Home workout program for men. How to pump up your body at home. Standing arm curls

Working out at home is a budget alternative to working out at the gym. Benefits of training at home:

" Availability
» Ability to choose a convenient time
» Saving travel time
» Lack of critical views
» Psychological comfort

However, to pump up without a barbell at home, you need self-discipline and knowledge of at least the basics of sports physiology. Not having a coach who can point out mistakes increases the risk of injury. Beautiful body is a combination physical activity, proper nutrition and rest mode.

Is it possible to pump up at home without exercise equipment?

Keeping a fitness diary – great way discipline yourself and celebrate the results achieved.

To train at home you will need the following equipment:

» Sportswear and shoes
" Rug
" Watch

If desired, you can use additional sports equipment:

» Fitballs
» Rubber bands
» Resistance bands
" Horizontal bar
» Crossbar
" Rings
» Hinges

What you need to grow muscles: the basics

" Goals. Before you start training, it is important to set goals and choose the appropriate program.
" Control. For self-control, it is recommended to enter a daily plan in a fitness diary, as well as the exercises performed, the number of repetitions, the number of hours of sleep and the daily diet.
" Nutrition. For recruitment muscle mass and increasing muscle definition, it is important to consume enough protein. Carbohydrates provide energy to perform exercise. Fats are necessary for the absorption of vitamins.
» Water is necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body. It is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day, as well as 1-1.5 liters during intense training.
» Emphasis on basic exercises. For beginners, it is better to include 2-3 basic multi-joint exercises in the program that work the maximum number of muscles. The base will help tone your entire body.
» The number of workouts at home should be 3-4 times a week for 60-90 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.
» The frequency of repetitions must be adequate to physical fitness. To pump up without iron at home, it is better to start with 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Gradually increase the frequency to 7-8 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
» Cardio. Anaerobic exercise warms up the body well, pumps up the heart and endurance.
" Speed. Exercises to build strength are performed quickly.
" Rest. New muscle fibers grow during rest, so you should set aside time for relaxation.

Exercises for training at home without exercise equipment


Squats fall into the category universal exercises. Various variations of squats allow you to use up to 85% of all muscles in the body. Effects of squats:

» Strengthening core muscles: abs and back
» Improved posture
» Improved coordination of movements
» Burning calories
» Development of all leg joints
» Increase testosterone levels

Technique: feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The stomach is tucked, the spine is straight. The gaze is directed ahead. While inhaling, bend your legs knee joints, moving the pelvis as far back as possible. The knee itself should not extend beyond the line of the toe. The angle between the hip and knee is 90 degrees. Your arms can be bent at the elbows or extended in front of you. As you exhale, straighten up.

Wall Squats

Target: gluteal, calf and thigh muscles.

Technique: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Shoulders and buttocks are pressed against the wall. As you inhale, lower yourself down, the angle between the knee and thigh should be 90 degrees. When sliding down, you must not lift your shoulder blades and buttocks off the wall. As you exhale, rise up.

Push ups

Target: back muscles, abs, chest, deltoids, triceps and biceps. The leg muscles are less involved. In October 180, Minora Yoshida set a world record of 10,507 push-ups.

The type of load depends on the position of the hands:

» Wide – emphasis on working the biceps
» Narrow – emphasis on working the triceps.

Technique: lying down, resting on your palms and toes. The back should be straight from the crown to the tailbone. The gaze is directed in front of you to the floor. While inhaling, bend your arms at the elbow joints and lower yourself down. The angle between the biceps and forearm should be 90 degrees. Don't let your stomach, chest, or chin hit the floor. As you exhale, return to IP.

Reverse push-ups

Target: triceps, deltoids, thoracic segment and back.

Execution technique: rest on the back of the palms on the edge of the bench, as well as on the heels. The buttocks are directed towards the floor. As you exhale, bend your elbows until right angle. As you exhale, return to the IP, pushing yourself up using the triceps.


Target: leg muscles.

Technique: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step-lunge in front with one leg. Feet parallel, weight on front leg. As you inhale, bend the knee of your back leg, forming a right angle with your thigh. The front knee should not go beyond the line of the foot. As you exhale, rise up, pushing the body with the help of gluteal muscles.


Technique: rest on your palms and toes. The palms are located under the shoulders. You can also lean on your forearms. The line of the spine should be straight, the stomach should be tucked, and there should be no deflection in the lower back. You need to hold the position as long as possible.

Side plank

Target: arms, back and abs. Side plank– complicated version classic exercise, therefore it is recommended to include it in the program after mastering the base.

Technique: lying on your side. Support on the side of the foot and palm or forearm. The hips are held up. The back should be straight, without arching. It is recommended to stay in the position for as long as possible. After a short rest, perform on the other side.


Target: arm, leg and core muscles.

Technique: lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. As you exhale, raise your head, arms and legs. Keep your limbs straight. Stay in the position for 30-120 seconds.

Crunches with leg raises

Target: abdominal muscles.

Technique: lying on your back, hands clasped behind your head. Legs raised and knees bent 90 degrees. As you exhale, pull your knees to your chest while simultaneously lifting your shoulder blades off the mat.


Target: muscles of the whole body.

Technique: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a squat, transfer the weight to your hands. Jump straighten your legs back, taking a prone position. Return to IP. Jump.

Circuit training

Circuit training is a type of training in which multiple exercises are performed without rest or with minimal rest between sets. There can be up to 10 sets in total with an interval of 1-3 minutes between cycles. The training is aimed at burning fat and training endurance.

Training program and schedule for a week without dumbbells


» Classic squats
» Sumo with jumping
» Lunge walking
» Classic plank
» Burpee


» Deep squats
» Bulgarian lunges
» Reverse push-ups
» Superman
» Crunches with leg raises
» Burpee


» Wall Squats
» Classic push-ups
» Lunges and curtsies
» Plank
» Burpee

We pump up muscle groups without exercise equipment

The exercises below will help you pump up without exercise equipment at home. It is recommended to perform them in at a slow pace, 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. The workout must include a warm-up and cool-down.

Chest without exercise equipment and iron

» Plank
» Push-ups with broad setting hands
» Explosive push-ups
» Bend-over push-ups
» Triceps push-ups
» Reverse push-ups
» Exercise with legs on a bench
» Cross-legged push-ups
» Push-ups with bent knees

Back without exercise equipment and iron

» Push-ups with wide arms
» Bridge
» Pull-ups on the horizontal bar
» Hyperextension
» Plank
» Elevated push-ups
» Circular push-ups
" Dolphin

Hands without exercise equipment and iron

» Triceps and biceps rows with elastic band
" Push ups
» Reverse push-ups
» Pull-ups
» Plank
» Superman
" Dolphin
» Negative push-ups
» Side step push-ups
» Jumping push-ups
» Push-ups with clap
» One-arm push-ups
» Diamond push-ups
» Reverse push-ups

Legs without exercise equipment and iron

" Gun
» Pulse Squats
» Squats with toes supported
» Sumo
» Sumo with jumping
» Squats with crunches
" Frog
» Surfer
» Ninja
» Walking in a squat
» Lunges forward and backward
» Side Lunges
» Lunge walking
» Lunges with knee lift
» Bulgarian lunges
» Lunge-curtsey

Press without exercise machines and iron

» Plank with three or two support points
» Plank crunches
" Dolphin
» Climber
» Jumping
» Pole with legs on an elevated support
» Straight crunches
» Reverse crunches
» Russian twist
» Folding bed
» Pocket knife
» Gluteal bridge

Common myths about training without iron

Muscles only grow when you lift weights.

Weights are a great way to increase the effectiveness of strength training.

However, muscles grow with any type of load. An illustrative example of effective training with own weight are calisthenics athletes: Chris Heria, Frank Medrano and Michelle Vazquez. Fitness and bodybuilding author Brad Schonfield recommends performing 6-15 repetitions of each exercise.

Only slow loads are effective

The fast concentric phase uses a lot of fast-twitch fibers, but the eccentric phase really needs to be slow and smooth.

Home workouts are ineffective

The effectiveness of training at home depends on the correct execution of the exercise, regularity of exercise and diet. If all the conditions are met, then pumping up without dumbbells at home is a completely achievable goal.

Strength training makes you gain weight

Muscle is 30% heavier than fat, so the needle on the scale may show a higher number than before training. However, it is recommended to focus on volumes.

Absolutely all people have thought about transforming their body at least once in their lives. Some immediately began to move towards their goal, while others spent several months lying on the couch imagining how they were walking along the beach and flexing their muscles, and all people were paying attention to him. All these people have one thing in common - they want to spend less effort to achieve their goal.

In case of physical activity, this is body work at home. Today you and I will talk about this . We will present to your attention the most effective exercises for working out the body at home. Go!

How to quickly build muscle at home

First, let's figure out what meaning do people put into the word pump up? The answer is simple - people don't have to have too much big muscles, and working weight in exercises. Young people want their arms, back, chest and abs to be well developed. After all, it is these muscles that attract the attention of the fair sex like a magnet.

And girls want to have Beautiful legs , and elastic, appetizing buttocks. After all, this is exactly what guys can’t take their eyes off. Moreover, chest exercises can make a woman's breasts look more perky.

In order to achieve such results, it is not necessary to visit the gym. After all, the majority basic movements we can imitate it at home. For this we need:

  1. Your irresistible desire to get a beautiful body.
  2. Horizontal bar.
  3. Bars.
  4. Backpack.
  5. Dumbbells or weights.

Now you might have a question, but why do you need dumbbells, because you can do exercises with your own weight? The answer is simple. In order to build a ripped body, you first need to gain a certain amount of muscle mass. As you know, to increase muscle volume, approaches to exercises must be heavy. That is, in one approach, you should be able to do no more than 12 repetitions. If you were able to do more, then it’s time for you to increase your working weight.

In many exercises, dumbbells and kettlebells will serve as weights for you, so that you can, for example, do less pull-ups. But each such pull-up will be much more effective than with your own weight.

So, for high-quality body work you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with various grips.
  2. Push-ups with different hand positions.
  3. Vertical and horizontal presses dumbbells or weights.
  4. Bending and extending arms with dumbbells.
  5. Single leg squats.
  6. All kinds of abdominal exercises.

Let's talk in more detail about how to pump up at home.

Training program

We will build the training complex according to the following principles:

You can't go anywhere without a horizontal bar and parallel bars. If you really want to get pumped up, then solve this problem. Firstly, almost every yard has horizontal bars and parallel bars. Walk around the area and find the site that is most convenient for you. Secondly, we will need iron. So, don't skimp and buy a pair of dumbbells or weights. To save on this matter, buy shells not in sports stores, but through advertisements on the Internet.

Surely you now have a question: what to do when winter comes? Most the best option- purchase a hanging horizontal bar and parallel bars for home. Total cost of dumbbells, horizontal bar and parallel bars, will amount to no more than 5 thousand rubles. This corresponds to the cost of a two-month subscription in GYM's large cities.

Most likely, you don’t have that amount right now. Therefore, start training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars in the spring. You'll have about five months before it gets cold to train outside in the fall. In such a period of time you can easily accumulate 5 thousand rubles. If you really want to build muscle, then this will not be a problem for you. Remember, achieving any goal requires money.

Now, let's talk directly about the training program:

Day one - training pushing muscle groups:

  1. Dumbbell press lying on chairs - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  2. Standing dumbbell or kettlebell press - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Dips - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  4. Push-ups medium setting hands - 2 sets of 10-12 times.

On this day you pump up your chest, front part deltoid muscles, and triceps. These are the muscles that push.

Day two - working out the pulling muscles:

On this day you pump up all the muscles of your back, biceps, rear and middle deltoids. These are the muscles that tense when you pull something.

Day three - working out the leg muscles:

  1. Single leg squats - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  2. Lunges with dumbbells - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Calf raises with dumbbells - 3 sets for a maximum of reps.

You won’t be able to greatly increase the muscle size of your legs at home. Once you can squat on one leg more than 12 times, only the relief of the legs will be worked out.

As you noticed, almost all exercises indicate 10-12 repetitions per approach. This means what you can't do more reps for the approach. For example, if you can only do 6 pull-ups, then do that many. Over time, as you begin to do more than 12 pull-ups, start adding extra weight to do smaller reps.

The rest between sets will be different for everyone. The main thing is that during the break your breathing is completely restored. Only after this can you proceed to the next approach.

At the end of each workout, you need to pump up your abs. Perform torso raises and leg raises, 3 sets of each exercise. The number of approaches is not so important here. Key moment- severe burning sensation in the abdominal muscles. Once you feel the burning, you need to do another 15-20 repetitions, and then take a break. You should rest no more than one minute between sets. Abs love intense training.

At the end of the workout, you must perform the plank exercise. It looks like this:

It is necessary to stand in this position until failure. When you start shaking and you feel a burning sensation in all the muscles of your body, this is very good. You need to take your will into a fist and stand until you collapse to the floor. After all, it is in such moments that real strength is born.

Why do this exercise? The fact is that when working out in the gym, you perform basic exercises with heavy weights. In addition to pumping up target muscle groups, these exercises also pump up stabilizer muscles, and, most importantly, greatly accelerate anabolism . After all, during such exercises Absolutely all the muscles in your body work, and this is very important for gaining muscle mass.

The plank exercise has approximately the same effect on your body. The main thing is not to stand for too long. When you are able to hold on for more than two minutes, you need to hang a backpack containing dumbbell discs on your back. It must be very difficult for you. This may sound scary, but what results will you achieve! In addition to an excellent body, you will receive the strongest moral and volitional qualities!

Every 6-8 weeks, you need to take a week's break from training. The body needs rest!

What results can you achieve?

I would like to immediately tell the motivated reader that there is no need to wait quick results. You will be able to observe the first changes in your body in a few weeks. You can count on increasing all muscles to the desired level only after a year of training.

If you follow the training program offered to you above, you will achieve the following results in a year:


In conclusion, I would like to say about the benefits of healthy sleep and nutrition. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day and eat protein foods. This will help you improve your health, as well as much faster build up the body you've been dreaming of for so long!

It is necessary to create an exact training schedule and stick to it. Experts recommend conducting classes 2-3 times a week with a break of several days. The duration of each workout should be 40-90 minutes, depending on your goals and overall physical training. Classes should begin with a light warm-up, which will warm up all the muscles of the body. This way you will be able to avoid various types of injuries and sprains. After this, you can safely proceed to basic exercises.

Set of exercises

In order to pump up your arm muscles, you will need additional Sports Equipment- dumbbells. To perform the exercise, you should stand up straight. Take dumbbells in your hands and alternately bend them at the elbows. The exercise is performed 10-15 times for each hand.

The starting position of the next exercise is sitting on a chair, legs slightly apart to the sides. IN right hand you need to take a dumbbell. Gradually lower it to the floor so that your elbow touches the middle of the thigh of your right leg. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in 2 sets of 15-18 times for each hand.

Next exercise Designed for pumping the pleural girdle. Place your hands with dumbbells at your sides. Slowly squeeze them at your elbows, touching the dumbbells to your shoulders. Please note: your back should be straight and not arch. Unclenching your elbows, raise your arms up. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times in 3 approaches.

Push-ups are most effective for pumping up the chest muscles. Place your hands with your fingers facing forward as close to your chest as possible. The exercise should be performed 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches. To increase the load, you can hang a backpack filled with books on your back.

To tone your back muscles, lie on your stomach. Place your hands behind your head, clasping them together. Gradually tear off chest from the floor surface. At the end point, fix the position. Please note: when performing the exercise, the head should be pulled up. Carefully return to the original position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times in 3 sets.

Exercise for muscles upper press familiar to many from physical education lessons at school. Lie down on a flat surface. Place your hands behind your head. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, placing them shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise your body without arching your spine. Hold the end point for 3-5 seconds. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times in 3 sets.

To pump up muscles lower press, lie on an elevated position so that Bottom part the body hung down a little. Gradually raise your legs towards your chest, bending your knees. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

Lie down on a hard surface. Place your hands along the body. Slowly raise your straight legs up at an angle of 45 degrees. Hold the end point for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15-18 times.

You can pump up your leg muscles with squats. There are also some nuances here. If not deep squats, the main load will fall on the hips. To pump up your gluteal muscles, squat as low as possible. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times in 3 approaches.

Receipt relief body requires help. Everyone knows that this is not an easy task if you are not prepared for it. But if you make it a priority, you can achieve it. All you need is patience and determination. Too often, most of us focus on only one aspect - diet, cardio or power loads, with which we cannot achieve significant results when trying to get a ripped physique. This article covers the basics of how to get pumped up quickly at home.

You spend more time in the gym, work really hard, but you're not happy with the results. Why? The answer is simple. You are training without using productive methods. Think right with us. Find out how to get relief in the fastest way. To get a fantastic body, start using the tips below. And you will understand how to quickly build muscle at home.

3 steps to look better

There are many people who want to not only be big, but also make their muscles clearly visible. That's why the definition itself fast way obtaining relief is a priority. The main reason most men go to the gym is to look better.

How can you achieve relief? Are there supplements that work that can provide a noticeable difference? Is there a special exercise program or quality diet that might help? You will not be able to answer all these questions at once unless you are a professional. We can help you.

Ignore most of the strength equipment available, gaining definition and gains does not require visiting a fitness center, gym or using a set of strength equipment. You can achieve significant results and gain a muscular physique without adding weight. Is it possible? Certainly. If you regularly do aerobics, use rhythmic calisthenics exercises and follow a strict nutrition plan, you will 100% get a ripped appearance and a muscular physique.

Here are three great steps to getting ripped as quickly as possible. Start with:

Step 1: Bodyweight Exercises

Known as rhythmic calisthenics exercises, they include bending over, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges and sit-ups.

To increase muscle mass, perform these exercises three, four, or even five times a week.

Try maintaining the intensity of your rhythmic calisthenics exercises. This way, you will build muscle and burn fat and calories faster.

  1. Run twice a week

Running is great exercise. It doesn't require much time and you can easily fit it into your routine. Anyone who has not had any activity before should start slowly. Running works well for burning fat and showing off your muscles.

When it comes to cardio, most people are interested in the amount of cardio activity needed. It depends on genetics. There are people who don't need cardio to lose fat, but there are also people who need to work out hard to do so. Either way, for those who are very busy, cardio activity is really effective in helping burn fat.


  • Strength training builds your muscles;
  • Running burns your fat;
  • A high-quality diet will help you achieve a sculpted appearance.

Following our effective advice, you can make progress in just a few weeks. Start using the tips above and pay attention to your exercise and diet. If you want to receive toned body, do exercises like deadlift, bench press, running, they will help you train well. If you focus on these key elements, you will achieve exceptional relief.

Even taking into account the fact that now young people are very interested in how to build muscles at home, desire alone is not enough to achieve the goal. In order to get as close as possible to the dream of having a gorgeous muscle definition, you need to work a lot and persistently on yourself, both mentally and physically. It is equally important to follow the technical aspects of performing exercises, the recommendations of trainers, learn from the mistakes of others and correct your own. Often, all novice athletes work in the direction of cardio training, physical exercise or rely on proper nutrition. This approach is fundamentally wrong.
It is very important that all three aspects are worked out, this is the only way to achieve best results. After all, it often happens that hours of training do not bring the desired effect. And it’s all due to lack of knowledge or working in only one direction. If this happens, then you need to change everything radically in your classes. The following tips and recommendations on how to pump up a muscle depending on its location in the body allow you to correct the situation. short term without going to the gym.


First of all, you should go for an examination to a doctor, which will determine the presence or absence of contraindications to strength and other types of exercises. A specialist will also help you understand which workout will be most beneficial for your body. A visit to a doctor is especially necessary for people who have had long-standing injuries to the back, neck or spine. But don’t get upset right away, no one will completely limit you in doing the exercises, they will just explain how to act in such a situation.
If there are no contraindications, then let’s look at the question: how to quickly build muscles at home, which is especially important for busy people who do not have the opportunity to go to gyms, but want to have a beautiful body.
If the decision is made, then you need to be patient and awaken your own willpower. Initially, you need to understand two important points, failure to comply with which all your work will be wasted. Understand how muscles grow, and for this they need to create special conditions, which consist of regular exercise and proper nutrition. By the way, the lion's share of the success of your work on yourself depends on the last point.

Proper nutrition is good nutrition, and it’s not about the size of the portions, but about the foods that you have to eat. For muscles to grow, they need protein, which is found in meat. The most common dietary product is chicken breast. You will also have to eat more egg whites, non-fatty fish, and low-fat cottage cheese. For people who do not exercise, the norm is to consume 0.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day. But for athletes the minimum is one and a half grams.
As for carbohydrates, this is a relatively difficult question, because you cannot completely abandon them due to the fact that they are involved in the production of energy necessary for training. But, you should not lean on fast carbohydrates, which are found in baked goods, sugar and confectionery. The element should be slow and consumed in the first half of the day. Slow carbohydrates are found in pasta (only durum varieties), buckwheat and oatmeal. You need to have dinner exclusively with proteins, in tandem with vegetables and fruits.
Now you know how to build muscle mass through proper nutrition, all that remains is to figure out physical exercise. Considering that classes take place at home, and not everyone has dumbbells and barbells, the body must receive the load in a different way. And it will help with this circuit training along with cardio exercise. The latter is necessary to increase endurance, and the former to build muscle mass.


It is impossible to talk about how to properly pump muscles without mentioning that you will have to train 4 times a week, and given that the work will be circular, you will need to perform all the described exercises in 3 approaches, that is, in a cycle. The break between approaches should not exceed 30 seconds.

After sufficient warm-up of all muscles has been completed, it is necessary to begin the workout with push-ups. If you have any experience in performing physical exercises, you are allowed to do no classic version exercise, but any of its varieties. When doing push-ups, all muscle groups work.
It is very important that all work is carried out at a natural pace, that is, you do not need to do more than your body can. If you feel that you can do push-ups only 3 times, then let it be that many, but 1 time more. For the next workout, you can increase the amount, and so on until you reach 15 times. When performing push-ups, the strength of the arm muscles is strengthened and burns. excess fats, and muscles build up.

Jump rope

After strength training Cardio exercise is a must. This type of exercise promotes increased fat burning, which is necessary for the formation of beautiful muscle relief. Jumping rope is ideal for this purpose, and just like push-ups, they can be performed at different paces and variations.
They will not require a lot of space, but the load will be maximum. If your physical abilities allow, it is better to train with double jump through the rope, then slow down the rhythm a little and take steps back. You can do an unlimited number of repetitions.

After cardio training, the emphasis is again on building muscle mass. By the way, often people who lead a passive lifestyle and do not engage in sports at all are faced with the fact that their muscle hypertrophy progresses. To prevent this, you can perform basic pull-ups on a horizontal bar, which can be easily mounted in a doorway.
During the training process, the muscles come into work, the muscles of the shoulders are formed, and the endurance of the arms also increases. You can move so that your elbows point down and back, or you can move in the opposite order, but with a delay, or with adduction of the shoulder.


And again we move on to cardio exercise, which will tell you how to pump up the muscles of your legs and abs. The elementary exercise bicycle, known to many since the time school curriculum. You need to lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, raise your legs with your knees bent, and imitate rotating the pedals of a bicycle. It is important to remember that the number of repetitions is not the most important thing. The basis is the technique of performing the exercises.


Knowing how muscles grow, what exercises can be performed, and why they are needed, it is necessary to follow the chosen training program. In addition to the fact that you can work in a circular pattern, as described above, you can also train alternately. Let's look at what this looks like in practice.
First of all, you need to remember that each workout is aimed at working one muscle group. This approach is justified at home, because often people do not have dumbbells or barbells. All this leads to the fact that it is quite difficult to achieve maximum load on one muscle.
Each workout should not be longer than 60 minutes, you can reduce or increase the time by 10 minutes. This rule is justified by the fact that after an hour intensive execution exercise, the adrenal glands begin to produce the hormone cortisol. It is this that is the trigger for catabolic processes in the muscles, as a result of which they are destroyed, and proteins are used as a source of energy. It follows from this that training for longer than an hour will be ineffective.
In order to build muscle, you need to train in a specific sequence. That is, you need to work on your body and rest according to the scheme 2 through one, respectively. But the presented scheme is only an example, and it can be modernized to suit you, which depends on the ability of the muscles to recover.
Get maximum benefit You can avoid performing exercises with free weights only if the number of approaches is significant. The target muscle group should be worked out as efficiently as possible, which will make it possible to prepare them for more serious loads.
Knowing how to properly pump up muscles at home, it is necessary to say a few words about the most effective exercises for the presented program. And the base, of course, is the exercises that were described a little higher: push-ups, pull-ups, jump rope and “bicycle”. You can also add squats and lunges to the presented complex.


Some people still have a barbell at home, so let’s consider the option of how to pump up muscles at home with its help. In order to work out the shoulder muscles well, you need to perform a military press. If the goal is to pump up the chest, then a bench press is suitable, although a bench is still needed for this.
In addition to the fact that with a barbell you can build up deltoids and pectoral muscles, she will also help in working on broad muscles back and trapezium. To do this, you need to focus on all kinds of traction: shrugs or to the belt.
Of course, you can also train with dumbbells. You need to take a lying position, take a dumbbell in each hand, and then perform abduction and extension upper limbs. It is important to remember that your arms should be slightly bent elbow joint, which will remove a heavy load from it.
When working out at home, you should always remember that any workout should be performed with a certain consistency. If you do not break this rule, then you will not be afraid of muscle hypertrophy, and your body will receive a beautiful relief and a strong muscle corset.


And to conclude the story about how to properly pump up muscles, here are a few recommendations:

  1. Before training, it is necessary to do a good warm-up to prevent injury;
  2. It is necessary to start exercises only when all muscles are well warmed up;
  3. If you do strength training, you need to drink a little water during the process to replenish your fluid balance;
  4. It is necessary to complete the workout with high-quality stretching of the worked muscle groups;
  5. To relieve post-workout pain the next day, it is recommended to do light stretching or yoga.

Only with this approach can you be sure that the result will not take long to arrive.

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