Effective exercises for losing weight in your arms - training at home and in the gym. The best exercises to combat excess weight on your arms What exercises are suitable for losing weight on your arms

Full or flabby arms are something that spoils the appearance of absolutely everyone, even if the person has a beautiful figure. Both men and women suffer from this problem. We have selected the best exercises for losing weight in your arms at home without additional equipment. But in order to quickly remove fat, you need to understand the reasons and eliminate them, because training for quick results will not be enough.

You've probably seen a lot of people with more or less compact builds, but with unusually full arms compared to their bodies. And then one question arises that immediately comes to mind - what caused this?

Fat deposits on the arms, usually above the elbow, are due to the accumulation of excess fat in the body as a whole.

Age is also another reason for being overweight. After twenty years, our body tends to store more fat, and muscle tissue begins to decrease. Therefore, the predominance of adipose tissue over muscle is one of the main causes of sagging.

A decrease in metabolic rate is another cause of obesity. Metabolic rate decreases with age, which means the body begins to burn fewer calories. And this condition ultimately leads to fat deposits.

Lack of physical activity and irregular exercise also lead to the accumulation of fat in the body. Below we will show you what exercises to do to lose weight on your arms. But for a faster effect, it is necessary to increase the amount of calories consumed. For example, you can walk more, or better yet start running.

Simple and effective exercises for losing weight in your arms

Do you have fat deposits? Do you think twice before choosing a sleeveless dress because you have flabby arms?

You can remove stubborn fat by doing a set of exercises to make them slim and beautiful.

1. Reverse one-arm push-ups

This exercise helps burn stored fat in the triceps area, the back of the arm. This place is most susceptible to the formation of fatty deposits. It not only fights excess fat on the triceps, but also tones it so that the skin does not sag.

You don't need any equipment for this exercise. You can do it directly on the floor or take a chair.


  1. Sit on the floor, keeping your legs and feet together.
  2. Keep your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and your feet in front of your hips. Your fingers should point towards your hips.
  3. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  4. Straighten your arms and lift your hips. This will allow you to support the weight on your arms.
  5. Bend your left elbow and use your right arm, still straight, to lower your hips to the floor. But you can't touch the floor.
  6. Now repeat the same movement with the other hand.

2. Reverse push-ups

This muscle-toning exercise also helps you get sexy, toned arms by working your triceps. You can do this exercise at home using a chair or table about 2 meters high. Here the entire body weight will work on the triceps, toning it.

Reverse chair push-ups


  1. Place a chair or table in a stable position.
  2. Stand in front of a chair, maintaining a distance of at least 3 meters.
  3. Turn your back and place your hands on a chair or table, they should be shoulder-width apart
  4. Step back 3-4 steps from the chair or table.
  5. Straighten your upper body and bend your knees so that you are in line with the chair or table.
  6. Now bend your elbows and lower your body as low as you can.
  7. Return to the starting position.
  8. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions every day and it will help you lose arm weight effectively.

3. Longitudinal plank while walking

Just like reverse push-ups, walking planks tone your arm muscles by burning stored fat.

Longitudinal plank in walking


  1. Lie on the floor (on your stomach) and then get into a plank position.
  2. Keep your legs and feet together.
  3. Your fingers should point forward and your body should be in one straight line.
  4. Move your right arm and left leg to the left and hold this position.
  5. Perform the same movements with your left arm and right leg.
  6. Return to the starting plank position.
  7. Draw your abdominal muscles toward your spine and pelvis.
  8. Change direction and take 3 steps to the right.

9. Push-ups

Targeting the pectoral and triceps muscles, push-ups can also help burn fat. Another good news is that you don't need dumbbells, barbells or other equipment to perform this exercise to lose weight on your arms and shoulders. The entire fight against stubborn fat deposits here comes precisely from your body’s own weight. Push-ups will definitely provide you with the desired results.



  1. Lie on the floor (on your stomach).
  2. Now get into a push-up position, keeping your feet together. Keep your stance wider than shoulder width. Your elbows should be straight.
  3. Now bend your elbows and lower your body towards the ground. Make sure your stomach doesn't touch the ground.
  4. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions every day to keep your arms firm and toned.
  5. You can also do open push-ups, positioned wider than your shoulders, or closed push-ups, placing your hands as close together as possible.

Note: If you initially find it difficult to do this exercise, then try push-ups from your knees. In regular push-ups, your entire body weight is on your hands and toes, but in knee push-ups, your weight is distributed on your hands and knees, making it easier to perform.

5. Lateral push-ups

This exercise targets the triceps and is an effective way to lose weight on your arms.


  1. Lie on the floor (on your stomach).
  2. Now get into a push-up position, keeping your legs together. Keep your hands wider than shoulder width. Your fingers should point in different directions.
  3. Bend your left elbow and tilt your body to the left.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the same movement with your right hand.
  5. By doing this exercise, you will definitely achieve results.

Note: If you initially find it difficult to do this exercise, then start with push-ups from your knees.

6. Rack push-ups

This exercise is very similar to regular push-ups. But the only change is that you will need either a platform or a table to perform.


  1. Take a standing position, resting on the platform.
  2. Keep your feet together and place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Also, keep your back and shoulders straight so that the muscles in your arms are fully engaged.
  4. Now do push-ups. Try to do 3 sets of 20 reps.

7. Wrist rotation

This is one of the simplest but most effective exercises that will help you achieve the desired result if you do it regularly. For this exercise you will only need 2 dumbbells of 0.5 kg each. (2 bottles of water, 0.5 l each).


  1. Stand up straight and hold water bottles in both hands.
  2. Now, rotate your palms while holding the water bottles clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  3. Perform this exercise for 60 seconds on each side.
  4. This exercise, if performed regularly, will help get rid of fat deposits in the shoulders and arms.

Scissors are an effective cardio exercise for elastic and toned muscles.


  1. Stand up straight and hold your hands in front of you at shoulder height.
  2. Now, spread your arms out to the sides and then bring them together in front of you so that both palms overlap each other like scissors.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement at least 20 times a day.
  4. Do this simple but effective exercise for at least 15-20 minutes.

9. Seated Arm Extension

This is one of the most effective exercises for getting rid of fat deposits. It will make your arms stronger and more toned and they will look slimmer.


  1. Take a 2.5 liter water bottle that you can use as free weight.
  2. Sit straight on a chair, take a 2.5 liter water bottle with both hands and lift it above your head, keep them straight while holding the water bottle.
  3. Now lower the water bottle by placing it behind your back.
  4. Lower the water bottle as low as you can.
  5. Now slowly lift the water bottle above your head, holding it with both hands.
  6. Move the bottle as slowly as possible. The more carefully you perform this exercise, the better the muscles in your arms are activated.
  7. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions daily.

Note: Rest 1 minute after completing each set for maximum performance. You can also gradually increase the weight to speed up the results.

10. A set of exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

This combination of different movements is a very simple but effective way to get rid of arm fat. There is no need to visit the gym to perform this complex. You can perform it in the comfort of your home. This is a kind of exercise for the arms to lose weight and tighten muscles so that the skin does not sag. It includes the upper part of the arms, which is most susceptible to fat deposits. By doing it regularly, you will get the desired result.


  1. Stand straight on the floor.
  2. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Raise your arms to shoulder height with your fingers pointing upward.
  4. Now move forward in circular motions for 30 seconds.
  5. After you complete the forward circles, begin doing the backward circles for 30 seconds.
  6. Now bend your elbows with your fingers pointing towards the ceiling.
  7. Move your elbows back and forth for 30 seconds.
  8. This movement will tone your biceps.
  9. After completing the forward and backward movements of your elbows, bring them together. Fingers should point to the ceiling.
  10. Move your joined elbows up to your jaw line and return to the starting position.
  11. Perform these movements for 30 seconds.
  12. By performing this complex regularly, you will achieve the desired results.

11. Exercise (Bird-Dog)

This exercise is amazing because it not only tones and strengthens your arms and shoulders, but also strengthens your leg muscles. It also stretches the back. In addition, this exercise is useful for those who dream of ideal posture.


  1. Get on all fours on the floor.
  2. Your knees should be under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
  3. Now raise your right arm and straighten it (your fingers should be pointing forward).
  4. At the same time, lift and straighten your left leg back.
  5. Stay in this position for some time and then return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the same process with your left arm and right leg.
  7. Perform this exercise 15 - 20 times.

Tips: how to lose weight in your arms and avoid fat deposits?

We figured out what exercises you need to do to train muscles and lose weight. Additional tips concern what you need to do additionally to get rid of fat even faster and more effectively.

Proper nutrition: The first and most important thing you must do to prevent obesity is to pay close attention to your diet, since poor nutrition leads to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the body.

Therefore, eat healthy by including plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Eating this way will not only make you feel full, but the number of calories you consume will also be significantly reduced.

Also add fiber-rich foods to your daily menu to increase your metabolic rate. The faster your metabolism, the faster you will burn calories, which will help your arms lose weight. And at the same time, a fiber-rich diet keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time.

Moreover, eat protein foods with low fat content, as well as foods with slow carbohydrates.

Eat small portions: eat in small quantities and at regular intervals. This way you will feel fuller for a longer time and eat less food.

Have breakfast: don't skip breakfast as it is your first meal. If you skip breakfast, you will end up eating much more than you need throughout the day.

Drink more water: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to rev up your metabolism. Also drink water before every meal. This will help you eat less food, and the less you eat, the fewer calories you take in.

Green tea: start your day with a cup of green tea. This will encourage your body to burn more calories. Also, 3 - 4 cups of green tea per day will help the body burn more fat deposits, speeding up the metabolism.

Daily Cardio: A few cardio exercises done daily will help burn off the extra calories you get from eating. You can swim, rock climb or row, jump rope, thereby preventing fat deposits and pushing them into a corner. And they will have nothing left to do but melt before your eyes.

Walk: Always take the stairs instead of using the elevator. This will burn more calories.

Performing these exercises along with scrupulously following the tips will certainly give you effective results in losing weight in the arm area. But you need to do these exercises daily. You can do one or a combination of them to get effective results in the fight against fat and sagging skin.

Eat right and do these exercises to get toned, sculpted and attractive arms.

Flabby arms, as well as excess fat on them, are not so rare. If you're shopping for dresses, tank tops, long sleeve sweaters, you're not alone. Sometimes it can be very difficult to get rid of excess fat on the arms, especially if this problem is caused by genetics, age and excess weight. Arm fat accumulates primarily around the triceps, the muscles on the back of the upper arm. If you don’t regularly train and do exercises for your arms so that the skin doesn’t sag, then sagging appears in this area.

Nutrition also plays an important role in this matter, so a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake can help get rid of sagging skin and fat deposits on the arms. Strength training with additional weights is the most effective way to remove excess fat around the muscles on your arms, as well as tone and make them stronger.

What to do to lose weight on your arms and shoulders

It is impossible to answer this question in a few words. The human body is an incredibly complex mechanism consisting of many organs and systems. Correcting volumes in the arms and shoulders requires an integrated approach. In order for excess fat to go away, you need to create all the conditions for this. The following sections of this article provide specific information on how to remove fat from your shoulders and arms. Check them out, take note of the valuable recommendations, and then start fighting those hated extra pounds!

Compliance with diet and nutrition

The saying “You are what you eat” reflects the essence of healthy eating in the best possible way. To reduce excess fat, you must control the quantity/quality of food you eat. Create a strict dietary menu for yourself for the week and strictly adhere to it. Plan your diet so that there are about 5-6 small meals throughout the day. You need to remove all harmful foods from your diet without exception, and also forget about overeating. Only in this case will it be possible to get rid of those unfortunate extra centimeters and put your body in order.

A set of exercises for slender and beautiful arms

Full arms do not allow you to wear clothes with short sleeves or a light top. You don't have to put up with this situation. It is enough to change some exercise habits and master simple exercises that will make your arms thin and slender.

One-arm reverse push-ups

Aimed at getting rid of fat on the back and triceps. This area is most susceptible to the accumulation of fat mass. The advantage of such push-ups is that not only the fat layer disappears, but also the arms become sculpted and the skin becomes toned. The exercise can be performed on the floor or using a regular chair with or without a backrest.


  • sit on the floor, keep your feet together;
  • hands are placed shoulder-width apart so that the fingers point toward the hips and feet
  • located in front of the hips;
  • legs are bent at the knee joints, legs are not lifted off the floor;
  • arms are straightened, hips are raised so that the weight is supported by the arms;
  • bending your left elbow, helping with your right straight hand, lower your hips, but without touching the floor;
  • repeat the same actions, but with the other working hand.

If a chair is used, it serves as a support.

Knee push-ups

Involved - deltoids, triceps and pectoralis major muscles. Knee push-ups are a lighter version of floor push-ups. It is recommended to perform it to strengthen the muscles, followed by a transition to push-ups. You need to try to move your knees a little further during each lesson, straightening your legs. The position of the hands when doing push-ups can be normal or narrow.

Classic version

  • We rest our knees and hands, shoulder-width apart, on the floor;
  • We raise our feet and cross them;
  • We do push-ups, straightening our arms at the elbows;
  • Movements are smooth and leisurely. This pace promotes good muscle development.

With a narrow hand position

By using a narrow arm position, you can increase the load on the triceps. We perform the exercise in the same way as in the first version, but we place our hands a little narrower than our shoulders.
You can also do push-ups against a wall or bench. For beginners, the optimal number is from five to ten push-ups. For those who are accustomed to loads - twelve with three repetitions.

Reverse push-ups with two hands

Used by athletes during the drying period, this exercise allows you to work the triceps and give elasticity to your arms. It can be done using a table or chair approximately 2 meters high. The weight of your own body, transferred to the triceps, will increase the tone of this muscle.


  • the chair or table is placed in the most stable position;
  • stand opposite the table (chair) at a distance of three meters, but not closer;
  • turn their backs to the fulcrum (table/chair);
  • hands are held shoulder width apart;
  • take three or four steps forward;
  • straighten the body and bend the legs so that they form one line with the surface of the table or chair from the knees;
  • bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible;
  • return to their original position.

If you do three approaches daily with twenty repetitions each, your arms will very quickly gain the desired slimness.

Useful information for losing weight

Dumbbell Curl

Exercise for biceps. You can use several options for performing the exercise. When using light weights and a large number of approaches, it perfectly removes fat from the arms and shoulders.

With simultaneous bending

It is performed standing and also sitting, leaning on the back. This makes it possible to better load the muscles, since the force of inertia cannot be used when lifting a dumbbell;

We take dumbbells and begin to bend our elbows, moving the apparatus up to our shoulders.

In an alternating version, you can use a lot of weight, since the muscles of one arm have the opportunity to rest.


Works: chest, shoulders, biceps and core muscles

1. Lie face down on the floor, resting on your forearms and knees.
2. Spread your legs and rise into a plank position, lifting your knees off the floor.
3. The body should be straight and parallel to the floor, the muscles of the buttocks tense.
4. Tighten your core and hold the position as long as possible. Start with 20-30 seconds and work your way up to 1 minute.
5. Repeat 3 times.

Swing dumbbells to the sides

Working muscle: deltoid

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands at the sides of your body, palms facing in.
2. Start with your left hand. Slowly raise your arm parallel to the floor while inhaling. The elbow should be slightly bent.
3. The arm should be straight and the palm facing the floor.
4. As you exhale, lower your arm to the starting position.
5. Do the same with your right hand.
6. Do 10-15 repetitions on each arm in 2 sets.

Standing flyes

We tighten and strengthen the inner part of the shoulder.

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight;
  • We bend our arms slightly at the elbows, the dumbbells are on the sides in the hip area;
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells above shoulder level;
  • We hold the dumbbells in such a way that the plates located in front are slightly tilted;
  • Raise the dumbbells smoothly. We work in the lateral plane.

We plan the number of repetitions in accordance with our level of physical fitness.

Curling arms with an expander


Step on the resistance band or securely fasten it underneath

Hold the ends of the resistance band in each hand. The ribbons should be well tensioned and should not sag.

Bend your elbows and pull the handles of the expander towards your shoulders.

Slowly lower your arms to the starting position.

Tip: Keep your elbows close to your body. Extend your arms slowly to the starting position, without sudden jerks.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Bent over arm extension


Place your left leg and left hand on the bench. Place your other leg slightly back, keeping your back straight. Take the dumbbell in your right hand. Bend your elbow and raise your arm to the level of your back or slightly higher. This will be your starting position

Move your raised arm back until your elbow and shoulder form a straight line.
Slowly and carefully return your hand to the starting position

Do the required number of repetitions with your right hand, then move on to your left.

Tip: Keep your elbow in one position throughout the exercise. Keep your elbows close to your body, do not spread them out to the sides.

Wall push-ups

Wall push-ups are great for working your arm muscles. They include shoulders, biceps, and triceps in the work.


  • Stand opposite the wall at a distance of about 30-60 cm;
  • Raise your arms and place your palms on the wall slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • The tips of the fingers are pressed against the wall;
  • Take a deep breath, exhale and bend your elbows, bringing your chest closer to the wall;
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.
  • Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.


This is a great exercise to do after doing a few arm exercises, especially reverse push-ups. It helps to work out the whole body.

How to do:

Stand straight with your feet together. Bend down, place your palms on the floor. Keep your knees straight;

Start moving forward with your hands without bending your legs;

Move until you are in a plank position;

Start taking small steps forward with your feet until your feet are near your palms.

Sets and reps – 3 sets.


One of the best arm exercises. Simple and effective.


Using your hands and feet on the floor, lift your body high up until it is parallel to the floor;

Lift one leg off the floor and straighten it. Pull the sock towards you;

Lower your buttocks to the floor, bending your elbows and keeping your leg suspended;

Do 10 reps and lower your leg.

Change your leg. Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

Clasp your palms, raise your arms above your head and stretch well.

With one hand, grab your forearm with the other. Smoothly, slowly and gently press your forearm to your chest. Then change hands and repeat.

You need to clasp your palms behind your back, stretch and raise your arms as high as possible.

If you're wondering how to lose weight in your shoulders and arms, exercises that target this area will help you achieve this. Of course, it is important not to limit yourself only to your arms, to perform exercises for other muscle groups and to do general strengthening cardio. It is also very important to remember about proper nutrition. The proposed set of exercises does not require much time. It is enough to do it several times a week, and your arms will become beautiful and toned. And videos of exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders will help you understand how to do them correctly.

Hands are often a problem area for many women. They are the ones who have a very hard time losing weight. Sometimes women, although slender, have full arms. And it doesn’t flatter the figure at all. Indeed, it is much easier to achieve slender legs than arms. If you still decide to achieve ideal proportions, you need to take yourself seriously, since losing weight in your hands is quite possible - you need to approach this procedure responsibly and seriously.

How to lose weight quickly in your hands

Thin arms are beautiful, but not all women can boast of it. To get your hands in order, you need to spend a lot of time: exercise, diet, massage, etc. If you need to make your arms a little slimmer, then there are some tricks that can make you look good. The right selection of clothes and accessories will help you with this.

In the cold season, there are no problems with full hands at all: all defects are perfectly hidden under sweaters, warm sweaters and, in general, clothes made of thick fabrics. What to do in the summer, when you can’t cover your hands with anything? Experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Wear clothes with ¾ length sleeves.
  2. Wear clothes with puffed sleeves.
  3. Wear large jewelry.
  4. Wear hand accessories.

But you won't need these tips if you have a firm decision to lose weight in hand.

What to do to lose weight on your arms

When losing weight, women are divided into two groups: one of them loses weight from top to bottom (first shoulders and arms, and then stomach and legs), and the second from bottom to top (first legs and stomach, and then arms).

Full arms are a fairly noticeable figure flaw. But your arms will never be fat if there is not a single gram of fat on your body. This means that the slimmer your figure, the more toned your arms will be. And if you do everything right, then your arms simply cannot remain fat!

In order to lose weight on your arms and shoulders, you need to follow a diet and perform special exercises, since only proper nutrition and physical activity will bring benefits. One is not compatible without the other. But as an additional relaxation, you can use massage.

Physical activity for losing weight in arms

  1. Full arms do not need strength exercises - on the contrary, they will only get better.
  2. Cardio exercises will help you lose weight in your arms. Exercising on exercise machines is perfect.
  3. To lose extra pounds and tighten your arms, you need light but effective exercises, for example, aerobics or running - thanks to this, fat will melt and you will be able to build muscles and tighten your arms.

Strength training for losing weight in arms

  1. After your arms lose weight thanks to cardio equipment or cardio exercises, you can slowly start doing strength exercises - this will give you a beautiful definition.
  2. For sculpted, beautiful arms, it is necessary to develop the triceps. If it is in bad shape, then the hands do not look their best - the skin sags and becomes flabby.
  3. The best way to develop triceps is bench push-ups. This is done as follows: take a support while lying on the bench, lift your body up on your hands and lower it down, bending your elbows. You must first do 2 sets of 5 times, then increase the exercises to 3 sets of 15 times. Perform the exercise every other day. On average, one month is enough for you to notice results.

Stretching for slimming arms

Strength exercises can pump up your arms; to prevent this from happening, you need to stretch your muscles after exercise. This will help make your hands more feminine.

Stretching is done after exercise to relax and lengthen the muscles. The procedure looks like this: clasp your hands behind your back, then stretch with springy movements. First you need to make sure that one hand is on top, then swap them.

If you need to lose weight on your arms, stretching should be done regularly after exercise.

Diet for losing weight

Physical exercise is not everything, but only half the battle. The other half is eating right. Of course, you should not starve, but it is necessary to increase the amount of protein consumed and reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Eat more vegetables and fruits, give up flour and sweets.

Try to eat at least 5-6 times a day. In this case, the portion should be small.

By the way, experts say that this salad can help you lose weight on your arms in the best possible way. It contains a huge amount of useful substances, so it can generally be used as a vitamin salad:

  1. Tomatoes (vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene).
  2. Sweet pepper (vitamin A).
  3. Apples (fructose, vitamins, antioxidants).
  4. Raisins (fiber, protein).
  5. Pine nuts (fiber, minerals, fats).

You can also crumble into the salad: egg, avocado, cheese, cabbage, olives.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Cut tomatoes and peppers into cubes.
  2. Boil the egg (if it is in your salad) and grate it. (By the way, you can use one white, since the yolk contains fats).
  3. Grate the apples.
  4. Soak raisins in warm water for 15 minutes.
  5. If you decide to add avocado to the salad, cut it into pieces, shred the cabbage, grate the cheese, drain the brine from the olives.
  6. Place all the ingredients in a serving cup, sprinkle pine nuts on top - half a tablespoon will be enough.

Hand slimming massage

  1. Buy a body cream and rub it into your upper arms daily, using gentle stroking, pinching and patting.
  2. Make a hand wrap. Use coffee, seaweed, and special mixtures for wrapping and improving blood circulation or for weight loss. Wrapping at home looks like this: pour 70 g of coffee (natural, but ground) with water (hot), in such proportions as to form a thick substance. Take a little thickener and dilute it with gel or bathing foam to exfoliate. Place the thickener on your hands, wrap it in film, wrap it in something warm and leave for 50 minutes.
  3. Contact a massage therapist who specializes in weight loss massage - he will help you lose weight even in your fingers, thanks to a specially developed course.

Swimming for weight loss

This is a great way to lose weight on your arms and get rid of cellulite forever. Visit the pool with some regularity and you will soon notice changes for the better.

Special exercises to lose weight on your arms

Losing weight in your arms is a matter of time and desire. Here is a very simple, but very successful workout that will help you get rid of fat deposits on your arms. The complex will not take much of your time - just half an hour a day and you no longer have to worry about having problems with your hands.

  1. Be sure to monitor your breathing - do not hold it, breathe evenly.
  2. If you're thirsty, you can drink a little water right during your workout.
  3. All exercises are performed standing and on bent legs.
  4. If we are talking about dumbbells, then you need to start with a weight of 1 kg, then increase to 2 kg.
  5. All exercises must be performed at least 30 times.

Perform a set of exercises every day.

  1. Starting position (IP): standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one hand on your belt, a dumbbell in the other. Straighten your arm with the dumbbell. Raise the dumbbell up above your head, then lower it to your shoulder, placing it behind your head. Will return to I.P. The exercise must be performed very slowly, and the dumbbell should be lowered as low as possible.
  2. I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides and pressed to your hips - a dumbbell in each. Bend your elbows, bring the dumbbells closer to your shoulders, return to I.P. The exercise is performed slowly.
  3. I.P.: standing, hands pressed to the chest, each holding a dumbbell. Lunge with one leg and throw your arm forward (left leg - right arm, right leg - left arm).
  4. I.P.: standing, hands at your sides, each holding a dumbbell. Move both arms and one leg back at the same time. Repeat the same steps with the other leg.
  5. IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower the body approximately 80 degrees. Raise your arms with dumbbells to shoulder level.
  6. IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands. Rise on your toes, raise your arms to face level.
  7. IP: standing, arms with dumbbells raised at shoulder level (parallel to the floor). Bend your elbows to form a 90-degree angle.
  8. I.P.: standing, dumbbells in hands, arms in front of you, elbows bent (stand like a boxer). Box.

Here are the exercises you need to do to lose weight on your arms.

  1. Water. Try to drink as much regular clean water as possible: an average of 8 to 12 glasses a day. Thanks to the liquid, cleansing occurs in the body - it gets rid of toxins, and weight loss will move faster.
  2. Dancing. Half an hour of dancing a day will significantly improve your well-being and improve your appearance - you won’t even notice how your arms will lose weight.
  3. Take a bath as often as possible, as the skin also stores fluid during our hygiene procedures.
  4. Avoid sugary carbonated drinks.
  5. Stop smoking!
  6. Homeopathy, vitamins and dietary supplements. Today, there are a variety of drugs for weight loss: they will help you lose weight, support your body and charge it with energy and all the necessary vitamins.
  7. If you tried, followed all the recommendations, but nothing helped you (alas, unfortunately, there are such people), you can use your last chance - cosmetic surgery. To be honest, this procedure is very painful and incredibly expensive. You should contact a plastic surgeon only if, due to significant weight loss, you have stretch marks and your skin is very sagging.

How to lose weight in your hands. Video

Don't like the look of your hands? Are you embarrassed to wear revealing clothes because of sagging and sagging skin on your arms? If this problem is limiting your choice of clothing and changes in lifestyle, perhaps it’s time to change something for the better and work a little to restore the elasticity and beauty of your hands! It is clear that there is no quick way to get rid of fat deposits on the arms, but it is possible to improve their appearance with the help of a special set of exercises for elasticity and muscle building, aerobic exercise and a healthy diet. First, let's look at exercises for losing weight in your arms.

1. Plan your workouts. In order for arm exercises for weight loss to be as effective as possible, and for the muscles to become as elastic as possible, it is very important to first develop a training schedule and try to stick to it. Choose 3-4 exercises according to your strength that you can perform correctly. It is better to choose exercises for different groups of arm muscles, so as not to train only one group all the time.

  • Each exercise should be performed in 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions each. The number of repetitions and approaches can be increased as the first results are obtained.
  • Keep in mind that the intensity of your workout will depend on whether you just want to tone your arms or build muscle. Use lighter weights and more reps if you just want to tone your arms above the elbows—an option that's most likely to work for women and girls. To build muscle, you need to do fewer reps with heavier weights.

2. Do push-ups. Push-ups are considered one of the basic exercises that every person has performed at least once in their life. It has become a fixture in the fitness world for one reason only: it works. Push-ups work the triceps muscles, strengthen the pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, quadriceps muscles, and lower back, making them an excellent exercise for almost all muscles of the body. To perform a regular push-up:

  • Lie face down on the floor, close your legs together, resting on your toes, or rather on the balls of your feet.
  • Place your hands on the floor, palms down, approximately shoulder-width apart.
  • Raise your arms until they are completely straight. The body should be straight from head to toe. This is the starting and ending position for the exercise.
  • Slowly lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle. Lowering is done while inhaling.
  • Slowly lift yourself up at the exit until your arms are completely straight. This was one repetition.
  • Options: Basic push-ups can be complicated and diversified with different execution options. At the initial stages of training, when your arms are not yet strong, you can do push-ups from your knees. You can also try triangle push-ups, where your hands form a triangle shape due to the connection of your index fingers and thumbs, located just under the sternum.

3. Do push-ups. Another fairly common exercise is push-ups, which work the triceps, chest muscles and core shoulder muscles. To perform this exercise you will need a bench or step; a stool from the kitchen will also work. To perform a push-up:

  • Sit upright on the edge of a bench or chair with your legs extended in front of you and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Firmly grip the edge of the bench with your hands, fingers pointing down. Slowly step down from the bench without moving your legs.
  • Slowly lower your body toward the floor, keeping your back straight, until your elbows are bent 90 degrees.
  • Straighten your arms again and return to the starting position. This was one repetition.
  • Exercise options: To complicate the exercise technique for losing weight on your arms at home, place your feet on a second bench or chair.

4. Curling arms with dumbbells. Dumbbell curls are one of the main exercises in weightlifting, which develops arm strength and gives them a very sexy look, especially in short sleeves or wrestling shorts. Dumbbell curls work the biceps, which are responsible for bending the arm at the elbow. To perform this exercise you will need a pair of dumbbells, approximately 2-7 kilograms each.

  • Take dumbbells in your hands and stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • The arms are relaxed and at the sides of the body, palms facing forward.
  • Slowly bend your elbows towards your chest.
  • Then lower your arms with the dumbbells back down, keeping tension in your biceps. Try to maintain correct posture throughout the entire exercise, that is, keep your back straight and your stomach pulled in.
  • Options: The gym has a curl machine that works the same way as the exercise itself, working your biceps. If you train at home, then you can take 500 g jars of beans and peas to complete this exercise.

5. Pull-ups. This exercise is quite complex and is aimed at working several muscle groups, including the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders and abdominals, as well as the biceps and forearms. To perform the exercise you will need a horizontal bar or crossbar. Beginners are advised to get a support group or a pull-up band.

  • Grasp the bar with your palms, fingers pointing forward, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift your feet off the ground.
  • Pull your body towards the bar so that your chin is slightly higher than it. Stay at the top for a few seconds if possible.
  • Lower yourself down without straightening your arms completely to keep your muscles tense. You have completed one repetition.
  • Options: Pull-ups are a rather difficult exercise, but with a little practice, the process will improve, regardless of gender and age. In the initial stages, an elastic band for pull-ups can be very useful. It is attached directly to the crossbar. One or both legs are inserted into it, and during the exercise, part of the body weight is supported by the elastic band, which makes the process a little easier.

6. Bench press. The bench press is an exercise designed to increase upper body strength and targets the chest muscles of the shoulders, including the triceps. To perform this exercise, you will need a barbell and an exercise bench.

  • Place the barbell on the rack and add the required weight. The weight should be suitable so that you can perform about 8 repetitions without stopping. For beginners, a barbell without additional weight will do.
  • Lie flat on the bench and take the most natural position, with your feet on the floor and your shoulders touching the bench.
  • Reach the barbell and clasp it with your palms, placing your hands shoulder-width apart. Some people like wider grips, but a shoulder-width grip works the triceps the most.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and smoothly lift the barbell from the rack. Place the barbell directly above the middle of your chest and straighten your arms.
  • Slowly lower the barbell toward your chest, bending your elbows to your sides. Inhale as the bar moves down.
  • Squeeze the barbell up to the starting position as you exhale. You've just completed one repetition.
  • Note: It is advisable that during the exercise, especially with heavy weight, someone is present for backup. He will help you lift the weight, return the barbell to the rack, or simply make sure that you don't accidentally drop the barbell on yourself.

7. Side plank with arm abduction. This is a great exercise for developing overall upper body strength. While it doesn't specifically work the arm muscles, it does prepare the body to perform weight-loss exercises in the arms and also works the obliques. To do this exercise:

  • Lie on your side and raise your body on your arm bent at the elbow. You can just do it on a bent elbow, it will be easier for beginners.
  • Place your legs one on top of the other, lift your hips off the floor so that your body ends up forming a diagonal line.
  • With your free hand, grab a dumbbell and lift your arm up so that it is directly above your shoulder.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbell straight in front of you until your arm is perpendicular to your body.
  • Slowly raise your arm back up so that your arm and dumbbell form a "T" shape. This was one repetition.
  • Options: You can not stop the arm perpendicular to the body, but continue to lower it, tilting the body a little forward and moving the arm under you, then return to the starting position again.

8 . Standing dumbbell press. This is a good exercise that can easily fit into your workouts and will help restore the elasticity of the skin on your hands. It is mainly used to strengthen the shoulders, as it works both the triceps and biceps. To perform the dumbbell overhead press:

  • Start in a sitting or standing position, back straight, dumbbells in your hands.
  • Raise your arms to shoulder level. The elbows should be positioned below the wrists, and the palms should be directed to the sides.
  • Slowly straighten your arms, lifting the dumbbells above your head. Try not to bring your elbows closer to each other.
  • Hold the dumbbells overhead for a few seconds, then slowly lower them down to the starting position. This was 1 rep.
  • Options: This exercise can be performed with a barbell or on a special machine. This exercise can be combined with biceps curls and triceps French presses.

9 . Start boxing with a punching bag. Fast, repeated strokes are a great way to shape your arms beautifully. This is where the shoulders work and strength is developed. You can box without auxiliary equipment or with a bag.

  • Stand up straight. Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  • Bend your elbows at right angles and lift them towards your face.
  • Strike with your right hand so that it straightens. Palm facing the floor.
  • Return your right hand to the starting position and hit the bag with your left hand.
  • Options: You can perform this exercise with dumbbells in both hands or use a punching bag.

10. Circular rotations with arms. This exercise is very simple and yet effective, it can be performed whenever and wherever you want, great for beginners. Circular rotations of the arms tone both the triceps and biceps, developing the muscles of the shoulders and back. To do the exercise:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms out to the sides so that they are level with your shoulders.
  • Begin to rotate your arms forward in small circular motions without moving your elbows or wrists.
  • After 20 rotations, change the direction of rotation.
  • Options: To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can spin faster or hold dumbbells in your hands.

1. Realistic expectations. It is important to understand that it is impossible to lose weight in a specific area of ​​the body, just in the arms, for example. In the process of losing weight, a couple of centimeters may disappear from your waist or abdomen before you notice changes in your arms. If you stick to the right diet and a well-structured training plan, then sooner or later the changes will affect your entire body.

  • It's not enough to just do arm exercises and build muscle. Of course, the muscles will regain their tone, but if they are covered with a layer of fat on top, then the appearance of the arms is unlikely to change much. Therefore, first of all, you need to remove the fat layer from above so that fabulous and elastic muscles appear.
  • It's not enough to just lose weight. As stated earlier, there is no quick and direct way to remove arm fat at home, it will take time before a healthy diet and aerobic exercise can make a difference in the size of your arms. Even if your arms become thinner, they may still be flabby and saggy because there was no developed muscle mass underneath the layer of fat.
  • That is why special exercises for arms, coupled with weight loss, will help you get rid of problem areas on your arms and tone them up. Everything should be in moderation.

2. Determine how healthy your current weight is. In most cases, people want to lose weight in the arms above the elbow for purely aesthetic reasons, but arm fat is often a sign of obesity. The steps you need to take will depend on your current health status and how many pounds you want to lose.

  • Check your body mass index. To quickly find out about your current health status, body weight also applies here, find out your BMI. Some sites have an online calculator that will calculate everything for you and display the result, including your body fat level.
  • A number range of 19 to 26 is considered a normal BMI. A BMI above 26 indicates that you need to lose weight, and above 30 indicates obesity.
  • It's up to you whether to see a doctor or not. But if your BMI is above 30, then you definitely need to do this in order to understand for yourself how to proceed. If your BMI is normal, but there are fat deposits on your arms, it will be enough to simply adjust your diet and perform special exercises to achieve the desired result.

3. Switch to low-calorie diets. There are a huge number of diets and ways to lose weight, but they all have one common rule - you need to reduce the number of calories you consume and eat healthy foods. Here are some tips on how to eat healthy to lose weight all over your body, including your arms.

  • Avoid fatty foods. Fried foods, cheese and hamburgers will become fat folds on your body.
  • You may not even have to cut down on portions much to lose weight on your arms. Just eat more lean meats, such as chicken and turkey, and fruits and vegetables. This means that if you're already eating healthy, then eating smaller portions may help even more.
  • Always have breakfast. Research shows that people who eat a filling, protein-rich breakfast lose more pounds and then have an easier time keeping them from gaining it back.
  • Drink plenty of water. 8 glasses of water are needed for normal metabolism, to reduce hunger and burn calories.
  • Don't eat sports energy bars. Yes, they charge you with energy, but at the same time they are considered fattening foods.

4. Do aerobic exercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat, not just in the arm area, but throughout your entire body. It would be a good idea if you included some aerobic exercise in your workout plan.

  • You can do as many exercises as you want to build muscle on your arms and tone your skin, but until you remove all the fat from your muscles, your arms will not get the shape you want.
  • Running, swimming, dancing or just walking are great aerobic exercises that burn fat throughout the body, including the arms.
  • For adults without health problems, 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise is recommended.

5. Lose fat. If you listened to the advice and got the first results, congratulations! But know that to get rid of fat, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This means you need to continue to eat right.

  • Lean protein, high-fiber carbohydrates, and a variety of vegetables are the best choices. Eat well three times a day, preferably without snacking.
  • Keep training. Stick to the workout plan that you choose or that a trainer has chosen specifically for you to stay healthy. Buy a gym membership or work out at home a few days a week.
  • Keep up the good work you're doing with eating right and exercising, and you'll improve your health, lose weight, increase your energy levels, and improve your mood.

Questions and answers

How can I gain weight?

You need to build muscle mass by doing resistance exercises and increase your calorie intake. This will be the best and most beneficial option to get better.

Can exercise in water and the resistance of water help tone the skin on the arms and neck, as well as get rid of fat deposits on the thighs? What exercises will help?

Yes, water aerobics helps burn calories, but remember that you need to control your heart rate while exercising in the pool. 150 minutes per week at 70% of your maximum heart rate will be enough to maintain your current fitness level. This number is worth doubling if you're trying to get lean arms. Try running in the water or just swimming. If you can't swim, learn. Swim backstroke or just backstroke. At least 20 minutes a day 3 or more times a week will be enough.

What if I'm not fat at all, but once was, and now my arms are too big for me? I'm 14 and my doctor doesn't recommend lifting weights because my bones aren't strong enough for it.

Arm exercises don't just involve lifting weights. You can, for example, even do yoga to improve the appearance of your hands. Try clapping your hands behind your back, do this regularly. This will help reduce the size of your arms.

Upper body workout

  • Watch videos of various fitness instructors on this topic - this will give a clear idea of ​​the technique of performing a particular exercise and will allow you to choose the appropriate exercise from a great variety.
  • Buy some basic exercise equipment, such as dumbbells, yoga mats, and step pads, that you can use in your home, especially if you're new to the gym, don't like gyms, or are just shy.
  • It is not possible to get rid of arm fat overnight, it will require dedication and hard work on your part to achieve visible results.