An effective complex for developing the pectoral muscles at home. Exercises for the pectoral muscles for men at home

The article examines the basic exercises for pumping up the chest muscles. It is possible to perform exercises to strengthen muscles both at home and in the gym. By doing simple exercises 3 times a week, you will see results within a month. Maximum results can be achieved if you do 4 sets of 7-12 repetitions with regular training.

  • Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles at home
  • Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles in the gym
  • How to quickly pump up your pectoral muscles
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Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles at home

Modern men often do not have enough time to visit the gym, but this is not a reason to sit idly by. It is possible to pump up your pectoral muscles at home, the main thing is the right approach. What should it be like? Let's take a closer look.
The pectoral muscles are involved in many movements of a man. This is the so-called muscular support of the arms, so the strength of the arms lies, among other things, in the effectiveness of the pectoral muscles. When extending your arms straight in front of you (in fact, when hitting straight), the pectoral muscles do exactly half the work, 30 percent adds triceps, 20 percent deltoids. The pectoral muscles are also used during other strength exercises: pull-ups and flips on the bar, push-ups, push-ups.

Those. The chest muscles are one of the most important muscles in a man. Therefore, you need to approach their development correctly.

Don't lift your head up or down. Keep it strictly in line with your spine. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. First, lower yourself to the bottom position, and then with a powerful effort push yourself up to straight arms. In the upper position, statically tighten your chest muscles for a one-two count. Only then lower yourself to the floor. Do not straighten your elbows all the way! Leave them slightly bent. Keep your abs tense. Don't let your belly sag!

Place a bench in front of you and rest your hands on its edge, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms and lower yourself down until your chest lightly touches the edge of the seat. Push yourself up powerfully.

This is exactly the same movement as regular push-ups with the difference that your toes do not rest on the floor, but on the surface of the bench.

The hands should be placed slightly in front of the shoulder line. This will not affect efficiency in any way, but will help balance in the starting position.

Take a support position with your arms straight. Place something soft under your knees, like a gymnastics mat. Keep your back extremely straight. Do not lift your pelvis up - the torso together with the hips forms a straight line.

Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles in the gym

Take a support position on the parallel bars(or alternatively between two benches). From the starting position, slowly lower yourself down until your elbows reach 90 degrees. (You should feel a good stretch in your triceps.) Using the force of your triceps, press your body up onto your straight arms. To get the most out of your triceps, you should keep your torso completely straight throughout the entire rep (if you're doing dips, don't lean forward or backward). Try to keep your elbows close to your body. Don't move them apart.

Adjust the height of the Peck-Deck seat or handlebars so that when you grasp the handles, the upper arms are level with the shoulders, and the forearms and elbows are firmly pressed against the support arm pads. Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the machine. Place your feet wider than shoulder width so that the feet are strictly under the knees, the angle at the knees is straight. As you inhale, bring your hand rests together in front of your chest. Exhale when you overcome the most difficult part of the movement. As soon as you bring your elbows as close as possible, pause for 1 - 2 seconds and try to tighten your chest muscles even more. Relax your chest muscles slightly and allow the handles to smoothly move your elbows out until they are in line with your shoulders or slightly behind your back. When you reach the bottom point, stop and bring your elbows together again.

Lie down on a flat bench with dumbbells in both hands. Place dumbbells on your upper thighs. Point your palms towards each other. Then, use your hips to lift the dumbbells up. Raise them one at a time and hold them in front of you, shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing each other. Press the dumbbells, but not all the way - leave your arms slightly bent. This is your starting position. Fix the angle of your arms(this reduces the load on the biceps), and then, with a wide movement, lower your arms to the sides until you feel a stretch in the pectoral muscles. Perform this movement while inhaling.

Tip: remember that during movement the bends of the arms remain fixed, only the shoulder joints move. Using the strength of your chest muscles, return your arms to the starting position and exhale. Advice: the reverse movement is carried out along the same trajectory. After a second pause, repeat the movement as many times as necessary.

Adjust the height of the handles so that they are at shoulder level or slightly lower. Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the machine. Place your feet wider than your shoulders so that your feet are directly under your knees. Grab the handles with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. This is the starting position. As you inhale, press the handles away from your chest. Exhale when you have completed the most difficult part of the movement or when you have fully straightened your arms. At the top point, pause for a second and smoothly return the handles to their original position. As soon as the handles approach your chest, do not stop immediately pressing the handles away from your chest.

Earlier articles covered exercises:

  • How to pump up your trapezoid

How to quickly pump up your pectoral muscles

  • The wider the grip or the distance between the hands in support, the more the outer chest muscles are recruited. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to take a narrower grip, but not too narrow, because... with a narrow grip, more of the triceps muscles will be involved in the work than the pectoral muscles. The optimal grip or support width is slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • The higher your arms are raised above your head when performing a press or push-up, the more the upper pectoral muscles are activated. For beginners, the upper section, as a rule, is less developed than the lower one, because in everyday life we ​​rarely work with our hands above our heads, so it is necessary to include push-ups with the hands resting just above the level of the collarbones in the set of exercises.
  • We clench our hands smoothly and unclench them sharply. A better ratio is to open your hands twice as fast as you close them.
  • Maximum push-up efficiency– in a position where the legs are higher than the head.
  • Watch your breathing, this is very important. Exhale with maximum effort, inhale with maximum relaxation, i.e., when doing push-ups, inhale while moving down, exhale forcefully when moving up. In general, this rule is true for all strength exercises.
  • Let your muscles rest. If you are under intense physical activity, your muscles do not have time to rest during the day; exercise every other day. At the same time, you should not be afraid of muscle pain after training - it will soon go away if you exercise regularly. Muscle pain after exercise is evidence that they are growing.

  • Eat more protein foods: nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, beans, as well as fruits and cereals. Try to find time for proper rest, because... Without rest, muscles will not be able to fully develop.
  • One of the tips was about stretching the pectoral muscles. How to do it? Approach the counter. Stretch one hand to the side and grab the counter with it, and slowly bend your body in the opposite direction. The main thing is that it doesn't hurt. Then stretch the muscles on the other side


The best exercises for the pectoral muscles

Knee push-ups


Push-ups on the machine

Dumbbell fly-down

Seated chest press


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What burns fat faster: running or lifting? Many people think that lifting weights is much more effective than aerobics. Is it true? Let's find out a little below.

The chest, biceps and abs are called the “front” of the body. The appearance of the athlete largely depends on how effectively they are pumped. How are you doing with those muscles? Isn't that great? Specialized training is ideal for them.

So, for those who do not know the terms, I will explain: specialization is shock training of one muscle group with the goal of its maximum development and pumping. To the detriment of other muscles? Exactly! To the detriment of others. You train all other muscles at half strength. This program is used to eliminate “gaps” in the muscles. For example, you have pumped up your chest well, but at the same time, the under-pumping of your arms against the background of your beautiful breasts has become even more noticeable. In this sense, the goal of specialization is to target the biceps and triceps. As for our program today, it will allow you to quickly pump up the most spectacular muscles - chest, biceps and abs, thereby radically transforming your image as a bodybuilder. Even if you are okay with this, you can still try it just for fun, purely for yourself. After all, you can never have too many biceps, chest and abs.

Principles of specialized training

All specialization programs have common principles that determine the intensity of training, the frequency and nature of the loads, as well as methods of concentration.

  • Training frequency.

All specialization programs involve 2 workouts per week on a specific target muscle. In the “Arnold era,” they trained like this: two days they did highly specialized training, and the third day was devoted to the overall pumping of other muscle groups. Moreover, this third day was rather weak in intensity. Situated between two specialized days, the third became a kind of respite before the second training day. Today a completely different approach is being taken. You train the target muscle twice a week, and spread the programs for the remaining muscles over two days. Due to this, you can significantly increase the intensity of the load without losing volume and strength. Moreover, without damage to the main pumped muscle.

One of the specialized trainings will be the main one, the second - auxiliary.

  • Volume and nature of loads

Even the strongest bodybuilder is unlikely to be able to withstand a specialization program for a period of 2-2.5 months, so much shorter periods are recommended for everyone else - from 3 to 6 weeks. The short-term nature of the program will allow you to use an extreme training intensity regimen. Supersets and low-repetition heavy approaches are encouraged here. The training should be as varied as possible. This means using exercises for different bundles of the target muscle, frequently changing equipment and the exercises themselves. The number of repetitions is considered optimal in the range of 8-12 times.

  • Concentration

The main condition for the success of a specialized program is the ability to feel the work of the target muscle. If this is still unfamiliar to you, then you need to forget about this program for a while.

When specializing, extreme composure is required, so the target main muscle is always loaded first. Before the main training, you need to have a good rest and restore not only physical, but also moral strength. Lack of sleep and nervous stress are not allowed.

So, let's finally move on to the program itself.

Monster chest

You should start with basic specialized chest training. Preferably at the very beginning of the week, since during the weekend your strength has sufficiently recovered. Next comes a back and biceps workout. Obviously, it’s not worth putting too much effort here, since our accent is completely different.

The chest program consists of 4 exercises with 15 sets of low, medium and high repetitions. When you have to do chest, deltoids and triceps exercises at the same time (day 5 of training), start the program with 1-2 basic exercises (horizontal press and/or bent-over press) and 1 isolation exercise (for example, butterfly) in the simulator or dumbbell fly). Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions in each exercise, and then proceed directly to training deltoids and triceps.

Specialized chest split

Basic exercise complex

For bench presses, rest 1-2 minutes between sets and 30 seconds between supersets.

Huge hands

Biceps and triceps are muscles with different anatomical functions, so we will have two support workouts for them. On Monday we will train the chest, deltoids and triceps, on Tuesday - the back and biceps. We have our main strike training scheduled for Friday. In accessory workouts, work your triceps and biceps last. The thing is that exercises on the chest and deltoids also work well on the triceps, and on the back - on the biceps. Therefore, at the end of the training day, you only have to do 1-2 sets of 4-5 each. It is advisable to do each of these sets in strip set mode. That is, let’s say you do 8-10 repetitions, then reduce the weight by 4-5 kg ​​and do another 8-10. Then you reduce the weight again by 2-3 kg and reach muscle failure. This mode is very energy-intensive, so start with only one strip set per exercise at first. Then carefully increase their number. Don't forget that overloading will lead to overtraining.

However, the main training awaits us on Friday. The main program consists of 4 supersets. Start with heavy weights and low reps, then work your way down to higher reps.

Don't even think about breaking this rule! Trying to load a muscle equally hard from the first set to the last will lead to micro-tears in the tendons, which at a minimum will lead to their inflammation, and at maximum to a serious injury.

If during this program your arm strength drops sharply, this means overtraining. Immediately quit this program and try to repeat it in a couple of months, taking into account your past mistakes.

Split circuit with an emphasis on arm muscles

Arm muscle training program

Don't rest until you've completed both exercises in a superset, then rest for 60 seconds before moving on to the next superset.

Super press

“The belly is a storehouse of fat, and strength exercises cannot fight it. This is the lot of cardio exercise and “low-fat” nutrition.”

Performing a large number of sets and repetitions does not at all guarantee flat, beautiful abs. Exercises must be combined with cardio training and a special diet. This program focuses specifically on cardio. As many as 3 days a week are dedicated to aerobics. Start with half an hour and gradually increase the time to 50-60 minutes.

We will pump the abs 4 times a week, on strength training days. And each time the exercises will be varied.

Pairs of exercises are combined into supersets. Each workout should be opened with 3-4 supersets of 15-25 slow, “high-quality” repetitions. At each repeat point, pause for a second. This will allow you to qualitatively draw the muscle relief of the abdominal muscles. If you are able to do more than 25 repetitions when performing any of the exercises, use additional weights in the form of a pancake.

Specialized split with an emphasis on the abs

Abdominal muscle training program

Exercise Sets Replays
Program 1: Upper Abs
Crunches on a block/Crunches on a ball (superset) 3-4 15-25
Program 2: Lower Abs
Hanging Knee Raises/Reverse Crunches (Superset) 3-4 15-20
Program 3: Top and bottom abs
Machine Crunch/Reverse Crunch (Superset) 3-4 15-20
Program 4: Obliques
Cable crunch with body rotation/Twisting with body rotation (superset) 3-4 15-25
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In pumping up the pectoral muscles, as in other workouts, you must adhere to certain rules in order to get the desired result. How to properly pump up your breasts at home to get gorgeous relief?

Men, oddly enough, are always interested in how they look in the eyes of others. For many, the standard of male beauty is “pumped up” handsome men, like the famous Arnie or Alexander Nevsky, who easily flex their muscles and win women’s hearts. Unfortunately, Schwarzenegger's textured body is the result of long and professional training. However, it is possible to pump up the pectoral muscles to a pleasing shape at home!

What you need to know before starting training

So, how to pump up your pectoral muscles at home? In order not to harm your health and not discourage physical exercise for a long time, remember a few simple rules.

  • Before you start studying, look in the refrigerator. Poor nutrition can ruin all your efforts, and you will need to eat right so that subcutaneous fat does not interfere with the growth of muscle mass.
  • Training should be done regularly.
  • While paying attention to the pectoral muscles, do not forget about other muscle groups. An inflated upper or lower chest will not look aesthetically pleasing with thin legs.
  • You will have to gradually increase the load - only its systematic progression ensures muscle growth and strength potential.
  • For home workouts, choose sports equipment whose characteristics are easily adjustable.

If you are the happy owner of a large living space and can afford to purchase professional sports equipment for training, then the problem of home strength gymnastics is significantly simplified. However, most city apartments don't have space for a home gym, and you'll have to tackle the challenge of building muscles using what's on hand.

Anyone who decides to do bodybuilding at home needs to purchase:

  • A collapsible pair of dumbbells;
  • Collapsible bars (preferably in a set with a wall bars);
  • Adjustable bench.

Collapsible dumbbells are the main equipment for training, which allows you to adjust the weight of the load from 5 to 25 (max. – 45) kg. Training with dumbbells is a good replacement for exercises on parallel bars or an adjustable bench. The main exercise with dumbbells is the bench press and bench fly.

Bars are great for home training of a large muscle group, including the chest, abs and arms.

You will need an adjustable bench to change the load during training - by changing the angle of its inclination, you can change the levels of load on the chest muscles. Instead of a bench, a strong construction board is also suitable, which should be placed at one end on the corner of the bed or chair.

A set of exercises for home training

A large load in the initial period of training is undesirable and even dangerous, and subsequently you should warm up the muscles before each session to protect them from tearing. There are a number of simple exercises for this. Find out by watching video tutorials.

  1. Regular push-ups. Take a “lying down” position, arms slightly wider than shoulders, body straight, legs closed, toes resting on the floor. Perform 20-25 push-ups in one approach. Repetition – 3 sets. When doing push-ups, follow a simple rule: bend your arms slowly and straighten them sharply.
  2. Push-ups in the “legs above head” position. A good emphasis is required to perform this exercise. The body is straight, the position of the arms and legs is as in the first exercise. Perform 10-20 push-ups 4 times.
  3. Push-ups with stretching. Feet - on the sofa, hands resting on two chairs, body - between the chairs, back straight. Slowly bend your arms (until your body sag deeply) and sharply straighten them while exhaling. The exercise is performed in 4 sets, the number of push-ups is differentiated and depends on physical fitness. A guideline can be mild muscle pain, which should not be feared - the muscles are stretching, preparing for further growth.

Basic set of exercises with equipment>

  1. Dumbbell bench press;
  2. Dips (preferably with additional weight);
  3. Dumbbell fly;
  4. Dumbbell pullover (the movement is performed by supporting a dumbbell on the inside of the top plate with two palms of crossed hands).

Option 1. Dumbbell bench press – 3-4 sets of 6-12 times; push-ups on uneven bars (can be replaced with push-ups on chairs) – 3-4 sets of 6-12 times; Dumbbell lift – 3 sets of 10-12 reps; pullover – 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Option 2. Dumbbell bench press – 3-4 sets of 10-12 times; push-ups on uneven bars (or push-ups on chairs) – 3-4 sets of 10-12 times; Dumbbell lift – 3 sets of 10-12 reps. In the future, add exercises with a barbell.

Exercises to pump up the upper pectoral muscles

The top of the pectoral muscles is the most problematic area when pumping, and pumping up this area without special equipment is almost impossible. However, there is an exercise that, even at home, gives excellent results - push-ups in the “legs above head” position.

If you gradually increase the complexity of the load, your breasts will quickly become sculpted. A complication will be short pauses at the bottom of the push-up, as well as push-ups with the help of additional objects - for example, books. Place two equal-height stacks of books on the floor at a distance wider than your shoulders. Slowly push up, resting your hands on the stacks, trying to touch your chest to the floor. The number of approaches is 3-4, the number of push-ups is 15-20 times.

An “explosive” push-up will also help pump up the upper pectoral muscles - when extending your arms, you need to lift your hands off the floor and clap your palms.

The most difficult exercise in this segment is considered to be the “explosive incline push-up,” which combines the techniques of the two previous exercises.

An example of pumping up the lower part of the pectoral muscles is exercises on collapsible parallel bars. You need to practice on the uneven bars at least 2-3 times a week, and a complication for this exercise is considered to be stopping at the bottom of the push-up for a few seconds. Perform the exercise 3-4 times (12-15 times each).

How to pump up your pectoral muscles at home to get quick results

We would like to warn you that heavy loads in the first phase of training do not contribute to the rapid growth of muscle mass. Rather, on the contrary, they can lead to injuries and ligament ruptures. To avoid this, you need time, regularity of exercise and a gradual increase in loads. With this approach, the muscles will quickly gain strength and mass.

Start performing strength exercises with weighted dumbbells or a barbell only at the stage of intensive training. And be sure to warm up your muscles before each workout!

The acquired beautiful breast contour should be maintained with daily push-up and pull-up exercises. This will help consolidate the effect obtained and keep your figure in excellent physical shape for a long time.

You can see instructions for pumping up your pectoral muscles at home in this video lesson.

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