Jenny Jenkins combination workout. Janet Jenkins - “Perfect thighs and buttocks. Other programs for the press and more

Many people dream of perfect abs, and also want to get rid of the layer of fat and see the elastic muscles underneath in the form of cubes. Who wants to do this fun, with pleasure and with an experienced American coach - then you should come to Janet Jenkins! The strength, success and benefits of her training are as follows:

  • just 20 minutes for the abs and waist;
  • no need for sports equipment - just a mat;
  • all exercises are simple and explained in accessible language;
  • energetic rhythm;
  • Jenny's positive energy energizing everyone.

Janet's success

She unique fitness trainer. At the moment, I owe my success only to myself. Since school, she has been interested in sports, which helped her in life. Fitness classes strengthened her character and predetermined her future life. The family was low-income and her mother had to raise three children alone.

Jena received a college degree in nutrition and sports medicine. This knowledge helped her in the future when creating her own programs. Working as a trainer, she succeeds in running her fitness blog, collaborating with The Huffington Post magazine and achieving 20 million daily visitors. Thanks to this, Janet becomes famous in “star circles.”

Merits of a Hollywood trainer

At the moment Jenny is the President of the Hollywood Coach Association. Many celebrities take training from her: American actress and singer Carmen Electra, singer Alicia Keys, actress and singer Queen Latifah and others. She recorded about 330 training videos.

Janet (sometimes called Janice) has lived in her home in the Hollywood Hills since 2010. So, helping the “Stars” improve their bodies, she herself became a “star trainer”. For 27 years now, Jenkins has been doing her favorite thing and her popularity is growing. On Instagram, where she already has about 500 thousand subscribers, her photos constantly appear, displaying all the main events of her life.

Hollywood Perfect Abs Trainer Program

Her fitness program "Hollywood Trainer" It is also a huge success because it has many excellent results and positive reviews. It consists of two parts: “Ideal Abs” and “Buttocks.” Each is 20 minutes. The main condition is regularity of classes.

The first part of “Ideal Abs” is not a set of crunches or light exercises “for the tail”, these are well-thought-out exercises with smooth transitions from one to another. During their execution, the deep and external abdominal muscles are worked in all directions. During exercise, the muscles of the lower back and the entire back are simultaneously tightened.

This set of classes is comparable to a time bomb: it seems that nothing is changing, but after two weeks the effect is obvious. Main , record the result every day(waist circumference, weight).

The second part, “Ideal Hips and Buttocks,” is aimed at strengthening the inner thighs and the riding breeches area. The exercises are performed first standing and then lying on the mat. But if someone wants to not only strengthen muscles in these areas, but also get rid of fat, then Janet recommends adding aerobic exercise and adjusting their diet. Then beautiful hips and buttocks are guaranteed to everyone who is not lazy and follows all of Janet’s recommendations. An unscrupulous attitude towards classes here (as in many other things) will not work.

Other programs for the press and more

Advanced programs for the press

There are also other programs for the press, more complex in level. One of them is called “For abs and stretching.” Class time is 40 minutes, of which the first 20 minutes are aimed at working the abs, and the second 20 minutes are aimed at stretching and gaining flexibility. The pace of the exercises is slow to protect the muscles during stretching exercises.

“Training for the abdomen with a fitball” also belongs to the more complex Janet Press programs. It is intended for those who perform fitball. The lesson is very intense, aerobic, lasts 60 minutes. The abs are worked out comprehensively with all muscle groups throughout the body. As a result, you quickly get pumped up abs with a reduced fat layer. This shaping will help shape any woman’s figure from the nine types.

Full body workout routines

In addition to programs for the abs and hips, Janet Jenkins has developed others - “Yoga and Pilates”, “Power Yoga”, “Yoga” and many others.

“Cardio kickboxing” is Janet’s favorite high-intensity discipline, as a result of which you can strengthen your muscles and lose weight.

“Die in an Hour” - which includes acceleration, cardio with jumping, and strength exercises with dumbbells.

“The Hollywood Trainer series is hosted by famous fitness instructor Janet Jenkins. We increase endurance and flexibility.
The workout begins with a 30-minute yoga session, continuously moving from one pose to another. These activities are designed to warm up, causing the muscles to warm up and become elastic, which will prevent possible injury.
The final part of this workout focuses on deep static stretching to increase the flexibility of your hips, upper and lower chest, shoulders and inner thighs.
This workout will improve muscle endurance and flexibility, and will also help you psychologically relax and relieve stress. Your mind and body deserve the joy of yoga!
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10.20.2012 Admin

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10.20.2012 Admin

Interval 45-minute cardio workout from the Hollywood Trainer series - combines elements of cardio and strength exercises that are performed with dumbbells. Great for working out your legs, arms and abs. The final third of the exercises are done on the mat. Quite an effective workout, especially if you are short on time.
Featuring her most popular 45-minute workout routines, Jeanette Jenkins' Los Angeles Health Club workout routine will shape your body from head to toe. In this workout, you will alternate strength and cardio exercises, strengthening and toning your muscles while burning a large number of calories. This workout is very effective because it addresses the four main components of fitness: muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance, all of which contribute to the correction of your figure (increasing lean body mass combined with in the body). This cardio-strength workout with carefully selected exercises for the muscles of the whole body, taking just a little time, is guaranteed to make you sweat, burn fat and get results.
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10.20.2012 Admin

A set of exercises from the “Hollywood Trainer” series “Elastic hips and buttocks”, designed for 20 minutes, will help you correct your lower body and gain. With the help of this program, developed by experts in the field, you can achieve impressive results. These are used by the best trainers and fitness instructors in Hollywood because they are extremely effective and provide quick results in these problem areas. With the help of the presented program, you can tighten your hips and buttocks, get rid of “breeches,” increase muscle tone, gain endurance and flexibility, and burn extra calories. Enjoy the lightness and slim figure.
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10.20.2012 Admin

“Perfect Press” – video fitness lessons from the “Hollywood Trainer” series. The special set of exercises presented in the video will help you tighten your abs in just 20 minutes a day! The complex targets: upper abdominal muscles, internal and external oblique muscles, abdominal tightening and posture-supporting transverse muscles, as well as back and lower back muscles. The “Ideal Press” complex will help you, which you have long dreamed of. And also complete the three main tasks set: endurance, as well as gaining a magnificent figure (due to increasing muscle mass).
"In a short time, your abs will become flawless! Model your abdominal muscles! Gain strength and endurance!
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10/19/2012 Admin

Kickboxing – video training based on kickboxing, which is part of a training course under the general title “”.
With these exercises you can quickly burn excess calories. Kickboxing elements of a special set of scientifically based exercises in combination with figure exercises will allow you to make the muscles of your arms, shoulders, legs and abdomen sculpted. Further, your endocrine system, due to a rapid heartbeat, will produce special hormones, endorphins, that improve your mood and keep you in good shape all day long. You will like the program: Jeanette Jenkins is so inspiring with energy that you will simply not be able to stop mid-workout. The presented set of Kickboxing exercises will help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system,

Summer is approaching, and the scales are showing disappointing numbers? Thoughts immediately appear in my head about eating healthy and giving up sweets this coming Monday. This, of course, will help you lose extra pounds, but training with Hollywood trainer Janet Jenkins can tighten the muscles of your buttocks and abdomen. “Perfect abs” is the name of a twenty-minute lesson that does not require sports equipment, and therefore it is accessible to everyone. The result after a month of training is minus 4 cm in the waist.

Energetic Janet

The black athlete was born into a poor family on the outskirts of Ottawa. She was one of three children raised by a single mother. Since childhood, she was attracted by outdoor games, and at school age the girl did not miss a single sporting event as a participant. For Janet, her passion for sports became a kind of cocoon that protected her from a poor existence. She felt superior in this hobby, and this increased her confidence.

After college, Jenkins completed three majors in nutrition and sports medicine. The girl began her coaching career and began blogging at the same time. Valuable recommendations led to a record twenty million views per day on her blog. The girl was talked about in celebrity circles. Today she is a Nike ambassador in the world, a personal trainer for such famous people as Pink, Alicia Keys, Kelly Rowland. Many programs were developed by Janet Jenkins: “Ideal Abs”, “Correction of the Buttocks”, “Bikini”, etc.

Flat tummy

Any physical activity when performed systematically can give positive results in favor of a beautiful body. Hollywood trainer Janet Jenkins has put together familiar and effective exercises into a single sports complex. “Perfect Abs” is a continuous twenty-minute exercise aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

The program from the star coach is loved by many girls from all over the world. Firstly, because of the simplicity of the complex, and secondly, for the result. Janet designed it in such a way that ultimately all the abdominal muscles are strengthened: external, internal, rectus, oblique and even the lower back muscles. The main block of the program is 17 minutes. It includes basic crunches, prone leg thrusts, abdominal exercises for the lower back, and isothermal exercises. After exhausting work, there is a three-minute stretch, which is undesirable to neglect, because thanks to it, the muscles relax and their strength increases.

Toned buttocks

Another problem area for girls that requires constant stress for their beauty is the buttocks. And here, too, a Hollywood fitness instructor helps make this part of the body ideal. In addition to the Janet Jenkins “Perfect Abs” complex mentioned above, the black athlete offers a similar program for the buttocks.

The 20-minute lesson is divided into 3 blocks. The first 10 minutes are performed standing: effective squats; abducting the legs to the sides, forward and backward while balancing on the second limb. The second part of the training takes place in the “on all fours” position. And the final stage is stretching.

To regularly work on problem areas, it is recommended to alternate Janet Jenkins’ “Ideal Abs” and “Correction of Hips and Buttocks” programs.

Before any undertaking, you need to set a specific goal. Same thing in fitness. After all, people begin to take care of themselves when they don’t like the reflection in the mirror. Therefore, when planning to work on Janet Jenkins’ “Ideal Abs” program, you should set the goal: “I want to lose 3 kg and achieve six-pack abs.”

Before starting classes, or rather before the first workout, you should take control measurements of your arms, hips, waist and weigh yourself. Then this procedure must be repeated twice a month with the systematic implementation of the fitness program. This is an excellent motivation when, after some time, the measurement numbers become less than the original ones.

No pity during training - this is the key to an ideal figure. In one interview, Janet Pink’s mentee admitted that she lost 20 kg in 4 months thanks to the strictness of her mentor. And this is not the only result of Janet Jenkins’ “Perfect Abs” program. Reviews with photos of girls who regularly performed the exercises of the star trainer are impressive, but more on that a little later.


It is no longer a secret to anyone that not only his health, but also his figure depends on what a person eats. Those trying to lose weight, in addition to physical activity, should reconsider their diet. Janet Jackson recommends creating a meal plan with a calorie content of 1500-2000 kcal:

  • Breakfast: 30 grams protein, 50 grams carbohydrates, 12 grams fat (450 kcal).
  • Lunch: similar to breakfast (450 kcal).
  • Dinner: 30 grams protein, 12 grams fat, 35 grams carbohydrates (350 kcal).
  • 3 snacks: 14 grams protein, 6 grams fat, 20 grams carbohydrates (150 kcal).

Throughout the day, you should also remember about water, which you should drink 2.5 liters. Janet recommends eating fiber in every meal (at least 5 grams). Thanks to it, the process of sugar absorption slows down. Also, do not forget about seafood containing essential fatty acids. If you can’t eat fish, then you need to purchase omega-3 supplements or walnut oil.

Janet Jenkins, “Perfect Presses”: reviews

What names were given by people who completed D. Jenkins’ training course: “Hard Sweats”, “Best Complex”, “Hell Workout”, “6 Pack”. And this is no coincidence, because Janet Jenkins’ effective fitness plan “Perfect Abs” has a rating of 4.9 out of 5.

People like the positive attitude of the trainer, the rhythm of the classes, the lack of special equipment and simple explanations when doing the exercises. Among those who left reviews, there were those who saw some shortcomings in the program. This is basically the absence of a warm-up and a complex of hands. But if the first remark is still relevant, then how can there be arm exercises in a class called “Ideal Abs”? This is already a pretentiousness to the fitness plan.

The conclusion is simple: for an ideal body, you need to forget about pain, self-pity, set a specific goal and start training hard, while not forgetting about adjusting your diet.

Reading time: 6 minutes

If you want to tighten up your body, then we suggest you do an effective workout for all problem areas: Hollywood Trainer - Ideal abs and correction of hips and buttocks.

Perfect abs and correction of hips and buttocks from Janet Jenkins

"Perfect Abs"

The training is led by positive and energetic trainer Janet Jenkins. Together with her exercises for the abdominal muscles, you will work rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques and transverse abdominis. Maximum results are guaranteed in minimal time.

The workout lasts only 20 minutes, during which you will continuously pump the press. All exercises are done from a lying position and most of them are familiar to anyone who has ever trained their abdominal muscles. During abdominal exercises, listen carefully to Janet Jenkins' recommendations to avoid damaging your back or lower back.

"Correction of hips and buttocks"

For the lower body, a hip and buttock correction program has been created with a Hollywood trainer. Janet Jenkins says this workout will get you toned. glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, inner and outer thighs. A series of the best exercises for the lower body will help you get rid of breeches and flabby legs.

The workout also lasts 20 minutes and is a series of exercises for the hips and buttocks. In the first half you train while standing, in the second half you train while lying down. The program contains the most effective exercises for the lower body, allowing you to seriously work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. You don't need dumbbells, expanders or other additional equipment for training.

Pros and cons of the program


1. With Janet Jenkins you will coach absolutely all muscles abdominals, buttocks and thighs on all sides.

2. The workout lasts only 20 minutes, during which you give serious stress to problem areas of your body.

3. For the program “Ideal abs and correction of hips and buttocks” no dumbbells or any additional equipment needed. You exercise exclusively with your own body weight.

4. Janet Jenkins is a very energetic and positive trainer. The classes are intense and interesting.

5. The program has been translated into Russian. The trainer comments on each exercise, so workouts are very easy to understand.

6. If you have long been looking for a program to create a flat stomach or slender legs, then the Hollywood trainer is perfect for you.


1. There is no warm-up as such in training. Before class, be sure to warm up your body by lightly running or jumping for 5-7 minutes.

2. The program does not include aerobic exercise. By doing it regularly you will probably strengthen your muscles, but Losing weight without cardio training is almost impossible.

3. The effectiveness of local weight loss has long been questioned. There are more and more arguments in favor of an integrated approach to training.

Doing only this program is not the most effective type of fitness. If you want to lose weight and burn excess fat, include aerobic exercise in your training plan. For example, it might look like this:

  • PN: Hollywood trainer – Perfect abs
  • VT: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • SR: Cardio workout
  • TH: Rest
  • PT: Hollywood Trainer – Perfect Abs
  • SB: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • VS: Cardio workout

Reading time: 13 minutes

Many people loved training with Janet Jenkins for 3 reasons: high efficiency, absolute accessibility and extraordinary positivity. Janet puts her soul into each of her video programs, making them as useful as possible for losing weight and creating a beautiful body.

As the founder and president of Hollywood Coach, Janet Jenkins has produced a variety of video programs to improve your figure. Most activities accessible even to beginners, and the trainer conducts the lesson so energetically that you won’t even notice how quickly the training goes by.

For convenience, we have divided all the video workouts of the famous trainer into the following groups: for the whole body, for the abs, for the hips, yoga and Pilates. Following the links you can go to a detailed description of the programs, their features and video examples.

For the whole body

1. Sexy Abs, Arms, Legs (Sexy belly, arms and legs)

With training by Janet Jenkins Sexy Abs, Arms, Legs You Tighten your belly, reduce arm fat and firm your legs and butt. The video program lasts 1 hour, during which time you will work the muscles of the whole body. Standard exercises are diluted with movements from yoga and ballet, and the aerobic pace is maintained by light dance movements. For classes you need dumbbells and a mat; the program is suitable for beginners.

2. Cardio Sculpt

Despite the name, Cardio Sculpt cannot be called a purely aerobic program. This is a workout with dumbbells for the muscles of the whole body, which takes place at a fairly high pace. Thanks to functional exercises, you will strengthen your muscles, and the energy of the activity will allow you to burn calories and fat. The lesson lasts 45 minutes, the final ten minutes will be spent on the mat, training your hips and abs. Cardio Sculpt more intensive than the previous program, but also suitable for beginners. You will need dumbbells and a mat.

3. Total Body Circuit (21-day full body workout)

21 Day Total Body Circuit- this is, one might say, a more advanced version of Cardio Sculpt. The program is divided into two 35-minute workouts, during which you work on individual muscle groups. Classes are held at a brisk pace, but practically no jumping or other serious cardio exercises. For training, you will again need a mat and dumbbells. The level of the program will be optimal for both beginners and more advanced ones. Moreover, those studying in Janet’s group show two versions of exercises: simple and complex.

4. Kickboxing Bootcamp (Kickboxing)

Elements from kickboxing have long been the basis of many fitness programs. And this is not surprising, because kicks and swings help greatly to increase your heart rate, which means make a fat-burning workout without running and jumping. In addition, kickboxing helps strengthen your leg muscles and improve stretching. Janet Jenkins workout Kickboxing Bootcamp is built on elements from this combat sport, with the addition of functional exercises for problem areas. The aerobic strength program lasts 50 minutes; again, you will need dumbbells and a mat.

5. Bikini BootCamp (Die in an Hour)

This is Janet Jenkins's most intense video workout, so it is best not taken on by a physically unprepared person. The Die in an Hour program consists of two parts. The first part is pure cardio with jumping and acceleration and lasts 30 minutes. The second part is based on strength exercises with dumbbells and lasts 45 minutes. You can do them one by one, or you can do two in a row at once, if you have enough strength for it.

For the press

1. Ab Blast (Perfect Abs)

If your problem area is the stomach, then you need to choose Janet Jenkins’ “Perfect Abs” workout. With this program you will work the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, transverse muscles, as well as the muscles of the spinal and lumbar regions. The lesson lasts only 20 minutes, so it can be combined with other Janet Jenkins programs for better effectiveness. You don't need dumbbells, just a gymnastics mat on the floor. The video program is available in Russian.

2. Core & Stretch It Out (For abs and stretching)

This video program consists of two workouts. First, Core Workout, very similar to the previous exercise for the press. It also lasts 20 minutes, all exercises are also performed on a mat and all abdominal muscles are also worked. Is it true, Core Workout is a little more difficult level, however, it is accessible to absolutely everyone. The second part of the program Stretch It Out, with regular exercise will help you achieve ideal stretching and flexibility. The workout is performed at a slow pace to gently and safely stretch the muscles.

3. Blast the Belly Fat by Janet Jenkins (Belly workout with exercise ball)

If you have a stability ball, be sure to try Janet Jenkins' Blast the Belly Fat workout. If you think that this is one of those tedious programs where you will lie on a fitball and continuously pump up your abs, then you are mistaken. This one-hour intensive lesson, where you will work on your abdominal muscles at a high aerobic pace, practically without lying on the mat. In this program, Janet uses an integrated approach to working on the abs: this includes strengthening the muscle corset and burning abdominal fat.

For hips

1. Butt & Thigh Blast (Correction of hips and buttocks)

This workout by Janet Jenkins is often done in conjunction with Ab Blast for the abs, because the stomach, thighs and buttocks are the main problem areas for many girls. Butt & Thigh Blast also lasts 20 minutes, during which you will perform exercises to shape beautiful thighs and buttocks. You will work not only on your quadriceps, but also on such "stubborn" zones, like the back, outer and inner thighs. The program doesn't even require dumbbells, just a mat. Suitable for beginners too eThere is a Russian voice acting.

Yoga and Pilates

1. Pilates

A set of Pilates exercises will help you improve your posture and coordination, increase joint flexibility and mobility, and strengthen the muscles of the abs, back and legs. A Pilates workout with Janet Jenkins takes place at a slow, measured pace with full concentration on the exercises. The class lasts 45 minutes, and you will do most of the exercises while lying on the mat. The trainer does not offer any super complex exercises, so the program is also suitable for beginners.

2. Yoga

Janet Jenkins is a versatile trainer, so in addition she can teach you the basics of yoga. In order to participate in this program, It is not necessary to have any experience in yoga, Janet shows the exercises at a very accessible level. The class lasts 50 minutes, and during this time you will not only improve your flexibility, but also improve muscle strength. Yoga can also help you relieve stress and calm your mind.

3. Power Yoga

After 7 years, Janet modified her yoga program and released a video with Power Yoga. It offers a wider variety of asanas that you can perform Some physical training will be required. And the difficulty of the training is higher. Power Yoga lasts 1 hour 25 minutes, but if you wish, you can split the program into 2 parts. It will not be easy for beginners to cope with the program; it is better to start practicing with the first version of yoga.