Dzhabrail Dzhabrailov: I was in the same prison with Radiev. Professional boxing Dzhabrail Dzhabrailov who is by nationality

More recently, Dzhabrail Dzhabrailov was considered one of the most famous Russian boxers abroad. He held the title of intercontinental world champion in the weight category up to 79.4 kg according to the most prestigious boxing organization WBC, from which, as practice shows, the path to a “full” champion title is very short. At the end of 2001, the popular athlete was detained for illegal possession and carrying of weapons (in boxing circles, by the way, they are still confident of his innocence) and ended up in prison for a year. Last weekend he returned to the ring, knocking out Ruslan Akhmudzonov in a fight that took place at the Udar club. Moreover, as JABRAIL JABRAILOV, who lost one category of weight, told Kommersant correspondent ALEXEY DOSPEKHOV, he returned to win the title again.
— Are you satisfied with your form? It seems that for a boxer who hasn’t trained properly for a year, you looked quite good...
“I was well prepared psychologically. What about the form? 40-50% of the optimal, I think. I picked one that I had time for. I only trained for one and a half to two months. This, of course, is not the six months of preparation required before an important fight. But basically I'm happy.
— What do you need now to return to your previous level, to train more?
- Not even more than that - to train systematically. Maintain tone, take care of your health, don’t get sick. Everything will be fine then.
— Interesting, did you realize that many probably did not believe in you? Still, such a huge break in performances...
- Yes, more than a year... I understand that many people thought: I would never be a good boxer again. But that’s what spurred me on. I wanted to show, for example, young people that you can get out of the most difficult situation. It's a question of principle, perhaps.
— Before this fight, wasn’t there any natural fear or thoughts: I’m not the same as before, I might not succeed?
- Not really. I have experience - I know what needs to be done, I can imagine what my opponent is capable of. By the way, I already had a big break in my career once. For other reasons, however... Nothing, I survived.
— Today, you probably prefer not to remember the story that happened a little over a year ago?
“You may not believe it, but I treat it as an ordinary life situation.” It could be worse. I was probably destined from above to go through this. Thank God, he is alive and well.
— What happened there, according to your version? Framed?
“I’ll tell you straight away that I don’t admit my guilt.” Apparently, there really was a setup. Who needed it? There are probably people, but I would not like to talk about this topic. It's not for me to judge them. In due time they will definitely answer for their actions.
— While in prison, were you able to keep in shape?
— Actually, the Solikamsk colony is quite strict. But the local administration treats athletes well, and they accommodated me. They gave great benefits in this regard. Not right away, of course, but after a couple of months, when they saw that I was behaving normally and not getting involved with crime. In general, one might say, I remained an athlete in prison. I didn’t bother anyone - and no one bothered me.
— I heard that at the settlement you taught one boy boxing, so much so that now he shows great promise...
- Yes it was. This boy, quite by accident, turned out to be the son of the deputy head of the colony and was into boxing. And they just allowed me to train children, they gave me a group. And I reoriented him from amateur to professional boxing, taught him what my coach taught me. As a result, the guy achieved success and won the championship of the Perm region. Now we call him and keep in touch.
- And yet, don’t you really have a desire to take revenge on those whom you consider to be to blame for your misfortune, to restore justice?
- Absolutely none.
— You returned to boxing. Do you set yourself a specific goal - well, let’s say, take a certain position in the ranking, win a title?
- I am a sportsman. And I came back mainly because I just love boxing. And then, boxing is my career, how I make money. I’m almost sure that when I stop getting into the ring, I’ll still remain in boxing. I don’t know who yet—a coach, a manager, a promoter, maybe.
- But you didn’t answer the question. Do you still have dreams related to the career of an active athlete?
“Honestly, I dream of having the title again. If only to prove to myself: I am a strong person.
— Isn’t it scary that you have to start everything, essentially, from scratch? And there are still many fights before the title...
- No. Thanks to my promoters from the Yuka company, I am well known in the boxing world, which means I don’t have to start completely from scratch. It was much more difficult at the start of my professional career, when no one knew me. Now popularity works for me.
— How would you characterize your strengths?
— Strong? It seems to me that the main thing is that I am not one of those who breaks under the pressure of circumstances, but one of those who is ready for challenges. I have already passed the most difficult of them, perhaps...
— By the way, there are legends about your calmness. They say you once almost overslept an important fight, relaxing in the locker room...
— About the fact that I sleep before a fight, it’s true. Coach Oleg Chekhov taught me to relax psychologically.
— Do you have an ideal boxer?
— There is no one specific boxer whom I would consider ideal. Among the early fighters, I like Rocky Marciano, and among the later ones, Mike Tyson and Arturo Gatti. These are the people who made boxing boxing.
— It’s very strange to me that you didn’t name Roy Jones. But you competed in the same weight category with him...
— Roy Jones, I won’t argue, he’s incredibly gifted and works wonders in the ring. And he defeats his opponents precisely because he is head and shoulders above them in skill. That's why I didn't name him. I am more impressed by fighters who not only win, but win by turning the fight around. The same Gatti may fall several times, but he will rise and win.
— Have you ever had a fight in your career that you were ashamed of, in which you didn’t fight?
- You know, no. There were unsuccessful fights in which I made mistakes, due to something, poor health, for example, I didn’t do enough. But they are also beneficial. Any fight, including an unsuccessful one, is a lesson. If you don't make mistakes, you will never become wiser.
— Since you mentioned Mike Tyson. Do you think he deserves a rematch with Lennox Lewis, whom some of the boxing public is so vehemently opposed to?
- In any case, he definitely does not deserve the negative statements that have often been heard about him lately. In his best years, he did what no one else could do. And how many years has he stayed at the top! Even if he loses, he remains a real fighter, like Mohammed Ali, like Gatti. No, Tyson is one of the greats.
— Who would you like to meet in the ring?
— With one of the most popular boxers, number one in the rankings, of course.
— It is believed that talent alone is not enough in professional boxing to achieve such a match...
- Of course, not enough. We need strong financial support for the training process to be normal. Yes, the same vitamins and restorative preparations of good quality, the services of a massage therapist cost a lot of money! But nothing is impossible.

A little over a year ago, the entire sports world was shocked by the news: the famous professional boxer Dzhabrail DZHABRAILOV was detained with a pistol in his hands. There were rumors about his criminal connections. Then there was a trial. And the sentence is three years in prison. And just a month ago, Dzhabrail again entered the Moscow ring. He told our correspondent about his misadventures.

What really happened in the sensational story with the pistol?

Nothing unusual. This is often practiced here. They couldn’t slip me drugs because they knew that I was an athlete and didn’t use them. They found another way - they planted weapons. A gun I've never seen before. - Where was it?- On the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. In winter, just before the New Year, 2002. My friends invited me there for a business meeting. They told me the time and place. And there everything was already organized, they were waiting.

In professional boxing, intrigues are woven not only in the ring, but also outside it. Maybe you had enemies? - I don’t know whose particular interest it was. Of course, different thoughts arose. Yes, to be honest, I don’t want to think about it now. I no longer have contact with the old circle of people; I have completely moved away from those whom I knew before this story. I now have other friends, a new circle of friends. - We must admit that people do not come to professional boxing from the conservatory. Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, many others went to prison. Our Oleg Karataev, a very talented boxer, was shot dead in New York. What is this - the fate of a true professional fighter? - No, I don’t see the connection here. Just a tragic coincidence. It's not just boxers who go to prison. They're just in plain sight. There is more noise around them. Specifics again: heavy blows, knockouts, blood. And so, we all walk under God.

One guy had to be hit - he deserved it

You were given three years for storing and carrying weapons. But they were released after a year and one month. Apparently, your sports achievements were taken into account?

Merits are not taken into account there. I’m just not a criminal, I’ve never had anything to do with crime. When you go to prison, this is important. You have a completely different reputation. The administration was able to see that I was a random person there.

- Where did you serve your sentence?

In Solikamsk, in the "White Swan". - But this is a prison for life sentences?

- "White Swan" is a transit prison. There are buildings for “lifers”, a zone, and a settlement. I was lucky: my relatives took care of me, and after three months in a transit prison they left me in a settlement in the city, and did not send me somewhere to the taiga. - In conclusion, there are rules and laws. Didn't you have to assert yourself with your fists?- Especially not. Although everyone there is on nerves. Once I had to hit a guy for insulting him. And so everything was decided with words. - Did they know who you were?- They didn’t know right away. Then, when the administration looked at the case, they called, introduced themselves, and asked questions. - And the so-called observers, the authorities, how did they treat you?- If a person does not understand something, they must explain the rules adopted there. You can ask yourself if you don’t know something. This is fine. But I had normal relationships with serious people, with “statutory” people. They asked me to talk about boxing, I even gave them autographs. And when he left for the settlement, he signed it for the entire barracks. While I lived in the city, I went to check in twice a day, morning and evening. Lived with his wife Elena. She came from the very first day I was brought there. And she was very supportive. All the paperwork when they applied for my early release fell on her shoulders. - Did you train at the settlement?- I started training when I was still living in a barracks. There was a room where I hung homemade bags. There were two rods made from tractor wheels. And in the city I began to go to training at the sports complex DK "Bumazhnik", to a real boxing gym. I studied on my own. And in his free time he trained local boys. One of them, 15-year-old Ilya (I don’t remember his last name), became the champion of the Perm region. - Already a month and a half after your release, you successfully held a rating fight in the ring. Has the year without competition had a significant impact on your fitness?

Certainly. I didn't have any sparring there. I only worked with pears. Today we are only 50 percent ready. To reach a good level, you need to work hard and have 4-5 more rating battles. - Are you going to return the Intercontinental Champion title?- There is such a desire. But now in a lighter category - welterweight.


* As a child, he practiced judo wrestling and later switched to boxing. * Retired from amateur boxing in 1995. * Three-time Russian champion among professionals (1996, 2000, 2001). * In April 2001, he won the title “Intercontinental Champion” in the light heavyweight category according to the World Boxing Council (WBC). * Married for the second time. From his first marriage he has a son, Tahir.

The recording shows a man's body falling from a stopped car to the ground. Then his companion, who is in the passenger seat, leaves the scene.

Video of the moment of the murder of Dzhabrail Dzhabrailov

The victim, a 29-year-old native of the North Caucasus region, is a two-time world champion in kickboxing.

The murder occurred on the evening of November 6, 2016, in an area near residential building N8, building 2 on Miklouho-Maklaya Street in Moscow, where a large shopping center is located. The victim's body was discovered by local residents. During a visual examination of the corpse, the police noted, “signs of violent death were found in the form of a gunshot wound in the chest area.”

The search for the criminal began immediately. And the employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation managed to “establish the identity of the suspect in the shortest possible time.”

By the time the alleged shooter was identified, he had already purchased a plane ticket to Baku (Azerbaijan). Moreover, the airliner was already on the runway and preparing to take off, but while taxiing, the crew received a signal to stop the plane. As a result, the suspect was removed from the flight and detained.

Police say the victim and suspect knew each other. In addition, the detainee, like the victim, is from the North Caucasus.

“According to preliminary data, the men drove up together in a car to a shopping center, where they had a financial conflict inside the car,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a press release.

During the quarrel, the attacker shot the athlete, presumably with a Makarov pistol, which he kept on him illegally. The injured athlete died from a gunshot wound to the chest.

A criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Art. 105 (“Murder”) and Part 1 of Art. 222 (“Illegal arms trafficking”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The suspect, born in 1984, was taken to the investigative department for further investigation, reports the official website of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

As it turned out later, the murdered man was not a world champion in kickboxing - he was confused with the 44-year-old boxer Dzhabrailov.

The deceased was 33-year-old Dzhabrail Atayevich Dzhabrailov, ex-2005 world champion and 2006 vice-world champion in combat sambo in the up to 82 kg category.

According to preliminary investigative data, today's murder was committed by ex-boxer Marat Kuramagomedov. The reason is a quarrel over the fact that Dzhabrailov did not return the borrowed money.

Two-time world champion in combat sambo Dzhabrail Dzhabrailov was shot dead the day before in the South-Western district of Moscow. Point blank. In order to detain the murder suspect, the guardians of the law even had to turn around the plane that took off from Sheremetyevo to Baku.

The last minutes of Dzhabrail Dzhabrailov’s life were captured on CCTV cameras. The recording found on the Internet shows a Ford Mondeo parked on Miklouho-Maclay Street. After some time, the rear doors of the car swing open and a man falls to the ground. This is Dzhabrailov. Then a man jumps out of the same car and quickly leaves the crime scene.

The world-famous athlete died from a bullet fired into the chest. Passers-by found him in a pool of his own blood and called the police.

The owner of a cafe located next to the ill-fated parking lot near the Belyaevo shopping center recognized the murdered man as his regular customer. According to the restaurateur, Dzhabrailov constantly came to drink tea with friends, and they had long conversations.

The night before everything went according to a similar scenario. However, this time there was one more person in the close company of friends. The kickboxer went outside with him and never returned. Dzhabrailov’s comrades recognized the alleged killer as an athlete who worked part-time as a debt bouncer, Kavkaz Today reports.

Hot on the trail, law enforcement officers quickly identified the attacker. It turned out to be Marat Kuramagomedov. He is also a Dagestani by nationality, a boxer. 32 years old. The athlete was detained at Sheremetyevo airport. From here he tried to fly to Baku. Kuramagomedov had to be filmed directly from the plane.

According to preliminary data, money was the motive for the murder. Kuramagomedov lent Dzhabrailov a large sum, which he never returned. During a bloody tete-a-tete in the car, the boxer again tried to convince the debtor to pay off. However, Dzhabrailov apparently refused. As a result, the attacker opened fire from a Makarov pistol, which he kept illegally. Shot point-blank right in the heart. Dzhabrailov did not have a single chance to survive, the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs reports.

According to Deputy Cheryomushkinsky Interdistrict Prosecutor Alexander Yagovitin, a criminal case has already been opened against the detainee under two articles: “Murder” and “Illegal acquisition of weapons.”

It is worth noting that Dzhabrail Dzhabrailov himself also dealt with crime before. At the beginning of the 2000s, he was convicted of illegal possession of weapons. True, the fighter did not admit his guilt. He served his punishment and returned to the ring. And after completing his sports career, he began working as a coach in Makhachkala.