Effective exercises for the back on a fitball. Fitness at home. How to organize everything at home What exercises will strengthen the whole body

General strengthening physical exercise have a lot of advantages: they have a positive effect on the general state of human health, accelerating metabolic processes, as a result of which healthy foods are absorbed faster and excess calories are burned. You can do fitness at home or in sports clubs– everyone chooses the best option for themselves.

What is fitness

A specially developed technique helps to reset excess weight, strengthen and heal the body. Wherein regular workouts will be most effective in the process of fat burning if you choose the right set of exercises and combine it with proper nutrition. Diet and level sports loads is selected for each person individually, based on his physical training, health status, body structure, existing contraindications. There are several varieties (directions):

  1. Strength training. Training takes place in fast pace with a load on the main ones or on all muscle groups. Often during exercise, weights such as barbells or dumbbells are used. Such workouts are among the most difficult and exhausting.
  2. Aerobic. Cardio is designed to develop endurance and help you lose weight quickly. In addition, this type of fitness has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Aerobics training takes place in an intensive mode and is designed for a long time.
  3. Dance. Classes include elements of choreography and are held in a dynamic form. Trainees gradually learn different movements and dance sequences.
  4. In the water (aqua aerobics). It has virtually no restrictions/contraindications, has a good effect on the joints, heart, blood vessels, and is ideal for those who want to lose weight.
  5. Soft. Ideal for beginners, the training is aimed at developing the respiratory system, stretching, and correcting posture.

What gives

This sport is a program with which you can strengthen muscle corset, lose weight and maintain the results. The benefits of training include correcting the consequences of physical inactivity, accelerating metabolism, and preventing various diseases of the bones and cardiovascular system. Classes not only form beautiful figure, but also improve well-being. However, in order to maintain the results obtained, it is important to exercise regularly and adhere to balanced diet.

How to train correctly

The optimal training program will be drawn up by an experienced trainer who will take into account physical abilities and the wishes of the client. If you decide to study on your own at home, you should adhere to some rules and take into account the tips:

  • Start each workout with a warm-up, doing it slowly at first, then faster (it takes about 10 minutes to warm up the core muscles);
  • to lose weight, include cardio complexes in your exercises (exercises on a treadmill, brisk walking, buckles with a skipping rope, etc.);
  • conduct classes systematically, optimally 4 times a week;
  • for home exercises, it is advisable to purchase dumbbells (2-3 kg dumbbells are enough for girls, men need heavier dumbbells);
  • Complete the workout with stretching, and it must include those muscle groups that were stressed.

For weight loss

Basic exercises for girls or men who want to lose weight are aerobic exercise. They are called this because when they are performed, a large amount of air enters the body due to rapid breathing. More preferable for girls who want to lose weight is running on a treadmill, orbiter, or exercise bike. When exercising on such simulators, the muscles are not pumped up, but warmed up and strengthened, in addition, accelerated metabolism occurs in the tissues.

To lose weight more effectively, women and men should perform exercises at a high pace - fast pedaling or running. At the same time, the load needs to be gradually increased: in the first six months it is better to work the body moderately to strengthen the muscles, and then begin to increase the speed or duration of running. Aerobic training The good thing is that after them a person continues to lose weight for another day. It is recommended to exercise every other day and continue training for at least an hour and a half.

Home activities

By exercising at home, you can save money and time spent traveling to the gym. In addition, in this case you can train at any time when it is convenient for you. Fitness at home will be effective if you follow some rules:

  • you need to exercise at least three or four times a week, while training for weight loss should last 40-90 minutes, otherwise you will not achieve success;
  • you should always start the session with warming up the muscles and stretching, while more intense and longer training requires maximum careful preparation bodies;
  • When studying, try to work through everything core muscles, A increased attention pay attention to problem areas;
  • during physical activity you need to drink water (a lot, but in small sips).

Lesson programs

A complex scheduled by number of repetitions and days is called a program. Depending on what goals a person pursues, his own training method is selected. As a rule, the trainer selects a set of exercises for the trainee, but after studying the necessary literature, you can cope with this task yourself.

For beginners

The program described below is perfect for beginners, while women can reduce the training time by 2 times, while halving the number of approaches. The load should be gradually increased to achieve desired result. Fitness for beginners at home necessarily starts with a warm-up, which reduces the risk of injury, improves muscle performance and increases performance. A warm-up can include jumping rope, quick squats, running in place, swinging your arms, etc.

  1. Monday. Pull-ups – 5 approaches, 5 rubles each. Lifting dumbbells with your arms tightly pressed to your body (working part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder) – 3 approaches, 10 repetitions each. Classic squats with the heel pressed to the floor and a straight back - 5 sets of 20 repetitions.
  2. Wednesday. Squats – 5 sets, 100 reps total. Push-ups on parallel bars with weights in the form of a backpack - 3 sets of 10 rubles. Standing dumbbell overhead raises – 4 sets, 10 reps each. Pull-ups/push-ups from the floor – three times, 5 rubles each.
  3. Friday. Raising your toes, holding dumbbells in your hands – 4 times, 15 repetitions. Pull-ups – three times 5 times. Squats with dumbbells – 5 times, 20 repetitions. Push-ups – three times, 10 rubles each.

Online classes at home for weight loss with music

This program is universal and suitable mostly for beginners, therefore, having mastered it, you will need to choose a set of exercises with a greater load. Online fitness at home is designed for classes for three months; it allows you to lose excess weight and tone the main muscle groups. You can perform the complex separately, according to the circular method, or in supersets (alternating 2 exercises) if you wish. Using various online resources, you can familiarize yourself with correct technique performing movements.

Select rhythmic music for fitness in advance, warm up and start exercising. In this case, it is better to combine movements, alternate and do different variations of sets, because otherwise you will quickly get bored with the workout and you will not enjoy it. Options for practicing with music:

  1. Jump squats. Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, squat with a straight back, moving your pelvis back, you can put your hands behind your head. IN sitting position jump up. You need to repeat it 6-8 times; during your workout, do it at least three times.
  2. Exit at close range while lying down. Starting position – legs parallel to the shoulders, arms along the body. Lower your pelvis down, squat, place your palms on the floor and jump back, leaving top part body in place. Having taken the position lying down as for push-ups, come back. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Book. You need to lie on the floor with your arms stretched up. Then begin to simultaneously lift them together with your legs, folding them like a book. This is very effective for working the abdominal muscles. Repeat this at least 8 times, doing 3 sets.
  4. Jumping. You will need a step or a low, durable stool, on which you need to jump from a distance of about 40 cm. Keep your hands slightly behind, and swing them when moving forward. Do 3 times 10 repetitions.
  5. Kicks. Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, bend your knees slightly, and bend your arms at the elbows. Keep your fists at jaw level (like kickboxing). Strike your heel back and forth rhythmically. Do not fully extend your knee, otherwise you may get injured. Performed in 5 sets of 8-10 times.

With a ball

The presented complex helps strengthen a person’s muscular corset, improving his posture and working on flexibility. Gymnastic ball In addition, it is considered an excellent stress reliever for those who are often exposed to stress. The fitness program includes effective general strengthening complexes, before performing which you must warm up by jumping rope or vigorously doing squats. It is recommended to do:

  1. Pelvic lifts. Lie on the floor with your back, place your ankles on a fitball, straighten your knees. Next, you should raise your pelvis, rolling the ball to your buttocks, stay at the top point for a few seconds, then lower down, taking the starting position. Do 10 reps.
  2. Twisting. Take the same position as in the previous exercise, with the ball sandwiched between your ankles. Place your hands behind your head, begin to raise your legs together with the fitball, straining your stomach. Complete 12 reps.
  3. Classic push-ups. Place your palms on the floor, place your feet on the ball, and keep your back straight. Slowly perform 10 push-ups.
  4. Reverse push-ups. Hands should rest on the fitball reverse grip(sitting with your back to the ball). Lower your pelvis almost to the floor, bending your elbows, keeping your knees at right angles and slowly return up. Repeat 8-10 rubles.

With ribbon

Through elastic band You can provide additional stress to the muscles, and if you roll it up several times, the severity of the exercise can be increased. The subject is used for study different groups muscles. The lesson may include:

  1. Steps. Fasten the ends of the tape to each other, put the resulting ring on your legs (at knee level). Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, squat slightly and in this position begin to take long steps forward. Repeat for 1-2 minutes, alternating.
  2. Hip lift. The fitness band should wrap around your ankles. Lie down on your stomach, place your hands under your chin and begin to alternately lift your legs up, while pulling on the shock absorber. Repeat the movements 20 rubles.
  3. Squats. Move the ring to the level of your knees, spread your legs slightly and, without bending your back, begin to slowly lower down and, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Abdominal pumping. You need to stand up and straighten your legs. Take the tape in your hands, stretch it and lift it up. First bring the right one back, turning the body in the opposite direction. Then change to the left and do the same. Perform 20-30 repetitions.
  5. Leg raises. Lie on your side with the tape ring around your ankles. Start lifting upper leg, tensioning the shock absorber as much as possible. Roll over and repeat the movements. Do 20 reps on each side.

Strength training

The program is aimed at increasing endurance and developing strength; in addition, strength training in fitness has a positive effect on overall well-being and corrects the figure. Such training involves the use of sports equipment - barbells, dumbbells, exercise machines and various weights. The program is divided into 3 sessions, between which there should be a day of rest for muscle recovery.

  1. First day. The muscles of the chest, triceps and shoulders are worked. You can do bench press with dumbbells, horizontal press, upper crossover, military press, raising arms with dumbbells on incline bench, dumbbell lateral raises, overhead arm extensions, dips.
  2. Second day. Ideal for strength training squats are suitable, deadlift, lunges, leg abductions in a crossover. It’s better to do it with weights.
  3. The third day. The back muscles and biceps work. Suitable exercises in fitness there will be shrugs, various rows (to the chest, bent over, etc.), hyperextension, forward bends, curls with dumbbells/bar.

How to exercise at home

Before you start training, warm up thoroughly by performing rotational movements with your shoulders, neck, legs, and arms. The weight loss complex should be performed at least 3-4 times a week, with each session lasting at least 40-50 minutes. Listed below are fitness routines that can be combined during each workout. Work to your full potential to achieve the expected results.

  1. Push-ups for beginners. Place your palms and knees on the floor, placing your arms at chest level and parallel to your shoulders. Start to lower yourself down, bending your elbows, then push yourself up with your hands, returning up. Repeat three times 10 times.
  2. "Bridge". You should lie on your back, place your hands and feet on the floor, and keep your knees at a 90-degree angle. Push your pelvis up, reaching the peak, hold for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to the floor. Repeat 40 times.
  3. "Plank". Rest your elbows and toes on the floor, keep your forearms parallel to each other, strain your back as much as possible and keep it straight. Stand like this for 40 seconds (optimally - stand for 1.5 minutes, but only physically fit people can do this)
  4. "Dog". Get on all fours, bend one leg and begin to move it back up, tensing your thigh and buttocks. Do 15 repetitions on each leg.
  5. "Bike". Lying on your back, begin to bend your legs alternately and move your body towards them - this will help work the front of the thigh and abs. Perform for 1 minute.
  6. "Cobra". Lie on your stomach, stretch your body forward as much as possible, arching your back (your face “looks” at the ceiling). This will stretch your abs well after cycling.
  7. "Side lunges." Stand straight, move one leg to the side, squat deeply, keeping your body in the middle. Stand up as you exhale. Repeat 15 times on each leg.

For the back

Beginners should perform 12-15 sets, using light weights to work out correct technique and accustom the body to the load. Afterwards, the intensity of your fitness training can be increased. With each subsequent session, increase the number of repetitions, then start lifting heavier weights. Effective fitness exercises for back muscles:

  • pull-ups with a regular grip (the rhomboids and latissimus dorsi muscles are trained);
  • pull-ups with an underhand grip (the load is placed on the large round and latissimus muscle, biceps, shoulders);
  • block pull to the chest (helps expand the spinal muscles, trains trapezius muscle);
  • neck block pull (uses the lower and upper bundles of the spinal muscles);
  • block thrust narrow grip(develops the rhomboid, trapezius, deltoid muscles).

For the press

You can get rid of excess fat deposits in the waist area and pump up abs even at home, the main thing is that fitness training for the abdomen is carried out systematically 3-4 times a week. It is recommended to do:

  1. Straight leg raises. Lying on your back, press your hands to the floor and begin to lift your legs, reaching a 90-degree angle. When lowering, do not touch the floor with them, staying a couple of centimeters from it. 10-15 rub. for the approach.
  2. Crunches with bent knees. Lying down, raise your knees, keeping your shins parallel to the floor, with your feet touching each other. Place your hands behind the back of your head, and move your elbows in opposite directions. To tighten your stomach, you should raise your head and shoulders, then return to the starting position. Repeat 8-15 times.
  3. « Side plank" Lie on your side with your elbow and foot on the floor. Raise your pelvis, stretching your body into a straight line, as shown in the photo, and hold this position for 40-60 minutes. Repeat on the other side.

For the buttocks

Before performing the workout, be sure to warm up your muscles, then move on to the serious part. After completing classes, you cannot immediately sit down or lie down - walk around for a couple of minutes, catch your breath, and do self-massage. At-home butt fitness may include:

  1. Mahi. Place your palms on the wall and perform side kicks 20 times on each side. In addition, you can jerk your leg forward or backward.
  2. Squats. Your legs should be parallel to your shoulders. Lower your pelvis to knee level, then straighten up. During the exercise, keep your back straight and move your pelvis as far back as possible.
  3. Plie. At broad setting squat as low as possible with your feet and toes turned outward. 10 times per approach.
  4. Lunges. As you step forward, squat until you form 90 degrees between your hip and knee (as shown in the picture). Perform 10-15 repetitions for each.

For all muscle groups

This complex is suitable for general strengthening of the body, body shaping, and restoration of weakened muscles. Fitness training for all muscle groups may include:

  1. For arms, chest. Push-ups, pull-ups, arm swings are ideal for toning your biceps, triceps, and pectoral muscles.
  2. For the back. You can quickly strengthen your back muscles by doing planks, hyperextensions, and pulling a block to your back and chest. You can do weighted bending exercises at home.
  3. For the belly. Various variations of crunches - with straight legs, on oblique muscles, the "bicycle" exercise and others - will help you quickly pump up your abs.
  4. For buttocks and thighs. The most effective for strengthening and giving definition to the muscles of the butt and legs are swings, lunges and squats. Workouts can be selected, combined and alternated at will. In addition, it is better to use weights during fitness activities.


Fitness at home is chosen by those who, for various reasons, cannot attend gyms. Of course, you can do many simple exercises at home to stretch and strengthen various muscle groups. But is there any difference at all between exercises in the gym and at home, and what pros and cons exist when doing exercises at home, we will tell you in this article.


  • Saving money.

All the savings are not only in the cost of the subscription itself. Many fitness centers have their own spa salons and herbal bars, and it is very difficult to resist rewarding yourself for working out with some very pleasant, but completely unnecessary procedure that takes a toll on your wallet. Of course, there will be no such temptation at home.

  • the freedom of action

When you exercise at home, you decide for yourself how long will your classes be?, and also choose the tempo. Among other things, you can choose different ones, and also combine them at your discretion. This is very convenient, so your workouts are not monotonous, and you can bring something new every time.

  • Save time

Those who have houses Gym, no need to go to the other end of the city, wasting your precious time. You can study at home at any convenient time - before work, after work, in the evening and even at night. The training schedule will not be affected by the gym's work schedule or the trainer's work schedule.


  • It's more fun together

It is much more interesting to work in the company of different people who are united by one goal.

  • No control

To make your training more effective, you need the advice and supervision of an experienced trainer, and sometimes you just need him to force you to do one more push-up.

  • Saving is not always good

Since you are not tied hand and foot by a subscription, you skip training.

  • Strength of will

You yourself control the time of training and the load, therefore, with a lack of willpower and a loyal attitude towards “your loved one”, your training is often equal in effectiveness to classes in physical therapy groups for the elderly.

Fitness exercises at home

Exercise 1- “Bud”

Lie on the floor and bend your knees, your feet should be parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Grasp your knees with your hands and lift them off the floor. The chin should point to the ceiling. Take a deep breath.
Exhaling air stretch your legs and arms in opposite directions, while maintaining an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in the picture. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform at least 3 sets. When performing this exercise, do not forget to retract.

Exercise 2- Strengthening arm muscles

In this exercise you have to imagine that you are a “board”. Keep your body suspended, leaning only on your forearms and toes. Don't you dare lower your hips! Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly move your entire weight to right side- so that you can pull it forward left hand. Hold this position for about 10 seconds. Slowly return your hand to the starting position and repeat the exercise with your right hand. Perform two sets of 15 sets, resting 30-40 seconds between sets.

Exercise 3- Wall push-ups

Face the wall, at a distance of approximately 1 meter (choose a convenient distance for push-ups, taking into account your own height) and stretch your arms out in front of you. Press your palms into the wall, slowly bend your arms (you should feel the load), press against the wall, keeping your knees and back straight, try not to lift your heels off the floor. Return to starting position and repeat.

Exercise 4- Wall Squats

To perform the exercise you need press your back against the wall so that your heels are approximately 60 cm away from it. Take a breath. As you exhale, you need to do a parallel shallow squat, while sliding your back along the wall. When performing the exercise, make sure that body weight was evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the feet. Stay in this position for 2 seconds. Return to the starting position, sliding your back up the wall. Repeat this exercise by doing more deep squats so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold for 2-4 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 more times.

  • It is important to train at the same time every day. Classes will be more effective if a certain regime is established. It’s better not to exercise on an empty stomach, but you shouldn’t do it after a heavy lunch either.
  • It is recommended to train constantly in the same room, specially equipped for the chosen activities. The optimal room would be one with a lot of free space. This will allow you to include in the running program difficult exercises and fitness movements. To achieve this goal, it is recommended that all equipment for classes be located in this room.
  • However, equipment alone is not enough to achieve success. You may need an additional accessory. Music has a motivating ability, increases performance and energy levels, if you make a list of rhythmic compositions. Listen to the advice of professional trainers to correctly combine the necessary rhythms with personal preferences for fruitful fitness activities. Compositions can be both relaxing and cheerful, rhythmic. Rhythmic music is ideal for heart-training activities.
  • It is enough to have a light snack no later than an hour before class. During intense physical activity a person loses a large amount of fluid, so we must not forget about water. It is enough to drink up to 30 ml of water every 15 minutes, and fatigue will subside.
  • For fitness to be effective, you should definitely stretch before training.

Details Updated: 05/09/2019 18:56 Published: 11/13/2013 08:53

Anastasia Listopadova

Exercises for the pelvic muscles

Gymnastics for intimate muscles are exercises specifically designed to naturally strengthen and restore muscles of the female pelvic organs.

Gynecologists recommend performing gymnastics for the intimate muscles to prevent gynecological problems, prepare for pregnancy, restore the tone of the intimate muscles after childbirth, increase sexuality and sensitivity during intimacy, and level the unpleasant factors accompanying the menopause.

Muscle condition testing

Before starting classes, it is recommended to conduct a simple test to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. Insert your index and middle fingers into the vagina, spread them in the form of an English letter V. Then squeeze pelvic muscles around the fingers, without helping the mice with the stomach and without squeezing the buttocks. The fingers should be connected. Remember the force of contraction of your muscles. Using this method, periodically, you can independently check the condition of your intimate muscles and determine how well they have strengthened.

You can learn more about how to correctly independently determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are being performed correctly by following the link provided.

Preliminary preparation

Exercise comfortably while lying on the floor. For comfort, you can put a blanket or fitness mat on the floor. Close the curtains. Turn on some nice music.

How much to study

The first classes continue until you are completely tired, usually 20-30 minutes. As your muscles strengthen, increase the duration of exercise to 40–45 minutes. You should not exceed the recommended time, this will not speed up the process of muscle development.

Your feelings

At first, after exercise, you may experience slight discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Don’t worry, this is quite normal, this is how well-worked muscles that previously rested react, and the mucous membrane is thus renewed and cleansed.

Possibly due to weak pelvic muscle tone, even beginner-level exercises will seem difficult. The first week you can limit yourself to only the exercises Warm-up, Lift, Pulse, Sos. After a week of training, the muscles will adapt and become stronger, and the exercises will be easy and free.

The initial level must be completed completely until all the exercises at this level can be completed without difficulty.

Important! Muscles become stronger during relaxation than more muscle were tense during the exercise, the more blood supply and oxygen supply they will receive during relaxation, they will become stronger and healthier.

We will only give a set of exercises to strengthen intimate muscles first level. Full complex intimate gymnastics exercises for women, including with the vaginal Egg simulator, you can study on your own by downloading the electronic version or purchasing the printed edition of the book “ Intimate health women".

A set of entry-level exercises

You should start your workout with a warm-up to prepare and warm up. the right muscles, disperse blood and lymph through the pelvic organs.

Intimate gymnastics - Warm-up

Exercise Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Squeeze the vaginal sphincter and try to pull it up. In terms of time, one contraction with a tightening should take about 1 second. Repeat 100 times. Rest for 30 seconds. Do 2 more approaches.

At the beginning, the number of contractions can be reduced, but there should be at least 50 contractions in one approach.

While squeezing the sphincter, try to lift, pull the muscle high up and pull the sphincter inward.

Each contraction with an upward pull is followed by a muscle relaxation phase.

Breathe freely, don't hold your breath.

If you feel that the muscle is very tired, rest a little and start again.

Exercise Hold Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Tighten it hard vaginal muscle, starting with the sphincter, and try to hold it in a compressed state for 60 seconds. Then relax, rest for a few seconds.

Do 2 more approaches.

In the first classes, the time you hold the muscle can be slightly reduced.

Squeeze only the vaginal muscle, stomach, buttocks, do not strain your legs.

To practice fitness, you don’t have to go to expensive sports centers. You can just as easily perform all these exercises at home. The undoubted advantages of such activities are saving time and money. And we will tell you exactly what exercises will help you tighten your hips, buttocks and stomach. By performing these exercises regularly, you will soon feel the effect of the exercises. So, let's look at ten basic exercises.

Exercise No. 1. Squats

Squats – this is a fitness exercise for the buttocks, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and hips. Perform each exercise 10 times. You should do fewer repetitions at first, and when you can do them with ease, gradually increase the load.

Position – standing. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly sit down on an invisible chair. The back is straight. Get up. Repeat up to ten times.

This exercise very effectively strengthens the pelvic muscles.

Exercise No. 2. Forward Lunge and Reverse Lunge

Feet are parallel. We take a wide step forward with our right foot, squat and return to the original position. Switch legs and repeat.

At reverse lunge We do a similar exercise, only with a backward lunge.

These exercises will help strengthen your thighs, calves and buttocks and burn extra calories.

At the same time as these exercises, do the same number of side lunges - place your feet shoulder-width apart, lunge to the side with your right leg and transfer your body weight to it. Return to the original position. Side lunges will strengthen your outer and inner thighs and glutes.

Exercise No. 3. Bridge and leg raises

Try the following as well fitness exercises for buttocks. The bridge exercise should be performed lying on your back. Bend your knees, place the spots shoulder-width apart. Now we slowly lift the spine and buttocks off the floor, while creating a load on the abdominal and buttock muscles. Shoulders should remain on the floor. We also slowly lower ourselves to the original position. Do several repetitions.

These exercises will help tighten the muscles of the buttocks and inside hips.

Exercise No. 4. Complex for thin waist

For those who decide to master fitness at home for beginners we can recommend the complex simple exercises aimed at creating a wasp waist.

Exercises with gymnastic hoop will help burn excess fat V problem area. You can buy a hoop at a sporting goods store. It is enough to rotate it around your waist for no more than 15 minutes a day.

Perform knee swings. Place your feet at shoulder level, clasp your hands behind your head. Pull your stomach in as far as possible. Raise your right leg as high as possible, trying to reach your left knee. Lower and repeat with the other leg.

Very effective fitness exercises for the abdomen aimed at strengthening the press. Lie on the floor, put your hands under your head. Slowly raise your legs up. Fix your legs in an elevated position, then begin to lift your shoulders. Slowly count to ten and return to the starting position. Rest for a minute and repeat the exercise. This exercise will be very difficult for you at first, but you will be rewarded flat stomach and strong abs.

Exercise No. 5. Run away!

This is a set of exercises for the beauty of your legs. First let's strengthen calf muscles. Stand straight, bring your heels together, point your toes out to the sides. Let's start counting: one - rise slightly on your toes; two - squat down a little, spreading your knees to the sides; three – rise on your toes as high as possible; four – stand on your entire foot.

Do as many repetitions as possible. If you can do 20–30 repetitions at a time, it will be just wonderful!

Now we move on to strengthening all muscle groups in the legs. Regular squats with simultaneous arm raises and forward lunges work well.

Exercise No. 6. Fitness for bust

For this exercise you will need a gymnastic ball. Place your feet on the ball, rest your hands on the floor. Hands should be shoulder width apart. Slowly bending your arms, lower yourself down, then rise to your original position. Watch the position of your back - it should be straight. Perform 15 repetitions. Do stretching exercises during breaks. pectoral muscles. Sitting on the ball, raise your arms and move them away elbow joints back.

Exercise No. 7. Back exercises

Often women completely forget that full-fledged fitness is impossible without training the back muscles. But it is these muscles that create beautiful posture.

Lie on the floor on your stomach and extend your arms forward. Relax, inhale and begin to slowly lift the upper half of your body. Stretch your arms forward. Count to five and return to the original position.

Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor. Right hand pull forward as far as possible left leg pull back. Return to the starting position. Continue doing the exercises, alternating.

Exercise No. 8. Exercises with dumbbells

Anyone who wants to turn fitness classes at home into a healthy habit should definitely purchase dumbbells. They will help make the exercises better. For example, an exercise for the chest muscles. Lie on the floor, take dumbbells in your hands. Start lifting and lowering outstretched arms with dumbbells.

Exercise No. 9. Exercises with a stick

A smooth, even stick is also a necessary tool for fitness at home for beginners. For example, with the help of such a stick you can perform very effective exercises for the waist.

Place the stick on your shoulders, place your feet shoulder-width apart. In this position, turn your body in different directions.

Exercise No. 10. Crunches

Finally, let's look at twisting exercises. These exercises are aimed mainly at the abdominal muscles. Here are a few of its options.

Lie down on the floor. Place your hands under your head. Begin to lift your body, alternately touching your left elbow to your right knee and your right elbow to your left knee.

Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees 45%, place your hands behind your head. At the same time we raise our head and legs.

By doing these simple exercises every day, after a while you will feel the results of your efforts. Your buttocks will become more toned, your stomach smaller, and your abs stronger.