Diet okroshka. Okroshka with kefir - dietary recipes for weight loss Dietary okroshka

Among the many diets, every woman losing weight tries to find one that will give good results and at the same time it will not make you hungry. One of these includes a diet based on the daily consumption of the same low-calorie dish, the name of which is “diet okroshka”. This method of losing weight is very strict, and it has its pros and cons, but since at first glance they are not noticeable, our task is to see the invisible.

Losing weight is a rather serious process, so before you start losing kilos with the help of a particular diet, you need to make sure that there is no harm from it.

When it comes to mono-diets (and the cold soup diet is one of these), the advantages and disadvantages should be considered in parallel. After all, failure to follow the basic rules of losing weight can lead to the fact that small imperfections in the diet will turn into a whole complex of side effects.

Pros of the diet

However, before making a list of disadvantages, let’s start with the reason for which the diet itself is actually used - with the result of losing weight. I must say that the effect of the diet is really impressive, the kilograms disappear quite quickly.

Already in the first week you can notice -3 kg with a non-strict diet, and -5 kg ​​of the total weight with a strict weight loss regimen. This is the first and main advantage of “tiny” weight loss, but not the only one.

Unlike many other weight loss diets based on soups, the okroshka diet will:

  1. diverse, thanks to the richness of the ingredient composition and the existence of various cooking technologies;
  2. useful, since the presence of many natural ingredients in the soup provides it with protein (albeit in small quantities), as well as a lot of vitamins that are contained in the fresh vegetables of the dish.

It is also important that the dietary version of cold soup helps normalize digestion and improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the fat disappears, taking with it the possibility of an unexpected return at the end of the diet.

Side effects and contraindications of the okroshka diet

Despite all the advantages, the diet also has disadvantages, which are most often associated with side effects.

A diet based on okroshka can be harmful to people who have:

  1. gastrointestinal diseases;
  2. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  3. nervous disorders.

Not everyone who is losing weight can stick to a weight loss diet. Considering that ideally the duration of a mono-diet is a month, and all this time you need to eat only one okroshka, then dropping excess weight It’s not easy this way.

Each daily serving feels like a challenge. And for people suffering from psycho-emotional disorders, losing weight using this method can lead to exacerbations and deterioration in well-being.

Possible side effects from the digestive tract:

  • diarrhea (the most common effect when using this diet, which threatens dehydration);
  • flatulence, etc.

Diet rules: how to lose weight without stressing the body

To reduce the side effects of diet on health, you need to strictly adhere to the rules.

  1. It is advisable to eat at least 4-5 times a day, but in small portions.
  2. Every day we prepare a different okroshka: one day you can eat meat soup, the next day you can cook fish soup, the third – vegetable soup, etc.

Ingredient variety is very important:

  • firstly, the dish will not become boring;
  • secondly, different products will enrich the body with all the necessary nutrients, which will allow those who are losing weight not to deprive themselves of vital energy and strength.
  1. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids every day. This should be simple boiled water at room temperature or non-carbonated mineral water.
    Black, green or herbal teas can be consumed in limited quantities. It is better to exclude coffee without sugar from your diet during the diet, but if you drink nothing but coffee, then 1 cup of unsweetened drink per day is the permissible maximum.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to enter a diet regime abruptly and also abruptly leave it. You need to prepare yourself by gradually accustoming your body to eating only one dish.
    Before starting a diet, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of foods consumed, and when finishing it, slowly introduce familiar vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. into the diet.
  3. You can repeat weight loss no earlier than a month after its completion. In general, the okroshka diet for weight loss is ideal for fasting days, when you need to quickly lose 2-3 extra pounds A. This method is less stressful for the body.
  4. The best time to lose weight on okroshka is in the summer. This method is not suitable for the cold season:
  • firstly, eating cold soup on a frosty day is clearly not going to bring pleasure.
  • secondly, in winter the body should receive a maximum of vitamins and fats.

Diet okroshka: method of preparation

In order for the weight to really start to go away, you need to prepare okroshka from dietary ingredients.

A dietary low-calorie version of okroshka (namely, the diet is based on reducing daily calorie intake) should include ingredients containing a minimum of calories.

Products for dietary okroshka


The soup should include low-calorie and non-starchy vegetables, such as: turnips, cucumbers, various types of cabbage, all kinds of greens (cilantro, dill, parsley), radishes.

The use of potatoes and carrots in okroshka should be minimal. It is advisable that the consumption of these root vegetables is not daily.

Lean meat and seafood

You can lose weight not only with vegetarian okroshka, made from only vegetables, but also with meat.

The best option for weight loss is vegetable okroshka with boiled chicken breast.

For variety, cold soup can be prepared with other lean meats, as well as with boiled sausage, fish and seafood, for example, boiled shrimp.


You can add eggs to the soup, but it is important to eat no more than 3 eggs per day.


It is advisable to season the okroshka with kvass, and it must be unsweetened and infused on white bread.

However, in addition to kvass, the following are suitable for refueling: mineral water, whey, cucumber or cabbage brine, still mineral water, fermented baked milk, ayran and low-fat kefir. Sometimes, for variety, you can use meat broth.

Prohibited Products

  1. Sour cream, even with low fat content
  2. Mayonnaise

Recipe for dietary okroshka with kefir

To confirm all of the above diet rules, consider preparing cold soup using a specific recipe.

We will need a minimum food set, which consists only of vegetables and kefir.


  • Radish – 1 bunch;
  • Cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Green onions – ½ bunch;
  • Kefir (low-fat) – 1 l;
  • Dill – ½ bunch;
  • Parsley - ½ bunch.


  1. Cut cucumbers and radishes into small cubes.
  2. Chop the greens.
  3. Mix the ingredients together and fill them with kefir.
  4. Let the soup sit for half an hour and you can consume it.
  1. The ingredients indicated in the recipe are designed to prepare okroshka for the whole day. The resulting portion should be divided into 3 times.
  2. If we are not trying to lose weight quickly and a strict diet is not for us, then you can eat okroshka in unlimited quantities. The main thing, in any case, is to count calories and include only low-calorie, low-fat foods in the soup.
  3. We try to prepare the dish in the morning, so that we are not distracted by cooking during the day. But you can season the soup and decorate it with herbs later, just before serving.
  4. It is advisable not to change the type of okroshka within one day: every the new kind We try the dishes in the morning, and for lunch and dinner we only eat what was prepared in the morning.
  5. Individual intolerance to the combination of some components is possible. In this case, we change the cooking recipes and include in the diet okroshka only those low-calorie foods that the body can digest without causing side effects.
  6. In addition to okroshka, you can eat light fruits and simple vegetable salads that will not provoke a “revolution” in your stomach. But you shouldn’t get carried away with such foods while on a diet; it’s better to just snack on them. Still, the main dish for weight loss is okroshka.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: okroshka (fish) with kvass

Lunch: 1 small apple

Dinner: fish okroshka with kvass

Afternoon snack: serving of fresh vegetable salad, 1 glass of still mineral water

Dinner: fish okroshka with kvass

Okroshka diet + physical activity

To speed up as much as possible and then consolidate the result of losing weight, you need to remember a few simple rules that must be followed:

  1. Unlike many other diets, where physical exercise are an obligatory accompanying element of weight loss; during a diet on okroshka, sports must be excluded.
    Giving cardio exercise is unsafe, since the tiny diet itself “strains” the cardiovascular system, and physical exercise can only aggravate problems with the heart and blood vessels, especially in those who have them.
  2. While losing weight, it is better to do:
  • yoga;
  • breathing exercises;
  • not intense dancing;
  • Pilates;
  • cycling, and, of course, walking in the fresh air wouldn’t hurt.
  1. Despite the fact that losing weight on okroshka is allowed for a whole month, it is still better to stick to the diet for only a week. Then we take a break for a month, arranging 1-2 fasting days(on cold soup) per week.
  2. At the end of the diet, you just need to go in for sports. It could be running, walking, fitness or any other type physical activity. But no matter what you choose, it will in any case help you maintain your new weight. It is worth adding to the exercises proper nutrition, then the kilograms lost during the diet will not return.

Properly prepared dietary okroshka will help cleanse the body of harmful substances and give the body the desired slimness. However, when using the chance to lose weight quickly, do not forget to take care of the safety of your health, and then it will respond to you with a result that will exceed all expectations.

If a person does not have a metabolic disorder, then by consuming okroshka for a week you can easily get rid of 5-7 kilograms of excess weight.

The okroshka diet is a popular way to lose weight among those who love this dish, because it exists in several varieties, the most popular of which are the following:

  • Meat;
  • Vegetable;
  • Fish;
  • Mushroom;
  • Kefir okroshka.

For those who don’t want to constantly sit on cereals and not too filling vegetables, this is the best option low calorie diet– okroshka, because the ingredients included in its composition are extremely healthy and nutritious.

Having eaten a small portion of okroshka, the feeling of hunger is quickly satisfied, while the body is saturated with all the components necessary for normal life (vitamins, microelements, proteins, etc.).

It is worth immediately noting the contraindications to the okroshka weight loss diet, which include:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Tendency to frequent diarrhea and flatulence.
  • When cooking, use only fresh and low-calorie products;
  • Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of purified water daily;
  • Eliminate sweets, flour products, smoked and fatty foods, as well as alcohol from the diet.

How to prepare okroshka for weight loss

  • The easiest way is to chop all the ingredients at once, put them in a saucepan, and add broth in the morning;
  • If you want to constantly eat a freshly prepared dish, then the food is cut into one serving;
  • If you add meat or sour cream to this light soup, it will become more high-calorie, and then it will be almost impossible to lose weight;
  • The final result of the diet depends on its duration and the individual characteristics of the body, but you should not torture yourself with mononutrition for more than 10 days.

Okroshka for weight loss: menu and popular recipes ^

Okroshka diet: the best recipes for weight loss

Diet on okroshka with kefir

  • We have breakfast with tea without sugar and a slice of black rye bread, greased with butter;
  • For second breakfast we eat fruit;
  • We have lunch with okroshka (200 g), drink water;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat a light vegetable salad;
  • We have dinner with okroshka (150-200 g);
  • Before going to bed, drink 100 g of kefir.

Recipe for making okroshka with kefir:

  • Grind boiled potatoes (200 g), fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.), 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • Fill everything with low-fat kefir (200 g) and let it stand in the refrigerator for half an hour. We do not add salt.

Diet on okroshka with kvass

The following method of losing weight can be followed for no more than three days:

  • We have breakfast with cottage cheese or yogurt (100 g);
  • For second breakfast we eat an apple or a pear;
  • For lunch we eat okroshka, wash it down with tea or water;
  • In the afternoon - all the same fruits;
  • We have dinner with summer soup prepared for lunch and drink tea.

Recipe for okroshka with kvass:

  • Cut into small pieces a fresh cucumber, half an egg, a couple of radishes, potatoes (1 pc.), a bunch of parsley or dill;
  • Pour in all 200 g of low-calorie kvass.

Beetroot okroshka diet

100 grams of okroshka prepared with beets contains 61 kcal – a pretty good indicator. This option for losing excess weight can be used for all 10 days, because the soup contains all the substances necessary for optimal functioning:

  • We have breakfast with cottage cheese or natural yogurt, drink tea with black rye bread;
  • For lunch we eat beet okroshka;
  • We have dinner with the same dish and drink a cup of green tea.

In between meals, you can eat fruits and light vegetable salads.

Beetroot okroshka recipe:

  • Cut the peeled and washed beets into small pieces and cook for 10 minutes;
  • Place the beet tops into the pan and simmer for 5-7 minutes;
  • We take everything out of the pan and leave the broth there;
  • Grind 2 boiled eggs, mix them with 1 tbsp. l. mustard, the same portions of sour cream and sugar, salt everything to taste;
  • Cut the beets into cubes and add them to the general mixture;
  • Combine 700 g of kvass with 1 liter of beet broth, pour in the products.

The okroshka diet is the best way to get rid of extra pounds in the hot season. This method of losing weight will allow you to eat tasty and quite varied. The secret of its effectiveness lies in using only healthy and low-calorie, but satisfying foods.

Diet features

A large number of varieties of okroshka allows you to prepare this dish for every taste, which makes the diet tasty and healthy. In a week of eating this way you can lose up to 7 kg. You can use your favorite recipes as the main soup or change the ingredients. Okroshka is prepared with meat, vegetables, fish, and mushrooms. Dilute it with kefir, kvass, mineral water. At the same time, the calorie content of the dish remains low, and the nutritional value remains high. The ingredients of okroshka contain a huge amount of minerals and vitamins.

Of course, such a nutritional system is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases, with a tendency to increased gas formation. Any inflammatory processes in the intestines are also contraindications for such a diet.

In order for the okroshka diet to be highly effective, it is necessary to prepare it exclusively from fresh and healthy products, and also follow simple rules:

  • in addition to the main soup, you need to drink a lot: at least one and a half liters of water;
  • the menu cannot include smoked and fatty foods, baked goods and sweets, as well as alcoholic beverages;
  • you should not add sour cream to okroshka, as its calorie content will reduce all efforts to zero;
  • you need to season the dish immediately before eating;
  • The duration of the okroshka diet should not exceed 10 days.

Types of diet

The okroshka diet can be different, depending on what recipe is used. For example, the dish can be prepared with kefir, kvass, and vinegar. Below are the most popular recipes.

Okroshka with kefir

This diet lasts about 10 days. Her menu looks something like this:

  • breakfast: a cup of hot drink, a piece of rye loaf with butter;
  • lunch: any fruit;
  • lunch: a portion of okroshka;
  • afternoon snack: vegetable salad;
  • dinner: same daily portion of okroshka.
  • late dinner: 100 ml kefir.

A weight loss soup is prepared from a couple of cucumbers, one egg, 200 g of potatoes and a glass of kefir without salt.

Okroshka with kvass

This dish is prepared in a similar way, perhaps with the addition of radishes and herbs. Season the soup with low-calorie kvass.

The menu for losing weight using okroshka with kvass looks something like this:

  • breakfast: 100 g of yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • lunch: apple;
  • lunch: the same cold soup;
  • afternoon snack: pear;
  • dinner: okroshka.

Okroshka with beets

The recipe for this soup is as follows:

  • the beets must be peeled and cut into cubes, boiled for 10 minutes, add tops to them, simmer for another 5 minutes, then remove everything from the broth;
  • While the broth is cooling, chop a couple of eggs and mix them with 1 tbsp. l. mustard, sour cream and sugar, add salt to taste;
  • The beets are mixed with the egg mixture and poured with kvass and beet broth.

Okroshka with vinegar

Perhaps someone will like this okroshka recipe. The preparation of this soup is as follows:

  • chop and mix 0.5 kg of boiled potatoes, 3 eggs, a couple of cucumbers and 3 radishes, a bunch of greens (green onions and dill in equal parts);
  • add a cup of sour cream and 30 g of vinegar to the okroshka;
  • then pour in water until the soup reaches the desired consistency.

For weight loss, this dish is included in the menu twice a day until the desired weight is reached.

This cold soup recipe is very common among those losing weight. It is prepared like this:

  • chop cucumbers, radishes, eggs and boiled chicken fillet;
  • pour whey into the soup and season with sour cream;
  • Okroshka is consumed chilled.

Instead of whey, the dish is sometimes seasoned with water and mayonnaise. The effectiveness of the diet then becomes significantly lower, even if you choose a low-fat sauce. Milk is sometimes also used instead of water. In this case, you need to add a couple more teaspoons of vinegar to the soup.

"5 okroshka"

This diet option is a way to lose weight for those who love variety. The rules here are:

  • you need to eat a new type of okroshka every day;
  • cold soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner;
  • the portion should not exceed 200 ml;
  • The duration of such a diet is only 5 days: during this time you can lose up to 7 kg.

To maintain a slim figure, you don't have to starve yourself. Diet okroshka- this is something that is perfect for everyone. In this article we will look at some of the easiest but most original cooking methods.

Diet okroshka with kefir

The preparation time for this dish is only forty minutes. Determine the number of servings yourself. So, as for the necessary ingredients, you will need several tubers of new potatoes, radishes, a couple of small fresh cucumbers, two large chicken eggs, a bunch of green onions, three leaves of wild garlic, one hundred grams of lean ham, a little less than a liter of kefir, one glass of warm boiled water water, a pinch of citric acid, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a little salt.

Diet okroshka. Recipe

Wash the potatoes without peeling them and boil them directly in the skins. When it has cooled, peel and finely chop with a sharp knife. Chop the radishes and cut the cucumbers into cubes. Boil eggs in slightly salted water, chop wild garlic and onion. Cut the ham the way you like. Dilute kefir with warm water and add a pinch of citric acid. Now mix everything, add salt and pour in kefir. The dish is ready!

Diet okroshka. Second cooking option

Chop the eggs into small pieces. Mix them with radishes and cucumbers, cut into slices. Pour cold kefir over everything and season with herbs. Add some salt. The amount of ingredients depends on your preferences, although usually there are twice as many cucumbers as the remaining ingredients.

Diet okroshka. Recipe three

Almost everyone loves okroshka, especially when you want to feel cool in hot weather. Those losing weight discover another positive side of this dish - the calorie content is quite high, that is, to fill up, one small portion will be enough. Take four boiled potato tubers, three large cucumbers, chicken breast (boiled or smoked, but keep in mind that smoked breast can kill all the taste), two eggs, and one and a half liters of sweet kvass. All vegetables should be cut into medium cubes. The resulting preparation can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator. When you want okroshka, just pour kvass over the vegetables and lightly salt them. Bon appetit everyone!

Another recipe. Amazing dietary okroshka

In general, the dietary option is not much different from the usual one. But sometimes you come across extremely unusual recipes. For example, what can you say about beet okroshka? You may be skeptical, but experience shows that adding beets only improves the taste of the dish.

Cooking method

Take two small ripe zucchini, boil them in salted water and cut into small pieces. Chop five green onions. Grate a little horseradish (forty grams will be enough). Now all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, salted, seasoned with herbs and poured with chilled beetroot broth. As you can see, it turned out to be an interesting dish, only vaguely reminiscent of okroshka. But don't be afraid to experiment!

The famous dish is not very common in the diet. And in vain, nutritionists say. After all, according to positive impact on the body it is ahead of many other recipes. It is also an ideal food in the summer, when you absolutely do not want to eat fatty meat or rich borscht. And I’m drawn to something light and vegetable. For those who have been following the diet for a long time, this dish is their favorite.

The benefits of okroshka in the diet

The main advantage of okroshka is its calorie content. On average, it is about 60 Kcal per 100 grams of dish. It is easy to calculate that even a whole kilogram of it, eaten during the day, will bring the body only 600 Kcal with a daily norm of at least 2200 Kcal. What does it mean? That the okroshka diet is very effective. And by eating it for at least a week, you simply cannot help but lose weight.

The second point is the benefits for the body. Most diets, especially those made up of mono-products, cannot fully satisfy our needs for nutrients and vitamins. Most often, skin, hair and nails suffer from their deficiency. And dietary okroshka is made up of only good things! It uses a large number of vegetables that provide the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. And therefore no negative consequences you won't notice the diet.

The third important plus is the normalization of digestion. The use of vegetables that have a fibrous structure and help cleanse the intestines of “deposits” of toxins that have settled in it over the winter is complemented by the healing power of kefir or kvass. These drinks improve the functioning of the stomach, and activate digestion so much that fat deposition becomes almost impossible.

Thus, dietary okroshka for weight loss will bring you 3 bonuses at once: weight loss, preventing its return and enormous health benefits!

Basic requirements for preparing dietary okroshka

Delicious and easy recipes

And to make losing weight on okroshka tasty and healthy, use our simple recipes!

Light soup with kefir

You will need:

  • low-fat kefir - 200 ml;
  • hard-boiled egg - 1 pc.,
  • potatoes - 100 gr.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • green onions- 3-4 feathers.


  1. Chop the potatoes and cucumbers into cubes.
  2. Peel and mash the egg. Combine with chopped green onions.
  3. Mix the ingredients, add a little salt, pour kefir.

Okroshka according to Dukan

You will need:

  • boiled chicken breast - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • radishes - 5 pcs.;
  • boiled shrimp - 200 g,
  • dill and green onions - 1 bunch each;
  • low-fat kefir - 500 ml.


  1. Chop all products into cubes. The cucumber can be peeled first.
  2. Combine the ingredients and add kefir.
  3. Pour in some cold water and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Chicken recipe

You will need:

  • boiled chicken breast - 200 g,
  • bread kvass - 500 ml;
  • potatoes and boiled eggs - 1 pc.;
  • oregano, parsley, dill - 1 tablespoon each, chopped;
  • cauliflower, boiled in salted water - 200 g,
  • low-fat sour cream - 100 g,
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Cut the radishes into slices, disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. Chop other ingredients into cubes.
  2. Mix the ingredients, add herbs and spices.
  3. Pour in kvass and leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  4. Serve with sour cream.

As you can see, very tasty and simple diet on okroshka, reviews about it also allow you to use other vegetables and even fruits, for example, tomatoes, green apples. And as a dressing you can add mustard and many, many different herbs. Surely you will find a couple of favorite recipes. And you will make the dish a favorite of your summer table!

  • (with kvass, with tomato juice, with mayonnaise, winter okroshka)
  • (classic, with kefir, vinegar, sour cream)
  • Classic recipe - 5 secrets of the dish
  • , serum and tane

The okroshka diet is one of the simplest and most effective diets, the preparation of which is quick and budget-friendly.

It makes it possible to get rid of excess weight, cleanse the body of toxins and significantly improve a person’s appearance. Okroshka has a pleasant taste, and the diet offers a wide variety of recipes.

Nutritionists point out the benefits of this dietary restriction for weight loss:

  • feeling of lightness;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • obtaining a general therapeutic health effect.
The effectiveness of the diet is confirmed by numerous results and reviews from satisfied people losing weight
What must be observed Tolerance Strictly prohibited
Eat small portions 4 times a day.It is allowed to add 1 daily serving in case of severe hunger.Eat any high-calorie foods.
Prepare a new portion daily.Use it in the form of a salad, while washing down with the amount of liquid that is necessary while maintaining the proportion.Leave the uneaten portion for another day.
A smooth transition to a diet based on okroshka for weight loss, through the gradual elimination of high-calorie foods.With a small diet, it is allowed to leave the following products in the diet: apples, strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, watermelons, in the form of dessert.Don't overdo it additional products, do not abuse them.
Consume at least 1 liter. on the day of okroshka dressing, this is kvass, kefir, etc.The permissible maximum is 1 cup of any unsweetened drink per day.Drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
Follow a daily routine, eat at approximately the same time.If you wish, you can stop playing sports if they were practiced before the diet.Do not start training if you have not done it before, do not increase the load. Eliminate all stressful situations.

The basic principle of the okroshka diet for weight loss is to follow all recommendations, take the process seriously, and read the information about permitted and prohibited foods.

Advantages of the diet over others

  • Has a wide variety of recipes;
  • Contains only healthy foods, of natural origin, rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • Cooking does not take much time;
  • has high performance;
  • a diet based on okroshka for weight loss helps cleanse the body;
  • low calorie food option.

Okroshka is a tasty, low-calorie dish. Calorie counting using an example meat okroshka with kvass

What results can be achieved?

If there are sports activities at the same time, then about 1.5 kg will be lost. per day.

Indications for use

For greater effectiveness, nutritionists advise eating a small diet in summer time. This method of losing weight is suitable for people who have a heightened feeling of hunger.

Such a diet involves a large intake of liquid, which significantly fills the volume of the stomach and creates the effect of satiety and dulling hunger. And low-calorie content will not allow the body to become oversaturated.

Diet okroshka is excellent choice, for both women and men, this is the most universal way to lose weight.

This diet has no age-related contraindications, Experts recommend using it at any age, in the absence of direct contraindications.


Okroshka diet for weight losshas the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • metabolic disease.

The okroshka diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Possible side effects

Like any dietary food, the okroshka diet for weight loss can cause unwanted side effects. This happens quite rarely and depends entirely on the individual reaction of the body.

To possible side effects Diet applications include:

  • intestinal disorder (diarrhea, constipation);
  • flatulence;
  • dysbiosis.

Be careful! If there are any signs of discomfort or health problems, you should stop continuing the diet and consult your doctor for treatment recommendations.

Diet menu options on okroshka

The okroshka diet has a wide variety of recipes for preparing dishes for fast weight loss. The main recommendation of nutritionists is to prepare the daily diet strictly according to the recipe, do not deviate from it and observe all the necessary ingredients.

The most popular varieties of okroshka for weight loss are:

  • Kefir;
  • With kvass;
  • Vegetarian (vegetable);
  • Fish;
  • Meat.

Each of them has many recipes and cooking variations.

Kefir okroshka

A similar diet is followed for 10 days, during which time kilograms are significantly lost and the body does not experience any stress or discomfort. This diet is recommended for those who want to lose 10 kg.

The okroshka diet is one of the most attractive and delicious diets for weight loss.


  • Potatoes – 200 gr.;
  • Medium cucumbers – 3 pcs;
  • egg;
  • 1% kefir of any brand, about 200 ml. or 1 faceted glass.

Leave for half an hour in the refrigerator, no spices or salt are used.

Another option for cooking kefir okroshka for weight loss is to use whey instead of kefir.

Okroshka based on whey

This method is known as the express method, since you can get rid of up to 5 kg in 3 days. The entire diet lasts 3 days. This is an ideal option for those who want to lose weight before an upcoming holiday or reception.


  • Chicken breast fillet – 50 gr.;
  • Medium cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • Medium radish – 3 pcs.;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • A little greenery;
  • Pour in the whey until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

Leave the dish in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Okroshka for weight loss with milk

Okroshka for weight loss with milk is very effective diet. It is observed for 5 days, and alternates with salad and various fruits. This option is the most loyal, it is preferred by people who find it difficult to adhere to strict diets, because this the method makes it possible to eat some foreign foods.

These include apples, strawberries, oranges, lemons and even watermelons. Other fruits are not recommended, as are sugar and baked goods.


  • Boiled potatoes – 200 gr.;
  • Medium cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Greenery;
  • Fill with 200 ml. milk.

The soup is ready to eat without additional preparation.

Okroshka for weight loss with kvass


  • Medium potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken fillet – 50 gr.;
  • 1 egg;
  • Radishes – 3 pcs.;
  • Greenery;
  • Pour 250 ml. kvass

Vegetable “cold soup” for weight loss

No eggs, no chicken, no dairy products are used in this diet, this diet completely excludes any protein content. An ideal option for cleansing the body, it rids it not only of extra pounds, but also of toxins.

  • Boiled beets – 2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • Greenery;
  • Radishes – 3 pcs.;
  • Cucumbers – 3 pcs.

All ingredients are finely chopped, the beets are cut into strips. Then mix thoroughly.

In one version, the resulting mixture is poured with kvass, in another version it is used dry (beets provide slight moisture). Nutritionists recommend sticking to this diet for 3 to 5 days.

Okroshka with seafood

Diet for weight loss using okroshka with added seafood.

The seafood nutrition system has great benefits for the body. In addition to its direct purpose, such a diet helps saturate the immune system with nutrients and vitamins A, E, D.


  • Any seafood (shrimp, squid, sea fish, mussels) can be alternated – 150 g;
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • 1 egg;
  • Pour 200 ml kvass.

Eat for 5 days.

Meat okroshka for weight loss

Stick for 7 to 10 days.


  • Lean beef or chicken – 50 gr.;
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • egg;
  • Cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • Greenery;
  • Pour 200 ml. kvass, milk, or kefir as desired.

Classic okroshka diet menu for a week

If your diet consists of milk okroshka, then you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast - 1 drinking low-calorie yogurt or fruit;
  • Lunch – okroshka;
  • Afternoon snack – light salad or fruit;
  • Dinner – okroshka;
  • Late dinner – 150 ml. kefir or unsweetened tea.

Additional products during the “okroshka” diet

Allowed Prohibited
WatermelonsAny fatty foods
PearWhite bread and pastries

Individual menu

The individual diet of the menu depends entirely on the taste preference of the person losing weight, but with proper preparation, any characteristics of the body should be taken into account.

For example, allergic reactions to some foods, health status, age, lifestyle. Individual program recommended by nutritionists when weight increases sharply or standard diets do not give a positive result.

An active lifestyle is the key to maintaining a beautiful slim figure after leaving the diet.

General advice from experts for losing weight on a small diet comes down to the following tips:

  1. Drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day.
  2. News active image life, regularly spend time outdoors.
  3. Eat food in small portions, chewing it thoroughly.
  4. Eat only fresh foods and prepare meals daily, only in this case the food will retain its taste and be beneficial.

We wish you success on your path to beauty and health!

Useful video materials on the topic “Okroshka diet for weight loss”

How to prepare dietary okroshka for weight loss:

Tested on myself: okroshka diet from the first person: