Chubary. Horse color is the most important hereditary trait Chubby horse

Each breed line of horses has one or more characteristic colors. At the same time, black, white, and brown colors are no longer surprising. But against their background, the horses of the forelock color clearly stand out. The unique spotted coloring of such animals has ensured their high popularity among domestic and foreign horse breeders. They are quite frequent guests of exhibitions, circus shows, various special events.


It is believed that forelock horses first appeared in Central Asia. Various sources indicate that such animals were actively bred in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China. Moreover, in each of these states they were especially revered. And in Kazakhstan, the forelock color of horses was considered sacred.

Spotted foals first appeared after crossing a Frederiksborg stallion with a mare named Flebenhoppen. It is not known for certain which breed line she belonged to. It also remains a mystery what color the animal was. The stallion had a nightingale coloration. As a result of this crossing, a cub with a spotted color and a metallic tint of fur was born.

Further selection allowed breeders to significantly expand the original list of shades of this color. In addition, today the concept of “forelock horse” includes several different breed lines that are united by a similar color pattern.

Characteristics and description

Despite the fact that there are several varieties of horses with forelock color, they all have common characteristic features. These include:

  • Thin skin with pronounced oval or round spots. They can be located throughout the animal’s body or on its individual parts. Large spots are most often located on the back and sides of the horse. The head and neck are covered with small ones.
  • White or pink sclera of the eye.
  • Hooves framed with white stripes.

Such nuances of an animal’s appearance appear either all together or in separate moments. The final color of a particular individual is formed by the 3-5th year of life. Before this, the spots may move around the stallion’s body or partially disappear.

Also, most breeds of horses of forelock color are characterized by the following exterior features:

  • small dimensions (the height of an adult stallion at the withers, as a rule, does not exceed 156 cm);
  • graceful physique;
  • developed chest part;
  • strong croup with developed muscle mass and veins;
  • small head;
  • short neck with a graceful curve;
  • developed thigh muscles, which complement the long, dry legs of the animal;
  • strong hooves;
  • thin skin.

The mane and tail of the forelock breeds consist of long or medium-length silky hair.

As for character, it also depends on the specific breed of horse. For the most part, such animals are distinguished by their flexible, calm disposition and intelligence. They quickly remember commands during training and listen to their owner unquestioningly.

Shades of forelock color

As already noted, forelock color is not a specific color, but a broader concept. It includes several different shades at once, the list of which is constantly updated. The main existing colors of the animal include the following:

  • Savrasaya. Such a horse's main color is uneven brown or light red. Dark stripes and spots can be seen in the croup area. White spots are located on top of this tone in a chaotic manner. In this case, the mane and often the legs of the horse are black.
  • Karakova. This coloring assumes a completely black body and limbs of the horse, on which bright brown spots appear in the groin and lips. Also, the brown line in some cases is located along the back. The picture is complemented by the glossy shine of the fur.
  • Black and white. In this case, the main color of the horse is black or brown (in different shades). It is complemented by an extensive white patch on the loin and rump, with or without spots. White patches also often appear on the stallion's forehead and legs.
  • Bulanaya. This shade suggests a predominance of bronze or gold in color. Only the legs, tail and mane of the animal are distinguished by black color. Often the monotony of the body color of dun individuals is broken by small round spots of a lighter shade.
  • Leopard print. A similar color also applies to the forelock color. Horses with this coloring look extremely unusual and always attract attention. The leopard color suggests the presence of large and small black oval spots on the completely snow-white hair of the animal. With its colors, such animals resemble Dalmatian dogs.
  • Marble. The main tone is light, most often gray. It is complemented by a black head, limbs and dark uniform stains throughout the body.
  • Piebald. In such animals, large white spots of irregular shape stand out against the background of the dominant brown, black or gray color. They appear due to partial albinism of the stallion. The spots can be located all over the body.

It is worth noting that the piebald forelock color also has several varieties. One of them is the overo frame. In representatives of this color, spots caused by albinism occupy the main part of the body, limbs, neck, and head. In this case, the main color of the horse’s coat only outlines the white color along the contour of the back of the withers and neck.

The dominant color of the Sabino is gray. At the same time, the horse’s head and legs are completely white. Small white spots also appear throughout the body.

The Tobiano coloration assumes an approximately uniform distribution of beige and white spots on the horse's body. In the neck and head area, the color acquires darker tones.

There are also a number of other types of horses of this color. For example, glossy roan or snow flakes, trout. At the same time, the list of such colors is gradually growing.

Breeding Spotted Horses

Breeding horses of forelock color is quite difficult, especially for inexperienced horse breeders. To obtain offspring with this color, it is necessary to carefully select horses for crossing. Moreover, a number of factors are taken into account, including the coloring of the stallion and mare intended for crossing, their breed, heredity characteristics studied on the basis of previous offspring.

There are a number of breeds in which the forelock color is more common in the litter. These include:

  • Appaloosa;
  • Flabella;
  • Altai

When crossing piebald horses of the same breed, the likelihood of obtaining spotted foals also increases significantly. If a homozygous brown mare and a stallion of the same breed are used in the crossing process, then the probability that all the offspring will also be spotted is close to 100%. But at the same time, the number of spots on the body of young animals will be minimal.

In the case of a mating between a forelock stallion and a non-forelock mare (also homozygous), either the entire offspring or half of it will be spotted.

When crossing forelock parents of the heterozygous type, the next generation will be divided as follows:

  • spotted foals with a large number of spots - no more than 50%;
  • babies with minimal spotting - about 25%;
  • non-cheeked – 25%.

It is also worth noting that it is not possible to produce individual shades such as brindle on your own. The dominant gene is not passed on to their offspring.

Feeding and maintenance

For the most part, dappled horses are distinguished by good health and endurance. They quickly adapt to new breeding conditions. But still, in order to prevent some diseases and always keep the animal in good shape, it is necessary to adhere to certain aspects of keeping and feeding such animals.

When breeding any domestic animal, compliance with the basic aspects of hygiene, care and provision of proper conditions are the key to its good health and working qualities. For horses in this regard, one of the most important aspects is the correct organization of the place of detention. In this case, it is important to provide:

  1. High quality lighting. Windows in the stable should be positioned so that the animals receive the maximum amount of natural light, but do not overheat. summer time. For artificial lighting, it is important to choose the right lamp so that it does not shine too brightly.
  2. Ventilation. For large stables you will need complex systems, in a small stall, natural ventilation will be sufficient.
  3. Soft bedding. In individual pens, a layer of clean straw or sawdust should be prepared.
  4. Drinking bowls in each individual horse stall.

Attention! Additionally, care should be taken to vaccinate animals against horse flu, tetanus, rabies and other diseases. It is also important to maintain a schedule for periodically cleaning and disinfecting your stable.


The food for such horses includes:

  • hay or grass (clover or timothy are suitable);
  • grain of oats, barley or wheat;
  • vegetables;
  • root vegetables (potatoes, carrots and beets).

The main diet can be diluted with fruits. Such animals happily eat apples and bananas. You can also add cake or molasses as feed additives. If desired, the menu is supplemented with vitamins.

Important! Horses should be fed often, but in small portions. Before serving, all food is carefully checked for rot or mold. It is also important to take care of a sufficient amount of clean drinking water.


Horses of this color are universal. Endurance and strong physique allow them to be used to perform heavy work on farms. The speed, maneuverability and jumping ability of such animals ensured their popularity in equestrian sports. They are often entered into competitions in driving, show jumping, rodeo, cross-country, and harness riding.

The appearance of the horses did not go unnoticed. Thanks to her, such horses are often attracted to various exhibitions, shows, and special events. Also, spotted horses can often be found in the circus.

Chubby color in horses is relatively rare. In addition, it is extremely difficult to breed such horses on a private farm. Therefore, these animals are valued much higher than stallions and mares of standard colors. Obviously, the care of such living creatures must be appropriate in order to preserve and increase such a rare species.

In the review presented to your attention, we will talk about the best horses in the world - bay horses. You will ask why?" After all, on international exhibitions the first prizes for exterior are taken by horses of Isabella, game, white, black or even gray colors, as well as their colors. Is the bay really some kind of special horse? How is she better than the beauties listed above? And anyway, bay, what color is this?

Bay color compliments

In our article we will tell you what the word “bay” means, and also take a short excursion into various aspects related to horses of this color.

In the East they say: “If your mare gives birth to a black foal, sell it. Never buy a red horse. White will bring happiness, but it must be groomed and cherished. She is not very strong and cannot cope with a heavy load. Always have it in the stable bay horse“She is the most reliable friend and the best assistant.”

As you know, Arabs and residents of Central Asia know a lot about horses. The best horses are descended from horses born in Turkic and Arab countries. If you trace the pedigrees of the most famous horse breeds, you will find that they are most often based on bay horses. Thus, the breed of purebred British horses began with bay Arabian, according to other sources, Akhal-Teke stallions, and the British Cleveland horse is still represented by only one color - bay. In the Trakehner breed, which is very widespread in Europe, bay color also prevails.

Four main suits

Once upon a time, horses were divided into only four colors. Currently, the number of suits with subsets exceeds seven dozen, and this is not the limit. After all, there are also excuses, but we’ll talk about that a little lower. Sometimes a good horse breeder may not be able to determine the color of a horse. An exact classification for all types has not yet been created, however, all new suits and styles arose as a result of the selection of the four main ones.

The fashion for the color of the “shirt” of horses arose quite a long time ago, and breeders learned to create new colors of horses. Nevertheless, the belief that a horse’s character is directly related to its color continues to exist. It is believed that bay horses are the most obedient and hardiest. Crows are also hardy, but they have a hot, that is, wayward character. Whites are too gentle and timid. Redheads are not hardy enough, are not always obedient, and can be capricious. The hero of our review is a bay horse. We will consider this suit in as much detail as possible.

Traits that unite bay horses

The color of a horse is determined not only by the color of the skin, but also by the color of the eyes, skin, mane, brushes, and changes in shade due to fading and molting.

What is different about a bay horse? Firstly, its body is brown. Shades range from very dark, almost karak, to fiery, cherry brown. Secondly, the color of the legs. Below the hocks it is black. Thirdly, the tail and mane, also called the dewlap, are also black. Pasterns and pasterns, except for the wild color, are always black.

The skin under the fur is gray. This is the norm for all stripes, except Isabella. Isabella has pink skin.

Figuratively speaking, the appearance of a bay horse is often compared to a smoky flame. As the bay horse gallops across the field, its mane and tail flutter in the wind. At this time, it really resembles tongues of fire and black smoke.

How not to confuse a bay with a red?

A person who knows little about horses may not understand the difference between a bay horse and a red or brown one. As we have already said, red, like bay, is not a color, but a color, that is, a combination of several characteristics - the colors of the body and distal areas. Once at the stable, do not ask the first person you come across on the go: “What color is bay?”, unless you want to get a long pause in response. The answer may be overly broad. The most accurate definition can only be heard from a professional - a hippologist, groomer or representative of another profession related to horses.

How to distinguish a horse of red color from one, because they are both brown? The red color assumes the color of the mane and tail is similar to the color of the body or lighter. The same applies to the distal limbs. They are the same as the body or lighter than it.

Brown is a derivative of red, but it is not surprising to confuse it with dark bay. Unlike the latter, the brown one has dark brown fur. The pendants are the same (not black, like the bay). The carpals and hocks are the same shade as the body or lighter. We remind you: the bay ones are black.

If a bay horse has a characteristic color and can be easily identified, then it is much more difficult to understand the many colors. We will help you with this. It is no coincidence that it is believed that bay horses are the best of all in terms of basic performance indicators. This suit gives amazing results when creating new designs. Learning to distinguish horses with bay genes is very useful.

How not to confuse a dark bay with a crow?

This question is not idle, since if an ordinary black horse cannot be confused with any other, then a black black horse can be misleading. In summer, the coat of this color fades and loses its charcoal blackness, becoming brownish. This horse looks like a bay dun color. An experienced eye will see that the color of the pendant is also brightened by the sun. For an amateur, the whole truth will be revealed only after the winter molt.

Or this example: in front of you is a stallion, seemingly bay, with yellowish tan marks on the face, in the groin, in the armpits and near the eyes. The color of the body is like that of a dark dun, or a black one that is tanned after a long stay in the sun. You will be assured that this is a bay horse of karak color, but in reality you will find yourself the owner of a brown or karak black horse. You can accurately determine the color only by carefully examining the hair covering the animal’s body, dewlap and legs up to the forearm. It is important to know that the bay color is not karak, and also that the black color of the bay color of the mane and tail does not fade in the sun, like a black one with a tan.

Substrates and coverings

Subsuits are derivatives of several basic suits. Shades of the main suit are called shades. These words are rarely used in everyday life. Usually they say - dark bay dun, or light bay buck, etc.

Bay, like any other color, differs not only in the shade of the main color, but also in the presence of spots on different parts of the horse’s body.

Wild suit

For example, wild bay color is when the horse's legs from the carpal joints to the hocks have black hair. There may be a slight admixture of dark brown hair. In any case, the shade lower limbs from the wrist to the hock the color of the coat is darker than the body, and from the hoof to the carpal joint the color of the coat is white.

Ancestors modern horses They were bay, not white, gray or black.

Subhair color

This is the name given to a bay horse that has white spots on its face (near the eyes, mouth, forehead or bridge of the nose), as well as on the joints of the legs or in the groin. But don't confuse subhairiness with piebaldness. Too large spots on the body are defined as piebald and are identified as a separate group. The spots from the wrist and below are a sign of a wild bay, although there is no gene in such a bay.

Chubary suit

Chubaraya can be a derivative of the bay, as well as from the red, black, dun, nightingale and others. They are the basis suit. The impurity is white wool. The white coat begins as a symmetrical patch from the rump. White hair is mixed with hair of the base color. Spots of the color of the base suit. The further from the sacrum, the thicker they are. The skin is gray with pink speckles, and the hooves are striped - alternating stripes of unpainted horn and the color of the base coat. Depending on the base color, the shade of the tail and mane may change. Chubby horses include leopard and tiger horses.

The general shade of a forelock horse is closer to the color of the base coat.

Roan color

Roan is a derivative of the same colors as Chubara. Unlike the Chubara, it does not change color under any conditions - neither during seasonal molting, nor from long exposure to the sun. She has a greater admixture of white hair than the forelock. The head and lower parts of the legs are the same color as the base suit.

General shade roan horse closer to white.

Damn suit

Horses of this color have a sandy, dusty-earthy coat color. It can be either light or dark. The bay has a dark stripe running along the ridge. The undercoats are golden dun, silver dun, dark and light dun, and roan, piebald and other “shirts” are also possible.

Not only bay horses, but also black, gray and red horses can be dun. In order not to make a mistake when determining the color, you must first of all focus on the color of the legs and dewlap, and correlate them with the color of the body. Then look at other indicators.

Bay deer

A bay horse is a bay horse that has 2 or more shades, smoothly transitioning from darker to lighter. This color has light fur on the belly, armpits and groin, while the back, withers and croup are darker. A transition of shades is also possible on the face. The overall color is both dark and light. Shade is defined as a dark or light bay deer color.

Exotic suits

To obtain new exotic colors and breeds, horse breeders cross the best representatives good breeds with mustangs, ponies, zebras. This is reflected not only in the exterior of the horses, but also in their character, temperament, endurance and, of course, color. The process of creating a new suit is very long and expensive. Often the investment does not pay off. It is possible to obtain only single specimens with unique characteristics that are not passed on to subsequent generations. Thus, white horses are very rare. This color is a manifestation of the albinism gene, which manifests itself chaotically.

Bay game horses have a black dewlap and a silver or isabella body color. They are often the product of bay and gray or isabella breeding. This is incredible beautiful horses. The black mane and tail against the background of an exotic cream-colored skin look very impressive, but the non-standard color is poorly inherited. This also applies to other unusual colors, for example, brindle, when black and brown stripes are clearly visible on the horse’s body.

The most expensive horses in the world

It must be said that, according to statistics, bay horses outperform representatives of other colors in all respects. In the top ten most expensive horses in the world, the overwhelming majority of places are occupied by the bay color.

In the late nineties, a one-year-old bay stallion named Monju was sold at a London auction for $85 million. It was bought by Mohammed bin Rashet al Makhtoum,

Another, even more famous stallion of the same color, named Sheriff Dancer, was purchased in 1963 for $40 million.

The most famous horses

In 1924, at an exhibition in Wembley (England), a bay heavy truck named Vulcan pulled a load weighing 29.47 tons.

The lifespan of a horse is 20-25 years. It's rare that someone lives to be 30, but a bay stallion named Billy more than doubled that lifespan, living for almost 63 years.

The dark bay stallion named Nearco is well known to owners of purebred English horses. He is the founder of a line, all of whose representatives each year take the main awards of the prestigious competition known as the Arc de Triomphe.

The legendary Italian horse - the miniature and invincible bay Piccolo Ribot - once became famous for never losing in a race. He was always many lengths ahead of his opponents. The luckiest and fastest of the competitors was as much as six lengths behind. Ribot's owners received more prize money for his performances than the owners of all other famous horses.

A bay mare named Poetin kept the people of the Netherlands in suspense for several years. Since 2000, performing at the most prestigious competitions and exhibitions, she amazed viewers with the beauty of her exterior and constitution. Her trot, canter and walk scored the highest. At the 24th auction of Perforance Sales International, it began real battle. As a result, the mare was purchased by the Dutch Peter and Petty van der Zwan for 2.5 million euros.

Bay horses in art

Horses are exceptionally intelligent and noble animals. They feel and understand people very well. They have character. A horse will never hurt a child. Accidents happen if you approach them incorrectly. They can't see what's going on behind the rump, so they might kick. For this reason, everyone who finds themselves near a horse for the first time is warned that they should go around it in front. You can even right under the neck - it won’t do anything bad. Noble animals have long inspired talented artists.

In the seventies of the nineteenth century, the romance by Sergei Donaurov based on the poems of Alexei Apukhtin “A Pair of Bays” was very popular. This sad story about the fate of an actress who once shone in the world, but in her old age found herself forgotten by everyone and abandoned to a lonely existence. Only a couple of old bay horses remained her faithful companions.

On one of the squares of Kursk there is a bronze sculpture representing a pair of bay horses harnessed to an elegant carriage with a folded top. Kursk residents and city guests love to take pictures against their background.

In 2009, Sergei Krutinin’s feature film “A Pair of Bays” was released. This is a touching melodrama. Starring: Irina Kupchenko and Mikhail Zhegalov. Her granddaughter comes to see Lydia Petrovna, Kupchenko’s heroine. She is played by a bold and self-confident Muscovite who slightly despises the lifestyle of the coastal province. The grandmother’s solitary life and her calm romance with Arkady Pavlovich, who lives next door, seem boring and stupid to her. Gradually, she begins to understand that the delicate attention that old people show towards each other is true love. In general, the old age of a person and the old age of a horse are often compared.

One of the main character traits of horses is herding. What does this mean? This is a complex structure common to a group of horses. In a team of horses there is always a hierarchy based on age and strength. Horses always protect and support their own, that is, those they like. This is clearly visible in the herd when several new horses appear there. They, even if there are only two or three of them, once in a large herd, always stay close to each other and vigilantly ensure that other horses do not offend the members of their small team.

The history of the appearance of the suit goes back to the ancient times of Central Asia; according to generally accepted opinion, this is where the breed originated. Images of spotted horses can be found in numerous paintings and frescoes of ancient Central Asian countries. China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and other Asian countries have long been divided

whether spotted horses. To these countries we can add America, Spain and England, where they also have their representatives, but not in such numbers as in Central Asia.

There are many beliefs and legends associated with the forelock horse, most of them came from China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. The Kazakhs believed that the spotted stallion fenced off the house from evil spirits, protected in battle, and drove away evil spirits. Chinese military leaders have long ridden around on them to look more intimidating and majestic. This color was often compared to leopard and even tiger, which only encouraged rulers to breed the spotted color.

Chubaruyu the horse can be seen from afar; it has a bright, distinctive color that is difficult to confuse with another color. The main color can be anything from light to dark, but on this background there are always spots that most often contrast brightly with the main color.

The appearance features of the breed include several points:

The spots are often oval in shape, from large, about the size of a fist, to small, about the size of a coin. The size of the spots depends on their location. There are more spots on the rump, and fewer on the neck and head, but this is not a mandatory rule; there are exceptions.The iris of the eyes is slightly smaller than the norm for other colors. This does not affect vision at all, but it is externally noticeable - whites are visible in the corners of the eyes, which you will never see in other varieties of horses.It is also impossible not to note the clearly defined, striped hooves inherent in forelock stallions.

Shades of suit

The color has two main colors - the base can be from light to dark tones and spots, usually black, but other shades are also found. Some individuals have barely visible spots. Their main color is light, most often white, sand, beige, and pinkish spots are only slightly visible against their background. Dark colors with dark spots may also occur.

Horse spots, their placement, size and color are found in several predominant species, one might say, subspecies of the forelock color:

- Black color- an individual of any color except gray, in which white hair, isolated or spotted, is visible on the rump and back of the back.

- Leopard print suggests medium or small dark spots on a light main background.

- Trout color- small spots and many white hairs all over the body.

- Tiger– when there are streaks on the horse’s back, nose, and sometimes knees, a little darker than the main light background.

- "In the frost"- a type of color when there are white hairs or spots on the rump.

- "In the cereal"- a lot of light, small spots on a dark, predominant background.

Today brown horse quite difficult to come across. It has not spread to all corners of the world. It is most often found in Central Asia. The Issyk-Kul is a breed that differs only in its forelock coat; one can also recall the English brown pony. American Appaloosa, Noriken, Falabella and Knabstrup, like Mongolian, Altai, and Kazakh horses, are often forelocked. Other breeds only occasionally inherit spotting.

- in small oval spots, formed on the basis of red, bay, black, dun, nightingale and other “background” colors. The spots have the color of this base color, and the background for them is formed by an admixture of white wool to this color and a white symmetrical spot in the sacrum area. This white spot can cover almost the entire body of the horse, then it will turn out White horse in “leopard” spots. The skin is spotted with pink, the hooves are “striped”: they alternate with longitudinal stripes of dark and uncolored horn. Chubby suit is possibleagainst a background of any color. Chubara suit has been known since ancient times. Perhaps it spread from the ancient center of cultural horse breeding - Central Asia. The Chinese were clearly partial to this color: brown horses often appear in their paintings. This suit is still found in native breeds ah Central Asia: Altai, Kazakh, Mongolian. V. Firsov even noted that the Kazakhs had a special breed of forelock horses - the Issyk-Kul horse, and these “bug-eyed” horses were credited with the ability to ward off evil spirits. There were also dappled ones among the Karabairs. According to one of the authors of the last century, “the Life Guards of the Okand ruler rode magnificent Turkestan horsesbrindle color." In the breed of dappled Appaloosa horses, there are six varieties: leopard (spots on a white background), white and spotted-saddle (with a fairly clear "saddleback"), "snowflake" (white specks scattered throughout the horse's body), marbled (a mixture of white and colored hair creates the impression of veins on the marble), “frosted” (on the background color there remains only thick mottling in the upper part of the croup, something like a “degenerate saddle cloth.”) One of the varieties of forelock horses is the Danish Knabstrup. Horses of this type are white in color with evenly scattered brown or black spots on the body, head and legs. Because of their color and intelligent, kind disposition, the knabstrup is very popular in the circus arena. Brindle - on a light backgroundspots and stripes of the main color are scattered. It is a variety of forelock color and is very rare. With such a cheerful tiger coloring, the presence of a wild gene is most often observed: zebroid on the legs, a dark belt along the ridge. The first case of the appearance of such a forelock color was recorded in Russia in the 19th century. In a stable that supplied horses to the Yamsky yards, a striped foal was born. But then this case of great importance didn't give it. Who knew that one of the French diplomats, seeing this stallion in the pit harness, would buy him and in his homeland buy a whole herd of fillies for him. However, he failed to develop a new type of suit. This brindleness was very weakly inherited and after a generation disappeared altogether. Now horses with this coloring are born, but very rarely, and they also hardly pass on their brindle to their descendants.

The brown horse, photos and videos of which you will find in this article, is perhaps one of the most unusual and at the same time rarest among the many colors. This color can be found today only in a few breeds. However, it has been known since ancient times and has many variations. Which ones? Let's find out about this together.

Chubbar suit, along with piebald, belongs to complex spotted colors that have a wide variety. This is a rare and very original color. There is an assumption that it has been known since ancient times and originates from Central Asia. It was there, according to many experts, that the most ancient center of cultural horse breeding was formed. Chubby horses can often be seen in Chinese paintings.

So, as you already understand, the forelock suit is one of the most complex, since two background colors are involved in its formation. The main one, often mixed with white hair, colors the entire body of the horse (bay, black, gray, red, etc.). The secondary color forms a variety of small oval spots on the main one.

All spots vary in size depending on the wool flow. For example, on the croup they are larger than on the shoulders, neck and sides. In general, their size can range from the size of a coin to a large human fist. As for the features, there can be a lot of spots when the horse is literally covered with them, and, conversely, very few - only two or a few.

If the base color of a forelock horse is light (most often white), then small pink spots may be visible. This is due to the fact that the skin is devoid of pigment. These horses also have striped hooves and very unusual eyes. Their iris is smaller in size, so whites are always visible in the corners of the eyes, as in the photo.

Chubby horses always differ from other stripes and look unusual and even fabulous against their background. However, this type of color is quite rare in our lands. Found only among native breeds of Central Asia. For example, Mongolian, Altai and Kazakh horses often have this color. At the same time, the Mongolians even have a separate type of breed with only forelock color - the Issyk-Kul.

Also, the American horses Appaloosa, Knabstrup, Norikeen, Falabella, some Spanish breeds and the English brown pony have this color. Rarely are mustangs or representatives of other wild horses born with forelocks.

The final version of the forelock does not appear immediately, but is formed until the animal is about 3-5 years old. For example, a foal may be born with one pattern, which may change dramatically during growth. It still remains a mystery how this suit is inherited. It is known that the Leopard gene is dominant, but the manifestation of forelock will depend on the number of these genes in the genotype. The more Leopard alleys, the more spots there will be on the main color.

Among the forelock suit there are six main types. All of them mostly concern horses in Western Europe and America (for example, Appaloosa). In this case, the spots can be either dark on a light background, or vice versa.

  • Leopard - small dark spots on the main light color (white).
  • Black - an admixture of white hair on the rump and back of the back with or without previous spots. The main color can be any except gray.
  • Marble or brindle - the presence of dark stains on a light main color. Most stains can be seen on the nose, knees and back of horses.
  • “In snowflakes” or “in flakes” - small and frequent white specks on a mostly dark background.
  • “In the Frost” is a type of saddle coat where a mixture of white hairs or speckles is present only on the top of the rump.
  • Trout - small spots and a large admixture of white hair throughout the body.

Today, many unaware people call the forelock color in one word “Appaloosa”. But this is only an inaccurate translation from a foreign language and is an error. Appaloosa is a breed American horses, which has a spotted color. On English word“appaloosa” is precisely translated as a brown-haired horse. But it is not connected with color, but with breed. We suggest you look at the photo to see what these horses look like.

Since the forelock color is very unusual and original, such horses are often used for shows. But it is also spotted horses that can often be seen at crew competitions. Moreover, today it has become a kind of fashion, and judges even evaluate how harmoniously the animals combine with each other in the harness. Properly selected equipment can further decorate the horses, and such a crew will be unrivaled. For more details on the variety of colors, see the photo below.

Video “Dark horses of the Altai Mountains”

In this video you can see the variety of unusual colors of horses that are bred on the farm Altai Territory. A special breed distinguishes horses not only by color, but also by excellent physical characteristics.

Gold, sun, sand - warm components of the nighting suit

Dark brown color - beautiful and noble

  • Expenses and income for laying hens
  • Meat chicken diet
  • Diet of productive geese
  • Diet of breeding turkeys
  • Guinea fowl diet
  • Quail diet
  • Diet of pheasants for meat
  • Income from the sale of eggs
  • Baby rabbit
  • Farrowing sow
  • Sheep lambing
  • Calving cow
  • Foaling mare
  • Lambing of a goat