Jiu jitsu Japanese fever. Jiu-Jitsu classes are a great choice for girls

Our club is a collective member of the FDMO (Moscow Region Jiu-Jitsu Federation), whose Executive Director and Vice-President is Evgeniy Yurievich Korotkikh. Also, FDMO is structurally included in the RFD ( Russian Federation jujutsu). Accordingly, the club’s students participate in competitions at the Regional, All-Russian and international levels. Based on the results of these competitions, the club's students are assigned sports categories And sports titles. Our club undergoes certification according to the program of the World Jiu-Jitsu Federation (WFJ), Hokutoryu school.
Opening hours: weekdays – 8:00-23:00, weekends – 9:00-18:00.

Class format
Class time
group, sports jiu-jitsu (fighting in a standing position, on the ground and percussion technique) for adults (18+)
Cherkashin V.I.
m. Kashirskaya
11:00-12:30 11:00-12:30 11:00-12:30
group, sports jiu-jitsu (stand-up, ground fighting) for children 7-14 years old
Cherkashin V.I.
m. Kashirskaya
18:00-19:30 18:00-19:30 18:00-19:30
group, general physical training with elements of wrestling for children 4-6 years old
Cherkashin V.I.
m. Kashirskaya
19:30-20:30 19:30-20:30 19:30-20:30
group, sports jiu-jitsu (standing, ground fighting and striking techniques) for adults from 15 years old
Cherkashin V.I.
m. Kashirskaya
20:30-22:00 20:30-22:00 20:30-22:00
group, children 4-6 years old, general physical training with elements of wrestling
Yaroshevich I.A.
m. Kashirskaya
18:00-19:00 18:00-19:00 11:00-12:00
group, children 7-14 years old, sports jiu-jitsu
Yaroshevich I.A.
m. Kashinskaya
19:00-20:30 19:00-20:30 12:00-13:30
group (children 7-14 years old)
sports jiu-jitsu
Korotkikh E.Yu.
m. Kashirskaya
19-00-20:30 19-00-20:30 12:00-13:30
group (adults 15+)
Korotkikh E.Yu.
m. Kashirskaya
Jiu Jitsu section NeWaza/Grappling
Grappling NoGi
Jiu Jitsu Hokutoruy striking technique
group, children 4-7 years old, goju-ryu karate
m. Kashirskaya
18:00-19:00 18:00-19:00
group, adults (from 15 years old), goju-ryu karate
m. Kashirskaya
19:00-20:30 19:00-20:30 10:00-12:00
group, functional and strength training
m. Kashirskaya
20:30-21:30 20:30-21:30 11:30-12:30
group, adults, 15+ years old, Qigong Taijiquan
Coach A. Antonov
m. Kashirskaya
19:30-21:00 19:30-21:00 19:30-21:00
group, Adults 15 years +, Qigong Tai Chiquan
Coach A. Antonov
m. Kashirskaya
18:00-19:30 18:00-19:30

A new spacious martial arts club with a total area of ​​500 sq.m. There is everything you need for martial arts, yoga, general physical training and fitness, etc., 2 soft martial arts rooms, a zone mixed martial arts with an octagon, free WI-FI for club members, a locker room with a shower, a cafe with its own delicious coffee and soft drinks, a spacious waiting area. With us you can always recharge your mobile phone using portable chargers for FREE!

20% discount

For the second and subsequent family members when purchasing a subscription for a month or more.

District: Kashirskaya, Nakhimovsky Avenue.

Plus: Gi grappling, NoGi grappling, jiu-jitsu nevaza section (ground fighting), sports jiu-jitsu Fighting section.

Jiu-jitsu: 1000-2000 rub. / h

Karate: 4500-5000 rub. / month

GPP: 4000-5500 rub. / month

Crossfit: 600 rub. /h( cost of one-time group training)

Group lessons: 4500-5500 rub. / month ( 1) Yaroshevich: General physical training with elements of wrestling, children 4-6 years old – 4500 rubles. / 12 lessons of 60 min.,
4000 rub. / 8 lessons of 60 min.,
Jiu-Jitsu, children 7-14 years old – 5500 rub. / 12 lessons of 90 min.,
5000 rub. / 8 lessons of 90 min.,
2) Cherkashin: jiu-jitsu (adults) – 5500 rub. / month (12 lessons of 90 min.),
Jiu-Jitsu (children, 7-14 years old) – 5500 rub. / month (12 lessons of 90 min.),
Jiu-Jitsu (children, 7-14 years old) – 5000 rub. / month (8 lessons of 90 min.),
General physical training (children, 4-6 years old) – 4500 rub. / month (12 lessons of 60 min.),
General physical training (children, 4-6 years old) – 4000 rub. / month (8 lessons of 60 min.),
Jiu-Jitsu (from 15 years old, adults) – 5500 rub. / month (12 lessons of 90 min.),
Jiu-Jitsu (from 15 years old, adults) – 5000 rub. / month (8 lessons of 90 min.),
3) Korotkikh E.Yu.: jiu-jitsu – 5500 rub. / month (12 lessons of 90 min.),
4) Aimaletdinov: goju-ryu karate, children 4-7 years old – 4500 rub. / 8 lessons of 60 min.,
Goju-ryu karate, adults from 15 years old – 5000 rub. / 12 lessons of 90 min.
5) Favorite: functional, strength training – 5000 rub. / 12 lessons of 60 min.

Individual lessons: 1500-2000 rub. /h( Cherkashin: adults 2000 rub. / 90 min., children 1500 rub. / 60 min.,
Aimaletdinov: adults 2000 rub. / 90 min., children 1500 rub. / 60 min.,
Yaroshevich: adults 2000 rub. / 90 min., children 1500 rub. / 60 min.,
Antonov: adults/children 2500 rub./60 min.,
Favorite: adults/children 1500 RUR/60 min.

Masters who study Brazilian jiu-jitsu in Moscow know that this type of Brazilian martial art is not just an ordinary sport - it is a real lifestyle that benefits health, gives self-confidence and allows you to develop better physical and psychological qualities. Jiu-Jitsu allows a person to feel what they are capable of.

Keeping fit

Many people start jiu-jitsu classes for girls or traditional look in order to simply lose weight, but in fact, throughout the training, a person understands that he is achieving not only this, he is also leading healthy image life. One can hardly imagine good athlete who does not eat properly, as a result of which a healthy diet and proper regimen also become an integral part of the athlete’s life, allowing him to always maintain the body’s energy throughout the day.

Logical thinking

Among specialists in the jiu-jitsu section in Moscow, this sport is often called “human chess”, because constant physical development Over time, it allows a person to reach only a certain level, after which it will be necessary to think about the development of technology and the correct distribution of energy. Thus, during jiu-jitsu training a person develops his own mind, learns to think logically and short time accept right decisions, and this will be useful both at work and in your personal life.

Self confidence

Self-confidence is achieved, first of all, due to the fact that jiu-jitsu teaches a person calmness. After all, what better athlete knows how to control himself on the mats, the easier it will be for him to use the acquired skills throughout his life, regardless of how difficult or difficult the current situation will be.

At the same time, when a person copes with various difficulties, he becomes more self-confident, increasing his ability to deal with various difficulties. Among other things, the better a person behaves in wrestling, the more confident he feels, not to mention the positive results that all kinds of competitions bring. Due to this, even many parents are interested in a sport such as jiu-jitsu for children.

Over time, even for those people who simply came to jiu-jitsu in order to get in shape, this sport turns into a real lifestyle, filled with its own subtleties and developing the most best qualities, and this concerns not only health, but also character.

. Both adults and children can attend BJJ training. The load is supplied in doses, depending on physical capabilities everyone. Jiu-Jitsu classes in Moscow at the TIGER school are held every day, they are taught by experienced trainers, current and former champions.

Features of BJJ training

BJJ classes consist of exercises to develop strength, increase body endurance, stretch muscles, and, of course, practice technique in positional fights.

In BJJ, kicks, punches, throws, chokes, painful techniques, wrestling on the ground. Well-trained fighters can not only resist an armed enemy, but also literally paralyze his actions with his bare hands, disarm and defeat him. This is why jiu-jitsu is studied in special forces in many countries around the world.

The traditional equipment of a BJJ wrestler is the Gi (wrestling kimono). But sometimes athletes go out on the mat in a rash guard (T-shirt) and shorts, because a real jitser must fight equally successfully both when the opponent is dressed and when there is nothing to grab him by.

Sign up for our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class. You will appreciate and love this sport because with it you:

  • Improve your physical fitness– you will become more resilient, strong, flexible, coordinated and mobile.
  • Develop muscles, increase muscle tone, increase your cardio capabilities.
  • Increase your self-esteem and confidence.
  • Learn to relieve stress and quickly get rid of accumulated negativity.

You will become more sociable and find friends who are similar in spirit and interests.

Jiu-Jitsu classes are a great choice for girls

Do you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, but are you tired of the routine of a strict diet and monotonous jogging in the morning? By doing jiu-jitsu, you will always be in shape and can easily maintain your vitality. First, trying to perform unusual, sometimes funny exercises, and then improving your technique and getting the next dan, you won’t even notice how your body will become slim and flexible and strong.

In addition, you will be able to protect yourself even if your discourteous “fan” exceeds you in strength, weight and size.

The shoulder girdle in girls is less developed than the legs and hips, and choking and painful kicks in Brazilian jiu-jitsu seem to be specially created for women to use. And with proper mastery of the BJJ technique, you can tame even the strongest men.

Offers you for training:

  • Daily classes for adults and teenagers from 14 years old in the “TIGER” hall near the Myakinino metro station
  • with branded strength training equipment and cardio equipment, a martial arts area with a ring, tatami and the necessary sports equipment
  • whose championship titles indicate their high sports qualification. Instructors develop their own training program for each student, taking into account real physical capabilities.
  • Group training and