite impressive in size. Moreover, the main theme of the images is animals. There are wolves on Dasha’s chest, and on her arms you can see a snake and bird wings.

Journalists have declassified one of the most powerful and private participants in the new season of the “Battle of Psychics.” Unknown facts about Swami Dashi leads Life.

The identity of the most mysterious and discussed hero of the 17th season of the popular TV show has not left both viewers and journalists indifferent for a long time. Both are at a loss as to the real name of Swami and his biography. In the official group of the project on the VKontakte social network, there are fierce debates among fans on this topic. Some claim that his name is Andrei Bezrukov, others categorically assure that Dashi is Yuri. Moreover, without exception, all participants in the discussion claim that they know the hero personally.

Life journalists managed to dot the i’s in the mystic’s personal details. As it turned out, Peter Smirnov from St. Petersburg, convinced of Swami Dasha’s own limitless power in the world. Once upon a time he was professionally involved in sports, in particular pole vaulting, but did not achieve any significant success in this field. After this, the man decided to devote himself to studying Eastern and Western practices. For two decades he acquired knowledge in India.

Peter's wife is also from the world of sports. 36-year-old Muscovite Irina Nogina-Chernyshova is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The couple has three children: two sons and a daughter.

Currently, Smirnov actually lives in two cities, very often traveling. For some time he lived with his family in Moscow, but now he has moved to St. Petersburg. In the Northern capital, Nogina-Chernyshova teaches yoga, Pilates and stretching.

In addition, Peter also has a son from his first marriage, 32-year-old Roman Smirnov, a famous track and field athlete who has repeatedly become the champion of Russia and represented our country at olympic games in Pekin. The young man is married to five-time champion Russia by athletics Ekaterina Smirnova.

It is worth noting that Swami Dashi himself extremely carefully hides his family, avoiding any issues related to it. The magician’s assistants claim that he does this in order not to become vulnerable to his rivals in the “Battle of Psychics.”

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