Jason Statham: training, nutrition and parameters. Jason Statham training program

Date: 2010-10-18

He is one of the latest acquisitions of American filmmakers, however, he has already managed to climb into the acting elite of Hollywood. He was on the British diving team for twelve years. In 1992, he took 12th place in international competitions in this sport. Who are we talking about? Well, of course, you all recognized him. This is our polished Cockney*, Jason Statham.

Statham is known for such Guy Ritchie films as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, in which he starred with Brad Pitt. Later in the film “The Italian Job”, he played the role of driver Nice Rob. All these roles brought him worldwide fame and subsequently logically led to “The Transporter” - a film in which he also played a cool driver, as well as to the film “Death Race” - the title speaks for itself.

Finding himself at the height of fame, Statham was forced to reconsider his views on fitness, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. In an interview with a men's magazine, he admitted: "I never counted these damn calories. An apple? An apple is good. Bananas? The more the merrier!"

And although he trained amateurly in MMA to maintain physical shape for his roles, he realized that this was no longer enough.

His new training regimen was very intense - 6 training days a week for 35 minutes. While preparing for the film Crank 2, he managed to lose 20 pounds of fat in just 6 weeks. To achieve such a result, he truly needed strong motivation and enormous capacity for work.


When I asked him to describe his training, Statham launched into a tirade in his stupid Cockney, interspersed with the word "facking," which made me realize that his training was actually quite tough.

Like any good athlete, Statham follows discipline and a sports regime, the rules of which are extremely simple:

    • Never repeat the same workout exactly. Although it is almost impossible to do this without repeating the exercises, still each workout should be somewhat different from the previous one.
    • Writing everything down is essential to tracking your training progress. Thus, good planning is vital to success in bodybuilding by recording each set and each repetition, as well as the time it takes to complete them.

His workouts themselves are relatively simple, consisting of a 10-minute warm-up on a rowing machine, followed by moderate-intensity work on exercises such as:

    • Heavy compound movements - front squats, deadlifts and power cleans for five reps.
    • Circuit training with light weights and a variety of exercises.
    • Farm walks with weights, dumbbells, sandbags, etc.
    • Kettlebell training
    • A variety of explosive exercises with a medicine ball.

In this part of the workout, Statham also performs static exercises. Static exercises are holding a projectile in a stationary position for a certain time. For example, having completed a squat halfway, the athlete stays in this position and holds the projectile, maintaining static tension in the muscles. The static method can be applied to any exercise.

From the static method came what is now called interval training. Interval training involves short bursts of explosive movements followed by active rest periods. For example, while “riding” an exercise bike, you perform a short 60-second sprint followed by a 2-minute active rest phase, or the so-called “slow cycle”, which allows you to restore your breathing.

From the exercises that will be shown below, Stathem puts together a set of six movements for the upcoming workout. He determines the rep range of each exercise and then performs all the exercises in the circuit. In total, he does 5 cycles per workout. The time it takes to complete a full cycle determines the intensity level. The resulting time is used as a starting point for further increasing intensity.


Front lifts

The positive phase uses an explosive nature, and the slow, controlled descent of the projectile in the negative phase.

Number of repetitions – 20.

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart. Sit down, take a lying position; Pull your knees back towards your chest, and straightening your legs, jump up as high as possible.

Number of repetitions – 20.

This wonderful exercise has gained popularity thanks to “strongman” competitions. Holding heavy objects in your lowered hands (weights, dumbbells), walk from one end of the hall to the other and repeat.

Number of penetrations – 3.

Statham performs this exercise in a dino style, where an explosive pull-up is followed by a swing to a higher bar. Unless you're a former elite athlete like Jason, regular chin-ups will suffice.

Number of repetitions – 8.

"Bear Run"

This exercise is used in the US Armed Forces. Try running in this style from one end of the hall to the other and back.

Number of runs – 3.

Close-grip overhead row

Works the lower part of the latissimus dorsi muscles. Take a seat in the exercise machine, or kneel in front of the upper block. Grip – about 8-10 cm between the palms. Starting position – arms above your head. Pull the handle toward your upper chest. Slowly return to the starting position. Do not use momentum or lean your body backwards.

Number of repetitions – 5.

Take the barbell to your chest and squat down until it is parallel to the floor. Get back to the starting position.

The number of repetitions is 20. Statham performs this exercise with a weight of 1.25 times his body weight.

Starting position – hanging on the crossbar. Pull your knees bent towards your chest, then slowly return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions – 10-20 times.

Holding dumbbells with your arms down (can be done with kettlebells), step onto the bench with both feet and then return to the starting position. Switch legs with each repetition.

Number of repetitions – 20.

A variation of traditional rows while sitting on a cable machine. To perform this exercise, take a seat in the machine, place your feet firmly on the supports and bend your knees slightly. Grab the handle of the machine with one hand and pull the cable towards your belt. Keep your back straight.

Number of repetitions – 5

Compound movements

Compound exercises include bench presses, back squats and deadlifts. Typically performed at 75 percent of the 1RM.


Of course, there is no good training without proper nutrition. And our “adrenaline star” in this regard is no different from a mere mortal. However, he doesn't indulge in any exotic "celebrity diets", but sticks to the simple basics of healthy eating, no nonsense.

Statham abstains from any foods with a high glycemic index - sweets, honey, etc. Also has a complete taboo on flour. This means that bread and pasta remain out. That's right, because he's shaved, not Italian.

Also, Statham’s diet does not contain fruit juices containing large amounts of fructose, and some juices also contain sugar. But the most important thing is that Jason completely threw the concept of “swinging a hundred grams” out of his head. And for a Brit it must be very hard, perhaps even harder than for our local Irish. Fact!

Every evening, Statham prepares himself a dessert - a fruit cocktail with regular yogurt. So, guys, if any of you suffer from an irresistible sweet craving, then you can satisfy it with this simple recipe.

Jason believes the best way to stay in shape is to write down everything that goes through your mouth. He carries a notebook with him everywhere and writes down everything he eats. I mean EVERYTHING, right down to the sip of water. And Statham drinks up to 1-1/2 liters of water daily.

He firmly believes in his diet of “no more than 2,000 calories a day.” He divides these 2,000 calories into 6 small meals, which he eats evenly throughout the day. After training, she supplements her diet with protein shakes.


So now you have Jason Statham's complete fitness guide. Try it out for yourself and see if you can get the "Adrenaline" for your workout and "Transfer" your fat to the dustbin of history.

* Cockney– a native of the east part of London (East End). Used in a mocking and dismissive tone. Also a vernacular dialect spoken by the inhabitants of this area.

“Fat, huh?”- Smiling widely, Statham shows me photographs of the man. Classic “before” shots: front view, back view. The guy really got fat. Lately, he had clearly been eating non-plant foods. Although the muscles are present, they are not too pronounced. Nothing special. And yet I look at the photographs, my mouth open in surprise: the man in them is Jason himself, but just recently. It's hard to believe.

Statham's excess weight hit him the same way it does most of us: a couple of extra pints of beer and a couple of extra fries for a couple of extra months... In short, calories. What you will miss after a strenuous workout, and what you will blame for the formation of a fat belt on your sides. “I always didn’t give a damn about calories., says Statham. - Apple? Normal for me. Give me five. Bananas? I'll eat the bunch".

That's right, because Jason led an active lifestyle, starring in various films. Take “War” (2007), for example, in the action scenes of this film he first met a worthy opponent - Jet Li. But immediately after the end of filming, the kilograms themselves crawled onto the torso and hung there as a sad reminder of hearty meals.

Statham pushes aside the unpresentable photos on the coffee table in his room and shows me a picture from real life - he lifts his T-shirt. Not a person, but a chopped block: ribbed abs, sinewy chest, veins all over his arms. “I had 8 extra pounds and lost them in 6 weeks, mate, he says, plopping back down on the couch. - Classes 6 days a week, 35 minutes a day maximum. I haven’t had even close results like this before.”. A very serious statement for a man who was part of the British Olympic swimming team and considers fighting without rules (in the spirit of the UFC) as his hobby.

Do you want to know the secret? Then get ready to sweat. Prepare for pain. Also, be prepared to eat just enough so as not to die of hunger. And by the way, before you read the story about training in the style of Statham, know that during our conversations he called it nausea, horror, murder, nightmare, porn and manna from heaven, providing each of these definitions with the epithet “fucking.” Doesn't it scare you? Then go ahead!


Every day except Sunday (rest day), Statham was trained by Logan Hood, a former Navy SEAL and head of Epoch Training. Saturday was a one-hour marathon in the Hollywood Hills, and the remaining five days of training were held at the premises of 87Eleven, a stunt training company for the film industry, which is located in a former warehouse near the Los Angeles airport. There are trampolines, ropes, heavy bags, barbells, weights, mats and a complex set of horizontal bars. “Very practical,” says Statham. “No mechanics, no fucking treadmills.”

The program developed by Hood has only two rules:

1. Never repeat yourself
“In all six fucking weeks I haven’t had two identical days, says Statham. - Every day is a new set of exercises". Obviously, the set of possible exercises is still finite, but for each day the trainer chooses a new combination. So the complex that you will do on Friday, January 23rd will never happen again. The program is constantly changing and therefore never gets boring.

2. Always time yourself
"Everything we did, we did for a while, Statham moralizes. - This way you will always know how good you are and whether you have relaxed too much.”.

Each Statham training consisted of three stages:


Statham used a rowing machine, but any other cardio machine will do. 10 minutes is enough. This is the easy part.

Moderate intensity exercise

Starting load on the body muscles, preparation for the third stage. There are many options for what this could look like. Today, for example, you can do three repetitions of each type of push-up (hands shoulder-width apart, hands wider than shoulder-width apart, hands narrower than shoulders, with a clap, right hand on the step, left hand on the step, legs above your head, etc.). Tomorrow - you will work with a pound weight: chest clean plus squat press - 15 repetitions for each arm; swings (swings in which the weight starts moving between your legs and ends at the level of your head; arm straight) - 15 repetitions for each arm; Kettlebell overhead presses - 15 repetitions with both hands. Statham also likes:
- pyramids of push-ups or pull-ups (from one repetition to 10 and back, 19 approaches in total);
- heavy multi-joint exercises (front squats, deadlifts or barbell lifts from knee level - 5 repetitions of each exercise);
- short circles of 2-3 relatively light exercises (dumbbell presses, lunges, pull-ups) with light weight (12-15 repetitions);
- “farmer’s walks” with bags (carrying bags on the shoulders, on one shoulder or with outstretched arms above the head);
- throw a heavy medicine ball (against a wall, with a pass to a partner, etc.).

Circuit training

This is the final and most brutal stage of the program, “which invariably breaks the roof of everyone without exception,” states Statham. - You don't have enough air. It feels like my heart is about to explode.” Interesting metaphor. Especially considering that Jason used the same set of exercises to prepare for the film “Adrenaline 2” (in theaters on April 17, 2009), in which he plays a guy with an artificial heart powered by body energy.


Despite the hellish training, Statham considers a competent approach to diet to be the main reason for his rapid weight loss. But he is by no means starving: he consumes 2000 kcal every day. For Jason, the diet consists of certain rules and inhuman restrictions, which he applies with religious zeal (with the possible exception of a beer party every few weeks).

1. No pure sugar or flour products.
Bread and pasta are illegal, as are any sweets. No fruit juices. Not a gram of alcohol. “This is the hardest thing for me”, - Statham squeezes out a stingy male tear. Dessert every evening: plain yogurt and fresh fruit.

2. Everything you eat is written down on paper.
"This is my bible", - Statham shows a black hardcover magazine. He writes down absolutely everything, including the amount of water he drinks (he tries to drink about 5.5 liters to get rid of the feeling of emptiness in his stomach). And he adds: “By putting everything down on paper, you insure yourself against the possibility of screwing up the work you’ve done.”.

3. Spread out your calories.
Jason eats six small meals a day. The food is the most common: egg whites, vegetables, lean meat, fish, nuts and protein shakes. But the 2000 kcal limit is the holy of holies, more is a no-no.

Also, between these main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner, all this until 19.00) Jason Statham allows himself snacks in the form of nuts and chocolate. Jason Statham was born into a family of a singer and a dancer. Blog about Hollywood action actor Jason Statham.

This building contains ropes, trampolines, barbells, mats, heavy bags, weights and a complex set of horizontal bars. Jason used a rowing machine to warm up, but any other cardio machine will do. Jason believes the best way to stay in shape is to write down everything that goes through your mouth. He carries a notebook with him everywhere and writes down everything he eats.

Jason Statham workouts

English actor Jason Statham, who gained popularity thanks to Guy Ritchie's film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, where he played one of the main characters. Jason was born on September 12, 1967 in the small town of Shirebrook. Jason uses 32kg kettlebells in his workout. For this exercise, the athlete will need strong forearms.

This is not the entire list of exercises that Statham and his coach use. Jason Statham was born on July 26, 1967 in Shirebrook, Derbyshire. So Jason starred in a jeans advertisement, became the advertising face of the brand, and that’s where his modeling career began. He invited Jason to audition and, as a sketch, offered to portray a street vendor and convince him to buy a set of fake gold jewelry.

And that was me, because they don't teach you these things in drama school." The film that made Jason a star was The Transporter. As promised today, we are discussing Jason Statham’s training and, most importantly, his diet, which is what this issue will be dedicated to.

Therefore, at this stage I am finishing the issue about Jason Statham, I hope you found something new for yourself, something interesting, possibly useful, until we meet again. Not at all. Actor Jason Statham proved by his own example that this is a real action movie: cruel, intense, but with a good ending. And yet I look at the photographs, my mouth open in surprise: the man in them is Jason himself, but just recently.

Jason Statham. Secrets of being slim

That's right, because Jason led an active lifestyle, starring in various films. But Jason has been involved in sports professionally all his life. But this attachment is very instructive! Jason put on the extra pounds like other people - a couple of extra beers and a couple of extra potatoes over the course of a couple of extra months.

While the filming of any film was underway, Jason was always in shape, but after the end of filming, the kilograms again crawled onto his torso, and hung there as a reminder of hearty meals.

Very practical,” says Statham. So the complex that you will do on Friday, August 16th will never happen again. Circuit training This is the final and most difficult stage of the program, “which invariably breaks the roof of everyone without exception,” says Statham.

In the late 90s, an advertising agent who worked exclusively with athletes invited Statham to participate in an advertising campaign for Tommy Hilfiger. The muscles of the body are loaded first in preparation for the third stage. There are many variations of this workout.

Circuit training.

Take a barbell in your hands (you can replace it with 2 dumbbells) and climb onto the bench. Every evening, Statham prepares himself a dessert - a fruit cocktail with regular yogurt. He starred in such famous films as “Dot the i’s”, “Star Trek: Into Darkness”, “Bronson”, “Inception”, “Warrior”, “This Means War”, “The Dark Knight Rises”.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's program is an example of split training. That is, the division of the body into two parts - upper and lower. Then we will divide the muscles into three main groups and perform exercises on one of these muscles during each session.

Moderate intensity workout.

The actor is an example and idol for fans of bodybuilding and fitness. Thus, Jillian Michaels became an American expert in the world of fitness and presented her modern method, combining cardio and strength exercises.

He almost always trains on the principle of circuit training, using supersets, that is, in one session the athlete works all muscle groups, with the shortest possible rest period.

That is, for all 6 days, he performs various exercises, never repeating himself. His one day of training never coincides with another day. Every day, the actor uses a new set of exercises.

You should use a medicine ball for this exercise. In this exercise, the back muscles perform a static load. You should hang on the horizontal bar, bend your knees and pull them up to chest level. You need to freeze in this position for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower your legs to the starting position. We already talked about how to pump up your forearms in the previous article. Many actors use it before preparing to shoot a new film.

Jason Statham's workouts are very hard, effective and require a lot of dedication. The next exercise included in Jason's circuit training is called the “rope climb.” Statham trains 6 times a week, leaving 1 day for rest. The main principle of Jason's training is to never repeat himself. His figure always looks very impressive and all this is thanks to intense training. Jason uses a ball weighing 9 kilograms.

Jason Statham had to sweat a lot (if not endure real training hell) before achieving relief muscles. But the actor did achieve results.

In an interview with a men's magazine, he admitted:

“I never counted these damn calories. Apple? Apple is good. Bananas? The bigger, the better!"

And although in order to maintain physical shape for his roles, he trained amateurly in MMA, the actor understood that this was no longer enough.

His new training regimen was very intense - 6 training days a week for 35 minutes. While preparing for the film Adrenaline 2, he managed to lose almost 10 kg of fat in just 6 weeks. To achieve such a result, the star truly needed strong motivation and enormous capacity for work.


Like any good athlete, Statham follows discipline and a sports regime, the rules of which are extremely simple:

1) Never repeat the same workout exactly. Although it is almost impossible to do this without repeating the exercises, still each workout should be somewhat different from the previous one.

2) Write everything down - this is necessary to track your training progress. Thus, good planning is vital to success in bodybuilding by recording each set and each repetition, as well as the time it takes to complete them.

Source: bestscreenwallpaper.com

His workouts themselves are relatively simple, consisting of a 10-minute warm-up on a rowing machine, followed by moderate-intensity work on exercises such as:

  1. Heavy compound movements - front squats, deadlifts and power cleans for five maximum reps.
  2. Circuit training with light weights and a variety of exercises.
  3. Farm walks with weights, dumbbells, sandbags, etc.
  4. Kettlebell training.
  5. A variety of explosive exercises with a medicine ball.

In this part of the workout, Statham also performs static exercises. Static exercises are holding a projectile in a stationary position for a certain time. For example, having completed a squat halfway, the athlete stays in this position and holds the projectile, maintaining static tension in the muscles. The static method can be applied to any exercise.

From the static method came what is now called interval training. Interval training involves short bursts of explosive movements followed by active rest periods. For example, while “riding” an exercise bike, you perform a short 60-second sprint followed by a 2-minute active rest phase, or the so-called “slow cycle”, which allows you to restore your breathing.

Source: slate.com

From the exercises that will be described below, Statham puts together a set of six movements for the upcoming workout. He determines the rep range of each exercise and then performs all the exercises in the circuit. In total, he does 5 cycles per workout. The time it takes to complete a full cycle determines the intensity level. The resulting time is used as a starting point for further increasing intensity.


1. Front lifts

The positive phase uses an explosive nature, and the slow, controlled descent of the projectile in the negative phase.

Number of repetitions - 20.

2. Jumping push-ups

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. Sit down, take a lying position; pull your knees back to your chest, and straightening your legs, jump up as high as possible.

Number of repetitions - 20.

3. Farm walks

This wonderful exercise gained popularity thanks to “strongman” competitions. Holding heavy objects in your lowered hands (weights, dumbbells), walk from one end of the hall to the other, and repeat.

Number of penetrations - 3.

4. Pull-ups on the bar

English actor Jason Statham, who gained popularity thanks to Guy Ritchie's film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, where he played one of the main characters. Jason was born on September 12, 1967 in the small town of Shirebrook.

I think everyone can search the Internet for more detailed information about the actor’s life, but we will look at Jason’s training to prepare for various films, and also take a little look at his daily diet.

A bit of Jason's training theory

Jason Statham stars in films that require a lot of physical fitness, for example: “The Expendables”, “Transporter” and so on. At the same time, he performs almost all the stunts on his own, which makes filming twice as difficult. Based on this, Jason constantly trains and maintains himself in adequate physical shape.

Jason Statham's workouts are very hard, effective and require a lot of dedication. He almost always trains according to the principle, using, that is, in one session the athlete works out all muscle groups, with the shortest possible rest period. Between exercises, rest is minimal and amounts to 10-20 seconds. In one lap, the athlete usually performs 6 exercises. There can be from 3-5 such circles (cycles), and the duration of the break between the cycles themselves is 4 minutes.

Statham trains 6 times a week, leaving 1 day for rest. The main principle of Jason's training is to never repeat himself. That is, for all 6 days, he performs various exercises, never repeating himself. His one day of training never coincides with another day. Every day, the actor uses a new set of exercises. Of course, the number of exercises is not unlimited, but you can swap them, balance them, and so on. The big advantage of such a program is that it is not monotonous and therefore the training does not get boring and does not carry any psychological fatigue.

Exercises and the workout itself

  1. The first exercise is called " Kicks with the ball" You should use a medicine ball for this exercise. The weight of the rubberized ball must be selected individually. Jason uses a ball weighing 9 kilograms. Strikes should be performed as follows. Take a medicine ball, raise it above your head with both hands and hit the ball as hard as you can on the floor. Number of repetitions: 20 times. This device is often used in the training of MMA fighters and boxers in order to learn how to hit. Yes, yes, many athletes, especially beginners, do not know how to hit correctly. Instead of hitting, they push the bag. Exercises with this ball are one of the ways to combat this phenomenon.
  2. The next exercise that is included in Jason’s circuit training is called “ rope climb" You should climb the rope without using your legs. The length of the rope is 8 meters. Number of repetitions: 4 times.
  3. The well-known exercise "". Number of repetitions: 20 repetitions.
  4. . It is very effective not only because it works the leg muscles well, but also because it almost eliminates the work of the spine, reducing the load on it. In this exercise, the back muscles perform a static load. Number of repetitions: 20 times.
  5. You should hang on the horizontal bar, bend your knees and pull them up to chest level. You need to freeze in this position for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower your legs to the starting position. This exercise is called the “bent knee raise on the horizontal bar.” Number of repetitions: 20 times.
  6. The next exercise is called "". We recently looked at this exercise in detail. Jason uses 32kg kettlebells in his workout. For this exercise, the athlete will need strong forearms. We already talked about this in the previous article.

This is not the entire list of exercises that Statham and his coach use. As mentioned above, each workout is unique, which is why there are a lot of exercises.

Jason Statham's diet

When it comes to diet, Jason has a few basic rules:

  1. Consume no more than 2000 calories per day
  2. Eat small meals 6 times a day, every 2-3 hours
  3. Track your food intake in a special food diary
  4. Complete abstinence from alcohol
  5. Completely eliminating junk food from your diet, as well as pasta and flour products. , in a word.

A typical diet that is found in any professional athlete.

  1. Tracking your meals in a diary is a very smart solution. His diet is a typical Hollywood diet. Many actors use it before preparing to shoot a new film.
  2. Too radical a refusal of flour and sweets. In fact, complete abstinence is not as important as simple moderation in consumption.


Jason Statham's training is quite impressive. In my opinion, a simple guy who wants to look like an actor doesn't need such an intense workload, because I don't think anyone will have to jump on rooftops and do crazy stunts.