What does a blow below the belt mean? Hit below the belt. Areas of “acceptable” use - Martial arts

An action prohibited by the rules.

It is a misconception that a low blow is a simple euphemism for a blow to the groin. In fact, low blows are all blows to the groin or bladder area. In both cases, the organs are rather poorly protected from damage from a direct blow. As a result of such a blow, serious injuries are possible - rupture of the bladder, painful shock, contusion of the testicles, etc.

Another misconception is that only men feel pain from a blow to the groin. In fact, a blow to the groin is equally painful for both sexes: in men the testicles are hit, while in women the clitoris and labia are affected. The consequences of a blow to the groin in women can be very serious: vulvar hematoma, hemorrhages and even soft tissue ruptures.

Thus, various “fights without rules”, where the absence of any regulatory requirements is stated, are either criminal acts or charlatan performances. An intermediate option is possible - the advertisement announces a “fight without rules”, but the organizers still assume the absence of clearly traumatic or crippling actions.

In boxing

For an accidental blow below the belt, boxers are fined and have their points taken off. After three warnings, a boxer for blows below the belt may be disqualified by decision of the judges

If a boxer inflicts an unintentional illegal blow below the belt on an opponent, after which he is unable to continue the fight, the referee determines the duration of the break necessary to restore the physical condition of the victim (but not more than 5 minutes) and punishes the offender with one penalty point.

Current practice leaves many opportunities for low blows to be recorded or not recorded, which leads to conflicts, claims and lawsuits.

Areas of “acceptable” use - Martial arts

Unlike combat sports, low blows are an important component of “combat” techniques - self-defense systems, some Chinese martial arts schools, as well as karate. The testicles are very rich in nerve endings, and even a slight physical impact on them is extremely painful, causes a painful shock, and incapacitates the enemy for some time. Painful grabs, compressions and blows are possible (with legs, arms or various objects. The goal is for the enemy to lose orientation (due to unbearable pain), in order to deliver the main blow or exit the fight and escape.

Of course, such strikes are practiced in training without any real impact on the partner - on simulators, and in sparring - only an imitation.

Security measures

In boxing, as an element of a boxer’s equipment, to protect against possible blows to the groin, it is used bandage- a special “sink” made of plastic.

see also

A blow below the belt in a figurative sense

The phrase “low blow” is very common to denote inappropriate behavior, or a dishonest, vile act.


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  • Battle of Osgiliath

See what a “low blow” is in other dictionaries:

    Hit below the belt- noun, number of synonyms: 1 beat (151) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Hit below the belt- Razg. Dishonest, unauthorized practice. /i> From the speech of the boxers. BMS 1998, 581; ZS 1996, 351 ...

    Hit below the belt- (in communication) (illegal technique) when the interlocutor is put in an awkward position by the fact that he does not agree, but does not dare to object. So, for example, in communist times, an argument was put forward in a dispute that such and such an opinion was criticized by V.I. Lenin, and... Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

    Low blow (communication) (illegal move)- - when the interlocutor is put in an awkward position by the fact that he does not agree, but does not dare to object. So, for example, in communist times, an argument was put forward in a dispute that such and such an opinion was criticized by V.I. Lenin, and the interlocutor fell silent, not wanting to... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Hit below the pager- blow “below the belt”, use of which l. prohibited technique, dishonest, unfair act... Dictionary of Russian argot

    hit- A push, a blow, a slap behind the ear, a slap, a punch, a slap in the face, a kick, a slap on the head, a slap in the face, a cuff, a slap, a click; scuffle. Insult by action. The last bawlers... got their fill of blows and slaps. Melnikov. Cm.… … Synonym dictionary

    HIT- Give a blow to someone. Pribike. Defeat someone in battle. SNFP, 136. Heavenly blow. Smol. Thunder and lightning. SRNG 20, 316. Go / go on strike. Tver. Go on the offensive. SRNG 28, 359. Accept/take a blow. Razg. Take responsibility for... Big dictionary Russian sayings

Hit below the belt

Razg. Dishonest, unauthorized practice. /i> From the speech of the boxers. BMS 1998, 581; ZS 1996, 351.

Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what a “low blow” is in other dictionaries:

    A blow below the belt in boxing, as well as in some other types of martial arts, is an action prohibited by the rules. Contents 1 Physiology 2 In boxing ... Wikipedia

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 beat (151) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Hit below the belt- (in communication) (illegal technique) when the interlocutor is put in an awkward position by the fact that he does not agree, but does not dare to object. So, for example, in communist times, an argument was put forward in a dispute that such and such an opinion was criticized by V.I. Lenin, and... Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

    Low blow (communication) (illegal move)- - when the interlocutor is put in an awkward position by the fact that he does not agree, but does not dare to object. So, for example, in communist times, an argument was put forward in a dispute that such and such an opinion was criticized by V.I. Lenin, and the interlocutor fell silent, not wanting to... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Hit below the pager- blow “below the belt”, use of which l. prohibited technique, dishonest, unfair act... Dictionary of Russian argot

    A push, a blow, a slap behind the ear, a slap, a slap, a slap, a kick, a slap on the head, a slap, a cuff, a slap, a click; scuffle. Insult by action. The last bawlers... got their fill of blows and slaps. Melnikov. Cm.… … Synonym dictionary

    Give a blow to someone. Pribike. Defeat someone in battle. SNFP, 136. Heavenly blow. Smol. Thunder and lightning. SRNG 20, 316. Go / go on strike. Tver. Go on the offensive. SRNG 28, 359. Accept/take a blow. Razg. Take responsibility for... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    BLOW, ah, husband. 1. A short and strong movement, directly aimed at someone, a sharp push. Apply U. with a butt, with a fist. Knock down. U. electric current (trans.). U. below the belt (prohibited move in wrestling; also translated: ... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    Fight involving Roy Jones and Felix Trinidad. This term has other meanings, see Boxing (meanings). Boxing (from English... Wikipedia

    Andrzej Golota ... Wikipedia


  • A blow below the black belt, T.V. Sakharova. Olga Yakovleva followed her husband’s business projects with reverence. And not because they were pursued by success. It was just that the vigorous activity distracted the husband from his binges and black melancholy. One…

It is a misconception that a low blow is a simple euphemism for a blow to the groin. In fact, low blows are all blows to the groin or bladder area. In both cases, the organs are rather poorly protected from damage from a direct blow. As a result of such a blow, serious injuries are possible - rupture of the bladder, painful shock, contusion of the testicles, etc.

Another misconception is that only men feel pain from a blow to the groin. In fact, a blow to the groin is equally painful for both sexes: in men the testicles are hit, while in women the clitoris and labia are affected. The consequences of a blow to the groin in women can be very serious: vulvar hematoma, hemorrhages and even soft tissue ruptures.

Thus, various “fights without rules”, where the absence of any regulatory requirements is stated, are either criminal acts or charlatan performances. An intermediate option is possible - the advertisement announces a “fight without rules”, but the organizers still assume the absence of clearly traumatic or crippling actions.

Video on the topic

In boxing

For an accidental blow below the belt, boxers are fined and have their points taken off. After three warnings, a boxer for blows below the belt may be disqualified by decision of the judges

If a boxer inflicts an unintentional illegal blow below the belt on an opponent, after which he is unable to continue the fight, the referee determines the duration of the break necessary to restore the physical condition of the victim (but not more than 5 minutes) and punishes the offender with one penalty point.

Current practice leaves many opportunities for low blows to be recorded or not recorded, which leads to conflicts, claims and lawsuits.

Areas of “acceptable” use - Martial arts

Unlike combat sports, low blows are an important component of "combat" techniques - self-defense systems, some Chinese martial arts schools, as well as karate and Krav Maga (the latter almost entirely consisting of low blows). The testicles and vulva are very rich in nerve endings, and even minor physical impact on them is extremely painful, causes a painful shock, and incapacitates the enemy for some time. Painful grabs, compressions and blows are possible (with legs, arms or various objects. The goal is for the enemy to lose orientation (due to unbearable pain), in order to deliver the main blow or exit the fight and escape.

Of course, such strikes are practiced in training without any real impact on the partner - on


The mafia is immortal! But its leaders and ordinary performers are mortal. This means that we can and must fight it. Especially if the goal is worth it... Alexander Khodunov, an ordinary official of an ordinary ministry, has such a goal: his family is in the hands of criminals. If he does not discover the cache where drugs and diamonds are hidden, a terrible fate awaits his relatives. Khodunov is forced to show the bandits what he is capable of. He needs to respond to a treacherous blow below the belt...

KHODIREV Alexander Dmitrievich

KHODIREV Alexander Dmitrievich

Hit below the belt

Someone knocked on the door of the office of the head of department Khodunov.

Khodunov stopped writing and looked up. The door opened slightly, and Shutikov’s head from the international cooperation department poked his head through the gap.

Is it possible, Alexander Petrovich? - Shutikov asked.

Come in, Leonid Pavlovich. - Khodunov stood up and shook hands with Shutikov, who entered somehow sideways. - Sit down. Sorry, the paper is urgent.

What are you talking about? Excuse me. I'll wait.

Shutikov put his elbows on a small table that stood at the end of the large table at which Khodunov was sitting, and, resting his chin, knitted his eyebrows with concern. This was not at all like Shutikov. He was an easy-going and cheerful person, and usually the smile never left his face.

Having given the paper to be printed in the next room, Khodunov sat down in a chair and looked carefully at Shutikov.

Something happened?

Shutikov lowered his eyes and shook his head. Then he looked guiltily at Khodunov and, smiling wryly, reluctantly said:

What does it look like? - Khodunov frowned and immediately looked like a strict teacher examining a careless student. - Well, maybe you can explain everything to me clearly?

Shutikov looked at him guiltily, sighed and said more firmly:

I'm being watched. They figured me out.

Khodunov leaned back in his chair and silently looked straight at Shutikov with concentration. He, apparently relieved that he had already said the most important thing, felt freer.

Tell me everything in order. Just everything. - Khodunov emphasized the last word. - You understand me?

“I understand,” Shutikov sighed. - Of course I understand. Sorry.

Okay, let's get to the point.

Well, you see, I expected them to show up, so I’ve been on my guard lately. On Friday evening I noticed this distinctive sound when I was talking on the phone from home. Well, you understand,” Shutikov smiled wryly, “I understand these matters.” Former specialty, after all.

Did you listen?

Yes, and they continue. Early on Saturday morning we went to the dacha. I didn't notice anything like that there. Yesterday afternoon we arrived in Moscow, and in the evening I decided to take a special walk. Defined clearly. They are watching. And quite competently.

Yes. - Khodunov sighed. His face was sad and angry. - Everything is as it should be. These things don't go away on their own. Look, this whole suitcase story started... When was it?

And today we have... The second of June, Monday. - Khodunov sighed again. - Well, yes, more than two weeks. There was plenty of time. Why didn’t you tell me this morning?

Yes, I had to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the morning.

It's clear. Well, what are we going to do?

Shutikov also sighed and hunched over in his chair.

I think nothing yet.

And how long will this “for now” be? This seems to be a serious matter. This could all end very badly.

Shutikov straightened up and, without looking at Khodunov, said, justifying himself:

I know. I understand everything perfectly, Alexander Petrovich. Yesterday I called my good friend “from there”. - Shutikov showed it bent thumb somewhere up and to the side. - I'm meeting him this evening. I'll explain the situation to him. I think it will help.

Khodunov’s cold gaze also became skeptical.

What do you mean it will help? Do you want to tell him everything? Is everything as it is? Or are you going to hang noodles on his ears? They say they are watching you, but you don’t know why. Come on, Lenya, something more serious. Don't you understand, do you?

“I understand, of course I understand,” Shutikov answered, wincing as if in pain and sighing continuously. - Well, let's wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I will definitely make a decision.

Well, look. Although I wouldn't wait if I were you.

But Shutikov, apparently, had already seized on this meeting with his friend “from there.”

Well, that's it. We'll decide everything tomorrow. I actually didn't even want to tell you anything. I think there is no need to worry.

Now Khodunov’s gaze, which already did not contain anything in itself - disapproval, reproach, and skepticism - also expressed amazement.

Well, you're good! Well, there are no words. I wanted to take care! I don’t know, by golly, sometimes you want to take something heavy and...

Well, this will be very difficult for you. “For the first time during the conversation, Shutikov looked directly at Khodunov, and a cheerful sparkle lit up in his eyes. - You’ll only hit me very hard.

Shutikov’s wide face broke into a smile. Khodunov was certainly upset and angry. But he couldn’t resist grinning.

Oh, Lenya, Lenya. My problem is that I can’t really get angry with you. But it is necessary. Well, agree, is it necessary?

Of course,” Shutikov agreed, smiling happily. Having told Khodunov everything, he felt such relief, as if nothing bad had happened, everything was fine.

But Khodunov’s mood, on the contrary, only deteriorated even more. He shook his head and, becoming completely serious again, said:

Okay, I'll wait until tomorrow. But keep in mind, if I see that everything remains in the same position, I will consider myself simply obliged to do something. Everything is too serious - these packages, the money. And this death is sudden...

What do you think, this red-faced guy threw away his skates for a reason?

I don't think anything. - Khodunov could barely contain his irritation. - What am I, an investigator or what? I do not know anything. But I can guess. Don't be offended, but first of all I don't think about you or myself. They might catch yours too. And mine. Do you understand this?

Shutikov immediately became serious:

What are you saying, Sanya! I'm absolutely sure it won't come to that.

And why? Why are you sure of this?

First of all, because they are watching me. Me, only me, they need. It's just common sense.

Oh, okay, Lenya! Who knows what their meaning is? Maybe just not healthy. They might be watching me too.

If they identified us, then they also identified who took this suitcase. So don't worry. They will deal with me. I guarantee it.

Khodunov looked at Shutikov seriously and even sadly:

Well, I’m not entirely indifferent to you either, if it comes to that.

Shutikov smiled gratefully:

I know, Sanya. Thank you. Well, you see, this is who I am...

Not like that, not like that,” Khodunov interrupted him, wincing. - If it were like that, there would be nothing to talk about with you. Okay, I need to get ready. I have to go to a meeting with Blagolepov. Keep me posted if anything happens.

If anything - definitely.

While collecting papers that might be needed at the meeting, Khodunov did not stop reliving the conversation with Shutikov again and again.

“Well, it’s understandable when you pay for your own stupidity. But when for the stupidity of friends?! Although, to be completely objective, this now turns into my own stupidity.”

These logical constructions made my mood completely drop. And to the feeling of anxiety that had not left Khodunov lately and intensified after the conversation with Shutikov, was added a feeling of annoyance at himself.

It turned out that Blagolepov was urgently called “upstairs”; the meeting was held by one of his deputies, who treated the talking shop purely formally.

Khodunov left the building on Novy Arbat and looked at his watch.

“Thank God, Alekseev was smart enough not to smear the porridge. So, if you get there by metro, it will take about thirty minutes. And if you walk straight, then no more than forty-five. Can I give myself, my dear, fifteen minutes? Can. I’ll go on foot.”

Trying to stay in the shadow of the overhanging second floor, Khodunov reached the underground passage and crossed to the other side. He turned the corner of a tall American-style building and found himself in a small alley. Although literally a few steps away the noise of the avenue with its continuous flow of cars and busy sidewalks, it was quiet and calm here.

Keeping to the shady side of the alley, Khodunov walked leisurely along the narrow sidewalk. Ahead, on the opposite side of the alley, illuminated by the bright June sun, a large colorful flag hung limply from a slanted flagpole. Coming closer, Khodunov saw a sign under the flag stylized as a knight’s coat of arms.

“I wonder what it is? - thought Khodunov. - If Er-Er, wherever it goes. What if Pee-Pee? Yes, there is some kind of ambiguity.”

While Khodunov trudged past, the chic office door opened and a gentleman of average height stepped out into the street. He went straight to the black Opel standing next to him, walked around the front of the car and for a few moments found himself facing Khodunov. He was relatively young, about thirty-five, fit, well-dressed, short, but broad-shouldered, round-faced, blond. It was immediately clear that this was a self-confident person, accustomed to giving orders, who felt his strength and importance. He did not pay attention to Khodunov, who was in the shadows on the opposite side of the alley.

Khodunov slowed down for a moment.

“Where did I see him? That's right, I saw it."

At this time, a certain heavenly creature flew out of the same door with a folder in her hands, decorated with blond curls and a flowing almost transparent pink robe.

Nikolai Nikolaevich! Wait a minute!

Miraculously walking on high heels, swaying on thin long legs from side to side, the creature reached the car and leaned towards the window. Khodunov saw how the chubby blond man, already sitting in the car, leaned over to the right door and lowered the window. The girl leaned against the door, said something and handed over a folder. The gentleman in the car nodded and threw the folder on the seat.

Khodunov had already walked forward. A few seconds later, a black Opel silently overtook him. Khodunov once again saw the impressive blond man sitting behind the wheel.

“So where? Well, now I’ll suffer.”

No longer looking around, Khodunov slowly walked to his work. This gentleman in the Opel could not get out of his head.

“You just need to forget about it. Then it will float up on its own. Well, I got this blond! I saw him, I saw him, of course. And something not very pleasant is connected with it. And that nothing good has been happening lately? Eh, I wish I could spit on everything...