Breathing exercises. I. Breathing exercises Breathing exercises: inflate a colorful ball

I. p.: standing, sitting, lying (as convenient in this moment) . The muscles of the torso are relaxed.

In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine:

where the air stream enters and where it comes out;

what part of the body moves when inhaling and exhaling (stomach, chest, shoulders or all parts - wave-like);

what type of breathing: shallow (light) or deep;

what is the breathing frequency: inhalation and exhalation occur frequently or calmly at a certain interval (automatic pause); quiet, inaudible breathing or noisy breathing.

2. “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly”

Goal: to teach children to relax and restore the body after physical activity and emotional arousal; regulate the breathing process, concentrate attention on it in order to control the relaxation of your body and psyche.

I. p.: standing, sitting, lying down (this depends on the previous physical activity). If you are sitting with your back straight, it is better to close your eyes.

Inhale slowly through your nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as long as you can. Then exhale smoothly through the nose. Repeat 5-10 times. The exercise is performed silently, smoothly, so that even a palm placed to the nose does not feel the stream of air when exhaling.

3. “Breathe through one nostril”

Goal: to teach children to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

I. p.: sitting, standing, the torso is straightened, but not tense.

Close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet, long breath with your left nostril (consistently lower, middle, upper breathing).

As soon as the inhalation is completed, open the right nostril and close the left one with the index finger of the left hand - through the right nostril, exhale quietly for a long time, emptying the lungs as much as possible and pulling the diaphragm as high as possible so that a “pit” is formed in the stomach.

3-4. Same with the other nostrils.

Repeat 3-6 times.

Note. After this exercise, inhale and exhale through one nostril several times in a row (first with the nostril that is easier to breathe, then with the other). Repeat 6-10 breathing movements with each nostril separately. Start with calm breathing and move on to deep breathing.

4. “Balloon” (Breathe with your stomach, lower breathing).

Purpose: to teach children to strengthen the muscles of their organs abdominal cavity, ventilate the lower part of the lungs, concentrate on lower breathing.

I. and.: lying on your back, legs freely extended, torso relaxed, eyes closed. Attention is concentrated on the movement of the navel: both palms rest on it.

Exhale calmly, drawing the stomach towards the spinal column, the navel seems to lower.

Slow, smooth inhalation, without any effort - the stomach slowly rises up and swells like a round ball.

Slow, smooth exhalation - the stomach slowly retracts towards the back.

Repeat 4-10 times.

5. “Balloon in the chest” (middle, costal breathing)

Goal: teach children to strengthen intercostal muscles, concentrate your attention on their movement, ventilating the middle sections of the lungs.

I. p.: lying, sitting, standing. Put your hands on bottom part ribs and concentrate on them.

Exhale slowly, evenly, squeezing the ribs of the chest with your hands.

Slowly inhale through your nose, your hands feel the expansion of your chest and slowly release the clamp.

As you exhale, the chest is again slowly pressed with both hands at the bottom of the ribs.

Repeat 6-10 times.

Note. Abdominal muscles and shoulder girdle remain motionless. In the initial phase of training, it is necessary to help children slightly compress and unclench the lower part of the ribs of the chest as they exhale and inhale.

6. "Balloon Rises Up" (Upper Breathing)

Goal: to teach children to strengthen and stimulate the upper respiratory tract, providing ventilation to the upper parts of the lungs.

I. p.: lying, sitting, standing. Place one hand between your collarbones and concentrate on them and your shoulders.

Inhale and exhale with a calm and smooth rise and fall of the collarbones and shoulders.

Repeat 4-8 times.

7. “Wind” (cleansing full breath).

Goal: to teach children to strengthen the respiratory muscles of the entire respiratory system, to ventilate the lungs in all parts.

I. p.: sitting, standing, lying down. The torso is relaxed, exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach, chest.

Take a full breath, protruding your stomach and chest ribs.

Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.

Forcefully release the air through pursed lips with several abrupt exhalations.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Note. Exercise not only perfectly cleanses (ventilates) the lungs, but also helps to warm up during hypothermia and relieves fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out after physical activity as often as possible.

8. "Rainbow Hug Me"

I. p.: standing or in motion.

Take a full breath through your nose while spreading your arms to the sides.

Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.

Stretching your lips in a smile, pronounce the sound “s”, exhaling air and drawing in your stomach and chest. Direct your arms forward again, then cross them in front of your chest, as if hugging your shoulders: one hand goes under the armpit, the other on the shoulder.

Repeat 3-4 times.

9. Repeat the exercise “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” 3-5 times.

The purpose of this complex: strengthen the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and lungs by tightening the tone of certain muscle groups.

All exercises of the complex are performed standing or moving .

1. “Breathe through one nostril.”

Repeat the exercise “Breathe through one nostril” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.

Turn your head right - left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose: short, noisy (like a hedgehog), with tension in the muscles of the entire nasopharynx (the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

Repeat 4-8 times.

Exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and intercostal muscles.

Purse your lips into a “tube” and sharply draw in air, filling all your lungs to capacity.

Make a swallowing movement (as if you are swallowing air).

Pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale air through your nose smoothly and slowly.

Repeat 4-6 times.

Shaking your head left and right, take deep breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, but when tilting the head to the right - to the left, the ears are as close to the shoulders as possible. Make sure that your torso does not turn when you tilt your head. Inhalations are performed with tension in the muscles of the entire nasopharynx. Exhalation is voluntary.

Repeat 4-5 times.

5. "Let's go" bubble ».

When tilting your head to your chest, inhale through your nose, tensing the muscles of the nasopharynx.

Raise your head up and calmly exhale air through your nose, as if blowing soap bubbles.

Without lowering your head, inhale through your nose, straining the muscles of your nasopharynx.

Exhale calmly through the nose with your head bowed.

Repeat 3-5 times.

The lips are folded into a “tube”, as when pronouncing the sound “o”. Stick out your tongue and also fold it into a “tube”.

Slowly drawing in air through the “tube” of the tongue, fill all the lungs with it, inflating the stomach and ribs of the chest.

When you finish inhaling, close your mouth. Slowly lower your head until your chin touches your chest. Pause – 3-5 seconds. 4. Raise your head and calmly exhale air through your nose.

Repeat 4-8 times.

Bring your hands together in front of your chest, clenching your fists.

Bend forward and down and with each springy tilt take gusty breaths, as sharp and noisy as when inflating tires with a pump (5-7 springy bends and breaths).

Repeat 3-6 times.

Note. When inhaling, strain all the muscles of the nasopharynx.

Complication. Repeat the exercise 3 times, then bend forward and backward (large pendulum), while inhaling and exhaling. When bending forward, pull your arms freely towards the floor, and when bending back, raise them to your shoulders.

With each breath, the muscles of the nasopharynx tense.

Repeat 3-5 times.

8. “We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly.”

Repeat the exercise “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.

The purpose of this complex: strengthen muscle tone the entire respiratory system.

It is carried out in a playful way.

1. “Wind on the Planet.” Repeat the “Pump” exercise from complex No. 2.

2. “Planet “Sat – Nam” - respond!” (yogic breathing).

Goal: to teach children to strengthen muscle tone of the entire torso and all respiratory muscles.

I. p.: sitting with the buttocks on the heels, toes extended, feet together, back straight, arms raised above the head, fingers, except the index fingers, intertwined, and the index fingers connected and straightened upward, like an arrow.

After the words “Planet, respond!” the children begin to sing “Sat – Nam”.

Repeat 3-5 times.

Note. Pronounce “Sat” sharply, like a whistle, pressing your stomach towards the spinal column - this is a sharp exhalation. “Nam” is pronounced softly, relaxing the abdominal muscles - this is a small breath.

Breathing cycle: exhale “Sat” - pause – inhale “Nam”. When pronouncing “sat,” the muscles of the body tense: legs, buttocks, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, fingers and toes, muscles of the face and neck; “to us” - everything relaxes.

The exercise is performed in at a slow pace. After the children say “Sat – Nam” 8-10 times, the adult says: “I accepted the call signs!”

3. “The planet breathes quietly, calmly and smoothly.” Repeat the exercise “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage in order to relax muscle tone.

Goal: the same as in the exercises “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly”, “Planet “Sat - Nam” - respond!”

The difference in execution: muscle tension while inhaling, and relaxation while exhaling.

I. p.: 3-4 times from a supine position, 3-4 times standing.

The exercise is performed with verbal accompaniment, for example: “The aliens are waking up, tense up.”

Calmly exhale air through your nose, drawing in your stomach and chest.

Inhale slowly and smoothly, filling your lungs completely.

Hold your breath, tensing all your muscles and mentally saying “I am strong.”

Calmly exhale air through your nose while relaxing your muscles.

Breathing simulation exercises

1. "Trumpeter". Sitting on a chair, the hands are clenched into a tube, raised up to the mouth. Exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound “p-f-f-f”.

Repeat 4-5 times.

2. “The porridge is boiling.” Sitting on a bench, one hand lies on your stomach, the other on your chest. Sticking out your stomach and drawing air into your chest (inhaling air) and drawing in your stomach - exhale. When exhaling, loudly pronounce the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

Repeat 1-5 times.

3. “On the horizontal bar.” Standing, feet together, hold a gymnastic stick in both hands in front of you. Raise the stick up, rise on your toes - inhale, lower the stick back onto your shoulder blades - long exhale while pronouncing the sound “f-f-f”.

Repeat 3-4 times.

4. "Partisans". Standing, stick (gun) in hands. Walking with your knees high. For 2 steps - inhale, for 6-8 steps - exhale with the arbitrary pronunciation of the word “ti-sh-sh-e”.

Repeat 1.5 min.

5. "Semaphore". Sitting, legs moved together, raising your arms to the sides and slowly lowering them down with a long exhalation and pronouncing the sound “ssss.”

Repeat 3-4 times.

6. "Traffic Controller". Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Inhale through your nose, then change the position of your hands with an extended exhalation and pronounce the sound “r-r-r”.

Repeat 4-5 times.

7. “Balls are flying.” Standing, hands with the ball raised up. Throw the ball forward from the chest and say a long “uh-uh-uh” while exhaling.

Repeat 5-6 times.

8. "Skier". Simulation of skiing. Exhale through the nose, pronouncing the zouk “mm-mm.”

Repeat 1.5-2 minutes.

9. "Pendulum". Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your back at the level of the lower corners of your shoulder blades. Tilt your torso to the sides, right and left. When bending to the sides, inhale while pronouncing the sound “tu-u-u-u-h-h”.

Repeat 3-4 bends in each direction.

10. "Geese are flying." Slow walking around the hall. As you inhale, raise your arms to the sides. As you exhale, lower down while pronouncing a long “gu-u-u” sound.

Repeat 1-2 minutes.

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Breathing exercises for children

Diseases of the respiratory system in children are fairly common pathologies. Treatment with medications is not always justified; in addition, medications have many side effects. In such a situation, breathing exercises for children can help the baby and his parents.

Benefits of breathing exercises for children

Although breathing exercises for children consist of simple exercises, many families have felt its beneficial effects on the child’s health. This is due to the fact that during breathing exercises for children, the blood is actively saturated with oxygen. The result is improved performance of cardio-vascular system, brain, lungs, nervous system, digestive organs.

Doing breathing exercises for children is an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases. Such gymnastics strengthens the child’s immunity, develops the not yet completely perfect respiratory system baby. Breathing exercises have proven to be especially effective in children who suffer from bronchial asthma, bronchitis, frequent colds. Breathing exercises are often prescribed by doctors in addition to medicinal and physiotherapeutic treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Its use significantly facilitates the course of the disease and reduces the risk of complications.

There are few contraindications to breathing exercises for children, but they still exist. Such gymnastics is not recommended for those children who have severe osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervicothoracic region, injuries to the spine or brain, high blood, ocular or intracranial pressure, and frequent bleeding. It is best to consult a doctor about which breathing exercises for children are suitable for your child.

How to do breathing exercises correctly?

With the help of breathing exercises, the child is taught to breathe correctly - when inhaling, fill the lungs with air as much as possible, expanding the chest, and when exhaling, free the lungs from residual air, literally pushing it out by squeezing the lungs. Indeed, in the case when the child does not exhale fully, a little waste air remains in the lungs. This air prevents the supply of fresh air in the required quantity.

Experts recommend doing breathing exercises for children for minutes twice a day. At least an hour should pass after the last meal. You can perform breathing exercises at the beginning of the complex physical exercise, morning exercises. Or you can practice breathing separately.

It is very important to interest the child, since at the beginning breathing exercises may seem boring and difficult to him. You can give funny or funny names to exercises, conduct classes in a playful way, and use your favorite toys when performing exercises.

In the warm season, breathing exercises for children are best done on fresh air. During cold periods, you should ventilate the room before starting classes.

It is important to monitor your baby while performing breathing exercises so as not to miss symptoms of hyperventilation, such as changes in complexion, rapid breathing, tingling sensation in the limbs, and trembling of the hands. If such signs appear, the activity must be stopped.

If the child begins to feel dizzy while doing the exercises, do the following: fold the palms together in a “bucket”, bring them to the face and the baby breathes deeply into them several times. Then you can continue breathing exercises.

A set of breathing exercises for children

When practicing breathing exercises, certain rules should be followed:

  • When inhaling, the shoulders should not rise;
  • inhale through the nose;
  • the cheeks should not puff up; during the first lessons you can hold them with your hands;
  • exhalation should be smooth and long.

A set of breathing exercises for children from 2 to 4 years old.

Exercise 1. “Balloon”. The child lies on his back, hands on his stomach. As you inhale, the balloon tummy slowly inflates, and as you exhale, the balloon tummy slowly deflates.

Exercise 2. “Wave”. The baby lies on his back, arms along the body, legs together. Inhale – arms rise up and back, touching the floor. Exhale - the hands return to the starting position, while the child says: “Vni-i-i-z.”

Exercise 3. “Clock”. The baby stands, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. Depicting a clock, the child waves his straight arms back and forth, saying: “Tick-tock.”

Exercise 4. “Diver”. The child should imagine that he is going underwater to the sea. A deep breath is taken and the breath is held for as long as possible.

Exercise 5. "Locomotive". The child imitates a steam locomotive. To do this, he walks, making alternating movements with his hands, while saying: “Chuh-chukh-chukh.” Then he stops and says: “Too-too-too.”

Exercise 6. “I will grow big.” The baby stands straight with his legs together. Hands rise to the sides and up. Inhale – rise on your toes, stretch well. Exhale - hands down, lowers onto the foot, while saying: “U-h-h-h.”

These exercises should be performed 4-6 times each. If the child is tired, take a short break.

A set of breathing exercises for children from 5 to 7 years old.

To the exercises given above, you can add the following.

Exercise 1. “Hamster”. The child pretends to be a hamster - puffs out his cheeks and walks like this for several steps. Then he turns around, slaps himself on the cheeks, letting out the air.

Exercise 2. “Rose and dandelion.” The child stands upright. Inhale deeply through your nose - “smells a rose”, exhale - letting out as much air as possible, “blows on a dandelion”.

Exercise 3. “Crow”. The baby stands with his arms down and his legs slightly apart. Inhale - arms spread wide to the sides (wings), exhale - arms slowly lower, the child says: “Karrrrr.”

Exercise 4. “Chicken”. The baby sits on a chair with his arms down. Quick inhalation – hands are raised, palms up, to the armpits (wings). Exhale - lower your arms, turning your palms down.

Breathing exercises for children

With the help of these exercises, not only will your child become healthier, he will stay in good mood and breathe deeply, but you and he will breathe a sigh of relief. If you regularly perform such gymnastics, colds will bypass your child!

Breathing exercises- these exercises are simply necessary for children who often suffer from colds, bronchitis, those recovering from pneumonia, and children suffering from bronchial asthma. Breathing exercises perfectly complements any treatment (medicinal, homeopathic, physiotherapeutic), develops the child’s still imperfect respiratory system, strengthens the body’s defenses.

Correct breathing.

Another necessary condition proper development, good growth- ability to breathe correctly. A child can be easily taught proper breathing. Nine out of ten children breathe incorrectly and feel unwell for this reason. A child who does not know how to breathe correctly can be recognized immediately: narrow shoulders, weak chest, open mouth, nervous movements.

The essence of breathing is to let air into the lungs and oxygenate the blood in the pulmonary alveoli. Breathing is divided into two acts: inhalation, during which the chest expands and air enters the lungs; and exhale - the chest returns to its normal volume, the lungs compress and push out the air in them.

Your task is to teach your child to cleanse his lungs well. If he does not exhale completely, then a fair amount of spoiled air remains deep in the lungs, and the blood receives little oxygen. By teaching your child to breathe through his nose, you will help him get rid of frequent runny noses, flu, sore throat, etc.

You need to teach your child to full breathing so that it expands the chest and develops the abdominal muscles. Show how to draw in your stomach while breathing, making it flat and sunken.

Playing with roses and dandelions will help you understand what breathing is. Let him smell the flower (mouth closed, nostrils turned). Many babies sniff rather than sniff. Help me feel the difference. Then let him blow on the dandelion: first with his mouth so that he can see how the seeds fly away, then with his nose (alternately pressing one nostril to the bridge of his nose, then the other).

You can continue the game: make the paper mill spin, blow out the candle. These exercises are also performed alternately (mouth and nose). Children have a lot of fun with soap bubbles too useful activity to develop proper breathing.

While walking in a park, outside the city, in a forest, near a river, show how you can feel the wonderful taste of clean air by slowly inhaling it through your nose. Then force the used air to be completely removed from the lungs. At the same time, develop sensitivity: “What are you feeling? The color, the smell of grass or wet autumn leaves?

Breathing exercises for children.

It would be nice to do “stretching” gymnastics while walking. Throw a small mat on the grass.

Exercise 1. Get on your knees, press your buttocks to your heels, raise your arms up. The child should slowly lower his arms and torso forward until his palms and forehead touch the ground. Without lifting your buttocks from your heels, stretch your arms as far as possible and stretch your back.

Exercise 2. Lie on your back, arms along your body. Extend diagonally right hand And left leg, stretch; then - left arm and right leg, stretch again. Repeat several times.

Exercise 3. Get on all fours, take your straight right leg back as high as possible, straighten it, stretch. Do the same with the left. Repeat several times. Between repetitions, you can ask the baby to “bend like a cat.”

Exercise 4. Rise up, walk on your toes, raising your arms up. Monitor your baby's breathing. Then ask to alternately raise your arms up, while trying to stretch as high as possible.

Explain to your baby that he not only breathed, but also helped himself to grow. It would be good to make such walks systematic (by the way, breathing exercises will not only not hurt you, but will also return the energy you expended).

How to relieve a child from coughing using breathing exercises

Children have a highly developed cough center, so they often suffer from coughing. To prevent this from happening, you need to early childhood strengthen the airways and it’s better to do it playfully!

You can blow on dandelions, blow feathers from your palm. A very useful toy for the development of the lungs is a whistle, especially since there are a great many types of whistles, so the child will not get bored. A very fun game to play by blowing through a cocktail straw into a glass of water. The child blows, the water bubbles - it’s fun and useful, not only for strengthening the respiratory tract, but also for the development of the speech apparatus. Older children can inflate balloons. But remember that breathing exercises are very tiring and can cause dizziness, so you should not do them for more than 5 to 10 minutes.

In order to help your child cope with a cough as quickly as possible, I offer you a breathing exercises game complex (for children from 2 years old). This complex develops the respiratory muscles, speech apparatus, coordination of movements, muscles of the arms and spine, promotes correct rhythmic breathing and pronunciation of sounds.

It is better to do it before breakfast or after dinner.

So, ventilate the room and get started.

Let your baby take a deep breath through his nose, puff out his “bubbly cheeks” and slowly exhale through his slightly open mouth. Repeat 2 – 3 times.

The baby puts his hands on his belt, squats slightly - inhale, straightens up - exhale. Gradually the squats become lower, the inhalation and exhalation take longer. Repeat 3 – 4 times.

Exercise 3. SPEAKING.

You ask questions, the baby answers.

How does the train talk? Tu - tu - tu - tu.

How does the machine hum? Bi-bi. Bi-bi.

How does the dough “breathe”? Puff - puff - puff.

You can also sing vowel sounds: o-o-o-o-ooo, o-oo-oo-oooo.

Tell the poem, and let the baby perform movements in the rhythm of the verse:

Airplane - airplane (baby spreads his arms to the sides, palms up, raises his head, inhales)

Takes flight (holds breath)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (makes a right turn)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (exhale, says zh-zh-zh)

I’ll stand and rest (stands up straight, hands down)

I'll fly to the left (raises head, inhales)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (makes a left turn)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (exhale, zh-zhu-zh)

I’ll stand and rest (stands up straight and lowers his hands).

Repeat 2-3 times

You read a poem, the child performs the movements.

The bear has a huge house (straighten up, stand on tiptoes, raise your arms up, stretch, look at your arms, inhale)

The mouse has a very small one (sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head, exhale while making the sound sh-sh-sh)

The mouse goes to visit the bear (walk on tiptoes)

He won't get to her.

Repeat 3 – 4 times.

I am a strong wind, I am flying,

I fly wherever I want (arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose)

I want to whistle to the left (turn my head to the left, lips with a straw and blow)

I can blow to the right (head straight, inhale, head to the right, lips like a tube, exhale)

I can go up (head straight, inhale through the nose, exhale through the lips with a straw, inhale)

And into the clouds (lower your head, touch your chin to your chest, calmly exhale through your mouth)

Well, for now I'm clearing away the clouds ( circular movements hands).

Repeat 3-4 times.

Do it together with your baby. Stand up, bend over, hang your wings freely and lower your head. We say: “Tak-tak-tak” and at the same time pat our knees. Exhalation. Straighten up, raise your arms up - inhale. Repeat 5 times.

Show your child how to sit: straight, arms crossed and head down.

The bee said: “Zhu-zhu-zhu” (we compress the chest and as we exhale we say: zhu-zhu, then as we inhale we spread our arms to the sides, straighten our shoulders and say...)

I’ll fly and buzz, I’ll bring honey to the children (he gets up and, spreading his arms to the sides, makes a circle around the room and returns to his place).

Repeat 5 times. Make sure that you inhale through your nose and breathe deeply.

Invite your child to “mow the grass”: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. You read a poem, and the child, saying “zu-zu,” waves his hands to the left - exhale, to the right - inhale.

And I'll swing to the left.

Together quickly, very quickly

We will mow all the grass.

Let the child shake his relaxed hands and repeat from the beginning 3 to 4 times.

Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock.” Repeat 10–12 times.

Sit down, fold your hands into a tube, raise them almost up. Exhaling slowly, pronounce “p-f-f” loudly. Repeat 4-5 times.

Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides and then slap them on your thighs. As you exhale, say “ku-ka-re-ku.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Sit down, one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. When retracting the abdomen, inhale; when protruding, exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.

Walk around the room, making alternating swings with your arms bent at the elbows and saying “chuh-chuh-chuh.” Repeat for 20–30 s.

Stand straight, feet together, hold the gymnastic stick with both hands in front of you. Raise the stick up, rise on your toes - inhale, lower the stick back behind your head - long exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Stand up straight gymnastic stick in hand. Walk with your knees high. Inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 6–8 steps. As you exhale, say “ti-sh-sh-she.” Repeat for 1.5 minutes.

Stand straight, hands with the ball in front of your chest. Throw the ball forward from your chest. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Stand straight, feet together, arms down. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the body, while saying “ssssssss.” Do 6-8 bends in each direction.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Inhale through your nose, then change the position of your hands and, during an extended exhalation, say “r-r-r-r-r.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Stand straight, feet together, raise your arms up. Stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot - exhale. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 4-5 times.

Simulation of skiing for 1.5–2 minutes. As you exhale, say “mm-mm-mm.”

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your head close to your shoulders. Tilt your torso to the sides. When bending over, exhale and say “t-u-u-u-h-h.” Do 3-4 bends in each direction.

Walk slowly for 1–3 minutes. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, lower them down - exhale, say “g-oo-oo”.

Standing or sitting, back straight. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, slowly lower them down - long exhale, pronounce “s-s-s-s-s”. Repeat 3-4 times.

The complexes must be performed twice a day, no earlier than 1 hour after meals and 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. The total duration of the lesson is minutes.

Before starting the lesson, it is necessary to ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. Classes are held with the window open.

Walking around the room combined with hand movements. When inhaling, place your arms to the sides; when exhaling, place your arms at your sides. Breathing through the nose. Mouth closed. Walking can turn into slow running. When running, inhale for 3 counts, exhale for 3 counts.

1. “Forward bend.” IP – standing; feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms up (inhale through your nose), bend your torso low forward (exhale through your mouth). Repeat 6-8 times.

2. “Grow big.” IP – standing; legs together. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes (inhale through your nose). Lower your arms down, lower your entire foot (exhale through your mouth). Repeat 5-6 times.

3. “Let’s reach for our heels.” IP - Sitting on a bench. The back is straight, legs together, hands on the belt. Straighten your legs, with your palms extended forward, reach back surface stop (inhale through your nose). Return to IP (exhale). Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "Signalman". IP - sitting on a chair, leaning back. Raise your arms to the sides - up, crossing them above your head, as if giving a signal with flags (inhale through your nose). Return to IP (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Spring". IP – lying on your back; legs straight, arms along the body. Raise your legs and bend them at the knees, press them to your chest (exhale). Return to IP (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times.

6. "Seal". IP – lying on stomach; arms extended along the body. Put your hands on your belt, lift top part chest, shoulders and head, stretch (inhale). Return to IP (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times.

7. “Straight back.” IP – sitting on a chair; arms along the body. Take a deep breath, straightening your back. Lower your shoulder blades and shoulders down (exhale smoothly through your nose). Repeat 6-8 times.

8. “Clean nose.” MP - sitting on a chair. Breathing through the nose, first with one nostril, then the other, then both at the same time. Mouth closed.

Walking around the room, accompanied by clapping your hands: in front, above your head and behind your back. The mouth is tightly closed. Breathing is voluntary, through the nose.

Breathing exercises will strengthen the baby’s immunity.

Protect the child from colds- not an easy task. Microbes and viruses every now and then overwhelm the little man and undermine his still fragile immune system. What to do? Should I run to the doctor and give my baby pills or resort to grandma’s recipes? Neither one nor the other will be needed if you do breathing exercises with your baby. After all, everyone knows that breathing is life.

The validity of this statement is unlikely to be objectionable to anyone. Indeed, if the body can survive without solid food for several months, without water - for several days, then without air - only for a few minutes.

Since breathing is a priority, it is natural that many people master this process perfectly. This ability, given at birth and developed throughout life, helps to work miracles with your body, including getting rid of diseases, which Indian yogis have long proven.

It is known that when a person breathes through the mouth, the oral mucosa quickly dries out and thirst appears. In addition, it is easier for infections to get into the respiratory tract - the larynx, trachea and bronchi.

In order not to get sick, you need to learn to breathe correctly. There are many types of breathing exercises, including exercises adapted for children. The fun tips below will teach you and your baby respiratory self-defense.

1. Big and small

Standing straight, while inhaling, the child stands on tiptoes, stretches his arms up, showing how big he is. Hold this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, the child should lower his arms down, then squat down, clasping his knees with his hands and at the same time saying “wow”, hiding his head behind his knees - showing how small he is.

Walk around the room, imitating the movements of the wheels of a steam locomotive with bent arms, while pronouncing “choo-choo” and changing the speed of movement, volume and frequency of pronunciation. Repeat with your child five to six times.

Walk slowly and smoothly around the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your arms as you inhale, lower them as you exhale, saying “g-oo-oo.” Repeat with your child eight to ten times.

Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and bend one leg forward. Hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, quietly saying “sh-sh-sh-sh.” Repeat with your child six to seven times.

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, outstretched arms as you exhale, lower down, tilt your body, allowing your hands to “cut” the space between your legs. Say "bang." Repeat with your child six to eight times.

Stand with your feet together, arms up. Slowly rotate with straight arms, saying “zh-r-r” as you exhale. As the movements speed up, the sounds become louder. Repeat with your child seven to eight times.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind your back, and body tilted forward. Imitating the movements of a speed skater, bend first your left and then your right leg, saying “k-r-r.” Repeat with your child five to six times.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

Place your feet together. Imagine how the little frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat his jumps: squatting slightly, inhaling, jump forward. When you land, “croak.” Repeat three to four times.

Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. After inhaling, say “ay” as you exhale. Change your intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat with your child five to six times.

As you exhale, say “z-z-z.” Imagine that a bee has landed on your nose (direct sound and gaze towards your nose), on your arm, or on your leg. Thus, the child learns to direct attention to a specific area of ​​the body.

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you, foot to foot. Place your hands on internal sides knees that are pressed to the floor. Take a full breath of air, straighten your shoulders, raise your head proudly, as you exhale, lower yourself down, press your head to your feet.

The class is conducted barefoot.

I. Children go into the hall and line up in one line.

Leading(FISO instructor): During a strong wind, all the balloons of the balloon seller flew away towards the forest, and he asks you to find them. Shall we help you guys? Then let's go!

1. Walking in a column one at a time;

We lack the skill, do it together

Not enough training, All the moves with me

So that we can reach the forest, you will have the skill,

AND balloon find. There will be training.

2. Exercise “String”

Walking on your toes, arms out to your sides.

3. Running - the letter combination “tsok-tsok” is pronounced.

4. Walking with side steps. Step to the side - inhale, put your foot down, half squat - exhale.

5. Snake running, voluntary breathing.

6. Breathing exercise. "In the forest".

Take a breath, and as you exhale shout “a-oo-oo”

7. Walking in 3 columns.

II. Outdoor switchgear with breathing exercises accompanied by music.

1. I. p.: o. With. Hands up - inhale; slowly lower through the sides - exhale.

2. I. p. - o. With. Move your right arm to the side while turning your head - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale.

Z.I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, pace slow. Inhale - 2-4 tilts of the torso to the right (exhale), in and. p. (inhale). The same to the left.

4. I. p.: kneeling position, hands to shoulders. Pull your shoulders back - inhale, in and out. p. - exhale. We pronounce the sound - ooh.

5.I. p.: sitting, legs together, arms along the body. Hands to the sides - inhale, pull your legs to your stomach, clasp your knees with your hands - exhale.

6. Jumping on two legs alternating with walking, voluntary breathing.

8. Formation into a column one at a time.

Leading: How are you feeling and how are you feeling? Can I check your pulse? (Imitation of measuring pulse in 2-3 children). The pulse is slightly increased. We need to bring our breathing back to normal. Let's hold hands and make a circle.

Meditation: They held hands, felt the warmth and closeness of each other, and sat in the “Turkish” position. We looked at each other and smiled, let’s keep the mood of goodness and light in our circle. Let's close our eyes and slowly count to 5. Now the pulse is normal, the heart beats rhythmically. We continue our journey - searching for balloons. (Children stand up).

“Sport filled us with health and helped us gain strength.

We will find the balls very quickly and give them to the seller.”

Main types of movements.

Leading: Now we are agile, strong and can overcome any obstacles. There is a cliff in front of us, but we are not afraid of it - crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours, supporting ourselves on our palms and knees. Bumps - jumping from hoop to hoop. Bent tree - crawling under the arch sideways (invite the child to show the technique). Formation in 2 columns to perform basic types of movement.

Form into a column one at a time.

Respiratory exercise “If we breathe slowly, then the whole world around us will hear.”

Leading: Now we will check how well you can breathe through your nose.

Outdoor game "Traps". Whoever is touched by the trap stands on the mat and massages his arms and legs with massage balls.

After each repetition of the game, the “Palm” breathing exercise is performed according to Strelnikova.

III. Breathing game “Inflate a balloon.”

Leading: Guys! So we found the balloons

(The teacher and physical education instructor distribute balloons to the children.)

Admire how beautiful our balloons are. Let's turn ourselves into a balloon (children sit cross-legged and close their eyes).

Relaxation:“I turn into a ball, it’s light, airy, bright. A small breeze blew on the ball. He lifted the ball into the air and began to spin it around. The wind began to intensify, circling the ball more strongly above the ground. Gradually the wind died down and lowered the ball to the ground.”

It was nice for us to fly,

Now it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Let's reach out! Smile!

We are back in the group together!

The children get up and leave the hall.

“Balloon Balloon” - Airships are equipped with low-power and economical diesel engines. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of the opportunity to fly above the clouds and swim in the ocean of air. It is much easier to lift and lower a ball filled with hot air. Speed ​​120-150 km/h. It is difficult to imagine the modern world without advertising, and here balloons have been used.

“Finger gymnastics” - Exercises with objects. Birdie. Finger gymnastics. Shadow theater. Multi-colored clothespins. Say poems with your hands. Goat. Sand grammar Writing in sand Sand grammar. Sand therapy (sand-plau). Finger gymnastics with elements of logorhythmics. Faceted pencil. A spool of thread.

“Balloons” - In the future, airships are promising as “flying cranes”. Eureka. Topic: "Air navigation." In the atmosphere of which planet will a balloon filled with air rise? Only the anchor bothers me, but does this happen? The water level above the cube is 10 cm. Stratostat. Look friends! A body with a volume of about.about4 m3 is immersed in? in kerosene.

“Cylinder cone ball” - Volume of the spherical sector. Surface areas of bodies of revolution. Bodies of rotation. Types of bodies of rotation. The section of a sphere by a plane is a circle. A spherical sector, a body that is obtained from a spherical segment and a cone. Volume of a sphere Theorem. Volume of the spherical segment. Problem No. 3. The section of a cylinder by a plane parallel to the bases is a circle.

“Gymnastics for the eyes” - Visual gymnastics. OUTDOOR PROGRAM Vision training in open space (Street gymnastics for the eyes). Vision training (eye gymnastics) in open space: Adapted to the natural, biological functions of the visual apparatus, i.e. involves visual gymnastics or visual play training in the open air: on the street, on a pedestrian pavement, in a park, public transport, city block, outside the city, etc. Does not require any auxiliary tools (test tables, visual markers, etc.); Expands the functionality of vision, reduces visual fatigue, improves the basic characteristics of visualization of surrounding objects, does not require optical correction; Gymnastics for the eyes or visual play visual training has no restrictions, is effective, simple and accessible for both adults and children.

“Health exercises” - Aerobics. Movement is life! Athletic gymnastics. If you don’t learn to work correctly from the first day, you don’t have to start training at all. Concept of physique. Physical education breaks are organized directly during work. Morning exercises. Industrial gymnastics. Nothing exhausts and destroys a person more than prolonged inactivity.

Ekaterina Berezhnova
Memo for parents “Breathing exercises in water and on land”

« Breathing exercises in water and on land»

Instructor - methodologist: Berezhnova Ekaterina Nikolaevna

Breathing exercises"Locomotive"

Target: formation breathing apparatus.

Walking, making alternating movements with your arms and sentencing: "choo-choo-choo". At certain intervals you can stop and talk "too-too". Duration – up to 30 seconds.

Breathing exercises"Grow Big"


IP: standing straight, feet together. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes – inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot – exhale. As you exhale, say "u-h-h-h"! Repeat 4-5 times.

Breathing exercises"The porridge is boiling"

Target: formation breathing apparatus.

IP: sitting, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in the stomach and drawing air into the lungs - inhale, lowering the chest (exhaling air) and sticking out your stomach - exhale. When exhaling, pronounce the sound loudly "f-f-f-f". Repeat 3-4 times.

Breathing exercises"Balloon"

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

IP: Lying on the floor, the child puts his hands on his stomach. Taking a slow deep breath, inflates your stomach, while imagining that your stomach is inflating balloon. Delays breathing for 5 seconds. Exhales slowly, the stomach deflates. Delays breathing for 5 seconds. Performed 5 times in a row.

Breathing exercises"Pump"

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

The baby puts his hands on his belt, squats slightly - inhale, straightens up - exhale. Gradually the squats become lower, the inhalation and exhalation take longer. Repeat 3 – 4 times.

Breathing exercises"Snowfall"


Make snowflakes from paper or cotton wool (loose lumps). Explain to the child what snowfall is and invite the child to blow it away "snowflakes" from the palm of your hand.

Breathing exercises"Blow on a dandelion"


IP: the baby is standing or sitting. He takes a deep breath through his nose, then exhales long through his mouth, as if he wants to blow the fluff off a dandelion.

Breathing exercises"Stork"

Target: development of a smooth, long exhalation.

Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and bend one leg forward. Hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, saying quietly "sh-sh-sh-sh". Repeat with your child six to seven times.

Breathing exercises"Swing"

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

For a child in a lying position, a light toy is placed on his stomach in the diaphragm area. Inhale and exhale through the nose. Swing up (inhale, Swing down (exhale, hold on tighter, my friend.

Breathing exercises"Tree in the Wind"

Target: formation breathing apparatus.

IP: sitting on the floor, cross-legged (options: sitting on your knees or on your heels, legs together). The back is straight. Raise your arms up above your head with an inhalation and lower them down to the floor in front of you with an exhalation, while bending your torso slightly, as if bending a tree.

Breathing exercises"Woodcutter"

Target: development of a smooth, long exhalation.

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower your outstretched arms down as you exhale, tilt your body, allowing your arms "cut through" space between legs. Say "bang". Repeat with your child six to eight times.

Breathing exercises"Angry Hedgehog"

Target: development of a smooth, long exhalation.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, saying as you exhale "pff"- the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then "f-r-r"- and this is already a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

Breathing exercises"Blow up the balloon"

Target: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: the child is sitting or standing. "Blowing up the balloon" spreads his arms wide and deep inhales, then slowly brings his hands together, joining his palms in front of his chest and blowing out air - pfft. "The ball burst"- clap your hands, "air comes out of the balloon"- child pronounces: "shhh", stretching out his lips with his proboscis, lowering his arms and settling down like a balloon from which the air has been let out.

Breathing exercises"Leaf Fall"

Target: development of smooth, long inhalation and exhalation.

Cut out various autumn leaves from colored paper and explain to your child what leaf fall is. Invite your child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree.

Breathing exercises"Geese are flying"

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

Slow walking. When you inhale, raise your arms to the sides, when you exhale, lower them down while pronouncing a long sound. "g-u-u-u".

Breathing exercises"Fluff"

Target: formation breathing apparatus.

Tie a light feather to a string. Invite your child to blow on it. It is necessary to ensure that you inhale only through your nose, and exhale through pursed lips.

Breathing exercises"Bug"

Target: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: The baby stands or sits with his arms crossed over his chest. Spreads his arms to the sides, raises his head - inhale, crosses his arms over his chest, lowers his head - exhalation: “huh-uh-uh,” said the winged beetle, “I’ll sit and buzz”.

Breathing exercises"Cockerel"

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

IP: standing straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides (inhale, and then slap them on your thighs (exhale, say "ku-ka-re-ku".

Breathing exercises"Crow"

Target: development of a smooth, long exhalation.

IP: The child stands straight, legs slightly apart and arms down. Inhale - spreads your arms wide to the sides, like wings, slowly lowers your arms and says: exhale: "carrr", stretching the sound [p] as much as possible.

Breathing exercises “Swing”


For a child in a lying position, a light toy is placed on his stomach in the diaphragm area. Inhale and exhale through the nose. An adult pronounces a rhyme:

Swing up (inhale),

Swing down (exhalation), Hold on tight, my friend.

Breathing exercises “Tree in the wind” »


IP: sitting on the floor, legs crossed (options: sitting on your knees or on your heels, legs together). The back is straight. Raise your arms up above your head with an inhalation and lower them down to the floor in front of you with an exhalation, while bending your torso slightly, as if bending a tree.

Breathing exercises “Lumberjack”


Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower your outstretched arms down as you exhale, tilt your body, allowing your hands to “cut through” the space between your legs. Say "bang." Repeat with your child six to eight times.

Breathing exercises “Angry hedgehog”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

Breathing exercises “Blow up the balloon”


IP: the child is sitting or standing. “Blowing up the balloon” he spreads his arms wide to the sides and inhales deeply, then slowly brings his hands together, bringing his palms together in front of his chest and blows out air - pfft. “The ball has burst” - clap your hands, “the air comes out of the ball” - the child says: “shhh”, stretching out his lips with his proboscis, lowering his hands and settling, like a balloon from which the air has been let out.

Breathing exercises “Leaf fall”


Cut out various autumn leaves from colored paper and explain to your child what leaf fall is. Invite your child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree.

Breathing exercises “Geese are flying”

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

Slow walking. When you inhale, raise your arms to the sides, when you exhale, lower them down, pronouncing a long sound “g-u-u-u”.

Breathing exercises “Fluff”

Target: formation of the respiratory apparatus.

Tie a light feather to a string. Invite your child to blow on it. It is necessary to ensure that you inhale only through your nose, and exhale through pursed lips.

Breathing exercises “Beetle”

Target: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: the baby stands or sits with his arms crossed over his chest. He spreads his arms to the sides, raises his head - inhale, crosses his arms over his chest, lowers his head - exhale: “wow - said the winged beetle, “I’ll sit and buzz.”

Breathing exercises “Cockerel”

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

IP: standing straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides (inhale), and then slap them on your thighs (exhale), saying “ku-ka-re-ku.”

Breathing exercises “Crow”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

IP: the child stands straight, legs slightly apart and arms down. Inhale - spreads your arms wide to the sides, like wings, slowly lowers your arms and says as you exhale: “karrr”, stretching the sound [r] as much as possible.

Breathing exercises “Locomotive”

Target: formation of the respiratory apparatus.

Walking, making alternating movements with your arms and saying: “chuh-chuh-chuh.” At certain intervals you can stop and say “too-too.” Duration – up to 30 seconds.

Breathing exercises “Grow Big”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

IP: standing straight, feet together. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes – inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot – exhale. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h”! Repeat 4-5 times.

Breathing exercises “Clock”

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

IP: standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock.” Repeat up to 10 times.

Breathing exercises “Porridge is boiling”

Target: formation of the respiratory apparatus.

IP: sitting, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in your stomach and drawing air into your lungs - inhale, lowering your chest (exhaling air) and sticking out your stomach - exhale. When exhaling, pronounce the sound “f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.

Breathing exercises “Balloon”

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

IP: Lying on the floor, the child puts his hands on his stomach. Taking a slow, deep breath, inflates your stomach, while imagining that a balloon is inflating in your stomach. Holds your breath for 5 seconds. Exhales slowly, the stomach deflates. Holds your breath for 5 seconds. Performed 5 times in a row.

Breathing exercises “Pump”

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

The baby puts his hands on his belt, squats slightly - inhale, straightens up - exhale. Gradually the squats become lower, the inhalation and exhalation take longer. Repeat 3 – 4 times.

Breathing exercises “Regulator”

Target: formation of the respiratory apparatus.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Inhale through your nose, then change the position of your hands and, during an extended exhalation, say “r-r-r-r-r.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Breathing exercises “Scissors”

Target: formation of the respiratory apparatus.

I.p. - Same. Straight arms are extended forward or to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing down. With a breath left hand goes up, the right one goes down. Exhale – left hand down, right hand up. After the child has mastered this exercise, you can change it: not the arms move from the shoulder, but only the hands.

Breathing exercises “Snowfall”

Target: development of smooth, long inhalation and exhalation.

Make snowflakes from paper or cotton wool (loose lumps). Explain to the child what snowfall is and invite the child to blow “snowflakes” from the palm of his hand.

Breathing exercises “Trumpeter” »

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

IP: sitting, hands clenched into a tube, raised up. Exhale slowly while pronouncing the sound “p-f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat up to 5 times.

Breathing gymnastics “Duel” »

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

Roll a piece of cotton wool into a ball. Gate - 2 cubes. The child blows on the “ball”, trying to “score a goal” - the cotton wool should be between the cubes. With a little practice, you can conduct competitions with one cotton ball on the principle of playing football.

Breathing exercises “Spring”

Target: formation of the respiratory apparatus.

IP: lying on your back; legs straight, arms along the body. Raise your legs and bend them at the knees, press them to your chest (exhale). Return to IP (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times.

Breathing exercises “Who will drive the ball further”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

Sit down at the table with your baby, place two cotton balls in front of you (multi-colored ones are easy to find in supermarkets, and white ones can be made from cotton wool yourself). Blow on the balls as hard as possible, trying to blow them off the table.

Breathing exercises “Blow on a dandelion”

Target: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: the baby is standing or sitting. He takes a deep breath through his nose, then exhales long through his mouth, as if he wants to blow the fluff off a dandelion.

Breathing exercises “Windmill”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

A child blows on the blades of a spinning toy or a windmill from a sand set.

Breathing exercises “Hippopotamus”

Target: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: lying or sitting. The child places his palm on the diaphragm and breathes deeply. Inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose
The exercise can be performed in a sitting position and accompanied by rhyming:

The hippos sat down and touched their bellies.

Then the tummy rises (inhale)

Then the tummy drops (exhalation).

Breathing exercises “Chicken”

Target: development of a smooth, long inhalation.

IP: the child stands straight, legs slightly apart, arms down, spreads his arms wide to the sides like wings - inhale; as you exhale, bends over, lowering your head and hanging your arms freely, saying: “tah-tah-tah,” while simultaneously patting one’s knees.

Breathing exercises “Soaring butterflies”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

Cut out butterflies from paper and hang them on threads. Invite the child to blow on the butterfly so that it flies (while making sure that the child makes a long, smooth exhalation).

Breathing exercises “Stork”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and bend one leg forward. Hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, quietly saying “sh-sh-sh-sh.” Repeat with your child six to seven times.

Breathing exercises “In the forest”


Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. After inhaling, say “ay” as you exhale. Change your intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat with your child five to six times.

Breathing exercises “Wave”

Target: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: lying on the floor, legs together, hands at your sides. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, touching the floor, and as you exhale, slowly return to their original position. Simultaneously with the exhalation, the child says “Vni-i-i-z.” After the child masters this exercise, speaking is canceled.

Breathing exercises “Hamster”

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

Invite your child to walk a few steps (up to 10-15), puffing out his cheeks like a hamster, then lightly slap himself on the cheeks - release the air from his mouth and walk a little more, breathing through his nose.

Breathing exercises “Little Frog”

Target: form correct speech breathing.

Place your feet together. Imagine how the little frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat his jumps: squatting slightly, inhaling, jump forward. When you land, “croak.” Repeat three to four times.

Breathing exercises “Indian War Cry”

Target: form correct speech breathing.

Invite your child to imitate the Indians' war cry: shout quietly, quickly covering and opening your mouth with your palm. This is a fun element for children that is easy to repeat. An adult can “manage the volume” by alternately indicating “quieter and louder” with his hand.

Breathing exercises “Pearl divers”

Target: strengthen physiological breathing in children.

It is announced that a beautiful pearl lies on the seabed. Anyone who can hold their breath can get it. The child, in a standing position, takes two calm breaths and two calm exhalations through the nose, and with the third deep breath closes his mouth, pinches his nose with his fingers and squats until he wants to exhale.