Children's figure skating school. Dancing Figure skating group for children

Figure skating school "Academy of Sports" has existed for more than 14 years on the basis of its own ice skating rinks and the best ice palaces in Moscow. It brings together in its coaching staff strong specialists in figure skating, general physical training, choreography and ice dancing. The school's activities are carried out in close cooperation with the Moscow Figure Skating Federation. Amateur and qualifying competitions held by the school are included in the official calendar of the Federation and municipalities of the capital.

There are two departments in our school:

Wellness department, where everyone is taught to skate beautifully, regardless of age and level of physical fitness. Students of the department participate in staging ice fairy tales on ice, prepare solo and group performances for amateur competitions, and go to training camps with the whole family. In addition to ice training, choreography and general physical training classes are held here.

Sports department is intended for those who want to engage in figure skating more seriously, receive sports ranks and participate in Russian and international competitions. Students of the department engage in group and individual lessons on ice, and are required to attend classes in general and special physical training, choreography and dance classes.

Our school provides the opportunity to learn how to skate confidently, regardless of age (from 3.5 years) and level of physical fitness. Moreover, whole families can attend figure skating classes! We have 9 levels of mastering the skill of figure skating, after passing two of them you will already be able to take part in international competitions among figure skating fans! When developing the figure skating program, the best practices of the USA, Germany, France and other countries were used.

For babies The figure skating school provides special ice play equipment and uses exercise equipment in the form of fairy-tale characters that turn a figure skating lesson into an exciting adventure, so time at school flies by. Our school is one of the strongest in Moscow (if you count Moscow and the region), and many athletes who began training in our schools in the 2000s are today satisfied with the way their sports careers have turned out. The Academy of Sports figure skating school provides invaluable experience and the knowledge that is necessary for success in sports and life.

For adults Our sports league pays as much attention as children. At figure skating classes in Moscow, trainers use elements of sports and ballroom ice dancing and the ice-fitness program, which is new in Moscow and developed by figure skating specialists and nutritionists to lose weight and improve a slim figure.

Another important difference- this is a rich club life of the school, which will make the students’ sports leisure time interesting and rich, will allow them to show their creativity, and learn something new about their favorite hobby. This includes regular master classes (in Moscow) with famous athletes, ice holidays, competitions, and organization of trips to training camps in Russia and abroad. Figure skating can give you more than just athletic training.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, what kind of sports training you have - there are practically no restrictions on age, build and physical characteristics for figure skating. We will teach you how to ride, and you will enjoy riding, improving your acquired skills, achieving new successes day after day. In our figure skating sections, classes are held on various dates and times, so you can choose a sports mode that will allow you to combine sports and work (study).

Enrollment for the 2019-2020 academic year is open. Training for adults, regardless of skill level!

The figure skating school "Academy of Sports" invites ALL adults, regardless of level of training, to learn artistic skating, as well as to practice ice fitness (or ICE fitness). We will be glad to see even those who have never skated!

Making your dream come true is easier than you think!

After just a few lessons you will be able to master many exercises. You will be proud of your own successes, and you may even want to perform in front of an audience at amateur competitions.

Do you think age is a hindrance? Do you think we should have started earlier? No! We put people of completely different ages on skates - they bring their grandchildren to us, but they themselves remain as students.

The uniqueness of the Sports Academy school lies in its special methodology. Only professional trainers work. The age and health status of the student are also taken into account. Figure skating classes are accompanied by stretching, choreography and moderate strength training.

You can! It's never too late to make your childhood dream come true!

Training for adult skaters

Figure skating lessons in Moscow are taught by experienced specialists who have been working in this field for many years. Our team is highly qualified trainers with the necessary knowledge in the field of choreography, gymnastics, pedagogy and even psychology! A professional approach to organizing work guarantees the desired result.

Contact us to find out more current information about the work of the Sports Academy team in Moscow, calculate the cost of providing services, and sign up for the team.