An effective relief training program for men. How you can pump up sculpted muscles: the nuances of “drying” A program for a man’s beautiful body

Hello! What affects muscle relief? What should a terrain training program look like? I constantly see these and many other questions being discussed in all sports pages on social media. networks, on many blogs, etc. And very often the hair on my head stands on end! We'll figure it out, friends.

So, muscle relief is affected by:

  1. The amount of subcutaneous fat;
  2. Shape, size of muscles under fat;

Most beginners, when they go to the gym, say that they want relief, this makes them smile, because... this doesn't make any sense.

Relief– this is a minimum of subcutaneous fat and a sufficient amount of muscle mass. The main problem for beginners is that they have practically no muscles, in principle. Therefore, it is not clear what terrain they are talking about. Don’t worry, I once thought so myself. Now it makes me smile.

There is no point in starting conversations about relief until you have gained a sufficient amount of muscle mass, since, as you know, abs on a skinny person are like large breasts on a fat woman.

The conclusion is that you first need to acquire muscles, and then take care of reducing the fat layer.

The GOOD NEWS is that it is quite possible for a beginner to “burn” fat and build muscle mass at the same time.

This happens because, as a rule, beginners have a lot of all kinds of fats and carbohydrates in their diet, with a relative deficiency of proteins.

An increase in physical activity, which a person simply did not have, and a certain correction of nutrition, already at the initial stage, are able to use their own fat reserves as an energy source.

At the same time, the load that falls on a beginner at the very beginning of training is still too small to trigger protein synthesis and hypertrophy of muscle cells, so it is quite enough to “by eye” slightly increase the amount of proteins and reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates in the diet.

Over time, you will come to the point that at some point LIPOLYSIS (the process of breaking down fat) and MUSCLE GROWTH SYNTHESIS will begin to compete with each other.

The main problem associated with relief (growth of “lean” muscle mass) is that ANABOLISM (growth of muscle mass) and CATABOLISM (reduction of fat deposits) are two completely opposite physiological processes that cannot occur simultaneously in the body if you Just don't use pharmacology.

Anyone who talks about building muscle mass and burning fat at the same time is either incompetent in matters related to bodybuilding, or uses pharmacological support, or is simply deceiving you.

Nutrition for muscle growth

It is necessary to remember that gaining muscle mass is possible only in conditions of sufficient calorie intake for growth (the correct ratio of proteins and carbohydrates). And getting rid of the fat layer is only possible in conditions of calorie DEFICIT, i.e. it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates.

Do you understand what's going on? Those who are trying to grow muscle mass and lose weight at the same time are people who are trying to pull a rope in two directions, and as you know:

“The combination of multidirectional loads gives an unexpressed, average result”

So if you go after both, you'll probably end up with nothing or a lot of muscle mass and an average amount of fat.

Is it possible to lose weight in one part of the body, for example, in the stomach?

NO! LOCAL FAT REDUCTION IS IMPOSSIBLE! And this is an axiom! Fat does not burn from temperature or from any concentrated exercises on one particular part of the body, because... it OXIDIZES when exposed to large amounts of oxygen.

Crunches are an exercise for the abdominals, but is it possible to get a six-pack just by pumping up your abs and focusing on nutrition? NO!

The fact is that the places in which our body decides to accumulate fat (subcutaneous or visceral) are the MOST CONVENIENT for it! Why in these places (hips, buttocks, stomach, waist, etc.)?

Yes, because FAT IN THESE PLACES IS VERY COMFORTABLE TO CARRY! The center of gravity does not shift and the body spends less energy on its storage.

The processes of fat accumulation and storage are those processes that should ensure the constancy of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis) under any conditions. These processes are regulated by hormones.

The fact is that any processes will be most active in those tissues that have the largest number of receptors that can come into contact with a molecule of a particular hormone.

So, adipose tissue in the so-called problem areas has the largest number of receptors responsible for LIPOGENESIS (building adipose tissue) and the smallest for LIPOLYSIS (breakdown of adipose tissue).

This ratio of receptors WILL ALWAYS BE PRESERVED, regardless of which muscle group needs energy at the moment. Do you understand?

The body has established places for storing fat itself., because these are places that allow you to maintain a center of gravity and maintain a certain temperature balance. And when training a certain muscle group (for example, the press), the body continues to use energy reserves sequentially (muscle glycogen, liver, then just fat), and evenly, and not just in the trained area.

Therefore, you can only lose weight in all places at the same time.

Terrain training program

What should a terrain training program look like? Now I’ll probably say something strange... NO WAY! Any strength training will lead to muscle building, not weight loss.

There is one big misconception that: “Large weights and a small number of repetitions for mass, and small weights and a large number of repetitions for relief.” In fact, the truth is that any number of repetitions is work for MASS, only less or more effective.

The key to muscle definition- This is a diet with limited calories and correctly formulated proportions.

This mistake came from the fact that someone, without delving into the details, observed the drying process of professionals. They train with heavy weights and low reps in the off-season, and when preparing for competitions, they reduce the working weights and lift the weights for more repetitions.

Only relatively light weights during drying are not the reason for fat burning while maintaining muscle mass, but a consequence of it. Because with a decrease in caloric intake, the performance and strength of the athlete decreases, so under these conditions there is a decrease in working weights.


So, I hope you found some interesting thoughts in this article.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

1. Only the base! Why? Doesn’t a separate load on small muscle groups, for example the arms, give an increase in strength to this muscle?

1. basic exercises develop almost all muscle groups. Arms are trained with bench press and deadlift. Moreover, the biceps and shoulders grow well from the deadlift, and the chest and arms from the bench press.

Using this method, you can lift significant weights quite quickly (a year). For example, a deadlift of 180 - 200 kilograms will not allow your biceps and shoulders to remain small. You can do isolated exercises, for example, lifting a barbell for biceps.

But in order to have noticeable biceps growth, you need to use the same technique with hard and light days. You will spend about 30 minutes on this exercise, and then you need to train the triceps separately - 30 minutes, shoulders 30, chest even more than 30, lats, quadriceps, hamstrings, etc. I will create a training program for you.

Add up this time and see how long it takes to train. In principle, bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids can afford to train this way. With chemistry, the body becomes five times stronger and you can train up to 3 hours a day and even 3 hours twice a day.

It is not recommended for an ordinary person who is not on chemicals to lift weights for more than an hour, even for more than 40 minutes. But in 40 minutes, slowly, you can perform one basic exercise that will train a lot of muscles at once.

If you noticed, it is proposed to do not 5 basic exercises per workout, but two, one in a heavy version, the other in an easy version. This is quite possible.

2. Heavy basic training puts a tremendous load on the central nervous system. After such training, the state is far from athletic and not before training, and recovery can last longer than 2 - 3 days (sleepy state, loss of appetite), what to do in this case?

3. Nothing of the kind, you just need to not look at trained guys who do 180 bench presses. And set your working weights according to your strength and start immediately not with 5 working approaches, but with 2 and increase the load (both weight and approaches gradually).

The body gradually gets used to the loads, and they do not become colossal for you.

And recovery after such a workout lasts not 2-3 days, but 5, plus hyper-recovery on days 7-10.

With any set of training, there should be two days of rest. These two days (complete rest from any type of stress) are rest for the central nervous system. The central nervous system also gets tired of sending signals to the muscles for their work.

After two days of rest she recovers. And after the end of the training cycle, the athlete rests for a week or two. Including in order to restore the central nervous system.

The concept of more serious weight. The concept is very broad

Is it a large weight in kg (for example, 150 kg), or is it a weight that is difficult for an athlete, no matter whether it is 50 kg or 150?

The concept of a more serious weight is, of course, not 50 kg, but at least 100 kg in the bench press.

4. Warm-up, why so many (up to 5 approaches). The author writes about the pulse. Have you tried training a person using the 5 warm-up + 5 work schedule? What is the effect, do the muscles get tired even during the warm-up?

Warm up. It occurs in small increments. And it’s better to warm up properly than not warm up. Otherwise injury. And of course, we are not talking about squats with a weight of 50 kg. We are talking about solid scales of 100 and above.

When a person is able to lift such weights. His muscles do not get tired during warm-up, but only warm up. When squatting 50 kg. Of course, you don’t need to do 5 warm-up sets. It is enough to do one or two approaches with a weight of 20 and 30 kg.

Have you tried training a person using the 5 warm-up + 5 work schedule?

Yes, of course, that’s the only way we train. Our guys, training according to this scheme, became very strong.

One squeezes 180 kg at a time, the other 170. And another guy, after a couple of years of such training, fulfilled the standards and became a master of sportsmanship, now he is training further to fulfill the MSc.

Accordingly, when training “on relief”:

You need to take in fewer calories than you burn.

The training tactics will be completely different. You need to do everything to lose fat. Perform 4 - 5 (preferably basic, with light weight) exercises per workout; the weight of these exercises will be much lighter than when working on weight. You will repeat the exercise 12 - 15 times.

They lose the most energy. Any type of aerobic exercise should be included in the exercise routine. Running is best.

Set aside a separate workout just for running (or aerobic exercise). There is no need to combine strength training and aerobic activity on the same day.

The calorie intake, of course, needs to be reduced at first. Why at first?

Features of the terrain training program for strangers

The training should not be protracted, i.e.

You should spend no more than 1 hour on exercises.
In training to work out the relief, it is worth using the pumping technique. It involves repeating the same exercise multiple times in one approach, and the weight of the equipment should not be the maximum for you.
To achieve greater results, athletes often resort to performing exercises with supersets (combining several exercises that involve the same muscle group) and drop sets (gradually reducing the weight of equipment), the latter is more suitable for professionals.
It is important for beginners not to overdo it in the first week of classes; between approaches they should take a break of at least 2.5-3.5 minutes; for more experienced ones, a break of 1.5-2 is suitable.

An effective set of exercises for working out the relief

“What a figure!” - almost every one of us would like to hear such a phrase.

It is not without reason that such a beautiful sport as bodybuilding is increasingly developing, where any healthy person can become a sculptor of his own body.

Naturally, first you need to want to look different and overcome laziness.

Today, so many different techniques have been developed aimed at strengthening, growth and drawing muscle relief that it is impossible to list them all.

Depending on the goal, as well as physical and genetic data, it is necessary to select a set of exercises individually. In any case, the beginning will be weight gain, and only then will training for strength and relief begin.

First you need to gain weight, and then create muscle definition

Get ready for cardio

Cardio is a workout that most people are not comfortable with. Yes, on the one hand, cardio can significantly speed up fat loss. But on the other hand, if such training is not structured correctly, it can be monotonous, time-consuming and, in addition, burn your precious muscles.

What is meant by “poorly designed cardio training”? Do as much as you can without a special plan or individual approach.

Unlike your strength training, which can be effective if you simply use a one-size-fits-all program, your cardio training should be entirely based on your goals.

For most people, I recommend a mixture of static cardio and high-intensity training. Static cardio involves doing work at 55 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate.

To determine your maximum heart rate, do the following calculations: 220 is your age (in years).

Once you've figured out your maximum heart rate, keep your heart rate between 55 and 75 percent of it throughout the workout. If you use a heart rate monitor during your workouts, this will help you monitor your heart rate while moving.

High-intensity training involves an interval method of exercise that is interrupted for short periods of recovery. High-intensity training, as a form of cardio, is the most effective for most athletes. Because doing so much work at higher intensity rates means more fat burning than strength work.

Goal 1.

Loss of more than seven percent fat component

If you need to get rid of more than seven percent of fat, then most likely your cardiovascular system is not in the best condition at the moment. For this reason, you need to use static cardio so that once you are ready, you can burn fat by going to work at your maximum heart rate.

From 1 to 4 weeks you will need to do cardio at least 5 times a week, preferably in the morning. In the fifth week, if you are following my fat loss program, you can begin doing maximum cardiovascular rate work 3-4 times per week, depending on how your body is recovering.

  • Week 5-6, 30 minutes of static cardio
  • Week 7-8, 30 minutes of static cardio
  • Week 1-2, 20 minutes of static cardio
  • Week 3-4, 30 minutes of static cardio
  • Week 5-6, 8 short high intensity intervals
  • Week 7-8, 10 short high intensity intervals

Goal 2.

Losing 4-7 percent fat

If you want to get rid of 4-5 percent body fat, then before you lose it, you should focus on maintaining muscle mass. Therefore, in the first two weeks of training, the program will include 30 minutes of cardio every morning. After that, you should be able to do 10 intervals per workout three times a week if you follow the plan.

  • 1-2 weeks, 10 intervals 3 times a week
  • 3 and subsequent weeks, 10 intervals every day

Goal 3.

Burning 1-3 percent

If you're looking to lose 1-3 percent body fat, you're probably already in great shape and lean. Based on this, you can move on to rapid fat burning, with minimal loss of muscle mass.

The rest is up to you

I know how daunting the prospect of changing your weight composition can be, especially at first. All the information presented above may not be relevant to you if you are not confident that you can handle my advice.

My suggestion is this: cast aside all doubts and do whatever it takes to get results! Once you begin to see the results of your efforts, your future path will become much easier. And one day this will become your way of life.

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Option of a training program for muscle relief.

All exercises throughout the entire program are performed in three approaches, respectively, 8, 6 and 4 times with increasing weight.

For the pectoral muscles – bench and bent-over barbell presses with weights of 111, 60 and 65 kg; in a reverse incline press with a weight of 40, 45 and 50 kg, then crossovers alternately with blocks of 20, 25 and 30 kg and 25 pull-ups on the uneven bars.

For the back - deadlift with a barbell weighing 60, 70 and 80 kg, then 30 pull-ups with a wide and narrow grip, finally, upper block pull-down first to the chest with a weight of 60, 65 and 70 kg, then behind the head - 50, 55 and 60 kg.

End of the workout – 3 different abdominal exercises 20 times.

Day 2 – training arms, shoulders and abs.

Shoulders. Standing barbell press (25, 30 and 35 kg) and sitting (20, 25, 30 kg), standing dumbbell fly (10, 12.5, 15 kg) and bent over (12.5, 15, 17.5 kg).

For biceps – lifting a barbell weighing 25, 30 and 35 kg sequentially while standing and on a Scott bench, speed pumping in three sets of 10 repetitions (weight on the machine 25, 15 and 5 kg) and finally hammers with dumbbells at 25, 30 and 35 kg.

We train the triceps with a French press with a weight of 25, 30 and 35 kg and a standard block row (35, 40, 45 kg).

At the end of the lesson - 3 exercises of 20 repetitions for the upper abs.

Day 3 – loading the legs and abs.

For the legs, we perform squats with a weight of 80, 90 and 100 kg, after which we press on a machine with the same kilograms of load, again squats, only with dumbbells weighing 20, 30 and 40 kg. On the simulator, we first perform leg extension (45, 111, 65 kg), then bending (40, 50, 60 kg).

For the upper, lower abs and side muscles, you should do one approach of 20 times each plus 20 forward bends.

  • Day 4 – well-deserved rest.
  • Day 5 workout for chest, back and abs.

Breast. Dumbbell press of 20, 22.5, 25 kg, first lying down, then sitting, dumbbell flyes weighing 15, 17.5, 20 kg in a lying and sitting position, crossovers with the same kilograms.

Back. Indispensable deadlift (65, 75, 85 kg), 30 pull-ups with arms wide apart, bent-over barbell rows weighing 40, 50, 60 kg, horizontal block rows weighing 50, 111, 60 kg to the waist.

3 exercises for the lower abs, 20 times each.

On the 6th day, the shoulders, arms and abs are worked out.

Beginning of the lesson - Arnold press (20, 25, 30 kg), barbell press behind the head (30, 35, 40 kg), barbell row with a narrow grip towards the chin (30, 35, 40 kg) and lifting a weight in front of you with a weight of 20, 22.5, 25 kg.

A superset is performed on the biceps, 30 dips on the uneven bars and dumbbell pull-backs (8, 10, 12 kg) on ​​the triceps.

For the upper abs, 3 different exercises, 20 times each, 3 approaches in total.

On the 7th day we strain our legs and abs.

We take a barbell (85, 95, 105 kg), perform squats, then press with the same weight on a machine, squats using the “Sumo” technique with weights (20, 30, 40 kg). Next is leg extension (50, 111, 65 kg) and leg curl (45, 111, 65 kg) on ​​the machine.

Abdominal exercises, as on day 3.

Day 8 – time to rest and gain strength.

For each group, 2 exercises are done, 20 times each.

On the simulator we use the calves, the weight is 40, 50, 60 kg 20, 15 and 10 times respectively.

To work the trapezius, we include shrugs in the program, 3 sets of 10 times with weights of 50, 55 and 60 kg.

For the back and oblique muscles – bend forward and to the sides using only your own weight.

Lifting a barbell (20, 25, 30 kg) with your hands with emphasis, working your forearms.

Day 10 is time to relax and regain strength for further activities.

This program can be adapted to suit different weights. Once again, it is worth noting that during “drying” you should not chase a lot of weight; you should work without much strain with your average achievements.

And finally, this mention. There are different types of fat burners used by professional athletes, if you decide to try them, consult your doctor first.

You can also try sticking to natural fat burners – grapefruit, ginger. The effect obtained as a result of long-term work on oneself is not only the best motivation, but also lasts for a long time.

Patience and work on yourself is a guarantee of getting the body of your dreams!

Relief training, proper nutrition and fitness program

Regular fitness training in the gym is an effective way to achieve a slim body and muscle definition. A beautiful, fit figure always attracts the glances of the opposite sex. But not everyone succeeds in achieving clearly defined muscles - this is a labor-intensive task that requires the right comprehensive approach.

Basics of terrain fitness training

To get the desired result, you need to know the main principles of building fitness training, follow certain rules and do not forget about proper nutrition. Cardio training and strength exercises provide only 25% of the work on drawing muscles. In addition, the training plan should not contain isolating exercises - the emphasis should be on the basic ones.

When gaining muscle mass, the main role is played by a well-formulated diet of proper nutrition. The body needs building materials - proteins and carbohydrates. In this diet, there is a slight accumulation of subcutaneous fat, so athletes need to carry out the so-called “drying” - work to improve the relief and burn subcutaneous fat. “Drying” is an individual process. Its construction directly depends on the physical data of the athlete, his metabolism and metabolism, in addition, genetic characteristics also play an important role.

Diet and proper nutrition during training

A well-designed diet gives 75% of the results in working on muscle definition. Everyone knows the fact that losing weight is impossible without following a proper diet. But you shouldn’t go to extremes, sharply reducing your daily calorie intake - this way you will lose weight not through fat tissue, but only by reducing muscle mass.

  • You need to eat more foods rich in protein.
  • Eliminate high-calorie sweets and baked goods from your daily diet - they are sources of animal fats and simple carbohydrates that the body does not need.
  • You should not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes, since due to some dietary restrictions, your body will not receive the required amount from food.
  • If subcutaneous fat is burned slowly, you should also limit your intake of complex carbohydrates.

Each athlete composes a more detailed diet individually, due to his financial capabilities and taste preferences. In the process of working on relief, proper nutrition includes lean dietary meat (turkey and chicken breast), buckwheat and oatmeal, dietary cheeses and low-fat kefir. The diet should also include a lot of fruits and vegetables (various vegetable salads with olive oil) and egg whites (4-8 pieces per day).

Principles of conducting terrain training

In the relief fitness program, the exercises are the same as in classic strength training with one difference - the weight of the weights should be less, and more repetitions should be done. Simple basic fitness exercises maintain muscle strength and require intense energy expenditure, which helps burn excess fat deposits.

Aerobics should be a mandatory element of every fitness workout - 20-25 minutes of running at a moderate pace or jumping rope will be enough. The best time to do cardio is early in the morning (on an empty stomach). For greater effect from fitness classes, you should change the types of cardio training from time to time, and it is also advisable not to use elevators and always take the stairs.

Relief training is carried out 4-6 times a week, since their goal is relief, not weight gain; there is no special need for physical rest. The ideal fitness training scheme for beginners is considered to be the “2+1” system - 2 days of training and 1 day of rest.

Fitness training program

The presented training program consists of classic exercises. You can adjust it at your discretion by changing the order of exercises and adding new ones. But it is best to consult with a professional fitness trainer before changing the program.

Beginners should perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, with a minute and a half rest break between sets. After two to three weeks of regular training, the number of approaches should be increased to 4, and the number of repetitions to 15-20.

Workout 1

  • barbell curls;
  • bench press;
  • standing barbell press;
  • squats;
  • biceps on the Scott bench.

Workout 2

  • bench press;
  • seated barbell press;
  • standing dumbbell curls;
  • deadlift;
  • lying leg curls.

Workout 3

  • standing barbell pull;
  • standing/sitting dumbbell lateral raises;
  • incline leg raises;
  • bent over dumbbell row
  • standing French dumbbell press.

Workout 4

  • deadlift with dumbbells;
  • seated barbell press;
  • standing overhead barbell press;
  • pull of the upper block to the chest;
  • lying crunches.

Don't Worry If You Lose Some Muscle Mass

Every aspect of this two-week plan will be extremely challenging. You may want to find a shorter way to make your body sculpted and lose weight in 2 weeks. You may begin to indulge in your diet, skip cardio workouts, or exercise at low intensity. Or you will be serious and believe that you are sticking to your diet, despite periodically overeating for fear of losing muscle mass.

As a bodybuilder, you spend most of your time training your muscles. It is quite understandable if during these two weeks you feel yourself losing muscle mass. But this is inevitable if you want to get ripped. Yes, if you dramatically reduce your carbohydrate intake, your muscles will seem inferior. But significant muscle loss comes from eating little calories and doing a lot of cardio over a long period of time.

But two weeks is not a long time. By consuming just over 1 gram of protein per 500 grams of body weight, your body will stay in great shape. And let's be realistic: even if you lose a little muscle mass, you will still look more impressive thanks to the burned fat and pronounced muscle definition.

In 14 days you will lose 5.4 kg. And this is only possible if you switch to fat burning mode. Grit your teeth, reduce your carbs, and increase your cardio while doing terrain work for just 2 weeks.

Given the extreme nature of this plan, do not return to your training plan until you complete this one. Come out of it gradually. First, switch to one cardio workout per day at a lower intensity (but don't eliminate it completely). Then begin to gradually increase the amount of fat and protein you consume. Next, introduce more carbohydrates into your diet. From day to day, try to avoid sudden spikes in your calorie intake.

How to quickly get ripped muscles

For best results, you should lift every other day, then leave 24 hours of rest between workouts to give your muscles a chance to recover. Plus, add high-intensity interval training (if you feel energized) to maximize your body's fat-burning potential.

How many repetitions should I do for relief?

To achieve the fat-burning effect of exercise, it is recommended to do 12 to 20 repetitions in one approach. But in this complex the range is indicated from 8 to 12 with a rest break of up to 1 minute. This was done specifically to preserve and even increase muscle mass as much as possible.

Workout 1: Chest

All three training complexes consist of six exercises, divided into three supersets. Do all repetitions of exercise 1A, then rest for 30 seconds, and complete all repetitions of exercise 1B, and rest for 60 seconds. Do the indicated number of approaches. Continue in the same spirit. As the workout progresses, the number of sets in the superset will decrease and the number of repetitions will increase to further stress the muscles.

Workout 2: Back and Shoulders

After a chest superset, exercise routine #2 will work your back and shoulders to build volume in your upper body and wings of your back. This workout will make your upper body wider, creating the appearance of a more athletic figure, and your waist will appear even narrower.

Workout 3: Arms

This routine will bulk up your arms by working your biceps and triceps with antagonistic supersets (in which two exercises alternate between targeting opposing muscle groups). This has a lot of benefits, including faster recovery of non-working muscles (so you can perform the next set more intensely) and increased pumping.

Body drying diet for girls

Week 1 (introductory)

Here we eat according to the following scheme: morning - complex carbohydrates, by lunch - 50% proteins and 50% complex carbohydrates, by evening - 100% protein. We exclude all sweets and starchy foods. This week is needed in order to at least slightly prepare the body for drying and so that you get used to eating 5-6 times a day.

Allowed products: low-fat cottage cheese, one percent kefir, milk with 0.5% fat content (in a dosage of no more than 1 glass per day), eggs (2 pieces per day), boiled beef, boiled chicken breast (and no skin - mandatory remove it before cooking!) boiled or baked sea fish, seafood, fresh vegetables (greens, cucumbers, cabbage); apple (no more than 1 piece per day), orange (no more than 1 piece per day and only in the first half of the day); bran (1 tablespoon during the last meal - helps satisfy hunger and establish peristalsis).

Allowed products: low-fat cottage cheese, whole eggs - 2 pcs. per day, egg whites – 2 pcs. per day additionally, boiled chicken breast, turkey breast, boiled or baked sea fish, cucumbers (1 piece per day), parsley, bran (1 tablespoon 3 times a day). At this stage of body drying, girls should start taking multivitamins if you have not taken them before.

The menu is very limited: boiled chicken breasts (2 pieces per day), 7-8 boiled egg whites, a bunch of parsley, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of bran.

Remember that the drying diet should not contain carbohydrates. This means that in the introductory part there are few carbohydrates, but then they are completely excluded from the menu. Make sure this condition is met. Always read nutrition labels carefully.

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Terrain training program inextricably linked with nutrition. Moreover, proper nutrition is much more important here than the training itself. Without a strict diet, you are unlikely to achieve significant results, because muscle definition depends primarily on the amount of subcutaneous fat. The less it is, the thinner the skin and the better the muscles are defined. But you can’t do without a training program.


To improve muscle definition, it is best to engage in four- and five-day split programs, but you can also adjust a three-day training program. In each exercise, on average, 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions are performed. Rest between sets should be minimal, about 30-45 seconds, maximum 60. You should do aerobic exercise at least twice a week. This could be cycling, jumping rope, swimming, walking at a brisk pace and of course running. The most preferable would be jogging. For residents of large cities who find it difficult to find time and a suitable place for jogging, the ideal option would be to install treadmills in their homes. This way you can run at any time that suits you.


It all depends on the individual characteristics of your body. Simply calculating calories won't help you because everyone has a different metabolic rate, age, weight, height, level of physical and mental activity, and so on. In addition, no one knows how many calories our body absorbs and burns. You will have to focus primarily on the amount of subcutaneous fat and the scale readings. If your weight has not decreased or increased within a week, then you need to cut back on your diet a little. It is best to eat small portions 5-6 times a day. This will allow you to maintain your metabolism and not lose muscle mass. If you have problems with excess weight, strictly limit your intake of carbohydrates, especially fast ones. Eliminate sweets and salty foods from your diet, and try not to consume saturated fats. It is very useful to drink flaxseed oil. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it effectively promote the burning of excess subcutaneous fat. To gain lean muscle mass, endomorphs need to consume a huge amount of protein and limit the consumption of fatty and sweet foods. Ectomorphs who have a very fast metabolism, in order to gain calories and not lose muscle mass, can eat everything, but in moderation. Nutrition for mesomorphs is something between the ecto and endomorph diets. Let me remind you once again that to achieve maximum results, the basis of your diet should be protein. Eat fewer carbohydrates and only slow (complex) ones. It is found in durum wheat pasta, cereal porridges, and wholemeal bread. Minimize your intake of fatty foods and eat more salads. Drink green tea without sugar and as much pure water as possible. Limit your intake of salt and salty foods as much as possible, as sodium retains water in the body, which causes swelling and increases stress on the cardiovascular system. Weigh yourself and take anthropological measurements once a week. If your weight is stable or has increased and your waist has increased, reduce your diet slightly. But the best indicator is the quality of your muscles.


Option 1. Three-day terrain split

MONDAY (back, chest)

1. Wide grip pull-ups + bench press 3-4x10-15

2. Bent-over barbell row + incline dumbbell press 3-4x10-15

3. Bent-over dumbbell raises + lying dumbbell raises 3-4x10-15

4. Abdominal exercises 4-5x25-30.

Tuesday (running)

WEDNESDAY (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves)

1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4x10-15

2. Deadlift (deadlift on straight legs) 4x10-12

3. Leg extension + bending on the simulator 4x15-10

4. Calf raise 4x20-25.

Thursday (running)

5. Abdominal exercises 4-5x25-30.

Option 2. Four-day terrain split

MONDAY (back)

1. Pull-ups on the bar with additional weights 4x15-10

2. Bent-over barbell row 3-4x10-12

3. Bent-over dumbbell row 3-4x10-12

4. T-bar row 3x10-15

TUESDAY (chest)

1. Bench press on an incline bench 3-4x15-10

2. Incline dumbbell press 3-4x10-12

3. Lying dumbbell flyes 3-4x10-15

4. Press 4-5x25-30

Wednesday (running)

THURSDAY (calves, quads, hamstrings)

1. Calf raises sitting/standing 4x20-25

2. Squat with barbell 4x10-15

3. Deadlift 4x10-12

4. Leg extension + bending on the simulator 4x15-10

FRIDAY (deltoids, biceps, triceps)

1. Standing barbell press + barbell row to the chin 3-4x10-12

2. Dumbbell side raises while standing + bent over 3-4x12-15

3. Barbell curls + bench press with a narrow grip 3-4x10-12

4. Dumbbell curl + French press 3-4x10-15

5. Press 4-5x25-30

Saturday (running)

Sunday is rest.


Don't forget to warm up thoroughly before your workout and cool down after it. Exercise intensely! No talking between sets! Remember that the rest should be approximately 30-45 seconds, a maximum of a minute (after heavy basic exercises). And most importantly, watch your diet! How to dry quickly and efficiently is described in detail. I recommend!

- the topic of our today's episode, friends. We all sooner or later begin to understand that it is time to give shape to our muscles, otherwise after a long time of working on mass, we become like clumsy bears whose muscles are hidden behind a thick layer of fat. We need to get rid of it and today we will start doing this. Some are still just theoretically, while others may already be starting to practice.

The relief training program presented below has two goals: fat loss and muscle definition. Also, due to its specificity, it will help you not to lose the already acquired muscle mass. Follow the advice given here and after 2-3 months of classes you will find it difficult to recognize yourself. Ready for a change? Then let's begin.

Theory, without it you can’t go anywhere

Whatever one may say, without theoretical knowledge you will not understand the very essence of this training program. Working on relief involves a completely different approach to training than programs for strength or mass. Our main goal now is to define muscles by losing fat and giving them shape with special exercises. A special diet is also required, which we will talk about at the end of this article.

I would like to immediately warn you that the process of fat loss is closely related to the loss of muscle mass. Therefore, along with the fat layer, you will also lose part of your muscle mass. You need to come to terms with this and take this fact for granted. Unfortunately, this is how our body works. The only thing we can do in this case is to minimize muscle loss while maximizing fat loss. We'll find out how to do this further.

To minimize muscle loss, you should firstly consume a lot of protein, more on this at the end of the article, plus, if possible. And secondly, perform heavy basic exercises to keep your muscles toned and even build them up little by little.

How will the fat loss process proceed? The diet, which we’ll talk about at the end, and special sets of exercises selected specifically for the relief training program will help us a lot with this. The main point of the diet is to increase the amount of protein you consume to minimize muscle loss and reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume to increase fat loss. As for proteins, we think everything is clear, but how a reduced amount of carbohydrates in the diet will help burn fat needs to be explained.

In short, without going too deep into physiology and biochemistry, this can be explained as follows. The main sources of energy in the body are carbohydrates. Any physical activity requires energy expenditure and, accordingly, uses up the carbohydrates present in the body. If their reserves are insufficient, then an additional source – fats – acts as energy. That's basically all the explanations. Therefore, when training for relief, creating a carbohydrate deficit is a prerequisite.

What exercises do we need? The exercises in this program will be the same as in most mass or strength programs, but with some adjustments. Namely, fewer basic exercises and more isolating exercises; less weight and more repetitions, plus the mandatory inclusion of aerobics in the workout. You will run for 20 minutes at the end of each workout, on a treadmill or outside, weather permitting.

Some may wonder, why use heavy basic exercises in a relief training program? We're not gaining weight, after all? Let’s explain - the base is needed here in order to maintain muscle strength and mass, plus such exercises consume a lot of energy and therefore contribute very well to burning fat.

How long will the training last? Relief training should last no more than 45-50 minutes. The fact is that during this time there will not be time for the release of the catrizol catrizol catabolic hormone. It just promotes the loss of muscle mass along with fat. This happens due to the fact that, as a result of prolonged and intense exercise, along with fats, the proteins that make up our muscles are converted into energy sources. Therefore, more, in this case, does not mean better. We also need to leave muscle mass, and not drain both? To help the body maintain muscle, it is recommended to take BCAA amino acids immediately before or during the workout itself. In general, we advise you to visit our website dedicated to sports nutrition and figure out what you need and why. Believe me, this will make your life much easier and speed up the desired result.

How often should you exercise? Friends, you will have to train quite often. In general, most terrain programs require 4 to 6 workouts per week. This is justified by the fact that, by and large, we do not need to recover, since our ultimate goal is not mass, but relief. We need rest not so much physical as psychological. After all, a constant lack of carbohydrates in the diet and intense exercise is a strong stress for the body. Therefore, we will train according to the 2 through 1 scheme, that is, we train for two days in a row and rest for one day. The full cycle of this program is designed for a period of 1 to 3 months, depending on how much fat you want to lose. Also, if you are a beginner and this is your first relief training program, then do not drag it out for too long, in any case, do it for no longer than 1 month. Later, after 2-3 months, it can be repeated and its duration can be increased accordingly, if necessary.

In general, enough theory, it's time to start practicing. Below you can see the sets of exercises that you will need to perform. Choose a weight with which you can complete the given number of repetitions with ideal execution technique. Rest between sets 60-90 seconds, between exercises 90-120 seconds. The complexes are built in such a way that during a workout we perform 3 exercises for larger muscle groups and 2 for smaller ones.

Monday (chest + biceps)

Number of repetitions: 8-12
Number of approaches: 3-4

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3

Number of repetitions: 8-12
Number of approaches: 3-4

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3
Easy running
Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Light

Tuesday (back + triceps)

Number of repetitions: 8-12
Number of approaches: 3-4
*The deadlift is used once every 2 weeks

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3

Number of repetitions: 8-12
Number of approaches: 3-4

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3
Easy running
Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Light

Wednesday - rest

Thursday (Legs + Shoulders)

Number of repetitions: 8-12
Number of approaches: 3-4

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3

Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3

Number of repetitions: 8-12
Number of approaches: 3-4

Number of repetitions: 20-25
Number of approaches: 3
Hanging Leg Raise
Number of repetitions: 15-20
Number of approaches: 3
Easy running
Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Light

Saturday - rest or run 40 minutes (depending on how you feel)

Sunday – rest

Here we will not compile detailed diets, since they may not be suitable for everyone, due to your taste preferences or financial capabilities. Therefore, we will consider the key recommendations, without which a terrain training program will be practically useless. And everyone will make their own diet

— The daily protein intake is 2-3 grams per kilogram of weight. Calculate your protein intake in such a way that you eat no more than 30-40 g of it at a time, otherwise it simply will not be fully absorbed, but will only overload the digestive system. We strongly recommend that during this period you help yourself with sports nutrition, namely proteins.

— The amount of carbohydrates in your diet needs to be reduced. For the average athlete, during periods of relief training, the norm would be 50-60 grams of carbohydrates per day. However, there is no need to sharply limit yourself in carbohydrates on the first day of training. Reduce their amount gradually - evenly over 1-2 weeks.

— Stock up on vitamin and mineral complexes, since due to a limited diet, your body will receive significantly less of them from food. And this is very bad. Remember this.

That's probably all. Everything you need to know about relief training is described in detail and clearly above. Start practicing, friends, and share your results in the comments to this post. Good luck!

is a training program that involves the presence of muscles that the athlete tries to preserve by burning subcutaneous fat. If you just want to lose weight, then pay attention to the training program for weight loss. The basis of both programs is nutrition, which, however, will also differ.

One way or another, the process of burning fat is the catabolism of organic tissues. It is impossible to purposefully burn only fat; muscles will also “burn” along with it, but the percentage of various tissues that the body will use to compensate for the lack of calories can be changed.

It is impossible to build muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat at the same time. To build muscle mass, anabolism is necessary; to burn fat, catabolism is necessary. Trying to achieve both of these processes at the same time is like trying to speed up and slow down at the same time. Therefore, if you want to build muscle mass, then pay attention to the training program for gaining muscle mass, but if you have already gained mass, and now want to work on quality, then read on.

The relief training program does not involve the use of anabolic steroids, but does involve proper nutrition. The fact is that in order to force the body to use excess weight, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit in the diet. Those. You must burn more calories than you take in. As a rule, they try to achieve this effect with aerobic exercise.

Intense training, which is usually recommended for losing weight, is ineffective for two reasons. Firstly, such training burns muscle tissue very aggressively. And secondly, no matter how many calories you spend during a workout, if you consume more calories with food, then subcutaneous fat will still not go anywhere, because the calorie balance will remain in surplus.

Aerobic training creates a sharp energy deficit, which the body must compensate for somehow. It is much easier for your body to use muscle tissue to replenish energy balance than fat tissue. By and large, muscles are cylinders in which glycogen accumulates. Therefore, intense training will burn muscle rather than fat. The situation can be corrected by the use of anabolic steroids, which will preserve muscles, but it only makes sense for professionals to use pharmaceutical drugs “on drying”.

On the other hand, a sports diet is a method to create a calorie deficit much more easily and effectively than any training program. Therefore, it is necessary to burn fat with the help of dietary restrictions, but a relief training program will help you preserve muscles!

It was already said above that muscle tissue is easier to use as a source of energy than fat tissue. This means that the training program should create a need for the body to protect them. This effect can be achieved only in one case, if you give your muscles anaerobic exercise. That is why a sports diet does not create a sharp calorie deficit, so that you do not drive yourself into a hungry hole with hard training.

The workout should not last longer than an hour. In the first 40 minutes you use all your testosterone, and the catabolic process after an hour of training in the gym will become too intense, so you need to keep it to an hour and do basic exercises in the first 40 minutes. It should be remembered that the training program is based on recovery, so you should not exhaust yourself. But it is necessary to do abs while “drying”; read more about this in the article on how to pump up your abs.

Results: it is necessary to apply a sports diet in order to burn subcutaneous fat, and in order to preserve muscles, use a training program.

Day I(Monday) – legs and biceps
Barbell Squats – 4 sets of 6 reps
Romanian Deadlift – 3 sets of 10 reps
Leg press – 3 sets of 10 reps
Barbell curls – 3 sets of 8 reps