Tatyana Vedeneeva's diet menu. How Tatyana Vedeneeva loses weight. Departure abroad

Representatives of the older generation probably remember the famous host of the program “Good night, kids!” Tatyana Vedeneeva, whose personal life and children were behind the scenes for a long time. The beautiful Soviet actress gained particular popularity from the film “Hello, I’m Your Aunt!”, where Tatyana played the role of the companion of a millionaire from Brazil. At the same time, all the ups and downs of Vedeneyeva’s life remained aside - her sudden disappearance from television screens in the early 90s gave rise to a lot of rumors and speculation.

As the actress and TV presenter herself says, her parents dreamed that their beautiful daughter would be a doctor or a teacher. The girl herself decided to become famous in the acting field and at the age of 14 she sent a letter to GITIS with a request to tell her about the rules for admission to a Moscow university. After the prom, the young girl set off to conquer the capital, preparing an excerpt from the fairy tale about the Ugly Duckling for the exams.

Against the backdrop of general performances by applicants reading the classics, this choice was able to attract the attention of the admissions committee, and Tatyana entered the acting department on the first try. During their studies, students were forbidden to act in films and perform in plays, but an exception was made for the artist, and she played her first role during her studies at GITS.

Tatyana Vedeneeva, host of the program “Good night, kids!”

A little later, the beauty’s husband became a restoration artist, whose mosaic works decorated famous buildings in Moscow. He was much older than Tatyana Vedeneyeva, so the young woman relied in everything on the opinion of her husband, who decided a lot in the personal life and biography of the actress - from the number of future children to matching the chosen image.

First divorce

After the collapse of the USSR, many people in creative professions were left out of work - no one needed talented artists, singers, and actors. Tatyana Vedeneeva’s husband, whose photo could not be found on the Internet, began to rush from despair in search of self-realization and became addicted to alcohol, which affected the biography and personal life of the actress - she did not want her son to see his always drunk father and busy mother only during scandals in family.

After the divorce, Vedeneeva was lucky - she was always a favorite of those in power, Gorbachev also treated the young presenter with sympathy. Therefore, the management of Channel One increased her concert rate and entrusted her, together with the masters of the pop genre, with hosting the most rated programs. So the actress received a position as a journalist and was able to interview the most famous guests of the program “ Good morning!».

Vedeneeva and Yuri Begalov

In preparation for the next episode of the program, the artist had to interview the owner of an oil company. The young businessman seemed very attractive to Tatyana, and it was not just Begalov’s great fortune. She noticed subtle humor, an intelligent attitude towards herself, and an attractive appearance. But by that time the actress was still listed as married, and Begalov had a family and two daughters.

The rapprochement occurred many months later, when both became divorced, and prevented them life together no one could. In the process of working on the “Step to Parnassus” festival, they had to communicate a lot - the oligarch was the sponsor of the competition. After a joint trip to the tropical islands, to which the presenter received a ticket as a prize for the work done, Vedeneeva thought more and more about a man with such an interesting appearance.

Returning to her homeland, the actress drew up documents to break up with her husband and allowed herself to meet with a young businessman, feeling ready for a new relationship.

In the early 90s, the young people got married and the husband’s children from his first marriage appeared in the personal life and biography of Tatyana Vedeneyeva - Begunov insisted on participating in their biography. He was also able to establish relations with the presenter’s son, Dmitry, as can be seen in the photos of those times, the family managed to harmoniously survive the difficulties in communicating with children on both sides.

Departure abroad

Due to problems with management, who did not want to compromise with the popular presenter, Vedeneyeva had to resign from Channel One. In search of something to do for herself, she opened her own business together with her husband - in Switzerland they managed to establish the production of natural sauces, which turned out to be an interesting and profitable business. According to the actress, this helped her cope with depression caused by the loss of a child as a result of an accident on vacation with her husband.

The actress hoped that the second marriage would not only solve all financial problems, but would also become a reliable support for her as a woman - she did not think at all about discord in the family. It seemed that this would be the case, but over time the relationship became colder, the spouses began to separate more often, everyone was busy with their own business. Gradually, the old feelings faded away and both decided to talk about it openly, so as not to torment each other with jealousy and suspicion.

Second divorce

Vedeneyeva soon tired of the comfortable life in France, where real estate is much cheaper than in Moscow, and the family returned to their homeland in early 2000. By that time, the presenter had her own considerable savings, which allowed her to remain as the head of the company nominally - well-established production did not require the direct participation of the owner and brought in a constant, significant income.

After arriving in Moscow, she was surprised to notice that in the ranking of the most popular presenters on Russian television is “Aunt Tanya” from “Good night, kids!” occupies the first positions and decided to return to the profession. Fortunately, many proposals for cooperation have been received.

There were no objections from the husband; by that time, the discord in the family had become obvious. A rumor spread that in Tatyana Vedeneyeva’s personal life and biography, as can be seen in the photo of that time, only children remained - her husband’s son and daughters from her first marriage. He and Begalov did not have children together, and Yuri did not want to accept someone else’s child from the orphanage into his family. Gradually, people who had once loved each other madly moved away from each other and in 2009 they officially registered a breakup.

And although in Wikipedia about Tatyana Vedeneyeva’s personal life only her son is listed in the “children” column, the actress herself considers her husband’s children to be her daughters, which is how she signs all joint photos posted on Instagram. The woman became especially attached to Begunov’s youngest daughter - when she assumed the “position” of stepmother, she was not yet 4 years old.

Tatyana Vedeneeva: latest photos

Nowadays, the popular TV presenter actress is actively rehearsing new characters at the “School of Contemporary Play,” performing in an unusual role for herself – a theater actress. According to the forever young and popular woman, working in the theater turned out to be more difficult for her than she thought. Direct contact with the viewer sitting in the hall makes you forget about your own experiences and is a direct challenge for Vedeneyeva - whether she can work effectively in conditions that are new to her.

In the personal life and biography of Tatyana Vedeneyeva by 2017, there were no significant changes - in all the photos she is alone, neither her husband nor her children actively participate in her fate. Although she and Begunov divorced quite peacefully and in a civilized manner, without making a show out of this event with scandals and mutual reproaches. Together with Yuri, Tatyana still manages their common business; for all her birthdays, her ex-husband always sends the TV presenter and actress huge bouquets of fresh flowers.

In numerous interviews, Vedeneeva talks about her attitude to modern principles in the institution of marriage, focusing on the fact that she has a bad attitude towards romantic relationships with men much younger than herself. According to her, you need to grow old with dignity and you cannot replace true feelings with money and position in society - after all, it is clear that a 20-year-old young man will never be able to sincerely love a woman with “experience”.

At 64 years old, the actress looks great - with a model height of 176 cm, she weighs only 60 kg, which allows the actress to dream of new changes in her personal life and biography. At the same time, children occupy an important place in the creative activity of the popular TV presenter; Vedeneeva took one of the orphanages in the Moscow region under her protection.

Secrets of youth

According to Vedeneeva, now it is difficult to be successful without taking care of your face and body - a pleasant appearance is important for a public person. There are rumors online about an unsuccessful plastic surgery that changed Tatyana’s face beyond recognition. Although she herself claims that she just trimmed her eyelids and made several Botox injections.

Advertising posters of a famous Moscow clinic, in which plastic surgeons work true miracles with aging stars, also added fuel to the fire. According to the actress, she participated in the filming at the request of her friends, the owners of the clinic, although she herself was never a client.

Talking about the secrets of her beauty, Vedeneeva insists that a balanced diet helps her maintain her beautiful figure - she does not eat Olivier salad with mayonnaise and fried meat pies. In the process of developing her own brand and establishing the production of environmentally friendly sauces in Switzerland, the woman had to re-read a lot of literature, including on proper nutrition. Since then, she has developed a good habit of not combining incompatible products.

In her free time from rehearsals and live broadcasts, the woman likes to walk a lot - she specially comes to unfamiliar Moscow streets, built in former times, and wanders for several hours, enjoying the architecture.

The famous TV presenter, actress from the film “Hello, I’m Your Aunt” is different from her sixty-year-old peers. A seemingly elegant, fragile, energetic woman cannot be over 40 years old. With a height of 175 cm, she weighs only 64 kg. The secrets of slimness and youth lie in her diet.

Tatyana Vedeneeva believes that the contents of the plate are reflected on the face. None Plastic surgery will not be able to help if you eat just anything. The presenter repeatedly repeated that she would never eat a complex sandwich made of bread, butter, sausage, but would prefer a piece of cheese.

Tatyana Vedeneeva’s diet is based on several principles:

Nutrition discipline is Tatyana’s main principle. She believes that if a woman wants to look good at 60, then she needs to monitor the contents of her plate at a young age.

Secrets of the TV presenter's youth

Diet menu

On one of Elena Malysheva’s programs, Tatyana Vedeneeva, as a guest of the program, shared a detailed menu:

  • Breakfast: a glass of clean water, later - 150 g of green buckwheat or a piece of cheese with a cup of natural coffee, or 200 ml of yogurt.
  • Lunch: 100 g of fish with vegetables or a bowl of soup.
  • Dinner: a serving of raw vegetable salad.

The diet is very meager, calorie content is only 720 kcal. But as Tatyana assures, she feels very comfortable and has no health problems. It is possible that the presenter is a little disingenuous and she rarely sticks to such a menu in order to keep herself in shape or there is a need to lose a couple of kilograms.

Tatyana Vedeneeva

The host of the program “The World in Your Plate” (“Home”) shared the secret of her youth.

I gave up meat many years ago, but I eat fish with pleasure,” said Tatyana Vedeneeva. “I learned how to bake it when I lived in France.” The French serve it with tomato sauce, but, for my taste, our tkemali sauce goes well with it - you just need to add a little olive oil to it. In general, I am convinced: our face is a reflection of what we eat. That's why I prefer the simplest food.

Dorada in French

cooking time25 minutes
number of servings2
calorie content of 1 serving: 427 kcal
approximate cost of the dish: 300 rubles*

You will need: 1 bream fish 1 kg sea ​​salt 1 egg 4 tomatoes 2 tbsp. l. olive oil 3 cloves garlic basil salt

We take out the insides of the fish, but do not clean the top. Place foil on a baking sheet, pour a 1 cm layer of salt, and place the fish. Mix the remaining salt with the egg and coat the fish with this mixture. Place in the oven for 20 minutes. For the sauce, finely chop the tomatoes without skin, add oil, chopped garlic, salt, and basil. Mix. After removing the fish from the oven, break the salt crust and remove the skin. Separate the fillet from the bones and place on a plate.

Peasant style fish

cooking time1 hour
number of servings4
calorie content of 1 serving: 410 kcal
approximate cost of the dish: 140 rubles*

You will need: 400 g fish fillet 6–8 potatoes 2 onions 300 g sour cream salt pepper

Cut the fish fillet into pieces, add salt and pepper and place in clay pots. On top we place onion chopped into rings and potatoes cut into slices. Salt, pour sour cream. Cover the pots with lids and bake in the oven for 30–40 minutes.

"Olive" tongue

cooking time1 hour 30 minutes
number of servings2
calorie content of 1 serving: 624 kcal
approximate cost of the dish is 130 rubles*

You will need: 300 g sole fillet 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil juice of 1/2 lemon salt pepper
For the sauce: 100 g grated cheese 1/4 cup milk
12 olives stuffed with peppers

Fill the fillet with a mixture of oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Mix 2/3 of the cheese with milk and olives. Place the fish in a mold, pour sauce over it, and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven.

Mackerel with greens

cooking time35 minutes
number of servings4
calorie content of 1 serving: 250 kcal
approximate cost of the dish95 rub.*

You will need: medium-sized mackerel, 1 bunch of dill and parsley, seasoning for fish, salt

We put greens into the gutted belly of the mackerel, coat it with salt and seasoning, wrap it in foil and place it on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. Before serving, cut into portions.


There probably wasn’t a person from the 80s and 90s who didn’t know who Tatyana Vedeneeva was. She was known and loved even in the Far East, since at the beginning of her career, her programs were broadcast there. Not many people know that, in addition to everything, she is the director of a well-promoted and well-known company for the production of sauces in many countries.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Vedeneyeva? Probably every third Russian woman asks this question after seeing her photo. In 2018, the journalist will celebrate her anniversary; she will turn 65 years old. Tatyana has a model build: she is 1 meter 76 centimeters tall and weighs 59 kg.

Photos of Tatyana Vedeneyeva in her youth and now once again prove that some women only get prettier over the years. They help her keep herself in this shape physical exercise, proper nutrition, it is known that for the last few years she has been eating separately. Of course, the TV presenter resorts to creams and various masks. Vedeneeva has another secret, which she occasionally resorts to, but more on that later.

Biography of Tatyana Vedeneeva

The biography of Tatyana Vedeneyeva can be compared to a zebra - the black stripe gave way to white, the white to black, there were ups and downs. Despite this, the celebrity never lost heart; she always managed to find a way out of a difficult situation. The future star of Russian television screens was born in the city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) in 1963 on July 10.

Tatyana Vedeneeva’s father, a metallurgist and steelmaker, saw his daughter as an engineer in the future, and Tatyana Vedeneeva’s mother, a laboratory assistant at a chemical enterprise, imagined her baby as a doctor. But the parents' dreams were not destined to come true. As a child, the artist was an obedient girl, quiet, but lively and somehow fearless - the genes of the Don Cossacks affected her. She didn’t go to dances, didn’t hang out with her friends, spending most of her time at home learning the basics of housekeeping.

At the age of fourteen, she began attending a drama club in her hometown. There the girl realizes that she wants to connect her life with the theater. Secretly from her parents, Tatyana sends a letter to GITIS and receives a plump envelope with introductory assignments. To say that the parents were against it is to say nothing. Dad has a seizure, he is taken to the hospital, and mom was unable to find suitable arguments to dissuade her daughter.

During the exam, Vedeneeva reads not the classics, like most applicants, but a fairy tale about the ugly duckling. In part, such an extraordinary repertoire played a role - the girl was enrolled in an educational institution.

Tatyana Veniaminovna makes her debut in her first year, starring in the film “Much Ado About Nothing”, then she is offered a role in the series. In 1975, the comedy “Hello, I’m your aunt” was released and made the actress famous. Thanks to her work in cinema, Vedeneeva was able to move from the hostel to a rented apartment, and even help her parents with food, which was in short supply at that time.

After graduating from college, she goes to work at the Mayakovsky Theater where, unfortunately, she never appears on stage. An important condition work was Moscow registration, her colleagues on stage hinted that this problem could be resolved by formalizing a fictitious marriage. The young actress does not want to start her personal life with deception and does not agree to this adventure. As a result, she is fired from her job.

At first, Tatyana falls into despair: will she be left without a job and without a livelihood in a foreign city? His Majesty's lucky chance helps her. In the newspaper, the girl saw an advertisement for a vacancy as an announcer. After taking several lessons from a professional presenter, Vedeneeva goes to the casting and passes it.

At first, due to her appearance (the girl has short hair, almost no makeup) and lack of experience on television, she is trusted to host only night broadcasts, but she does not think of giving up.

Almost a year later, the presenter was transferred to daytime broadcasts. Later, the girl begins to host entertaining and musical programms. The situation changed dramatically in the mid-80s, after Vedeneeva became the host of the evening program “Good Night, Kids”

After this, stunning success came to her: the older generation fell in love with her, and the kids were generally delighted with her. Then there was “Blue Light” and other popular programs.

Tatyana Veniaminovna’s rapid progress up the career ladder is helped not only by her talent, but also by the favor of Leonid Brezhnev himself. Knowing his sympathy for the TV presenter, management encouraged her in every possible way: she went on business trips abroad, she had salary increases and Last year Brezhnev's life - she hosted an event in honor of his birthday.

Personal life of Tatyana Vedeneeva

Tatyana Vedeneyeva’s personal life is not as eventful as her professional one. According to the famous journalist, she is quite conservative on this issue. She is disgusted by the idea that her chosen one would be two or even three dozen younger than herself.

Although in Tatiana’s life, husbands also played an important role in a certain sense. Vedeneeva officially got married twice, out of great and bright love - and there was no other way. She is grateful to her chosen ones: some for the acquired, albeit bitter, experience, and others for their warm attitude.

Family of Tatyana Vedeneeva

After successfully working for a long time on television, the presenter is refused to extend her vacation for another 7 days - the reason for the request was very valid - the presenter quits upon arrival. After that, from 1993 she lived in France. But even there she did not sit idle - she took part in two children's performances.

On this moment Tatyana Vedeneeva’s family is her children. Officially, she is not married, you will not find any information about her secret boyfriends - talking about personal matters is taboo for journalists; the TV presenter does not like to talk about this topic.

Children of Tatyana Vedeneeva

If we remember how all the kids loved and looked forward to the “Good Night, Kids” program in the evenings, we can say that Tatyana Vedeneeva’s children are all viewers under twelve years of age.

The TV presenter has only one child – son Dmitry. She also has two adopted daughters from her second marriage. It was very difficult for Tatyana to find a common language with the girls, but thanks to her persistence after several years, she still wins their hearts with her openness. In the photo you can often see the whole family together: Tatyana with her son, two daughters and husband Yuri Begalov.

Son of Tatyana Vedeneeva - Dmitry

Tatyana Vedeneeva’s son, Dmitry, now lives and works in London on the famous BBC television channel. The young man plans to become a popular writer. Tatyana often visits her son.

In one of the interviews, the star’s son admitted that he liked his mother’s popularity, that she was often recognized on the street - they asked for an autograph or just advice. But from time to time he was jealous of his mother for the audience; he missed his mother’s warmth and bedtime stories. No, he, of course, watched all the children's programs with her participation, but he wanted his mother to be nearby and tell stories to him alone, and not to the whole country.

Daughter of Tatyana Vedeneeva

As you know, Tatyana Vedeneeva’s daughter is not alone. Tatyana's second husband, Yuri, has two daughters from her first marriage. Vedeneeva made every effort to get closer to the girls; they made contact for a long time.

Unfortunately, you will not find more detailed information about adopted daughters; the reason for such secrecy in this matter is not clear. And although now each family member lives separately, the famous TV presenter with warmth in her voice calls the two girls her own daughters. His own son Dmitry also keeps in touch with his sisters.

Tatyana Vedeneeva's ex-husband - Valery

Tatyana Vedeneeva’s ex-husband, Valery, was a restoration artist. One of his works, an architectural mosaic in the courtyard of the Patriarch, is still preserved. Tatyana's husband was much older than his wife. Probably on this basis, he decided that he had the right to decide everything for his beloved: what to cook for dinner, what dress to buy and when to give birth to a child. But Vedeneeva was in love, so she did not notice her husband’s shortcomings.

However, when the USSR collapsed, many people in creative professions were left without work and without prospects for a better future. Valery was among them. He could not stand it and began to drink, looking at his quite successful and famous wife. Subsequently they diverge.

Tatyana Vedeneeva's ex-husband - Yuri Begalov

Tatyana Vedeneeva’s ex-husband, Yuri Begalov, was indirectly connected with art. They met when Tatyana came to interview an oil businessman. The second meeting took place when Yuri was a sponsor of one of the programs hosted by Vedeneeva. Sympathy arises between them, but there can be no talk of any continuation - they are both connected by marriage.

But in the end, feelings take their toll and, in the mid-nineties, the couple officially registers their marriage, at that time they were both already free people. Their family has been living in France for a long time, where the couple open their own business producing tkemali sauces. Their union lasted 15 years.

Naked Tatyana Vedeneeva

Despite the fact that the famous journalist, TV presenter, people's favorite throughout her life, naked Tatyana Vedeneeva is nonsense. She never acted in scenes that compromised her.

In 2000, Tatyana, having already divorced her second husband, returned to Moscow. A new phase in her career begins. She hosts the popular show “Near You” together with Menshova. Publishes the book “Recipes from Tatyana Vedeneeva.” She continues to play in the theater, where she is offered mostly only leading roles.

And yet, the TV presenter has one secret of youth and beauty, although she does not hide it very much. The favorite of more than one generation herself admitted in an interview that if there is a financial opportunity, you can resort to plastic surgery, but she does not abuse it.

Fans of the presenter note that the photos of Tatyana Vedeneyeva before and after plastic surgery are still different. They noticed a slight change in the shape of the nose and a facelift. The last procedure was not very successful - the idol’s chin “sagged”. Tatyana herself says that she only does blepharoplasty and Botox injections.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Vedeneeva

Tatyana Vedeneyeva’s Instagram and Wikipedia are full of photographs from various events. And when she came out at a beauty contest in a chic, long black floor-length dress, she created a sensation, the jury and guests were stunned, the artist looked so charming.

Users social networks did not approve of the image of their idol when, at an event in honor of the memory of Magomayev, she appeared in a new, too youthful style. Her new choice clothes were discussed and condemned for a long time not only on the Internet, but also in print publications.

However, no matter what, Tatyana Veniaminovna remains for many a kind and beloved “Aunt Tanya.”

Known to us from childhood on the “Good night, kids!” program, today Tatyana Vedeneeva hosts the “Fashion Magazine” program on the “Domashny” TV channel and writes books. Most recently, she pleased us with her debut in the play “Russian Jam”, staged at the “School of Modern Play” theater. How can you accomplish so much? She tells our correspondent about her secrets of beauty and vigor.

Tatyana, you are always so stylish. Even in those times when few people succeeded, you were the standard. How do you do this?

Let me start with the fact that when I came to work on television, many things were not allowed. For men - a beard and mustache, long hair- categorically. If musicians, guitarists, or artists with long hair came, their hair was pinned up at the back of their heads and the artists were shown only from the front. In principle, women were not allowed to wear long hair. They put them in such a terrible hairstyle that I couldn’t stand it and cut my hair. Television gave me the face that I still wear today. My style was developed by my profession. And I do not deviate from these rules.

- You are always in shape. Have you ever had to resort to dieting?

For the first film “Much Ado About Nothing,” where director Samsonov invited me as a student, I had to lose 14 kg. Then I weighed 69 kg with a height of 175 cm and could not consider myself chubby. But she completed the task.

I lost weight to 55 kilograms. It was a lot! And I lost weight dramatically. The body was young, healthy and withstood such abuse, thank God, without consequences. But I was just gray. My teachers said: “She is sick with something. Maybe she should be sent to the hospital...” At that time, almost all the girls who studied with me at GITIS had the problem of losing weight. At our institute there was a dance teacher T.N. Kudasheva. She observed all our self-abuse and commented on it like this: “Stop starving yourself with diets! You just need to forget once and for all what butter, potatoes, rich bread, fatty meat, cakes, bananas are...” And I forgot. Forever. I won't say it was easy. But the internal attitude and psychological attitude are very important here.

Since then, I have been eating right and am sincerely surprised when I hear this or that lady lamenting that she “just doesn’t know” how to lose weight. This seems strange to me, because magazines are full of all sorts of recommendations, and bookshelves are littered with literature on this issue. Losing weight, in my opinion, is a matter of willpower. My recommendations are as follows: it is important to know which foods should not be mixed with each other during meals. Let's say you can't eat pasta with cheese and cutlets. My book, which will go on sale in September, will not just contain recipes, but exceptionally correct combinations of healthy ingredients that are truly healthy. In our minds, what is tasty often poses a threat to health, and many of us do not know how to prepare lunch or dinner correctly without harming the stomach. old age. I try to talk about dishes that are tasty and healthy.

- Are there any foods that are missing from your diet? And do you advise others to avoid them?

Women gain weight from bananas, and I convinced myself that I didn't like bananas anymore. About 20 years ago I came across an article in the newspaper where a very authoritative professor of medicine told what happens when meat enters the human body. And since then I can’t even look at him. Only recently have I started to allow myself very rarely boiled chicken with tkemali sauce.

- They say that some of us are larks, and some are owls. Which category do you consider yourself in?

When I graduated from GITIS, I went to work on television as an intern. For the first 2 years I worked as an announcer in orbits. Orbits (in other words, satellites) provided broadcasting to the entire Union. And my schedule was flexible. At about 2 o'clock in the morning I had to smile radiantly at the TV viewers who had just woken up, for example, in Vladivostok, tell them “Good morning” and retell the contents of the fifth episode of some film, since in a few minutes they could see the sixth episode on the screens this unforgettable picture. At that time I was never able to get enough sleep, because even the night schedule at the plant seemed to me the most humane invention to make life easier for workers. My schedule was formed once every 3 days. Once upon a time I worked from 2 to 5, once from 12 to 15, and even from 8 to 12. I saw how people left television, and then once and for all I gave myself the attitude: “The one who rents nerves, instantly becomes a nobody.” I wanted to achieve more in the future, and I moved towards this goal quite consistently. Sometimes like a lark, sometimes like an owl. ( Smiling.) So I had no time to be a sleepyhead.

You have beautiful hair. How do you care for them, do you use professional products? Can you share a secret?

My hair is soft and thin. Therefore, I definitely need foam or spray for styling and varnish for fixation. Sometimes I have time to do something at the hairdresser when I go there for a long time. But this rarely happens when it’s time to get a haircut or dye. At home I very rarely have time to put some kind of mask on my hair, but only quickly: apply and rinse. Sometimes I use special masks, and sometimes the most common burdock oil. Unfortunately, I do this very rarely. It seems to me that a famous person should dictate fashion himself, and not follow it. We have a stylist on our channel, Olga Galitskaya, she does my makeup and hair on air. In life I am on my own. I have 2-3 masters that I contact from time to time.

- What are your requirements for makeup?

Once upon a time, Tanya Romashina and I, like every young man with character, tried to resist the crowd. We wanted to be ourselves. We didn't like the huge identical hairstyles on our heads and glued eyelashes. Tanya worked with a braid, I cut my hair like a boy. Everyone painted as best they could. For example, I see poorly and when I come close to the mirror, it seems to me that I am well made up, but when I move away, I don’t see myself at all. So they help me.

- You are always elegantly dressed. What rules do you follow when choosing clothes?

The clothing requirements are simple: everything must be modest, no cut-outs, no decorations, no broad shoulders.

- What do you do in your spare time?

Previously, I was sincerely surprised by the tradition of spending the entire weekend at the dacha weeding some tomatoes, but now I realized that this activity is as full of deep philosophical meaning as the ancient Japanese tradition of, say, admiring lotuses. Now I am very interested in communicating with plants. I understand that you can look at fire, water and flowers endlessly, and this really helps you relax, throw away negative emotions, and just not think about anything. Sometimes it's just necessary.

Natalia YUNGVALD-Khilkevich



Rocket salad - 80 g, dried prunes - 8 pcs., butter - 5 g, sugar - 10 g, Orange juice- 100 ml, olive oil - 10 ml, orange zest.

Sort the arugula salad, rinse, remove tough stems. Melt butter in a frying pan, add sugar and dissolve. Add orange zest and prunes. Fry for 2-3 minutes over medium heat, then add orange juice. Evaporate the juice by a third and remove the prunes from the heat. Let cool completely. Place arugula on a plate, next to prunes. Garnish with remaining marinade and olive oil.


Main course: sole - 2 pcs., soy sauce - 15 g, olive oil - 40 g, lemon (juice) - 20 g, white wine - 170 g. Sauce: spinach - 200 g, onion - 25 g, cream (30%) - 100 g.

Cut the sole into fillets and brush with olive oil, sprinkle with lemon juice (10 g), soy sauce and white wine (70 g), bake in the oven at 150 ° C for 5-7 minutes.

Sauce: fry spinach with diced onion, add lemon juice (10 g), cream. Boil the mixture. Then add white wine (100 g), boil the mixture for 1-2 minutes, add salt and pepper. Beat all ingredients in a blender, strain through a sieve, and evaporate. Place the fish on a dish, pour over the sauce, and garnish with herbs.


Eggplants - 900 g, tomatoes - 200 g, zucchini - 200 g, olive oil - 160 g, tomato sauce - 280 g, mozzarella cheese - 80 g, garlic - 80 g, flour - 40 g.

Cut the eggplant into a fan down to the stem, salt and pepper, pour olive oil and finely chopped garlic. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until done, basting with olive oil occasionally.

Cut the zucchini and tomatoes into slices, add salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry, stuff the eggplants. Place mozzarella cheese on top and bake in the oven until the cheese has melted. Serve on a plate with tomato sauce.


Green apples and cauliflower 200 g each, pine nuts - 30 g, carrots - 50 g, honey - 50 g, natural yogurt - 125 g, raisins - 10 g.

Peel and seed the apple and cut into thin slices. Divide the cauliflower into small florets. Grate the carrots or cut into strips. Cabbage and carrots can be lightly blanched to make them a little softer. Mix carrots, cabbage and apples. Mix yogurt with honey and pour over salad. Toast pine nuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Top the salad with toasted nuts and raisins.


Main course: large medium-hard pears - 320 g, liver - 480 g, cognac - 60 g, cream - 80 g. Sauce: apples - 200 g, sweet white wine - 150 g, butter - 20 g, salt, pepper, taste.

Clean the liver from films, salt and pepper, add cognac and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then cover with foil and place in the oven at 130°C for 20 minutes. Cut off the bottom of the pear and use a spoon to scrape out the pulp. Beat the liver with a blender with cream and cut out pear pulp. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stuff the pear with liver and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Place the knife in hot water, cut the pear.

Sauce: fry apples cut into small cubes in butter, pour in wine, evaporate until half done. Pour the sauce over the prepared pear.


Ripe tomatoes - 4 pcs., ice - 50 g, zucchini - 20 g, shallots - 10 g, garlic - 3 g, red pepper - 30 g, lemon zest - 1 g, parsley - 1 sprig, olive oil - 10 G.

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel them, cut into slices and blend with a blender at the lowest speed so that the seeds do not spoil the taste. Rub the resulting pulp through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous mass. Grind the ice to coarse crumbs and add to the tomato mass. Place in the refrigerator. If necessary, dilute with water. Cut the zucchini, onion, red pepper, celery and garlic into very small cubes. Mix with salt, pepper and olive oil. Season the soup with salt and pepper, pour into a plate, place vegetables on top, garnish with herbs, zest and olive oil.


Large pink grapefruit - 4 pcs., powdered sugar - 100 g, grenadine - 50 ml, gelatin - 6 g, fresh mint - 1 sprig.

Squeeze juice from grapefruits, add powdered sugar and beat with a mixer. Warm slightly. Add gelatin and grenadine, stir until completely dissolved. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze. Grind the frozen juice in a blender until finely crumbled, pour into glasses, garnish with grapefruit slices and mint and serve immediately.