What does cardio training include? What is cardio training for and what does it give? Pulse for maximum fat burning

This is a type of aerobic training where, in addition to the body muscles, the cardiovascular system is involved. As a result of a certain load, glucose is oxidized with oxygen to produce energy, which ensures motor activity of the muscles. Cardio training is actually training your heart.

Fat burning occurs as a side effect of it. This type of fitness is one of the most effective in the fight against excess body weight. To achieve results, you need to practice from 20 minutes to two hours.

Many people who want to lose weight work out hard, but their weight stagnates. This happens because he does not fully understand how to properly organize his training and how to distribute the load.

The main criterion for the correct organization of the cardio training process is a certain heart rate.

The lower limit is determined by the formula:

  • (220 beats/min – age – pulse at rest) ×0.6+ pulse at rest

For maximum efficiency, you should not fall below this limit.

To calculate the upper limit, another formula is used:

  • (220 beats/min – age – pulse at rest) ×0.8+ pulse at rest

There is no need to rise above this limit either. It is necessary to measure your pulse before, during and after exercise. When practicing independently at home, you can experimentally choose the best option. Strict heart rate control is the key to proper and safe training.

There is a simpler formula:

  • For women: heart rate (max)=220-age
  • For men: heart rate (max)= 214-age

To maintain an optimal heart rate, intense tension is necessary, when the whole body works at 100%, alternated with short periods of rest so that the heart rate returns to normal.

What are the benefits of cardio?

  • Increasing the body's endurance.
  • Weight loss.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Increasing resistance to diseases and strengthening immunity.

They will benefit everyone who wants to lose weight and improve their health. Female representatives use this type of fitness to create a beautiful figure. Men involved in strength sports use cardio during preparation for competitions. They help novice athletes better prepare for more serious loads.

How is the program selected?

The number of classes is from three to five times a week. For beginners, it is enough to exercise 3 times a week for 25 minutes, gradually increasing the duration and frequency. The interval between training should be no more than two days. The intensity must be increased, as endurance increases and the body begins to get used to the load. It is necessary to change types of training, alternate different exercises in order to achieve the desired result.

In the gym, an experienced instructor will select an individual program for a specific person. Exercising on your own without a complete understanding of the essence of cardio exercises can harm your health.

The program includes various exercises on an exercise bike, running, walking, active games, and jumping. If you don’t have time for full-fledged gym exercises, you can train between tasks, for example, regularly walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride a bicycle to work or run errands. But this applies to exercise to strengthen the cardiovascular system and health in general. If the goal is weight loss, then only full exercise will help achieve it.

How to get in shape by working out at home?

By performing special exercises, you can get rid of excess fat deposits on all parts of the body, including hips, back and arms, even at home.

  • The simplest of them is jumping rope. You need to jump at a fast pace for 1 minute, then walk slowly for 1 minute. And so - 20 minutes.
  • Run with high hip raises - 10 minutes, rest for 2 minutes and run again.
  • Run up the stairs for 10 minutes, then slowly go down and repeat again.

Treadmill cardio includes walking and running. It is better to start with walking, since if you are not used to it, you can damage your knee or ankle joints. Low-intensity cardio exercises are most suitable for this. The program consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the body for the load (3-5 minutes) - walking at a speed of 3 km/h to accelerate the heart rate to the required level (calculate using the formula given above).
  2. Basic training (20-40 minutes) – walking at a speed of 4-7 km/h. If the pulse has reached the maximum permissible maximum (see formula above), the speed must be reduced. Then increase again.
  3. Cool down (5 minutes) – gradually reduce walking speed until it stops completely.

You can walk for about three months, then, when a stronger load is required, you can switch to running. Among other things, the treadmill is very good for burning leg fat.

Monotonous exercises may not be interesting. Interval cardio, which is more pleasant to do while listening to your favorite music, can diversify your routine and increase your performance. It differs in that the change of activities occurs without rest.

You can try the following option, where each exercise is performed for 2 minutes:

  1. Jump rope at a fast speed, taking turns on each leg.
  2. Quick jumps with both legs left and right.
  3. Jump back and forth, pushing with your left or right foot - 12 times.
  4. Jumping rope again.
  5. Lunges forward, changing legs in a jump.
  6. Jumping with legs spread to a distance of shoulder width, arms also spread. Return to the starting position by jumping – 20 times.
  7. Jumping rope. You can notice the first results after 3 weeks if you exercise regularly 3 times a week. More often, it’s not worth it, as this will only weaken the body.

Do you always need to run and jump during cardio training?

Sometimes it is impossible to exercise at home by running and jumping, as this disturbs the neighbors below. In this case, there are options without and without jumps. They are also suitable for beginners, those who have recently suffered an injury, have various medical conditions or for the elderly.

There is an interesting video course “Weight loss for dummies”, in which instructor Gay Gasper competently and clearly explains how to perform the exercises. The main load in this course is designed to burn fat in the legs, but the arms also work well.

Cardio training using dumbbells is also done without jumping. This type of strength cardio helps strengthen muscles throughout the body.

How to organize your diet so that weight loss occurs faster?

Cardio exercise increases your metabolism and fat burning speeds up. Without proper nutrition they will not be effective. You must not eat 2 hours before class and 1.5-2 hours after. It is necessary to drink water after sports, it helps to better break down the fat that has already been deposited.

If, in addition to losing weight, the goal is to increase muscle mass, then you should add more protein foods to your diet: lean beef, chicken, cottage cheese. To achieve a good result, you will have to give up foods containing fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour, fatty foods). Slow carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, various grains - oats, buckwheat, barley, on the contrary, are useful for weight loss.

How is cardio training done in the gym?

There are many machines for doing cardio:

  • Stepper;
  • Bicycle ergometer;
  • Ski simulator;
  • Treadmill;
  • Exercise bike.

On the simulator you can select a suitable program and practice according to it. Another way is interval loading on all exercise machines in turn for 1 minute. For beginners, one lap is enough, and for advanced ones – 2-3 laps.

How does cardio exercise help get rid of belly fat?

To reduce belly fat, the best option is interval cardio. You don't even have to go to the gym for this. Intense cyclic training can be successfully carried out at home. Running helps reduce your waistline. Riding a bicycle or exercise bike effectively burns belly fat. Step aerobics is especially suitable for women. Boxing and football are more suitable for men.

How to combine it correctly with other types of physical activity?

Cardio requires a lot of energy, so it is advisable to do it in the morning, when fatigue has not yet accumulated. Although some people are more active in the afternoon. If the goal is to lose weight, then you need to do cardio before strength training to enhance the effect. If you gain muscle mass and increase body tone, then do it after strength exercises.

How to make it useful and enjoyable?

  1. You need to choose equipment and exercises that bring pleasure and joy.
  2. Practice while listening to music, it will help you maintain the right rhythm.
  3. Alternate exercises and machines to engage all muscle groups.
  4. At different paces, calories are burned better and endurance develops.
  5. Outdoor activities in nature allow you to diversify the environment. Oxygen helps you burn fat better.
  6. Comfortable clothes made from natural, high-quality materials will not distract from the process.

To achieve the best results in losing excess weight, cardio training should be alternated with strength training. Proper breathing, maintaining the required level of heart rate intensity, and a fast pace of exercise will improve your health and figure. Good endurance and a strong cardiovascular system make a person more stress-resistant, which is simply necessary for modern life.

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  1. Improved heart function. The heart muscle should tense just like the others. Regular and controlled increase in load leads to an improvement in the blood pumping process and a decrease in resting heart rate.
  2. Lung health. Cardio exercise strengthens the muscles involved in the breathing process. As a result, the work of the lungs is simplified - breathing becomes easier.
  3. Improved blood pressure. Aerobic training helps increase the number of red blood cells that provide oxygen transportation. Exercise lowers cholesterol, helps burn calories and maintains blood vessels in normal condition.
  4. Improvement. Exercise increases your metabolic rate. This responds by quickly melting accumulated fat deposits and preventing the emergence of new reserves.
  5. Improving hormonal levels. Aerobic training promotes the production of hormones that prevent the onset of depression. Psychologically, life becomes easier - a trained person can endure stress more easily.
  6. Deep sleep. People who practice regular cardio fall asleep faster. In addition, their sleep is deeper and better quality - thanks to the balance of sleep phases, the body is completely restored.
  7. Improving the condition of bone tissue. Half an hour of cardio several times a week improves bone density. This is especially true for older people. A very common reason for hospitalization is a hip fracture. Strong bones improve sad statistics.
  8. Preventing diabetes. Aerobic exercise improves muscle tissue's ability to process glucose. Thanks to exercise, blood sugar levels are maintained at the proper level - the number and amplitude of its surges are reduced.
  9. Increased stamina. For many athletes this is the main reason. Cardio training increases the body's ability to store energy and use it sparingly.

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When losing weight

The mechanism of weight loss is based, first of all, on the body’s ability to store quickly accessible energy. The body takes this energy from carbohydrates and stores it in the form. To begin to melt fat, you must first use up glycogen, which is stored in the muscles and liver.

For this reason, effective cardio training must be either long-lasting or intense (interval). In a fat-burning context, it is best to give yourself aerobic exercise immediately after anaerobic exercise - after strength training, where glycogen is depleted. Another good option is in the morning on an empty stomach, when glycogen stores are also depleted.

Example. Many people run regularly. But their run lasts 20-30 minutes. The intensity of jogging is low. During this time, the body manages to deplete glycogen reserves, but does not have time to get to fat. With the first meal, glycogen stores are replenished. To get a fat-burning effect, you need to jog for at least 40-50 minutes.

With any cardio activity, it is imperative to eat properly. Without it you can't get a slim body. Yes, a deficiency is theoretically possible even with an illiterate diet. But at the same time, it will be quite difficult to keep count, and it is also very likely that you will feel a constant feeling of hunger, since if the entire diet consists of fast food or sweets, it will be small. Eating well with plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates will keep you full all day and full of energy.

Important! Cardio training and proper nutrition go hand in hand.

What does science say?

What is more effective – cardio or strength training? A group of researchers gathered test subjects and divided them into 4 groups:

  • control;
  • doing 30-minute walking 5 days a week;
  • training for half an hour on exercise machines 5 days a week;
  • mixed - those who practiced 15 minutes of strength training and 15 minutes of aerobic training (also 5 days a week).

The experiment lasted 12 weeks. The best results were shown by groups 4 and 3 – minus 4.4% and 3% fat, respectively. Strength and combined training turned out to be more effective than pure cardio. You can read more about the study.

No less interesting is a study comparing the effectiveness of aerobic exercise and diet. More than 400 women participated in this experiment, which lasted about a year. As in the previous case, the participants were divided into 4 groups:

  • practicing diet;
  • doing 45 minutes of light cardio 5 days a week;
  • combined;
  • test.

Results: after a year, fat loss in the 1st group was 8.5%, in the 2nd group – 2.5%, in the 3rd group – 10.8%. That is, the most effective strategies were diet and a combination of proper nutrition and aerobic exercise. But what does cardio training in its pure form give? Cardio alone leads to minimal fat loss. If at the same time you run into a calorie surplus during the day, you can completely forget about losing weight in the long term.

Let us make a reservation that the experimental loads were moderate. If the training had been less gentle, the results would probably have been different. But in any case, the study shows greater effectiveness of combining training with diet. Read more about the experiment.

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Types of Cardio Exercises

There are a lot of types of aerobic training - from running to dancing and pottering in the garden. The most popular options:

  • walking, including;
  • low- and medium-intensity running;
  • swimming;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • circuit training;
  • step aerobics;
  • jumping rope;
  • classes on the orbit track.

Do not forget to make sure that the pulse does not go into the anaerobic zone (over 80% of MHR). This indicator is quite easy to achieve for poorly trained people with, for example, intense circuit training.

The relationship between various types of cardio and calorie loss is shown in the table (indicators in kcal burned in 30 minutes):

Type of cardio With an athlete weighing 55 kg With an athlete weighing 70 kg With an athlete weighing 85 kg
Running (10 km/h) 375 465 555
Jumping rope 300 372 444
Exercise bike 210 260 311
Step aerobics 210 260 311
Ellipsoid 270 335 400
Rowing machine 210 260 311
Swimming 300 372 444
Slow aerobics 165 205 244
Intense aerobics 210 260 311
Crossfit 240 298 355
Water aerobics 120 149 178
Hatha yoga 120 149 178
Walking at a relaxed pace (4 km/h) 83 105 127
Walking at a vigorous pace (6 km/h) 121 154 187
Circuit training 220 280 340

Which workout should you choose?

The choice depends on the initial state of the person and the tasks that he sets for himself. The most popular option is running. But it is not suitable for those who suffer from overweight. Heavy weight puts pressure on the knees - after a while there is a high probability of serious problems.

Regardless of potential problems, you need to choose based on the effectiveness of training, which is demonstrated in the table above. The most effective options listed are jogging, elliptical, swimming and jumping rope.

The choice is also tied to the capabilities of those involved. For various reasons, going to the gym or running in the park is not available to everyone. In this case, home training is preferable.

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What is important to consider when doing cardio at home? The same aspects as in other cases - tracking heart rate, tracking lost calories, taking care of joints. If you don't have a heart rate monitor at hand, you can focus on your breathing. If the load is too high, it will go astray and it will be difficult to talk.

There are a lot of exercises in the home athlete's arsenal. For example:

  • Jogging in place is a good alternative to regular running. “Run” by intensively trampling from foot to foot, alternately raising your knees, with your heels touching your buttocks - diversify your training.
  • Jumping in place – Alternate quick, shallow jumps with squat movements.
  • - crossfit exercise.
  • Elements and dances.

It's great if you have an exercise bike at home. Without taking up much space, it will help cope with excess weight and other problems that fall within the “competence” of cardio. The abundance of aerobic exercises leaves no reason to give up cardio exercises - you can do it in any conditions.


Cardio training is contraindicated for people who have suffered a stroke or heart attack. Those who suffer from high-grade hypertension should not put a strain on the heart. In their case, only light gymnastics.

Before you start training, you must take into account the condition of your joints. Intervertebral hernias, sore knees, recent surgeries or fractures are reasons to approach the issue very carefully. Asthmatics and people suffering from obesity should also consult a doctor.

You cannot train when:

  • ARVI;
  • acute allergies;
  • menses;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In addition, the intensity with which experienced athletes work is contraindicated for beginners. You need to start with light loads, gradually increasing them and your level. In this case, you need to remember the heart rate range.

Cardio training is an aerobic exercise aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system, activating metabolism and burning fat.

The most popular and effective types of cardio training

There are many types of cardio exercises that have different effects on people. If the goal is fat burning, then the intensity of the load should increase gradually, which gives the body the opportunity to adapt to stressful conditions.

The most common types of cardio workouts are:

  • Interval training is characterized by high intensity and alternating levels of difficulty with short periods of rest. A 15-20 minute session on an exercise bike alternates with jumping rope, squats and other elements.
  • (not for beginners).
  • Aerobics is gymnastics consisting of aerobic exercises accompanied by rhythmic music.

Among the most popular cardio exercises, it is worth highlighting the following:

Run. Despite the fact that it belongs to the main types of cardio training, people with knee joint injuries should not do it. For everyone else, it is recommended to combine running with other types of cardio exercise. While running at a speed of about 8 km/h, about 6-7 kcal are consumed per kg of weight in 60 minutes of training.

Swimming. It is one of the best types of cardio, which strengthens not only the cardiovascular system, but also the muscles of the abs, legs, arms and spinal column. Swimming crawl at a speed of more than 2.5 km/h allows you to burn up to 480-520 kcal in a 60-minute workout.

Bike- a safe alternative to jogging, since it does not injure joints with impact load. Riding a real bike will burn more calories than an identical workout on a stationary bike. The amount of calories burned depends on the intensity of the exercise and the landscape: a trip at a speed of 15 km/h or a long climb uphill causes the body to burn up to 750-820 kcal.

Volleyball, tennis and a number of other team sports Helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, as well as increase strength, endurance and flexibility. When playing tennis or basketball, the body spends about 4-5 kcal per hour for every kilogram of weight.

Elliptical trainers today they are present in virtually every gym. Unlike treadmills, they simulate running or walking uphill, which allows you to burn more calories and activate your natural mechanism for breaking down sugars and fats. For an hour of step aerobics, about 6.5-7 kcal are spent per kilogram of weight.

Intense workout in the gym capable of burning up to 7.5-8 kcal. Extremely effective in terms of getting rid of excess calories is running up stairs, which burns almost 13 kcal per kg per hour. You can complicate the exercise with additional weights. To achieve the most impressive results, it is best to combine different types of cardio training.

Home cardio

Without props and additional equipment:

  1. Running in place (with high knees). 1 to 2 minutes at the fastest pace possible.
  2. Climber. From 10 to 20 times per approach.
  3. . From 2 to 5 minutes.
  4. . From 15 to 30 burpees in one approach.
  5. Plyometric push-ups are on par with strength training and cardio training. To perform them, you need to lower yourself as far as possible to the floor level, touching the covering with the tip of your nose, and then forcefully push your own body so that your palms come off the hard surface, after which you make a clap. The main thing is to ensure a soft landing so as not to break your nose or chin.

With additional equipment:

  1. Jumping rope. From 1 to 5 minutes at the fastest pace.
  2. Exercises on the step platform. These exercises usually form a whole complex (step aerobics) and the workout takes from 20 to 60 minutes.

These elements are recommended to be used as part of circuit training. Spending 30-40 minutes three times a week can significantly improve endurance, strengthen the cardiovascular system and tighten muscle tone.

How to do cardio correctly

The time for cardio exercise is selected on an individual basis, but most experts recommend conducting such training in the morning. It is during this period that the body is at its peak.

If you start from eating, then proceed according to this scheme:

  • On an empty stomach in the morning, if the cardio load is low and up to 15 minutes in time. To put it roughly, this will be a regular morning exercise.
  • Full, after 1.5 hours from eating. These can be intense workouts where you push yourself to the limit.

The main rule for successful training is to focus on your heart rate (heart rate). In order to calculate the maximum allowable heart rate during training, you should use the following formula:

  1. For women: subtract your own age from 214;
  2. For men: subtract your own age from 220;

It is not worth increasing the intensity of the training process to maximum levels, since fat begins to be burned at a heart muscle contraction frequency equal to 65-70% of the maximum permissible threshold.

At the beginning, the duration of the workout should vary between 15-30 minutes. However, during this period, the body primarily consumes glycogen contained in the muscles and liver, and only after that it turns to fat reserves. Therefore, the total time spent on training should tend to be an hour a day.

One of the main components of a successful training is the attitude and motivation of the athlete.

  • It is worth periodically alternating the pace and performing several different exercises in one day.
  • Properly selected music or a movie can improve your mood and take your mind off thoughts of fatigue.
  • On days of strength training, it is not recommended to perform prolonged cardio exercise.
  • If it is not possible to exercise outdoors, it is recommended to ventilate the room, providing access to fresh air during the training process.
  • The best sportswear for such activities is the one made from natural, breathable fabrics. If you run outside when it's cool, check out.

Interval Cardio

Interval cardio is the best solution for those who want to quickly lose extra pounds while maintaining muscle mass. Such training has a positive effect on the process of fat oxidation and blocks the production of special enzymes that provoke their deposition.

In order to replenish metabolic balance, the body continues to actively consume calories throughout the day after the end of interval training, preventing them from being deposited as fat.

This type of training consists of high-intensity intermittent exercise, in which high loads alternate with short periods of rest and lower-intensity exercise. The duration of the intervals varies from 7-8 seconds to several minutes. They must be calculated individually, gradually increasing the intensity of the load. The following equipment will be useful for interval cardio training:

  • treadmill;
  • a simulator simulating manual rowing;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • jump rope

An example of effective interval training is the following algorithm: after a mandatory three-minute warm-up, over the next half hour, alternate intervals of fast running (1-2 minutes), running with acceleration (8-12 seconds) and moderate-intensity exercise (no more than 30 seconds). ). The presence of intervals in the case of low intensity of the training process does not make sense, so interval cardio should be practiced only if you are ready to give it your all.

Cardio workout program for burning fat

The following complex is suitable for intensive fat burning at home. Only a few exercises are presented here, and you should supplement your own training program with a variety of elements.

  1. Warm up for at least 2-3 minutes. It is important to warm up all muscles and joints well to avoid injuries and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Next, you should start doing “explosive” push-ups.
  3. Push-ups are followed by lunges with impact or a burpee exercise.
  4. Jumping, during which the hands should be behind the head, clasped.
  5. It is recommended to finish with squats (best with dumbbells). A similar complex is performed 4-5 times in one workout. In the future, the number of circles can be increased, while simultaneously reducing the time spent on each approach.

Benefits of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercises are an excellent prevention of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, they can reduce the percentage of body fat and increase endurance, while maintaining muscle mass. Cardio training can restore the process of breaking down glucose in the body. There are a number of cases where people, as a result of regular exercise, completely got rid of type 2 diabetes.

Cardio exercise in the morning has a very beneficial effect on the level of vitality, increasing vigor and efficiency.

Thanks to cardio training, you can “shake up” your own body, preventing it from remaining in the “comfort zone” for long. The best results will be achieved by combining regular aerobic exercise with exercise in the gym. This practice allows you to get rid of fat in the shortest possible time and acquire a beautiful, sculpted body.

Be sure to read about it

Reading time: 22 minutes

You can lose weight without doing fitness, but with regular training you can do it faster and more effectively. How to structure an aerobic activity to achieve maximum results? Is it true that the most effective way to burn fat is through cardio training?

This article will discuss the most popular questions regarding cardio training and its effectiveness for weight loss. We'll also look at popular myths about cardio training that can be misleading and hinder your progress. And finally, we will offer you a ready-made set of cardio exercises for practicing at home or in the gym.

Cardio workout (or aerobic training) occurs due to the energy that is produced during the oxidation of glucose molecules with oxygen. This is the main difference from the power load, where energy is produced in an oxygen-free manner. Therefore, during cardio, not only the muscles are trained, but also the entire cardiovascular system.

Cardio training is especially useful for those who are just starting to get into fitness. They prepare your heart for heavier workloads. What else are aerobic exercises good for?

Benefits of Cardio Exercise:

  • Calories are burned, which facilitates and speeds up the weight loss process.
  • Endurance increases, you will be able to withstand increasingly heavy loads (this will also be useful to you in everyday life).
  • Metabolic and metabolic processes are accelerated.
  • Lung strength and volume increases.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves and the risk of disease decreases.
  • Immunity increases.
  • Relieves stress and psychological tension.
  • You will get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

Heart rate during cardio workout to burn fat

In order for cardio training to be effective, you need to exercise in the fat burning zone. The so-called fat burning zone is within 65-85% of the maximum heart rate (HR). The higher your heart rate, the more calories you will burn. The heart rate range at which fat burning is achieved is calculated using the following formula:

Heart rate max= 220 – age (this is the maximum allowable heart rate)

  • Lower limit: HR max * 0.65
  • Upper limit: HR max * 0.85


Let's say your age is 35 years old

220-35=185 (this is your heart rate max)

  • Lower limit of fat burning zone: 185 * 0.65 = 120
  • Upper limit of fat burning zone: 185 * 0.85 = 157

Those. To burn fat during cardio training, your heart rate must be within 120-157 beats in a minute (example for age 35). This is the recommended heart rate zone at which cardio training will be both effective for weight loss and safe for heart function.

You can use a heart rate monitor or to measure your heart rate during cardio training. If you don’t have one, you can measure your pulse yourself during class. To do this, count the number of beats in 10 seconds and then multiply the resulting value by 6. This will give you the value of your heart rate.

Rules for effective cardio training to burn fat

  1. Give preference to interval loads. Interval training is many times more effective than monotonous aerobics. You'll burn more calories and have a more productive workout. In addition, such cardio programs are the least destructive to muscle tissue. For example, you can perform exercises based on the Tabata principle: We train with intense load for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, do 4-8 approaches, rest for 1 minute. You can also choose intervals to suit your capabilities.
  2. People who are overweight also need aerobic exercise. Only in this case is it better to choose walking: on a simulator, on the street, or at home, for example, look at our selection: Top 10 video training based on walking for beginners. You don't have to run or jump to lose weight. The most important thing in cardio training is to exercise with an increased heart rate, and this is achieved with any active physical activity.
  3. Cardio training should always be complemented by strength training. Without strength training, you will lose muscle, slow your metabolism, and degrade your body quality. It is not necessary to perform both types of exercise on the same day; they can be alternated. Be sure to check out: .
  4. Start your workout with strength training and end with aerobic training. If you combine two types of exercise in one day, it is better to start with strength exercises. Otherwise, after cardio, you will not have the strength to do quality work with weights.
  5. Always monitor your heart rate. With low values, you will not achieve the desired goal, and with high values, you will harm your health. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, measure your heart rate yourself 2-3 times during the session.
  6. Change the type of aerobic activity periodically. If you work out in the gym, then alternate, for example, an ellipsoid and a treadmill. When doing cardio training at home, try to change the sets of exercises. This will improve the effectiveness of the results.
  7. If you have knee problems, choose low-impact cardio. Now there are a lot of low-impact programs that will help you burn fat without harming your knees. If you work out in the gym, you can choose brisk walking on a treadmill or.
  8. How often should you do cardio training? If you want to lose weight, then do cardio at least 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. If you want to keep fit or are working on muscle mass, then 1-2 times a week for 30-45 minutes is enough.
  9. Even if you don't need to lose weight, you shouldn't completely eliminate cardio from your schedule. With their help, you improve your endurance and heart muscle function. That is, you develop your physical fitness comprehensively, in all directions.
  10. Cardio exercise will not help you lose weight without a calorie deficit. This is important for all people who are losing weight to understand. Even if you do aerobic exercise every day, if you don't watch your diet, you won't be able to burn fat. Read more about.

One example of interval training if you are a runner:

Many people do not like cardio training and try to avoid it if possible. But now there is a very large selection of aerobic and interval programs, so you can choose the most suitable option for yourself:

  • walking
  • kickboxing
  • water aerobics
  • classes for
  • classes for

Also, an alternative to cardio training for burning fat can be sports activity: skiing, skating, roller skating, swimming, athletics, team sports.

8 Biggest Myths About Cardio Training to Burn Fat

MYTH #1: To lose weight and burn fat, you must do cardio training.

No, you don't need to do cardio to lose weight and burn fat. Lose weight from a calorie deficit (you consume less food than your body can use in a day), and body quality is improved through strength training by strengthening or growing muscles. Therefore, you can lose weight without cardio training.

However, cardio exercise provides additional caloric expenditure, thereby helping you create the necessary deficit for weight loss and fat burning. This means that with regular cardio training it will be easier for you to lose weight. In addition, heart training is a very useful component of fitness classes that should not be avoided if you do not want to get problems with the cardiovascular system.

MYTH No. 2: If you wrap problem areas with film or wear a thermal belt, then fat burning during cardio training will happen faster.

No, it does not affect the weight loss process at all, does not increase calorie consumption during exercise and does not help burn fat during cardio training. The film and thermal belt will just make you lose more moisture during training. Your weight may even decrease slightly, but only due to lost water, not fat.

In addition, dehydration during exercise is not only very unhealthy, but also reduces the effectiveness of exercise. Therefore, the film and thermal belt will not help you lose weight, but will only harm your health.

MYTH #3: If you do strength training, you don't have to do cardio.

Just because you're doing strength training and working on muscle growth doesn't mean you don't need cardio. The heart muscle trains much longer than the body muscles, so as strength loads increase, your heart (as opposed to the muscles of the legs and arms) will simply be unprepared. This is fraught not only with a drop in results, but also with serious health problems.

Imagine that you are only developing the muscles of the body, forgetting about the heart muscle. As your body weight increases, your heart has to pump more blood, which means it has to work harder. As a result, your untrained heart will wear out very quickly as the load increases. Therefore, even if you are working on muscle mass, you should have a competent combination of strength and cardio training.

MYTH #4: If you constantly engage in cardio training, then you don’t need to watch your diet. During classes, everything will “burn out.”

When during the day you consume more food than your body is able to process, then everything “unspent” goes into the reserve fund - fat. For example, an average one-hour workout burns 500 kcal per hour of exercise, and this is equivalent to only 100 g of chocolate. Therefore, if you want to get rid of fat, you need to monitor your diet in order to fit into your norm and not gain weight. Cardio training is a great way to burn calories, but nutrition is key to losing weight.

In addition, if you do intense cardio training to burn fat, then the body perceives this as a very energy-intensive activity. Trying to compensate for the effort expended, he begins to increase his appetite to replenish energy. Unbeknownst to yourself, you begin to eat more, and this is why a situation often arises when intense training does not help you lose weight. We recommend counting calories so that the weight loss process is clear and obvious.

MYTH #5: Cardio training should be long because fat loss begins only after 20 minutes of exercise.

Another popular myth is that fat begins to burn only after 20 minutes of exercise. But that's not true. The duration of the cardio workout only determines where the body will get energy for the workout. But for the overall weight loss process this does not matter. To lose weight, the main thing is to create a calorie deficit, that is, spend more calories per day than comes from food.

The only benefit of doing cardio for longer than 20 minutes is that it will burn more calories than short sessions. We emphasize that for weight loss, it doesn’t matter whether you exercise 5 times a week for 10 minutes or once a week for 50 minutes. Any workout uses calories, and it doesn't matter how you burn those calories: with a long session or a short session. The only recommendation is that you should not engage in cardio training for more than 1 hour, as this threatens the breakdown of muscle tissue, which is not very good for both body composition and metabolism.

MYTH #6: If you train outside the fat burning zone, the workout will be useless.

This is wrong. Whatever your heart rate is during training (heart rate), you will burn calories. The higher the heart rate, the greater the calorie expenditure. 70-80% are the optimal numbers at which you You train your heart efficiently and burn the maximum number of calories without harmful stress on the body.

MYTH #7: You can’t do full-fledged cardio workouts at home without exercise equipment.

MYTH No. 8: If you have a problem with your joints and blood vessels, then you can’t do cardio.

You can, but you just need to choose low-impact exercise options. The most important thing in cardio training is to raise your heart rate and burn calories, no matter how you achieve this: regular walking or intense jumping. If you work out in the gym, then choose to walk on a treadmill, changing the speed and incline. If you are at home, you can practice walking, for example, using this 45-minute video from Leslie Sansone (suitable for beginners too):

10 Cardio Exercises to Burn Fat

We offer you a ready-made cardio workout to perform at home or in the gym. You do not need additional equipment; all exercises are performed with your own body weight. The load can be easily adjusted by speeding up or slowing down the speed of the exercises.

The program will consist of two circles. In each circle you will find 5 effective cardio exercises for burning fat. We perform the exercises sequentially one after another, first the first circle, then the second circle. You can do the exercises not for a while, A to the account, approximately 20-40 repetitions depending on the exercise.

Beginner Plan:

  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat each circle 2 times
  • Total workout duration: 25 minutes


Advanced Plan:

  • Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat each circle 2-3 times
  • 1-2 minutes rest between circles
  • Total workout duration: 25-40 minutes


First round of cardio exercises

We run in place, trying to hit our buttocks with our heels. Lighter option: walking in place with the shin overlapping.

We jump into a wide squat, touching the floor with our hands. The knees should not go beyond the toes, the back remains straight. Lighter version: perform a wide squat without jumping.

We jump in a half-squat, simultaneously spreading our arms and legs. Maintain a half-squat position throughout the exercise. Lighter version: we move our legs to the sides in a half-squat position without jumping.

We spread our arms and legs, moving as if on a ski track with small jumps. The arms move in sync with the legs. Lighter version: we walk in place, synchronously moving our arms and legs.

Second round of cardio exercises

We run in place, raising our knees so that our thighs are parallel to the floor. The back is straight and does not go back. A lighter option: we walk in place, pulling our knees to our chest.

In a plank position, jump with your legs spread to the side. The body keeps a straight line, the back remains straight. Lighter version: move your legs to the side one by one.

Assume a shallow squat position on one leg with the other leg extended back. Jump to the side, shifting your weight to the other leg and touching your hand to the floor. The weight is transferred to the supporting leg, the free leg is pulled back. Lighter version: jump from side to side without touching the floor with your hand.

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs: Shortcircuits with Marsha.

Cardio workouts to burn fat at home

To perform cardio workouts at home, you do not need additional equipment; you can train with your own body weight. This is a big advantage. You don't have to go jogging (which can be so hard to convince yourself to do) when you can do cardio at home with no less efficiency.

If you are looking for ready-made effective videos with cardio workouts to burn fat at home, we recommend that you take a look.

One of the best ways to lose weight for girls and women is regular cardio training with a properly calculated load. During exercise, the heart rate increases, the blood is saturated with oxygen, which increases metabolism and fat burning.

Cardio training can be done at any time of the day - morning, afternoon, evening, which allows you to plan your day as rationally as possible and in a comfortable manner. Moreover, the load can be given not only in the gym, but also on the street - while walking, running, or climbing stairs.

When training indoors, it is necessary that it is well ventilated - under increased loads, the body actively uses oxygen.

What is cardio training

Cardio training is an aerobic exercise aimed at increasing metabolism, with intense work of the heart and lungs. Regular workouts lasting 40-60 minutes make it possible to strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase endurance, and keep the body in excellent physical shape. Any workout that forces the heart to work faster is classified as cardio exercise.

Why do you need cardio training:

  • for weight loss;
  • increasing endurance;
  • increasing the intensity of the cardiovascular system.

Steady cardio loads contribute to the gradual burning of fat, and in combination with even minor strength (anaerobic) exercises, beautiful elastic muscles are formed. The lines of the body become clearer, the figure acquires its natural flexibility and lightness.

During exercise, it is necessary to maintain your heart rate at a certain specified interval throughout the entire activity or movement.

What exercises are included in cardio training?

It is not at all necessary that classes take place in the gym. This could be running, swimming, skiing. And even climbing to the 9th floor or higher without an elevator can be considered a workout with a cardio effect.

If the main requirement is met (the required heart rate for 20-60 minutes), then the exercises or actions represent a real cardio workout.

Main types of cardio training

Walking. Perhaps the most common type of cardio exercise. For beginners in sports or for people with a lot of weight, this is an excellent solution - with a relatively low load, the heart is not overloaded. You need to start by walking at your usual pace, gradually increasing the speed of movement.

A good effect is also observed with interval movement - alternating a fast step with movement in a familiar rhythm. The main thing is not to stop, but to move all the time.

Run. You can run both on the street and in the gym - it all depends on the desires and preferences of the trainee. Running in place, intervals, jogging - each of these types of movement can provide the required intensity. During training, you need to monitor your breathing, pulse and general condition. If your health suddenly deteriorates, you need to stop and perform several breathing exercises.

Important. The load should be increased gradually. Running also poses a certain health risk to those who are overweight.

Swimming. An excellent solution for everyone - with a noticeable effect from the exercises. To get lasting results, you need to visit the pool regularly 3-4 times a week. The main advantage of this particular type of cardio training is the minimal load on the spine. For this reason, swimming is recommended not only for healthy people, but also for patients with problems with the spine and joints.

Exercise classes. They are traditionally held indoors. If you have insufficient experience, it is recommended to start training under the supervision of an instructor to avoid mistakes when setting the load.

Aerobics, dancing. Rhythmic movement to music provides a stable and fairly high load, which brings great pleasure. Dance and move everywhere - at home, in clubs, outdoors. The result will be impressive.

Cardio exercises

For those who are more accustomed and comfortable to exercise in the gym or at home, classes are provided on cardio equipment. The specific features of the equipment allow you to set the desired load, which is difficult to achieve, for example, during a regular jog in the park.


You can increase your heart rate not only by increasing the speed of the belt (up to 15 km/h), but also by raising the platform to 15 °. A slight roll allows you to achieve the desired heart rate even at a relatively low walking speed. Modern treadmills are equipped with a heart rate monitor, which allows the athlete to keep the load under control and change it in time depending on the indicators. Installed in gyms, rehabilitation centers, clinics.

Elliptical trainer

Specific equipment that includes almost all muscle groups. The special, elliptical trajectory of the pedals helps to almost completely relieve the load from the joints. The package includes a heart rate monitor, as well as computer programs that allow you to correctly distribute the gain.

Exercise bike

Exercises on the simulator imitate cycling with the main load on the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The installed programs make it possible to adjust the equipment “to suit you”, which allows you to change the intensity of training depending on the set parameters. Classes can be carried out in a “sitting” or “standing” position, and in the latter case the muscles of the whole body are involved.

Innovations in the world of cardio equipment

In the coolest gyms, new multifunctional equipment has begun to be installed - spin bikes, which are similar in appearance to an exercise bike and provide an ever-changing level of load, summit machines that simulate climbing to the top, and cardio stations. The built-in software allows you to set the desired training mode, records heart rate indicators, and makes it possible to expand the range of exercises performed.

The equipment takes up little space; if desired, it can be installed at home. The main thing is not to forget to provide a flow of fresh air when exercising.

What are the benefits of cardio training?

The main benefit of cardio training is that the heart and lungs work intensively. During exercise, the heart rate increases and blood circulation increases.

With constant loads, endurance increases significantly - a person stops feeling tired when climbing stairs and during any other long-term physical activity. Fatigue from the load does not occur immediately, as at the beginning of training, but towards the end of training.

During training, the body experiences an increased need for oxygen, breathing becomes deeper, as a result of which the volume of the lungs increases. By increasing metabolism, calories are burned more quickly, which in turn leads to the breakdown of fat. Excess weight “goes away”, muscles are strengthened, the body becomes more toned and slender.

Important. With regular training, your well-being improves and your resistance to stress increases. Endorphin (the hormone of joy) is produced, thanks to which you can easily wean yourself from the habit of “eating” troubles.

So, what do cardio workouts give:

  • general benefits for the body and health - against the background of general weight loss and increased physical activity, there is an improvement in well-being, sleep is normalized, blood pressure is reduced, and mood improves;
  • weight loss effect - after just a month of regular training, positive changes are noticeable: fat disappears, skin and muscles become more elastic and toned;
  • weight loss - constant exercise with proper nutrition guarantees the loss of extra pounds.

Cardio training is also carried out by athletes who prefer strength training for targeted fat burning. Aerobic (cardio) training requires significant energy expenditure, and fat “burns” during exercise.

The greatest effect is achieved at the moment when the body has a minimum amount of energy left. That is why professional cardio training is carried out after strength exercises, in the morning on an empty stomach or before bed.

Heart rate control for maximum effect

The main condition for obtaining the maximum effect from cardio training is to maintain the heart rate within 60-80% of the maximum allowable heart rate. Subcutaneous fat begins to burn after 20 minutes of exercise, and the intensity should correspond to the above parameter. The average heart rate during cardio training should be in the range of 110-130 beats per minute.

Example. Woman 38 years old. 220 - 38 = 182. 182 x 60% = 109.2 - the lower limit of the pulse. 182 x 80% = 145.6 - upper level. We round up and get the required limit from 109 to 146 beats per minute.

Important. At a certain point, the so-called plateau effect is achieved, that is, the body stops responding to training. To avoid addiction, increase the intensity and duration of training gradually.

How long should a cardio workout last?

A standard cardio workout lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. Fat burning begins after the body's energy reserves are depleted, that is, after about 20 minutes of intense exercise.

Exercises lasting more than an hour should be avoided - this can lead to exhaustion, loss of muscle mass (which is extremely important when doing bodybuilding) and even a nervous breakdown.

How often should you do cardio?

Experts recommend doing cardio training 3-4 times a week. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to adhere to this rule, since the modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules. Even two sessions a week are enough to get noticeable results. The only condition for this is stability of training.

If you wish, you can practice at home. The simplest example is to make a plank after the floor in the apartment has been washed. Just one minute of static exercise after undergoing a dynamic load will give its results.

Contraindications for cardio training

The peculiarity of cardio training is to increase heart rate. For this reason, you should pay special attention to your health. If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, excess weight, pregnancy, kidney disease, liver disease.

If you are just planning to start cardio training, the first time the classes should be supervised by an instructor. The trainer will correctly distribute the load, which will help avoid unpleasant situations for the body.

Regular cardio training will in any case give a noticeable result - excess weight will go away, fat deposits will disappear, your figure will become slimmer and more chiseled.

Rules that will help enhance the effect of cardio training:

  • a combination of aerobic and strength exercises - aerobic exercises promote fat burning during training, strength exercises will speed up metabolism in a state of rest (rest);
  • dosage of loads - cardio training should not exceed one hour in duration, otherwise protein starvation begins and the muscles become more flabby;
  • clear sequence: first - iron, then - aerobics (but not vice versa);
  • Proper nutrition is the basis of any weight loss process.

If you eat an extra cake or drink an extra glass of wine, you should not extend your workout time, but increase its intensity.

Example of a home cardio workout

If for some reason you cannot go to the gym, cardio training can be done at home. Stock up on a heart rate monitor and go ahead - running, walking, jumping rope. You can download a couple of files with aerobics or dance recordings and practice at any convenient time. Push-ups and frog jumps raise your heart rate well.

You can finish your workout at home by doing a plank - this will involve all muscle groups.

Forgot or didn’t know what a plank is? Lie on the floor, rest your toes and forearms on the floor. The body is straight, without bending, the elbows are located strictly under the shoulders. Try standing without preparation for at least 20 seconds after a dynamic load.