Diet for drying the body. Basics of an effective diet for cutting women. What to eat to lose weight? Glucose regulation

The body drying diet is a very common technique designed for quick disposal from extra pounds and weight normalization. Her main goal is not just weight loss, but fat burning while maintaining muscle fibers.

She is very popular among male bodybuilders who participate in competitions. To win, they need a beautiful muscle definition without layers of fat.

To follow a diet correctly, you must meet some requirements:

  1. You should break your diet into (small portions at least 5 times a day).
  2. Reduce the amount of salt you consume.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to exclude morning meals from the diet (breakfast before 10 am). Otherwise your metabolism will be slowed down.
  4. For dinner you can only eat protein foods. This is due to the fact that muscle fibers are actively restored during sleep.
  5. It is necessary to control the amount of calories entering the body. The average is 1600-1800. There may be deviations in both directions, but minor.
  6. Must be done at least twice a week strength exercises(you can exercise with weights at home or visit Gym).
  7. By the middle of the diet, you need to gradually reduce your carbohydrate intake. Restore carbohydrate levels after completing the course.
  8. You should not eat food an hour before training. Also try to avoid physical activity for two hours after your workout.
  9. The duration of drying should not exceed 6 weeks.
  10. Acceptable methods of heat treatment are boiling, stewing, steaming.
  11. It is strictly forbidden to completely abstain from consuming fats. If there are not enough of them in the body, hair and skin will suffer. In the future, problems with the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract will begin.
  12. In cases where the drying process has slowed down or stopped, you need to reduce the amount of sugar consumed.
  13. Avoid snacks, canned and starchy foods.
  14. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

There are additional restrictions:

  1. You should not consume more than 30% complex carbohydrates. At the same time, it is impossible to sharply limit their consumption. This will negatively affect your physical and psychological well-being.
  2. The share of proteins in the diet is at least 50%.
  3. You need to eat plenty of fiber.
  4. The optimal amount of “leaving” kilograms per week is 2 kg. If the weight comes off faster, it means the muscle fibers are being broken down.
  5. Men should not increase testosterone levels artificially (using anabolic drugs). This can lead to the fact that after stopping these drugs, the body will no longer produce male hormone on its own.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol and nicotine.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any diet, including diet during drying, has positive and negative sides.

  1. from slags.
  2. Thanks to a small intake of salt, fluid is not retained in the body. No swollen face and body in the morning.
  3. Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  4. If you do not exclude fats from your diet, the condition of your skin, hair and nails will noticeably improve.
  5. When a diet is combined with training, the relief is actively drawn and the number of muscle fibers increases.
  6. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves (with significant consumption of fiber).

With so many advantages, there are certain disadvantages:

  1. Psychological problem. It involves giving up your favorite foods that are banned. In order to mitigate the psychological impact, they need to be eliminated gradually.
  2. This diet is unacceptable for some chronic diseases.
  3. To get results, you must not deviate from the prescribed diet. Any “indulgences” significantly reduce the effect.


The weekly menu can be divided into two tables. It will apply to men and women.

Body drying nutrition program for men:

Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
1 1 200 grams low-fat cottage cheese, orange
2 Boiled buckwheat, chicken fillet
3 Brown rice, stewed beef, vegetable salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers
4 Two soft-boiled eggs, Chinese cabbage salad with onions and olive oil
5 Beef stew with carrots, cabbage and green beans
2 1 Three egg omelette with one tomato
2 Boiled shrimp, broccoli salad with cauliflower in vegetable oil
3 Baked halibut, boiled rice, salad leaves with cucumbers
4 2 slices lean rice with toast
5 Chicken breast with vegetables
3 1 Grain cottage cheese, two boiled eggs, a glass of kefir
2 Pasta (hard), slice of cheese
3 Steamed beef cutlets, boiled buckwheat, Chinese cabbage with green peas, seasoned with olive oil
4 Freshly squeezed Orange juice, a handful of walnuts
5 Stewed zucchini with eggplant and salmon fillet
4 1 Oatmeal boiled in milk, two soft-boiled eggs
2 Tomato and cucumber salad, macaroni and cheese and breast fillet
3 Peppers stuffed with ground beef, lettuce, cauliflower
4 4 slices low-fat cheese, toast, cashews
5 Stewed veal, carrot and zucchini puree
5 1 Bran, boiled buckwheat, glass of kefir
2 Orange, 3 soft-boiled eggs
3 Brown rice, chicken breast, lettuce, broccoli
4 Shrimp with vegetables
5 Boiled beef, salad of zucchini, carrots and onions
6 1 Casserole based on cottage cheese and two eggs, a glass of yogurt
2 Pasta, vegetable salad
3 Baked white fish, boiled rice, fresh vegetables
4 Cheese, freshly squeezed carrot juice
5 Seafood with fresh lettuce
6 A glass of milk
7 1 Three egg omelette, toast, slice of cheese
2 Grapefruit, boiled rice
3 Stewed veal with vegetables
4 Dried fruits, two egg whites
5 Beef with vegetables
6 A glass of kefir

This sample menu for drying the body for men.

Body drying menu for a week for girls:

Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
1 1 Three boiled eggs without yolks, green hour, orange
2 Freshly squeezed juice, two pieces of toast
3 Chicken fillet, green salad with cucumbers dressed with lemon juice
4 Walnuts
5 Grapefruit, baked salmon
2 1 Oatmeal, low-fat cheese, green tea
2 Two apples and a pear
3 Chicken fillet, cauliflower and lettuce salad
4 Orange juice
5 Low-fat cottage cheese, tea
3 1 Omelette of two eggs without yolks, toast, nectarine
2 A glass of kefir, bran
3 Stewed salmon fillet, grilled vegetables
4 Handful of hazelnuts
5 Cottage cheese, fruit
4 1 Muesli, two soft-boiled eggs
2 Salad with Chinese cabbage and green peas
3 Vegetable soup, chicken fillet
4 carrot juice
5 Boiled buckwheat, white fish
5 1 Boiled oatmeal, kefir, slice of cheese
2 Shrimps
3 Seafood with vegetables
4 Dried fruits
5 A glass of yogurt, cottage cheese
6 1 Muesli, two boiled eggs
2 Apricots and nectarines
3 White fish fillet baked with carrots and green beans
4 Fruit salad
5 Cottage cheese, orange, slice of cheese
6 Milk
7 1 150 grams of muesli, two hard-boiled eggs
2 Orange juice
3 Boiled beef, Chinese cabbage with cucumber
4 Cashew
5 Seafood
6 Yogurt

This is an approximate menu for drying the body for each day of the week. Products can be changed. The main thing is to observe the BZHU ratio and monitor the number of calories.

You can prepare dishes by boiling, steaming and stewing.

What is allowed on the diet

Allowed products for drying the body:

  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • chicken fillet;
  • beef and veal;
  • seafood (except fatty fish);
  • low-fat cheeses;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, milk, yoghurts, kefir;
  • buckwheat, rice, durum pasta;
  • fruits (do not overuse) and vegetables.

What not to eat when drying

Prohibited products:

  • black tea and coffee;
  • sweet soda;
  • salty fish;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • pork (maximum 1 time per week);
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • baked goods, candies, any sweets;
  • fruits.

The situation with fruit is controversial. They can be consumed, but if the drying process has stopped, it is necessary to remove them from the diet.


There are several options for this diet:

  1. – the most popular diet among athletes. It involves reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein foods in the diet.
  2. – suitable for those people who do not slow down in training even during a diet. The ratio of BJU is 40/30/30. It is selected individually for each organism.
  3. – this drying is based on the consumption of high-quality protein sources.

Dish recipes

Several recipes for drying the body for women and men.

Omelette with cottage cheese

To prepare, you will need three egg whites, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, parsley, and dill.

  1. The whites need to be beaten mixed with cottage cheese.
  2. Add greens to the resulting mixture.
  3. Pour into a baking dish and leave in the oven for 10 minutes.

Protein salad

You will need 150 grams of squid, 150 grams of chicken fillet, egg, lettuce, lemon juice.


  1. It is necessary to boil the squid, separately the egg and chicken fillet.
  2. Finely chop all ingredients. Mix them in a deep plate.
  3. Add lettuce leaves and season with lemon juice.

Marinated chicken

You need to prepare 400 grams of chicken fillet, a glass of kefir, spices, parsley and dill, salt.

  1. Place the fillet in a deep plate and pour kefir over it. Add remaining ingredients.
  2. Let the meat marinate overnight.
  3. Bake it in the oven.

Contraindications and side effects

For some people, drying is strictly contraindicated:

  1. The Swedish method cannot be used for diseases of the heart, blood vessels of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. People with low body weight.
  4. You cannot change your diet if you have chronic diseases.

At first there may be general weakness body, dizziness, nausea. Also frequent companions of protein drying are stool disorders (constipation and diarrhea). If there is a lack of fat, the whole body will suffer.

To maintain normal health, nutritionists recommend consuming.

Reviews, results with before and after photos

Evgeniy 29 years old

I've been doing it for several years weightlifting. I wanted to make my body more beautiful. The muscles are large, but there is not enough relief. On the advice of friends and a trainer, I tried a low-carb diet. The result is amazing.

Alina 32 years old

I signed up for fitness and started running in the morning. I decided to fix my body, reset excess weight. There was no effect with training alone. Added to them sports drying bodies. In one month proper nutrition And intensive training, I achieved an amazing result.

Elena 37 years old

Like any other girl, she wanted to become more attractive. Task #1 was building the body. I started running and going to the gym every day. Personal coach advised me to try a diet. Initially, I was skeptical about this idea, however, in two months I achieved significant results.

Quitting the diet

To maintain the results, proceed carefully. First, you need to change your training. Make them easier or, on the contrary, more difficult. Secondly, leave fractional meals in small portions. Thirdly, gradually reduce 30% of proteins, and take their place with carbohydrates and fats. Fourth, try not to increase the consumption of salt and various spices.

In conclusion, we can say that the Swedish diet is a serious dietary change for fast weight loss. In order to achieve desired result and not harm your body, you must adhere to the basic rules and observe the daily ratio of BZHU.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Drying the body, first of all, involves a gradual reduction in calorie intake (creating a deficit of 10 to 30%), depending on the progress of fat burning and the athlete’s ultimate goal.

  • Drying food quite strict - you will have to say goodbye to the vast majority of harmful goodies. The first step is to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and animal fats. Ideally, remove it altogether.

The diet (drying) also involves consuming a sufficient amount of liquid, at least 2.5 liters. If you drink less, metabolic processes will slow down, which in turn will slow down fat burning. It is also necessary to maintain a drinking regime because when dehydrated, the blood thickens, which is undesirable for the heart during intense training.

Drink more pure still water!

The entire drying process involves mandatory measurements of parameters and weighing of the athlete. If the thickness of the fat folds decreases and you lose from 1 to 3 kilograms per month, the diet can be considered effective.

Main rules of drying

In short, drying the body for girls and men is a special principle of nutrition, which is based on the consumption mainly low carb And protein food. The diet involves gradual reduction of body fat while maintaining muscle mass .

Drying the body is indicated for people who have a sufficient amount of muscle mass and do not suffer from obesity.

As a rule, such nutrition is practiced by competitive athletes, professional bodybuilders, and bodybuilders in order to bring the body into the required form and get into the required condition. weight category. Ideally, athletes lose weight under the supervision of experienced instructors, fortunately the diet is quite strict.

If you decide to “dry out” for yourself, you should remember simple rules:

  1. Start gradually (for a smooth integration into the process, a special step-by-step guide has been developed, which we will write about below).
  2. Eat small portions 5–6 times a day (every 2–3 hours). Do not eat 2 hours before training and 1.5 hours after (only amino acids and protein). At least 40% of your daily protein can be obtained from protein shakes, the remaining 60% comes from food.
  3. Remember about clean water - at least 30 ml for every 1 kg of body weight (more can be done on days of intense training and in hot weather).
  4. Losing weight by cutting means balanced diet: You must consume at least 10% unsaturated fats, fish, Omega-3. Eat cereals, vegetables, nuts, take enough fiber and don’t forget to take vitamin and mineral complexes. The quantity of fruits and berries for drying is limited, so it is unlikely that you will be able to do without vitamins from the store.
  5. During this period, you need to train a lot and diligently, alternating strength exercises with cardio exercises. The best option in each specific case will be a fitness instructor or trainer.
  6. The frequency of the relief diet is no more than once a year.

Only in this case, drying the body at home will be effective and will not have a negative impact on health.

Do's and don'ts when drying: list of products

During the drying period it is necessary completely eliminate: confectionery, sweets, baked goods, any alcohol, pasta, bread, white rice, smoked, fried and fatty foods, ice cream, mayonnaise and other fatty and sweet sauces, fatty cheese, sausages, canned food, snacks.

In small quantities: cereal porridge, vegetable, olive, flaxseed oil (completely low-fat food is a direct path to worsening metabolism). It can also damage your skin and hair. Girls may have problems with their cycles.

Recommended to eat: lean meat (veal, rabbit, chicken breast, turkey), fish, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, eggs (a lot of white, limited amount of yolk), brown and wild rice, beans, lentils, some mushrooms, vegetables and fruits ( in small quantities), greens, sports nutrition.

Drying: menu and meal plan

You need to switch to drying gradually (a sudden switch to protein foods is harmful to your health). To begin improving the relief smoothly, it has been developed step-by-step plan, which must be followed.

  • Drying the body for men and women is somewhat different in the composition of the diet: in women, the reduction in carbohydrates is more gradual, and the amount remains slightly higher than in men. Basic principles remain unchanged.

Drying the body for a month. First stage of the diet

The first stage lasts 4 weeks. BZHU – proteins 50%; fats 20%; carbohydrates 30%.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g, whole grain toast, fruit
  • Lunch: steamed fish or stewed breast or beef - 200 g, porridge cooked in water without sugar, milk and butter (any except white rice) – 100 g, fresh vegetable salad – 100 g
  • Dinner: poultry – 150 g, stewed vegetables – 100 g, porridge – 100 g

Second phase (carbohydrate-free)

The second stage lasts only 7 days. BZHU – proteins 70%; fats 20%; carbohydrates 10%.

Allowed only complex carbohydrates(in the first half of the day). Toast and any bread, even whole grain, are excluded, fruits too. The amount of boiled porridge is sharply reduced. Otherwise, you can follow the scheme of the first stage.

Protein salad with squid in 5 minutes

Third stage (water removal)

Duration – one week (7 days). During this drying period, all carbohydrates are excluded from the menu, and ordinary water is replaced with distilled water. Other products from the first phase remain in limited quantities.

  • Breakfast: fresh vegetable salad – 120 g, boiled egg white – 7 pcs., 1 tbsp. l. spoon of any boiled cereal
  • Second breakfast: 2 tbsp. any boiled cereal, chicken breast – 120 g, fresh vegetable
  • Lunch: stewed or steamed fish – 200 g, fresh vegetable salad without added salt
  • Afternoon snack: sports nutrition
  • Dinner: boiled or steamed seafood – 200 g, greens

Fourth stage (restorative)


Drying the body for girls at home, as well as for men, is a drastic measure that should not be resorted to often and unnecessarily. Let us repeat, this is usually the lot of athletes preparing for competitions. In addition, only absolutely healthy people can “dry”.

  • Under no circumstances should such a diet be allowed for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Other contraindications:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Yes, drying is effective. Yes, the action plan is simple and clear. Yes, it's inexpensive. There are many advantages, but you shouldn’t get hooked on it if you are not involved in sports.

How to prove to yourself and others that under the layer of fat accumulated over the winter is hidden beautiful body athlete and in the gym you not only seduced the girls or guys at the reception, but also trained at full strength? Read about what products the diet menu for drying your body will consist of in this article.

First of all, if you managed to gain weight, and a significant part of it is muscle mass, then you can consider that half the job is done. All that remains is to dry out the fat, trying to preserve the muscle as much as possible.

How to do it? If you are a professional and are preparing for competitions, then use it to dry your body, as well as the one you will follow on a diet. Diet 2.0 is a variant of the same diet carbohydrate rotation, which is often used by fitness and bodybuilding professionals.

If you are an amateur and want to “dry up your body for the summer” or, then it is not at all necessary to torture yourself with a strict low-carb diet or. The traditional one will be enough. However, do not forget that to preserve muscles you must consume, and to produce hormones, have a sufficient amount in your diet. Thus, calories will be cut mainly at the expense of unhealthy fats.

Beginners often get lost when they need to create a menu for the day for drying the body; they don’t know which products to choose. It will be different for people with different weights, but the set of products for everyone losing weight is approximately the same.

What foods are needed on a diet to dry the body?

1. Egg whites

Eggs are the best source of easily digestible protein. The calorie content of 1 piece is about 80 kcal, while protein accounts for about 20 kcal. You can also eat yolks, but it is better to limit yourself to 1-2 yolks per day (they consist mainly of fats).

2. Chicken breast

Chicken breast is present in the diet of almost every athlete. There is minimal fat in it, so the calorie content is much lower than in chicken legs.

3. Fish and seafood

Fish is another easily digestible source of protein (it is digested many times faster than meat). You can choose both low-fat (mostly “white” fish - pollock, tilapia, etc.) and fatty (salmon, trout). The latter also contains Omega-3s, which are essential in your diet. fatty acid(they even can!). But under no circumstances buy canned food containing salt, sugar and oil. Extra salt leads to, and butter and sugar will add unnecessary calories, which are already limited during drying. The exception is canned tuna, but be sure to look at the ingredients and do not buy tuna in oil.

4. Lean beef

Red meat is one of the best sources (needed for the growth of strength and muscle mass), but it takes a long time to digest, which makes the process of breaking it down into amino acids quite lengthy. Therefore, the stereotype that in order to grow muscles, you need to eat as much meat as possible at any time of the day or night is not entirely true. Firstly, the meat should be lean (especially if you are cutting), and secondly, there is a time during the day when the muscles need proteins quickly - in the morning or after training. At this time, it is better to eat egg whites, protein or lean fish.

2. Brown rice

Rice and chicken breast are a classic combination for any bodybuilder, both beginner and pro. However, you don't need to use round-grain, glutinous rice. Brown rice takes longer to digest, so you won't feel hungry longer and it will be easier to stick to your caloric intake. If you feel really sad about eating exclusively brown rice, you can dilute it with long-grain white rice 50/50. For those who don't need to demonstrate perfect body on stage, this option on a diet for drying the body is quite suitable.

3. Buckwheat

Some bodybuilders believe that “buckwheat is only for gaining mass,” but this is not true. Or rather, it can be used as a source and for drying. In terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, it is much better than rice, and the calorie content is approximately the same.

4. Legumes

Beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils - slow carbohydrates which are also a good source. This protein is best absorbed together with the animal, so legumes are best consumed as a side dish for meat and poultry. The only argument against legumes is that not every stomach is able to digest them. If beans and their comrades cause you bloating and other troubles, it’s better to give up legumes. A little trick: if you add a little salt to the water in which you will pre-soak the beans/chickpeas, then stomach troubles can be avoided.

5. Whole wheat pasta

While pasta made from regular white wheat flour isn't exactly a complex carb, pasta made from whole wheat flour is a different story. They have a lower glycemic index (do not cause a sharp surge of sugar in the blood) and give a feeling of fullness for a long time. Don't forget that you need to cook pasta made from whole grain flour for no more than 5-7 minutes.

6. Vegetables

Fresh green vegetables can and should be included in the dry diet in unlimited quantities. Cabbage (white cabbage and broccoli), cucumbers, celery - a minimum of calories and a maximum of dietary fiber that will help fill your stomach. Carrots contain more carbohydrates, but this is not critical - the main thing is not to forget! Starchy vegetables (potatoes, beets) can be eaten boiled (this is already a full-fledged side dish, an alternative to rice/buckwheat).

7. Fruits and berries

Some people believe that fruits are a dietary food and can be eaten as much as you like, while others believe that they are a source of food that cannot be dried at all! The truth, as usual, is somewhere nearby. Yes, if simple carbohydrates do not “burn” right away, they will quickly go “in reserve”, increasing the amount of fat in your body. That is why they should be consumed either in the morning (when energy is at zero after a night of hunger), or before, when these carbohydrates will immediately go to work. It is not recommended for mere mortals to give up fruit, but you need to know when to stop. Remember, the more “dense” and sweet the fruit, the more fructose it contains and, accordingly, calories. A small sour apple can have 50-60 calories, while a banana can have 150-200. By the way, frozen berries (black currants, cherries) can be an option for replacing various sweets and dragees for those with a sweet tooth.

1. Oily fish

We have already talked about it in the section on proteins. Salmon and trout are indispensable during a diet for drying the body - after all, it is an easily digestible protein and healthy fat. They are best consumed at least 2 times a week, or taken.

2. Nuts

Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts) contain healthy foods, which is why we include them in the list of foods for a body-drying diet. With one caveat - 100g of nuts (2 small bags) is 600 kcal or more! We definitely need fats, but the main thing is to strictly monitor their quantity, otherwise we will dream of seeing in the mirror relief body you can forget. Also avoid salted nuts - excess salt intake will hide your abs just as much. subcutaneous fat.

3. Vegetable oil

Vegetable oils contain many beneficial properties, including the ability to help heal injured tissue. Flaxseed oil is rich in Omega-3. But for stewing (it’s better to avoid frying altogether) only refined sunflower oil is suitable. All other types of oils (olive, flaxseed, grape seed, etc.) should be used for dressing salads and added to prepared dishes.

The lists above do not include all the food products that an athlete on a body-drying diet can afford. The most important thing is (spend more than consume). But do not forget that for maximum muscle preservation you need an adequate amount, for hormone production - and for energy during training. Yes, you can lose weight by eating 2 chocolates a day (or 1 package of dumplings) and nothing else. But at the same time, you will not have the strength, and after a week of such a diet, your stomach will go on vacation. The number of calories in a body-drying diet will affect the number of kilograms on the scale, and the quality of these calories will affect the quality of the resulting body.

To achieve ideal physique with beautiful contours of sculpted muscles, you need not only to choose the right system of regular physical exercises, but also to create a diet that helps reduce the level of subcutaneous fat mass, that is, drying the body.

Drying the body is aimed at burning excess fat by special diets and a set of exercises.

Drying the body allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect. However, when drawing up a nutrition program, girls should not forget about preserving women's health.

A body drying diet for girls should include in the daily menu the consumption of foods with an optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.

When drying your body, you need to consume the following products:

  • rich in protein;
  • containing carbohydrates that promote the breakdown of fat cells;
  • Low-calorie foods that simultaneously support the body's metabolic process at a normal level.

How much protein per 1 kg of body for girls

Protein serves as the raw material for the generation of new body cells. During the period of drying the body, the daily protein requirement per 1 kg of weight for a girl is 1.5-2.5 g. In turn, 2/3 of the resulting proteins must be of animal origin, which are absorbed faster and more fully used by the body.

Protein products of animal origin (complete proteins) are well absorbed by the body and make it possible to maintain muscle mass during the period of drying the body.

Such increased protein consumption during a period of decreased energy value of food helps maintain muscle size and also, if necessary, serves as an alternative energy resource.

How many calories can you have per day?

To dry out the subcutaneous fat layer, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit. In order for body drying to proceed without harm to health, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit for the body that will allow it to adapt to changes in physical activity and nutrition, as well as maintain muscle volume.

The critical level of calorie intake for girls who regularly engage in sports is in the range of 1450-1700 kcal.

On a diet when drying the body for girls, a sharp reduction in the calorie content of consumed foods to a critical level is unacceptable on the menu, since instead of the desired result, this will lead to loss of water in the body and a decrease in muscle mass.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day

Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the main generator of energy, the diet during the period of drying the body should include a decrease in the rate of their consumption.

The daily requirement for carbohydrates per 1 kg of a girl’s weight should be within the following limits:

  • on the I and II seven-day diets - 3-4 g;
  • on the third and fourth seven days - 1.5 -2 g;
  • from week V - 0.5-1 g.

The need for daily carbohydrates, gradually decreasing, will reach 40-60 g for girls.

Allowed body drying products for women

In order for drying the subcutaneous fat layer to successfully achieve the desired result, the basis of the diet during this period is food that contains more proteins and carbohydrates.

During the day, you can include the following protein-rich foods without restriction in any meal:

  • egg white - fresh or boiled;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • chicken or turkey meat (preferably breast meat) boiled or steamed;
  • beef, veal, boiled or in the form steam cutlets;
  • steamed white fish fillet (pollock, cod, tilapia);
  • squid fillet;
  • fermented milk products (kefir and yogurt 1%).

To regulate the metabolic process, girls during a diet when drying their bodies should stick to eating foods containing complex carbohydrates in the menu.

These products include the following:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice, boiled in water;
  • pasta made from high quality wheat flour;
  • legumes (peas, lentils, beans), prepared in the form of soups or main courses;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, cabbage, beets, celery), fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed;
  • fresh greens.

The menu for drying the body for girls should include small amounts of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed) - exclusively as a salad dressing, as well as tonic drinks (tea with ginger or green).

Be sure to drink still or boiled water - in a daily volume of at least 2 liters.

Prohibited products for drying the body

  • sweets (sweets, lollipops, chocolate);
  • baked goods (cakes, cookies, pies, donuts, rolls);
  • sweet drinks.

During the period of drying the body, it is forbidden to eat foods containing fast carbohydrates.

Instead, in order to compensate for glucose deficiency, it is sometimes allowed to consume honey, dried fruits, berries, yellow and green citrus fruits.

Sausages, fatty meat, any canned food and semi-finished products are strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to avoid dressing salads with mayonnaise and sauces., as well as from salt and any types of sugar.

Body drying diet for girls

In a diet for drying the body for girls, the menu and food intake must be organized according to the following 5 principles:

  1. Entering and exiting a diet should be smooth.
  2. The number of meals per day is at least 4 times in small portions.
  3. About 65% of the daily amount of food should be consumed in the first two meals, preferably in the first half of the day.
  4. The evening meal should contain exclusively protein-rich foods.
  5. There should be a 2-hour gap before and after between meals and training.

The daily diet should be varied. In combination with exercise in a sports club or exercise at home You should definitely keep track of the calories you eat every day and monitor your weight..

Menu for the week by day

The daily menu should include a certain number of products, taking into account their energy value.

During a diet when drying the body, the recommended weekly menu for girls looks like in the following way.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable soup; boiled chicken meat.

Third meal: grated apple seasoned with yogurt.

Dinner: stewed cauliflower, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil, vegetable puree soup with beef.

Third meal: omelette, kefir.

Dinner: salad of squid fillet, cucumbers and peppers.


Breakfast: bran bread, dried fruits, tea with lemon.

Second meal: cod soup; mix of green peas, asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Third meal: yogurt with strawberries.

Dinner: rice, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, ginger tea.

Second meal: vegetable soup with meat broth; boiled turkey fillet.

Third meal: apple slices topped with yogurt.

Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with herbs, dressed with olive oil.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable puree soup with veal; mix of vegetables.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge.

Dinner: boiled beans, steamed pollock fillet.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, tea with ginger.

Second meal: vegetable soup; chicken fillet.

Third meal: yogurt with grated apple.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: omelette, dried fruits, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: pasta with beef.

Third meal: kefir, dried fruits.

Dinner: boiled Brussels sprouts, steamed pollock fillet.

Menu for the month

If your health is normal, then, starting from the third week, the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods (vegetables, pasta, cereals) should be reduced by about 2 times, partially replacing them with foods that are rich in protein.

A body drying diet for girls should include a number of food products containing proteins of animal and plant origin in a ratio of 2/3 - complete proteins and 1/3 - incomplete proteins. They help maintain muscle mass while burning subcutaneous fat.

The diet is becoming more strict. The last meal should be lighter and consist of cottage cheese combined with kefir or yogurt. Starting from the fourth week, fruits are excluded from the diet.

A gradual reduction by 2 times in the daily requirement for carbohydrates reaches their minimum in the fifth week. From sources of carbohydrates, it is allowed to consume only porridges prepared in water from oatmeal, buckwheat or lentils.

It is necessary to introduce foods into the diet in the following order:

  • from week VI - fruits and dried fruits;
  • from week VII - vegetables, pasta, cereals.

A sharp return to the usual diet will cause a rapid increase in the kilograms lost during the drying period.

Vegetarian diet for drying the body by day for a week

The peculiarity of body nutrition for vegetarians during drying is that, unlike meat eaters, they do not consume protein of animal origin, but exclusively of plant origin.

To obtain the required amount of protein, vegetarians can eat legumes and other products containing protein of plant origin, but it should be borne in mind that it is less easily absorbed by the body compared to animal protein.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, mushrooms.

Third meal: pumpkin jail, nuts.

Dinner: stewed vegetable stew.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: boiled beans, fresh vegetable salad with herbs and olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.


Breakfast: bran bread, tea with lemon.

Second meal: buckwheat, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: curd mix with honey.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, ginger tea.

Second meal: brown rice; cucumber salad with olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: yogurt.


Breakfast: spelled porridge, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable mix of asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


Breakfast: corn porridge with water, tea with ginger.

Second meal: brown rice; mushrooms.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: millet cereal, boiled in water, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: stewed beans, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.

Sports nutrition for drying the body

In addition to diet and physical exercise In the gym or at home, you need to take special supplements, designed directly for burning subcutaneous fat mass.

Such supplements help replenish the amount of vitamins that the body lacks during the diet, preserve muscle mass and maintain functioning metabolic processes.

Supplements sports nutrition help maintain the health of the body during the period of drying the body.
  1. Whey Protein - serves as a source of protein and amino acids required to increase muscle mass. Has a high absorption rate, which helps rapid combustion calories and body fat. Helps quickly restore strength after grueling workouts. According to the advice of nutritionists, the recommended volume per day based on the intake rate per 1 kg of weight is divided into 3-5 doses.
  2. Creatine- helps restore energy reserves and build muscle mass by stimulating the process of producing growth hormone.
  3. Glutamine- is an effective fat burner. Strengthens immune system athlete experiencing stress from a combination of intense training with strict diet. Helps reduce the feeling of fatigue during training and quickly restore strength after it.
  4. Multivitamins- replenish vital nutrients lost by the body during a cutting diet, maintain good health and physical activity. It is recommended to take them during or after the first meal.
  5. BCAA- a complex of amino acids, reduces the risk of destruction and promotes the restoration of muscle fibers during intense training, increases the body's endurance and accelerates the growth of muscle mass.

Taking these supplements helps efficient combustion subcutaneous fat layer and is harmless.

However Use specific supplements only strictly in accordance with the instructor's recommendations, taking into account the state of the girl’s body, her physical fitness, sport mode and diet.

Recipes for drying the body

For girls who strive to achieve the desired effect when drying their body, the set of dishes on the diet menu should be diversified with various cocktails and easily digestible cold appetizers based on vegetables.

Salads when drying the body

Vegetable salads are very useful for regulating digestive processes. In addition, in combination with meat ingredients they are additional sources squirrel.

Recipe No. 1: Chinese cabbage salad with chicken

Tear the Chinese cabbage leaves by hand. Cut the boiled chicken egg into small cubes. Cut the boiled chicken breast fillet into slices. Mix the ingredients and add finely chopped herbs (leeks, dill, parsley, celery). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with olive oil.

Recipe No. 2: white cabbage salad with turkey fillet

Shred white cabbage. Cut the boiled turkey fillet into thin slices. Add crushed walnuts. Add finely chopped greens (spinach, dill, cilantro). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with yogurt.

Recipe No. 3: squid salad with avocado

Cut the squid fillet into thin strips. Peel fresh cucumber and cut into thin slices. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes. Mix the ingredients and season with olive oil.

Cocktails on a diet when drying the body

Diet shakes consumed during drying should contain a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of protein. They should be consumed immediately after production. To prepare a diet shake, you will need a blender or other chopper.

Recipe No. 1: kiwi cocktail with walnuts

Place 250 g of kefir, 2 pre-peeled kiwis, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 100 g of boiled water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped walnuts. Mix the contents thoroughly.

Recipe No. 2: berry smoothie

Place 200 g of kefir, ½ cup of pre-washed black currants, ½ cup of raspberries, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 150 g of boiled water into a blender. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Recipe No. 3: honey-oat cocktail

Place 250 g of kefir, 3 tbsp. in a blender container. spoons of honey, 4 tbsp. spoons of cooked oatmeal, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g of boiled water. Mix the contents thoroughly.

In fitness, “drying the body” is not only a process of improving the body, but also adjusting self-discipline, self-control and lifestyle in general.

Strict adherence to the diet menu when drying the body for girls in combination with physical activity, forcing the body to expend as much energy as possible, leads to the achievement of the desired result in just 6-8 weeks.

Useful videos about exercises and diet when drying the body for girls

What is body drying, how does it differ from a regular diet, recommendations from a professional athlete:

Body drying diet for girls and complex effective exercises:

The “Drying Diet” is a popular nutrition system, and it has long been known and enjoys maximum popularity among athletes. This diet is aimed at getting rid of fat and normalizing weight, and most importantly - as quickly as possible. The goal of cutting the body is to get rid of fat cells in the body as much as possible, while still fully maintaining muscle mass. It is basically a low ketone diet, often referred to as a ketone diet.

By reducing the maximum amount of carbohydrates in the diet (to a critical level), which, as is known, are the main “fuel” for the life of all organs and systems, the body is forced to switch to the energetic extraction of fat reserves and their processing into energy.

The peculiarity of the diet is that you not only lose weight, but also reduce the amount in the body while maintaining muscle.

Thus, this system is very famous among male bodybuilders who are interested in defined muscles as well as maximum fat destruction. Modern girls, with the help of a body drying diet, also strive to acquire a sophisticated, attractive and toned figure.

Roughly speaking, drying the body is carbohydrate starvation, or more precisely, the gradual elimination of carbohydrates from the diet. Since consuming large amounts of carbohydrates in excess leads to the formation of fat deposits, avoiding such foods helps break down existing fats to provide the energy the body needs. So let's find out the basic principles best diet for drying the body:

  • in the process of actively drying the body, it is important to engage in sports (especially aerobic sports);
  • you can eat fractionally, in small quantities, at certain times of the day, up to four to five times;
  • drink more water/green or ginger tea without sugar (two to three liters per day);
  • do not eat two hours before training and two hours after;
  • don't skip breakfast;
  • dinner is very light;
  • all food is prepared exclusively in boiled, stewed or steamed form;
  • do not allow a sharp decrease in glucose levels so as not to provoke the occurrence of severe and complex complications;
  • The duration of the program is 6 weeks, and by the end of the diet, carbohydrate intake should be minimal.

Do you want a sculpted body? I'll have to give up fruit and that's it protein products should be consumed only in low-fat form. In addition, prohibited foods include fast food, flour and baked goods, smoked meats, canned goods, spicy foods, soda and alcohol.

The first thing to do is to eliminate the consumption of sweets and foods fast food: cookies, cakes, sandwiches and chocolates. These are sources of fast carbohydrates that cause the greatest harm to our figure. Then, after a couple of days, you need to give up flour products: pasta. By the beginning of drying, of all carbohydrates in the diet, cereals should remain, and sometimes one small piece of whole grain, rye or black bread (stale or dried) should be found.

During this month, while you are on a diet, your carbohydrate intake should not exceed one hundred grams per day - in the form of cereals, legumes. There are fruits separately, but strictly in limited quantities. strictly prohibited.

The basis of the diet for drying the body is protein foods: egg whites, chicken breast, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, white fish. Morning is the time for oatmeal, buckwheat, rye pasta, cucumbers, cabbage, herbs, tomatoes, bell peppers. The total amount of carbohydrates allowed is no more than two grams per kilogram of body weight per day during the first 2 weeks of the diet. Later they decrease to one gram per kilogram of body weight per day.

It is important to season your food with small amounts of cold-pressed vegetable oil. At first, you can eat a small piece of whole bread a day until your body gets used to coping and feeling full without it.

If it is very difficult to live without carbohydrates, during the first week of cutting, snacks in the form of 1 or half a day are allowed.

Sample menu for the day

Since each person still has his own preferences, the example menu below can be considered an example. This is an example of how to combine foods while on a diet. You can come up with individual combinations of approved products yourself, this will help achieve the desired effect with the help of a diet for drying the body. Approximate menu for three days with active body drying:

Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Breakfast Cup (without), two egg whites, on Omelet with (steamed), tea Omelette of two egg whites, one medium-sized fresh cucumber, tea without sugar
Dinner Boiled chicken breast (one hundred and fifty grams), salad with Stewed with herbs and chicken breast (two hundred grams) Mushroom soup without (two hundred grams), boiled breast (one hundred grams), greens
Afternoon snack One hundred grams boiled in water One hundred and fifty grams of low fat with a glass of one percent Fresh cucumber salad and olive oil (can be replaced) – two hundred and fifty grams
Dinner Stewed or boiled low-fat fish, stewed cabbage without adding Two hundred grams of buckwheat boiled in water with one hundred grams of boiled dietary Steamed low-fat fish, cabbage salad seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice

Important: if you have liver and kidney diseases, heart and gastrointestinal disorders, or a lack of muscle mass, this type of weight loss is strictly prohibited.

Please note that this menu is approximate. Composing yourself proper diet, do not forget that it should be mainly protein. Frying food is strictly prohibited, but it can be steamed, boiled, stewed in a slow cooker, or baked in the oven. You should not add fatty sauces to your diet, which make the dish high in calories. You can also add pepper to your dishes, but in minimal dosages so as not to whet your appetite.

Don't forget about water: it needs to be consumed regularly and in large quantities, especially during training, two to three liters per day is the ideal amount of water. Water not only improves metabolic processes, but also helps the body remove toxins, waste and the results of the breakdown of fat cells from the body.

Fruits, dried fruits or nuts can also be used as snacks. But these products must be consumed strictly in a limited form, without fanaticism, since the products are, in fact, very high in calories. You can also add low-fat fermented milk products to your diet; they have a positive effect on the condition of the intestines and digestive tract.

The presented menu differs from the menu of bodybuilders, since during their diet the body is subjected to major stress, which for an ordinary person human body may even be dangerous. This diet for drying the body is enough to emphasize the relief in a month.

Physical activity when drying the body

Exercise when drying the abs, muscles and body plays a decisive role, because they help keep the muscles toned, the skin does not sag and the weight loss process is significantly accelerated. Most useful aerobic exercise(running, cycling, aerobics, dancing), especially running, not fast, but not slow, aimed at training endurance.

Sport is important point. Efficiency from sports loads can be observed if one lesson lasts at least forty minutes of active exercise interspersed with cardio. The main thing to remember is that the training should be carried out at a time when the amount of carbohydrates in the body is minimal, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve positive effect. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise either after work in the gym, or early in the morning, before breakfast, when the body has not yet stored carbohydrate reserves. Before training, it is recommended to eat an apple, one or half a grapefruit.

Regarding various chemical fat burners for athletes, doctors warn that their use is very dangerous and can lead to an excessive acceleration of metabolism and increases the risk of developing ketoacidosis. For this reason, try to avoid any “chemistry”, since it is safer and more profitable to spend a month and a half on losing weight than to spend many years after rapid chemical weight loss to restore lost health.