Wooden bull and fiery horse. Couple problems. Relationship problems

Compatibility between a Horse man and an Ox woman is based not only on love, but also on the desire of the partners to understand themselves and learn to understand their partner. A lot in these relationships depends on the woman, who will not find it easy to understand the character and behavior of her partner.

Horse-Man and Ox-Woman very rarely find a common language; most often, because of their pride, they are not even able to make peace normally after a serious scandal. A woman will try to constantly dominate her companion, and he, in turn, will not be able to come to terms with this, which is why they will have regular conflicts.

These signs have not only different characters, but also different rhythms of life, so these relationships will not be a joy, but a burden. The Horse will always strive forward, prance through life and try to do everything, but the Ox, on the contrary, will not have time, and will not consider it necessary, because she is a woman, and they must look after her.

Horse man and Ox woman in love

The Chinese compatibility horoscope says that the union of a Horse man and an Ox woman will not be simple. To build a strong relationship, partners need to be willing to compromise and self-reflect. To solve problems between representatives of these signs, at least one must develop the skills of a psychologist.

Their romance will begin rapidly, it is easy for them to fall in love, since each will find something new and charming in the other. The Ox woman, being conservative, still strives for violent emotions, and the original and active Horse man will certainly give them. He, in turn, will appreciate the seriousness and thoroughness of his partner’s views. And until the relationship moves into the stage of living together and planning for life, everything will be just perfect.

But then we will have to face serious difficulties. For the Ox woman, a system is important; she cannot just break away and go on a trip, since everything needs to be planned. And the Horse man is easy-going, he likes to act rather than make plans. His adventures can unsettle the Ox woman.

She, being a domineering nature, will want to subjugate the freedom-loving man Horse, but she will not succeed. To build a great relationship, you need to stop arguing and prove your views are right. It is necessary to accept each other's differences and discover that the positive aspects of the partners actually work well together.

Horse man and Ox woman in a relationship

The Ox woman is unhurried, reliable and attached to traditions, but we must remember that deep down she wants a stormy and vibrant love relationship that will help her reveal herself as a woman. The Horse man has an active creativity, mobility and originality, a tendency to lead active image life, is just capable of coping with this task.

He will also like the interaction with this woman and will be happy to start courting her, because she is not a easy for girls behavior, she is deep and serious in solving everyday issues. The Horse man wants a balanced, strong and patient woman next to him, on whom he can rely.

The Horse man prefers entertainment outside the home - he is an avid traveler, with a streak of adventurism. The Ox woman in this sense is not so easy-going, so she will have to organize it this way. family life so that the house has an atmosphere of relaxation on weekdays, and on weekends they can go somewhere together and fulfill the man’s desire to travel.

Despite the fact that these partners are undoubtedly attracted to each other, they must realize that in order to build a family relationship they will have to work hard, develop certain qualities and responsibility.

Compatibility of Horse and Ox in marriage

In a marriage union where a Horse man and an Ox woman, the struggle for leadership prevails. The wife will not hide her passion for the leading role in the family. The Ox Woman is a real dictator by nature. She is very persistent and stubborn, so she doesn’t often take other people’s opinions into account. Her ruthlessness greatly affects the compatibility of the Horse man and the Ox woman. The most important thing is that the Horse man will not be able to tolerate this situation in the family for long. He has a freedom-loving and vulnerable character, with whom his chosen one must be taken into account. If Horse man If he shifts everyday problems onto the shoulders of his wife, he will act very wisely. Well, the Ox woman must admit strong will other half.

In this union, the man slowly comes to the conclusion that he cannot completely possess this woman, no matter how much he wants to. The horse is very freedom-loving and needs independence. She is not happy to sit at home all day and wants to experience travel and adventure. It is very difficult for this woman to open up to other people, however, with the Ox man she can be herself.

This couple makes excellent business partners as they both have a great work ethic. However, their views on life differ. The Ox man prefers the silence of the house and a calm, relaxing atmosphere, while the Horse wants adventure. This fact can be very unpleasant for both. If you really want to make your relationship strong, she needs to learn to love a calm environment and he needs to be open to random adventures. If you can take a closer look at each other, you will realize that you have qualities that admire you.

The Ox man is the most hardworking sign. He avoids the attention of others and enjoys working hard towards a goal. This man is often misunderstood even by close people. He rarely changes his decisions and never listens to the advice of others, which some may perceive as stupidity. In fact, he is very wise. Understands that important things require long-term thought. He does not start work until he is absolutely sure of success. He simply doesn’t understand why he should listen to someone if he has already calculated all the options!

He needs a partner who does not suffer from emotional ups and downs, since such frivolous people cause him misunderstanding.

The Horse is in many ways the opposite of the Ox. She cannot sit idly by, she needs surprises, gossip and parties. This woman tends to gallop through life, and wants the people around her to keep up. She is very sociable and hates any regulations or schedules. Appears wherever she wants. Has a tendency to ignore and forget about household responsibilities. She often changes the objects of her crush; it is simply difficult for her to focus on one person, especially in adolescence. She is often swept away by her emotions, which can overwhelm the Ox man.

From the point of view of Chinese astrology, there is little chance that the cautious Ox will fall in love with the impulsive Horse. Imagine this union, like a bull and a horse in nature harnessed to one cart and trying to walk at the same pace, the slow bull will be constantly irritated by its attempts to rush into a wild race. And this is a very accurate metaphor that describes the relationship between these two signs.

Bulls are very reliable people, truly trustworthy. you have developed strength willpower and always see things through to the end. You work slowly, step by step, evenly and consistently bringing your plans to life. You are not characterized by fuss and frenzied haste in an attempt to meet deadlines. The bull doesn't want to play main role, he doesn't need that much attention. These people completely devote themselves to family and friends; a representative of this sign is quite satisfied with working in secondary roles. Oxen love to develop various plans, strategies and schedules. You do not like to deviate from a pre-determined plan of action. You are the ideal colleague that almost every person is looking for. You are also an ideal partner for many Chinese Zodiac signs because in relationships you tend to give more than you take.

If you are an Ox, then your weakness is lack of flexibility. Sometimes you go too far in trying to demonstrate your inherent hard work and conscientiousness. Your family members and your friends often ask you to take a short break and have some fun, or begin to demand attention and affection from you, but you often cannot give them what they want. You are not romantic, love does not immediately arise in your soul, sometimes it takes quite a lot of time. However, if you do fall in love, few can surpass you in devotion to your partner. You are not a fan of “candy and bouquet” signs of attention; you are a very good listener who can support your partner, as well as give her thoughtful and reasonable advice.

The Horse is the complete opposite of the Ox. She cannot sit in one place, she is constantly looking for entertainment, loves gossip and various parties. Mad jumping is a natural state for this woman, while she is very sociable and tries to drag everyone around her with her. The horse is characterized by a pathological inability to make plans and adhere to any schedule. She often pretends to be more than she actually is - especially in situations where it is in her interests. She loves to play to the public and uses this tactic when she remembers that she forgot to do something scheduled for today - or maybe she should have done it yesterday?

As a rule, the Horse ignores household duties or simply forgets about them, so it should be periodically reminded of this aspect of life. The horse is flighty and fickle; it is difficult for her to remain faithful to one partner - especially in her youth. Emotions are constantly raging in the Horse’s soul; she is passionate and impulsive.

You are unlikely to fall in love with this woman, but if this does happen, you are unlikely to be able to build a happy and harmonious relationship with her. The prospects for this union are very doubtful. Try to imagine a horse and an ox harnessed to one cart. A calm and balanced bull will be irritated by the horse's constant attempts to gallop, and these two are unlikely to be able to cope with the task assigned to them. This metaphor perfectly illustrates the relationship between representatives of these Chinese Zodiac signs. Most likely, the Ox will seem incredibly boring to the Horse and does not know how to have fun. The Horse's inability to follow a set schedule will irritate and frustrate the Ox. An emotional Horse may seem very attractive to you, but it will be difficult for you to build a strong and lasting relationship with it.

Successful couples happen often, because the whole universe strives for harmony and balance. The most important thing is compatibility, because it is what gives people confidence in their partner. According to the eastern horoscope, it is very easy to find a suitable match for yourself. There are several tables with advice on love, marriage, friendship and happiness. Well, if you want to break the system and build a relationship with someone who is obviously not suitable for you, then life will become much more difficult. A man and a woman want happiness. Sometimes, the Stars prevent the creation of a couple, because in the end nothing good will come of them. You need to be able to leave on time if you want to maintain your happiness. For those who will fight for their love in spite of everything - astrologers have prepared effective advice. They will help make peace at home, in a couple and in your love. Use them wisely. An interesting couple is the Ox and the Horse, because they are very similar, but at the same time completely different.

How we choose a life partner

Every 12 years cycle eastern calendar comes full circle. Everything goes back to the beginning. Twelve special signs, represented by animals, patronize the cycle. Each of them takes one year for themselves. For exactly 12 months he rules the world, giving the world his own characteristics. These guardians of universal harmony bless those born under their sign. So, each person has his own patron according to the eastern horoscope.

This affects his entire life. In love, marriage, friendship and work partnerships, you can find the perfect partner. This means that your horoscopes match, you are fully compatible. Usually, you feel comfortable with such people, even if the age difference is large.

A man and a woman can not only build love, but also a strong friendship. And sometimes - both at once.

Such unions are called “one hundred percent”. Such compatibility is the ultimate dream, because it is brought to harmony.

The stars tell us, but man himself chooses. This choice is not always successful, but this is how the Universe explains the value of the right union. Sometimes, to understand this, a person spends several years in a completely unbearable relationship. There was a spark, a desire, a hint of happiness, but they very quickly crashed onto the shore of reality. People are not suitable for each other. A man and a woman live in different worlds, but they intersect only to make sure that they are not a couple. You need to be able to leave relationships in which compatibility is minimal.

Lessons from the Stars

How to understand what the Stars want? They send us to life path the most different people. In love, friendship, and maybe in marriage, they teach us the lessons of the Stars. Agree, the case when a person met his first love and spent his whole life with her in happiness and harmony is very rare, one in a million.

Compatibility may seem ideal in the first weeks of dating. A person picks up your slightest signals and predetermines your actions. And after 3-4 months the situation changes to the opposite - quarrels, scandals, accusations.

You can’t blame each other here, but rather just take this Life Lesson the way you need to. It's hard to find your person. A woman or man can stumble upon one-day partners for years. The Universe will definitely give you “your person.” When and how is up to you. With him, everything will be different in love and marriage. Very often we meet our real partners already in adulthood.

This often happens with those signs that are very focused on themselves. They have poor compatibility with everyone in general, until an understanding comes - there is no “just me” in a pair, there is “we” in a pair. Then everything takes on a different meaning.

Ox man, Horse woman

If you catch the eye of an Ox Man, you will recognize him immediately. He collected in himself the best, but also the worst, sometimes, masculine qualities. He:

  • assertive, persistent;
  • straightforward;
  • stubborn;
  • physically strong;
  • doesn't compromise.

It’s not easy with him, you know. But with such a man it’s like behind a stone wall. He doesn't always understand hints and doesn't remember dates, but he can be taught anything. To do this, “knock out wedge with wedge.” Just like him, speak directly and assertively about important things in love, about marriage, if you need it. Although, if the Ox man fell in love and wanted a woman, then she will become his wife and very quickly. He does not intend to share his beloved with anyone.

The Horse woman is a very independent person. She is romantic, light-hearted, and so unpredictable. This is understandable, because she constantly wants to move. There is no peace for the Horse woman. She wants travel, holidays, new and incredible things. Surprisingly, a Horse can make an excellent career where he finds his calling.

Most often - creativity, projects, art. It is simply impossible to impose your opinion on her - she already knows what and how to do correctly. Here they really are very different, but they feel good together. What more could you want - a romantic, always active woman next to a strong man.

If Horse and Ox meet, then the union will be interesting.

In love and marriage

She doesn’t really want to get married, because there are so many interesting things in the world. The Ox man insists on his own. The main thing here is not to lose the line between “asking for marriage” and direct coercion and threats. And he is capable of this. If you push too hard, your marriage will end. The horse itself knows what it wants. If you get married, then everything is great. In marriage, she is responsible and hardworking. She will build relationships literally brick by brick.

If a Horse woman feels that it’s time to change something, she will not go outside, but rather start a serious conversation with her partner. The partner should not be afraid here that it is all over. It is precisely in order to preserve the union that she tries. If necessary, he will drag his Ox to a family consultant.

The Horse loves children. Some may call her flighty in life, but she will always find a common language with her foals and will make every effort to ensure that they grow and do not need for anything. Here the Ox and Horse have great compatibility. They both love children and value the time spent with them.

Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. Neither Horse nor Bull. You have a chance to build relationships that others only dream of. Stay close, do something together. Even if it's just a funny hobby, the main thing is together. Such a couple has good compatibility, but secrets and secrecy can ruin everything. Better talk to each other as much as possible.

Horse man, Ox woman

The Horse man knows how to get carried away with all his heart. She is a very open, pleasant person. Finding a partner is not difficult, but he wants the very best, for life. He has high compatibility with many signs, because the Horse is an even-tempered, inspired person, ready to give compliments. His friends love him.

It seems very easy with him, because he will happily follow you anywhere, take an interest in your hobbies, buy the gift you dreamed of. But it is difficult to truly get close to a Horse man. It is open to everyone, do not have any illusions. But if he falls in love, then you will definitely understand it. There are good chances with the Ox woman - they are both even, calm people, ready for family life.

This man knows what he wants. It is impossible to win him over to your side, because he has already formed an opinion on all issues. Such people often leave home early, because their own life cannot be spent in their parents’ nest. They mature early, that's obvious. The horse should move on and not stay in the stall. Travel, adventure, development - that's what attracts him. The partner, ideally, should also be interested in this or at least understand what her beloved Horse dreams of.

For the most part, the Universe gives us challenges that will help us appreciate our true soulmate.

The Ox woman knows how to surprise. On the one hand, she is in no way inferior to a man:

  • strong;
  • strong-willed;
  • stubborn.

She can do a man's business and succeed. On the other hand, she will become a good, the best wife and mother for your children. She generally does not divide children into strangers and her own. If you marry her, already having a child from a previous marriage, then she will happily accept and love him.

The Ox woman is not that romantic, but this is not a minus, because she has many other advantages. She does not expect manifestations of intense love from you; it is enough for her that her beloved is nearby. The bull knows how to be submissive, but if you need to protect, then it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman, it won’t suit you. For her, partner compatibility means a lot. To be at home in comfort, coziness, to feel love - that’s what she wants. Noisy parties and casual relationships are not for her. She just doesn't know how to be so easy.

In love and marriage

“If you have money, then a million, and if you marry, then a queen.”
This is how the Horse reasons. He needs the most best woman, he won’t marry anyone else. In marriage, he is ready to give all of himself for the good of his family. This is good, because Ox women have the same goals and aspirations. There is only one thing where their dreams differ - children. The Ox woman wants children immediately, quickly. The Horse man wants children, but later. First - to see the world, meet the most outstanding people, write a book or gain popularity>. And then - children.

This can become a problem in a marriage, but only the right approach, love and understanding will help to find a compromise. Both are easy to negotiate with. Otherwise, this is a successful union of two people. It may even be early - both are already ready to start a family. They have been so thorough since childhood.

Cheating in such a couple is extremely rare. Yes, the Horse loves to show off and receive applause, but he will not go to bed with another woman if everything is fine at home. Family comfort is what is important to him. Home can be anywhere, a couple can spend several years in one country, then in another. Home will be where they feel good.

There is happiness in this marriage. The heavy character of the Ox will be smoothed out by the softness of the Horse. They really have a good time together. The astrologer advises maintaining this feeling of balance and happiness for as long as possible. If such a marriage is spoiled, it is only through the fault of both. Don’t let it come to this, love, respect and consult. Everything will be fine.

A couple in which one was born in the year of the ox and the other in the year of the horse is too unpredictable. More precisely, their relationship may work out, or it may not. They are too different. But if everyone can get used to it, the union can last for many years.

True, both of them must learn to understand their partner. The hardest thing will be for the bull. If he learns to build relationships and wants to maintain them, then everything may well work out.

General compatibility information

These people are ideal for a short-term romance. At first glance, and even after, the bull makes it clear that he expects a reliable relationship. It may also seem that he is more satisfied with a traditional quiet romance. But in fact, the bull is more satisfied with more passionate, sensual relationships, where he can give free rein to his emotions.

The horse by nature has creative abilities and acting. She is very active and loves a fun lifestyle. Therefore, in terms of love relationships, they suit each other very well.

A partner born in the year of the horse is open to everything new, especially new relationships. Therefore, the bull may well sympathize with him, and they will start dating. In addition, the bull will show himself with good side and the horse will see him as a serious person, capable of building long-term relationships.

Despite the fact that the horse itself is a little frivolous, it still chooses a partner who is more balanced and serious. It is very important for her that she can always rely on the person who will be nearby.

If during the candy-bouquet period this couple may be doing quite well, then when it comes to more formal relationships, the likelihood of marriage is no longer so great. After all, in order to create a family, it is necessary that they have common interests and the ability to arrange their own life. But unfortunately, they may have serious problems with this and will inevitably lead to frequent conflicts.

The horse prefers to relax and look for entertainment anywhere but at home. She needs to visit new places, cities and countries. The bull in this regard is quite difficult to climb.

A horse needs more freedom than its chosen one can provide. The Ox values ​​his half too much and therefore does not share her desire for independence.

If a horse is calm about changes and even likes them, then they incapacitate the bull. If something goes wrong, or rather not according to his usual scenario, he begins to get very nervous and irritated.

To build a serious and strong relationship, they simply need to work on themselves. Everyone needs to reconsider their view of their partner. If you accept their lifestyle and try to find a compromise, then it is likely that everything can still work out. In their case, the couple themselves will not develop without any of their participation; they need to work together on themselves.

Compatibility in love and marriage, if he was born in the year of the ox, she is a horse

In this ratio, these people have the best chance of building relationships. The man in this pair will create a material basis. A woman will always inspire him to do great things when he suddenly has doubts about himself.

She can always rely on him and shift all responsibility for the family and herself, including. The horse is very active, always in good mood and can raise it to his partner. Next to such a woman, it is much easier for a partner to fulfill so many responsibilities, he feels happy, young and that he lives life to the fullest.

Under the influence of the strong and emotional character of the horse, the bull is able to express all his best qualities. He may even not pay attention to some of the shortcomings of his chosen one.

She doesn't run the house as well as she would like and doesn't always cook well. But if you remember what attracted him to her, then you can simply close your eyes to these shortcomings and enjoy the relationship.

Compatibility in love and marriage, if he was born in the year of the horse, she is the bull

This couple has much less in common. This applies to family, marriage, outlook on the world, and even just a way to recover and relax. Love, romance - all this is wonderful, but when it comes to living together, conflicts immediately begin.

The two of them are quite comfortable and interesting. A man can really captivate her. But she doesn’t see him as a partner for life. She's more serious. She needs to count on someone and have reliable support and protection. And the horse in this case is not the same person at all. He is too flighty and independent.

The woman in this couple needs a lot; she does not always make her demands so openly. But if she doesn’t wait for them to be fulfilled, then she begins to demand, make claims and be too picky.

Something can come of these people if they are compatible according to their zodiac signs. In this case, there will be more chances to create a couple.

Disadvantages of the union

It is quite difficult for them to understand each other. If there is not even the slightest mutual sympathy, then the relationship will not work out at all. Frequent quarrels can ruin everything.

A horse is too active for a bull. She is still busy with something, in a hurry somewhere. And the bull is too slow and sensible for her.

Compatibility in bed

They are doing well in this area of ​​their relationship. Everyone brings something different. If a woman is a horse in a union, then she will be able to teach her man something new, show him something. Something he definitely hasn't tried yet. And her partner, in turn, will show her that there is no need to rush here either; measured actions can also bring great pleasure.

In a couple where the man was born in the year of the horse, he brings more variety to sexual relationships. He is able to interest and persuade his partner to undertake more daring experiments. Both will benefit from this, of course, if the partner does not actively protest.

Business compatibility

They have a lot in common when it comes to getting the job done. Both of them are not lazy and love to work. They also treat everything they undertake equally honestly, so you can completely trust them with your finances.

But you shouldn’t count on long-term cooperation. An overly active horse will depress the bull and, as a result, his ability to work will decrease and he will give up the job.

Compatibility in friendship

They don't have many chances to make friends. They don't understand each other at all. They have different views on the world and almost no common interests. Also, moral attitudes also differ greatly between a bull and a horse.

Compatibility percentage

The compatibility of a woman born in the year of the ox and a horse man in love is 70%, married – 60%.

The compatibility of a woman born in the year of the horse and a bull man in love is 80%, married – 50%.

Both partners in this union can be very secretive. They don’t want to talk about how they feel again. But in order to maintain their relationship, they need to overcome themselves and start communicating as much and as often as possible.

It is necessary to tell each other what is in their souls, what they are thinking about, and experiencing. They should have more common interests. Even if they take up one small hobby, it will bring them incredibly closer. This is how they can save their relationship.