Dynamic gymnastics for infants. Gymnastics for newborns: useful exercises. In the water and on the ball

Gymnastics for infants is allowed from the first month of life. Exercise develops motor skills, muscles, balance, coordination of movement, and also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems of the baby. Exercises should be carried out in a playful way and at the same time talk affectionately with the baby.

Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that the child is healthy, not hungry and good mood. It is better to undress the baby completely and do exercises at a comfortable room temperature. It is also important to remember that the ligamentous apparatus of an infant, especially a newborn, is delicate and elastic. All movements should be soft and gentle. The intensity and amplitude of the exercises increases after six months, when the baby gradually masters basic motor skills: rolls over onto his stomach, sits, stands on all fours, crawls, stands up, squats, takes his first steps. At this age, the baby turns from a passive observer into an active participant in exercise.

Charging for newborns

How is gymnastics for newborns performed? And is it needed at all? This question should be asked by a mother whose baby was born absolutely healthy. From the first days of life, a difficult period of adaptation to the new environment begins. At this age, children sleep most of the time and eat during breaks. Apart from maternal warmth and care, the baby needs nothing else in the first weeks of life. Therefore, you can hear the following opinion: there is no need to rush with either massage or gymnastics. What does gymnastics include for a one-month-old baby? All exercises are aimed at developing balance and stabilization in the body, as well as training muscles. There should be no active movements. All exercises are performed in the most gentle, smooth mode, without forceful pressure.

  • Exercise No. 1. The baby lies on his back, his pelvis is in a free position, it does not need to be lifted or, conversely, pressed. An adult stands on the side of the baby's feet and bends his legs at a right angle to the pelvis. Also, the legs should be bent at a right angle at the knees. In this position, you need to fix the baby's legs. It is necessary to ensure that the baby’s knees are in line with shoulder joints. You should clasp your baby's knees with your hands so that thumbs lay on the shin and inner surface knee joint. You need to hold your legs in this position for 3 minutes. During this period, you need to impact your knees for 7 seconds, then reduce the impact for 10 seconds, then hold your legs tighter again.
  • Exercise No. 2. This exercise trains the muscles of the back and neck, and develops the skill of holding the head. The baby is lying on his stomach. The adult behind him bends down and wraps his arms around the baby’s shoulders. In this way, it helps the child to stay on his elbows. This position is mastered independently at about 3 months. You can slightly spread the baby's shoulders to the sides, this will lead to a reaction - the baby will begin to raise his head.
  • Exercise No. 3. The baby is on his back, and the adult is standing to his left. You need to place your palm under the baby's head so as to fix his head. And with the other hand, the baby’s right knee is fixed in the same way as in the first exercise. You also need to hold the baby for 3 minutes, alternating exposure and relaxation. Then you need to move to the right side and perform the same exercise with your left leg.

The baby should not experience any pain during gymnastics. He may cry because of unusual sensations in the body that were previously unknown to him. The listed exercises are useful because they enable the body to respond to the influence. In this way, independent muscle training occurs and movement coordination is formed.

Second month

What does gymnastics include for a 2 month old baby? Charging begins with stroking and should alternate with massage movements. Read more about how to massage infants in our other article. All of the exercises listed are considered universal. They can be performed at any age in children under one year old. Only the duration and intensity of the movements change.

  • Exercise No. 1. The baby lies on his back. You need to take him by the wrists and spread his arms to the sides, then cross them over his chest, as if the baby was hugging himself, and then return to the starting position. This exercise can be done 5-8 times.
  • Exercise No. 2. Baby in the same position. You need to grab him by the forearms and raise his arms up to the level shoulder girdle, and then lower it down, pressing it to the body.
  • Exercise No. 3. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to grab the baby's wrists and perform several circular movements with your hands forward and then in the opposite direction.
  • Exercise No. 4. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to grab the baby by the forearms and perform several alternating movements with your hands up and down.
  • Exercise No. 5. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to grab the child by the wrists and forearms and perform several striking, boxing movements with your arms forward.
  • Exercise No. 6. The baby is in the same position. Can be done circular movements hip joints with knees spread to the sides. You can also use the passive stabilization method, as is done in exercises for newborns.
  • Exercise No. 7. The baby is in the same position. You need to alternately raise and lower your legs, pressing them to your stomach.
  • Exercise No. 8. The baby is in the same position. You need to touch the heel of your right foot to the knee of your left, then change legs and perform the exercise in the same way.
  • Exercise No. 9. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to straighten and connect the baby’s legs at the knees and feet, then lift them up and down.
  • Exercise No. 10. The baby is in the same position. We need to lift his legs up and make everyone famous exercise“bicycle”, alternately rotating your legs.
  • Exercise No. 11. The baby lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms. It is necessary to bend your knees and press them to the hip joints, you will get the “frog” pose.
  • Exercise No. 12. In the same position, you can alternately spread your legs to the sides and up, bending at the knees. When spreading your legs, you need to act gently, without pressure. You can also alternately bend your knees at right angles and imitate a movement similar to running.

Gymnastics for infants at 2 months is passive in most types of exercises. The child only watches his mother’s hands and reacts emotionally to kind words and strokes. But at the same time, the baby’s muscle responses reflexively turn on. Of course, it’s too early to talk about conscious movements at this age.

Third month

Gymnastics for a 3-month-old child should be aimed at developing an important skill - turning over onto his stomach. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the neck, back and abs, and develop balance. At this age, you can do the same gymnastics as at 2 months. Also, charging is complicated by other exercises.

  • Lifting from a prone position. To do this, you need to place your thumbs in the child’s palms and clasp the forearms. Then you need to carefully lift the baby, as if sitting him down, then lower him to his original position. You can perform 3-4 lifts.
  • Turn onto your stomach using your arms. The child lies on his back. You need to take him by one hand and move it across the body in the opposite direction. Then the same movement must be repeated with the other hand. Reflexively, the baby's body will reach for the hand. In this way, the skill of turning from back to stomach is practiced.
  • Turn onto your stomach using your legs. The baby is lying on his back. You need to bend your leg and turn it in the direction of turning your body, as if throwing it over the other leg. The body will reflexively begin to move in the direction of the leg turn. You can also perform turns on your stomach from a position on your side.
  • Extension of the spine on weight. To perform this exercise, the baby must be taken under the stomach and raised. Reflexively, the baby raises his head and straightens his back.

Fourth month

Gymnastics for a 4 month old child repeats the set of previous exercises. What is especially useful for children at this age and what do they perceive with delight?

  • Exercise for legs. At this age, the baby begins to perceive all the actions of adults as a game. The “bicycle” exercise will be interesting for the baby. Children also love to “applaud” with their feet. To do this, you need to attach the child’s feet to each other and slam them. You can put your legs in the “frog” position and rock the baby, reach your nose with your toes, etc. You can also stretch in this way: right hand And left leg you need to pull them towards each other, then change arms and legs.
  • Hand charger. The “okay” exercise develops well fine motor skills and brings a lot of positive emotions. You can perform cross movements with your arms in the form of hugs, “boxing”, “swimming” - all those exercises that were performed in the first months of life.
  • Exercises for the abs. Children of this age are already trying to do pull-ups with their hands if you place your thumbs in their palms. During the day, you can arrange lifts for your baby several times that will train the muscles well. abdominals, as well as the back, arms and neck.

At this age, all movements become more energetic and intense. The child gradually turns from a passive observer into an active participant in the process.

Fifth month

Gymnastics for a child of 5 months no longer brings discomfort, since hypertonicity goes away by this age. When bending and straightening the limbs, turning the torso and head, the baby feels more relaxed and free in movements. What is most interesting and useful at this age?

  • Lifting by the handles from a lying position.
  • Bend your knees and slide your feet along the surface while lying on your back.
  • Stepping movements in a vertical position with feet resting on a hard surface (you need to hold the baby under the armpits).
  • “Flying” on the stomach with a deflection of the spine (performed in weight).
  • “Flying” on the back, when the child tenses the abdominal muscles and tries to hold the body in weight (performed in weight).
  • Roll over from back to stomach and back.

A baby of this age moves all the time during wakefulness, that is, he trains, even if the mother does not do any special exercises. It is important to motivate your child to move.

Sixth month

Gymnastics for children aged 6 months is aimed at gradually developing the skills of sitting and crawling. At this age and later, the baby may make the first attempts to get up on all fours. And you need to encourage him in every possible way to take this particular position. If a baby at this age is not yet sitting, this is normal. You shouldn’t sit him down too often and force the development of motor skills.

  • Lifting the body. The exercise is performed from a lying position on your stomach. You need to lift the child’s arms, spread them apart and slightly pull the body towards you. In this position, the baby holds his head well and tries to get up on his knees. If the exercise does not work, the child is uncomfortable, there is no need to repeat it. We'll have to come back to it later.
  • Crawling skill. This skill is inherent in nature; it does not need to be specially developed. But you can encourage your baby to crawl by motivating him with new toys, attractive, bright household items, etc. When the baby is lying on his stomach, you can put a bright toy in front of him. This will be a good incentive to move forward on your feet. You can also help your baby a little by stimulating his legs to move. To do this, you need to bend them at the knees one by one.
  • Fine motor skills. Gymnastics for children of this age develops not only gross, but also fine motor skills. It is important to do finger exercises and massage your palms, while telling nursery rhymes. All children like finger games, and they also stimulate the brain. While spreading your arms to the sides, you can place toys in the form of rings in the child’s palms.

Features of gymnastics in the second half of life

Gymnastics for children under one year old is divided into two stages: passive and active. After 6 months, active gymnastics begins, when the child already understands a lot (especially by the end of the first year of life) and can perform a number of exercises independently, in a playful way.

  • Encouraging crawling. It’s good if the baby is in no hurry to rise to a vertical position. It takes time for the back muscles to strengthen and develop. As before, crawling can be stimulated with new toys and bright objects. From a position on all fours, the baby will eventually try to rise to his feet.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen. You can place the baby on your lap, belly down, so that the head, chest and shoulders sag. From this position, you need to ask the baby to pick up the toy from the floor. This task can be given with the child lying in the same position only on his back. The child will bend, making a bridge, and then rise to the starting position.
  • Sport equipment. The older your baby gets, the more gross motor skills he develops. In the exercises you can already use improvised means and Sports Equipment: jump ropes, balls, hoops, skittles. Read about fitball for babies in our other article.
  • Walking skill. After about 10-11 months (for some this happens earlier, for others later), children get up on their own, try to stand without support and take their first steps, holding the hand of mom or dad. At this age, you can already encourage the baby’s desire to walk, squat, and stand up.

By the end of the first year of life, children love to copy the actions of adults. Therefore, exercises can be done together. The baby will willingly squat, bend to the sides, raise his arms up, throw a ball, bend over for a toy, stand on his toes, repeating the movements after his mother.

Basics of dynamic gymnastics: is it worth starting?

Dynamic gymnastics- a set of active motor exercises that are performed on weight, in the air. Dynamic gymnastics for infants is a controversial topic. Fair ones can be found positive reviews about this extreme exercise. Which ones exactly?

  • Not only the skeleton develops well, muscular system, but also the vestibular apparatus.
  • Is being adjusted muscle tone.
  • Dynamic gymnastics builds strong character and self-confidence.
  • Children in most cases have a positive attitude towards aerial exercises.

A polar negative view is associated with fears that dynamic gymnastics can harm the child, lead to joint lability, extinction of natural motor reflexes, and stress. What is important to know?

  • Yes, indeed, if the exercises are performed ineptly or incorrectly, the baby can be injured, first of all, damage to the joints, cartilage, and ligaments.
  • Therefore, parents who decide to engage in dynamic gymnastics with their child must undergo training from a certified instructor.
  • It is important to learn how to make correct and reliable grips on the baby’s limbs.
  • You need to start from the very simple exercises, gradually increasing the time and intensity of aerial exercises.
  • Cannot be performed immediately difficult exercises: throws over the head, scrolls, twists, etc.
  • An adult must be confident in his abilities and actions, and if in doubt, then better exercise not to do.
  • With dynamic gymnastics, there is a high risk of the baby falling.
  • The risk of injury increases if you start exercising after 6 months, since the ligaments are not trained and the child’s body weight has increased significantly.
  • The optimal age to start classes is 1.5 months.

Dynamic gymnastics for kids includes the following basic exercises:

  • pendulum by hand;
  • pendulum for legs;
  • pendulum by hand and foot;
  • rocking back and forth by arms and legs;
  • a cross for the legs and a cross for the arms;
  • hand casts;
  • turns by hand and foot.

Contraindications to dynamic gymnastics: hypertonicity or hypotonicity associated with neurological diseases; dysplasia hip joints, joint mobility and other orthopedic disorders. Parents may not always notice these deviations. Therefore, before starting classes, you should definitely consult with a neurologist and orthopedist.

Gymnastics for babies can be therapeutic and general health-improving. Therapeutic gymnastics should be carried out by a specialist in physical therapy. But if the child does not have any disorders, parents can independently learn simple, safe exercises and perform them daily.


A newborn baby needs not only sleep, nutrition and mother’s warmth, but also physical activity. Many parents use regular exercises, while others choose dynamic gymnastics. Only it should be performed competently and very carefully so as not to harm the baby. What outweighs the use - benefit or harm? How to do it correctly? Let's figure it out together.

Dynamic gymnastics – what is it?

Dynamic gymnastics, developed by M. Trunov and L. Kitaev, differs from conventional exercises in a more energetic set of exercises aimed at forming and strengthening the muscles of the infant. In addition to the usual elements of exercise and massage, dynamic gymnastics also combines exercises to improve the vestibular apparatus. So, an adult throws, swings and rotates the baby, holding him by the arms or legs. Strangers are most often horrified by such acrobatic sketches, automatically classifying “desperate” mothers and fathers as crazy.

Indeed, such exercises are not entirely common, so parents, before moving on to practical exercises, need to carefully study and understand the sequence of using dynamic charging and the increase in load on their children.

Thus, we can distinguish several types of dynamic gymnastics exercises:

  • hardening;
  • ball exercises;
  • exercises in the air.

All these procedures must be combined so that their effect on the baby is as effective as possible.

Benefits for newborns and infants

Adherents of this set of exercises are confident of its enormous benefits for children. Among the advantages of dynamic gymnastics, it is usually distinguished positive impact not only on physical development, but also on the general psychological state of newborn children. What else is it useful for?

  1. Dynamic charging helps the baby to better navigate in space.
  2. It allows you to correct the baby’s muscle tone, strengthens muscles, develops joints of the arms and legs and develops flexibility.
  3. With her help it happens effective development and improvement of the vestibular apparatus in a newborn.
  4. It strengthens the baby's nervous system and its immunity.
  5. Also, such a set of exercises is considered a good opportunity to establish trusting and friendly relationships with adults and, accordingly, with the outside world.
  6. It is believed that dynamic gymnastics compensates for the lack of birth experience in children born with the help of caesarean section.
  7. Parents who use dynamic exercises with their infants note that they have a good appetite, sleep soundly and are much less capricious.
  8. Early exercise reduces injury rates throughout life. Children who have been trained from the first days of life are unlikely to twist a leg or break an arm while actively playing sports.

Possible harm to babies

Let's find out if dynamic exercises are as good as they say. Such acrobatic “tricks” look quite risky, and many experts question the safety and benefits of this type of exercise for infants. What arguments do opponents of dynamic gymnastics give?

  1. Such physical exercise are stressful for the newborn. After all, dynamic charging often begins to be used within a couple of weeks after birth. It is believed that increased release of stress hormones in infancy can lead to hyperactivity in preschoolers.
  2. Dynamic gymnastics is based on the innate reflexes of babies - in particular, the grasping reflex and the Moro reflex. Exercise artificially stimulates them, whereas normally they should gradually fade away by 2-4 months ( ).
  3. Inexperienced parents sometimes find it difficult to calculate the optimal load. Therefore, intense exercise can lead to sprains in the newborn, microtrauma of joint tissue, and poor circulation. In the future, problems with the ligamentous apparatus are possible.
  4. Psychologists are sure that due to the fact that from an early age the baby gets used to the sensations of speed, take-off and fall, he does not develop a natural fear of heights. At an older age, underestimating the danger of a situation can cause a variety of injuries.

Avoiding negative consequences: rules for performing gymnastics

So, you have seen a lot of arguments both in favor of dynamic gymnastics and against it. Of course, only the parents make the final decision. If you are sure that such exercises are necessary for your baby, we will tell you how to keep the exercises safe.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Exercises should begin four weeks after the baby is born.
  • Consult your pediatrician first about the presence or absence of contraindications. If the baby is healthy, he can do dynamic exercises.
  • You should not perform exercises based on materials from the Internet or textbooks. To get started, contact an experienced instructor for advice and services. He will show and teach how to organize classes correctly.
  • Minimize the likelihood of injury - secure the training area to avoid consequences due to possible falls.
  • Correctly assess your own strengths, avoid using extreme exercises. Choose a gentle exercise program.
  • Start exercises after a warming massage, thereby preparing the muscles and ligaments for work. The duration of the first lessons is 8-10 minutes. Do them slowly and extremely carefully so as not to scare the baby; increase the load and pace gradually.
  • Do not exercise immediately after feeding, wait at least an hour. This is especially important for ball exercises.
  • If your child is not in a good mood, do not force him to do exercises because you need it. It's better to wait until everyone is in a great mood. Dynamic gymnastics should become as common a ritual for the baby as feeding or bathing.

We take into account contraindications

Dynamic charging can be useful for a newborn, provided that it is approached correctly and contraindications are taken into account. The danger is similar exercises is as follows:

  • the presence of hip dysplasia in the baby and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the child’s cardiovascular system;
  • neurological diseases, including increased intracranial pressure.

Dynamic gymnastics is strictly contraindicated for six-month-old babies who have not previously received similar procedures. If the baby has not been exercised on a regular basis since the age of one month, then at the age of six months such exercises will only bring harm, not benefit. You should also remember that if your child doesn’t like the classes or feels bad after them, be sure to cancel the gymnastics. You should not experiment with your baby's health!

Choosing dynamic gymnastics for improvement physical development newborn, study all the pros and cons, consult with your pediatrician about possible contraindications. Only if you take precautions will exercise help your child grow up healthy and happy.

Dynamic Gymnastics for infants (3 months), where to start?

Video: Dynamic gymnastics for kids

Basic exercises of dynamic gymnastics: hangs, cross, humpty dumpty, octopus, short babies:

P.S. Many experts are sure: the sooner you start working with your child to develop certain skills, the faster he will acquire the abilities and skills that are important for a full life. Numerous early learning and child development systems are built on this principle. We offer a brief description of the most popular methods today so that you can get your bearings and choose the one that will help maximize your child’s inclinations -

Note to moms!

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Seeing your child developed and healthy is the dream of all parents. Some resort to traditional methods to achieve their goals. early age massage and gymnastics. Others opt for dynamic gymnastics, which, at first glance, looks like a form of mockery of a baby - he is spun, thrown, lifted by the arms and legs, like a rag doll. Is dynamic gymnastics so scary and dangerous and how to do it at home, we will tell you in this article.


Dynamic gymnastics is completely different from regular exercises for newborns and infants. The method was invented and “released to the masses” by physiologists and early development specialists Mikhail Trunov and Leonid Kitaev. Therefore, it is often called simply “gymnastics according to Trunov-Kitaev.”

The main difference is that with classical gymnastics, exercises are performed on a child who is in a static or slightly mobile state. With dynamic gymnastics, the muscles are affected by more intense movement. As a result, not only the baby’s muscles are trained, but also his vestibular apparatus.

The complex of Trunov and Kitaev includes hardening, massage, exercises in the air and exercises on gymnastic ball. Despite the widespread and popularity of these authors, their technique has a considerable number of opponents, including most modern pediatricians, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky.

Opponents argue their position by saying that using dynamic gymnastics at home is a big risk for the life and health of the baby. During acrobatic stunts, a baby can get seriously injured, because even very loving parents are not professional massage therapists and exercise therapy specialists, they do not have a detailed and detailed understanding of the anatomical location of individual muscles and ligaments in the human body.

Supporters of dynamic classes claim that learning work methods is not easy, but the benefits, according to them, are obvious:

  • the baby’s orientation in space improves;
  • the increased muscle tone characteristic of all infants decreases;
  • the vestibular apparatus develops and the nervous system improves;
  • the child learns to trust an adult, relying on his strong hands.

Supporters and fans dynamic exercises for infants, they claim that this technique makes it possible to compensate for the lack of birth experience necessary for harmonious development of a child born by caesarean section. Kitaev and Trunov also assure parents that children who grow up with such exercises have less chance of being injured by accident in the future - breaking an arm or leg in a fall with a trained vestibular system and the ability to group will be much more difficult.

What to consider?

When deciding to start practicing the Trunov and Kitaev system, parents should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Many pediatricians and child psychologists argue that possible dangers cannot be ignored. Even if parents are in favor of dynamic gymnastics, they should know everything against it in order to minimize the risks.

First of all, such gymnastics is undeniably stressful for a newborn. Not just stress, but intense stress. Nowhere in nature is it customary to shake, toss and spin babies in the air. Look how carefully the cat carries the kittens, and how carefully other animals do this. Human cubs, from the point of view of natural laws, also have no prerequisites from birth to begin to fly and turn over in the air. Therefore, stress is inevitable.

It can only be minimized with the right approach - knowing when to start such exercises and how to increase the load. It is better to introduce dynamic exercises gradually so that the baby has a smoother transition to an atypical body position.

Many exercises in the Kitaev and Trunov system are based on the use of the baby’s innate reflexes. But such reflexes should disappear by the age of 3-4 months, this is quite natural. If you overdo it with dynamic gymnastics, a slow decline in infant reflexes will occur, which will slow down the child’s development.

Traumatologists warn that it can be difficult for parents to balance their strength, and therefore, after the first experiments in dynamic gymnastics without the participation of a specialist, children often end up in the hospital with sprains, fractures and other injuries. And psychologists warn that a child may develop an incorrect perception of heights, which in the future may make him a brilliant skydiver or climber, but can also cause fatal injuries due to the lack of a natural sense of fear necessary for survival.

General rules

If, despite all the warnings, parents are determined to do dynamic gymnastics with their baby, they must definitely enroll in a special group led by so-called baby trainers and exercise therapy specialists in order to see how professionals do it and learn the techniques. We are talking about the health of your baby; bargaining, as they say, is inappropriate here.

It is important that the child has no contraindications. We will talk about them below. Therefore, good and correct trainers always ask parents for a certificate from the pediatrician stating that the doctor does not object to training. You also need to prepare for the fact that doctors usually refuse to give such a certificate - no one wants to take responsibility for the life of a child if the parents decide to test certain methods on him.

The Internet and video tutorials, which can be very useful in mastering the techniques of classical massage and gymnastics for infants, are not helpful in matters of dynamic gymnastics. You cannot study remotely.

It is recommended to move directly to dynamic exercises after a 10-15 minute massage and elements static gymnastics so that the baby’s muscles and ligaments are warmed up.

After eating, you should wait about an hour to prevent your baby from burping. The training area should be thought out to the smallest detail and completely safe, even if a fall occurs (and this can happen!).


Hip dysplasia

Underweight newborn

Umbilical hernia

If the baby developed and lived like everyone else until 6 months old, he was given a regular massage and regular exercises, switching to a dynamic program is useless and very dangerous. There will be no benefit from it for such a big child who has not previously done this.

Set of exercises

Usually in a neurodynamic gymnastics complex for children initial stage swings and flips are introduced. An adult lifts the baby by the arms only, standing in full height. Lets him hang in the air. Then he lifts her upside down by her legs.

The “Upper Pendulum” and “Lower Pendulum” are performed in the same positions. An adult stands and swings the baby like a pendulum, first upside down, then upside down by the legs.

For more advanced stages of training, tosses and tosses with inversions are provided. But the basis of the technique is still traditional hangs and interceptions. The most common is the “Sunshine” exercise, in which the parent holds the child’s right arm and leg suspended, and then moves the limbs in a circle - grabs the left leg, left hand, goes back to right side. It turns out that the baby is doing a “wheel” in the air.

A block of exercises on a fitball, which, by the way, also belongs to dynamic gymnastics, is safer and easier to learn. It is this one that is more common, since swinging on a ball on the stomach or back does not frighten parents as much as the risky elements of the first part of the Trunov and Kitaev method.

To ensure harmonious development of the baby, gymnastics for a 3-month-old child should include exercises aimed at improving motor skills and acquiring new ones. Time passes quickly, the grown-up baby is no longer the helpless little one he was after leaving the maternity hospital. He already knows a lot, but he learns at lightning speed.

Gymnastics at 3 months: what you need to consider

Exercises for a child 3 months old should be selected taking into account his capabilities and skills. Usually independently grab and hold objects in your hands, as well as hold your head in weight while lying on your stomach. His movements become clearer, more meaningful, and his muscles become stronger.

Therefore, exercise is aimed at improving these skills and helping the baby acquire new ones.

For example:

To keep your baby from getting bored, you can practice while listening to music, mom’s funny songs or nursery rhymes
  • exercises for the legs develop function and;
  • turns – the ability to change body position;
  • hand exercises improve the ability to grasp and hold objects.

In addition, exercise therapy for infants 3 months in combination with massage and water treatments helps eliminate hyper- or hypotonicity of muscles. And these are also minutes of useful communication with mom, dad or other family members.

In order for gymnastics to bring maximum benefits, you should adhere to certain rules:
It is better to exercise in a well-ventilated area, and in the warm season you can do it outside during. You need to start exercising when the baby is full, but not immediately after eating, happy, and does not want to sleep. If he starts acting up during classes, they need to be stopped.
The maximum benefit can be achieved by combining gymnastics with massage. Before starting classes, you need to rub your baby's skin. The massage should be light, soft, without pressure. Do not put pressure on the spine, heart area, or internal organs.
You can also combine gymnastics with water treatments, in a special bath or pool. It’s good to use your favorite toys or fitball to do the exercises.

But before you start doing gymnastics for a 3-month-old child, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Only a doctor can detect contraindications to certain exercises and give valuable advice on which muscle groups should be emphasized.

In the water and on the ball

Bathing – great way improve the physical and mental development of the baby. Proceed to water exercises in the bath you can when. And at 3 months you can already exercise with your baby in the pool.

Kalikina E.A., local pediatrician, polyclinic No. 1, Ekaterinburg

The age of 3 months is partly transitional. Until this time, the baby doesn’t really need anything except his mother’s care and the warmth of her hands. At 3 months he is already actively developing.

In order for this development to be harmonious, it is necessary to give him a massage and include simple exercises in his daily procedures.

The benefits of gymnastics for a 3 month old baby in water:

  1. Develops breathing abilities - being under water encourages him to breathe deeper, ventilating his lungs well.
  2. Water procedures strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
  3. It is easier to move in water, but in reality the muscles are put under significant stress and they develop faster.
  4. Swimming forces all muscle groups to function and forms proper muscle tone.
  5. Diving stimulates oxygen metabolism, due to which the brain receives the substances it needs more intensively.

In addition, water procedures help harden the body, strengthen the immune system, relieve stress, improve the condition of the nervous system, and promote sound sleep. And besides, kids just like them, lifting their spirits.

To combine useful things with other useful things, you can add sea ​​salt or herbal decoctions recommended for the baby. The water should be a pleasant warm temperature to make it comfortable to be in.

You can find out how to properly use the string for bathing.

Water gymnastics for a 3 month old baby includes:

Exercises on a large rubber ball, called a fitball, are popular among older children or adults. But it turns out that this device can also be useful for 3-month-old babies.

Fitball exercises promote better physical and mental development, have a beneficial effect on him digestive system, especially during intestinal colic, bloating.

The ball helps to relax the muscles during and, conversely, stimulates them during hypotonicity. Such exercises contribute to the development of the vestibular apparatus.

Kopachanu Yu.Yu., pediatrician, Orange Clinic, Moscow

Gymnastics for little ones should first of all not be gymnastics, but a game, communication with mom or dad. Everything should go easily, without coercion and in a good mood. Only then will there be any benefit.

In order for the baby to take this game well, he must be well-fed, well-rested and in a clean place, or better yet, without it. But during illness, you can’t do gymnastics at all.

A set of exercises for gymnastics

An approximate set of exercises included in daily exercise for children 3 months old, should include turns, exercises for arms and legs, combined with massage techniques, vibration.

We offer a set of 10 mandatory exercises:
We lie on our tummy. The baby has just recently learned, so lying on his stomach helps him strengthen the muscles of his neck, shoulder girdle, back, and arms. The reasons why a child does not want to hold his head up, see.
Let's turn around. When the baby is lying on his stomach, you need to give him the finger of an adult or some kind of toy. He will grab hold and you can gently pull him, turning him from his stomach to his back. So he learns to do it on his own.
Let's clap our hands. When the child lies on his back, gently, rhythmically clap one of his palms against the other. At the same time, the muscles of the arms and joints are strengthened, and a sense of rhythm is formed.

Gymnastics are recommended to be carried out in the morning and combined with air baths

We spread our arms to the sides. You need to take the child's hands with your own hands when he is lying on his back, and smoothly spread them to the sides, and then press them to the body. As an option, move your arms back and forth, like “boxing.” This type of gymnastics for 3-month-old infants teaches them to move correctly and pick up objects independently.
Spread your legs apart. The baby also lies on his back. The legs bent at the knees should be smoothly moved to the sides, into a “butterfly” pose, and then returned to their original position. This exercise develops the leg muscles.
Let's rise up. The baby is lying on his back. Holding it by the handles, lift it into the air, but not completely, so that there is slight support on the legs.
Let's sit down. As in the previous exercise, you need to lift the baby by the arms and allow him to sit down slightly on his bent legs, but not completely, so as not to disturb his posture. Strengthens leg muscles.
Floating in the air. The baby needs to be placed on his stomach in the palm of an adult and raised. Once in the air, he will reflexively move his arms and legs, making swimming movements. This strengthens the muscles not only of the arms and legs, but also of the back, because at the same time you also need to hold the head.
Training feet. This exercise is more related to massage, but it perfectly strengthens the muscles of the foot, which will be useful in the process of learning to walk. To do this, you need to run your finger along the edge of the foot from the heel to the little toe, the child will spread his fingers. Then press the foot under the base of the toes - he will tighten them. Do this several times. About orthopedic mats that form the correct foot in a child, read.
Stroking. It is best to start and end the complex with patting and light rubbing with vibrating movements of the fingers. At the end, be sure to lightly stroke.

Fitball exercises

You can supplement the classic complex.

After 3 months, you don’t need to put a diaper on the fitball, so the baby won’t slide on the ball

For a 3-month-old child, the following gymnastics on a ball will be useful:

Place the baby on the ball on his tummy and rock him, holding his hands.
Place the baby on the ball on its back, gently rock it back and forth, holding its head.
Apply gentle pressure on your baby's back or tummy so that he bounces lightly on the ball.
Place the baby on his back on the floor, roll the ball to his legs - he will reflexively push it away.

Zhukova O.V., pediatrician, Children's Doctor Clinic, Voronezh

The main thing in gymnastics for such little ones is not to overdo it. Some parents take on this matter too zealously, forgetting that the body of a 3-month-old baby is too fragile and is developing.

Without safety precautions and without knowledge of the rules of gymnastics, it is easy to harm a baby.

As the child grows and develops, more complex exercises can be performed with big ball. A for 3 months a variety of rocking motions is enough.

After birth, the baby is in a state of severe stress. He needs to adapt to new living conditions within a short time. Parents must do everything to ensure that this process goes quickly and painlessly. Psychologists advise using tactile contact, games, breastfeeding, long walks for this purpose. fresh air, massage and gymnastics. Dynamic gymnastics for infants is an excellent way to develop all muscle groups. The process can be turned into interesting game, which will also be useful for the child.

Dynamic gymnastics for newborns – special complex exercises that help adapt all muscle groups and make them work in the required mode. Parents are not advised to think that the baby is weak from birth. He has the means and internal potential in his arsenal. They can be opened through regular training. In this case, the baby is guaranteed to grow up strong and healthy.

You should start with light loads. Not every little one can set a world record in the first training session. Classes help parents bond with their baby. In the future, this connection will allow them to quickly understand each other. Physical activity is a guarantee of good mood and well-being. You can perform any exercises only if the baby is in a good mood. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from the work done.

Features of training

Classes of this type are conducted according to a special scheme. That's why parents need to know exactly where to start. Charging is carried out in dynamic mode. Loads can only be increased gradually. Otherwise, the risk of harm to the baby’s body increases.

Today, dynamic exercises are performed in several directions at once:

  • exercises using a fitball;
  • massage and other manipulations.

Dynamic gymnastics for infants is an excellent way to develop physical activity and adaptation of the baby. Only at the first lesson it may seem that the exercises are too difficult for a newborn. The little person, on the contrary, gets great pleasure from exercising and communicating with mommy. You should start with simple and clear exercises, which will be aimed at improving the functioning of muscles and joints. The positive effect will appear soon, because the baby is guaranteed to become more active and cheerful.

Doing exercises on a fitball is one of the areas of dynamic gymnastics

Beneficial effects

Dynamic gymnastics is a specially created set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening muscles and skeletal system crumbs. In the future they will contribute proper growth and infant development. Parents highlight the following advantages of classes of this type:

  • The child learns to quickly navigate space and adapt to it.
  • Regulation of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Thanks to this, the baby grows in complete harmony with himself.
  • Elimination of muscle dystrophy and hypertonicity.
  • Positive effect on the immune system.

Pediatricians note the positive effects of regular exercise. In this case, the baby becomes less capricious, sleep and rest patterns are normalized, and appetite improves. Thanks to regular training reduces the likelihood of future injury. Bones and joints acquire a dense structure, so they cannot be damaged in the future during games or a normal fall.

Dynamic exercise consists of simple exercises that have a positive effect on the growth and development of the baby. The process requires the participation of an adult, so he can also warm up by doing simple exercises.

First training

This physical activity can be done if the child is already one month old. Before starting training, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Exercises can only be done if the child was born without any abnormalities or pathologies. Parents should seek advice from a specialist in this field. He evaluates the feasibility and benefits of them.

At the first stage, training should not exceed ten minutes. Before this, it is allowed to do a light massage, the effect of which is aimed at warming up the ligaments. Over time, the baby will get used to it and will enjoy doing gymnastics. In this case, the loads can be increased several times.

You can start physical activity if at least 1.5 hours have passed after eating. Interaction with a fitball helps the child improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and remove accumulated gases. Doctors say that moderate physical activity normalizes a baby's stool. During the first workout, all exercises must be performed with caution. Only over time is it possible to increase the pace and load.

Key rules

Dynamic gymnastics is beneficial for the baby’s body only if the parents completely protect him from injury. That is why all manipulations must be carried out by a professional. In the process it is necessary to adhere to a number of simple rules:

  • The workout should be done an hour after eating. At this moment, the baby should be awake.
  • The maximum duration of a lesson is twenty minutes.
  • At the first stage of training, you should give the baby a massage or lightly stroke the whole body.
  • Parents or a trainer should perform all manipulations with warm and smooth hands.
  • For added safety, cover the floor with a mat.
  • During the massage, you should not touch the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. This is where the baby's liver is located.

Basic safety rules

Gymnastics are exercises for all muscle groups that must be performed correctly. Only in this case will there be a positive effect on the body:

  • The exercises are performed smoothly.
  • The lesson should begin with the manipulation that the child likes most.
  • If parents notice dissatisfaction or whims of the baby, then it is necessary to immediately interrupt the process. You can continue only after the baby returns to a pleasant mood. Dynamic gymnastics should bring joy, and not plunge the child into stress. It’s best to leave all your least favorite exercises for last.
  • Listen carefully to the sounds your baby's joints make. If parents hear clicking signals, then they should refuse to continue classes. Otherwise, the child may be harmed and the soft joint may be damaged.
  • Each exercise should be repeated as many times as the child currently eats a day.

Exercises can be done outdoors

Features of the Trunov-Kitaev technique

World-famous instructors first published a book on early childhood development in 1993. During this period, it became a real bestseller in our country. It described fundamentally new views of therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics, which are used to raise infants.

The methodology incorporates the basic knowledge of the countries Ancient world and East. At the beginning of the last century, it was used to adapt children who were injured at birth.

These authors included more than 400 exercises in the methodology. During their execution, the baby must be held by the arms or leg. In parallel, the body moves around its body. During training, swings, hangs, throws and rotations are performed.

By performing manipulations it is possible to achieve positive effect:

  • Elimination of various muscle pathologies.
  • Nervous system becomes as active as possible, so the child feels dynamic. While performing exercises, a huge number of signals are sent to the baby’s brain, which will later allow him to correctly develop coordination.
  • The muscles become strong, so the child’s risk of injury in the future is several times reduced.
  • Development of maximum flexibility.
  • Normalization of movement coordination.

Regularly performing the exercises of this complex will help the baby develop not only physically, but also intellectually. Additionally, trust in your parents develops.

Other techniques

There are world-famous followers in the field of dynamic gymnastics. Among them, Tatyana Sargunas is very popular. This woman is considered the founder of this movement in our country. During times Soviet Union Charkovsky worked on developing the idea.

They were offered a series of exercises in water, which were done in a playful way. The specialist argued that it is necessary to work with the child in a room that has been previously ventilated. Additionally, it is recommended to completely undress the baby.

For the youngest children, it is advisable to use the following set of exercises:

  • Remove the baby from clothes.
  • Make light stroking movements in the abdomen and legs.
  • Thoroughly massage your fingers and toes.
  • Without using force, turn your feet in different directions.
  • To warm up your legs, you need to simulate walking or cycling in the air.
  • Lightly holding the baby's knees, try to move them in different directions.
  • Place the baby in a prone position.
  • Gradually spread your legs, trying to perform the frog exercise.
  • Perform alternate stroking of the back.
  • Using a brush, make a support for the baby's legs. In order to distract his attention, you can put a bright toy in front of his face.

Massage warms up muscles well before training

Contraindications to physical activity

Gymnastics has a positive effect on the baby’s body only if it is performed by a specialist in his field. It is recommended to avoid exercise only in the following cases:

  • Mom and dad couldn’t figure it out and study all the features of the process. Self-medication in this matter is not allowed, as it can lead to the development of a number of complications. If parents are not confident in their abilities, they can frighten or injure the baby.
  • The child had previously been diagnosed with diseases that cannot be combined with dynamic loads.
  • If the baby did not perform until six months correct complex loads, then in this case classes should begin when he is one year old.

Based on the doctor's opinion, you may be prohibited from performing exercises. This requirement is made in the case of diseases of the cardiovascular system or pathologies in the joints. In this case, you should not ignore the doctor’s recommendations and refuse to perform a set of dynamic exercises. Otherwise, the risk of application increases serious injuries baby.

It is important to start training as early as possible. If the baby is already 6 months old, then it is too late to go to the first training session. During this period, the joints and bones have become harder, so developing them through dynamic exercises becomes impractical. For older children, such training can only be harmful.

Dynamic gymnastics is an excellent way to improve your health and proper development joints. Pediatricians from all over the world recommend that parents start working with their children as early as possible. The first step is to do light exercises for a few minutes. Over time, their intensity can increase. In this case, the child will develop harmoniously, and the parents will strengthen their connection with him.