Children's sports school CSKA hockey. CSKA hockey school. “The main thing is discipline”

The hockey school of PHC CSKA LLC is a structural division of the professional hockey club CSKA. Schooling - free.

The school's training process takes place at the home arena of the CSKA hockey club - at the CSKA Ice Sports Complex. V. M. Bobrova. Training of young athletes takes place in 12 groups for children 5-16 years old. The duration of training for children is 60-90 minutes. Training runs four to six times a week from September to May (depending on age group).

Starting from the age of 10, the student’s parents enter into a sports training agreement with the school and are fully supported by the hockey club, and at the age of 17 a professional contract is signed with the best students. Sports camps and trips to various tournaments are carried out at the expense of PHC CSKA LLC.

Classes are held at two sites (Canadian and large sites). The gym and game rooms are also used in the training process. Twice a year, students undergo a free medical examination at the CSKA medical and sports clinic.

  • The junior team takes part in the Moscow Open Championship among juniors;
  • teams born 2003-2007 - in the Moscow Open Championship;
  • teams born 2008-2010 - in the Moscow Cups;
  • team born 2011 - in the Moscow Hockey Federation Cup.

Matches are played on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from September to April.

Students of our school are members of Russian national teams of their age. After graduating from school, the most promising students are invited to join the Red Army youth team.

Organization of selection at the Hockey School

In order to achieve high results in any sport, you need to pay maximum attention to it. If you set such a goal for yourself and you succeed a lot, then you need to devote yourself completely to this task. All of the above also applies to hockey. For those who just want to keep themselves in good shape, it is enough to find an ice arena near their home and train regularly. Those who dream of a professional hockey career need to think carefully about which hockey club to join. The choice of club is greatly influenced by the personality and skill of the coach.

An excellent opportunity for a beginning hockey player to prove himself will be the CSKA children's hockey school, which is a division of the professional hockey club of the same name. It is no secret to anyone who loves hockey that CSKA is the most titled club in the country, which was practically invincible in Soviet times. But even today he is in a leading position in the KHL and is actively developing children's sports. The CSKA hockey club for children employs highly qualified coaches who are designed to develop the talent of a promising young man and bring him to the level of the first team. Of course, to get into the CSKA children's hockey school, you need to go through a serious selection process, but training for promising guys is completely free.

How to get to CSKA

At the CSKA children's hockey school, children are divided according to age into 12 groups: from 5 to 16 years. Training lasts 1–1.5 hours and, depending on the group, takes place 4 to 6 times a week. Classes are conducted from September to May. From the age of 10, the parents of a young hockey player enter into an agreement to transfer him to full support of the club, and from the age of 17, the most talented students receive the right to sign a professional contract.

Recruitment to the CSKA hockey club is open to children over five years of age. Of course, by this time the guys should already have some preparation.

The main criteria for admission to the children's team:

  • excellent physical shape for his age;
  • no medical contraindications;
  • desire to seriously engage in hockey, ability to learn, discipline;
  • good coordination, dexterity.
The ability to skate will be a definite plus, but is not a requirement. To enroll in the CSKA hockey school, a child must have a birth certificate and a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications, as well as a set of sports uniforms for training in the gym and on the ice.

Children's teams train at the home stadium of HC CSKA. Classes at the CSKA Ice Sports Complex named after V. M. Bobrov from an early age instill in hockey players a sense of devotion to the colors of the club and participation in its great history. In addition, young talents today can already appreciate the prospects that CSKA children's hockey can give them, and they have an incentive to train hard in order to sign a professional contract with the club in the future.

Director of the CSKA children's school Alexey Deev: We are raising patriots

This year, the CSKA children's hockey school confirmed its status as one of the best in the country.

Army students became first in the school-wide standings of the Moscow Open Championship, won victories at the Russian Championship, the Gazprom Neft Cup and a number of other competitions at the regional and federal level. And as part of CSKA, several graduates of the army school reached the final of the Gagarin Cup.

The director of the CSKA children's hockey school, Alexey Evgenievich Deev, spoke about the education system, the difficulties that athletes and their parents need to overcome, as well as plans for the future.


- What are the most important events for the CSKA children's hockey school you will celebrate this season?
- Our school became the winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the overall standings. The junior team took first place in the Moscow Open Championship and went to the Russian Championship - the guys took second place there, but this is great progress for them. After all, the core of the team was made up of players born in 2001. They were younger than most of their opponents.

In addition, the guys participated in two tournaments - in addition to the junior championship, they also played in the open championship of Moscow in their year. This is standard practice for our sports school. As the season progresses, the junior is still being strengthened by the players playing for the Red Army in the MHL.

This year our graduates became the only team in the country that won the Russian championship for their age three times in a row. The guys are great, although it was not easy for them. During preparation for the tournament, seven players and a coach were on the Russian U17 team, and 11 guys played in the finals of the Russian championship among USHL teams. But the team found strength and won the third title in a row.

Born in 2004, he took first place at the II Winter Spartakiad, which takes place every four years. The 2005 students took third place in the Moscow championship, but were able to win the all-Russian Vladislav Tretyak Cup tournament and proved that they are still the best in the country.

And the other day, our guys born in 2007 won the Gazprom Neft Cup and returned the CSKA trophy. The victory was fought and strong-willed. Two minutes before the end of the final match we were down two goals. But the guys managed not only to equalize the score, but also snatched the victory.

As part of the Red Army, a number of our graduates won the World Cup among youth teams. And as part of CSKA, the school’s pupils won silver medals at the Russian Championship.

- What rating would you give the school on a 100-point scale?
- 95. There are two more titles that were not won - those born in 2002 and 2003. But, like the year before, I assess the overall result as good.


- How do you form the school’s coaching staff?
- There are three criteria - the candidate’s professionalism, human qualities and his desire to be the first.

We don’t set other tasks for coaches. We must always be first, no matter how hard it is. This season, new coaches, born in 2002 and 2003, were able to improve the teams' results. If earlier the guys took fourth or fifth place at the end of the season, now they are second. Progress is visible, which is very pleasing.

We do everything possible to ensure that our coaches grow professionally. Many of them undergo training at the Higher School of Coaches, where they learn from the experience of current coaches of MHL, VHL and KHL clubs, and communicate with the masters of the coaching department.

We often have meetings with the President of PHC CSKA Igor Vyacheslavovich Esmantovich, who pays great attention to the children's school and does everything possible to make it even more successful.

- How many children are in school?
- 411 people at the beginning of April. Now the number has changed by a couple of people. One boy is at the stage of enrollment in school, and three are moving to another club.


- What do you need from a child who wants to get into a CSKA school?
- If we talk about the initial recruitment of five-year-old children, the main thing is discipline. Without this, a young player, no matter how talented he may be, will not last long with us.

The physical characteristics of the child are also important. It should not necessarily be strong and powerful, but simply developed. You also need game thinking and a predisposition to play hockey. We understand this from a number of tests during recruitment.

But even after passing the selection process, there is no guarantee that the child will stay with us. After all, children grow and develop differently. Everything can change even in six months.

- What should parents who bring their child to an army sports school be prepared for?
- Only to one thing - to competition, which will go on every day for all 12 years while the child is studying at our school.

Many people are mistaken when they set the goal - you just need to get to CSKA. That's half the battle. You need to stick around and withstand the competition. Especially at an older age, when the scouting service gets involved, and sometimes more talented kids come from other cities.


- What does the daily schedule of hockey players and their parents look like?
- It depends on the school schedule. In younger ages (5-6 years), the training process most often takes place in the morning. Class start times may vary from seven to 11 am. We want children to go to kindergarten after training and get ready for school.

Starting from the age of seven, the groups are halved. The children go to school, we cannot give them so much time in the morning. One group is formed from two groups. At this stage, about 35 people are eliminated. At this age, training begins around 12-13 days after school.

- Do classes at a hockey school have a strong impact on your academic results in a secondary school?
- It happens that our students miss classes in regular schools due to training. But we are in constant contact with directors and teachers. We invite them to our events. They make a great contribution to the education of young army men. And they meet us halfway, making the last lessons for our children physical education or labor.

At the Spartakiad we communicated with coaches from other regions. They also have games on weekends, but they go away on Friday and return on Monday. As a result, children miss a lot of classes at school. Our farthest travel is to Yaroslavl, which can be reached in four hours by car. Therefore, the guys miss classes to a minimum - mainly because of tournaments.

But combining training and studying is still difficult. There are very few children who are both the leading player on the team and get straight A's. Then tutors come to the rescue. And we make a free schedule for older ages at the end of the season. We understand that it is important for them to prepare for exams.


- What is more important - the success of students in children's hockey or what they achieve at the adult level?
- Everyone must be responsible for their own area of ​​work. I am responsible for the children's school, monitoring the development of our students up to 17 years old. Then they go to the Red Army, Zvezda and CSKA. Each of these teams has its own leaders. They work with hockey players in the club system, doing everything for their progress.

A lot of work is being done at the club to raise our children as worthy citizens and patriots of Russia. CSKA, represented by President Igor Esmantovich, strives to return students from overseas. This year Mikhail Grigorenko, Alexey Marchenko, Roman Lyubimov came to the club.

- Do CSKA stars participate in the life of the school?
- Certainly. They give master classes and come to the guys’ training sessions. Our students can communicate with them, see an example to follow. Talking to such Olympic champions as Grigorenko or Marchenko is worth a lot.

And what is more valuable - if a team of graduates from one year wins the Kharlamov Cup in the MHL or the Petrov Cup in the VHL, or if one graduate wins the Gagarin Cup, world championship or Olympic gold?
- We always try to develop team players. Therefore, the first option will be better for us. But if one of the graduates reaches the heights you mentioned, we will also be happy. Moreover, at the Olympics, several members of the army club won gold as part of the national team.


Now CSKA has built a club vertical - from the children's school to the main team. How long did it take to create it?
- “Zvezda” (VHL) was created three years ago - and became the final element in the system. Thanks to the invaluable support of PJSC NK Rosneft, our students have the opportunity to go through all the steps on the path to the main team that are necessary for their growth. Another question is how much time the players themselves need. Here is Kirill Kaprizov at the age of 20 - already the main player of CSKA and the Russian national team. And some of his peers still play for the Red Army (MHL).

Is the coach of the army team that won at the federal level worthy of leading the Russian national team of this age?
- This season, Rinat Khasanov is working on the coaching staff of the Russian junior national team under 18 years old. Last year he headed CSKA, born in 2000. And the headquarters of the team born in 2001 includes Alexander Levitsky, whose students became Russian champions for three years in a row.

Unfortunately, they do not lead teams, but work as assistants. Although I think that if a coach achieves such a result at the all-Russian level, then he is definitely worthy to lead the team. In children's sports, the coach who made his team a national champion knows best the players of this year of birth and can assemble a very good team, guided solely by the sports principle.

Next season, the Russian national team born in 2004 will be formed. We will recommend head coach Vladimir Kramskoy for this post. He twice led his team to the title of national champions.


- In the process of educating young army men, do you take something new or work according to old templates?
- All modernization is carried out online, during the season. We run nine play ages. The total number of groups studying at our school is 14.

The training system is the same for all children. It is based on weekly microcycles, since competitions are held on weekends. Yes, there are external circumstances that interfere with the training process. Sometimes there is a parental factor or the guys on the team can’t find a common language. When this happens, we correct these points.

- What advice would you give to parents?
- The most important thing is not to interfere. Unfortunately, many parents try to realize their ambitions through their children. They invest a lot of resources in them and expect returns at an early age. So just don't disturb your child. On the contrary, encourage him in every possible way, guide him and give him more positive emotions. There is no need to shout, force or demand.

- Is that why you forbid parents to attend training?
- Yes. Many children become distracted and begin to look at their parents and listen to them. And on the ice there should be one authority - the coach. The only team where parents can attend training is those born in 2006. But from the moment they are recruited, they are led by one coach. He has already built a relationship with his parents. Children are completely focused on the process.


- How is the CSKA school doing with its material and technical base?
- It's almost perfect. The guys are provided with everything they need. So, each student is given helmets, gloves, shorts, sticks, sweaters and gaiters - that is, half of the equipment.

CSKA is one of the few schools where education is absolutely free. All fees and tournaments are paid by the club. All this would not have happened without the support of the sponsor, PJSC NK Rosneft. We are grateful for your attention to our school. Because our students do not need anything, they can concentrate on training.

- A child graduated from an army school - and what is his prospect?
- Signing a professional contract with the Red Army, moving vertically at the club. If there are many good players in the graduating class, and not everyone can continue playing in the CSKA system, they have a chance to try their hand at other clubs. Last year, 14 players born in the championship in 2000 signed contracts. In this case, I think there will be no less of them.

- Not all guys will become professional hockey players. What do you see as the advantages of sports training?
- We instill in children such qualities as leadership, teamwork and results-oriented. I can guarantee that each of our students will become a full-fledged citizen, morally stable, hardworking and result-oriented in any field.

We are raising patriots of both CSKA and the country. Our children take part in events organized by the Federal Aviation Administration of the Russian Defense Ministry CSKA and the Ministry of Defense, and lectures are held for them in museums. We are trying to instill club patriotism in the guys so that playing for CSKA is always a priority. Yes, our club has every opportunity for them to realize their ambitions.

A recent example is the Red Army championship. Many of the players born in 1996 and 1997, who left children’s school three or four years ago, won the Kharlamov Cup and the World Cup last year, and this year they already played in the playoffs of the Gagarin Cup.

- The season is nearing its end. What are the school's plans?
- The main competitions have already been completed. There are a few tournaments left, their main goal is to gain experience. But we are already preparing the lineups for next year. We begin screening players in May. After the final match of the season, the new season begins immediately.

Text: Vladislav Utkin CSKA, Spartak and other schools. Prices for hockey lessons in Moscow Hockey lessons are not a cheap pleasure. Let's find out what prices exist for...

Text: Vladislav Utkin

Playing hockey is not a cheap pleasure. Let's figure out what prices exist for hockey lessons in Moscow schools.

>>> The first step towards your dream. How much does it cost to send a child to hockey?

To begin with, it is worth saying that in our time any hockey lessons in almost any school up to the age of nine are paid. So parents will have to fork out not only for a uniform for their child, but also for training. And how much you will have to pay - we will tell you about this now.


Address: Myachkovsky Boulevard, 10, building 3.

For example, at the Maryino sports school, the monthly price for parents of the youngest hockey players is 3,655 rubles. Four classes per week are organized for the children. Seniors pay 6,945 rubles per month.


Address: Voronezhskaya street, 13/3.

The Rus school asks for 5,160 rubles, where children study four times a week, and the duration of classes is an hour. And the smallest ones, with three training sessions a day, pay 3,440 rubles.

"Silver Sharks"

Address: General Glagolev Street, 10, building 3.

The number of training sessions per week at the Silver Sharks school varies from three to four. Children five and six years old practice three times, and each session lasts one hour and 15 minutes. The price of a subscription for them is 4,730 rubles, and parents of older children pay 4,945. But they do more: four times a week for an hour.


Address: Chechersky proezd, 23.

The cost of a subscription at the Meteor school is approximately the same. Young hockey players train here four times a week, and classes for them cost 4,945 rubles per month.

Nowadays, any hockey lessons in almost any school up to 9 years old are paid. So parents will have to fork out not only for a uniform for their child, but also for training.

"Snow leopards"

Address: Nikolay Starostin street, 8.

Trainings at the Snow Leopards school take place three times a week. The lesson for the youngest players lasts 45 minutes, and for older children – an hour. The prices are pleasantly surprising - they range from 2795 to 3655 rubles per month.


Address: Talalikhina street, 28.

At the Center sports school, children practice four times a week, for an hour a day. The cost of a monthly subscription for all ages up to nine years is 4945 rubles.


Address: Marshal Katukov Street, 26.

There is also the Yantar school, where classes will cost 2,750 rubles per month, and your child will train 3 times a week for 45 minutes.


Address: Chobotovskaya street, 6.

At the Yastreby school, children ride 3-4 times a week and also visit the gym once. The cost of the subscription depends on the number of classes. It varies from 2880 to 3640 rubles per month.

On average, classes for a child at a hockey school with three to four training sessions per week will cost parents from 2.5 to 7 thousand. During the season, this amount will range from 23.5 to 63 thousand rubles.

"White bears"

Address: Levoberezhnaya street, 12, building 1.

But at Polar Bears the cost of a monthly subscription is in the range of 4400-4600 rubles.


Address: Federative Avenue, 31A.

Approximately the same price in Vympel. It varies depending on the size of the group and averages 2000-2500 rubles per month. Hour-long training sessions take place three times a week.


Address: Sokolnichesky Val, 1-6.

At Spartak, in the first year of training, children are offered two training sessions per week, each of which will last an hour. For this you will have to pay 1,700 rubles every month. Children 8-9 years old study 4-5 times a week, cost - 1700 rubles. After 9 years, education at the Spartak school is free.


Address: Leningradsky Prospekt, 39.

The only completely free school in Moscow is owned by PHC CSKA. Children from 5 to 16 years old study there. Trainings take place four to six times a week at the CSKA Ice Palace named after. Vsevolod Bobrov. Starting from the age of 10, parents enter into a sports training agreement with the club, according to which the child will be fully supported by the team, and at 17, professional contracts are signed with the most talented children.

The only completely free school in Moscow is owned by PHC CSKA. Children from 5 to 16 years old study there.


Address: Khodynsky Boulevard, 3.

The guys also train a lot at the Dynamo school. Classes are held here five times a week, for an hour and a half a day, and a monthly subscription costs 7,000 rubles. A 50% discount is provided for large and low-income families. Accordingly, for them, training a child will cost 3,500 rubles per month.

What's the result?

So, if we sum up the indicated figures, we get that on average, classes for a child at a hockey school with three to four training sessions per week will cost parents from 2.5 to 7 thousand. During the season, this amount will range from 23.5 to 63 thousand rubles. We got it by multiplying the prices of monthly tickets by nine - the number of months in a hockey year. The spread, you see, is quite large. It all depends specifically on the school and the amount of time provided to it.