Belly breathing how much per day. Diaphragmatic breathing according to Bubnovsky - the main properties and features of the technique. Development of diaphragmatic breathing

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, not everyone thinks about the fact that you can breathe in different ways: with benefit or harm to health - through the stomach or the chest. What are the features, benefits and harms of diaphragmatic breathing with the stomach, its difference from breathing with the chest and how to make the natural physiological process become healing for the body is worth finding out in detail.

Types of breathing

All breathing methods can be divided into three main types:

  1. Clavicular, or upper thoracic.

With this method of breathing, the shoulders rise and the ribs protrude forward. It is often characteristic of people with low levels of physical activity and smokers. The reason for this is an incorrect lifestyle: working in a sedentary position, lack of sports or stressful situations. Moreover, it is the harm of upper breathing that can manifest itself as diseases over time. internal organs and problems digestive system, as well as a decrease in the level of stress resistance of the body.

Interesting! In stressful situations, as well as in states of fear, anger or excitement, people automatically begin to breathe from the upper chest.

  1. Thoracic or intercostal.

During this breathing method rib cage tends to rise and expand when the stomach, shoulders and collarbones remain in place. This means that the central part of the lungs is involved in the respiratory process. This way of breathing is more effective, but still limits the movement of the abdominal muscles. It is characteristic of middle-aged men and women with a normal physique.

Interesting! In a dream, all women tend to breathe through the chest.

  1. Abdominal or diaphragmatic.

With this type of breathing, the abdominal wall protrudes forward due to the pressure of the diaphragm. Let's look at this technique and its properties.

What is diaphragmatic breathing

In diaphragmatic breathing, the main working organ is the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. This muscular partition tends to contract and fall when inhaling, as a result of which the abdomen relaxes and protrudes forward. During exhalation, the diaphragm, on the contrary, rises in the form of a dome and pushes air out of the lungs. The diaphragmatic method is considered the most natural and useful, because to implement it the body expends a minimum of effort.

The benefit of abdominal breathing is that it is when it is used that the body is maximally enriched with oxygen (due to the fact that almost the entire useful volume of the lungs is used), which minimizes the harm of oxygen starvation.

Interesting! In their sleep, men tend to breathe in this way. And the fact that newborn babies also breathe with diaphragmatic breathing speaks in favor of its naturalness and correctness. As they grow older, the child’s body “relearns” and switches to less useful chest breathing.

Benefits of abdominal breathing

The effectiveness of the diaphragmatic breathing method for the functioning of the entire body has been proven, primarily through the elimination of psychosomatic blocks.

With the chronic action of stress factors in the modern world, a person develops the so-called muscle corset, the source of psychosomatic problems. By relaxing the abdomen, blocks that are harmful to mental health are eliminated.

Abdominal breathing poses virtually no harm to the body, but its benefits can hardly be overestimated, since it:

  • promotes fat burning: this demonstrates its beneficial properties for weight loss;
  • due to blood saturation with oxygen, it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • enhances ventilation of the lungs, since it uses almost their entire volume;
  • benefits the speech apparatus, freeing up its work;
  • improves the functioning of internal organs - due to their massage with the diaphragm;
  • provides beneficial influence on the intestines, helping to get rid of constipation, bloating and other problems;
  • has particular benefits for women: with the help of high-quality belly breathing, you can improve the condition of your facial skin, reduce the number of wrinkles and various inflammatory processes.

Learn more about the features and benefits of abdominal breathing in the video:

The best time to practice diaphragmatic breathing is in the evening, as this technique has a deep relaxing effect.

When performing useful breathing exercises, it is advisable to be in a quiet and calm place where no one can distract or interfere.

People with overweight The useful diaphragmatic method can be a little more difficult because it makes it more difficult for them to relax the muscles during exercise.

The first 6 workouts should be completed for approximately 30 minutes.

After the first lesson, there may be unpleasant pain in the area of ​​the diaphragm when breathing or physical activity, but there is no need to worry: they do not cause harm and will soon pass.

You can prepare yourself for training using walking techniques:

  • for the first 3 days while walking, you need to inhale air every 2 steps, and exhale every next 3 steps;
  • from day 4, for every one inhalation there are also 2 steps, and an exhalation – for the next 4.

The benefits of this technique will also work directly during the main training period, due to its ability to ensure that the diaphragm is adjusted to the correct breathing rhythm.

Attention! The duration of one breathing exercise is 5 minutes, to avoid possible harm the increase in time should be gradual.

Technique for performing diaphragmatic breathing

The correct technique of diaphragmatic breathing should train the tension of the abdominal muscles, including those located below the navel.

Important! The benefit will manifest itself precisely when the abdomen is tensed and not retracted, otherwise the respiratory process will return to the upper sections.

It will be useful to teach the muscle to voluntarily relax: in this state, through deepening and equalizing breathing, it has the ability to normalize blood circulation in the solar plexus, reduce anxiety and restore sleep.

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to adjust your breathing correctly, following a simple technique:

  1. To begin with, it is better to wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict breathing.
  2. Lie down or sit on a couch and relax as much as possible.
  3. With your mind's eye, examine your entire body from head to toe.
  4. Then focus on the muscles involved in the breathing process, making sure they relax as you exhale. It is better to keep your eyes closed.
  5. You should inhale the air very slowly.
  6. You need to try to breathe so that the chest does not rise while filling the lungs with air.
  7. Exhalation should be performed more slowly than inhalation. At the same time, the stomach should smoothly retract.
  8. It will be useful to repeat this technique every day for 5 minutes, gradually increasing its duration.

Ideally, you need to achieve a state of control over the work of the diaphragmatic muscle, through maximum sensation and understanding of its work in the complex of the entire respiratory process.

The beneficial properties of diaphragmatic training are maximally manifested when the inhalation to exhalation ratio is 1:4.

For beginners, it is enough to perform 12 - 15 cycles per minute.

The benefits increase with a gradual decrease in the frequency of cycles: in trained people it drops to 3 - 6 per minute. This gives the body the opportunity to increase the content of carbon dioxide in the blood, the beneficial properties of which are manifested in strengthening all organs and systems.

Important! Diaphragmatic breathing should only be done through the nose. Breathing through the mouth changes the movement of the diaphragm in the forward-backward direction, which entails harm to the clamps and interference with the functioning of the lungs, while deep nasal breathing ensures its movement up and down and free operation of the respiratory system.

After mastering the basics of diaphragmatic breathing, you can proceed directly to the exercises themselves.

Exercises to develop diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing retains its beneficial properties when performed in various body positions. For a training course, depending on the stage and level of training, it is useful to choose the most suitable technique for yourself.

Let's look at the main ones.

On the back

Very suitable for beginners: in this position it is easier to control the entire breathing process.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and try to relax all the muscles of your body as much as possible.
  2. To make it easier, it will be useful to place your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach: this way you can better control the rhythm of your breathing.
  3. In order for diaphragmatic breathing to be correct, monitor the position right hand: it should remain motionless, while the left one rises with the stomach as you inhale and falls as you exhale.
  4. The inhalation should be deep, with the belly inflating. Exhale should be done slowly through the nose, pulling the abdominal wall towards the spine.

Advice! To perform well and enhance the benefits, it is recommended to first become aware of exhalation and contraction of the abdomen. After this, keep your focus on inhalation and relaxation after compression. And after consolidating the skill of relaxing while inhaling, begin to train inflating while exhaling abdominals.

In a sitting position

The benefits of a sitting position help with deeper development of belly breathing.

You should take any sitting position: in a lotus, on a chair. The main condition: the knees should be located at the level of the pelvis.

The principle is the same:

  1. Close your eyes and relax as much as possible.
  2. The abdomen should contract as you exhale, relax, and only then inflate as you inhale.
  3. Over time, the amplitude of the abdomen when inhaling and exhaling should become more natural: contraction and inflation should occur by itself, not completely.

Dog breathing

With this technique, it will be useful to remember how the dog breathes.

To simulate such breathing you need:

  1. Get on all fours, open your mouth and relax your abdominal muscles.
  2. Now you need to turn on dog breathing: rapid inhalations and exhalations. This position will allow you to better feel the diaphragm and lungs.

Attention! Excessively rapid breathing can cause hallucinatory effects. Their sign may be dizziness or even a headache: in this case, you need to stop.

Gradually increase breathing to 5 – 7 minutes.

Complicated version while sitting:

  1. The pose is standard, half-lotus or on the edge of a chair, the spine should be straight.
  2. Inhalations and exhalations should be sharp and frequent, multi-stage: through the nose - three inhalations, through the mouth with a tube - three exhalations.
  3. At the same time, the stomach must be pulled towards the spine.

Complicated version with cargo

It is a modified lying exercise. Strengthening the benefit will be provided by the cargo: it can be the most ordinary book.

  1. You need to take a lying position, place the book on your stomach.
  2. The inhalation-exhalation technique is standard for diaphragmatic exercises; it is performed in such a way that the book moves in the “up-down” direction.

It will be useful to bring the execution to 15 - 20 minutes.

Belly breathing for weight loss

Breathing through the diaphragm has the ability to effectively influence the body, promoting both its healing and the burning of fat in the body, without causing harm. Handsome and slim stomach can be obtained not necessarily through strength training.

It’s hard to believe, but with its beneficial properties, diaphragmatic breathing successfully competes with fitness training. During running or any other physical activity, oxygen spreads throughout the body much more easily, thereby burning body fat. The diaphragmatic breathing technique allows you to better distribute oxygen throughout the body in a static version of training. At the same time, the weight comes off smoothly and evenly.

It is important to learn to breathe correctly by changing chest breathing to abdominal breathing. The involved abdominal muscles ultimately massage the internal organs and launch the source of the body's hidden energy. Useful result is the burning of fat reserves in the body.

The beneficial properties of diaphragmatic breathing are also considered to be normalizing blood pressure and normalizing metabolism.

To remove fat deposits in the abdominal area, you need to practice the following diaphragmatic exercises:

  1. As you inhale, slightly inflate (round) your belly, and as you exhale, pull it in, pushing out all the rest of the air. It is recommended to practice this technique regularly after waking up.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, relax deeply and inhale as deeply as possible, while drawing in your stomach. Then exhale: the stomach must be inflated. You also need to include your legs in the exercise: while inhaling, you need to lift them up, as when pumping your abs. Thus, they are reduced abdominal muscles. In total you need to do about 10 - 15 approaches.
  3. Take a lying position on your back, place your arms along your body. Inhale and exhale quickly for 10 seconds. Then you need to pull in your stomach and slowly raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Grab your legs with your hands and pull them towards you. The buttocks should not come off the floor. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position and relax your muscles. It is recommended to do about 4 - 6 approaches at a time.
  4. Sit on a chair, straighten your back and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Take a deep breath into your stomach, alternately tensing and relaxing your abdominal muscles. You need to start with 10 approaches, gradually increasing their number. On average, it is recommended to perform 30 approaches at a time.
  5. You need to stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale slowly, raising your arms up, and then, exhaling slowly, lower them back. Repeat the exercise 5 - 10 times.

Contraindications for performing exercises

Despite all the useful properties of the technique, diaphragmatic breathing has its contraindications. You must always remember that excessive stress (including breathing exercises) tends to have both a negative impact on well-being and cause harm to the functioning of the entire body as a whole. All proposed diaphragmatic exercises must be performed in the system, with the support of an instructor.

During the initial period of practicing diaphragmatic breathing, dizziness or fainting may occur - the cause of this is hyperventilation of the lungs.

You should not perform diaphragmatic exercises if there are individual contraindications to the use of this technique.

It is strictly forbidden to use the diaphragmatic breathing technique for people suffering from hypertension or other diseases that cause high blood pressure.

Before performing this type of exercise, it is also advisable to consult a doctor.


The benefits and harms of diaphragmatic breathing continue to be studied by experts. However, today there are many open useful properties this breathing technique - from normalizing the functioning of body systems to improving the quality of life in general. At the same time, you need to practice diaphragmatic breathing with caution, feeling the measure: excessive stress can cause harm to the body.

The topic of belly breathing is always associated with a lot of questions:

This very concept paints bizarre pictures in your head, which is why so many questions arise.

As strange as it may sound, deep belly breathing is an ancient technique that has been practiced for thousands of years all over the world.

In fact, the entire yoga course is devoted exclusively to pranayama - breathing control, which includes the technique of breathing with the stomach, and not the chest.

Deep belly breathing or as it is also called diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing common among athletes, yogis and chiropractors.

This name comes from a method of breathing that uses the abdominal barrier or diaphragm, located just below the lungs, to completely saturate the lungs with oxygen. At the same time, the tummy protrudes outward.

Abdominal breathing

How to breathe correctly with your chest or stomach?

The question arises, “Don’t we breathe like this every day?”

Unfortunately, many of us are already accustomed to breathing only through the chest, since we are sure that true breathing occurs through the lungs, which are located in the chest.

However, too much chest breathing can lead to hyperventilation, which causes shortness of breath and anxiety.

Chest breathing prevents us from adequately inhaling oxygen and using our lungs to their full capacity, which will make our breathing even more shallow as we age.

Belly breathing can help with hyperventilation by teaching the body to inhale air correctly, using the stomach rather than the chest.

With this type of breathing, the diaphragm relaxes and contracts, allowing oxygen to penetrate deep into the lungs and reach their lowest part.

Benefits of Belly Breathing

This option allows a person to take fuller and deeper breaths, in addition to this there are several other wonderful advantages of this technique.

It's easy to enjoy all the benefits of belly breathing. To do this, you just need to breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes several times a day.

Let's first get acquainted with the advantages of this technique, and then find out how to breathe correctly with your stomach and look at exercises for proper breathing that you can easily do every day.

1. Helps you relax

One of the great benefits of belly breathing is its ability to relax a person almost instantly.

This is because breathing primarily from the belly has a positive effect on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

The sympathetic nervous system can be described in two words - it is “fight or flight”. It reacts to everything that threatens a person or poses a danger to his life, supplying him with energy to run or fight.

In the past, this was extremely important for human survival, to escape the claws of a predatory animal, for example, but in the modern world, the excited sympathetic nervous system may do harm.

This happens because our body cannot distinguish one stressful situation from another and constantly accumulates negative energy, which in turn drives a person into a state of constant stress.

For example, our body doesn't know the difference between working hard and a hungry wild animal trying to eat us for lunch. In both cases, the body reacts to stress as a threat.

All these experiences at work or elsewhere lead to the fact that you are in a constant state of sympathetic tension. This results in health problems such as high blood pressure, slow digestion, rapid heartbeat and much more.

This is an abnormal and unhealthy way of life, and therefore we still have the parasympathetic nervous system in reserve.

The parasympathetic nervous system is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system. It's related to two other words: rest and digest, and is responsible for slowing your heart rate, lowering your blood pressure, and feeling completely relaxed.

Belly breathing activates this system, which is essential for people exposed to daily stress and strain.

2. Improves body recovery after training

Research shows that belly breathing helps reduce oxidative stress levels due to physical activity.

A study conducted in 2011 involved 16 athletes who had just completed grueling workout. Half of them practiced belly breathing after exercise.

The researchers found that in this half of the subjects, levels of the stress hormone cortisol were significantly reduced, and the relaxation hormone melatonin was increased. They suggested that diaphragmatic breathing could help athletes protect against the harmful effects of free radicals.

3. Stabilizes blood sugar levels

Typically, when people think about how to control their blood sugar, breathing isn't the first thing that comes to mind.

Be that as it may, some studies confirm that there is a connection between blood sugar levels and proper breathing.

These studies have shown that diaphragmatic breathing exercises can help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve blood sugar control in patients with diabetes.

Belly breathing is known to calm the nervous system and thereby reduce blood glucose levels.

4. Improves digestion

As I already said, this way of breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps a person relax. This system is also responsible for stimulating digestion.

When the parasympathetic system is activated, the production of saliva and the secretion of gastric juices increase, which help digest food, thereby improving the digestion process.

This is the reason why while eating you need to be calm and just enjoy your food and not watch TV or sit on gadgets. Stressful situations, tension and irritability activate the sympathetic nervous system, which slows down digestion and food simply gets stuck in the stomach. As a result, heaviness is felt.

It has been proven that 10 minutes of breathing exercises before meals will restore calm and set you up for eating, and also reduce the risk of dyspepsia.

5. Strengthens the lungs

Looking at how the diaphragm contracts and stretches during belly breathing suggests that the lungs become stronger and open more as a result.

Scientists have proven that breathing through the belly increases the volume of the lungs and strengthens them. And patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease experience increased oxygen levels through deep breathing exercises.

6. Changes gene expression

As it turns out, belly breathing is so powerful that it can literally change our genes.

A 2013 study examined the relaxing effects of deep breathing on the human body. It was found that this type of breathing increased the expression of genes associated with a number of important functions.

The genes affected were those involved in energy metabolism, mitochondrial function that powers our cells, insulin secretion and telomere maintenance, which protect our DNA and play an important role in the aging process.

This study also recorded reducing the expression of genes associated with inflammatory reactions in the body and stress.

In other words, the body's genetic response to relaxation through deep breathing was to increase energy reserves as well as reduce the stress response.

Genes associated with the immune response and cell death were also affected. Scientists noted in their report that breathing from the stomach has a positive influence on the functioning of our immune system.

From all of the above, we can conclude that diaphragmatic breathing is indeed powerful exercise, which affects our body even at the genetic level.

How to breathe with your stomach?

This is a simple breathing exercise that can be done daily, or even several times a day, to strengthen your diaphragm and begin to reap the full benefits of deep breathing.

  1. Lie with your back on a flat surface, place a pillow under your head. Bend your knees (you can also place a pillow under them) and place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest to feel your diaphragm as you breathe.
  2. Now inhale slowly through your nose, feeling your stomach bulge outward as your lungs fill with oxygen.
  3. Exhale through your mouth, while tensing your abdominal muscles until they are pulled inward.
  4. Breathe this way for 5-10 minutes a day. For maximum benefit aim to do 3-4 times every day.

Breathing from your belly can be difficult at first, especially if you've never tried diaphragmatic breathing before. Don't worry, your diaphragm will get stronger over time.

For beginners, I would recommend starting from a sitting position, this will make it even easier to understand how to learn to breathe from the diaphragm.

Get started now

Try this one simple technique abdominal breathing, whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, just for yourself, to reduce stress, improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Hello! Today we will talk about how to breathe from your belly. Health, beauty of the body, and mental state depend on proper breathing. Many people breathe through the chest, which leads to internal tension, restlessness, anxiety, and disruption of the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly through the abdominal cavity.

Diaphragmatic breathing is useful not only for athletes: singers, actors, and TV presenters are taught a special technique. I will tell you how to learn healthy breathing techniques and why they are beneficial. Give me a little attention and in a few weeks you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

Diaphragmatic breathing includes several rules for performing various exercises that have a beneficial effect on the physiological and psychological state of a person.

Do not think that air absorption occurs in the stomach. You can only inhale it with your lungs. The abdomen moves due to the movement of the diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from abdominal cavity. When inhaling air, the stomach becomes rounded, and when exhaling it returns to its original state.

Benefits and harms

Oddly enough, technology has not only many advantages, but also its disadvantages. There are also contraindications, but first things first.


Breathing through the chest does not allow us to completely enrich the body with oxygen. We use less than half the volume of our lungs, inhaling air quickly and superficially, which causes insomnia, atherosclerosis and other health problems. Diaphragmatic air absorption has a number of advantages:

  • Improved gas exchange. With shallow breathing, cell nutrition is reduced to a minimum, and the efficiency of gas exchange decreases. Therefore, lethargy arises constant fatigue. Correct movement The diaphragm provides the body with energy, enriches it with oxygen, improves immunity, and helps fight disease.
  • Allows you to relax. The sympathetic nervous system must. But during quiet moments in a person's life, the sympathetic system should decrease and the parasympathetic nervous system should increase. If this does not happen, then stress for a long time does not leave the person, so the sympathetic system is excited, suppressing the parasympathetic. With proper breathing, the parasympathetic system can be stimulated to relax to achieve inner peace.
  • It is a “pain reliever”. The muscles become tense and severe pain appears, gradually turning into chronic pain. Deep breathing effectively relieves pain.
  • Tones muscles. During inhalation and exhalation, all parts of the body must function in order to maintain healthy immunity and muscle tone. Diaphragmatic breathing involves working the abdominal muscles, back, pelvic floor, diaphragm.

  • Improves posture. To correctly perform the air absorption technique, you must not slouch: your shoulders must be relaxed, your back straight, and your pelvis not protruding.
  • Depressant. Deep breaths and slow exhalations during abdominal breathing calm the central nervous system.
  • . Oxygen enters the body.


The abdominal breathing technique should be learned gradually after consultation with a doctor. People suffering from hypertension are contraindicated to breathe from the stomach. After all, the lungs and heart are subjected to a strong impact, which increases intrathoracic and intrapulmonary pressure. After the first exercises, you may experience weakness and dizziness.

Correct belly breathing technique

To relax and relieve stress, breathing exercises can be done at home, taking any position.

  1. Take a deep breath through your nose, sticking your stomach out, and count to three.
  2. Hold your breath for a count of three.
  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of six.

Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. This is necessary to enrich the body with oxygen and cleanse it of carbon dioxide.

In yoga

The inhalation begins at the navel, and you feel your stomach swell. Slowly move to the chest. The chest expands, fills with oxygen, and then the throat expands. As you exhale, change the sequence: throat, chest, stomach.

In oxysize

Take a deep breath with your stomach, expanding your abdominal cavity. Without ceasing to inhale air, take three deep breaths, drawing in the maximum amount of air. A second of rest, make the lips into a tube. Make one exhalation from the abdominal cavity, then three exhalations from the chest.

In qigong practice

Practice includes various exercises, breathing exercises.

  • "Frog"

We take a Turkish pose, joining our hands in a lock, placing our elbows on our knees. Touch your forehead to your joined palms. Exhale and immediately inhale with your stomach through your nasal passages. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. The exercise is performed on an empty stomach, the number of workouts is 2-3 per day for 10-15 minutes.

  • "Wave"

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale air through your chest, drawing in your stomach. Next, exhale, expanding and inflating the abdominal cavity, while the chest retracts. The body resembles a wavy line. Exercise helps eliminate hunger.

How to breathe in a “vacuum”

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees.
  2. As you exhale, draw in your stomach, trying to bring your navel as close to your spine as possible.
  3. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  4. The exercise is repeated 3 times.

Through constant training, you can learn to hold the press position for up to 1 minute. This exercise has an advantage: in a vacuum state you can take deep and shallow breaths, exhale every 5 or 8 seconds.

In fitness, bodybuilding

At strength exercises You cannot hold your breath so that the brain does not experience oxygen starvation, blood pressure does not increase, and the effectiveness of the training does not decrease.

  1. Inhale air through your nose at the moment of least muscle effort, completely filling your lungs.
  2. Exhale completely through your mouth at the moment of the power move.

Common mistakes and what you need to know

You should begin breathing exercises gradually so that the body gets used to the increased volume of oxygen.

People starting to do breathing exercises should know that they are performed on an empty stomach. Constantly skipping workouts will not accustom your body to abdominal breathing.

Before mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, you must consult a doctor and check your health for the presence of cardiovascular diseases, hernia, and ulcers.

Those who want to lose weight study this breathing technique, but the diet remains the same. Without a balanced nutrition program for weight loss, you cannot achieve the desired result.

Breathing is the most important process of life. Thanks to it, the body is saturated with oxygen - an integral participant in all reactions and processes occurring in it. The ability to breathe is gifted from birth, but the vast majority of people, according to physiologists, do not do it entirely correctly.

In other words, oxygen is inhaled only in the quantities necessary to maintain life, and most chemical reactions simply do not take place due to its lack. This leads to exhaustion, deterioration of health, and shortened life.

A vital physiological process, as a result of which organs and cells are saturated with oxygen. And the deeper the inhalation, the more oxygen enters the body, and the saturation process occurs faster.

In the process of enriching the body with oxygen, a by-product such as carbon dioxide is released, which is removed through exhalation. Therefore, the more efficiently a person exhales, the faster carbon dioxide is eliminated.

Being an unconditioned (innate) reflex, breathing is not controlled by the brain, but occurs unconsciously. If the amount of carbon dioxide in the body increases, and there is not enough oxygen, then the person begins to breathe faster. This condition is typical for stressful situations and high physical activity.

Lack of oxygen inhibits all metabolic processes occurring in the body and negatively affects well-being and health. This is the reason for the high interest in proper breathing and the relevance of this topic.

How to breathe correctly - Video

What is breathing like?

Various organs can be involved in the respiratory process. Depending on this, the following types of breathing are distinguished:

  1. diaphragmatic (abdominal);
  2. thoracic (costal);
  3. clavicular

Abdominal breathing is based on contraction and relaxation of the large muscle of the diaphragm, which separates thoracic region from abdominal. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts, air fills the lower region of the lungs, the stomach inflates, and when you exhale, on the contrary, the muscle relaxes, the stomach retracts.

Costal breathing is carried out due to contraction pectoral muscles and an increase in the diameter of the bronchi and bronchioles during the “absorption” of oxygen, their narrowing when carbon dioxide is released from the lungs. This type of breathing is the most common, but it is not correct.

With clavicular breathing, which fills with air only top part lungs, the least amount of air enters. Inhalation occurs when raising, and exhalation occurs when lowering the collarbones.

What is correct breathing?

A physiologically correct process in which both the diaphragm and the chest are involved. When these two organs are activated, oxygen fills the lungs to the maximum, and the diaphragm simultaneously “massages” the pancreas, heart sac, kidneys, spleens, lungs and liver.

Breathing correctly means inhaling air not through your mouth, but through your nose. When air enters through the mouth, gas exchange in the body worsens. Nasal breathing, on the contrary, activates the diaphragm and maximally saturates the cells with oxygen. The design of the nasal cavity is such that all air passing through it is filtered from viruses, bacteria and dust.

Only diaphragmatic breathing, with its inherent entry of air into the body through the nasal cavity, is correct and healthy. And, despite the fact that breathing is an unconditioned reflex, everyone can master it. It is especially important for those who devote themselves to healthy and active image life.

Breathing during intense exercise

The effectiveness of training and the athlete’s well-being directly depend on accelerated metabolic processes that require large amounts of oxygen. If during physical intense loads breathing becomes rapid, air enters through the mouth, which means that the body is sorely lacking oxygen. This is fraught with both a decrease in the effectiveness of training and stress for the whole body, which is accompanied by increased stress on the heart muscle and blood vessels.

This condition is especially dangerous for bodybuilders and is characterized by weakness and loss of strength, rather than a feeling of pleasant fatigue after performing deadlifts. And if a person does not know how to breathe correctly, then achieving any significant results both in sports and in healthy image life is impossible. It is necessary to breathe correctly not only during training, but also outside the gym.

Basics of proper breathing

Breathing training is based on two main principles:

  1. the first inhalation is performed energetically, and subsequent inhalations and exhalations are carried out smoothly and slowly;
  2. exhalation should always be twice as long as inhalation.

Along with these rules, there are other recommendations that will allow you to most effectively master how to breathe correctly:

  • you need to do either fresh air, or in a well-ventilated area;
  • you need to start mastering the techniques while lying down; you can sit or stand only after the exercises have been mastered well enough;
  • You need to train at least twice a day for five minutes;
  • the rhythm of breathing should be controlled both during exercise and in everyday life;
  • Gradually increase the intervals between your breaths, setting yourself the goal of achieving the deepest possible breaths.

Learning to breathe with your stomach

An effective method for mastering the technique of healthy and physiologically correct diaphragmatic breathing for a beginner is to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. take a supine position;
  2. bend your knees;
  3. put your hands on your stomach;
  4. exhale vigorously;
  5. take a slow breath, focusing on the navel, making sure that air enters the body not through the chest, but through the diaphragm as the stomach rises;
  6. exhale smoothly, drawing in your stomach.

You need to repeat the exercise at least 6-7 times.

Learning to breathe with your chest

The starting position is similar to performing a diaphragmatic breathing exercise. The difference is that the hands are placed not on the stomach, but on the chest. Training chest breathing involves taking slow inhalations and exhalations, during which all attention is concentrated on the ribs.

You need to constantly control your breathing, not limiting yourself solely to performing the presented techniques. The main goal in mastering correct and healthy breathing is to bring this process to automatism. From the start of classes to the moment when a person, without thinking and without any control, begins to breathe as deeply as possible, can take from one to three months.

There are also more complex breathing techniques aimed at mastering all types of breathing during inhalation and exhalation. Yogis and professional divers can breathe through the chest, diaphragm and collarbones at the same time. This once again proves that human capabilities are limitless.

How to breathe in bodybuilding - Video

The breathing process is different for each person. Few of us think about how he breathes and how, in general, he should breathe correctly. IN last years, among supporters of a healthy lifestyle, diaphragmatic breathing according to Bubnovsky is gaining particular popularity. Such breathing technique used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to normalize metabolic processes, during weight loss and other therapeutic measures, to enhance the body’s protective functions.

What is diaphragmatic breathing?

The diaphragm is a muscular septum that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. By its nature, the breathing process is carried out involuntarily; a person breathes reflexively, completely not paying attention to how this happens. It is known that there are several types of breathing:

  • chest;
  • diaphragmatic;
  • mixed.

It is generally accepted that chest breathing is often common among women, and diaphragmatic breathing among men. But most people, regardless of gender, use mixed type. Normal chest breathing contributes to the formation of low pressure in the lungs, but with diaphragmatic breathing, the volume of air entering the lungs is slightly higher, so the blood is much better saturated with oxygen.

Diaphragmatic breathing, carried out using the abdomen, is considered the most correct, favorable, and also natural for the body. In other words, one that engages the abdominal diaphragm. From birth, a person breathes in this way, but in the process of growing up and due to a sedentary lifestyle, the diaphragm tightens and the person involuntarily begins to breathe through the chest. This leads to the development of many disorders, including respiratory processes.

With each full inhalation and exhalation, corresponding vibrations of the diaphragm are created. It begins to contract and stretch more intensely, massaging nearby intra-abdominal organs: pancreas, gall bladder and ducts, liver, kidneys, intestines. Many who practice diaphragmatic exercises for constipation note that 2-3 weeks after the start of such training, intestinal function stabilizes. Also, with regular exercise, the functioning of the heart, pancreas and gall bladder is restored, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves.

Benefits and harms

The healing properties of diaphragmatic breathing on the body are obvious. Tensing the abdominal muscles through breathing exercises helps health benefits and losing weight. After methodical and regular classes The following positive changes have been noted:

  1. The process of active oxygen saturation of the blood is observed;
  2. Blood and vascular system begin to work significantly better;
  3. Pulmonary massage is carried out naturally, such exercises help with complications caused by bronchopulmonary diseases;
  4. The lung lobes of smokers are cleared of harmful tars;
  5. Shortness of breath is eliminated;
  6. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, natural massage helps to increase blood circulation in them;
  7. Effectively reduces excess weight;
  8. Sleep normalization occurs.

The benefit of diaphragmatic breathing is that it helps relax the abdominal muscles. Due to this, blood circulation in the solar plexus is reduced, which leads to stabilization of respiratory processes. Inhalations and exhalations become smoother, deeper and more measured. This promotes nervous calm, relief from anxiety, worries and other mental disorders.

Any excessive stress, including in the field of breathing exercises, can negatively affect the well-being and general condition of the body. Everything should be done in moderation and not exceed permissible norm loads

At first, you may experience dizziness and even fainting due to hyperventilation. Also, you should not do diaphragmatic gymnastics if there are contraindications to the use of this technique. It is strictly forbidden to use this technique for people diagnosed with hypertension and other problems that provoke persistent high blood pressure.

Development of diaphragmatic breathing

It is best to do breathing exercises in the morning and evening.

The place for studying should be separate so as not to be distracted by surrounding factors, and also ventilated in advance so that the air in the room is fresh. You can perform the exercises both sitting and lying down.

Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement when inhaling. Before starting a workout, it is important to be completely focused on the current process. Concentration helps you feel the respiratory muscle in more detail.

Video “Adaptive gymnastics by Bubnovsky”

Description of properties and illustrative examples Bubnovsky's diaphragmatic gymnastics.


Fulfill gymnastic exercises possible in different positions, which allows you to choose the most optimal method for yourself, taking into account your preferences.

Lying down

  1. You need to lie on your back and relax as much as possible.
  2. Place your right palm on bottom part belly, and the left - on the chest. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to control the breathing process.
  3. You should start with a minimum volume of inhaled air through the nose, gradually increasing it.
  4. You need to breathe in such a way that in the chest area left hand remained in place, and the right one rose. The abdominal muscles should not tense. This is how diaphragmatic gymnastics begins. The duration of exhalation should be 2-3 times longer than inhalation.
  5. After a few minutes, you can already feel the diaphragm oscillating.
  6. Further actions consist of inhaling and exhaling. When inhaling, the stomach should swell, rising and falling as you breathe, and the chest should remain motionless.
  7. On average, you need to perform about 20-30 inhalations/exhalations. At the first attempts, you may experience dizziness and a slight state of panic, but you should not be afraid of this, because over time everything will return to normal.

A similar exercise can also be performed with a weight. Having placed yourself comfortably on the floor, you need to place a book on your stomach. Next, you can begin to breathe steadily, observing how the diaphragm works. The stomach should lift and lower the load, and the chest should remain motionless.

In a sitting position

The following exercise is performed in a sitting and kneeling position:

  1. First you need to sit down comfortably and take a comfortable position, and then begin to breathe slowly through the diaphragm, while controlling its movement. To increase sensitivity, you can close your eyes. When inhaling and exhaling, you should count to 5, that is, in the intervals between which you need to hold your breath for about 3 seconds.
  2. After 10-15 breaths, you should move on to gymnastics called “dog breathing”. To do this, you need to kneel down and rest your palms on the floor, relax your stomach and begin to breathe actively and intensively. This position is the most optimal for practicing diaphragmatic exercises, since it allows you to special effort use aperture. But at the same time, it should not be too long, as it causes significant dizziness.

At first, it is quite difficult to adapt to diaphragmatic breathing. Many people complain that when they breathe from their belly, their lungs are not fully saturated with oxygen, but in fact this is not the case.

It’s just a matter of habit, because it’s easier for all of us to breathe from the chest. But systematic training will definitely yield results. The main thing is to take this process seriously, performing all breathing movements carefully and measuredly. After a few months, the body will feel improvements and benefits from these exercises.

In addition, diaphragmatic breathing according to Bubnovsky involves joint and simultaneous performance breathing exercises with different physical exercise for each part of the body, for the prevention or treatment of a specific disease. The effectiveness of this technique has been proven by many scientists. Any exercise or workout can be combined with breathing exercises for achievement better effect, which will be noticeable after just a few breathing sessions.

Video “What is diaphragmatic breathing?”

Description of diaphragmatic breathing, its basic properties and rules of implementation.