Long hikes including sports. How to prepare for a hike in the mountains: useful tips and training options. Strength exercises for men. Training program

How to prepare yourself for a hike? What are the physical fitness requirements? Do I have enough strength? Who will be in the group with me, and how many of us are there? What happens if it rains? At what age can you take children hiking?…

How to prepare yourself for a hike in the mountains?

If you have regular physical activity, such as fitness, swimming pool, sports, or your job involves physical activity, then consider that you are ready for a trip to the mountains.

But if all the loads come down to a five-minute transition from the stop to the door, you need Necessarily prepare. Yoga classes usually do not provide the necessary physical fitness. It would be good to start preparing a few months in advance, but you can do it in a month.

The best way to prepare yourself for a hike, no matter how trivial it may be, is running. Running laps at the stadium is tedious, so it’s better to run in a park, a vacant lot, or just along the streets (choose where the air is cleaner). It is enough to run 2 times a week, or even once every 5 days. If the break in training reaches 7 days or more, there will be a rollback, which will have to be made up by 2 training sessions. Always run until you are very tired. Breathe only through your nose! If pain or shortness of breath occurs, start walking. After training, do not stop immediately, walk around for a couple of minutes. Start with 5-15 minutes, build up to 45 minutes of continuous running. If you can run for 20 minutes without extreme fatigue, your physical fitness can be considered average, and the hike will be easy.

You can regularly (at least 3 times a week) go to the gym, swimming pool, or ride a bike.

Or you can use natural “life complications” at hand: if you are a resident of a high-rise building, refuse the elevator. Always only on foot, without options or exceptions. If you live low, even better: walk through the top floor. You can also walk part of the route that you travel daily by transport. Choose a path away from the highway, preferably through a park. Study the city map, maybe you can go somewhere directly and do without transport at all. It is better to carry any cargo in a backpack, otherwise your hands will quickly get tired. Such simple methods no less effective than the gym, because they can be used daily, without breaks. Moreover, they take less time and are completely free.

What are the physical fitness requirements? Do I have enough strength?

Enough strength! There would be a desire! When choosing the pace of movement, the guide always focuses on the weakest. We need to rest more - we will rest more. The route can be adjusted according to location. For example, include radial excursions without backpacks. Whoever is stronger will go up the mountain. Those who are tired guard their backpacks. But you will definitely have to sweat. Whether the hike will be easy for you or not, it is impossible to say in advance. But it will be given to you. To understand that the required minimum is already there, you can conduct the following test: go up to the 9th floor, go down and go up again. Do not lean on the handrail. At your average pace, breaks of up to 1 minute are allowed. after ascent and descent. Breathe deeply as often as possible. If you experience severe shortness of breath along the way, stop the test. If you succeed, and the resulting shortness of breath is not critical, you will no longer be the last.

Who will be in the group with me, and how many of us are there?

Desire to go to autonomous trek works like a filter. Random people don't come here. If I find out that the interlocutor went hiking— I immediately perceive him as “my own, dear.” Tourists mostly polite and well-mannered. IN hiking friendships are often formed that last a lifetime. So you will have good and sociable, versatile people with you, from communicating with whom you can derive considerable benefit. The guide always pays attention to each participant and adjusts everything in his power to create maximum comfort for everyone.

Well, how many - we limit groups to 15 participants. Most often there are 6-8 people in a group.

What happens if it rains?

Of course, we will wait out the heavy rain under an awning, which we always take with us, or under other shelters. If the rain is light or light, we will continue to walk under the protection of raincoats. Typically, getting wet is associated with cold and illness. Of course, if you sit wet in the wind, you will freeze and get sick. And if you walk, especially under a backpack, it’s not at all cold and not dangerous to your health. Most of all, rain is dangerous for shoes: they can come unstuck from getting wet and from overheating when drying by the fire.

At what age can you take children hiking?

Children from 6 years old are allowed on our hikes. The child must want to go camping. Try family one day first hiking with children without an overnight stay, then a two-day stay. If the child likes it and wants more, you can take it. If there are several people who want to take children, we will go in a separate group along a specially designed lightweight “children’s” route.

If you are going on a long trip mountain hike, then preliminary physical training required! Your body should get used to specific loads, which will allow you to enjoy the journey, and not soreness in all muscles. ;-)

So, the main task of preliminary training is to increase your endurance. It is advisable to start training no earlier than 2 months before the trek. But it’s ideal to keep yourself in good shape all your life!


Run is one of the most effective and basic exercises to prepare for hiking in the mountains.

So, if you haven’t run before, we recommend that you take a closer look at this sport. ;-) It is also important to note that this is one of the cheapest and most accessible ways to be healthy.

We recommend that beginners start running training from a distance of 2-3 km at a leisurely pace. To obtain the desired result, systematicity is important - you should train at least 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the distance and pace. As a result, your endurance will increase, and your heart and legs will get used to the stress.

After 2 weeks of training (or earlier if you feel it’s too easy), you can start increasing your running load:

  • gradually increase the distance and pace;
  • add some rough terrain and hills to your route;
  • add to training plan interval running- running with a change of pace from slow to very fast. You can alternate in a ratio of 1:2. For example: 200m fast pace-> 400m slow pace and so on for a few reps. But starting your workout at an interval pace is not recommended. You should first run 1-2 km at an easy pace to warm up and finish the workout in the same way.
  • over time you can increase the amount training days in a week if you feel ready.
  • Squats. You need to squat without lifting your heels off the ground. It’s worth starting from 10 times in 1 approach (minimum 3 approaches).
  • Squats on one leg (pistol). To start, you can hold on to something with one hand for balance. Start with 3 reps on each leg for 3 sets (if it's too easy, then do more).
  • Running up and down stairs. When performing this exercise, it is important not to skip steps and not to rush when going down. We recommend starting with a height gain of 30m (9 floors).
  • Lunges. You can start with 10 lunges on each leg. Do several approaches.

It is important to gradually increase the load (number of squats/sets) every 1-2 weeks. You must feel that you are “growing” - otherwise why do all this ;-)

In addition to the legs, a certain load in the mountains also falls on back And press. Be sure to include in your training plan a set of exercises that suits you for these muscle groups.

Each workout should begin with a comprehensive warm-up and warm-up all muscles! This ritual will protect your body from possible injuries. After training, be sure to do cool down and stretch.

You should also remember that quality rest is no less important than the training itself. Therefore, good nutrition and good sleep should be your best friends during this time!

One more thing:-) If one day you have Bad mood, condition and don’t want to exercise, it’s better to make a little effort and at least half of the planned workout :-) Even 2 km of jogging will not let you lose shape.

P.S. Training your body is an individual matter. No one will understand you better than you yourself. You should always listen to yourself and train according to your pace and physical condition.

Be strong and healthy!

Why go hiking?

There are many stereotypes around hiking: naval pasta with stewed meat, old songs about a hedgehog with a hole in its side, not very sophisticated alcoholic drinks, as well as beards and sweaters. But, firstly, this has not been the case for a long time, and secondly, it is all unimportant. And the important thing is that the hike is your usual life in reverse. This is a fire instead of a stove, this is a stream instead of a shower, this is, excuse me, the sun instead of a lamp. There are no exchange rates, mobile communications, news and mortgages, but there is a backpack and a tent. It is the contrast that makes hiking a great form of relaxation, an unexpected way to completely disconnect from the world. Add to this a lot of subjective impressions: beauty (mountains are mountains), overcoming yourself, the pleasure of communicating with people you would never otherwise meet, and even new taste sensations. This is why you need to go on a hike.

What to take with you?

The contents of your backpack determine how you will cope with the difficulties of a hike.
To avoid suffering when walking, take a backpack with a rigid back and not too narrow/wide straps. For clothing, it is important that it does not restrict movement, and for shoes, it is important that it does not rub your feet.
Try not to get wet while hiking. Previously, tourists walked with raincoats, which were made of tarpaulin, weighed one and a half kilograms and took up a lot of space. Now everything is different: clothes are covered with a special layer (membrane) that does not allow water to pass through and “breathes” - releases sweat. The membrane is used in ski clothing, for example.
If you want to look technologically advanced while hiking and not get wet, then buy clothes with a membrane rating of 10,000 or more - you can stand under a waterfall in such a jacket.
For beginner tourists, a short raincoat (from the “all for 50”, Decathlon or Sportmaster store) or a plastic suit from a store for hunters is suitable.
For footwear, take trekking boots. If you don’t want to spend about 10 thousand rubles, then replace them with sneakers with hard soles and lightweight boots with lining.
The third task of a tourist is not to freeze. Take thermal underwear, fleece, warm socks and a down jacket.
Thermal underwear and socks will help keep your sleeping bag warm at night, a fleece jacket made of Polartec fabric with a density of 200 or higher will protect you from colds during rest stops, and down jackets will keep you warm at night by the fire and act as a pillow. Don't forget a warm hat.
When choosing a sleeping bag, ask for advice from an instructor or travel club coordinator and look for overnight stays above the forest zone in your hiking plan - they are colder. Don’t take the sleeping bag that’s lying around on the mezzanine or that a friend is ready to rent - go by the characteristics. If no one gives you any clear advice, then take a sleeping bag with a comfort temperature of -5 on your hike: you won’t freeze in this one.
On a hike, you will need a spoon, a bowl and a mug - lightweight, easy to clean, and resistant to high temperatures. Take cosmetics - shampoos, toothpastes - in small containers so as not to carry extra grams with you on a hike.
As soon as you get ready for a hike, ask your friends to lend you equipment. There is no point in buying trekking boots just for one hike, although your friends may have made the same mistake and will give you the shoes to “play with.” This applies to all items on the list - both the backpack and the bowl.
In large cities, equipment is available for rent. If you are going hiking for the first time and are not sure whether this type of vacation is suitable for you, then it is better to pay a thousand rubles for rent than seven thousand when buying a backpack. After the hike, you can sell your equipment on Avito.
"Escape Tour" rents backpacks and sleeping bags.

Equipment list

  1. Backpack. Convenient, with a capacity of 70 liters.
  2. Sleeping bag with a comfort temperature of about -5
  3. Headwear (at least two sets: something light against the sun, a warm hat for the evenings).
  4. The jacket is wind- and waterproof (preferably a membrane with indices greater than 5000 mm, or a windproof jacket + a raincoat).
  5. Warm jacket (compact down jacket or light padding polyester)
  6. Warm jacket (polartec 200 or 300 fleece, or softshell)
  7. Thermal underwear (or any other underwear)
  8. Two pairs of trousers (windproof + waterproof)
  9. Trekking boots (or boots with liners)
  10. Second shoes (light, for camp) - sandals, sneakers, flip-flops
  11. Gloves (warm + household)
  12. Trekking poles (good things, they greatly lighten the load on the back; if you go in pairs, a set is enough for two). Some people replace it with the first stick they come across.
  13. Socks (of all kinds, warm ones are a must!)
  14. Sunglasses
  15. Flashlight, preferably a headlamp
  16. Seat, hoba, minus - many names, the essence is the same - a piece of plastic to sit on during rest stops
  17. Travel mat
  18. Personal cosmetics in small containers
  19. Toilet paper
  20. Elastic bandages
  21. Set of utensils - deep bowl, cup, spoon. Everything is easy.

How to prepare physically for a hike?

On hiking websites you will come across two classic formulations: “Any healthy person can take part in a hike” and “to consider yourself ready, just run three kilometers, sit down 30 times and walk along a log of medium diameter.” All wrong.
During the hike you will find three types of unusual physical activity: the first thing is walking, and you will have to walk a lot. The second is a backpack with at least 12 kilograms on your back. Third, there are ups and downs that the body is not used to.
Start your preparation by developing endurance - run, swim, ride a bike. This should be done slowly, without thinking about speed and distance, for half an hour to an hour a day. Then on the trail you will not encounter common problems for beginners: increased heart rate and shortness of breath.
A properly secured backpack places all its weight on your hips, so squat and walk up and down stairs.

​The group walks from 7 to 20 kilometers a day, usually about 15. Every half hour (sometimes less often, sometimes more often) we will take a break for 10 minutes. If it gets tough, we'll slow down and unload your backpack. Hiking is a group effort, and our goal is to reach the parking lot as a group.

What do you eat on hikes?

During hikes, we plan meals so that tourists get more calories before difficult walking days, without getting tired of the monotony of the menu.
For breakfast we eat porridge and muesli prepared with powdered milk. To save time, we make lunch dry, without fire and cooking, so we cut cheese and lard. Dinner is again full, with a fire - pasta, fish soup, lentils, soups. At Escape Tour we sometimes experiment and add new dishes to the menu. We removed stewed meat from the menu because it is heavy and not always of high quality, and replaced it with sausage.
For breakfast, lunch, and dinner we eat sweets: kozinaki, halva, cookies.
Each tourist receives a packed lunch: sweets, prunes, dried apricots, nuts. The ration is usually eaten in the first days, but it can be used as you please.
We distribute food among tourists evenly by weight and content so that tourists gradually lighten their backpacks. On a seven-day hike, 2 kilograms of food are provided per person; on a 12-day hike, twice as much. It also depends on the size of the group - what more people, the less a particular tourist will have to bear.

What do vegetarians eat when hiking?

Vegetarians eat the same as other tourists, only without meat. In camping meals, meat is added at the last minute, so vegetarians get their portion first.
If you don't eat processed food, the only way to participate in the hike is to buy and carry your own food. On a trip to the Shavlinsky lakes and the Maashey valley in 2016, the tourist carried with him an additional backpack with food, which weighed eight kilograms.

Isn't it dangerous on a hike? I'm afraid of bears

Wild animals don't like people. They are not comfortable in places where people walk, they do not like the smell and noise. Over centuries of proximity, the animals realized that meeting a person is not always a fun adventure.
However, bears sometimes attack people. Such situations arise, as a rule, due to the fault of tourists themselves who are trying to treat the animal. If a bear gets the idea that a person is his competitor for food, he will attack.
Nothing bad will happen if you light a fire, make noise, or try to feed or take a photo with the bear.
We lead hikes along developed routes—tourists often visit there, which means bears try not to appear there.

With ticks the situation is the opposite - they like to be where there are a lot of people and animals. They sit in the grass near the villages, they lie in wait for passers-by on the path. But, for example, in the Altai mountains they are no longer there - they do not survive above one and a half thousand meters. — If you go to the foot of Belukha, the most dangerous place is Tyungur, the village where the hike begins.
Get vaccinated against encephalitis. This will take a month - two injections every 14 days, and after two weeks you can already go to a dangerous area.

What medications should I take with me?

Our first aid kit contains the most important medications and medicines for a hike. We will help with ailments (paracetamol, Theraflu), bruises and wounds (iodine, cotton wool, bandages, plaster, hydrogen peroxide, fastum gel, bepanten), poisoning (activated carbon, smecta). Just in case, we carry nitrocor, bf glue, and analgin with us.
Take with you the medications you need and not listed above, but do not take extra

How safe is it?

We can’t say that hiking is absolutely safe—anything can happen there that is difficult to predict in advance. We can only take all possible measures to ensure that the hike is injury-free, and if something happens, the situation will be resolved in the best possible way.
We report groups to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, warn about the route, time of departure and return. If we don't return by the stated time, they will start looking for us. In fact, this is more of an action for show - in a difficult situation, we will contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations ourselves. We know all the communication points along the routes (where phone reception is available), we know the telephone numbers of local residents who can arrive by car or horse, we know where the nearest rescue posts are located. Each trip of our tourist club almost always has two instructors, and we can split the group if necessary.

To avoid injury, tourists should listen to the instructor’s advice. IN hiking conditions There are really many ways to get injured - for example, pulling a muscle while throwing a backpack on your back or twisting your ankle while tripping on large rocks. Therefore, listen to the instructions.
If you have any pain, no matter how minor the injury may seem to you, be sure to tell the instructor. And don't self-medicate.

Another one. During one of the hikes, the tourist severely rubbed his legs with his ankle boots. The group had set up camp and were preparing to eat dinner when he came to the fire with a sheath in his hands, on which the imprint of his teeth was clearly visible. It turned out that he simply poured iodine on his calluses and, in order not to scream, held a knife in his mouth. And all I had to do was make a pad with Levomekol, absolutely painless.
On another hike, everything was even worse: at the very beginning of the hike, an elderly tourist felt that his blood pressure was rising, and without telling anyone, he began taking pills to lower his blood pressure. He overdid it and had to be evacuated from the route on horseback - he could not go further. Everything turned out okay, but in both cases it would have been better for everyone if the instructors had been in the know.

Where will we sleep?

We purchased Red Fox Challenger three-person tents for hiking. The tents weigh 3100 grams each, and are conveniently divided into three parts of equal weight - an inner awning, an outer awning and arches with pegs. Comfortable to carry, comfortable to share, pleasant to sleep. Of course, you can bring your own tent and use it - just notify us in advance.

Our tents are distinguished by the capacity of both the interior and vestibules - spaces near the entrance to the tent, covered from above with an awning. They are designed to store backpacks. Since the tents are three-person, you will sleep with two other campers if you go camping alone. There is enough space - they can easily accommodate four people.

How to maintain hygiene while hiking?

Indeed, there is no shower and the water is cold. The best way To wash is to take water into a pot and boil it over a fire. We rarely go all day, so you can almost always set aside a couple of hours to take a conventional shower. But there is one condition - you collect firewood for your exercise yourself.

On many of our routes (in Altai, mainly), there are quite decent bathhouses along the way. For example, on the route to the foot of Belukha through Lake Kucherlinskoye you can hear “enjoy your steam” as many as four times.

When camping, burn all hygiene items except toilet paper - it decomposes quite well on its own. But wet wipes and wet toilet paper (there is such a thing!) should be consigned to the fire.

How to sign up for a hike?

  1. If you want to clarify something, please contact us. You can do this through the website, through social networks, or by phone or email.
  2. Buy tickets to the starting point. We will advise you on the best time of arrival.
  3. Pay us an organizing fee of 3,000 rubles. For us, this will mean the seriousness of your intentions. Naturally, the amount of the contribution is deducted from the final cost of the trip.
  4. Prepare for the hike - buy or rent the necessary equipment.
  5. We will contact you a couple of days before the trip to answer all questions and clarify details.
  6. We collect money for the hike during the first meeting of the group. You can send or transfer the entire amount in advance.
  7. Come to the starting point and go ahead, the mountains are waiting!

Friends, here we will tell you step by step how to take part in hikes with the Pohod V Gory club and explain the rules for preparing for commercial travel. You will learn how to properly plan a trip and be prepared for it physically and psychologically.

Where about what: article navigation

Do you want to go hiking?

Congratulations - you are on the right track! We will take care of most of the organization's problems and inform you as much as possible about what to expect in each specific region. But, of course, we will also need something from you.

How to go to the mountains with our club

    Choose a hike.

    Fill out the application or simply contact us.

    Chat with the manager: he will help you decide on a tour (if you have any doubts about this), recommend tickets, and send you a list of necessary things.

    Buy your tickets and let us know.

    Gather your equipment.

    Arrive at the meeting point.

    Pay for the program.

How to choose a hike

We offer really many treks all over the world. To decide, you can use the top panel of the site, where there is a “Directions” button. Click on the country you are interested in and see the options.

You can use our schedule, choose one of the categories (Climbing, Equestrian, New Year...)or part of the world (Europe, America) on the globe. Keep in mind that we only guide you to this or that country during the season - you don’t have to worry about that :).

How to search for a suitable hike (click):

If you have problems choosing, contact the manager - he will help you find your ideal hike!

How to apply

Select a date and click on the “Submit Application” button, which is located next to each tour. After this, a short questionnaire will appear on the screen. Fill it out, send it and our manager will contact you. If the button is missing, it means that the tour is not on the schedule. If you want exactly HIM, ask the manager when the next event is planned. We also accept custom orders.

Booking a place in a group and purchasing tickets

After submitting your application, we register you as possible participants, a coordinator will contact you, who will tell you how best to get there, help with tickets, and look for promotions and cheaper options. The place is finally reserved for you only after presenting us with a scanned copy (or photo) of tickets to the starting point. Remember: we can only advise, but buying tickets is everyone’s personal task tourist

During the “hot seasons”, seats on trains and planes sell out like pie. For New Year, May and other holiday trekking it is mandatory order tickets on the day the sale starts! Ask your coordinator to remind you of this, check the dates in advance and set an alarm, hang the corresponding piece of paper on the refrigerator... Otherwise, you run a high risk of being left without a vacation.

Payment for the program

For most tours we do not have prepayment. You give the money to the instructor at the meeting, but you can transfer it to us in advance. We accept prepayments to Sberbank and PrivatBank bank cards. You can read more about payment methods and compensation scheme.

Collecting equipment

When your place in the group is yours, it's time to assemble your backpack. For each track there is a list of things on the website. Click the “Equipment” button and read. In addition, the manager will send you this list again. Your job is to take what it says, no more and no less.

If you are missing something from the list and need to buy more,We have a whole team that will help you navigate materials, designs,types of equipment etc . There is a list of stores that we recommend. If you are going with us to the Carpathians or Georgia and do not want to buy the missing equipment, you can use our rental. This method will allow you to make sure on a budget that you need it, because high-quality mountain ammunition does not cost a penny.

Where to find lists and information about equipment (click):

The products are purchased by the instructor and distributed among the participants on the spot. In addition, water will be added to the trail. Leave enough space and weight in your backpack.

Remember that the assembled backpack must meet two main parameters: 1) Contain everything you need for the trip and 2) Be liftable, because YOU will have to carry it;).

Group gathering

So, everything is ready, all that remains is to arrive at the meeting place on time. You will be notified in advance of the meeting place and time. Sometimes we meet participants at the airport (Kathmandu, for example) or at the railway station (in Ivano-Frankivsk), but in most cases the gathering is held in one of the hostels of the city where the tour begins. If you are late and let us know, others can wait for a reasonable amount of time. But if there is no contact with you, then the instructor will delay the others no longer than is possible without subsequently changing the route.

If you are late to the meeting point, and the guys left without you - it's not the end of the world. In 99% of cases we find a solution and reunite latecomers with the rest. Contact your coordinator. Most likely, you will be able to catch up with them in an alternative way, at most losing one walking day. Commercial voyages usually involve regular communication with civilization.

Individual preparation for the hike

The steps discussed above are only half the success. They guarantee you that you will get to the mountains with an experienced guide and company, the most comfortable conditions will be created for you to complete the route, you will not remain hungry and alone, and they will help you in unclear situations. However, it is important how YOU YOURSELF perceive what is happening. After all, you will have to walk - for a long time, up, down, with heavy luggage, sometimes in the rain or the scorching sun, through a swamp, loose land, among mosquitoes, without a shower, with strangers... More than once you will ask yourself: - Why? And you will even curse us :).

There is no point in asking: Why do you go to the mountains?

The one who walks knows it himself. And whoever doesn’t go will still not understand.

We can say that this is not easy for an ordinary person. It may be that several days in the mountains will be the hardest of your life. But the thing is that these difficulties are usually comparable to delight: the harder the path to the top, the fuller the range of sensations there... Yes, you yourself know. Or you will understand :). And you will return.

But there are ways to reduce unwanted " side effects" Let's talk about individual preparation for a commercial active tour: what you need to learn and do on your own in order to get the maximum buzz and how not to spoil the trip for others.

Physical upgrade

Every “experienced” tourist knows: the better the shape, the easier it is to go. This Golden Rule It always works: in any mountains, on all peaks, in any weather and backpack weight. Even the toughest climbers use it because it valid.

Regardless of your current physical fitness remember: the better you “pump it up”, the easier it will be in the mountains.

Training before the hike

Now briefly about what exercises will help you effectively prepare for trekking.

Running on long distances

It is considered the most effective way to increase endurance, develop leg muscles and respiratory apparatus. Run slowly, at least 5 km, ideally on rough terrain (can be replaced by curbs, etc.). Don't forget about squats, which will help strengthen your leg muscles.

On the steps

Workout fans believe that walking up and down stairs with a heavy backpack on your shoulders provides maximum preparation for the mountains. And they are right - this is exactly the feeling a tourist experiences when climbing to the top (only the views are more beautiful)). If you are walking for the first time, be sure to try this exercise. At a minimum, you will clearly understand what awaits you.

Press, back

Throwing things onto shoulders requires developed muscles press. If you don't include abdominal exercises in your schedule, it is better to put on your backpack carefully or ask someone for help. The back and shoulders must be in good shape; they will have to withstand considerable weight.

If you train regularly for at least a month, you will enjoy your time in the mountains. Before some trekking trips, you need to start training at least three months in advance (for Everest Base Camp, for example). We mark such tours as “Difficulty: 5”. But even if you just you will become do exercises in the morning, walk to work and give up the elevator, this will be healthy and positive.

Psychological preparation

Surprisingly, it is with this that beginners have problems. Some people think that the desire to go is enough and will overcome the difficulties. Others simply do not understand what they will have to face and underestimate the importance psychological trainings. How to mentally prepare for trekking? The main weapon in this matter is awareness. Read and remember.

Hunger and fatigue lead to aggression

Anyone who has been in the mountains understands that at the end of the day people are tired and more irritable than usual. How to deal with this? Remember - no one is to blame for the fact that it’s hard for you. Neither the instructor, nor the comrades, nor the trail. You should not be angry at the “mountain goats” who run far ahead of you. It’s not their fault that they worked out more or drank less beer the day before;). Instead of baseless accusations, it is better to direct your destructive thoughts to analyze problems and draw up plans that will correct the situation. And what a breakthrough it will be if upon your return you implement them!

If another participant comes into conflict with you, simply ignore it. After all, hunger and fatigue speak in him, he is worthy of sympathy, and not retaliatory attacks. And people do not perceive the arguments of reason in such a state. The policy works well Uthree evenings wiser. Usually, with the start of a new day, problems resolve on their own.

Be tolerant

We respect everyone. But from the beginning to the end of the program we forget about nationalism, racism, chauvinism, differences in political and religious views and other rubbish. These things may work in cities, but in nature something different is true. Loyalty, dedication, kindness, mutual support, readiness to help a friend - these are what we remember in the mountains. There are many interesting topics for conversation: books, music, hobbies, films, travel... From experience we can say that if each participant limits himself to them, the atmosphere will be positive, trusting and amazing in all respects.

Let's not take the lead

Initially, the person everyone must obey is the instructor. However, in any large group (and sometimes in small ones) there is someone who knows better, gives advice, shares epic experiences and questions the guide’s every decision. Unfortunately, this continues exactly until the first critical situation. If you are such an “alpha”, keep in mind that: 1) the instructor knows the trail and the region like the back of his hand and you simply cannot oppose anything new to him; 2) sometimes doubts about the actions of an experienced guide can jeopardize the safety of everyone; and 3) the guide is also a person. Sooner or later he will answer, and then don’t be offended ;).

Let's remember the words of Vysotsky's song. The mountains will put everyone in their place and you shouldn’t go out of your way to prove something to someone. On the third day it will be clear who is worth what.

"Pull the guy to the mountains - take a risk,
Don't leave him alone
Let him be in connection with you in one -
There you will understand who he is"

Do you want to be an important member of the team? Take on the role of a fireman or melt snow every day for hot tea - you will be madly honored and adored.

We respect other people's wishes

It’s strange to talk about this to an adult and independent public, but excesses happen in a diverse team. For example, gentlemen photographers regularly sit in some bushes, trying to catch a shot with a butterfly, or wait at the top for suitable lighting (when the rest are wet and freezing). Couples looking to embrace the sunset can be the reason for a midnight search for a campsite. Friends, we make a healthy compromise in our desires: we take each one into account, but fulfill it without harming others. If someone does not agree with this state of affairs, choose photo tours or a vacation at a base in the mountains.

Light flirting in a tent

allowed with mutual consent without prejudice to the general morale of the group;). When preparing for trekking, we do not recommend imagining too much about this. Experience shows that by the evening tourists are too tired for such entertainment. As they say: less hopes - less disappointments.

Now you know what to expect on a commercial tour and what will be required of you. But there are cases that cannot be foreseen.

Getting ready for force majeure

It is in unpredictable situations that it is easiest to break down and fall into extreme states: panic, depression, apathy, aggression. It is important to realize that a trip simply cannot go 100% as planned. Do this at home, and then it will be easier for you to accept any tricks of fate.

Friends, we admit: preparing a tourist trip is a complex and painstaking job that only very experienced people can perform correctly and adequately. Many years of practice allows us to solve many issues for which you do not have enough time or knowledge. And even in this case, something can go wrong: the weather will deteriorate, the border or track will be closed, a horse will die on a horseback riding trip, someone will get sick with a “miner”. Because you and I are talking about mountains, and often high ones: the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps... We are talking about traveling to truly distant countries and wild corners of the world: Patagonia, Indonesia, Vietnam... We are talking about groups where strangers gather who live their own lives, believe in different gods and politicians (or do not believe). In such conditions, even we cannot foresee EVERYTHING :). Accept the possibility of force majeure as a fact and do not let it ruin your trip. By the way, sometimes accidents lead us to absolutely amazing places that cannot be found on the map, or introduce us to amazing people. Sometimes fate knows better where to make adjustments. And then it’s worth listening to it :).

In each individual case, we try to make your stay as comfortable and safe as possible. Let's discover the mountains of the world together!

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The experience of our hikes tells us that this article might not have been written. Untrained people go on hikes, walk without any special physical training and successfully cope with the hiking load. However, this very load on the body can be made more habitual. And here's how make your life easier on a hike with the help of training, and our story will begin.


Endurance training is in tourism priority. Long distances prevail here, which should be covered at moderate speed: neither big muscles, nor leg speed will help. In order not to stop every five minutes for the next rest, it is advisable to practice before the hike.

Body endurance directly depends on the rate of oxygen saturation of the blood. Everyone has attended physical education at one time or another and knows that at some point during intense physical activity (say, running) there comes a moment when you no longer want to run, but don’t even want to live. So, it is the blood that does not have time to saturate the body with oxygen. As a result, breathing begins to become difficult, shortness of breath appears (the body wants to swallow more oxygen), and the body begins to insist on slowing down. This phenomenon is inevitable, but its appearance depends on the degree of training. A “pumped up” body will be content with the oxygen that will enter the blood with breathing for much longer. Accordingly, this body will hold the load longer. The parameter of your endurance is practically not affected by how you develop it.

The most effective way – cycling or long-distance running. You can also push yourself, say, by swimming or skiing. In any case, the main training parameter should be to cover a long distance at approximately the same speed.

Worst of all Suitable for developing endurance power training(boxing, barbell) or overcoming short distances(100 m run). In their process, the body, on the contrary, learns to withstand heavy loads in the shortest possible time, as a result of which it cannot move for too long. That is why seemingly strong and physically fit men on a hike are often the first to give up. To develop endurance ideal for long distance running. It is enough to run 5 kilometers (however, less is possible) twice a week to feel much more confident. Of course, the greater the speed and distance, the more trained you become. And if you also start running over rough terrain, you will definitely become faster than the rest of the group. Is it true, sports training– this is a topic for a separate article, but we move on to the next point.

Leg muscles

Endurance is, of course, good, but in the mountains sometimes you have to waste energy on ups and downs. And then long-distance training will not help: in the evening, and especially in the morning, after a memorable climb, your legs will ache. Once the group hits the road, the pain will go away. But it can be avoided if you think about the difficulties in advance before setting out on the route. They do an excellent job of simulating climbing uphill. stairs. You can simply walk on them, you can also run – due to your physical form. The more flights you cover without resting or experiencing shortness of breath, the better you will feel in the wild. Let better muscles You’ll be sicker at home than on the vacation you’ve been dreaming about. Steps are no longer suitable for simulating descent from a mountain: jumping down them is too easy. And on the mountain paths every now and then you have to strain your knees and hips to stay on the slope. To train these muscles you just need squat. The bigger, the better. For example, if you can do 30 full squats three times with a 30-second rest between sets, you won’t experience any problems with your leg muscles while hiking.

Balance and coordination

Another type of exercise is related to the coordination of your body. On a hike, sometimes it happens that you have to, say, cross a river on a log. Or, suppose, jumping across a stream on pebbles. Or even just walk along a path covered with wet, slippery leaves. In short, you will need experience of maintaining balance. And since the vestibular apparatus is not always developed, you can train it at home. The simplest and most accessible exercise is walking along the curb. You can walk along it to buy bread, to work, to a bus stop, simply replacing the usual walking on the sidewalk. It doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed right away: in 3-4 days of training you will completely master this exercise. A slightly advanced exercise of this type is walking on a log, the iron brothers of which are installed on every self-respecting sports ground. If you hold on to them, you will definitely not be in danger of falling in nature.

Workout Features

Remember: it will be much more comfortable to walk if you practice before going on a hike. Nobody says that without training it will be impossible to walk, - just not so comfortable. Try to make your workouts regular. It's much easier to get a good one this way sports uniform, which is then quite easy to maintain. In addition, if you create a certain schedule for yourself (for example, running on Tuesdays and Fridays), you will not need to be distracted by memories of when last time You have fully trained. Yes, by the way, if you are planning to train, do it for your own pleasure, so that physical exercise did not bring discomfort and did not become a burden to you. Still, yours the main objective– holiday in the mountains, and therefore the conclusion: train, but don't overdo it.


So, before going on a hike, you can run slowly, but over long distances, do squats, walk along stairs and curbs. Do all this a couple of times a week and don’t overwork yourself. Go for it!