Breathing during abdominal exercises. How to breathe correctly when pumping your abs. Proper breathing when pumping the press: the basics

Fitness expert Dr Alex Hutchinson breaks down the science behind how to breathe properly during exercise.

Birds do it, and horses do it too - so it's natural to expect that humans should synchronize their breathing with rhythmic activities such as running, cycling or rowing.

Indeed, decades of research have shown that there is a definite relationship between the rate of steps and the rate of breathing: in the most different types sports; both for beginners and professionals; both at low and high speed.

Some scientists believe that unconscious synchronization makes movements more efficient . Based on a number of recent experiments, it has also been hypothesized that if you force yourself to breathe in a certain pattern, it can cause a negative effect.

Horses maintain a constant proportion, a 1:1 ratio, between strides and breaths because their lungs and breathing muscles oscillate rhythmically every time their hooves hit the ground. The same thing happens to birds when they flap their wings. In humans, due to upright walking, the situation is different: the vibration effect that occurs with each step does not directly affect the respiratory muscles.

However, a series of experiments conducted in the 1970s on a treadmill and exercise bike showed that some (but not all) subjects naturally began to breathe so that their breathing synchronized with the frequency of their movements.

The ratio of complete steps (counting each time the right foot touches the ground) and complete respiratory cycles (counting each exhalation) varies greatly among different people: Observations give results of 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 and even 5:2. The most common result among runners is two stride cycles per breath cycle.

An experiment carried out by Swedish scientists in 1993 showed that Runners appear to expend slightly less energy when their breathing is coordinated with their pace. , a discovery that has led some coaches to teach athletes to focus more on breathing. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether synchronized breathing actually facilitates movement and helps conserve energy, but the results were contradictory.

For more than 20 years, it has not been possible to detect any clear connection, so if it actually exists, then this effect is too small to be of practical significance. However, the idea that there is a “correct” way of breathing is still very common.

Newer research has found that trying to consciously control your breathing is not only fundamentally different from simply allowing your breathing to automatically adjust to the rhythm of your movement, but it can also have negative consequences. In 2009, German scientists from the Institute sports sciences in Munster, runners were observed who had to alternately focus on either their breathing or their surroundings.

When subjects concentrated on their breathing, they breathed deeper and slowed their breathing rate from 37 breaths per minute to 30. As a result, they spent almost 10% more energy than when they did not monitor their breathing and just looked around .

The researchers concluded that Our body is able to automatically select the correct breathing rate on a subconscious level, but when we try to think about it, we only make it worse for ourselves.

One way or another, it will be useful for novice athletes to familiarize themselves with some recommendations regarding proper breathing. For example, if you breathe through both your nose and mouth at the same time, you can get more oxygen than through your nose or mouth alone.

A When lifting weights, it is important to synchronize your breathing: as you exhale, lift the weight, while inhaling, lower it; and most importantly, do not hold your breath under any circumstances.

But in general, if you find yourself panting during a new cardio exercise, it's likely because you started too quickly, not because you're breathing incorrectly. Slow down, think about something pleasant, and everything will work out on its own.

Did you know that the way you breathe regularly has a profound effect on your body and vital functions? Breathing in the wrong patterns disrupts sleep and mood, digestion, the functioning of the heart and nervous system, muscles, brain, and even dental development. If you learn the simple rules of how to breathe correctly, you can get a lot of benefits. It will help increase your energy, improve your health, reduce anxiety and fear, make your life happier, and improve respiratory development. The answer to these problems is conscious breathing.

So what is breathing in the right patterns? In simple words, this is the type of breathing that is physiologically optimal for the body. This is the way a person should breathe, but no one teaches this (so learn on your own, watch videos on the topic).

Most of us breathe in a way that still needs to be perfected. These include rapid breathing, holding your breath, and/or shallow breathing.These breathing patterns are harmful to the body and lead to a lack of oxygen and energy. Correct breathing characterized by the absence of such problems or minor manifestations.

To eliminate these problems, become aware of the ways you breathe and change your breathing patterns. So why is this important for health? The answer is further.

Consequences of improper breathing

Improper breathing habits lead to many unexpected negative consequences for health and well-being. Here are some of them:

  • The nervous system becomes unbalanced - breathing is important for maintaining well-being because every breath has a direct impact on the nervous system.
  • The airways become more rigid, which makes it difficult for air to pass from the lungs. To compensate, we work harder and breathe faster to do the same job as before. If there is a neuroinfection in the back, there may even be pain when inhaling. It also becomes more difficult to read out loud.
  • Blood vessels narrow, which leads to increased blood pressure and, in turn, causes the heart to work harder.
  • Less energy is produced. Poor breathing reduces the body's ability to deliver oxygen to cells. Cells become stressed and their goal is survival rather than development. There are many videos on the Internet that provide answers to these problems.

Every process in the body depends on oxygen. Some of the most intensive working parts are:

  • Brain. Uses 20% of the oxygen we consume. When there is not enough oxygen, the brain will work slower, and since it regulates many other functions in the body, that is also affected.
  • The heart, which beats 100,000 times a day, is a big consumer of oxygen, and supply shortages mean the heart no longer pumps blood as efficiently. This leads to poor circulation and the result can be cold hands and feet.
  • Muscles. When there is not enough oxygen, it has a negative impact on endurance as muscles become stiff, tense and tire faster.

5 simple principles of proper breathing

IN useful videos talks about relaxed and calm breathing. How to make the approximately 25,000 breaths you take every day relaxed and harmonious? The answer is simple - this can be done by following simple rules:

  1. Breathe through your nose

The breath should come in and out through the nose. When you breathe through your mouth, your lungs receive much more “unfiltered” air, which is damp, cold, dry, and full of viruses and bacteria.

  1. Breathe with your diaphragm

The air you inhale through your nose should end up in your stomach. The breathing muscles consist of the diaphragm and muscles in the abdomen, chest, neck and shoulders. 70-80% of your inhalation should be done through your diaphragm to ensure your breathing is deep. There are a number of benefits to breathing from your belly instead of your chest.

  1. Breathe relaxed

No matter what we plan to do, we do it better if we are relaxed. By taking control of your breathing, the body relaxes, leading to improved functioning. Watch videos with relaxing music or listen to nature sounds to calm your mind and relax your breathing.

  1. Breathe rhythmically

Everything has a natural rhythm - the waves of the ocean, the seasons, the moon. The body is no different. The rhythm of the heart is measured in an electrocardiogram, and the rhythm of the brain is measured in an EEG. Hormones in the body follow our natural rhythm. An example is melatonin, which is released when we go to sleep. To breathe correctly, also follow a certain rhythm.

  1. Breathe quietly

Coughing, snoring, and sniffling create unnecessary noise and interfere with uniform breathing, and it becomes intermittent. Get rid of these manifestations of breathing and unnecessary sounds when speaking. Try to practice: read aloud or watch a video about this.

Proper breathing during exercise

Mostly we don’t think about how to breathe properly in Everyday life unlike athletes. Proper breathing plays an important role during training and allows you to achieve good results. On the Internet you can find many video trainings about the importance of proper breathing in sports.

During physical exercise: While running, walking or cycling, remember to breathe deeply. At this time, the body is stressed and needs more oxygen.

Breathing pattern changes depending on the exercises performed:

  • Strength exercises. When performing such physical exercises, inhale should occur at a time when you are relaxed, and exhale during exercise. For example, if you are doing a bench press, then you should inhale when the barbell is on your chest, and exhale when pushing the barbell away from your chest. It should be borne in mind that if during the exercise you cannot breathe according to the rules and you hold your breath, then this means that the load is too much for your body.
  • Stretching. Breathing during flexibility training is based on the following principle: inhale when your chest is completely straightened, and exhale in a bent position. If, for example, we take bends, then inhale when you are straightened, and exhale when you are bent.
  • Swimming. Everything here is simpler and at the same time more interesting. Breathing depends directly on your swimming style. If you are swimming breaststroke, you inhale when your head is above the water, if you are swimming in crawl, you inhale when your head is turned to the side. Exhale only while moving and do it into the water.

Correct breathing while singing

Effective breathing while singing is a combination correct posture and skillful inhalations and exhalations. When you sing, remember the importance of posture, correct positioning and the pose allows you to take a full breath. If you slouch or are too tense, your diaphragm becomes blocked by your chest and prevents you from breathing properly while singing. If your breathing and the posture you are in work together as a team, you can improve your singing.

Another point when it comes to voice training is correct phonation breathing. This is an exhalation of air while simultaneously pronouncing sounds when speaking. In other words, this is the most important part of singing.

When you exhale quickly, phonation breathing is lost, so it is worth training to exhale slowly and moderately in order to use the exhalation as much as possible.

To develop breathing when singing, try to read aloud, check every movement chest when doing this exercise. Watch a video on how to read aloud correctly.

So, proper breathing is important not only in everyday life, but also in some specific areas of activity, for example, when singing and doing exercises. The key to proper breathing lies in following a few rules of conscious breathing. To bring the process of inhalation and exhalation to automaticity and get results, you need to devote time and effort to this.

While studying by force exercises, many people think about how to breathe correctly. In addition to the fact that proper breathing helps you concentrate on doing the exercise and maintain the rhythm, it makes it easier to perform, since it makes it easier for the body to bear the load.

— The role of breathing when performing strength exercises;
— The main rules of breathing when pumping the press;
— Useful video on how to breathe correctly when pumping your abs.

Professional athletes know exactly how to breathe correctly, since sports sections They devote a lot of time to this point and teach it almost in the first lesson.

By accurately following the main principles of proper breathing, an athlete is able to exercise longer and achieve faster results. desired result. Today we will talk about simple exercises.
Thanks to the fact that the exercise Press swing is one of the simplest and most effective, it is considered one of the most common. Let's look at the main features of the question:

For many people, when starting exercises to pump up the abdominal muscles, it is difficult to understand how to breathe correctly?

In fact, in order for the muscles to contract as much as possible when the abs are tense, you need to exhale air from the lungs, freeing the torso.

Breathe correctly when pumping your abs this way:

1). Lying on your back, take a deep breath.
2). Exhale at strength exercises done under tension. Raise your torso and at the same time exhale fully. If you raise your legs or knees, also exhale.
At the same time, you should remember How to breathe correctly when pumping the press. You need to inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

The complete rule for pumping up the abdominal muscles looks like this:

1. Lie on the floor and put your hands behind your head. Keep your back straight.
2. Take a deep breath through your nose.
3. Lift off the floor, back straight, and exhale through your mouth. It is important to ensure that the elbows are spread straight apart and not at an angle.
3. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose while lying down, relaxed.

You might be interested in a video on the topic of proper breathing:

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Did you know that the effectiveness of your sports training directly related to how you breathe?

In the process of losing calories and gaining muscle mass We often forget about breathing, but this is even more than half the success - breathing helps to properly saturate the body with oxygen, thanks to which the training process brings the same joy as its result.

How to breathe correctly during training? When should you inhale and exhale, how long should you inhale and how short should you exhale?
Breathing is such a natural process for us that most often we don’t even notice how we breathe. But as soon as the oxygen is cut off, “life changes before our eyes.”

Breathing during exercise is almost more important than the exercise itself. It’s not uncommon for a person to seem to be running constantly, and physical training does it regularly, and the fat remains the same. This is where it’s time to think about how you breathe during physical activity. Because breathing is a whole science, you can ask anyone professional athlete(cm.)

In order for excess fat to begin to be consumed, it must give energy to the muscles. For this two components are needed: physical exercise (make muscles work) and oxygen(“burns” fat, turning it into energy). In order for the body to be saturated with oxygen as much as possible, it is preferable to perform physical exercises at fresh air(on the street). The intensity of training is needed so that the body burns as much fat as possible, that is, when playing sports you need to “sweat” properly. And one more thing: competent and correct breathing is necessary.

For most people losing weight, this is a wide open mouth, the chest rises high, it may seem that the person is suffocating. And at this moment the person thinks that he is burning a lot of fat because he has done heavy physical activity. But in fact it's the other way around. Lost breathing indicates that your body has a deficiency of oxygen, and since it lacks oxygen, then there can be no talk of burning fat.

When at rest, most people breathe through their chest. During inhalation, the chest rises. This type of breathing is called chest breathing. With this kind of breathing, our body does not spend very much energy, and in this case the breath will not be deep. Since breathing is a process that we do not consciously control, we transfer this type of breathing to sports. During training, a person continues to breathe shallowly, and literally from the first minutes the body begins to feel oxygen starvation. Our body has to take some measures, the way out is to increase breathing and heart rate. But there is clearly not enough air for normal “burning” of fat.

Breathing during exercise should be deep, because this is how oxygen exchange has the highest efficiency.

Shallow breathing is a problem for all city dwellers. The fact is that in megacities the air is highly polluted, therefore, to protect ourselves from it, we involuntarily get used to taking a shallow breath. As a result, the blood is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, and a person quickly gets tired during exercise, and his body cannot fully burn fat. To compensate for shallow breaths, we begin to breathe more often. However, this does not help to exhale carbon dioxide well; because of this, the blood cannot “take” much oxygen - because its place is taken by CO2. And so we breathe often, often, suffocate, pain appears under the ribs - this is how the spleen reacts to a lack of oxygen. The pulse and blood pressure rise, and those who usually have low blood pressure may begin to feel faint. The person is unable to study further. But full fat burning begins only at the 20th minute of continuous physical work. A weight loss workout should last at least half an hour, and fitness classes in clubs usually last 45-50 minutes. Therefore, in order to hold out, you must learn to breathe deeply.

Deep breathing is well trained in tai chi, yoga and breathing exercises according to Buteyko. As well as swimming lessons in the pool.

Next: necessary learn to breathe with your stomach. Many people have heard about belly breathing. In fact, it is carried out not by the stomach, but by the diaphragm. This is a large muscle that is located just below the ribs, in what is called the solar plexus. Working with the diaphragm, you need to inhale and exhale, but not always. For example, yoga trainers may suggest breathing bottom belly.

“Belly breathing” is very effective, this is how small children breathe. By performing this exercise, you not only enrich the body with oxygen, but also, with the help of minor physical effort, massage internal organs. With age, breathing becomes more shallow, so this exercise will help restore full, deep breathing.

1. As you exhale, pull your belly and stomach toward your spine.
2. The chest is relaxed and lowered. Avoid physical stress. You should feel some flattening of the chest.
3. Inhale slowly through your nose. As you inhale, keep your chest and stomach flat.
4. Fill your lungs with air. Try to let the air fill the diaphragm, feel how it expands.
5. The abdomen expands like an inflated ball in all directions (not just forward). The chest and abdomen above the navel practically do not expand.
6. At the peak of inhalation, begin a slow, smooth exhalation, contracting your stomach through light physical effort and relaxing the diaphragm.
7. Both inhalation and exhalation should be smooth, as silent as possible and identical
by duration. As soon as the breathing becomes barely noticeable, we can talk about undoubted success.
8. Start the exercise with three breaths. If your health allows, perform the exercise nine or more times.

U similar exercises special goals, but these are just exercises, that is, temporary actions. And during normal training, we need normal, constant breathing, which burns fat, and it is performed with the participation of the diaphragm.

Here simple exercise to establish proper breathing: We lie down, for example, on the floor. I put my hand on my stomach. Now, when you inhale, try not to move your chest, but inflate your stomach. As you exhale, try to pull your stomach in harder to push the air out. Such training should be carried out as often as possible, so that later during physical activity you can breathe automatically from your stomach.

Breathing during exercise should be done only through the nose. This is due to the fact that breathing through the nose has a beneficial effect on brain activity. This process is akin to meditation, which increases the time for physical activity and delays fatigue. Plus, nasal breathing helps the diaphragm to be activated to the maximum. Breathing through the mouth does not have the advantages of nasal breathing and also interferes with the normal exchange of oxygen, so breathing through the mouth will do nothing but harm.
What if a person has chronic rhinitis? Then exhale through your mouth, it is not fatal, however, you will get tired a little faster.

Breathing during exercise besides everything else must be rhythmic. That is, during training, try to adjust your breathing to some rhythm: music, steps, beats, claps, etc. Develop your own breathing tactics, try to hold your breath longer (for example, inhale and exhale after 2-3-4-5-10 steps). As a result, you will develop your own style, in which your breathing will be synchronized with your actions, and this will immediately increase the effect of the exercises performed by an order of magnitude.

Why do you need to breathe properly?

You exhaust yourself with fitness, and still don't lose weight. Why? One explanation is improper breathing.

Reason 1: Oxygen supply

Our fat stores represent energy in a “passive” form. Without exaggeration, they can be compared to a pile of coal or a woodpile. In order for fat to “flare up”, it must be fanned like a fire. In other words, ensure the flow of oxygen. It is for this reason that when you run, you begin to breathe more often. The faster you breathe, the more oxygen in the blood. The more it gets into areas of fat accumulation. Then everything is simple: fat burns and releases energy to working muscles.
Now let's make two important conclusions.

First conclusion: the intensity of the training should be high. The more energy your muscles need, the more fat your body will have to burn.

Second conclusion, the most important thing: you need to breathe during sports not anyhow, but correctly.

To an inexperienced beginner, it seems that his intermittent, ragged breathing is a sign that he has taken a really serious load on his chest. Accordingly, more fat will be burned, they say. No, it's not like that at all. When you gasp for air with your mouth wide open, like a fish thrown ashore, it just means that your body is sorely lacking oxygen. This has nothing to do with losing kilograms, since a lack of air automatically leads to a “fading” of the metabolic flame, that is, a slowdown in fat burning.
Remember the burning of a candle. In the open air it burns calmly and evenly. But as soon as you cover it with a glass, in other words, “cut off its oxygen,” it immediately goes out. So, the harder it is for you to breathe, the less hope you have for losing weight.

Reason 3: Heart rate

Breathing is an unconscious process. Watch yourself when watching TV. You inhale and your chest heaves. This is the so-called chest breathing, in which the body expends a minimum of its strength. When you breathe through your chest, your inhalation is inevitably shallow because air circulates only in the upper part of your lungs.
During fitness classes, out of long-term habit, you continue to breathe from your chest. As a result, the lungs work at barely a third of their potential volume. Such breathing almost immediately creates an energy deficit, since the body desperately lacks oxygen. In response, the body tries to make breathing more frequent - it speeds up the heart rate. As a result, the pulse quickens, creating stress for the body. It is because of this that the next day after aerobics, instead of pleasant fatigue, you feel completely exhausted.

Reason 4: Correcting your posture

Remember: oxygen exchange occurs most efficiently in the lower part of the lungs. In order for air to penetrate here, you need to breathe deeply - diaphragmatic (or “abdominal”) breathing. Simply put, you need to breathe with your stomach.
Now let’s start experimenting: inhale - the stomach inflates, exhale - the stomach retracts, pushing out the remnants of recycled air. If you find it difficult to breathe from your stomach, it means you have extremely bad posture. Stand with your back to the wall and try to press the back of your head, buttocks and calves against the wall at the same time. Again try to breathe into your belly. Happened? In any case, first you need to correct your posture (see) and only then take on a serious aerobic cycle aimed at dramatic weight loss. Otherwise, you will be out of breath and will not be able to handle even half of the required load.

Reason 5: Fight fatigue

How to breathe - through the nose or mouth? Definitely the nose! Breathing through the mouth limits the vital capacity of the lungs and burns up gas exchange in the body, even in the case of correct “abdominal” breathing. But “nasal” breathing, on the contrary, activates the diaphragm as much as possible. In addition, breathing through the nose calms the brain's biorhythms, like meditation. As a result, fatigue sets in later. You should breathe through your nose as much as possible, and the transition to mouth breathing occurs automatically as the load increases.
Breathing through your nose seems more difficult than through your mouth, but this is only at first. To teach yourself a strict breathing rhythm, count your steps (or strokes, or pedal rotations - it doesn’t matter) and adjust your inhalations and exhalations to them. Gradually increase your breathing interval. If you used to breathe every second step, now try breathing in every fourth. Continue to breathe in a new way not only in the gym, but also in everyday life. And take your time: it may take you from 3 to 10 weeks of practice to master this science.

Breathing during exercise - practical recommendations

If you learn to control your breathing, you can significantly lighten the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and increase the effectiveness of the training process.

Flexibility exercises- bends, turns, rotation of the body, swings, circular movements arms and legs - in all these exercises, inhale in positions that promote expansion of the chest, and exhale when it contracts. . For example, bending over - exhale, straightening the body - inhale. Do you feel your lungs “expanding”?

Strength exercises In these exercises, everything depends on muscle tension - it is recommended to exhale at the moment of greatest muscle effort, and inhale at the moment of the least. That is, if you raise your legs up from a position lying on your back, then inhale while raising your legs, and exhale while lowering them down, when the tension in the abdominal muscles is greater.
During inhalation, intra-abdominal pressure increases and, accordingly, arterial pressure, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system. There is no need to add to it the load from the movement being performed. In addition, it is easier to concentrate effort while exhaling. When doing push-ups in a lying position, inhale while bending your arms, and exhale while straightening.

And now about exhalation. The main rule in this case is don't hold your breath! Under any circumstances, it is impossible to delay it, to do it at the very end of the effort. This can lead to a sharp rise in pressure and overload the heart.

In exercises of a cyclic nature while walking, running, swimming, etc. It is especially important to breathe correctly, because the body’s need for oxygen increases several times. When performing cyclic movements, try to breathe evenly and deeply, focusing on exhalation. The more fully you exhale, the deeper the inhalation and the better the ventilation of the lungs. However, a sense of proportion is necessary in everything. Excessively deep breathing can have the opposite effect.
And further. Physiologically, our inhalation is slightly shorter than our exhalation. Therefore, instructors advise that during cardio training (running, skiing, cycling, elliptical, walking) to monitor the uniformity of breathing. On two counts, inhale - “one-two” and exhale in the same way - “one-two”. Therefore, to accustom yourself to even breathing, count to yourself one-two, one-two. Just pay attention: the inhalation is not held, but slightly stretched.
When running First of all, you need a rhythm and frequency of breathing that is coordinated with the movements of the body. Erratic breathing, with pauses or, on the contrary, too rapid breathing disrupts the rhythm of running, complicates coordination and does not provide sufficient ventilation of the lungs. For example, when running slowly, each inhalation and exhalation takes 3-4 steps, and when moving with average speed for each inhalation and exhalation - 1-2 steps.
Do you feel like your throat is dry? Reduce stress and restore breathing. By the way, breathing while running is an indirect indicator of your heart rate. If you are able to breathe through your nose while running, your heart rate is unlikely to exceed 130 beats per minute.

What to do if we are suffocating. This happens when we choose an activity that is too intense. It’s hard to breathe even after illness, flight or lack of sleep. There is no need to overcome yourself in such a situation; if you start to choke, reduce the pace and gradually complete the workout. Do you feel strong enough to continue? Then do the exercises at a slower pace. Remove some repetitions, replace jumps with steps, reduce the range of movements. Of course, it’s a shame to “be philandering,” but it’s better than fainting. Moreover, remember? - when breathing is disrupted, the body stops burning fat because it does not receive enough oxygen.

It is useful to raise your arms and shoulders up while inhaling, expanding your chest as much as possible, and slowly lower it as you exhale.

Don't forget to breathe! Some people even stop breathing while doing exercises. A person is so focused on the exercise that he literally performs it with bated breath, and this is not good because it leads to increased blood pressure.

For such people, it is very important to relax psychologically and feel as comfortable as possible in class. They should especially carefully choose the type of training (so that they like it) and be sure to do a warm-up.

PS.There are methods that deviate from general rule- yoga, pilates, callanetics. Effectiveness in these practices is highly dependent on strict adherence to a specific breathing cycle.

Based on materials from,,

To saturate your body with oxygen, of course, it is best to take a walk in the forest. However, physical exercise will also bring benefits - the main thing is to do it wisely!

Oxygen is involved in almost all chemical and biochemical processes in our body, plays an important role in metabolism, improves blood circulation and the absorption of vitamins and minerals. How more people works physically, the more oxygen it consumes, the release of carbon dioxide also increases.

How to do it right

In order for the body to absorb the maximum amount of oxygen, you need to breathe correctly: take even and calm exhalations and inhalations, if possible with the full volume of your lungs, without delays or failures. Whatever you choose - swimming or strength training, aerobics or Pilates - breathing technique will play a key role. When doing physical education, you need to learn how to breathe correctly; to do this, you should clearly understand the breathing technique when performing the exercise, and also undergo an assessment of the functional abilities of the body, for example, measuring lung volume. Incorrect breathing technique and lack of knowledge about physiology lead to health problems.


IN various types Sports and fitness areas use different breathing techniques. For the same exercise, depending on the goal and objectives, different types of breathing may be recommended. If you are just starting to exercise, be sure to take at least a few classes with an instructor. He will determine your breathing type and give recommendations on how to breathe correctly when performing exercises. If you are jogging, first breathe only through your nose - inhale for 3 steps, exhale for 4. If you find it difficult to exhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth as if you were trying to blow out a candle. This will help your lungs empty completely as you exhale and then take in more air as you inhale. The same rules should be followed when cross-country skiing, rollerblading or cycling. Breathing correctly while swimming means taking a deep breath in with your mouth above the water and exhaling under the water through your nose and mouth. This process largely depends on the style, but in any case everything should happen calmly and evenly.

During aerobics classes, improper breathing will not allow you to maintain your pace; ideally, it should remain natural. Strength training, typically involves force (where we push a weight) while exhaling. However great importance has a task. So, during squats with dumbbells, if you want to pump up your leg muscles, you need to exhale while lifting, and inhale to improve your posture. The most important thing when working with weights is not to hold your breath (pauses significantly increase blood pressure). When playing badminton or tennis, to increase the force of the blow, exhale while hitting the ball or shuttlecock, since when you exhale, the chest shrinks and the muscles of the back, abdomen and chest tighten, imparting greater force to the shoulder. When riding alpine skiing During descent, breathing should be through the nose. It is advisable to do turns while exhaling.

start from the beginning

Frequent breathing in response to activity is an adequate reaction of the body. But if you cannot “breathe”, then the load was excessive and needs to be reduced. If the chosen pace or load is too much for you, stop exercising. Stop and do warm-up exercises - calm stretching, deep breaths. When breathing is restored, you can continue training. On a treadmill or bicycle - reduce the speed, restore your breathing, and then gradually increase the load again. In the pool, exhale under the water: inhale deeply, and then, falling under the water, try to exhale all the air.

It is advisable to always breathe through the nose, then the air is well prepared for absorption, warmed and purified. Breathing through the mouth can only be used during intensive work. So, the basic rule of breathing during training: we breathe through our nose as much as we can, and when the intensity of the load is high, we use our mouth as we exhale.

Important! Classes should take place in a room with enough fresh, clean air. During training in a stuffy hall, corresponding changes will occur in the body: performance will decrease, the heart rate will increase compensatoryly (increasing the load on the heart), and increased concentration carbon dioxide will poison the body's cells. Running along highways, whose lovers can be seen in the city, also does nothing but harm to the body. While running, the number of heart contractions and breathing rate increase, blood circulation accelerates, and by consuming air polluted by exhaust gases, a person quickly poisons his body. This also applies to playing sports during smoky conditions.