Effective abdominal workout at home. Abdominal exercises at home. How to pump up the lower abdominal press - a set of exercises

A slender waist, elastic tummy, seductive shapes are the dream of any girl. Helpers in achieving the cherished goal are a variety of dietary supplements, wraps... you can’t list everything. Absence excess weight There is no guarantee that your tummy will be flat. A flat tummy is not complete without long-term physical activity, because you also need to strengthen your muscles! And here various gyms come to the rescue, where, under the strict guidance of an instructor, you will achieve perfection.

The key to success in this matter is, first of all, the plannedness and regularity of doing exercises, and not everyone can afford constant visits to fitness centers. What to do in such a situation? Learn how to properly pump up your abs at home.

In order for the classes to be effective and not accompanied by back or abdominal pain, you need to follow a few fairly simple requirements that will help you pump up your abs correctly and effectively remove your belly.

  1. All exercises for which the starting position is lying down are performed only on a flat, hard surface. A bed or sofa is absolutely not suitable. To avoid pain, you can put a soft rubberized mat.
  2. The room in which you will pump your press should be. Stuffiness and too dry air will negatively affect your health, because the load on the heart will increase several times!
  3. You should start training no earlier than 2.5 - 3 hours after you eat.
  4. Before class, be sure to do a short general warm-up to tone your muscles.
  5. Perform all movements rhythmically, but without sudden jerks - smoothly and measuredly.
  6. Muscles abdominals, unlike our other muscles, have the ability to recover literally in a couple of seconds, therefore, when performing exercises, you should not take a long break between them.
  7. The number of repetitions needs to be increased gradually. If you have never done abs before, you don’t need to start with 100 repetitions; your body will not thank you for this, but will only get very tired. Start with 15-20 repetitions.
  8. Well, as in any business, regularity is the key to success. To achieve results, it is better to train every other day or every day.

In order to pump up your abs at home, you need to know that the abdominal muscles can be divided into straight (upper and lower parts) and oblique, and there are exercises for each muscle group.

There is a misconception that the higher you raise your legs or the deeper you bend, the more effectively your abdominal muscles will pump. In fact, the maximum useful angle for raising the legs is 40 degrees, and bending the body is in the range from 15 to 75 degrees, and trying to overcome these indicators is useless and very often traumatic.

There are a large number of exercises to pump up your abs at home. Do those that you like best and do not cause you any particular difficulties. Work first bottom part press. A variety of leg lifts are suitable for this. Then move on to exercises aimed at working the oblique muscles (twisting). Finish with top part press (torso raises). This procedure is much more effective than any other.

Be persistent and patient! By regularly training your abs at home, you will achieve the figure of your dreams. And to make it more convenient and enjoyable for you to perform the exercises, we suggest you use the following video, with which it will be much easier to pump up your abs to get rid of your belly.


Exercises for different abdominal muscle groups

Now let's talk about those exercises that are suitable for each specific muscle group. This complex is an example of how to properly pump up the press at home.

Exercises to pump up the lower abs:

  1. Lie on the floor, place your palms under your lower back (this will help relieve psoas muscles and will make the exercise easier). Raise your straight legs perpendicular to the floor, stay in this position for a few seconds, and then lower your legs. For greater efficiency, the legs can not be lowered to the floor, but held at a height of 5 - 10 centimeters from the floor.
  2. Bike. Lying on your back, raise your legs up. The legs move to imitate riding a bicycle.
  3. Scissors. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, straight legs raised perpendicular to the floor. Swing your legs, spreading them to the sides, to the maximum possible distance and returning to the starting position.

Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles:

  1. Lie on the floor, hands behind your head, knees bent, feet on the floor. Lift your torso off the ground and rotate your body (right elbow touches left knee, left touches right).
  2. We lie down on our right side, left hand behind the head, the right one is bent at the elbow, resting on the floor, legs straight. We bend our torso while straightening our right arm, placing the emphasis on the palm. The same is done lying on your left side.
  3. Lying on your right side, resting on your elbow, your right leg lies on the floor, bent at the knee. We perform lifts of the left straight leg. The same is done lying on your left side.

Exercises for pumping up the upper abs:

  1. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. Raise your torso up and return to the starting position.
  2. We perform the same lifts as in the first exercise, but the lower back remains firmly pressed to the floor.

Universal exercise:

There is also an exercise that involves all groups abdominal muscles. It differs from all the usual exercises, but its effectiveness is no less, and in some cases even more. If you have long been interested in how to properly pump up your abs in order to remove belly fat, a pleasant surprise will be that the “plank” exercise is absolutely static.

  1. Lie on your stomach and rest your elbows on the floor;
  2. Rise up, standing on your elbows in such a position that the entire line of your body is straight;
  3. You need to stand in this position for two to five minutes, depending on your level of training, and your tummy will acquire beautiful relief.

If you want to look beautiful and be in shape, you don’t have to spend huge sums on trainers, fitness clubs and expensive drugs. Now you have learned how to properly pump up your abs to get rid of your belly fat, and most importantly, you are convinced that all the exercises are available to everyone and finding time for yourself is not so difficult. The main thing is perseverance and over time you will acquire the figure you have always dreamed of!

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First, let's define what we are striving for? Our goal thin waist? First of all, no matter how trivial it may sound, we monitor our nutrition. Reduce carbohydrate intake and increase protein percentage. We exclude fatty, floury, fried, salty foods. Add nuts, fish, and vegetables to your diet. Drink water.

Another tip is to eat regularly and in small portions. The optimal number of meals is 5 times a day. And don't be afraid to snack when you feel hungry. But snacks should be the right ones - vegetables, protein bars, etc. The body should feel that there is no shortage of food, but at the same time you should not overeat.

Don't give up sports nutrition. Here is the list the best means from the arsenal of sports nutrition for weight loss.

If we set a goal to build up abdominal muscles, then we turn to such difficult exercises, like lowering straight legs in a lying position, or lifting legs while hanging. But if you are not professional athlete, then there is no need to exhaust yourself so much. It is enough to start doing lighter exercises regularly.

How to properly work the abdominal muscles and what to strive for

Remember, everything should be in moderation. During most abdominal exercises, massage occurs internal organs, this may have a negative impact on your health. Therefore, it is enough to devote approximately 15-30 minutes a day. It is possible to incorporate abdominal exercises into other workouts, for example, buttocks and legs.

It will also be useful to try to keep your back straight, while drawing in your stomach - gradually the abdominal muscles will strengthen and your waist will become much thinner.

It is also undesirable to get too carried away with abdominal training. It doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing when all 6 cubes are clearly visible on a fragile girl. Three vertical lines and a horizontal strip separating the top two cubes look much more advantageous and sexier.

Ab exercises

Exercise "Bicycle"

An exercise familiar to us from childhood, which was often repeated during warm-ups in kindergarten, is one of the most effective and efficient. It works all the abdominal muscles. Difficult and grueling, but definitely must be included in the training.

Execution technique

Lie on the floor, hands behind your head. Pull your left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat on the other side.

The number of repetitions is 40 times.

Hanging Leg Raise

Work through lower muscles the abdomen can be on the horizontal bar. U this exercise There are two execution techniques. Raising straight legs - for more advanced athletes, you can move on to it after you have fully mastered raising bent legs.

Execution technique

Firmly grasp the bar of the horizontal bar with your hands. With a sudden movement, raise both bent legs, try to reach your chest with your knees. Stay in this position for the maximum possible period of time. Lower your legs.


An unusually effective and simple exercise that is guaranteed to remove several centimeters from your waist. Beginners are advised to perform in a lying position.

Execution technique

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Arms along the body, feet on the floor. During a powerful exhalation, expel all the air from the lungs and draw in the stomach with effort. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. During the delay, you can take small breaths. Gradually increase the exercise time to 1 minute.

Crunches with legs up

Lie on the floor, arms along your body, legs together. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, bending your knees. As you exhale, raise your torso, trying to reach your legs. The lower back does not come off the floor. We recommend starting with 3 crunches, gradually increasing to 30.


A static exercise that is effective for strengthening all muscles in general. The main goal is to keep your torso straight for as long as possible.

Execution technique

Lie on your stomach. Rise up on your elbows and feet. Pull your stomach in and pull it towards your ribs.
It is important to ensure the correct position of the body - feet together, elbows under the shoulders, legs straight, buttocks tense. The lower back without deflection is as flat as possible.
Over time, it is possible to complicate the exercise - a stand on outstretched arms.

Exercises using sports equipment

To work on your abdominal muscles, you don’t have to have some kind of equipment at home. Sports Equipment or shells. Most effective exercises are given above, and as you can see, they do not require additional equipment, only a horizontal bar. But if you have a fitball or roller, then this is an excellent opportunity to diversify your workouts, which makes no sense to miss.


Each movement should be performed slowly and smoothly. Over time, weighting can be introduced.

Press the fitball firmly against your back in the area of ​​the curve of your lower back. Feet firmly planted on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest. Lower your torso down while keeping your neck motionless. When you feel tension in your abdominal muscles, stop. As you exhale, pull top part torso up, using the abdominal muscles. Inhale, return to starting position. The number of repetitions is individual. You need to start with 5 times.

Video clip

There is an opinion that training with a roller is highly effective. Now, on store shelves you can find various variations of this projectile. But you should know that this exercise is only 27 percent more effective than regular crunches. And this is not the best high rate. The “bicycle” exercise is much more effective.

Get on your knees with the roller in front of you. Slowly roll the wheel forward, rushing behind it with your body. In the final position, when it is no longer possible to move forward, fixate for a few seconds. Return to starting position.

What else you need to know

It is important to monitor the position of the lower back and neck, because the wrong technique for performing abdominal exercises can overload them. If after training you feel pain where it should not occur, the exercises were performed incorrectly. Work on your technique. It is important to focus on your feelings and learn to enjoy the process of working on yourself.

In addition to beautiful and toned abs, it is worth paying attention to the buttocks. Here is the complex.

Also, the above exercises are already training program. You need to do it three times a week, it won’t take much time. But it is necessary to work until a burning sensation occurs in the muscles - and so on in each exercise. A month later regular training any girl will notice changes in herself. If you hold out for about 3 months, the results will be great.

Yours complete guide on abdominal exercises.

All athletes, whether hockey players, baseball players or football players, strengthen their abdominal muscles by doing basic exercises. This is great for professional athletes, but what about the guys and gals who just want to tone their abs and see that coveted 6-pack? How can they find the most effective abdominal exercises to see six-pack abs? Or maybe a secret flat stomach lies in something else?

First, let's face it: everyone's abdominal muscle structure is different, and most importantly, the amount subcutaneous fat Everyone's metabolism is different. Some guys have to work out to the point of exhaustion before their abs become ripped, while others seem to have a six-pack appearing without much effort.

Regardless of which group you belong to, effective abdominal exercises for training in the gym or at home come down to movements in three planes: frontal, sagittal and transverse. By doing abdominal exercises in cycles, you'll keep your workout intensity high and are likely to burn more fat.

Ready to train your abdominal muscles? Let these 30 abdominal exercises at home and in gym will serve as the best training guide you've ever met.

Roll-outs with a gymnastic roller

Get on your knees and hold the roller on the floor directly under your shoulders. Tighten your abdominal muscles and roll the roller forward until you feel tension in your core muscles. The hips should not sag. Roll the roller back to return to its original position. Do as much as possible more reps, observing correct technique performing the exercise.

Partial torso raises with raised arms

Lie on your back, bend your legs at an angle of 90°, straighten your arms and lift them up. Keep your arms in this position throughout the entire exercise. Perform a partial lift of the torso, and then slowly return to the starting position. These movements constitute one repetition.

Rollouts with a barbell

Place 5kg weight plates on the bar and kneel down. Shoulders should be above the bar. Tighten your abdominal muscles and roll the barbell forward until you feel your hips begin to sag. Return to the starting position.

Russian twist with barbell

Grasp the bar with both hands almost at the very end. Feet shoulder width apart. Rotate the bar to the left, moving your feet as necessary, and then rotate to the right.

Crunches on a fitball

Lie with your back on the ball, place your feet on the floor and place them shoulder-width apart. The ball should support your lower back. Place your hands behind your head, pull your chin back. Lift your torso up until you are in a sitting position.

Leg raises on parallel bars

Take an emphasis on the uneven bars. Bend your knees slightly and then lift them in front of you until they are parallel to the floor.

Lying leg raise

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, place your arms along your body. Lift your heels off the floor and lift them to a height of about 15 cm. B fast pace alternately lift your legs up and down (scissors style).

Front Squats

Place the barbell on a power rack at approximately shoulder height (if there is no power rack, then grab the barbell from the floor to your chest). Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip. Raise your elbows up until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Remove the barbell from the racks and support it with your fingertips. As long as your elbows are raised, you will be able to hold the barbell. Take a step back, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and point your toes slightly outward. Squat down as low as possible, maintaining a arch in your lower back.

Lumberjack exercise

Place the handle of the machine at shoulder height (or attach the resistance band to a stable object) and grasp it with both hands. Stand with your side to the handle, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your arms. Stand far enough away from the machine to create tension in the cable. Turn your body away from the machine in a movement as if you were cutting down a tree. The legs must remain motionless.

Lying leg raise

Lie on the floor and grab a bench or the legs of a heavy chair for support. Straighten your legs and lift them up to a vertical position. Lower your legs down, but don't place them on the floor, to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles before starting the next rep.

Russian twist with medicine ball

Sit on the floor holding the medicine ball with both hands. Straighten your arms in front of you. Explosively twist your torso to the side and then return to the starting position. Make a similar movement in the other direction.

“Running” while lying down with a medicine ball

Get into a lying position supported by a medicine ball. Bring one knee toward your chest and then quickly move it back while bringing the other knee toward your chest.


Take a lying position with your toes on the fitball. Bend your body in half, rolling the ball toward you with your feet until your torso is upright. Roll the ball back until your body is straight again. Then place your shins on the exercise ball so that your body is in a straight line and outstretched arms found themselves above their heads, but were still on the floor. The body position should resemble Superman flying down. These movements constitute one repetition. Tightening your back muscles, return to the starting position (lying up) and begin the next repetition.


Take a lying position, bend your elbows so that your forearms are on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position.

Pull-ups with knee raises

Hang from the horizontal bar using an overhand grip. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, then lift your knees toward your chest.

Push-ups with cotton

Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Push off the floor so that you can clap your hands in the air.

Reverse crunches with an expander

Lie on your back and place the resistance band around your feet. Cross the ends of the resistance band so that they form the letter “X” and grab the opposite ends of the band with your hands. Bend your legs so that your knees are close to your chest, and then lift your torso off the floor. Straighten your legs while moving your arms back behind your head. Shoulder blades should not touch the floor. These movements constitute one repetition.

Rollouts with fitball

Place your forearms on the fitball, take your legs back and straighten. Tightening your abdominal muscles, roll the fitball forward until your arms reach straight position. When you feel that your abdominal muscles are no longer tense, return to the starting position by rolling the exercise ball back.

Leg raises while sitting on a bench

Sit on a bench and hold a medicine ball between your feet. Straighten and raise your legs in front of you. Pull your torso back so that your body is straight in line. Hold on to the bench to maintain your body position. Lift your torso up and bring your knees to your chest.

Side plank

Lie on your left side, place your left forearm on the floor. Raise your hips so that your body is in a straight line. Tighten your abdominal muscles. You should rest on your left forearm and the edge of your left foot. Hold this position, tensing your abdominal muscles.


Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Bring your right knee toward your chest while keeping your left leg straight. Now take your right leg back while bringing your left knee towards your chest. The movements should resemble running.

Raising the body with a ball throw

Sit on the floor, hold the ball with both hands at chest level. Place your feet under something heavy to support correct position bodies. Lie with your back on the floor a few tens of centimeters from a brick or concrete wall. With an explosive movement, lift your torso, throw the ball at the wall, and then catch it on the rebound. If you have a partner, you can throw the ball to each other.

Bar in star position

Take a lying position. Spread your arms and legs as wide as possible. Your body should take the shape of a star. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold your body straight for 30 seconds.

Raising the torso with a barbell

Lie down on the floor. Hold an empty or lightly loaded bar over your shoulders, as if doing a bench press. Straighten your legs and place them on the floor. Raise your torso to a vertical position. Hold the bar overhead as if doing a military press.

Place a barbell on the floor to your right and place your feet hip-width apart. Push your hips back, squat down, and grab the center of the bar. right hand. Tighten your core muscles. Keeping a slight arch in your lower back, push your heels off the floor to stand. Hold the barbell tightly so that the apparatus does not swing. Make sure to keep your spine straight throughout the exercise. Do not lean towards the bar.

Plank with circular movements

Place the fitball on the floor and lie down with your support on it. Place your forearms on the exercise ball, keeping your body straight and keeping your abdominal muscles tight. Using your elbows, rotate the exercise ball in a circular motion, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

V-shaped torso lifts with fitball

Lie with your back on the floor. Hold the exercise ball between your ankles. Stretch your arms behind your head. As you lift your legs, simultaneously lift your torso and take the fitball in your hands. Lower your torso to the floor and repeat the movements, lifting the exercise ball and holding it again between your ankles.

V-lifts with medicine ball

Lie on your back on the floor, holding the medicine ball behind your head with both hands. Straighten your legs. Tighten your abdominal muscles. At the same time, raise your legs and reach your toes with the medicine ball. Your body should be in a "V" shape during this phase of the exercise.

Raising the torso with weights

Lie on the floor and hold a weight plate against your chest. Bend your knees at an angle of 90°, but so that the entire surface of your feet remains on the floor. Keep your chin at chest level throughout the exercise.

Currently, many methods and technologies are used to combat extra pounds, especially in the abdomen and hips. These include various diets and pills. And we’ll talk about how to pump up your abs. What is the best way to exercise so that weight loss is effective?

How to pump up the press correctly

If, looking at yourself in the mirror, you saw that not everything is good with your figure, and this was confirmed by a centimeter tape (the waist circumference for women should not exceed 90 cm, and for men - 100 cm), then you need not only to moderate your appetites at the dinner table, but also to exercise physically. Losing belly fat by doing abs is one of the ways to solve the problem.

Here, as in other issues, the right approach is very important. This means that activities need to be planned in such a way that they do not cause harm to health. Therefore, it is considered natural if at the beginning of the course, when performing each exercise, you repeat it 5-7 times. As the muscles develop, the number of such repetitions must be increased. It is recommended to do 3 approaches to each exercise.

When pumping your abs, you need to learn to hear the tension that arises in the abdominal muscles, since this determines how well you perform the movement and how quickly you will achieve the desired result.

We pump up the press to lose belly fat at home

Because cope with extra centimeters It’s not easy on the waist, pills and diets will not give a hundred percent result, then there is a need to pump up the abs to lose weight in the belly. Thanks to this, you can quickly and efficiently work out your muscles. abdominal cavity and get into perfect physical shape.

If you have the opportunity to work out at a fitness center, that’s very good, but you can get a beautiful and firm tummy at home. If you train patiently and persistently carry out the tasks you set for yourself, the result will definitely please you.

Abdominal exercises should be started after the body is already warmed up. It becomes more flexible, and exercises will not lead to injuries.

Therefore, first you need to do a good warm-up. It is necessary to stretch the muscles with the help of deep bends, body turns, swings of the legs and arms. After the heat spreads throughout the body, you can begin the main exercises.

Very important point their execution is smooth, as well as correct breathing. When the body is tense, you need to inhale, when you relax, exhale.

By practicing daily, you can greatly ensure the expected success.

If you decide to take charge of your health and beauty, then immediately familiarize yourself with the recommendations given by fitness instructors so that your classes will benefit you and you will have excellent results.

It is better to pump up the press to lose belly fat on an empty stomach, so it is recommended that at least 2 hours pass between eating and starting the exercises.

It can lead to its disruption, so it is better to do this press in the morning or from 18 to 19 hours.

It would be ideal to pump up the press fresh air, but a well-ventilated area will also work.

An important role on the results of classes is also played by psychological attitude. Cheerful, rhythmic music during training will increase activity, block the desire to feel sorry for yourself, and thereby increase performance.

for a firm belly

Among the many complexes developed to date to combat extra centimeters at the waist, very effective exercises in a lying position can be identified. We inhale and exhale through our nose. Before starting each approach, fold your arms on your chest with your palms facing each other, raise your head and legs 10-15 centimeters.

  1. Take 6 deep breaths.
  2. We pump the rectus abdominis muscles. Next we work with the right foot. As you inhale, we lift it vertically, and as you exhale, we lower it to the left leg. We do it six times.
  3. We pump up the oblique muscles. Hands reach for the right leg. As you inhale, lift it, and as you exhale, attach it to your left leg. Repeat six times. Then do the same with your left foot.
  4. We repeat the previous exercise, but the hands are directed towards the left leg.
  5. Hands to the right leg. As you inhale, lift both legs vertically. As you exhale, lower them to the starting position.
  6. Hands to the left leg. We repeat the exercise described above.

Between approaches you need to take a break for a few seconds.

6 exercises for all abdominal muscles

There are many methods for strengthening muscles, each of them is effective in its own way. We suggest you familiarize yourself with another way to easily pump up your abs to get rid of your belly fat. This requires working out the upper, lower and lateral muscles. For each of these groups, it is enough to perform two exercises a day, and you will see the result very soon.
1. Working out the upper abdominal muscles:
- Feet - shoulder-width apart, hands - at the waist line. We engage the upper body by performing circular movements 10 times. First one way, then the other. We perform back bends whenever possible to avoid back damage.

We lie on our backs. Arms extended upward, legs bent at the knees. While inhaling deeply, we raise our arms and pull the upper body up, without lifting the lower back from the floor; as we exhale, we return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

2. We work the lower part of the abs:
- We lie on our backs. Legs are extended, hands are folded on the stomach. We repeat the exercise for two minutes. We inhale, inflating the stomach as much as possible, and as we exhale, we draw it in with all our might.

Lying on your back, inhale, raise your legs straight, hold for 10 - 15 seconds. As you exhale, lower slowly.

3. Strengthen lateral muscles:
- Lying on your back, fold your hands under your head. Inhale - raise your legs to 90 0, lower them to right side, trying to reach the floor with his knee. Exhale - legs up. Then repeat in the other direction. It is recommended to do 3 sets of 10 times.

Standing on your feet, spread them wider. As you inhale, bend to the right, as you exhale, return to the starting position, then in the other direction. We continue to perform the exercise for 1.5 to 2 minutes.

The result should be expected in 4-6 weeks. Regular classes are a prerequisite for beautiful abs.

Why is it useful to pump your abs while standing?

Flat stomach and good press for a girl it is not only fashionable and beautiful, but also very useful. Developed abdominal muscles will be very useful when carrying a child, as well as during childbirth. Well designed, they will contribute rapid recovery and in postpartum period. Therefore, you need to start pumping up your abs to lose belly fat in your youth and continue this process throughout your life.

Sometimes it is very useful to change sets of abdominal exercises. This can be explained by the fact that the muscles get used to monotonous workouts, which can lead to belly fat again. In this case, we change the complex that will resume weight loss for the abdomen - pump up the abs while standing.

There are a variety of exercises, but any one of them works a large number of muscles. They help improve balance and form correct posture.

6 exercises to pump up your abs while standing

One of the newest methods by which you work your abs while standing for 10 minutes every day to lose belly fat (the exercises are very simple and accessible) is a set of six movements. When performing them, weights will be required. This could be dumbbells, a ball, or just a bottle of water.
1. Feet together, arms raised above your head. Raise your right leg 20 times, without bending, with your hands reaching for your toes. Then left.

2. We hold the weight with our hands, the right leg is raised to 90 0 and bent at the knee. We move the weighting material diagonally from left to right. Repeat on the other leg. The movement is done 15 times.

3. Arms bent at the elbows parallel to the floor at chest level, legs together. We perform jumps for 2-3 minutes, turning our feet as far as possible to the right and left, alternately. Hands in place.

4. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. We make leisurely circular movements with the upper body for 2 minutes.

5. Place your legs wider, arms raised above your head. We raise our right leg 15 times, bending it at the knee, towards the left shoulder, with our hands moving towards each other. Repeat on the other side.

6. Feet shoulder-width apart, left hand on the waist, right hand bent at the elbow to the right of the body. Raise your right leg and stretch your knee to your elbow. Repeat 15 times. Let's move to the left side.

The results of these very effective exercises will not take long to arrive.

There is another method of how to properly pump up your abs to lose belly fat, developed by Japanese scientists. This activity is very productive. At first glance, it is simple, but... Burning belly fat and strengthening the abs occurs due to the static effect on the abdominal muscles.

To practice you need a roller. You can use a bath towel by rolling it up. A cushion cushion with a diameter of about 10-12 cm is very suitable.

Before starting the exercise, sit down on a hard surface and place the roller close to your back. Now we lie down with our backs on him. We spread our legs as wide as possible, but so that our toes touch. We stretch our arms behind our heads so that our palms are palms facing the floor and our little fingers touch each other. The position is very uncomfortable. You can start with 1 minute and gradually increase the time to 5 minutes.

After a month of lying down like this every day for five minutes, you won’t be able to stop admiring your flat, firm tummy.

How to pump up abs for a man

Many men are overweight and develop beer bellies and driver's bellies. But if you want to look impressive, have 6 cubes instead of one ball, then you will have to work a little on yourself.

A man can pump up his abs to lose belly fat different ways. There are many methods and sets of exercises. But one of the best is a program consisting of:
- planks: strengthen the back, buttocks, stomach, shoulders;
- “climber” exercises: strengthen the abdominal muscles, heart, buttocks;
- exercises with a roller, when scrolling from a kneeling position, the abs are worked out very well;
- hanging, when the torso and legs create a right angle;
- “bicycle”, familiar to everyone since childhood.

By doing these simple, but very effective exercise three times a week, in just a month you can greatly improve your abs and even show off your six-pack.

Powerful abs on the stomach look very attractive, besides powerful muscles the shells provide good support to the spine. This is why many instructors recommend starting strength training with exercises for the back and abs.

If the core muscles are poorly developed, working with heavy weights can lead to problems with the spine. Developed torso muscles will help avoid such problems. First of all, for this, of course, you need to work your back, but a strong press won’t hurt either.

In addition, as you know, the body must be developed harmoniously. In this article you will find effective exercises that you can perform without leaving your home.

In order to make beautiful cubes, it is not at all necessary to work out in the gym and use a variety of exercise equipment. Moreover, the best and most effective abdominal exercises require virtually no equipment. All you need is a flat surface on which to lie with your back and desire.

Scientific research

American Council on physical exercise(ACE) commissioned research to identify the most effective ones from the many common ways to pump up the abs. At the Biomechanics Laboratory at the California Institute in Sacramento, Peter Francis and Jennifer Davis identified which loads have the most powerful impact on the abdominal muscles.

30 people took part in the experiment healthy men and women aged 20 to 45 who exercise regularly or occasionally. All abdominal loads were administered to the subjects in a random order.

A total of 13 exercises were studied. Scientists measured electrical activity using an electromyograph muscle fibers when performing each of them. The impact of loads was recorded separately on the rectus abdominis and separately on the oblique abdominal muscles. The degree of associated tension in the thigh muscles was also recorded. The measurement basis (for 100% load) was taken using ordinary twisting. The effectiveness of the others was determined in relation to them.

Exercises for the rectus abdominis muscle Efficiency
1. "Bike " by 148%
2. Exercise machine "Captain's chair" by 112%
3. Crunches on a fitness ball by 39%
4. Crunches with legs up by 29%
5. Exercise machine "Torso Track" by 27%
6. Crunches with arms raised by 19%
7. Reverse crunches by 9%
8. Lying crunches, legs bent, heels resting on the floor by 7%
9. Ab roller by 5%
10. "Plank" by 0%

Exercises with a tourniquet and on the Ab Rocker machine were not included in the table, since they showed lower results than regular crunches.

Strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles with cable crunches or the Ab Rocker machine is worse than traditional crunches. They are not included in the table.

Analysis of electromyography data confirmed the view that each person performs exercises differently. And the same exercise does not work equally well for everyone involved. Therefore, for training with best result Dr. Francis recommends choosing several top options, testing them for yourself and taking those that tightly load your abs.

A selection for beginners


This is the most popular abdominal exercise that most exercisers do incorrectly.

You need to lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Your arms can be folded on your chest or behind your head.

As you inhale, you need to twist your body, lifting your shoulders off the floor and stretching your chest towards your pelvis. As you inhale, you must slowly return to the starting position.

Most of those who try to do this exercise, instead of twisting the body, in which it seems to break in half at the level of the lower ribs, lift the body with a straight back. Don't repeat their mistakes.

Reverse crunches

Unlike the previous exercise, reverse crunches primarily load the lower abdominal muscles. You need to lie on your back, keeping your legs straight and arms extended along your body.

Inhaling, lift your legs straight up. Stay in this position for 1-2 counts. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.


Despite the fact that this exercise is perceived by most athletes as feminine, it allows you to work out the abs very effectively and is great for men.

Starting position: on your back, legs straight on the floor. Raise your legs slightly up and begin to perform horizontal movements that imitate the work of scissors - first, the legs diverge to the sides, then they are brought together so that the right one is above the left.

After this, they move apart again and converge so that the left one goes above the right one. Do 3-5 approaches.

A selection for athletes


Starting position - lying on your back, straight arms extended above your head. Twist your body, raising your arms and legs and bringing them together, hold in this position for 1-2 counts. Return to the starting position.

Lowering your legs

Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise your straight legs up to an angle of 90-45 degrees, and then lower them down as slowly as possible.

Pelvic lift

Starting position - lying on your back, left leg bent at the knee and standing with the foot on the floor, the right leg thrown over the left so that its shin rests on the thigh of the left leg.

Crunches on the horizontal bar

Starting position - hanging on the horizontal bar with a straight grip. As you exhale, quickly, but without jerking, lift your straight legs up, fix this position for 1-3 counts.

As you inhale, slowly lower your legs to the starting position.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the bar. This static exercise to strengthen the core muscles, which works well not only the back, but also the stomach.

Exist various options planks, but the basic one can be considered one in which the athlete rests on the floor with his feet and hands (beginners can place not only the hand, but the entire forearm on the floor).

Using a plank is impossible to create six-pack abs, but it will help tighten your stomach. As a result, he will look much slimmer.

The plank should definitely be included in the training program along with the above exercises for working out the abs.

How to draw cubes on the stomach?

Contrary to popular belief, in order to see powerful abs on your stomach, it is not enough to simply pump up your abs.

The above exercises will work the rectus abdominis muscle. But it will still be hidden under a layer of fat, which is deposited primarily in the abdominal area.

Remove these body fat- difficult task. In order to achieve success, you need to normalize your diet and regularly conduct fat burning workouts.


The ideal basis of the diet for those who want to “get dry” while removing belly fat is protein foods (meat and fish), as well as vegetables and cereals. You should exclude fast carbohydrates, foods with a high glycemic index and fatty foods - flour, sweets, sausages and the like.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the number of calories consumed during the day exceeds the number of calories consumed with food.

The transition to active image life. In addition, to achieve results faster, you should include fat burning training in your program.


Traditionally as the main combustion method excess fat Cardio training is recommended. In the gym, you can exercise on any of the cardio machines - an exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical or any other.

There are also exercises for home cardio training, which do not require special exercise equipment or sports equipment.

Regularly performing abdominal exercises, normalizing your diet and training aimed at burning fat will definitely bear fruit - your stomach will become toned, and powerful rectus abdominis muscles will appear on it.

The main thing is perseverance, which will help you adhere to all the recommendations given month after month for many years.

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Fitness trainer, instructor group classes, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, diet selection for pregnant women, weight correction, nutrition selection for exhaustion, nutrition selection for obesity, selection individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.