Eco revival exercise. Exercise “Five Tibetan pearls. Video - Tibetan gymnastics “Eye of Renaissance”

Eye of Renaissance - Tibetan gymnastics

Today I will introduce you to the third health practice of the “Tibetan hormonal method” “Eye of Renaissance”.
“Eye of Renaissance” is the oldest Tibetan gymnastics, for those who want to develop further, it includes the Five Tibetan Rituals (exercises), now they are also called the “Five Tibetan Pearls” or “Five Tibetans”.

Exercises "Eye of Renaissance" are very simple to perform
and within the capabilities of everyone, it takes 10 minutes,
but they are incredibly valuable because:

  • breathe life into us, activating energy flows in our 12 energy centers,
  • rejuvenate,
  • improve health,
  • make our body flexible and mobile.

If you do them daily, you will feel the results very soon.

Tibetan gymnastics exercises “Eye of Renaissance”:

  • Do it with an open window, or better yet, on the street (receiving the energy of the Earth), lightly dressed,
  • Set yourself up to do things with pleasure and in a good mood,
  • On an empty stomach (i.e. before breakfast or dinner),
  • Slowly, taking 2-3 deep breaths in between,
  • Every day, even better 2 times a day: in the morning (before 11 o’clock) and in the evening (no later than 2 hours before bedtime),
  • Be sure to follow the recommended sequence of exercises,
  • Starting with 3 repetitions of each exercise, gradually adding 2 repetitions per week, up to 21 repetitions of each exercise.

Tibetan gymnastics exercise schedule “Eye of Renaissance”:

Week 1, perform 5 repetitions of each exercise in the morning.
Week 2: Perform 7 repetitions of each exercise in the morning.
Week 3: Perform 9 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 4: Perform 12 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 5: Perform 15 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 6: Perform 18 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 7 We perform 21 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.

This schedule will allow you to gradually approach the implementation of the full complex, without haste, and you will feel improvements in your well-being from the 2nd week of practice.
Subsequently, the effect will increase more rapidly.

while doing Tibetan exercises

Before you begin to perform the “Eye of Revival” complex, you need to learn to breathe deeply, since breathing combines the movements of the physical body with the energy of the body.
Standing straight, in a relaxed state, take a deep breath with your nose, starting from the stomach, then the middle and upper (clavicular) parts of the lungs.
Afterwards, we exhale deeply through our nose (or mouth), also starting from the stomach. Hold your breath for as long as you can.

Eye of Rebirth Video

Description of the Tibetan exercises "Eye of Renaissance"


Tibetan Exercise No. 1:

We stand straight, arms extended horizontally at shoulder level to the sides.
We begin to rotate clockwise around our axis. Starting with 3-5 spins per day and working up to the 21st. If you feel dizzy, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Listen to your body, if you need to sit down and take a break, do it. The dizziness will go away in a couple of weeks.
As you rotate, you will feel sensations of energy and color bands moving, try to project them into your body and feel a single energy field around you, which then rises up, protecting us from diseases, relieving us of fears, sadness and sadness.

Tibetan Exercise No. 2:

We perform it lying on our back, on a mat or towel, legs extended, arms along the body, pressed to the floor, exhale completely, emptying the lungs of air.
Inhale deeply through the nose, at the same time we raise our head, pressing it to our chest, and our legs up, at an angle of 90 degrees or more, our knees are straightened, and we do not lift our back and shoulders off the floor.
Exhale through your nose or mouth, and slowly lower your head and legs to the floor, relax for 1-2 seconds and repeat the exercise.
We listen to ourselves and, if necessary, rest, restoring our breathing. You need to breathe in the same rhythm as you perform the movements.
During the exercise, concentrate your attention in the abdominal area (solar plexus) and create the sensation of kindling a fire in this energy center.
This exercise will strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, improve metabolism and digestion.

Tibetan Exercise No. 3:
repeat the exercise 21 times (without stopping)

We kneel down, shins hip-width apart, toes curled, feet at right angles to the floor. The palms lie on the back of the thighs under the buttocks. The body is straight and relaxed, chin on the chest, exhale deeply through the nose, starting from the stomach.
Inhale through your nose, throw back your head, stretching your neck as much as possible, sticking your chest forward, pull your shoulders back, trying to connect your shoulder blades, bend at the waist, help yourself with your hands, resting them on your hips.
As you exhale, return to the starting position, chin on chest.
During each movement, move the fire vortex from the solar plexus to the base of the neck.
To relax, you can take the fetal position for a few minutes: sit on your heels, relax your whole body, lie on your knees, lower your head to the floor, arms along your legs, palms up, relaxed.
This way we will strengthen our immune system, improve blood circulation, so our throat will hurt less often, and we will get rid of hoarseness.

Tibetan Exercise No. 4:
repeat the exercise 21 times (without stopping)

We sit on the floor, legs straightened and hip-width apart. We place our palms on the floor parallel to our hips, fingers forward, press our chin to our chest, full exit, body relaxed.
Take a deep breath, fill your lungs, lift your pelvis off the floor, lift it up parallel to the floor, form a bridge, and throw your head back. We hold for 1-2 seconds, tensing all the muscles of the body.
Exhale, relax and return to the starting position, chin on chest.
When lifting the body, we direct the fiery stream from the neck along the body to the tailbone and hold it in this area.
To relax, to relax your back muscles, from a sitting position with your legs extended forward, lower your chest and stomach onto your legs spread apart and take a few deep breaths.
This exercise strengthens sexual energy by stimulating the energy center that is responsible for our sensuality, develops creativity and grounds us.

Tibetan Exercise No. 5:
repeat the exercise 21 times (without stopping)

Starting position: lying down: we lean on our palms and toes, standing shoulder-width apart, our knees and pelvis do not touch the floor, we bend our spine, straighten our shoulders, bending in the thoracic region, throw our head back, exhale deeply, strain our gluteal muscles by 1-2 seconds.
As you inhale, we rise uphill with your nose (the body forms a triangle), press your chin to your chest, arms and legs remain straight, try not to lift your legs off the floor, hold for 1-2 seconds.
As you exhale, we return to the starting position.
At the end, for a break, it’s good to take a few deep breaths and exhalations.
Perform the exercise barefoot and on a non-slip floor.
When bending, the emphasis is on the tailbone, we feel a clot of energy there. When going uphill, we direct energy to the top of the head and back.
The fifth ritual increases the flow of energy throughout the body in both directions, brings relief from arthritis of the hips and back, and improves blood and lymph circulation.

P.S. After performing a set of hormonal gymnastics exercises, it is very correct to drink a glass of warm water, at a temperature of 40 degrees, which will start the lymphatic system and wash the walls of the esophagus.
It is also important to rebuild it correctly; if there is a need, come to us and our doctors will help you do it as correctly as possible for you personally.

Anyone who wants to master all five healing techniques of the “Tibetan Hormonal Method” - come and master:

The famous legend tells interesting facts about the origin and essence of the “Eye of Rebirth” exercise complex. Once upon a time, in the mountains of India, there was a monastery in which lamas (or monks) lived. According to local residents, they had information about preserving eternal youth and longevity, which was not made public.

But such closedness and inaccessibility of such data was fictitious. The fact is that the monastery was located far in the mountains. The path to it was considered difficult. Therefore, many people who tried to get to him gave rise to similar mystical stories about the secret knowledge of monks. Because all their attempts to get into the territory of the monastery always turned out to be unsuccessful.

The principle of operation of monastic gymnastics

In the process of performing the “Eye of Rebirth” set of exercises, the body is rejuvenated and healed. But this is achieved not only through physiological effects on humans. When starting to practice any type of gymnastics, each of us pays attention to this particular type.

Tibetan monks have developed 5 “Eye of Rebirth” exercises, which are based on the theory of vortices or energetic abilities of the human system. Its main idea is based on the fact that there are 19 energy vortexes or centers in our body. 12 of them are located in the joints of the arms and legs. According to theory, they are considered secondary. And only 7 vortices are considered the main ones. They are located in the chakras. Due to their similarity with air currents, these chakras are called vortexes.

It is known that in a healthy body such energy flows have a high rotation speed. In this case, the person is provided with prana or etheric force. And in the case when malfunctions occur in any vortex, the flow of prana itself becomes weak or completely blocked. According to the theory of Tibetan monks, disruption of the functioning of prana is the same disease (in the modern sense) or aging of the body.

To quickly restore it, the lamas developed 5 “Eye of Revival” exercises, now known throughout the world. That is, during their execution, the energy vortexes return to their normal state. The monks believed that this was the fastest and most radical method to restore the health and strength of the body.

“Eye of Rebirth” exercises for women

In modern society, there is an opinion that the “Eye of Rebirth” exercises are not suitable for women. But this is not true at all. For the fair half of humanity there are absolutely no restrictions on performing Tibetan gymnastics. Moreover, it only takes 20 minutes to implement.

But initially, it takes about 1-2 minutes to complete a set of exercises according to the “Eye of Rebirth” system. This is due to the fact that the number of repetitions of each ritual action of Tibetan gymnastics increases gradually with each training session. At first, their number can be 5, in the second week of classes – 7. And the total number of repetitions for one exercise should be 21.

The Eye of Rebirth exercises are also called the Five Tibetan Rituals or the Five Tibetan Pearls. And modern women should take into account only a few points in their practice. For example, the order of exercises cannot be swapped. Then you may not get the expected effect. If it is very difficult to perform all the repetitions of the exercises at once, then it is better to break them up into several sets (or approaches).

It is not recommended to overexert the body. Such actions can cause negative results. It is better to perform only the number of repetitions that you can achieve. And over time, the body will get stronger and it will be possible to gradually increase the load.

The sixth exercise of the “Eye of Revival” complex

The Tibetan rejuvenation system includes 5 “Eye of Rebirth” exercises: rotation of the torso with straight arms spread to the sides, raising the head and straight legs from the “lying on your back” position, arching the back from the “kneeling” position. They also include the combination of the Rod and Table pose and the combination of the Dog and Snake pose.

The listed exercises are considered the basis of the gymnastics of Tibetan monks. But they also developed 6 types of them. It is designed to transmute human sexual power. It can be performed only when sexual desire manifests itself in the body. This indicates the presence of a significant amount of free energy.

Exercise 6 “Eye of Rebirth” is performed as follows: first you need to stand up straight, and then, taking a deep breath, tense the muscles of the genital organs. After making these movements, you should quickly lean forward and rest your hands on your hips. Next you need to exhale through your mouth. In this case, it is important to pronounce the sound “Ha-a-a-x-x-x”. This will remove as much air as possible from the lungs.

Then you should strongly draw in your stomach by lifting your chest up, while the front wall of your abdomen needs to be relaxed. After completing these steps, you need to straighten up. It is important that at this moment the chin is pressed against the subjugular notch, and the hands are placed on the waist. With your stomach pulled in, you need to hold out as long as you have the strength to hold your breath. Then you need to relax your chest, raise your head and take a slow breath.

Since ancient times, Tibetan monks have developed five exercises that help restore health, beauty and youth to the human body. This gymnastics is called differently - five Tibetan pearls or the eye of rebirth. The monks of Tibet claim that the secret of longevity is very simple, because it lies in the amount of necessary hormones in the human body. This opinion is also confirmed by many clinical studies (we talked about this in more detail in). If, on the advice of the lamas, you perform the five Tibetan pearls, you can bring the body’s hormonal balance back to normal.

Eye of rebirth gymnastics allows you to stimulate the seven energy points of the body (chakras). So, let's find out five simple breathing and physical exercises that monks have kept secret for many millennia.

You need to do the five Tibetan pearl exercises every day for at least 20 minutes a day. This gymnastics of Tibetan lamas must be performed daily, which is the only guarantee of good psychological and physical condition. Another condition is that the number of exercises should be exactly as specified in the method (no more, no less).

News line ✆

Gymnastics of Tibetan lamas, when performed correctly, due to its healing qualities, will help restore health, but can also harm it if the five exercises are not performed correctly.

Assigning Executions

Gymnastics are performed daily according to the following scheme.

  1. The first week, perform each eye of rebirth three times a day.
  2. The second week, perform all exercises five times.
  3. The third week, perform all exercises seven times.
  4. In the fourth week, perform gymnastics consisting of five exercises nine times.
  5. That is, increase the number of times you perform the eye of rebirth by two actions until the ninth week.

After daily practice of performing Tibetan pearls, the number of each exercise should reach 21 times. It is very important to observe proper breathing during gymnastics; the morning time before breakfast is best suited for exercise. After finishing the gymnastics, try to relax a little while lying down.

Chakra activation

The sequence of exercises and the completeness of the complex are very important. Better do fewer approaches.

Ritual 1

The first exercise of the eye of revival of Tibetan lamas is performed as follows: position - standing, at the level of the shoulder joint, spread your arms horizontally to the sides. In this starting position, make circular rotations with your body (twirl) in the direction from left to right! Both men and women rotate in the same direction. You should feel slightly dizzy. On the advice of the lamas, beginners who decide to try this technique on themselves should limit this exercise to only three turns.

Ritual 2

The second point of the eye of rebirth gymnastics gives a tonic effect on the body. Improves digestion, has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, kidneys, and genitals. It will help alleviate diseases such as arthritis, stiffness of the legs and neck, help to establish an irregular menstrual cycle, ease the symptoms of menopause, and relieve back pain. Strengthens the heart muscle, diaphragm, improves the respiratory system and blood circulation. It will help overcome chronic fatigue and also tighten the abdominal muscles.

Take a lying position on the floor. Exhale completely, empty your lungs of air. Movements must be accompanied by proper breathing. Then raise your head and legs at the same time, pull them towards each other, inhale smoothly and deeply at this moment. While lowering, you need to exhale just as deeply, until the lungs are completely empty. The result will be effective only with proper breathing, so if you decide to take a break between counts of this exercise, do not forget to inhale and exhale correctly.

Ritual 3

To perform this action, kneel down. Your hips should be vertical, so your knees should be hip-width apart. Place your palms under your buttocks on the back of your thighs.

Then press your chin to your chest, tilting your head. Then throw your head back, simultaneously straightening your sternum and arching your spine. Help yourself with your hands, rest them on your hips. Then take the original position with your chin touching your chest. Don't make sudden movements, and if you feel tired, give yourself a break.

Remember that when performing the Eye of Rebirth ritual, correct breathing must be strictly consistent with the rhythm of the movements. Inhale and exhale, as in the second action, make it smooth but deep. As you bend your spine, inhale and exhale, returning to your original position.

Ritual 4

When performing the fourth ritual of the Five Pearls of Tibet, sit on the floor. Your legs should be extended in front of you, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Close your fingers and place your palms on the floor along your buttocks, keeping your spine straight. Lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest.

Next, move the position of your head back at the same time as your body and hips to a horizontal position, and place your shins and arms vertically. This pose is very associated with a coffee table. . The tabletop is in a horizontal plane, and the legs are placed vertically in space. Now contract the muscle tissue throughout your body for a moment, then relax and return to the starting position.

In this situation, it is also worth remembering about proper breathing. Throwing your head back and raising your body, inhale deeply and smoothly. After tightening your muscles, hold your breath and then exhale as you lower your body. If you decide to take a break between the sequence of exercises, do not change your breathing rhythm.

Ritual 5

For this exercise, lie on the floor (with your stomach on the mat). Now, according to the advice of the lamas of Tibet, bend over, the body of the body should rest entirely on the palms in front and on the back on the tips of the fingers. The pelvis and knees should not touch the floor. Make sure your fingers are tightly closed and pointing forward. The distance between both the palms and the feet should be the same, slightly larger than shoulder width.

This eye of rebirth ritual begins with throwing the head back. After this, take a position in which your body will be associated with an acute angle. The top of the body should point upward. Return your head to its normal position, and then press your chin to your chest. Keep your legs and arms straight. Another condition is that the torso and arms must be in the same plane. The picture of this pose resembles a body folded in half at the hip joints. The initial position is an emphasis, lying bent over, it is to this position that you need to return and repeat the gymnastic ritual the required number of times. Muscles must be strained to the maximum during all positions.

As statistics show, after practicing for a week, the fifth exercise of the eye of rebirth gymnastics will become the easiest to perform.

When you begin to master this ritual freely, taking the starting position, bend your back as deeply as possible, but without breaking your lower back, but arching your chest and spreading your shoulders wide. The knees and pelvis should not touch during these manipulations.

In the fifth Tibetan pearl exercise, breathing is also of great importance. Taking an emphasis, lying down, while folding the body, inhale as deeply as possible. Returning to the starting position, bending over, also exhale the air completely.

After you reach the level of exercises up to 21 times in the practice of 5 pearls of Tibet, you can begin the second round of gymnastics - evening. In the morning, do a full cycle of the ritual, and in the evening begin to perform 5 pearls from already familiar exercises, starting three times each.

Video - Tibetan gymnastics “Eye of Renaissance”

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant discomfort in your joints or annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones have encountered this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

You have probably tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose clients! It was precisely this that Russia’s leading rheumatologists and orthopedists jointly opposed, presenting a long-known effective remedy for joint pain that actually heals, and not just relieves pain! with a famous professor.

The issue of preserving and reviving youth will never cease to be relevant, because everyone wants to prolong their life and at the same time be healthy and look young. For this purpose, pills, diets, creams, therapies, etc. are invented. But the result still does not justify itself, and only for one simple reason - the source of youth, health and beauty are within ourselves, each person is able to manage his own life. All great sages are unanimous in this opinion. But how, you ask, can you learn to control your life? It's all about internal energy, which can be controlled with the help of the discovery of Tibetan monks - the Eye of Renaissance gymnastics, or as it is also called the Eye of Revelation, Five Tibetans, which was learned about thanks to the book written by Peter Kalder.

Each of us has at least once heard about such a concept from yoga as chakras - psychoenergetic centers through which life energy passes. They are common in Buddhism, Judaism, Ayurveda and various alternative medicines. As for Tibetan lamas, they have a more common concept - whirlwinds of rebirth. They are energy vortexes in the subtle matter of a person. There are only 19 of them, 7 of which are basic. When a person is healthy and young, these vortices move very quickly and go beyond the boundaries of the person; when a person gets old and sick, they do not even reach the boundaries of the body. He wrote about this in more detail in his book. "Eye of rebirth. The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth" Peter Kalder. The main vortices are located as follows:

  • The lowest one is located at the base of the body;
  • The second is slightly higher - at the highest point of the pubis;
  • The third is below the navel;
  • The fourth is in the center of the chest;
  • The fifth is at the base of the neck;
  • The sixth and seventh are located in the head, one above the other.

As for the remaining vortices, they correspond to the joints.

As Peter Kalder states in his book, in order to restore youth and health, it is necessary to maintain vortex flows at the proper level, to ensure that they move at high speed and go beyond the limits of the human body, thus, the entire body and organs will be saturated with vitality. 5 simple exercises of the monks of the Eye of the Renaissance, which are suitable for both women and men, will help ensure this. In general, it is correct to call them not exercises, but rituals.

How to exercise correctly?

The Eye of Renaissance includes five Tibetan rituals that must be performed every day in increments. It only takes a few minutes, so anyone can afford them, especially since they do not require any physical training. Just get up in the morning, spend 5-10 minutes of free time on exercise, and you will be energized for the whole day.

At first, you will have to force yourself, and it is very important to make Eye of Renaissance gymnastics a habit, just like you are used to brushing your teeth in the morning.

You don’t need any additional equipment - just a blanket, you can even do it on a carpet.

First ritual

This ritual (exercise) allows you to “turn on” energy vortexes, set their inertia and speed. The technique is the simplest of all other exercises.

  • Stand up straight. Extend your arms horizontally to the sides to shoulder level. Fix with your eyes any one point in front of you.
  • Start rotating clockwise around your axis in one place, while trying to keep your gaze on the selected point, and, having lost sight of it, quickly turn your head, ahead of the rotation, fixing it again.
  • Spin like this until you feel slightly dizzy.

At first, dizziness will occur quickly, literally after a few rotations. It is necessary for the vestibular apparatus to get used to it. Gradually you can increase the number of circles. Start with 3 revolutions and increase them as you get used to it.

The main thing is not to cross the line, not to bring yourself to extreme dizziness. And don't increase the number of vortices beyond 21, even if you don't feel dizzy. Overstimulation of the vortexes, according to the monks, leads to imbalance, especially in women.

The next ritual action must be performed immediately after the first in order to stabilize and strengthen the energy vortexes. To do this, the technique requires lying on the floor on your back.

  • Stretch your arms along your body, press your palms to the floor.
  • Lift your head off the floor and pull it towards your chest, practically touching your chin to your sternum.
  • Next, lift your straight legs off the floor and pull them towards you, without bending your knees, but NOT lifting your pelvis from the floor. If stretching allows, you can pull your legs as close to you as possible.
  • Lower your head and feet to the floor, relax and repeat.

While performing the second Eye of Rebirth ritual, proper breathing must be observed. Before performing, completely empty your lungs of air. Begin to lift your head and legs while inhaling slowly but deeply.

Of course, not every person can lift straight legs up so easily. Therefore, if you are one of them, start the practice by raising your legs bent at the knee.

Follows immediately after the first two, but must be performed on your knees. In this case, try to place your knees at the width of your pelvic bones. Technique:

  • Place your palms on the back of your thighs, under your buttocks.
  • First tilt your head down (as you exhale), resting your chin on your chest, then lift it up and throw it back, opening your shoulders and chest and trying to bend your spine (as you inhale).

In this exercise, it is important to be careful not to make sudden movements, not to throw your head back too much and not to tilt your torso back - the pelvis and legs should remain in one place.

Additionally, this exercise should be performed with caution if you have spinal problems.

The technique for performing the fifth ritual, the Eye of Rebirth, is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, so it may be difficult at first.

  • Sit on the floor, stretch your legs straight in front of you, and place your palms on the floor at the level of your hip joints.
  • Press your chin to your chest (as you exhale), then tilt your head back, while lifting your pelvis upward, bringing your torso to a horizontal position (as you inhale).
    Return to starting position and repeat.
  • Your arms and legs should be perpendicular to the floor at the top. Those. your position should be somewhat like a table.

Most untrained women and men will not be able to bring their body to a horizontal position the first time and there is no need to try to achieve this through force. Do it as it turns out, and gradually the result will not be long in coming.

This ritual is present in all eastern practices, it’s just called differently. This is a truly unique exercise with healing powers. Technique:

  • Lie on your stomach with your hands on the floor at shoulder level and your toes on the floor.
  • Bend your back, straightening your arms and lifting your hips off the floor, throwing your head back as much as possible (as you exhale). This position is familiar to everyone as the cobra pose.
  • Lift your pelvis up without changing the position of your hands and feet. Ideally, you should get a triangle (as you inhale).
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

This exercise is quite challenging as it requires good stretching and flexibility. Most will not be able to do it correctly at first, so there will be a need to bend the knees to fully straighten the back as in the photo.

There is also a sixth ritual, but it can only be used by people who abstain from sexual activity. In addition, you can begin to practice it only after fully mastering the 5 rituals described above, and this sometimes requires several years. The technique is similar to yoga nauli, only without moving the abdominal muscles, and is also similar to.

It is also generally accepted that the sixth ritual is not suitable for women; in any case, the author of the book, Peter Kalder, does not mention anywhere that women should also perform it. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we are, after all, initially talking about Tibetan monks who live their entire lives in abstinence.

H To ensure that the Eye of Rebirth practice is successfully mastered and gives maximum benefit, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Increase the number of repetitions evenly. Those. in the first week, do only 3 repetitions of each ritual. After a week, add 2 repetitions, then 2 more, etc. until you reach 21 times. The only exception is the first ritual. It can be done more, although the monks do not recommend it, we have already written about this above.
  • You need to practice daily, either in the morning or before bed. Ideally, do it before dawn. Once you have mastered the technique well, you can practice the rituals both in the morning and in the evening.
  • Perform backbending rituals carefully if you have problems with your spine. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases also need to be careful. The fifth ritual is contraindicated for women.
  • It is recommended to take a warm bath or shower after the rituals.

"Eye of rebirth" is a system of physical and spiritual rejuvenation and development of the human body, developed by Tibetan monks. It consists of six exercises.

Five of them can be performed by every person who wants not only to rejuvenate and get rid of diseases, but also to bring inspiration and the joy of creativity into their life. The sixth exercise is intended only for those who have decided to fully devote themselves to spiritual development, freeing themselves from sexual attachments in any form.

How to start?

Before starting classes you need firm intention rejuvenate your body and nourish it with free energy at all levels, as well as the willingness to do exercises every day.

If you miss classes once, you will have to start all over again. With a break of one month, all ailments and sores will return.

It should be noted that with any rollback after a break it's never too late start all over again and regain your health and joy of life.


Exercises very simple in execution, but when practicing them you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • You only need to do gymnastics with an empty stomach. Ideally - in the morning, after waking up.
  • You can take a shower before starting classes.

IMPORTANT! After gymnastics, under no circumstances should you expose your body to hypothermia, including local hypothermia. For this reason, for an hour after performing the exercises, you must refrain from cold douches, swimming pools, cold drinks and ice cream.

  • You need to start by doing three exercises of each type, adding two weekly. The maximum number of repetitions is 21.
  • Don't try too hard when doing this. The main thing is to monitor your breathing and listen to your body.
  • Before main occupation It is advisable to do some very simple warm-up exercises.


Preparatory exercises are necessary to prepare the body to perform the five Tibetans. They stretch the spine and increase the circulation of basic energy flows.

First exercise can be done while still in bed. This is stretching. As you inhale, stretch your spine and stretch sweetly. Then exhale and relax.

By doing next exercise- raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the bed and start shaking them for 30 seconds.

Then get out of bed, straighten your spine, stretch, imagining how a flow of energy from the earth enters the perineum, saturating the body with warm energy. As you exhale, relax. Stretch again, inhale, and as you slowly exhale, imagine how the cool silver stream of the Cosmos enters the body through the crown of your head.

Shake your arms and legs, jump a little. Now you can begin to perform the main complex.

5 Tibetan exercises


This exercise is called "circling". To complete it you need just start spinning clockwise around its axis.

Practitioners advise spreading your arms out to the sides with your palms facing down, but in reality you should do this exercise as you feel comfortable. For example, if your body wants to spin counterclockwise, then you should definitely listen to it.


When performing this exercise you need just lie down on your back, placing your arms along your body. Then:

  • exhale completely, drawing in your stomach as much as possible and pressing your lower back to the floor.
  • Very inhale slowly raise your head, trying to press your chin to your chest.
  • Raise your legs. Ideally, your legs will be straight and at a 90-degree angle to the floor. But don't be upset if it doesn't work out that way. The main thing is your intention. For this reason, at the beginning of practice, the legs can be raised even in a bent state.
  • Hold for a few seconds.
  • Lower your legs and head.
  • Exhale.

Second exercise activates the third chakra, which is responsible for social adaptation and success.


In order to perform the third exercise, you need to kneel and place your hands directly under the gluteal bulges.

Then inhale, bending backwards as much as possible. Exhale slowly and return, tilting your head as far forward as possible. Third exercise allows you to become stronger, which allows you to implement all your true desires.


This exercise is called the “table”. In practice it turns out to be the easiest to perform, although at first, on the contrary, it seems the most difficult.

First you just need to sit on the floor with a straight back(ideally) and stretch your legs forward. Place your hands on the floor. Exhale.

While inhaling, leaning on your palms and feet, rise to a position table-like, when the legs and thighs are at right angles to each other, the arms in relation to the body are similar. Stay in this position, keeping the muscles under maximum tension. Gently sit down and exhale.

The fourth exercise helps opening the heart chakra, allows you to harmonize relationships with loved ones.


For this exercise, you need to take the same position as before doing push-ups, that is, lying on your stomach, resting on your palms and toes. On the exhale throw your head back, being careful, especially at the beginning of practice.

While inhaling slowly, move your torso into a position similar to a “house”, raising your butt up as much as possible, resting on your palms and feet. Hold for a few seconds. Return to the lying position. Exhale.

The last exercise gives a very strong influx of free energy, which allows gain real strength.

Sixth exercise

It should be recalled that only people who are completely lost interest in sex in all its shapes and forms. It is useless to deceive yourself, since a powerful flow of force and energy will begin to destroy the body if this condition is violated.

This exercise is performed very simple. It can also be done separately from the main complex at moments when you feel sexual arousal.

To do this, in a standing position, place your hands on your belt or hips. Inhale, drawing in your stomach as much as possible, tighten the muscles of the perineum. Tilt your head down. Then sharply lean forward and exhale with the sound “Hhh-aaa.” Stay in this position, trying to remove as much air as possible from the lungs.