Effective strength training for girls. Strength training for women: benefits and advantages. Nutrition before and after workouts

Workout for women in the gym
It is the most effective system reducing the level of subcutaneous fat and, at the same time, correcting the shape of the gluteal muscles, breasts, as well as the volume of the waist, legs, arms, emphasizing the collarbone and solving other problems that girls set for themselves. The gym is truly the most effective method figure adjustments, however, girls are often afraid that training in gym will make them look like men, although they are not! In order for a woman to be able to pump up huge muscles, she needs testosterone, so without using hormonal drugs You won’t be able to become a “butch”. At the same time, girls have problems with hip volume from frequent barbell squats, but this can be avoided and we will tell you how to do it.

The training plan for women may vary and, in principle, there are two main schemes: phased and combined. Phased the training program for women assumes that the girl will first work on her forms and then “dry”, combined offers to lose weight and at the same time work on the quality of muscles. The first scheme is professional and will not suit most girls, since you most likely want to look good not only at competitions, and for this you need to use a combined training scheme. On practice You will not use any diets, instead you will have to optimize your daily diet in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition, while you will visit the gym and do one of the proposed training programs for women.

Optimizing your diet is the most important task, since it is nutrition that is responsible for the level of subcutaneous fat in the body, in addition, the appropriate background of nutrients is also necessary for recovery after training. In other words, if you eat right and don’t exercise, then even though you won’t have luxurious gluteal muscles, toned muscles legs, arms, perhaps the breasts will be less elastic, but, nevertheless, you will look good, you will be slim and attractive. But if you train and don’t watch your diet, then most likely there will be no positive results at all! Therefore, first of all, you must optimize your nutrition, and only then choose the appropriate training program for women. Important to consider That we are not talking about a diet, that is, you will not eat like this periodically, the daily diet in question is a daily diet that you will use to remain attractive every day!

Principles proper nutrition for women

Product quality
– this is still the first thing you should take care of to optimize nutrition. Firstly, proteins should be of animal origin, secondly, carbohydrates should be complex, and thirdly, fats should not be completely excluded from the diet. A girl should consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of her own weight, since muscle tissue Women have less, but girls have more adipose tissue, so girls should also consume less carbohydrates. The optimal caloric intake range for girls ranges from 1200-1800 Kcal, but the calorie balance is a very individual indicator, so we will talk about it in more detail later. Fats in the diet should be 15-20%, but they should be unsaturated, preferably vegetable, or omega-3 type. To preserve the quality of products, they must be steamed, boiled or stewed; frying is strictly prohibited.

Diet – this is the second most important principle of proper nutrition, however, the regime must be followed everywhere, so training for women in the gym is also constant. In this case, we are talking about the fact that you need to eat often and in small portions, you need to eat food at the same time every day. On average, it is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day, which will ensure a constant supply of nutrients in the body, and will also avoid an increase in blood sugar levels and the release of insulin. By the way, for this purpose it is also recommended to eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index or low glycemic load, that is, either the glycemic index should be low or there should not be many carbohydrates in the product. Important eat carbohydrates in the morning, and protein products in the second, and in the late afternoon you should eat dairy products or casein protein, since this type of protein takes longer to digest.

Systematicity - this is not just an important principle, it is a principle without which all other principles of proper nutrition will not work at all. Moreover, we recommend using systematicity, as well as a regimen, in your training program for women in the gym. There are two ways to ensure systematic nutrition: complex and simple. Difficult is to calculate daily, using a food composition table and a kitchen scale, how many food nutrients are contained in foods, and then optimize their value to what you need. Easy is to once calculate how many protein foods you need to eat, and gradually adjust carbohydrates in accordance with your result.

In fact, the complex method also involves adjustments, but it simply allows you to change products daily, which is a plus. True, no one is stopping you, when you get tired of certain carbohydrates, count how many calories you ate, and then change the sources of carbohydrates. On practice, You have chosen a diet, let’s say you eat chicken breast and rice, you weigh 55 kg, and you want to lose weight. Accordingly, brisket contains 26.5g of protein for every 100g, you need to eat about 250g per day, and you eat 300g of rice per day. Moreover, the breast must be weighed when cooked, and the rice when raw; this rule is valid for all sources of protein and carbohydrates. Before you start eating like this, you weigh yourself, then eat these foods for a week, and after a week you weigh yourself again. Now, depending on the result, you need to increase the amount of rice, reduce it, or leave it at the same level. If you have lost 0.5-2 kg, then the amount of rice does not need to be changed; if you have lost more than 2 kg, then the amount of rice must be increased; if you have lost less than 0.5 kg, then the amount of rice must be increased.

Cyclicality– this principle is associated with ovulation, as a result of which it is necessary to apply microperiodization , both in nutrition and in the training system for women. In general, women accumulate more easily subcutaneous fat, but it’s also easier to spend it. This is due to the fact that a woman gives birth to a child, so she needs a supply of nutrients, at the same time, when there are few nutrients, then in order for the child not to receive any injuries, the reserves are spent very easily. And during ovulation, when the chance of getting pregnant is especially high, the body tries to store as many nutrients as possible. Therefore, during ovulation, the intensity of training and calorie intake decreases. As for the training program, this will be discussed below, and as for the calorie intake, it should be reduced by 20%, just eat 20% less carbohydrates.

Conclusion: you need to eat often and in small portions; the diet should consist only of high-quality products with a low glycemic index; Food must be steamed or boiled; sources of protein must be of animal origin, vegetable fats, or, as in the case of omega-3, they can be obtained from northern sea fish; carbohydrates must be complex; The diet should be followed permanently, every day there is the same amount of food nutrients, which is implemented using a table of food composition and weights in the case when you eat different foods, or due to the monotony of the diet; during ovulation, the intensity of training and calorie intake decrease; and further! drink more water, 2.5-3 liters per day, and water at room temperature; it is advisable to drink water evenly, stretching its intake into the body throughout the day; you should not drink during meals.

Menu diet for women

20 minutes before breakfast – a glass of water to which you can add a little honey or soluble vitamins
Breakfast– 100g oatmeal porridge with milk and a cup of green tea
Lunch – 3 boiled egg whites and a salad of non-starchy vegetables
Dinner– 100g of boiled coarse rice with seaweed or non-starchy vegetables and 100g of salmon or pollock
Afternoon snack– 100g brisket and non-starchy vegetables
Dinner– 150g low-fat cottage cheese and kefir

The menu is average, but you can take it as a basis, gradually adjusting it to suit you. It is important to note that this menu is for intensive training, so during ovulation the amount of carbohydrates is 20% lower. In any case, if you follow such a diet, it will be many times more effective than 99% of all those diets that are replete with the Internet and women's magazines.

Features of training for women

Small muscle volume – this factor is very important to consider, since the fewer muscles, the less attention should be paid to them. That is why girls should perform basic exercises, but since the muscles in a girl’s body are unevenly distributed, the basis of the training should be training exactly that part of the body in which the most muscles are located. In girls, the most muscles are located in the lower part of the body, but this does not mean that it needs to be trained more than the upper part, you will just do 2-3 exercises on the legs, and one on the back, shoulders, arms and chest, although in total the upper part You will train your body more. At the same time, you most likely want to hypertrophy gluteal muscles, therefore, the legs need to be trained not only anaerobically, but also aerobically, so that the leg muscles are elastic and small.

Microperiodization – we already talked about this above, it is connected with ovulation, therefore during the ovulation period girls should do a lower amount of work. Only abdominal training will fundamentally change. In general, at the end of the workout you will perform hanging leg raises in order to load the lower segment of the abs more and pump blood into the abdominal area; thanks to this pumping, fat reduction in this area will occur more intensely, which will have a positive effect on your figure. During ovulation, you stop performing abdominal exercises, and the number of approaches in each exercise is reduced to three; if you performed the exercise in only three approaches, then it means that you no longer need to do it at all.

Training Volume - this rule applies not only to the total time that a girl should spend in the gym, but also to the rest time between approaches during training for women, the total number of exercises and repetitions in each approach. Girls have little testosterone, so refusal approaches are much more difficult for girls to perform; moreover, if you are not a competitive athlete, then you do not need to do this at all. Optimal time The rest between sets is 30-60 seconds, and the number of repetitions ranges from 15 to 25 per set. It should also be noted that during training you can and should drink water, and be sure to start

Why do women choose aerobics? This question is asked by gym trainers and functional training. It has long been known that muscle training provides better fat burning, which becomes an end in itself for many women.

Strength exercises for women - starting small

A person who cannot swim should not jump into the water.

Office workers come into the halls, rush into the embrasure, making one of two mistakes:

  • use simulators for isolated muscle work: leg abduction and extension, leg swings in a block, butterfly for the chest;
  • they squat and bench press with heavy weights, getting “protruding” signs of spinal osteochondrosis – protrusion and hernia.

After many years of a sedentary lifestyle, muscle tissue atrophies and no longer supports the joints. Therefore, getting acquainted with hardware should start with simple exercises, which involve as many muscles as possible, and most importantly, awaken the muscle corset.

Anatomy of the core: why you need to do a plank

The concept of core or muscle corset unites the large muscles of the abs, back, hips and buttocks. Acting in synergy, these muscle groups are involved in almost every movement of the human body, and especially in working with weights: squats, presses and deadlifts.

Therefore, a complex for strengthening the core should be number one in a woman’s sports regimen:

  • full plank (on straight arms) or lying down - get into a push-up position, stand there, keeping your back straight and your stomach pulled in for 30-60 seconds;
  • side plank - from a regular plank, turn over onto your side, maintaining emphasis on right hand and right leg, body straightened, left hand stretches up - hold the position for 30 seconds, turn over to the other side;
  • climber - return to push-up position, alternately bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach - repeat 30 times, alternating legs;
  • reverse plank with knees tucked in - sit on the floor, place your hands slightly behind, raise your pelvis, stretching your body into a string, squeeze your shoulder blades together and spread your shoulders - maintaining the original position, alternately bring your legs bent at the knees to your stomach 20 times;
  • raising the pelvis on one leg - lie on your back, bend your knees, put your arms along your body - straighten one leg, maintaining the support of the feet of the second leg - raise your pelvis above the floor, straining your buttocks, repeat 10 times on each leg.

Strength training: a basic complex for all occasions

If your first trip to the gym took place after a complete lack of physical activity, you should not lean on the barbell.

First you should master squats with own weight body, then with dumbbells of 4-6 kg.

In women, the anatomy of strength exercises has one feature - you need to be able to include the buttocks in the work: during squats, tense the muscles, moving the pelvis back.

The complex for building muscle mass in the buttocks and for burning fat has different loads:

  • to increase muscle volume, you need to do three sets of squats of 10-15 repetitions with weight and rest for a minute;
  • to burn fat between approaches, you do not need rest, as the format is used circuit training: For example, squats are combined with lunges.

Although women's leg anatomy is no different from men's, emphasis should be placed on the development of the buttocks, which provides a small complex:

  • squats with a barbell or dumbbells, performed with the pelvis moving back and fixing the position of the back;
  • lunges in a Smith machine or with dumbbells - a wide step with a squat, in which the knee forms a right angle with the floor when bending;
  • deadlift on straight legs - ideally works the buttocks and back surface hips. When bending over with a barbell, the bar literally falls along the legs, the pelvis is pulled back, and the back remains straight.

Basic exercises are the basis for both building muscle and burning fat in a strength training routine for women. They should be performed once a week for growth, and once every two weeks for relief, alternating with less difficult, but more intense training.

Strength exercises for women must include:

  • rows of vertical and horizontal blocks while sitting or pull-ups;
  • deadlift for the lower back - analogue deadlift, but on legs bent to transfer the load to the back;
  • push-ups and reverse push-ups from the triceps bench;
  • bench press at an angle (head up) to work the chest muscles - light weight for 10-15 repetitions to tighten the chest;
  • dumbbell press standing or sitting for the harmonious development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Female anatomy is associated with underdeveloped top part body and good reaction of leg muscles to loads. But only by working the muscles of the back and shoulders can you get an X-shaped silhouette with a thin waist. Because strength exercises for women must develop the whole body.

Do you need leg swings, pelvic lifts, leg bends and leg extensions in the simulator? The anatomy is such that isolated loads only help if there is a sufficient amount of muscle mass. Therefore, squats and lunges are the basis of any workout.

Complex strength exercises for women

A girl's training program is not always about growing a butt and burning fat. Many women train to increase strength and endurance, flexibility and mobility by attending functional training or CrossFit classes. This sport is based on a combination of lifting heavy weights, aerobic exercise and gymnastics.

CrossFit offers multi-tasking exercises that can increase strength, endurance, help burn excess calories and create relief:

  • thrusters or squats with a bench press - dumbbells (barbell) are placed on the shoulders during the squat, and when lifting, you need to squeeze them up, straightening your arms and helping with the inertia of the body;
  • push-ups and dumbbell rows - hex dumbbells are used for support, push-ups are performed, then the dumbbell is pulled to the belt, the elbow of one arm is bent, the body weight is transferred to the other arm;
  • Bent-over deadlift allows you to use your entire back in one exercise: do a deadlift or bent-over with a straight back and dumbbells (barbell) in your hands, then bend 60 degrees, pushing your pelvis back, and pull the barbell towards your stomach, bending your elbows , located as close to the sides as possible.

Each of the listed exercises – complex – involves several muscle groups, burns a lot of calories, increases your heart rate and tones your body. The complex provides everything women need: tone and low fat percentage.

How to get in shape as a beginner?

To get started, five exercises, performed in three approaches, are enough. After 2-3 months, you can diversify the load by adding sumo squats (with broad setting legs), bent-over barbell (dumbbell) rows and exercises for biceps and triceps.

However, girls with zero experience in fitness first need to learn how to squat without lifting their heels off the floor, do push-ups from their knees, and then while lying down.

Therefore, the following complex will help prepare your home for heavy loads:

  • combo of 10 squats and 5 pulse squats in lowest point- only 5 repetitions;
  • curtsy lunge, in which you need to take a step back with a shift to the side to work the buttocks - 20 times in total or 10 on each leg;
  • reverse push-ups from a chair: stand with your back to the seat, lean your hands on it, squat and lower your body lower to the floor, bending your elbows – 15 times;
  • butterfly press: lie on your back, place your legs with your feet facing each other, spreading your knees to the sides, like wings - put your hands behind your head and do full lifts of the body until your feet touch your hands - 10 times.

The exercises are performed one after another, then the complex is repeated 3-4 times with minimal breaks for rest.

Power training Nowadays, they are increasingly attracting the attention of the fairer sex. The opportunity to burn extra calories and improve your figure by pumping up your muscles is attractive to girls and women. Let's find out what benefits and harm they can bring strength training the female body, their basic rules and strength training programs for women, what is needed for training at home and in the gym.

Strength training for women

Such physical activity does not cause as much muscle growth in women as in men, since building large muscle mass is also associated with the presence of male hormones.

Did you know? People after 40 years begin to lose 2-3% of muscle mass, and at an older age (after 60 years) this loss is already 5%. Therefore, strength training is very helpful in maintaining and even restoring some of the strength for physical activity in old age.

They do not put as much strain on the cardiovascular system as, for example, running or aerobics, and place mainly stress on the muscles and bones. Women and girls are not in danger of transforming themselves into masculine creatures if they do not take steroids.

Video: about strength training for women


Regular classes strength exercises will be useful for the weaker sex in the following ways:

  • improvement of the figure by increasing muscles and reducing fat, beautiful reliefs, toned stomach And thin waist. However, you shouldn't look at the scale when doing strength training, as you will lose fat but build muscle. Visually the figure will pull itself up and leave extra centimeters, but it’s not a fact that kilograms, although exercise, as a rule, helps overweight people lose weight;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • the emergence of strength and endurance;
  • improved posture;
  • strengthening bones, joints and ligaments. Serve as a prevention of osteoporosis;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • increasing immunity;
  • improving mood and fighting depression. During such training, the level of hormones in the body that act as antidepressants increases - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine.

Harm and contraindications

Many types of physical activity have contraindications and can be harmful.

Strength training is no exception, and during such exercises you can harm yourself:

  • Illiterate and careless execution of exercises can lead to injury, sprained muscles, ligaments and tendons;
  • if muscle mass grows too quickly, stretch marks may appear on the skin - stretch marks, as during pregnancy;
  • too intense or improperly performed strength exercises can harm the female reproductive system;
  • Some people become addicted and can only feel comfortable in the gym.

Such exercises are best carried out under the guidance of a professional who will select the correct load and ensure that the exercises are performed correctly. Loads and muscle gain should be gradual.

Important! Such activities should be avoided during pregnancy and during the recovery period after childbirth, during severe monthly female ailments, during colds (acute respiratory infections, flu, etc.). Women with varicose veins veins should do exercises on the upper body, and after caesarean section It is not recommended to use weight training machines at all.

It is best to carry out classes according to a schedule and do not forget about other aspects of your life (personal life, children, work, etc.).
These loads are prohibited for the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • severe form of hemorrhoids;
  • after surgical intervention it is better to take a break of 0.5–2 years and do permitted gymnastics;
  • some diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • epilepsy;
  • cancer diseases;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • kidney stones, gall bladder, liver enlargement;
  • kidney disease;
  • some eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma and others);
  • high blood pressure.

So if you have any chronic disease, it is better to consult a doctor. In addition, such activities are not recommended for children or should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist so as not to harm the fragile body.

The main principles of strength training

When doing strength training, it is very important to overcome the period of “muscle failure” that occurs after several months of training. To overcome this barrier of strength and endurance, the loads are reduced and then increased again weekly.
Beginners should first adhere to the following principles of strength training:

  • choose several exercises that work the whole body;
  • first learn how to work with weights, and only then move on to exercise machines;

    Did you know? Scientists from the University of Detroit (USA) learned in the course of research that real dark chocolate perfectly supports muscle function and brain activity. Its components increase the number of mitochondria in muscles.

  • exercise consistently, but not every day, as the body needs rest. A training schedule of 3 times a week is suitable. However, it should be borne in mind that with age, recovery is slower, and women after 50 years of age should take breaks between classes of three days;
  • do not take on heavy loads and difficult exercises. You should load yourself gradually;
  • work out the “lagging” muscle groups first. There should be no “favorite” and “least favorite exercises” in strength training. Exercises should form a harmonious body;
  • change the number of repetitions according to the pyramid principle (increase or decrease).

How to create a women's workout program

When creating a strength training program, there are a number of factors to consider:

  • age. Exist age restrictions for loads;
  • health status. Before classes, be sure to consult a doctor if you have any diseases or health problems about the permissible loads;
  • daily regime. The training program is selected depending on the type of work, usual daily routine and nutrition. It is usually drawn up for three days a week, abdominal exercises are done at the end of the workout;
  • the load should be even on all muscles. The number of repetitions is approximately the same. You should not pump any one part of your body. The figure should be harmonious;
  • during classes there should be a break of about one minute between approaches;
  • a good workout lasts no more than an hour, excluding time for warm-up, stretching and cardio exercises;
  • the number of approaches depends on preparation and ranges from 3–5 sets of 10–20 times.

Video: how to create a training plan for girls

Sample strength training programs

The training plan also largely depends on where strength training will be carried out - at home or in the gym.

Important! If you are new to strength training and want to achieve success in these activities, then it is better to conduct classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer in the gym.

At home

Due to lack of time and money, many people prefer to conduct classes at home. For such exercises you need dumbbells of different weights. Between exercises, rest briefly for 30–60 seconds.

Let's consider an approximate program of strength exercises for burning fat:

Classes should be conducted three times every 7 days. Constant training will allow you to evenly pump up your body and strengthen your body.

In the gym

Strength exercises can be conveniently done in the gym under the supervision of an instructor who can select individual program for classes.

To avoid injury and not injure other people, you must adhere to the following safety measures when visiting the gym:

For beginners, they offer more than easy option workout. Rest 30–60 seconds between sets.

The program consists of the following exercises:

  1. Vertical block pull. To begin with, take a small load.
  2. In a lying position, press using a narrow grip. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
  3. Pull up to the chin line with a barbell. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
  4. Cardio. Can be used treadmill or an exercise bike. Duration 30–60 min. Perform at a slow pace.

Video: training program in the gym This approximate complex in the gym for beginners. Gradually you can complicate it, add new elements and increase the number of approaches and load.

Nutrition before and after workouts

Nutrition before and after strength training is very important to achieve and maintain results. So, eating before training has a great impact on its performance. But eating after physical activity affects the recovery processes occurring in the body.

During strength training, the diet should be sufficiently high in calories, but food must be divided into small portions so as not to overload the internal organs.

  • eating should be done 1–1.5 hours before playing sports;
  • it should be food rich in proteins and carbohydrates. The recommended norm is 0.4–0.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, 0.4–0.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight;
  • to add protein to the diet, include poultry (turkey, chicken, guinea fowl), fish, cottage cheese, egg whites;
  • as a source of carbohydrates used different types porridge - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.;
  • Before classes, it is recommended to drink a cup of coffee or tea. You can add milk and an incomplete spoon of sugar;
  • You can drink a glass of water before training. But during the training period, you should drink water every 20 minutes in small portions to replenish moisture lost in the body.

For post-workout nutrition, experts recommend the following:
  • eat food after 30–60 minutes;
  • ensure the intake of proteins and carbohydrates into the body - 0.4–0.5 g of proteins per 1 kg of body weight, 0.4–0.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. In this case, quickly digestible sources of protein are needed - protein (beans, cottage cheese) and egg whites. You can purchase special protein shakes for athletes. Sweet fruits enriched with glucose are suitable as carbohydrates - apple, orange, etc. It is recommended to eat a little sweet after exercise to restore hormonal and metabolic processes after physical activity;
  • after physical activity for 2 hours you should avoid drinks and foods containing caffeine - coffee, tea, chocolate, etc.;
  • The next meal is taken 2–4 hours later.

Important! When losing weight, it is advisable to limit yourself to protein foods after training.

The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • animal fat;
  • cakes, pastries;
  • fried foods that are difficult to digest;
  • Cola, Pepsi, sweet soda;
  • fatty meat with hot seasonings and salt.

Video: nutrition before and after training

Professional strength trainers for women recommend avoiding the following training mistakes:

Did you know? A comprehensive lesson is considered the most effective physical activity. It is useful to combine strength and aerobic exercise with stretch. This will allow you to form a beautiful figure and maintain tone. muscular system and joints, improve cardiovascular activity, normalize metabolic and hormonal processes.

Women can improve their figure with strength exercises, if there are no contraindications. They provide a strong load, but you need to ensure that they are performed correctly and optimally create a training program, following the basic principles of strength training.

Hello friends!

Recently, I have been asked a lot of questions about creating a strength training plan for girls. The overwhelming number of questions regarding training plan, oddly enough, from women (here’s your motivation, men). Therefore, today I decided, within the framework of one article, to make a more or less detailed analysis of what and how.

Making an ideal plan for everyone is quite problematic, because... All people are different, with different metabolisms and physical training. An individual approach is needed here, but a universal approach to training still exists. Basic principles so to speak.

Since we are talking about strength training for women, I would like to reassure you right away, a woman, due to physiology, will not gain the same muscle mass as a man, so it is simply stupid to be afraid of strength training. Strength training for girls it is, first of all, weight loss, muscle development and creating an attractive figure.

The development of muscle mass, for both men and women, means acceleration of metabolic processes, and therefore efficient combustion excess fat. But any action aimed at creating a slim and beautiful body, starts with what? That's right, from nutrition.

Your workout plan starts with nutrition

Many people think that they will go to the gym and immediately become slim and fit. Unfortunately, they forget about the main thing - diet. Diet or proper nutrition it's more than anything else. Diet No. 1, both in terms of muscle development and weight loss.

Many women, in the process of working on their bodies, begin to reduce their carbohydrate intake. They are afraid that carbohydrates will inhibit fat burning or, moreover, accumulate it. From a muscle development perspective, this is not true. Proper carbohydrate consumption is very important during strength training. Of course, nothing good will happen with an excess of carbohydrates, but we are talking about the correct balance of all necessary nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Proteins and carbohydrates (their combination) are needed before and. Especially after, when you need to restore glycogen reserves (due to fast carbohydrates) and build new muscle fibers (due to quickly digestible proteins). Eating carbohydrates (preferably fast) an hour before strength training will be especially beneficial for strength and endurance. Remember the expression: “What, haven’t you eaten enough porridge?”

If we talk about approximate figures, then women need to create a diet in such a way that per 1 kg of weight they get 1 g of protein and 35-45 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight per day. Much will depend on the intensity of your workouts, their duration and your overall energy needs. Therefore, I would like to note once again that the numbers are basic, i.e. approximate.

Training action plan

I often observe how many people, including women, do the same thing every day when they visit the gym. But there is still no result. If you really want to develop muscles and keep your body in good shape, then you must stick to a strict plan every day. This means that the training should be progressive - increasing the complexity and changing the exercises, increasing the weight of the equipment, changing the number of repetitions and approaches.

“To get results, you must adhere to a specific plan of action every time you come to the gym to train.”

As I said, training should be progressive. One such progress could be the use of dropsets. A drop set is when you perform a working weight (for example, 10-12 repetitions to failure), and then immediately continue to do the exercise with a light weight for maximum repetitions. The advantage is the simultaneous impact on different types muscle fibers(including those lagging behind).

This is an additional incentive for increased muscle development and growth in general. By the way, dropsets burn twice as many calories as if it were a regular approach (set). But don't use it in every workout, just experimentally. If drop sets are difficult for you, then do regular sets with pauses of 30 seconds.

Recovery plan

Third important point from the general training plan - rest. Without full recovery, you will not be able to get maximum results. Besides regular training There should also be regular days off. At least one day a week is a complete rest from training. I'm not saying you lie on the couch and do nothing. This could be cycling or regular walking. Such activity is cardio activity, and cardio is, first of all, overall health and muscle recovery. Don't ignore cardio exercise. Even - the key to the success of competent recovery of the body and muscles.

Cardio and recovery methods

In this context, aerobic training should be considered as a way to restore and maintain hard-earned muscles. Regular cardio in large quantities will simply dry you out (including your muscles). But if you use short interval cardio, you can kill two birds with one stone - burn fat and preserve muscle. ?

Let's say you walk on a treadmill once or twice a week. Walking will consist of slow and fast pace(practically running). For example, 10 seconds of vigorous walking and 60 seconds of slow walking. And so on in a circle for 25-30 minutes. Remember that in our case we use cardio to restore the body after strength training, and only then to burn fat.


No matter how strange it may seem, motivation is also part of a big training plan. I know very few people who don’t have problems with motivation in sports. Look how many people are in the gym in the spring and look in the summer. Yes, vacations and all that, but a considerable percentage of people simply forget about training. Summer, sun, girls, boys and the like. No system - no result. Going to the gym only in the fall and spring, in my opinion, is a crazy idea.

But there is a way out. If you don't want to go to the gym in the summer, exercise outside. Same on fresh air is now no less popular than the fitness center. True, I have never met women on horizontal bars in courtyards. So what. Why is this not a new women's movement in physical education? In the same Finland, women and men all year round are engaged Nordic walking and this is already the norm. Parks, stairs, bicycles, rowing boats, volleyball, football, basketball, etc. If there is a desire, anything can be invented. This is enough to maintain muscle tone in summer time.

Exercises for women

And now directly about the exercises. Try to distribute them among 3-4 training days in Week. Let's start with training the lower body. Start with a warm-up and then move on to heavy workouts. basic exercises(squats, deadlifts).

First workout (lower body)

Deep squats in a Smith machine with wide legs. 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Romanian single leg deadlift with dumbbell or kettlebell. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Leg abduction on a crossover. 4 sets of 10-12 reps for each leg

Deep squats with a dumbbell or kettlebell with wide legs. 4 sets of 15-20 reps

Reverse lunges with a barbell. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg

Lifting on a bench with dumbbells. Climbing onto the bench begins with one leg and lowering with the other. Then we change legs. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Lunges forward. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Side lunges. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Second workout (upper body)

Pulldown of a vertical block to the chest. 4 sets of 8-12 reps

Extension of arms above the head on the lower block (crossover). 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Extension of arms in front of you upper block(crossover). 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Arm extensions in front of you reverse grip on the upper block (crossover). 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Pull a horizontal block to the stomach. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Swing in front of you with medicine ball, kettlebell or pancake. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Bent-over barbell row. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Reverse crunches. 4 sets of 20 reps

Plank. 4 sets of 25 seconds

Third workout (upper and lower body)

Squats in the Hackenschmidt machine (hack squats). 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Lunges forward with dumbbells. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Deadlift. 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Standing lateral swings with a dumbbell. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each hand.

Bent over swings with a dumbbell. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each hand.

Arm curls with dumbbells (hammer). 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each hand.

Key Features

  1. Inactive adults experience 3 to 8 percent muscle loss per decade. Weight training (strength exercise) increases your resting metabolism by about 7 percent and helps minimize muscle loss (muscle atrophy).
  2. A regular strength training program for women will help you effectively reduce body fat and burn calories, leading to healthy weight loss.
  3. Strength training for women helps maintain and build muscle and bone mass, regardless of age.

What activities can help women stay strong, burn calories, and build healthy bones? Strength training is training with weights. Before you say “no thank you” to the scale, please take some time to challenge your preconceptions and educate yourself on the benefits of strength training for women.

A 2011 opinion poll reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that less than 20% of women approached said they met the CDC recommendations of two 1/2 hours of aerobic exercise and two strength training sessions for women weekly . But the benefits of strength training for women speak for themselves. Inactive adults experience 3 to 8 percent muscle loss per decade. Weight training (strength training) increases your resting metabolism by up to 7 percent and helps minimize muscle loss.

What's more, when you strength train, you get more fat-burning bang for the same amount of money.

Attention! Women and girls, lifting weights keeps the body working on its curves for up to 48 hours after lifting weights.

This process is usually called “exercise after-burn” (“delayed training effect” - when the impact on the muscles is already completed, but its effect is still far from complete). There's a lot of talk among exercise experts about the body's ability to continue burning calories after exercise, called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. A study published by the University of New Mexico (UNM) reports that it takes the body anywhere from 15 minutes to 48 hours to return to a resting state after exercise. This means that you continue to burn calories after strength training for women (weight training). The (UNM) study reports that training intensity has the greatest influence on how long the delayed training effect lasts.

Would I like to pump up?

Many women forgo the benefits of strength training (depriving themselves of these benefits with connotations of regret, while making a conscious choice) for fear of developing bulging muscles (bulging muscles). This is a misconception and misinterpretation of the effects of strength training for women. According to the Women's Heart Foundation, high level estrogen makes it very difficult for women to become overly muscular. When women lift weights, changes in their muscles tend to be related to tone, strength and endurance rather than size. The resulting appearance female muscles characterized as dense (not loose), NOT massive masculine, but MUSCLES HARMONIZED WITH SEXUAL FEMININITY.

What are the benefits of strength training for women (benefits of weight training)?

Strength training is a key component of overall health and wellness. physical fitness for women, and also provides an important balance aerobic training. The Mayo Clinic considers the following benefits of strength training.

Strength training for women preserves muscle mass

Muscle mass decreases with age. Counteract this loss through strength training (weight training). Your body fat percentage increases as you get older if you don't do anything to replace the lean muscle mass you lose. Strength training for women helps maintain and increase muscle mass, regardless of age.

Strength training for women controls weight

Regular resistance training helps you increase your lean body mass (muscle mass) and burn calories more efficiently, leading to healthy weight loss.

Read: three rules for burning fat that every woman should know

Weight training reduces the risk of osteoporosis

Due to the hormonal changes that women experience as they get older, they naturally lose bone density, which increases their risk of developing osteoporosis. Systematic weight lifting (just NOT lifting furniture in the house or carrying bags of groceries from the supermarket, but training with weights in the gym under the supervision of a trainer or a more experienced like-minded person) slows down the deterioration of health bone tissue and may help bones grow stronger, help you maintain strength, and reduce the likelihood of developing or slow the effects of osteoporosis.

Strength training for women reduces the risk of joint injuries

When you exercise your muscles, you help protect your joints from damage and improve your balance and coordination. This becomes increasingly important to help you maintain your independence as you get older.

How to start strength training for women?

It's easy to start a strength training program at home or at the gym.

Read: Exercises for women at home

The following weight training equipment and accessories will help you gain lean muscle mass.

Body weight

Using your own body weight for resistance is in a great way increase muscle strength. Push-ups, pull-ups, and muscle exercises abdominals are one of the simplest exercises that use your own body weight.

Free weights

Below are the standard types of free weights:

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbells

Find these weight training equipment inexpensively second-hand on bulletin boards, buy them at prices that match new items at sporting goods stores, or find them at most gyms.

Exercise equipment

Many fitness centers offer cable and pulley weight machines to work various muscle groups and body parts. Ask for assistance in using each machine for the first time or follow the instructions for using the equipment, which are located either on the parts of the machine or on a poster near the machine. The option of purchasing exercise equipment for home gyms is also appropriate. However, this option is not accessible to every person from a financial point of view. In addition, I recommend strength training for women in the gym, since such meetings of like-minded people create the necessary for proper training with weights is a component of motivation and exchange of experience and support of women and girls for each other.

Rubber band

Weight training by overcoming the resistance of stretching a rubber band provides an inexpensive way to do home strength training. Some doctors' offices or sports medicine clinics provide rubber bands to patients free of charge. In addition, you will choose from a range of equipment and accessories options for sporting goods stores. If you are not familiar with rubber band, it resembles enlarged, colorful rubber bands.

To get the most out of strength training for women, choose a weight or resistance level that fatigues your muscles after 8 to 12 repetitions. Start with one set and work up to two or three sets as you get stronger. For specific on-site instruction and mastery of strength training with specific types of weights and lifting, seek the assistance of an instructor at a gym, health center, or local club.