Daria Blashko: "I will not compete for Belarus, no matter what conditions the biathlon federation proposes." Daria Blazhko biathlon biography. Keep in touch with someone from the Belarusian team

Their commonwealth - an experienced mentor Vladimir Makhlaev, who led the country's men's team for six years, and his young pupil Daria Blashko - brings significant results. At the end of the past season, the Vitebsk biathlete brought a Big Crystal Globe for winning the total of the Junior World Cup and a small one for the first place in the sum of all sprint races.

Daria, a two-time winner of the World Championship among girls, was expected to receive awards at the junior continental and planetary championships, but she did not rise to the podium. The reasons? They are explained by Vladimir Makhlaev, the current head coach of the Vitebsk Center Olympic reserve on winter sports, and Daria Blashko in a conversation with a sportpanorama.by correspondent.

Vladimir Makhlaev: Special approaches to a common goal

- Let's start with the fact that your student was invited to the training camps of the first national team of the country, but you refused.
- Yes, last season we spent with Daria on self-training, and not in the national team with adults. It was a mutual decision, mine and Daria, we were supported by the Ministry of Sports and the Federation. The level of the first team is completely different, and the goals are different. The training was carried out mainly at the expense of the Vitebsk center, sometimes the Republican Biathlon Club came to the rescue. At the end of the last season, they settled in Logoisk, and the Vitebsk center provided funding for the camp, and while the weather allowed, Daria used a snowboard for training and skiing. Now we have started a new training round, from Monday we started the official training camp in Raubichi.

- Your student did not have time for vacation?
- Rest is definitely needed, but since she has not reached the elite level, she cannot afford, say, to go to the Canary Islands. Therefore, we decided to start training a little earlier, devoting it to the shooting component, physical training, and with the onset of warmer days, at the end of May, we hope to hold a recovery camp. After that, the hard work begins. Now the tasks are different, we focus on the development of shooting skills, coordination, and functions.

- They say you use some special approaches in your work?
- This is too broad a topic to be summed up in one sentence. Firstly, for more than 10 days Daria skated on a snowboard in Logoisk. Moreover, she started almost from scratch, and then gradually got used to it, learned to stay on the new projectile. When the snow melted, we switched to a skateboard. Later, shooting exercises began, classes on a skateboard, a bicycle, plus, for the development of stability, they added walking on a tightrope, rollerblading and regular skating on ice. There are a lot of exercises, and they are different.

- Do you use already known training options or develop them yourself?
- The downside of our species is that sometimes we get hung up on a narrow specialization. In our current trainings, we try to use exercises from acrobatics, athletics, other sports. They are offered not only by me, but also by Daria, who is looking for the necessary training options on the Internet, sometimes she finalizes them herself. We have joint approaches and common solutions, we think about the future exercise in advance, we are looking for new means and methods.

In addition, we maintain constant contacts with the Polesie State University, specifically with the associate professor of one of the departments Vitaly Marynich. First of all - for testing, examinations, but often it suggests new approaches to training or competitive activities.

Let's return to the opening races of the recent season and remember that its beginning looked much more successful than the second half.
- Yes, at first there were victories, prize-winning places at the junior stages of the World Cup, and then a decline. Why? Since spring, as you know, we began to prepare separately from national team, but not all plans could be fulfilled. Firstly, they failed to conduct a recovery camp, and at the end of the summer - to leave for mid-mountain training. Compared to last season, all training sessions and competitions were held on the plain, with the exception of the summer championship in Poland, but even there, in Duszniki, the height turned out to be small.

This year, all the first cup stages were held in the highlands, and due to competent pre-season preparation, Daria pulled out the first two or three stages. First of all, with the help, as we say, of health, economy in approaches to races, but then the decline began. The body was not ready for a constant stay in the mountains, at a height, for this it needs to be trained. And from year to year according to a special scheme, methodology. Therefore, this decline was expected.

- Blaschko was among those who represented the national team at the overseas cup tour.
- Yes, young biathletes were offered to "close" the Canadian stage of the World Cup. But in order to get there, it was necessary to win the quota, and for this, to perform at the adult IBU Cup. As a result, we had to adjust the line-up scheme for the Junior World Championship.

In the IBU Cup, they again climbed to the heights, but all this does not mean that the starts overseas broke the entire planned program. To some extent, this is an explanation for the fact that Daria could not bring the World Cup medals. But in no case do we believe that the matter is in some tactical miscalculations.

After the girl won two awards at the World Peer Championship in Raubichi, she was expected to continue at the next same start.
- I repeat, last season it was not a junior championship, but a youth one. At the beginning of the competitive year, we warned in advance that it would become a transition between youth and junior tournaments. Therefore, there could well be a decrease in the results. Nevertheless, the successful first stages helped Daria win two globes. The 10th, 15th places that she took at the junior "Europe" and "world" did not particularly affect. I also liked the fact that at the continental championship in the conditions of excitement - to be or not to be a globe - she survived, took a step forward, acquired new experience. I consider her performance quite successful. In the coming season, we plan to start at the stages of the IBU Cup among adults, and not just participation, but getting into the top 10.

- Do you think that she can immediately join the biathlon elite?
- Daria "puts" all training and competitive actions on paper, after which we will definitely analyze, compare with how the current leaders of the world biathlon performed: Domracheva, Soukalova. Both began representing national teams at 21, now Blaschko is a year younger. I think we absolutely did the right thing not to start last season in the company of adults.

Another, I think, an important event. She is 20 years old, for two seasons Daria competed quite successfully without any rejuvenators. It was possible after the first successful starts, and then less prosperous with the help of, of course, permitted drugs to restore, raise her tone to the previous level. But did it make sense? And what will she do next season, and a year later in the Olympic? I will not hide, in our plans - to get to the next winter Games and fight for high places, but the main goal is the next Olympics in 2022, when Daria will be 26 years old - best age for big wins.

- In one of the interviews it was said that Daria is a potential Olympic champion.
- Having worked in biathlon for many years, and on the very high level with the national team, I was never guaranteed to talk about the ward as a future medalist. But I have never had such a gifted athlete as Blaschko. True, evil tongues say that she is a good shooter, but a slow-moving skier. Well, let's wait and see. In the ability to analyze, to put before oneself specific goals and each time she advances even a step towards them, she surpasses all my previous pupils. Therefore, I say with a certain degree of confidence that Daria will become a great athlete.

- And what does he say about this? sports science?
- There is known technique Dushanina - Karlenko, and one of its authors, Vasily Pavlovich, a former Main coach national team of Ukraine - came to us. According to their methodology, Blaschko belongs to the fifth group, whose representatives, as practice shows, rise to the Olympic podium. At one time, when I was in charge of the men's team, he, examining Aidarov, claimed that Alexei in the future - Olympic champion. In Nagano, if not for one miss, Aidarov would have become a gold medalist, but his "bronze" of the Games is a solid success.

Daria Blashko: Training for the sake of training? It makes no sense!

- What's new brought the past season? If a step forward has been made, then specifically for what?
- We were aimed at acquiring more psychological stress, to a lesser extent - physical. And so it happened that at the end of the season, when the fate of the Junior Cup was being decided, I could not cope with the pressure in the very first races. Then, in Pokljuka, at the European Championship, where the starts were included in the cup standings, the "individual" was not successful. With two penalty minutes, I only got into the top twenty. In the sprint with zeros, I was 15th - it left much to be desired on the track. I was worried that it didn't work out in the end.

In pursuit, after "letting go" of myself, it turned out good race. In principle, the main thing in it was to reach the finish line, not to get off. Anything is possible at a distance: she could fall, break a ski, damage her rifle, all the more, a very serious descent was planned. But everything turned out well: I finished in the top ten and won the overall WC. And the 15th place in the sprint did not prevent us from taking first place in the sum of all cup races. Before the start, I had a lead of 61 points, and in principle, before the race, I was already holding the cup in my hands.

- What novelties have been introduced into the routine training process?
- We invent many elements ourselves. For example, in shooting - I fire from a long distance, along lines, in a crescent, in a semicircle, at reduced targets. Now we are trying to perform an exercise on a skateboard: if you fix its wheels, you can shoot like on a platform. Naturally, say, at competitions, during the wind, such skills will come in handy for me. Diversity is important, therefore, in order to develop technique, gain stability, I walk on cables, snowboard, and ski.

- Is it possible to find out your own assessment of the season?
I won't give any points. I will say that it was a good tournament year, when I gained a lot, and not just thoughtlessly ran off the race. We have received certain answers to our questions and understand where to focus our efforts in the future. This is the most important thing for growth.

Some biathletes of the national team speak simply and uncomplicatedly: I follow the instructions of the coach and am not responsible for my result.
- It doesn’t happen that the coach offers a load and says that if you complete it, you will get a 100% result. An athlete knows his body, he must determine at least approximately what he needs, and adjust the load with the coach. Interaction with a mentor is very important. This is a global practice in which there is no coaching dictate. The same Norwegians, who were successful in many ways, said: yes, we have a team, but this does not mean that we perform the same tasks.

I see no reason to waste my years and the time of Vladimir Anatolyevich in order to train thoughtlessly. It is better to find a different application of forces than not to understand why and for what purpose you are doing it.

Essentially, you work out with the coach the most appropriate individual options for moving up to the podium?
- Races are successful and not so good, although a negative result is also an experience that can be useful. From training it is necessary to extract only the necessary and useful.

I got into biathlon by accident. She went in for skiing, and when they offered to go to the Vitebsk school, she became a biathlete. Academic subjects were given easily, but the understanding of my future sports role came when I moved to the 11th grade. If everything happens as planned and we get the appropriate training, then I think it’s realistic to get into the top 10-20 in the races of the future IBU Cup. 48th place in the sprint at the Canadian World Cup and quite a decent start in the single mixed relay, which I ran, albeit with spare cartridges, but without penalties, is proof of this.

Daria Blashko decided to change sports citizenship / Photo - BSE

Since the beginning of the summer, biathlon circles have been talking about the possible transition under the Ukrainian flag of two Belarusian biathletes who were not included in the main team of their team for the Olympic season. Information about the first athlete, already well known to our team, was confirmed. Maria Panfilova after two years of playing for the Belarusian team,. Panfilova, as part of our team, even managed to do it.

At the end of the competition, XSPORT addressed the President of the Biathlon Federation of Ukraine Vladimir Brynzak, with a request to comment on the situation around the athlete, and also to tell when the biathlete will be able to play for the Ukrainian national team at official starts:

Yes indeed, Daria Blashko decided that she would move to the Ukrainian national team. She was not included in the Belarusian national team, there was no normal financial support, so she decided to look for shelter elsewhere. Her personal trainer Vladimir Makhlaev- approx.) once worked for us, we know him well. They turned to us with a request to change citizenship, we considered it and made a decision. Now she is training with a reserve team, with private money that she allocates sport Club, for which she played at the German championship.

So far, she will not be able to perform at official starts. On the this moment Blashko is in the process of obtaining citizenship, and as soon as the documents are ready, we will turn to the Belarusian federation with an official letter, and then we will wait for an answer.

Daria Blashko (second from left) and Maria Panfilova (far right) have already received the equipment of the Ukrainian team / Photo - FB

It should be noted that in case of refusal by the Belarusian Federation, the athlete will be subject to a two-year quarantine. This means that Daria will be able to resume performances at official competitions only in March 2019. However, as Daria's personal trainer has repeatedly stated, their common goal is Olympic Games 2022 in Beijing. At that time Blaschko will be 26 years old.

Recall that Daria Blashko at the 2015 World Junior Championships in Raubichi, she won two gold medals in the sprint and relay. And following the results of the IBU Junior Cup in the 2015/16 season, the Belarusian won a big Crystal Globe.

Daria Blashko with crystal globes according to the results of the season 2015/2016/ Photo - TUT.BY

AT best result Blaschko finished 48th in the sprint at Canmore, Canada in the 2015/16 season. In the IBU Cup, her most high achievement is 6th in the individual race in the German Arber in the 2016/17 season.

In addition to information about Blaschko, in an interview with XSPORT Vladimir Brynzak summed up the results of the team's performance at the German summer championship, spoke about the state of the leaders of the men's and women's teams, and also shared further plans for the team's preparation for the Olympic season. You will soon be able to read this part of the interview on our portal.


Biathlon. Daria Blashko: it's very nice to finish with the flag of Ukraine

2018-09-25 16:39:26

Belarusian biathlete Daria Blashko, who changed sports citizenship and now plays for the Ukrainian national team, commented at the summer championship of Ukraine in Chernihiv.

It's very nice to finish first, with the flag, especially since Ukraine gave me a second chance. And I'm very happy that things are turning out the way they are.

I felt fine along the way. The fact that we were shooting from the first installations also played a role, and there the wind did not particularly walk. Now we are preparing for Obertiallah, and then for the final training camp on the snow before the start of the season. At the moment, preparations are going well, everything is according to plan, - Blaschko quotes biathlon.com.ua.

Comments (35)

GESHHA 26 September 2018 08: 39


It will be so. Balashko has an incentive for this.

string(4) "GESH" string(17) "26 Sep 2018 08:39" string(277) "

It will be funny if Blaschko, after the quarantine, staggers our girls according to the results at the KM stages.

It will be so. Balashko has an incentive for this. " Array

Sashyk_ 26 September 2018 08: 07


God, what are you talking about, you are a Zmagar miracle ... and here it manages to find a politota ... wadded heads .. idiot.

string(6) "Sashyk_" string(17) "Sep 26, 2018 08:07" string(1335) "

and how do you think the Russians felt looking like Domracheva and Kuzmina at the Olympics stamped gold one after another, and we would feel like that, but in this case I very much doubt that it will be so ..

According to Kuzmina, everything is clear here, they were decommissioned from the ship because of a thick asshole for someone, so she had every right. I don’t understand why you are writing about Dasha on this occasion? She has always been a citizen of Belarus by passport and NEVER gave a reason and never said that she would like to run for Russia. And the fact that she trained there when her parents worked there does not make her obligated at that time to take Russian sports citizenship.

Well, you see, there is a strong opinion in wadded heads that Dasha was taught EVERYTHING in Russia, and we, Belarusians, owe the "big brother" a coffin of life for this. It’s just that some people have a very short memory, they have already forgotten how Dasha came to Belarus with Pinocchio. She confused targets, prone with a stand ... And in Russia, everyone who now beats their ears on their cheeks, then frankly laughed at her.
God, what are you talking about, you are a Zmagar miracle ... and here it manages to find a politota ... wadded heads .. idiot. " Array

Tirman78 26 Sep 2018 07:21

Dog is feminine.

string(8) "Tirman78" string(17) "26 Sep 2018 07:21" string(25) " Feminine dog. " Array

VaDoNoSka 26 September 2018 00:42


In Ukraine: Brynzak, especially recently, has been collecting slag worse than ours: Panfilov (especially the second time), Belkin (always promising), all sorts of Rusinovs and Fat, a young trinity ... Actually, in this race in 6k 4ro - foreigners. And yes, athletes also pass from them

string(9) "VaDoNoSka" string(17) "26 Sep 2018 00:42" string(692) " Argentina9 , e-May, the fact that you are chasing quilted jackets is well done. But to defend this moth, which demanded better conditions for itself than Scardino and Krivko, is simply wild. Yes, and Alimbekova clearly showed who is right, preparing calmly in "these Raubichi". So we can and should only be glad that our team has become cleaner after the departure of such personalities, even if it is at least the main hope of mankind.

In Ukraine: Brynzak, especially recently, has been collecting slag worse than ours: Panfilov (especially the second time), Belkin (always promising), all sorts of Rusinovs and Fat, a young trinity ... Actually, in this race in 6k 4ro - foreigners. And yes, athletes also pass from them "Array

yrchik71 25 Sep 2018 23:13

Gorbok simply did not come. D. Blashko tried to find compromises, they didn’t hear her, but we had passengers (or maybe not just passengers) a la Ilchenko .... well, there are watermelons to collect if anything, and Blashko is not suitable for a melon grower.

string(8) "yrchik71" string(17) "Sep 25, 2018 23:13" string(227) " Gorbok just didn't come. passengers) ala Ilchenko .... well, there are watermelons to collect if anything, and Blashko is not suitable for a melon grower. " Array

In Raubichi, starting from Friday, races of the national championship in summer biathlon will be held, which for the female team of Fyodor Svoboda and Alfred Eder will be the first competitive experience in the Olympic off-season.

True, if we talk about real contenders for the February trip to South Korea, that is, the doubt that we will see Irina Krivko in the competitive case, who suffered in September with a toothache. And certainly, three-time Olympic champion Daria Domracheva will not perform in Raubichi, who, having worked out an intensive training camp in the Alpine middle mountains, will undergo a calm reverse acclimatization.

But everything is clear with them. But why won't Daria Blashko, who is now more associated with the Ukrainian team than with her native Belarusian team, not be at the championship?

Not every Daria is a gift

I defended this simple idea back in those distant days of 2015, when many were touched by the success of Blaschko at the home junior world championship in Raubichi. And in this emotion they compared this Daria with DaDo. And found similarities. More precisely, they did not find it, but fantasized about this topic that pleasantly warmed their vanity. For the needs of the public, always wanting to have new heroes.

But the fact of the matter is that even in those very successful days in biathlon, Blaschko did not convince sober-minded specialists of anything. If Domracheva has been a comet since childhood, then Blaschko is a slow girl, and objective data did not promise serious accelerations, provided she worked honestly within the framework of the existing anti-doping code.

In fact, it was a very cruel sentence, the essence of which is this: it is possible to foster a more or less qualified athlete from this Daria, but it will be difficult for her to even qualify for a place in the Olympic relay. What happened. More than any success worthy of mention, the athlete did not achieve even at the junior level. Although all conditions were created for her and coach Vladimir Makhlaev.

Running in place

So, Blaschko was very lucky with the name. But as for the mentor, this is a very difficult question. The fact that Makhlaev is experienced, has many past merits and fusses with Daria, as with his own child, is undoubted. But where he leads the pupil is not clear.

More precisely, Blaschko herself, infinitely devoted to the coach and listening only to him, believes in the first option. No "youth rebellion" - amazing blind devotion. And this is understandable. After all, Makhlaev talks about her "genius", which Daria does not hear from anyone else.

And cannot hear if the analyst is conscientious. Any unconfirmed junior success raises suspicions in afterburner, which is not projected in any way on a brighter tomorrow. Often even rejecting the possibility of such a bright tomorrow. Junior victories are not bad, but it would be much more important to see the potential for development. And with this, problems arose. And so, it was necessary to moderate the ardor. It’s not worth lying to yourself, you need to tell yourself everything honestly about yourself. But where is it!

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

But by knocking out funds for training outside the team and according to his individual, actually unaccountable plans, Makhlaev maneuvered amazingly, avoiding objective testing, at the same time exploiting the "principle of gradualism." He was suspected of afterburner, and he came in with an ace! Say, I won’t let Blashko be ruined by adult loads, which will mature ... for the 2022 Games in Beijing, when the athlete turns 26 years old. The jokers said that the debut at the Olympics at 30 was even more promising, but Makhlaev did not see anything funny in this. Like, maybe so.

Considering how badly Blaschko performed at all levels, things began to look like running on the spot last season. And it is not surprising that Makhlaev, realizing that there will be no faith in words, regardless of their pathos, and therefore, campaigns with complaints to high offices no longer promise victories, launched the "search and suggestion mode."

They say there were winter appeals to the Bulgarian team. Blaschko was not interested there. Then the Ukrainian version arose ... As a result, Daria, who was instructed in May to become an adult athlete and train in the B team, which was perfectly packed by the Olympic off-season, simply disappeared, becoming a malicious violator of labor discipline - a truant.

But Blashko showed up along with Makhlaev next to the Ukrainian team. Note, it is "next to", and not in it. This is the salt of the modern moment.

To whom does the night bird sing?

So, Blashko has been hanging out with Ukrainians at off-season training camps for several months, but so far our southern neighbors have not turned to the Belarusian federation with a request to officially resolve the situation with Daria, who herself has not renounced our sports citizenship. The information that the knot was untied, and Blashko was released in peace and a one-year disqualification to Ukraine, was refuted by the BSE Secretary General Anatoly Stromsky. Moreover, there is almost complete certainty that this third-party rumor was launched, let's say, by the entourage of our heroes in order to confuse the Belarusian media.

But how to explain the fact of neighborly slowness? Option one. The Ukrainians are in no hurry, realizing that whenever they turn to Minsk, Blaszko’s quarantine period, probably two years, will start from her last start under the Belarusian flag at competitions held under the auspices of the International Biathlon Union. That is from March 2017. Therefore, they continue to look closely at Daria, thinking about the sheepskin and her dressing.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

Option two. They have already figured it all out and are more inclined to answer "no" than "yes", not understanding how to get out of the situation without loss of reputation and good relations with the Belarusians. After all, even if we recall the 2015 World Cup in Kontiolahti, where the Ukrainian women's team won medals, the neighbors were preparing for the main start in our Zayachya Polyana. They were met on many issues. And in order to spit in the Belarusian well, you need confidence that there is for whom and for what ...

As for Makhlaev and Blashko themselves, who, after Darya’s performance as a neutral athlete in Ruhpolding at the German Summer Biathlon Championships, managed to stir up a new wave of interest in the Belarusian media - “We are losing talent!”, That is, the suspicion that their sweetest dream is ... not in the Ukrainian tomorrow.

They want to find a person in Minsk who will be able to find justice for the leadership of the BSE, forcing the biathlon leaders to return the duet to their homeland. With an oath to comply with any whims and demands of the financial plan, let Blaschko's hypothetical Olympic debut be postponed even until the 2026 or 2030 Games.

Two weeks have passed since the transition of the ex-world champion among youth Darya Blashko from the national team of Belarus to Ukraine began to take on concrete shape. During this time, she managed to obtain a new citizenship.

“If you decide to leave, then something was wrong”

She is already a citizen of Ukraine. We will wait for a response from the biathlon federation of Belarus. Either she will be allowed to play for the new national team, or there will be a quarantine (forced break. - Ed.) for two years, - President of the Biathlon Federation of Ukraine Volodymyr Brynzak told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

- What mechanism works in this case?

We are writing a letter. Given that our athletes moved without quarantine, we will ask that it be the same with Blaschko. We hope she will not be punished for moving to Ukraine.

- Is there a preliminary agreement? What are the prospects for resolving the issue?

I spoke with the chairman Belarusian Federation biathlon (BFB) Adrian Cybulsky. It was a tough conversation. I understand when athletes leave, it's always hard, I also found myself in this situation. But we talked at the summer World Cup. Another thing is the official level. And he will not be the only one to decide, most likely, the executive committee or the presidium. Therefore, there is no point in guessing - we will wait. We hope for the best.

- Already sent an official request, documents?

Today we will send another part, we were waiting for the presidential decree, when Daria will officially become a citizen of Ukraine.

- How long will it take to resolve the issue?

Depends on BFB. Maybe one day, maybe a month. While Blashko will train, perform at the Ukrainian Championship.

- The Secretary General of the BSE said that all conditions were created for her in Belarus.

If they left, then something was wrong. It's better to ask them. I was not the initiator of this transition and never poached anyone. When they firmly decided to leave, to Ukraine, Bulgaria or other countries, then they turned to us. We decided to help and go forward.

“Blashko was offered to train with the national team, but she wanted to personal trainer»

BSE General Secretary Anatoly Stromsky assured that they saw the prospect in Blashko and created all the conditions:

We are waiting for official documents from Ukraine. According to the media, one can judge that she was given citizenship, but so far there have been no applications to our federation.

- I was told that they were supposed to send today.

Maybe. I'm on the road now. If there is something, we will consider it. This is within the competence of the presidium, someone alone will not solve this issue.

- What are the prospects? Quarantine or is it possible to find a compromise?

Let's see what kind of letter the Ukrainian side will write, what they propose. Naturally, if we do not give the go-ahead for the transition, then she ends up in a two-year quarantine. If they decide, they say, God bless her, let her go, or if Ukraine is interested in something, then she will be able to perform right away. But it will be after the official appeal.

- To avoid quarantine, what should the Ukrainian side offer? Financial compensation?

It is possible without compensation. When an athlete receives citizenship, she applies to the IBU ( international union biathletes) with a request to allow it. If the country for which she played earlier does not mind, then the IBU can immediately give the right to play, or reduce the quarantine for a year. If there is no consent, then the athlete will in any case be quarantined from the date she competed in last time for your team. In Blaschko's case, this is from March 2017.

- What is the reason for the transition? She did not train with the national team.

In the Ukrainian media, she or her coach said that Blashko allegedly was not allowed to train in Belarus. This is not entirely true. We saw a prospect in her, offered to work with the national team. But she only wanted to work with her coach Makhlaev. I see the reason for this. But he was not included in the team. We have only Domracheva can afford to train with a personal trainer in individual program. All the rest are engaged with the coaches of the national team. They counted on Blaschko very much, the team needed her in the relay race, and the change of generations ... Most likely, Makhlaev played a big role in her transition. But we don't know the conditions of the transfer, maybe she was lured with big money or something else. With us, she received as much as possible under the law.