Fisherman's Day: history and traditions of the holiday. Fisherman's Day: history and traditions of the holiday World Fisherman's Day in the year

Every self-respecting fisherman, regardless of his main profession and type of activity, knows when the holy day for every fisherman will come - Fisherman's Day 2016. This holiday is considered not only by professional fishermen, but also by everyone who likes to sit on the banks of a river or lake, who knows how the firewood crackles in the fire near the tent, who is not afraid of mosquito bites and cannot imagine their life without the excitement of biting.

Since prehistoric times, one of the main types of food was fish, which was mainly caught by hand, drowned with heavy sticks, and bone harpoons were used. For modern people, fishing is more of a pleasant pastime, one of the most popular hobbies on the planet, enjoyed by both sexes.
Fisherman's Day was included in the register of holidays and memorable dates not so long ago - in 1980, when the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued. Since then, this day has been celebrated every year, on the second Sunday of July. These hot days, in the midst of summer, are perfect for celebrating such a wonderful event. At one time, the USSR occupied a leading position in the world in fish production and had the largest fishing fleet. In many cities located by the sea, the main activity of both men and women was professions related to fishing in one way or another.

First of all, Fisherman's Day is dedicated to those for whom fishing is a profession, employees of the fishing industry - those who breed fish, work at fish processing enterprises, inspectors for the protection of water resources, teachers and students of relevant educational institutions.

Knowing when we have Fisherman's Day in Russia, the date and month is July 12, many avid fishermen plan a vacation in advance to celebrate it with their family or in a close circle of friends in nature, on the shore of a reservoir, away from the bustle of cities and the hot heat asphalt.

Those who will not be able to take a vacation during this time should not be discouraged. After all, in many Russian cities, especially those located on the shores of seas or large rivers, there will be mass celebrations with mandatory organized competitions both among single fishermen and among fishing teams. Prizes are awarded in a large number of categories, for example, for the smallest or largest specimen of fish, for the largest total weight of the catch.

After the competition is over, as a rule, they begin to prepare a rich catch. An incredible amount is being prepared fish dishes- the fish is baked, fried, and aromatic fish soup is prepared according to original recipes. Everyone who attends such a holiday does not go home hungry.

This holiday unites all people, regardless of whether they are real fishermen or prefer to deal with fish only after processing it in a frying pan. It arouses interest among adults and children; everyone will enjoy the fun music, competitions, and attractions.

When is Fisherman's Day in 2016, what date fishermen will celebrate the holiday is already known. All that's left is to wait for him. And on July 12, congratulations from family, friends and acquaintances will be addressed not only to avid fishermen who never part with their gear, but also to people who do not spend much time on this activity.

On this day, a fisherman can be congratulated not only with warm words. There is a wide variety of different souvenirs and postcards dedicated to this day on sale. Also on this holiday you can give a more significant gift - in the form fishing gear, new spinning rod, a set of good spinners.

Happy Fisherman's Day, you should definitely congratulate all your friends and acquaintances who have seen fish with their own eyes at least once in their lives.

Fishing is a hobby for many men. A fishing rod, a river, silence and anticipation attracts male representatives like a magnet. Most fishing lovers are ready to put everything aside just to devote at least a few hours to their hobby. But few people think about the fact that fishing is also a difficult, physical and exhausting profession. People of this profession have followed in the footsteps of their predecessors - they produce food that is rich in nutrients, which means they benefit all of humanity.

Fisherman's Day is a holiday for professionals and not only

By presidential decree, Fisherman's Day was approved for the second Sunday in July. Despite the fact that the date changes regularly, a true fishing fan will always be able to tell when Fisherman's Day is. In 2019 it falls on July 14th. As a rule, many men make plans in advance, which necessarily include a fishing trip. The catch on this day is a true trophy, so it is simply impossible to refuse such an idea.

IN last years Often men organize real competitions that help maintain a festive mood and morale. At the same time, anyone can take part in such a competition, including novice fishermen. To know, what date is Fisherman's Day in 2019, quite simple. Almost every man talks about the upcoming event. By the way, if you have a friend or acquaintance who is interested in a similar hobby, then he will certainly remind you of the holiday, you can be sure. You definitely can’t miss such an event, because you will be able to personally experience what the loot is and how hard it is to get it.

In addition to lovers of this hobby, there are also true professionals who should definitely be congratulated. These include fish shop foremen, fish inspection inspectors, fish hatchery workers, ichthyopathologists, teachers of specialized educational institutions, ichthyologists, fishery workers, etc. As you can see, there are quite a lot of people whose lives are connected with fishing. Don't forget to give everyone at least a little attention. To do this, be sure to take note of what date Fisherman’s Day will take place in 2019.

Fishing is valuable work

An industry such as fishing is of considerable importance in the country's food industry. Canned food, fresh fish, preserves and other fish products reach our table after going through many stages. Of course, the most difficult one is getting fish from a pond, sea or lake. But its preparation, processing and cooking are also important processes. It is thanks to the responsible and fruitful work of employees of the fishing industry that consumers receive high-quality and useful product. Upcoming Fisherman's Day 2019 year is another reason to remind people of this profession about their colossal contribution to the food industry throughout the country.

Every year on the second Sunday of July, Russia celebrates a professional holiday - Fisherman's Day. The holiday was officially established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980.

This is one of the most beloved and revered holidays in Taimyr. Traditionally, “Fisherman’s Day” in Taimyr is celebrated on a grand scale, considering it a professional holiday of local residents. Festive events have been going on in Taimyr for almost a month. The abundance of rivers and lakes allowed residents, strong in spirit and hardened by harsh winters, to actively develop fishing, which for many centuries has been traditional look economic activities of indigenous peoples of Taimyr.

As part of the Fisherman's Day holiday, a cultural program is annually held in all settlements of Taimyr with the organization of national farmsteads, tasting of fish dishes, exhibitions of arts and crafts, as well as sporting events.

But the main event of the holiday is honoring the best fishermen. The “Best Fisherman of Taimyr” competition is held annually, in which representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North can take part. The competition is held in three categories: fisherman of the year, fishing dynasty and amateur fisherman.

This year, 20 venues have been identified for the celebration. The villages of Potapovo, Volochanka and Ust-Avam of the municipal settlement Dudinka will open a series of festive events. Here Fisherman's Day will take place on July 8th. The events will end on July 22 in the villages of Vorontsovo and Baikalovsk, municipal settlement Karaul, as well as Levinskie Sands, municipal settlement Dudinka.

Schedule of the celebration of “Fisherman’s Day” in settlements of the Taimyr municipal region in 2016

the date of the


Rural settlement of Khatanga

With. Khatanga

Zhdanikha village

Katyryk village (central site)

n. Crosses

p. Novorybnaya

n. Popigai

Syndassko village

Rural settlement Karaul

With. Guard (central area)

Ust-Port village

Vorontsovo village

n. Tukhard

Baykalovsk village

Urban settlement Dudinka

Potapovo village (central site)

Hantayskoye Lake village

Volochanka village

Every lover of carp, pike, crucian carp, salmon and other representatives of the waters knows that Fisherman's Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July. This is a professional holiday, which is approached with all responsibility. For a fisherman, the most important thing is a trophy, so before the big day everyone tries to catch a trophy specimen from the depths of a lake, river or the depths of the sea. The holiday was first celebrated back in the 20s of the 20th century, and it received official status on October 1, 1980.

history of the holiday

Since time immemorial, man has turned his gaze to the sea, river, lake in the hope of finding a rich and long-lasting storehouse of food in the expanses of water. Thus, a special group of people gradually emerged - fishermen, who, first as an amateur, and over time professionally, began to supply us with delicious fish.

The profession of a fisherman has always been necessary and in demand. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the idea of ​​celebrating this occasion arose. professional event. It united the working spirit of workers in this field of activity, although it still unites and motivates them to improve their catch rates. This is a great occasion for Fisherman's Day.

And summer time is perfect for celebrating. During this season, fishermen can safely cast their gear, because the spawning is over and the fish are willingly hooked. It has happened for several decades that Fisherman’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. This applies not only to those who like to sit with a fishing rod on a day off, but also to everyone who works in the fishing industry.

Every year on the second Sunday of July All fishermen celebrate their professional holiday. This day began to be celebrated back in Soviet times. On November 1, 1968, it was approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

At the same time with Fisherman's Day in Russia on the second Sunday of July Employees of postal companies celebrate their professional holiday; this is Russian Post Day.

When is Fisherman's Day in 2016:

In Soviet times, fishing was actively developing, most of the population was engaged in this fishery. This was the reason for the emergence of this holiday date.

Teams of fishermen compete on this day based on amateur fishing. Fishermen try to make the most big catch, catch the biggest fish, and so on. Undoubtedly, on this day all lovers of regular and underwater fishing necessarily come to various bodies of water just to relax and enjoy this activity.

And in coastal cities, in particular in Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Astrakhan, where there are a large number of fishing farms and enterprises, this holiday has acquired a family, national scale.

On this day you can congratulate not only people for whom fishing has become a profession, but also for all those for whom fishing is a hobby or passion.

When is Fisherman's Day celebrated in Ukraine:

Just like in Russia, in modern Ukraine, the Day of Fisheries Workers was approved at the state level on the same date - on the second Sunday of July. The holiday is celebrated on the largest scale in Kerch.