Gymnastics day of the year. Gymnastics day. Prerequisites for the holiday

Every year in last Saturday of October All-Russian Gymnastics Day is held - a celebration of flexibility, strength and grace. This year, rhythmic gymnastics day 2019 will be celebrated October 26.

Gymnastics day. Prerequisites for the holiday

The first mention of gymnastics dates back to the 5th century BC. IN Ancient Greece a set of exercises was developed for military, recreational and educational purposes. Certain types of gymnastics were included in the compulsory program of the Olympic Games.

After the fall of the Roman Empire and until the end of the 14th century, gymnastics was forgotten. Physical exercise in the Middle Ages was considered a “sinful pastime.”

It was only during the Renaissance that sports were resumed. In Russia, gymnastics began to be actively practiced in the 18th century. In 1885, the first artistic gymnastics competitions were held in the country.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the fusion of aesthetic, rhythmic and dance gymnastics, a new direction in sports arose - rhythmic gymnastics, the birthplace of which is rightfully considered Russia.

Gymnastics is one of the most popular types sports in the country. Thousands of boys enjoy doing somersaults on uneven bars, doing splits in the air, flips on rings and handstands. Young gymnasts perform acrobatic stunts on a balance beam, perform complex complex exercises with tape, hoops, ball, clubs.

The halls where the competitions take place are always full of spectators who watch with bated breath the breathtaking performances of the athletes.

Massive interest in this sport in 1999 prompted the Federation, which unites sports and artistic gymnasts, to introduce a new holiday - rhythmic gymnastics day, which unites all gymnastics fans.

Celebration traditions

According to tradition, on All-Russian Gymnastics Day 2019 Competitions of various levels will be held. On this day, doors will open hospitably throughout the country. sport complexes, where the best athletes will give demonstration performances for gymnastics fans.

In educational institutions, trainers conduct master classes for those who have just started doing gymnastics.

The awards ceremony for gymnasts coincides with the holiday. The best athletes Certificates are awarded for contributions to the development of sports, and the titles of master of sports and candidates for master of sports are awarded.

Gymnastics is a popular and beautiful sport. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato recognized it as art. Hippocrates, in order to maintain efficiency, health and a full life, recommended including gymnastic exercises in everyday life. They develop a sense of beauty and help a person develop flexibility, speed of movement, balance, dexterity and strength. Russia began celebrating Gymnastics Day in 1999. An important goal of the holiday is to attract people to sports activities. After all, gymnastics is necessary for every person.

Celebration date

All-Russian Gymnastics Day is a sports holiday. Its date is not permanent. It falls on the last Saturday of October. This event is not yet included in the list of professional holidays in Russia. It is not a national holiday. In 2017, Gymnastics Day is celebrated on October 28.

Historical reference

Gymnastics is a whole complex physical exercise. It appeared in Ancient Greece. It was used for preparation for Olympic competitions, military purposes and health improvement. In the era of feudalism, sports became irrelevant. At this time, the main thing was caring for the soul. People's worldview changed only in the 18th century. Gymnastics began to be included in various health systems.

It received a sports focus after the development of Sokol gymnastics. It was based on floor exercises, exercises with apparatus, on apparatus and pyramids. Gymnastic combinations have acquired logical completion. They took into account beauty, aesthetics and freedom of movement. Later, the first competition rules were developed.

Under the influence of the Sokol movement, the Russian Gymnastic Society arose in Moscow in 1883. Its organizers were representatives of the nobility, intelligentsia and merchants. After 2 years, the first competition was held. A total of 11 people took part in the competition. After 10 years they began to conduct international competitions. This discipline was also included in program I Olympic Games. At that time, athletes had to perform exercises on the horizontal bar and rings. Gymnasts also competed in rope climbing, long jump and running. They showed floor exercises.

Variety of gymnastics areas

An organization uniting more than 30,000,000 athletes from 125 countries is the FIG (International Gymnastics Federation). She promotes:

  • Artistic gymnastics. Men show their skills at parallel bars, crossbar, rings and pommel horse. Women perform exercises on the balance beam and uneven bars. Floor exercises and vaults are performed by gymnasts of both sexes. This discipline is the ancestor of many other sports;
  • Acrobatics. Gymnasts perform various jumps, balance, agility and strength exercises. Athletes compete individually, in pairs and in groups. Since 1932 sports acrobatics became Olympic form sports;
  • Rhythmic gymnastics. It is distinguished by grace and entertainment. Gymnastic exercises Athletes perform with elements of dance and ballet to music. They are done with or without an object such as a ball, mace, hoop and jump rope. Competitions are held for individual gymnasts, between groups and in all-around competitions. This takes into account artistry, rhythm, plasticity, grace and flexibility. The birthplace of this type of gymnastics is Russia;
  • Aerobics. An emotional and difficult sport. A set of exercises is performed to music. Athletes perform jumps, turns, swings, surprising with flexibility and strength. International level competitions have been held in this discipline since 1995;
  • Jumping on a trampoline. The young sport is represented by the following disciplines: acrobatic track, double mini-trampoline, synchronized and individual jumps. Since 2000, it has been included in the Olympic program.

In Russia, each type of this sport has its own organization, but it is the Federation of Artistic and artistic gymnastics became the initiators of the introduction of their professional holiday.

Profession for soul and body

Representatives of this profession begin their careers with early age. The child is given basic development in classes. After a year of training, his chances in sports are determined. Future champions begin training in a more complicated program. To develop willpower, flexibility and endurance, up to 14 hours a day are allocated for training. A strenuous regimen, training 6 days a week helps the gymnast achieve significant results. In each age group Competitions are held periodically. The road to the Russian national team is open for the best students from sports schools. After finishing their career in sports, many gymnasts become coaches or choose another profession.

Holiday traditions

There are many events taking place on All-Russian Gymnastics Day. Usually arranged:

    • Sports festivals with performances by gymnasts of various disciplines;
    • Seminars;
    • Master classes;
    • Recruitment for new groups;
    • Autograph session of sports stars.

IN sports schools and institutions hold demonstration performances for parents. Competitions are also held on this day. Gymnasts who achieve success are awarded prizes, diplomas and prizes. With parting words and good wishes The speakers are directors of specialized educational institutions, trainers and prominent figures in this industry.

It is a good tradition to initiate young gymnasts as members sports club. The ceremonial event takes place in the presence of other athletes, coaches, mentors, guests and parents. The most significant and colorful events are covered in the media. Journalists talk in reports about famous athletes and their merits.

Gymnastic exercises are impressive and colorful. Slender athletes with beautiful figure perform breathtaking moves during performances, showing courage, dexterity and grace. This helps not only to show the achievements of gymnasts, but also to attract new fans to this sport and inspire them to take up this sport.

Athletes of our country are famous in various types sports, however, it is in rhythmic gymnastics they deserve special respect. And this is no coincidence, because our country was the founder of this type of competition, combining both art and sports.


The exact time of the birth of gymnastics is unknown, but it definitely dates back more than one millennium. Some historians believe that this sports culture arose in ancient world, on the territory of India or China, but most scientists think that gymnastics was founded in ancient Greece.

This is interesting:

  1. The first mention of gymnastics dates back to the 5th century BC, when the ancient Greeks used exercises to improve health, maintain physical fitness and training.
  2. Gymnastics began its development in Europe in the 18th century, and then in Russia, when it was used as an effective physical training, and by the end of the 19th century gymnastic competitions were organized.
  3. The first Moscow competition took place in 1885, and was the first in Russia, and a year later gymnastics was already part of the modern and original Olympic Games. Since 1903, world competitions have been held. In 1934, in the 10th World Championships, women took part for the first time.
  4. In 1881, the first European Gymnastics Association was founded, which then accepted other states into its team, and with the entry of the North American United States in 1897, it became the International Gymnastics Federation. Now it consists of 112 states.

Gymnastics Day has been introduced in the calendar of Russian citizens since 1999, at the request of the Federation of Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics of Russia. However, Gymnastics Day is still not officially established.


For All-Russian Gymnastics Day, most sections, as well as schools, hold exemplary performances by the best students and coaches. Days are being organized open doors, where everyone is introduced to the world of gymnastics, and the trainers organize master classes.

In addition, this day is dedicated to competitions, presentation of well-deserved awards, certificates and diplomas. Also, masters in this sport are awarded titles, and seminars are held among coaches.

On Gymnastics Day, congratulations are accepted by everyone who belongs to the world of gymnastics - students, athletes, coaches, who with their daily hard work reach the heights of excellence.

The holiday “Gymnastics Day” in 2017 is celebrated on October 28, Saturday. Calculated holiday. Calculation principle: Last Saturday in October. In 2016 it was celebrated on October 29, Saturday. In 2018 it will be celebrated on October 27, Saturday. Not an official holiday.

Athletes of our country are famous in various sports, but it is in rhythmic gymnastics that they have earned special respect. And this is no coincidence, because our country was the founder of this type of competition, combining both art and sports.


The exact time of the birth of gymnastics is unknown, but it definitely dates back more than one millennium. Some historians believe that this sports culture originated in the ancient world, in India or China, but most scientists think that gymnastics was founded in ancient Greece.

  1. The first mention of gymnastics dates back to the 5th century BC, when the ancient Greeks used exercises for healing, maintaining physical fitness and learning.
  2. Gymnastics began its development in Europe in the 18th century, and then in Russia, when it was used as an effective physical training, and by the end of the 19th century, gymnastic competitions were organized.
  3. The first Moscow competition took place in 1885, and was the first in Russia, and a year later gymnastics was already part of the modern and original Olympic Games. Since 1903, world competitions have been held. In 1934, in the 10th World Championships, women took part for the first time.
  4. In 1881, the first European Gymnastics Association was founded, which then accepted other states into its team, and with the entry of the North American United States in 1897, it became the International Gymnastics Federation. Now it consists of 112 states.

Gymnastics Day has been introduced in the calendar of Russian citizens since 1999, at the request of the Federation of Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics of Russia. However, Gymnastics Day is still not officially established.

All-Russian Gymnastics Day is usually celebrated on the last Saturday of October. Sports festival approved in 1999, its initiator was the Federation of Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics. Gymnastics is an ancient sport, known and popular back in Ancient Greece. In Russia they learned about it at the end of the 18th century, and the first gymnastics competitions were held in Moscow in 1885.

On the holiday, thematic events are held in cities and small towns across the country: demonstration performances by gymnasts, master classes from professional athletes and competitions in artistic, acrobatic and rhythmic gymnastics. One of the goals of the holiday is to attract as many people as possible to feasible sports activities.

Where beauty and grace are one,
Flight of the ball, mace, ribbon swing,
Graceful movements are beautiful
Like a flight of fancy in dreams.

We wish you sporting achievements,
Awards, victories and soars to the skies,
Loyal judges and worthy opponents,
Gold medals, good luck, miracles.

So that achievements are easy,
So that you can reach your goal so easily,
Let your title be Master of Sports,
Let the rewards be only gold!

Lightness, great grace,
Pretentious plastic.
Fascinates us
It's been a long time since gymnastics for everyone.

Congratulations on a wonderful day
Everyone who tied their lives,
With a sport so beautiful,
I gave him my soul and passion.

Congratulations on All-Russian Gymnastics Day. Wish high achievements, indestructible success, incredible determination and good health. May life be full of happiness, joy, love, grace and plasticity.

On this day we honor gymnasts,
Whose body is without bones,
There are a lot of them in colorful swimsuits,
There are also many happy guests.

We honor skilled trainers,
Patient, sometimes strict,
Wise, reliable, very brave,
What happens to the students forever?

Congratulations on such a good day,
We are proud of you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you both success and victories,
There will be your cups and flowers!

Gymnastics is the queen of sports!
I hasten to congratulate you all,
Celebrate flexibility, strength, will
On your glorious holiday I want.

I wish you gold medals
Let the pedestal become your home,
Let the cups and awards fly,
After all, you deserve all the praise.

Let champions grow up
What glory will they bring to Russia,
I wish in life that in sports
You remained invincible.

Celebrating gymnastics day -
A celebration of flexibility and plasticity,
A celebration of rise and fall,
A holiday of tears and inspiration.

From simple charging at home,
Until the Olympic victory,
Everyone is familiar with gymnastics.
The holiday is common - All-Russian.

On Gymnastics Day I wish you achievements,
Amazingly brilliant victories,
Awards, only joyful excitement,
A lot of happiness, a sea of ​​fulfilled hopes!

Your flexibility surprises everyone a lot,
Yes, and in plastic you are definitely the best,
Let a beautiful star shine for you
Endless and brilliant success!

On All-Russian Gymnastics Day
I wish you only victories in sports,
Excellent grace and plasticity,
Charge of strength for many years.

And wonderful achievements,
Always awards and first places,
Let sport lead you brilliantly
And you will never get tired of it!

Russian gymnastics, above all praise,
She conquered everyone, the world applauded her,
Today, Happy Gymnastics Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you ease and flexibility in your movements,
So that they bend, do not break, from life’s problems,
I wish you joy and happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Feasting, jumping, flying -
The coach calls you to the platform.
To look decent
And you need to plow decently.

All gymnasts and gymnasts
Comes from a special caste.
From childhood they know that success is
Not everyone's privilege.

He only comes to the point
Who is trained in the craft.
May this autumn day
There will be no doubt.

May luck smile
Let the record count for you all,
Let the reward go
Only for those who love sports.

All gymnasts and gymnasts
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish them flexibility
Only great achievements
Let their traumas pass,
Happiness will not leave them
Win and take risks
Don't lose your strength!

Congratulations: 55 in verse, 7 in prose.