Daria Domracheva announced her retirement. Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva: biography, personal life, sporting achievements Daria Domracheva year of birth

Olympic champion Daria Domracheva is well known to all sports fans. The athlete deservedly bears the title of biathlon star; she has brought more than one award to the national teams of Russia and Belarus.

Large trading corporations have repeatedly offered the girl to become the “face” of their advertising campaigns, but the star chose to focus on biathlon, studies, and also on developing her own business - she produces a clothing line. The achievements of Daria Domracheva are difficult to overestimate, because during her sports career the girl achieved impressive results:

  • Despite the biathlete’s young age, her biography is impressive with the number of awards, and not only sports ones. At the age of 17, the girl decided that her nationality obliges her to compete for the Belarusian national team, and gave all her strength to achieve the highest results. For numerous victories, President Lukashenko personally awarded the athlete the highest state award country and awarded the title of Master of Sports.
  • During the Sochi Olympics, the athlete became a three-time champion, winning first the 10 km race, then the 15 km race and the individual race. Gold was not easy: Daria was literally haunted by unfortunate incidents, she made a mistake at the last shooting range, and only the will to win helped her finish second.
  • The girl became a world champion twice, received six World Cups and five World Cup crystal globes. Dasha has gold, silver, and bronze awards to her credit, and journalists began to call her a “rocket” for her shooting accuracy and speed.

Childhood and youth

Daria Domracheva prefers not to talk about herself, and at the same time, her biography and personal life are of great interest to fans of the athlete. Daria Vladimirovna Domracheva was born in Belarus; her parents, architects by training, had nothing to do with sports.

As soon as the daughter grew up a little, the family moved to Russia and settled in the Siberian town of Nyagan, which was being actively developed at that time. The mother of the future athlete was soon appointed chief architect of the city, so instead of a couple of years, the Domrachevs lived in the North for almost 15.

Daria Domracheva was a very active girl - she played not only basketball, but also ballroom dancing. However, skiing became the girl’s real hobby: at first she attended sports school together with my brother, and then I started studying alone.

Dasha paid much less attention to her studies at the gymnasium than to training and competitions, but after receiving her certificate, she successfully entered Tyumen State University. At the beginning of 2003, the family returned to their homeland, Belarus, and Daria Domracheva’s sports biography took a sharp turn.

Sports achivments

As Daria Domracheva herself believes, she owes the start of her career to Russia and the coaches who helped her achieve her first sporting results. As a Belarusian biathlete, Daria Domracheva became known already when she had several victories at junior and European competitions and prizes from several world championships.

Russian coaches spent a long time trying to persuade the girl to stay, but Dasha decided to play for the national team. Now the athlete does not regret at all the decision taken, today she is considered one of the most promising biathletes in the world.

In 2006, Domracheva competed at the World Cup, but only won 16th place. This result did not disappoint the girl at all, and she decided to enter the top ten at all costs.

However, the competition in Oberhof did not allow her to demonstrate her successes: Dasha was in the lead in the race, but she made a mistake and fired standing at the shooting range, but according to the requirements of the competition she had to lie down - because of this she was removed from the race. This misunderstanding only spurred the girl on in her quest for victory, and the honorable 3rd place forced her to pull herself together and fight for victory.

Domracheva opened the 2011-2012 season with two crystal globes, and her rival for the cup was Magdalena Neuner herself, a famous German athlete, multiple titled champion. The Olympics in Sochi became a real triumph for Daria: the biathlete won three gold medals. Last news which the girl reported on her official page on social networks, indicate that Dasha decided to briefly interrupt her sports career in order to focus on her child and family.

Personal life

The personal life of Daria Domracheva has always been under close public attention, but the girl tried to avoid any scandals as much as possible.

Journalists learned and reported that Daria Domracheva and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen were dating back in 2011, but the couple stubbornly denied this fact. Domracheva and Bjoerndalen carefully hid the details of their personal lives, because at that time the athlete was married, and the fragile relationship could simply collapse due to too close attention from others.

However, a year later Ole divorced, and in 2015 he proposed to Daria. The wedding was quite modest, attended only by close relatives and no press! Soon, Daria Domracheva and her husband published photographs from the wedding ceremony, which resolved all doubts about their romance.

After a few months a happy family admitted that a baby will be born soon. The biathlete became a mother on October 1, 2016, and Daria Domracheva’s husband missed out for the first time because of this preparatory training. The husband told the press that Daria had taken a break and would return to her sports career in the second half of 2017. Now all the attention of the young couple is devoted to the baby named Ksyusha: the family arranges joint walks, the spouses devote the maximum amount of time to raising and developing their daughter, communicating with her.

Now the athlete has resumed training and has already regained her magnificent figure. physical fitness. The biathlete runs her own page on Instagram, tells fans about her plans, and also posts many photographs showing Daria Domracheva’s house, family walks, and quiet celebrations.

During pregnancy and caring for her daughter, the athlete did not waste time: Daria was engaged in self-education and paid a lot of attention to developing her own line of sportswear. 2017 was a triumphant year for Domracheva: the biathlete not only returned to competition, but also won the sprint race in Hochfilzen. Author: Natalya Ivanova

The future athlete was born in 1986 in Minsk. Four years later, the Domrachev family leaves Belarus. The creative ambitions of the young architects, Dasha's parents, prompted them to move to the small town of Nyagan in Western Siberia. The winter there is snowy and long, which predetermined the future of the now famous athlete. From the age of six, all of Dasha’s free time was spent skiing. She trained and studied with pleasure. The successes both there and there were beyond praise. When Dasha turned 13, she became interested in biathlon. She was a pretty decent skier, all that remained was to master the rifle. The results were not long in coming.

Carier start

The year 2004 can be considered a sharp turn in the fate of Dasha Domracheva. At the direction of the head of the Russian Biathlon Union, Alexander Tikhonov she was expelled from the Russian team, due to its “futility”. The outstanding former skier and biathlete Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov was an indisputable authority. They did not object to the President of the RRF. And Dasha, by the way, by that time had already won the Russian championship more than once, and had proven herself well in Europe. Sports biography Dasha wasn’t going to interrupt, but she wasn’t happy with being relegated to the background.

Having received an invitation to the Belarusian national team, Dasha, without hesitation, returns to Minsk. Already in 2005 at the Universiade, having shown only the 40th result in biathlon, she nevertheless won gold in the sprint and silver in the relay. And two years later, its results allowed for a long time gain a foothold in the top ten the best skiers peace.

Sports achivments

Daria Domracheva won more than thirty victories in the most prestigious competitions: from the national championship to the Olympic Games. She more than compensated for her not very confident shooting (efficiency = 80−85%) with excellent technique and speed qualities. Unsurpassed so far is her result in the number (48 positions) of places won in the women's pursuit race.

Victory statistics (excluding the junior period):

  • European Championship in Bansko (2007) - gold (2).
  • World Championship in Ruhpolding (2012) - gold.
  • World Championships in Nove Mesto (2013) - gold.
  • Olympic Games in Sochi (2014) - gold (3).
  • Olympic Games in Pyeongchang (2018) - gold

In addition, at the last Olympics there was also a silver medal, and in Vancouver in 2010 - bronze. At world championships she won silver medals four times and bronze medals once.

Repeatedly won prizes in World Cup stages:

  • 32 times - was the first;
  • 23 times - second;
  • 24 - third.

This is in the individual competition, and also in the team competition (relay):

  • one first place;
  • four second;
  • and three thirds.

Daria Domracheva today , after the Olympics in Pyeongchang, he remains in action, quite successfully continuing to participate in the World Cup. The final stage will take place in the city of Tyumen in late March. In an interview, she said that she dreams of finishing the season with the highest quality, with the highest efficiency. She is already thirty-four. It’s not difficult to calculate how many years Domracheva has been actively involved in skiing. Age is inexorably bringing her closer to the thought of leaving big sport. It is quite natural to want to end your career at the peak of glory, and, being in excellent shape, has every chance to show highest result at the World Cup Dasha Domracheva.

Personal life

Dasha got married in 2016 . Her husband , illustrious Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjoerndalen is one of the most titled skiers. This is his second marriage. For six years he lived with Nathalie Santer, also, by the way, a biathlete (Belgium). In the same year, Daria Domracheva gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia. Now their home is basically on wheels, because sport life Dashi is not finished yet.

It is not at all clear where they plan to anchor in the future. Ole Einar has Norwegian citizenship, Dasha has Russian and Belarusian citizenship. Bjoerndalen had the opportunity to last olympiad to perform on the same team with Dasha, but he refused, limiting himself to the position of a member of the coaching council.

In turn, in her homeland, Daria Domracheva is among the most famous athletes, second only to gymnast Vitaly Shcherbo. If we take into account only winter views sports, then she is the undoubted leader. In addition, Dasha is a KGB officer and holds the high title of Hero of Belarus.

It can be assumed that neither Dasha nor, especially, Ole Einar will finally leave the sport. Bjoerndalen is already trying himself as a coach. After all, he graduated from the Norwegian Ski Academy. Daria Vladimirovna Domracheva’s two higher educations allow her to feel confident in both Belarus and Norway. Coaching work also on the shoulder. Experience in abundance.

Attention, TODAY only!

Daria Vladimirovna Domracheva. Born on August 3, 1986 in Minsk. Belarusian biathlete, three-time Olympic champion in 2014.

Winner of the large Crystal Globe of the Biathlon World Cup (2014/15), two-time champion world (2012 and 2013), winner of several small Crystal Globes of the Biathlon World Cup, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus.

The most titled Belarusian athlete in the history of the Winter Olympic Games, as well as the world's first three-time Olympic champion, who won all her victories in individual races.

On the day of winning her third gold medal at the 2014 Games, Daria was awarded the title “Hero of Belarus”, she became the first woman in the history of the country to receive the highest award.

One of the strongest biathletes in the world at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century.

Daria Domracheva - interview

Daria Domracheva was born in 1986 in Minsk into a family of architects.

Has an older brother Nikita, he is an architect.

After 4 years, she and her parents left for Siberia, to the city of Nyagan, which was under construction. Daria was involved in dancing and basketball, and in 1992, following her older brother, she began training cross-country skiing. Spending almost all of her time in training, camps and competitions, Daria studied at school with “good” and “excellent” marks. She spent her summer holidays in Minsk.

In 1999 she started training in biathlon. She graduated from high school, where she studied in the economics and law class, and entered the 2nd year of the University of Tyumen, faculty of sports management. In 2003, she moved with her family back to Minsk. There was no department of sports management at BSEU, so Domracheva moved to the department of tourism management.

At the beginning of her career, Daria played for Russia, but in 2004 she received an offer from the head coach of the women's national team to play for Belarus. She agreed and began training as part of the Belarusian national team, but it took about 6 months to achieve the right to compete for her. At that time, Domracheva was already a multiple champion of Russia among juniors, a prize-winner of competitions European level and became 15th in individual race at the 2004 Women's World Championships. At the same time, Daria always stated that since childhood she wanted to compete for Belarus, since she has Belarusian roots.

The first major international start for the Belarusian national team was the 2005 World Junior Championships, where she finished 40th in the first race (individual). At one of the ranges, the diopter fell off, as a result of which there were five out of five possible misses in the third shooting.

Domracheva won the next two races - sprint and pursuit. A year later, from a similar championship, Daria took away only bronze for the pursuit race.

She made her debut in the World Cup on December 1, 2006 (2006/07 season) at the 1st stage in Ostersund, Sweden in the sprint race, showing 16th result (becoming the second of five Belarusian athletes). At the 2007 Junior World Championships, she managed to finish second twice: in the sprint and pursuit.

In the 2008/09 season, she began to regularly place in the top ten at the end of the race. At the stage in Oberhof, in the mass start race, a funny thing happened to Daria. Leading the race and arriving at the second firing line first, instead of shooting prone, she shot standing, and, moreover, did not achieve a single hit. She had to quit the race. Despite this incident, already at the 5th stage of the World Cup she was on the podium for the first time in an individual race - Daria took 3rd place.

After this success, two more podiums followed. At the 2009 World Championships she set a record for the number of places won in the women's pursuit race - 48 positions.

A year later, also in the mass start in Oberhof, Domracheva was the leader of the race before the third shooting with a fairly large advantage. But three shots were fired at someone else's target. Realizing the mistake, Daria continued shooting at her target, but the 4 penalties she received did not allow her to fight for victory in the race.

At the Kontiolahti stage of the 2009-2010 World Cup, Domracheva won the sprint and then the pursuit. On the wave of this success, at the next stage (Holmenkollen), Daria took 2nd place in the individual races, losing only to the German Simone Hauswald.

In the 2010/11 season, she won two medals at the World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk- “silver” in the mass start and “bronze” in the relay. In the overall standings of the 2010-2011 World Cup, Daria Domracheva took 6th place.

The 2011/12 season was the best in Daria's career. In the World Cup, for the first time, she competed on equal terms with the recognized leader of the world women's biathlon, the German Magdalena Neuner. The German biathlete declared the 2011-2012 season the final one in her career and strived for victories in all disciplines, but the intrigue in the fight for the Big Crystal globe remained until the end of the season. Neuner's speed advantage was offset by Domracheva's equal speed. Daria has also become much more stable in shooting. Eighteen times Daria Domracheva stood on the podium in various races of the season.

For the first time in her career, she became a world champion, winning gold in the pursuit race at the World Championships in Ruhpolding. At the end of the season, Domracheva took second place in the overall World Cup standings, 28 points behind Neuner, won two small crystal globes - in pursuit and mass start, was second in the sprint standings and third in individual races.

On the eve of the 2012/13 cup season, Domracheva was considered the favorite and the main contender for winning the Big Crystal Globe. However, the biathlete’s results turned out to be ambiguous. Great starts were combined with outright failures. The main reason for Daria's failures was her unstable shooting, although she still remained one of the best in the speed component. At the World Championships in Nove Mesto, Czech Republic, Daria won the second gold in her career - this time the victory came in the mass start. In total, in the 2012/13 season, Domracheva won three World Cup races and stood on the podium nine times. In the overall standings, the athlete repeated last year’s result, finishing the season second.

For the first time I became Olympic champion February 11, 2014, competing in the 10 km pursuit race at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. Taking 9th place and inferior to the winner of this program Anastasia Kuzmina 31.8 s, silver medalist Olga Vilukhina 11.9 s, bronze medalist Vita Semerenko 10.1 s according to the results of the sprint on February 9, 2014, Domracheva took the lead in the race after the second shooting, and then, after each firing line, it only strengthened its leadership. And only at the last, 4th firing line, leading by more than 40 seconds, Daria allowed herself to miss the last 20th shot, which did not at all prevent her from entering the last lap as the absolute leader and proudly picking up the flag of her country at the finish line.

At the same Olympics on February 14, 2014 she won her second gold medal in the 15 km individual race, making 1 mistake at the second shooting range and showing excellent speed over the distance.

On February 17, 2014, she became the first biathlete in history to win three gold medals. olympic medals in individual races (all at the same Olympic Games). The record award came from a mass start race, in which Daria made only one mistake. On the same day, the President of the Republic awarded Domracheva the title “Hero of Belarus”.

In the 2013/14 season, the athlete missed one stage before the Olympics. In addition, this year, for the first time, rules began to apply, according to which the results of races within Olympic Games were not taken into account in the World Cup standings. Despite this, the result of the season was third place and the Small Crystal Globe in the elite form of the biathlon program - mass start races.

In the 2014/15 season final stage World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, for the first time in her career she won the overall standings, ahead of her main rival Kaisa Mäkäräinen, winning the Big Crystal Globe of the season.

In the history of Belarusian sports, Daria Domracheva is one of the athletes who received the largest number of gold medals at one Olympics - along with V. V. Shcherbo (6 medals, 1992 Olympics), O. V. Korbut (3 medals, 1972) and V. V. Parfenovich (3 medals, 1980). She is the first Belarusian athlete to be awarded three gold medals at one Winter Olympics, and also the first to receive three gold medals at one Olympics from Olympic team Republic of Belarus (O. Korbut and V. Parfenovich performed as part of the USSR teams, and V. Shcherbo - as part of the United Team).

In July 2015, it became known that Daria had mononucleosis. About this on your Instagram page. It was subsequently announced that she would miss the next season due to mononucleosis.

Daria Domracheva's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Daria Domracheva:

Daria Domracheva is not married. Have no children.

For several years she dated director Maxim Subbotin. He directed several TV series - "Champion", "Kings of the Game". He also made a documentary about the biathlete herself (released in 2010).

In April 2016 it became known that. The eight-time Olympic champion himself announced this.

Daria Domracheva and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

Daria Domracheva was born in 1986 in Minsk. Four years later, the whole family moved to Siberia, where the city of Nyagan was being built. Her parents are architects by profession; it is not surprising that her older brother Nikita followed in their footsteps. Even in her childhood, the future biathlon star loved to dance and play basketball, and then, like her older brother, she became interested in cross-country skiing. The girl liked sports much more than studying at school. At the age of 13, she began training in biathlon. After graduating from high school, Domracheva became a student at Tyumen University, but in 2003 the whole family moved to Minsk, where the girl continued her education.

When did it start sports career, Daria participated in competitions for Russia, however, the biathlete herself, who has Belarusian roots, wanted to compete as part of the Belarusian national team. In 2005 at international competitions she was already representing her homeland. Pretty sportswoman short term was able to achieve good results, and already in 2010 she was considered one of the strongest biathletes in the world. 2014 brought Domracheva triumph and great success: She won the individual races and brought three gold medals to the team. For her record, the biathlete received the title “Hero of Belarus”.

In the photo Daria Domracheva as a child

With my future husband, multiple Olympic champion biathlon Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, Daria knew each other many years ago. For the first time, an athlete approached her at the Games in Vancouver to congratulate her on her bronze medal. The girl was then very happy to receive such attention from the Norwegian, who won silver at these competitions. Perhaps then a spark of sympathy flashed between them, which soon developed into a romantic relationship. However, the athletes themselves carefully hid their personal lives, since Bjoerndalen was married to Italian Natalie Santer. But already at the beginning of 2013, Italian journalists reported on the divorce of the spouses.

In the photo Daria Domracheva and her husband Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

The lovers' romance continued to develop, and in the summer of 2016, fans of the biathletes learned about their wedding: the newlyweds published photos from the wedding ceremony on their page. In the fall of 2016, a daughter, Ksenia, was born in Minsk, which is why the young parents missed the training stage. However, Domracheva did not stay on maternity leave for long, and already in 2017 she began training.

After the birth of the baby, the biathlete’s personal life changed: now the whole family lives in Norway. And in Minsk, the construction of a new house continues, which Daria has been working on for several years. The couple plans to spend a lot of time not only in Norway, but also in Minsk, so their daughter will definitely know Norwegian and Belarusian. The baby’s 42-year-old father is confident that in the future she will be a professional athlete, however, she will choose to be a skier or biathlete herself. Domracheva’s husband also hopes that his daughter will compete for Norway.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 03/15/2017

This article will be of interest to everyone who loves biathlon. Dasha Domracheva is a well-known personality in this sport. How was the girl's life? What has she already achieved? All this will be discussed further.

Belarusian rocket

If you ask an ordinary sports fan, which athlete do you associate sports Belarus with, then the answer will be unequivocal - Dasha Domracheva. The girl today personifies everything Belarusian sport. She managed to literally become the strongest biathlete in the world in just a few years, thereby interrupting the hegemony of German athletes. How did it happen that a girl from Belarus, a country that can hardly be called a biathlon power, became best biathlete planets.

First steps

In an ordinary, completely unsportsmanlike family (both parents are architects), on August 3, 1986, Dasha Domracheva, a future world biathlon star, was born in the city of Minsk. At the age of 4, Daria's parents move to the small Siberian town of Nyagan. It would seem what prerequisites for playing sports exist in such a city. It is clear that the Siberian climate initially encourages children to study skiing types sports However, Daria made her first sports choice in favor of basketball. And only then, under the influence of her older brother, Daria took up cross-country skiing. And biathlon appeared in her life only in 1999.

After school, Daria entered the Faculty of Sports Management at Tyumen University. In 2003, the Domrachev family decides to return to their native Belarus, and Daria receives a diploma higher education already at BSEU at the Department of Tourism Management. The topic of the thesis is “Advertising in the tourism industry.”

Professional career

The beginning of his professional biathlon career took place in the Russian national team. Already at the junior level, the athlete’s high potential was clear. But the competition that reigned in the Russian national team at that time did not allow one to hope for a place in the main roster of the adult team. And in 2004, Daria decides to continue professional career in the Belarusian team. The first international starts under the flag of Belarus took place in 2005. And already in 2006, at the age of twenty, Daria made her debut at the stages of the Biathlon World Cup. At the end of the season, Daria took 16th place in the overall total, which is quite a high result for a debutant in competitions of this level.

In the future, the results are increasing. Daria quite regularly gets into the top ten, it would seem that the podium is just a stone's throw away. But Daria manages to do the unthinkable at the cup stage in Oberhof: while leading the race, Daria makes a mistake with the shooting order and, instead of shooting prone, does it from a standing position. As a result, Daria is disqualified, and the possible victory floats to her rivals. This unfortunate failure did not affect the final place in the 2008-09 World Cup standings. Domracheva graduated sports year on the third place. By the way, an embarrassment similar to Oberhof happened in Domracheva’s career again. Again performing in Oberhof, Daria managed to shoot at someone else's target.

The 2011-2012 season brought her her first World Championship medals. Daria won silver in the mass start and, together with others, became a bronze medalist in the relay race.

This season was spent in the struggle of two biathlon stars and Daria Domracheva. Where the German took advantage with speed, Daria responded with more accurate shooting. After the end of her career as a German biathlete, it would seem that Domracheva will have no rivals on the ski track. However, again second place in the overall World Cup standings. But real triumph awaited Daria ahead.

Dasha Domracheva is a champion. Olympic triumph

Sochi winter Olympics 2014 finally elevated Daria Domracheva to the rank of the greatest athletes of our time. The first was earned in the 10-kilometer pursuit race. Moreover, the gap from Berger, who finished second in the Tour, was 38 seconds. Three days later, a new victory - in the 15-kilometer individual race with a one-and-a-half minute lead over her closest rival. And the third Sochi gold medal was won in the contact race. In the 12.5 km mass start. Daria again had no equal. In total there are three olympic gold for one Olympics. A similar result in women's biathlon there hasn't been one yet. Daria's successes in Sochi did not go unnoticed in the athlete's homeland. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko personally awarded the athlete the Order of “Hero of Belarus”.

Dasha Domracheva: personal life

Possessing a photogenic appearance, Daria quite often finds herself in the spotlight of journalists. At one time, the director's name appeared as a beloved man. The next wave of rumors connected Daria with the king of men's biathlon, Ole Einer Björndallen. According to Daria herself, they have only friendly relations with the Norwegian biathlon star. So on this moment Domracheva still remains an enviable bride.

According to the doctors' decision, Daria will miss the 2015-2016 season. A great opportunity to take care of your personal life.