What is body drying and why. What is “body drying” and do you need it? Training program for girls

Many girls, dreaming of losing weight by summer, try to use a technique on themselves such as body drying at home. Fashion magazines promise almost instant fat loss and an ideal figure if you follow certain rules.

Let's figure out whether this is really so, and also what drying the body at home is and how effective it is.

Drying your body at home is a doable task!

I will also note that a prerequisite is not just finding an effective way to make muscles more prominent and get rid of fat, but also not harming your own health.

What is body drying at home?

The concept of “drying” came into use from bodybuilding. Cutting is the process of getting rid of subcutaneous fat, which allows the athlete to make his muscles more prominent and show at competitions what impressive training results he has achieved. When the fat goes away, the figure looks dry and lean, which is where the very concept of “drying” comes from.

So, drying is a professional term for bodybuilders. With the modern development of the fitness industry, the word “drying” is sometimes used to describe any weight loss in principle. This is not entirely correct. Losing weight during drying should not occur at the expense of muscles, it is the fatty tissue that should go away.

During drying, muscles must be preserved as much as possible (we are, of course, not talking about growth here). In addition, being what is called “on drying”, the athlete should be able to continue training (in a special mode), and not faint from hunger.

You should also understand that if you have never been involved in sports, and you use drying solely for the sake of losing weight, then most likely the figure that you ultimately get will be far from perfect.

Since you have not yet developed the muscles that are designed to give your body beautiful shapes, your figure can turn into bones and skin that will hang on these bones. Therefore, before you experience drying, make sure that you still have some muscle available.

But let's get back to the topic and look at the drying process in detail.

Components of the body drying process

The key to successful muscle drying at home is following the recommendations.

Drying the body can be represented as three main components:

  • Special diet (gradual reduction in the percentage of carbohydrates in food and increase in the amount of proteins).
  • A specific training regimen.
  • Taking additional medications.

For professional athletes, drying occurs under the strict supervision of a trainer. The trainer selects a diet depending on the condition of the athlete’s body, checks the training regimen and recommends taking additional medications to burn fat and maintain health.

The diet of athletes during cutting is very strict, meal times are scheduled almost minute by minute, and at the final stage liquid consumption is limited, which makes the figure even drier and causes significant harm to health. Well, what to do - the competition is ahead, and it is important for the athlete to demonstrate the maximum result.

Drying the body at home can be done in a simplified manner. You can independently adjust your diet and train in a certain way by taking supporting sports supplements.

Diet during drying

The diet during drying involves a gradual reduction in the amount of carbohydrates in food in favor of proteins.

There is an opinion among women that in order to burn fat, you need to limit yourself to food as much as possible (it would be great not to eat at all).

This opinion is fundamentally wrong. Also, sometimes ladies abuse it, which also causes significant harm to the body.

I will say separately about fat burners: if you do not know what physiological processes in your body are caused by taking a particular drug, do not use this drug yourself. Be sure to discuss its use with your trainer.

In order to make your figure beautiful and reduce body fat, you don’t need to starve yourself at all.

You just need to rearrange your diet in such a way that the body begins to spend its fat reserves for energy, but at the same time breaks down muscle tissue to a minimum.

There are two reasons for the fact that during the drying period the volume of muscle tissue decreases.

Firstly, the body does not receive enough nutrients and is forced to “feed” on its own muscles (this is the determining factor).

Secondly, strength training during cutting becomes less intense due to a general decline in activity (with a couple of months of decline in training intensity, you can also lose a little weight).

So, what should your diet be like during drying (including when drying your body at home)?

The main principle of the diet during the drying period is the gradual elimination of carbohydrate-containing foods from the menu and an increase in the amount of protein. Fats can be eaten. Their quantity should be minimal, but in no case should you completely give up fat.

Nutrition rules during drying

Pay special attention to the third point so as not to harm your health:

  • Eat small portions 5-6 times a day.
  • Try to consume carbohydrates before 2 pm.
  • Move on to the diet gradually, just as you exit it - do not create sudden stress on your body.

1st drying period (preparatory) 4-6 weeks

During this period, we need to prepare our body for the diet in order to minimize stress from a sudden change in diet.

At the beginning of this period, the nutritional structure is as follows:

  • 50-60% proteins;
  • 10-20% fat;
  • the remainder is carbohydrates (we gradually reduce their amount in favor of proteins).

On average, a girl weighing 50-60 kg needs at least 100 g of protein per day. There are special methods for determining the body's protein needs, as well as calories in general. If you are interested in this topic, there is enough information in open sources.

Immediately at the beginning of the first drying period, you should give up sweet and white bread. Gradually it is necessary to reduce the amount of cereals and, if possible, sweet fruits and vegetables. You should also eat less salty foods, as they retain water in the body.

2nd drying period (duration depending on the desired result)

Actually, this is the period of drying the body itself. At this time, carbohydrates are completely eliminated and the amount of protein is maximized.

The structure of the diet is as follows:

  • 80% proteins;
  • 20% fat;
  • carb free.

If at any point you feel a deterioration in your health, you should stop drying immediately. For professional athletes, moving to competitions also follows a period of “draining” the water. We will not consider it, since our ultimate goal is still beauty and health, and not winning competitions.

Drying training regimen

Training while drying the body is a must.

The cutting training regime is very individual for each person. Without knowing your level of physical fitness, it is difficult to give any specific recommendations.

We can only say that you should definitely continue strength training involving the muscles of the whole body. If you do not train your muscles, the body will destroy them first, considering them an “unnecessary burden.” The duration of training may be slightly reduced compared to usual.

It is important not to overdo it with aerobics during this period. Aerobic training should complement strength training, but you should not do aerobics to the point of exhaustion. Aerobic training normally burns primarily fat, but since your body receives fewer nutrients during drying, muscles will begin to be actively burned along with fat.

A professional trainer can select the ideal set of exercises for you. But if you train yourself and dry your muscles at home, monitor the changes in your body very carefully. As soon as you feel a bias in one direction or another, adjust the program.

Additional drugs

Additionally, include a vitamin and mineral complex in your diet, as well as protein and BCAA.

The sports nutrition industry offers us a huge selection of various drugs designed to support the body during diets and heavy physical activity.

In particular, when used correctly, the use of fat burners provides an additional effect. But, if you do not know how to take this or that drug on your own, you should not experiment without consulting a specialist. Moreover, you will get the effect without them.

As additional nutrition, you will definitely need during the drying period:

  • Vitamin and mineral complex. During the period of intense training and a strict diet, your body does not receive the required amount of vitamins, macro and microelements. Therefore, be sure to take vitamin and mineral supplements. This is necessary in order to avoid metabolic disorders, skin problems, and a general decrease in immunity.
  • Protein and BCAA (amino acid complexes). Taking these supplements will give your body the amino acids it needs to synthesize the proteins that make up your muscles. Taking sources of amino acids is necessary to minimize the breakdown of muscle tissue.

When purchasing sports nutrition, it is also worth keeping in mind that it was initially designed for use by people experiencing high physical activity (actually, athletes). Therefore, if you do not train during the drying period, you will certainly feel the effect of sports nutrition, but it will not be nearly as noticeable as with the correct training regimen.

What you shouldn’t forget when drying

A safe rate of weight loss for women is 200 g per day and no more than 1.5 kg per week. If you lose weight faster, you will put your body into a state of stress. What does the body do during times of stress? That's right - it stores fat. From his point of view, this is correct, but what if tomorrow there is no food at all? Therefore, if you notice that you are losing more than 200 grams per day, add calories to your diet.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the minimum percentage of adipose tissue that should be present in a woman’s body is 11-13% (while maintaining the menstrual cycle). With such a percentage of fat, the figure literally looks “covered” with skin.

With an athletic build, the percentage of body fat in a girl is usually 14-20%. At the same time, the body looks beautiful and sculpted. The average level is considered to be 25-31% fat, and over 32% can already be classified as obesity.

The percentage of body fat can be determined by measuring the crease on the abdomen at the level of the navel, stepping 10 cm to the side. Next, using a special table, substituting the fold thickness in mm and your age into it, you can calculate the approximate level of your own “fat content”.

Here is the table:

Fat thickness (mm)

Age2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27
18-20 11,3 13,5 15,7 17,7 19,7 21,5 23,2 24,8 26,3 27,7 29,0 30,2 31,3
21-25 11,9 14,2 16,3 18,4 20,3 22,1 23,8 25,5 27,0 28,4 29,6 30,8 31,9
26-30 12,5 14,8 16,9 19,0 20,9 22,7 24,5 26,1 27,6 29,0 30,3 31,5 32,5
31-35 13,2 15,4 17,6 19,6 21,5 23,4 25,1 26,7 28,2 29,6 30,9 32,1 33,2
36-40 13,8 16,0 18,2 20,2 22,2 24,0 25,7 27,3 28,8 30,2 31,5 32,7 33,8
41-45 14,4 16,7 18,8 20,8 22,8 24,6 26,3 27,9 29,4 30,8 32,1 33,3 34,4
46-50 15,0 17,3 19,4 21,5 23,4 25,2 26,9 28,6 30,1 31,5 32,8 34,0 35,0
51-55 15,6 17,9 20,0 22,1 24,0 25,9 27,6 29,2 30,7 32,1 33,4 34,6 35,6
>56 16,3 18,5 20,7 22,7 24,6 26,5 28,2 29,8 31,3 32,7 34,0 35,2 36,3

And, as mentioned earlier, the drying period should be completed gradually, gradually adding carbohydrates to your daily menu.

As you can see, drying your body at home is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to listen to your body and please it with quality nutrition and physical activity. However, in order to avoid harm to your own health, we recommend that you consult with specialists.

A beautiful figure after drying is a reason to be proud of yourself on the beach.

Many girls want more than just a slim body. Many people dream of beautiful muscle definition, which is not so easy to achieve. One of the most common methods is body drying for girls. Its main aspects are properly selected training and physical activity, as well as diet. At the same time, the lesson program should be thought out to the smallest detail. Those women who want muscle definition must perform all exercises correctly.

During drying, it is necessary to focus not only on training, but also on following all the rules of the diet, in particular, constant monitoring of calories consumed. It is worth understanding that if there is a lack of nutrients in the body, the drying process will slow down greatly. In turn, this can lead to various negative consequences, both for body shape and for the health of the body. It is worth paying attention to the fact that drying programs for women and men are different. Girls need fewer aerobic exercises and the same amount of athletics. Nutrition for men and women is completely different.

It is worth understanding that simply cutting calories is not a panacea. This will certainly help you dry out, but this process will affect your muscle mass. Due to a lack of nutrients, the body will look for a reserve source and it will be muscles. Therefore, before taking any action, it is necessary to clearly understand what body drying is and why it is needed.

To do this, you need to remember that carbohydrates can be both simple and complex. The former are found in dishes such as confectionery and flour products. Their regular consumption leads to obesity.

Complex carbohydrates contained in black bread, cereals, and pasta have virtually no effect on the body weight of girls. However, it is worth understanding that both simple and complex carbohydrates should be consumed in very limited quantities during drying. There should be much more protein in the diet.

Maintain the correct proportions and caloric content when drying

The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed depends on the girl’s body weight. For example, for those who weigh between 50 and 55 kg, the recommended dosage is 100 g of protein. Moreover, more than 60% of this norm should enter the body in the form of animal food and protein. If it is not possible to completely eliminate fatty foods from the diet, they should be limited to a minimum. In this case, their use occurs without harm to the body.

Important! To get a sculpted belly, girls need to ensure that the fat content is no more than 10%.

To calculate calorie standards, you should also start from your own weight. 35-40 kcal is allowed per 1 kg. In this case, the daily norm must be divided into 5-6 meals. Each serving should contain no more than 40 g of protein. If you eat with long breaks, this will lead to a decrease in efficiency due to a decrease in metabolic rate.

You are allowed to eat at night, but the portion should be small and consist exclusively of healthy foods. The best options are a protein shake or low-fat cottage cheese.

Important! The drying process should begin and end gradually. In the first week it is recommended to maintain the amount of nutrients at 40%, in the next week - 35%, after - 25-30%. To avoid health consequences, it is recommended to return to your normal diet gradually.

It is impossible to get a slim and toned figure with defined muscles. Regular exercise is necessary to dry out the body. Maintaining muscle mass is one of the most important principles of cutting.

It is important to observe the following aspects when creating a diet menu:

  • Basic products will include chicken breasts, boiled proteins, squid fillets, and lean white fish. To prepare them, traditional or steam cooking is used. They can be used without time restrictions.
  • Sources of carbohydrates that need to be controlled in quantity are oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, rye pasta, cabbage, cucumbers, and greens.
  • For drinking, it is best to use only pure water or ginger tea without adding any sweetener.
Weekly menu for best drying results
Day Eating Menu
Monday Breakfast Unpolished rice - 3 tbsp. spoons
Boiled egg white – 2 pcs.
Snack Chicken fillet with vegetables
Dinner Cabbage salad
Afternoon snack Seafood salad
Dinner Boiled turkey breast
Tuesday Breakfast Egg white omelette prepared without adding oil
Snack Shrimp and egg salad
Dinner Vegetables
Rabbit meat
Afternoon snack Rice
Dinner Baked hake
Wednesday Breakfast Rice – 3 tbsp. spoons
Fresh cucumbers
Snack Boiled beef
Dinner Baked tuna
Lettuce leaves
Afternoon snack Fresh vegetables
Dinner Vegetables
Pollock fillet
Thursday Breakfast Cutlets steamed from chicken fillet with rice and egg whites
Snack Egg whites – 5 pcs.
Dinner Rice
Afternoon snack Squid
Dinner Turkey fillet
Friday Breakfast Rice
Snack Steamed lean fish cutlets
Dinner Cabbage
Afternoon snack Vegetable salad
Dinner Cabbage
Steamed tuna
Saturday Breakfast Steamed fish cutlets
Green tea
Snack Rice
Dinner Baked veal
Fresh vegetables
Afternoon snack Vegetable stew
Dinner Chicken breast baked with vegetables
Sunday Breakfast Egg and rice omelette
Black tea
Snack Quail eggs (with yolk)
Dinner Eggs
Lettuce leaf
Afternoon snack Boiled squid
Dinner Fresh vegetable and beef salad

Sugar should be completely excluded. It is not used in drinks or cooking.

Drying the body for women implies the complete exclusion of the following products:

  • Dairy products due to the monosaccharide lactose they contain. This substance is milk sugar.
  • Flour and confectionery products, which contain large quantities of simple carbohydrates.
  • Fried meat, lard and other sources of fat.

Where is the safety line?

You can't dry it indefinitely. The optimal result, which does not entail negative consequences for the body, is fat loss in the amount of 200 g. At the same time, weight loss per week should not exceed 1.5 kg for girls of any build. If this indicator is higher, it means that the muscles are losing their mass and shape.

Practical advice: It is worth paying attention to training. Aerobic exercise requires a lot of energy and puts a lot of stress on the body. They can be safely equated to strength training.

Sports nutrition and drying

Thanks to the presence of effective sports supplements, the desired result can be achieved faster. Their main advantages are that they help improve the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

But you need to remember the basic rules of admission.

  • Creatine. It is a popular and effective product that allows you to quickly get the desired result in bodybuilding. Recommended for those girls who want not only to gain definition and lose the maximum amount of fat. However, it is necessary to increase aerobic exercise.
  • Protein. Recommended for all girls who want to dry out their stomach and whole body. Its positive property is that it provides the body with protein and amino acids, the absorption of which does not require a large amount of energy.
  • If your weight is 8-10 kg more than ideal due to muscles, then it is recommended to use amino acids and protein in your diet. Protein powders and BCAAs are good recommendations.
  • Before you start and immediately after training, you need to consume 5 g of BCAAs.
  • Protein shakes are drunk an hour after exercise.
  • Before training (1.5-2 hours), it is recommended to consume protein shakes with a small amount of carbohydrates.

Creating the right training cycle for cutting

Many people do not know how to dry the body at home so that the body develops evenly and there are no consequences for the body. For a good result, you need to choose a good set of aerobics and athletics classes. The correct training complex for drying girls consists of exercises that use all the muscles of the body. In this case, it is recommended to do 5-6 sets, repeating training for the lower part of the body 15-20, for the upper part - 12-15. The recommended interval between sets is 90-120 seconds. Thanks to this scheme, the maximum number of muscle fibers is involved in the work and anabolic processes are activated.

Practical advice: If you have a large fat layer, it is recommended to avoid breaks between approaches and use circuit training instead of the scheme described above. If significant weight loss is not required, then you can do aerobic exercises and pumping workouts.

A set of exercises for drying girls’ bodies should also include running on an exercise bike; bicycle ergometer or ellipsoid. Frequency: three times a week. At the same time, on free days it is necessary to give the body rest and recovery. Otherwise, excessive stress can lead to health problems. If all the rules are followed, every girl can achieve amazing results. You can gain up to 15 kg of weight using muscles alone.

Contraindications for drying

The main contraindications to drying are:

  • pregnancy;
  • disorders of the liver and pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

After reading, every lady will know what drying is, what this process consists of, and also what drying postulates exist. In addition, we will consider the practical side of the issue, i.e. a specific training program and diet for muscle development.

In anticipation of summer, fitness clubs and gyms are filled with a huge number of clients who are eager to lose extra pounds and prepare their bodies for the beach season. And, as practice shows, girls visit the gym much more often than guys, but there is much less information for them on the Internet. Therefore, today let's look at the issues of drying the body for girls.

Are drying and losing weight the same thing?

Due to the scarce information regarding giving the body a sculpted appearance, many young ladies (and not only) do not understand the conceptual apparatus precisely and often equate drying with losing weight. However, these are two completely different processes.

Drying is a bakery product that involves the process of developing muscles by reducing the level of subcutaneous fat to a certain percentage ( 8-12% ). Its main goal is to bring the muscles to the first place, i.e. cutting them out from under the fat mass. – general loss of body weight, and not necessarily just fat. The goal of losing weight is, for example, to fit into your prenatal (or simply favorite in your youth) jeans, and not by pushing and compacting your body, but by entering smoothly, like clockwork :).

Drying the body involves carrying out the following work preceding this process:

  • strict adherence to a mass-gaining training program in a certain number of repetitions and approaches;
  • increased caloric intake to help maintain an anabolic environment for growth;
  • development (in a certain ratio) of fat and muscle tissue.

In other words, drying the body for girls is not a momentary “I want to dry out quickly for the summer”, it is the young ladies consciously taking certain steps and restructuring their diet at the right time and adjusting the training program. It follows that muscle drying is not a process for everyone, and it is often inappropriate to carry it out with only one goal - to go to the beach beautifully several times, because the game is not worth the candle. Of course, if your life involves constant photo shoots, beach events and relaxation, then drying is for you. If the goal is 1 once a year for 2-3 If you go on vacation to a warm country for a week and show off your curves there, then keep in mind that the time spent and effort spent on getting yourself into a dried form do not correlate with the time it takes to demonstrate it.

Therefore, I warned you, and you decide whether the game is worth the candle! If it’s worth it, then we move on.

So, as you already understand, drying the body implies the initial presence of total mass - both muscle and fat, otherwise the process will resemble bone carving. I mean, what if a girl weighs 45 kg with height 175 cm, then there can be no talk of any drying here. The optimal starting material for a girl 170 cm tall is a weight of 60 kg and the corresponding ratio of fat to muscle mass. In particular, the initial level of subcutaneous fat should be within 20-25% .

It is also important to remember that burning muscles is much easier than fat, so during the drying period they need qualitative and quantitative nutritional and strength support. Muscle is an energy-consuming structure, while adipose tissue consumes much less calories. Therefore, the goal of cutting is to simultaneously preserve muscle and get rid of fat.

When you eat carbohydrates, the body enters an intense mode of increasing and storing glucose. It begins to quickly accumulate in muscle fibers and liver cells, forming a reserve of such substances in the form of a glycogen depot. If the control of carbohydrates is not moderate and the latter continue to enter the body, and their quantity exceeds the norm, and the muscle fibers and liver cells are “clogged” with glycogen, then glucose is converted into fat. This excess fat is stored in fat cells, adipocytes. This process is reversible, so if the body lacks glucose, it takes it from glycogen. Once the source is exhausted, the production of glucose from fat cells begins. The process of breakdown/destruction of fats (lipolysis) is complex and requires significant energy consumption.

Lack of carbohydrates

With acute glucose deficiency, the process of fat breakdown is not complete, and under-digested residues and ketone bodies accumulate in the body, the blood becomes acidic, which leads to the development of ketoacidosis. To suppress this process, burn ketones and help the body, you need to refuel with carbohydrates. Otherwise, poisoning and intoxication of the body increases, and the person may fall into a coma.

Conclusion: “no carbohydrates” really leads to the breakdown of fats, but it is dangerous because... leads the body to ketoacidosis.

Features of body drying for girls

The process of drying the body is (to a greater extent) not a way to rid the body of excess fluid, it is an effective method of burning fat, the main source of energy in which is carbohydrates. The female body is more sensitive (than the male) to various biochemical changes that occur in it. Therefore, it is important not to go too far, bringing it to exhaustion/coma, and to load the body with carbohydrates (including simple ones) in a timely manner. Another feature is the presence of the original drying material, i.e. muscle mass - it should be there. Due to the fact that ladies are not used to working in a strength style and free weights, it will be necessary to move from fitness-toning training to mass-building training by selecting a special training program.

The cutting training program for girls involves a high number of repetitions and light weights due to the fact that their (your) body better tolerates long-term loads (more endurance) due to the predominance of slow red muscle fibers.

Step #1. Drying the body - simple arithmetic

It is important to understand even before starting drying procedures what kind of body (with what composition) can be obtained at the output. And a simple example and arithmetic will help us figure this out. Suppose we have a girl Christina weighing 60 kg, height 175 cm and percentage of subcutaneous fat 20% . The task is to determine the weight at 10% fat and maintaining the current muscle mass gained.

The table below shows the basic arithmetic for achieving your ideal weight.


Net muscle mass is a conditional value that reflects the weight of muscles, bones, blood, and organs, excluding fat.

As you can see, the weight should be 54,3 kg, i.e. need to lose fat mass 6 kg.

Step No. 2. Keeping a food diary

Losing fat mass while maintaining muscle mass is, first of all, a matter of the right approach to nutrition. The energy balance equation states that if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Otherwise, mass gain will occur. Therefore, you will have to count calories, both total for the day and for each meal.

Here's what it might look like.

I don’t argue that it’s a hassle, but no one said it would be easy. To make it easier for you to calculate KBZHU, you can use specialized counting programs or online calculators on the website, for example, this one.

Having such a table at hand, you will be able to manage your diet and the ratio of its micronutrients, changing their amount depending on the change in your figure (decrease/increase in fat mass). The main rule when cutting is an increased dose of protein. Remember, lean protein should account for the majority (from 40 before 50% ) daily diet.

Protein makes you feel full and helps maintain muscle mass, protecting it from burning out. Vegetables/fiber go well with protein, so make your meals a combination of these foods.

So, now let's talk about...

Basic rules for drying the body

During the drying process, it is very important to obtain not only the desired effect for the body, but also to avoid negative consequences for the body. Compliance with the following rules will help you solve these problems.

Rule #1

Maintain a stable sugar level throughout the day, without ups and downs; to do this, stick to fractional meals ( 5-7 techniques) and the right products.

Rule #2

Consume amount of clean water = [your weight]x0.03. Cool water allows the body to expend more energy on its utilization.

Rule #3

Learn to count calories and gradually reduce your intake, but remember that cutting calories from carbohydrates can eventually deplete your glycogen stores, which can cause active muscle tissue to burn. Increase carbohydrates by 100-200 gr 1 once a week will replenish your glycogen stores enough to avoid muscle loss.

Rule #4

The correct drying process should take from 8 before 12 weeks

Rule #5

Cutting training involves high intensity (high repetitions, light weights, combinations of exercises in sets/supersets) or strength volume training (better suited for men).

Rule #6

When cutting back on carbohydrates, increase your intake of lean protein to prevent your body from burning muscle, particularly in numbers. 1,5-2 To/ 1 kg up to 2-3 gr.

Rule #7

If there is a sharp restriction of calories, the body will try to store energy in reserve, slowing down its metabolism. Moderate reduction in calories (weekly reduction by 100-200 kcal), allows the body to switch to burning fat and not put metabolism into a tailspin.

Rule #8

Thermogenic/thermogenic fat burners effectively stimulate the central nervous system, increase norepinephrine production, help prevent metabolic slowing, and allow fat cells to release and burn fat.

Rule #9

Glutamine “spares” the burning of branched chain amino acids, which are used in large quantities when calories are reduced. Glutamine also increases metabolic rate and fat burning. Take according to 5 gr BCAA before and again 5 g after training, as well as at breakfast and before bed.

Rule #10

Over time, all diets cause a slowdown in metabolism, when you “get to the point” and realize that your metabolism has frozen, load yourself up on 1-2 day with good carbohydrates and fats. This unloading will shake up the thyroid hormones, and when you return to the diet, you will continue to burn subcutaneous fat.

Rule #11

Avoid non-fibrous carbohydrates (white rice, bread); slow-digesting carbohydrates (brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes) will result in greater long-term fat loss. High insulin levels are associated with greater fat storage and less fat burning. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which control insulin levels.

Rule #12

Sometimes it is necessary to go to extremes, for example, arranging for yourself 1 once every 10-12 critical low-carb day, limiting carbohydrate intake to 50-80 d. This can trick the body into losing more fat by reducing glycogen stores. This enhances fat burning.

Rule #13

A pre-workout meal should include fast-digesting protein (whey protein) and slow-digesting carbohydrates, oatmeal, and whole grain bread.

Rule #14

Fats from most types of fish can compensate for FA deficiency and stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, you need to include fish in your meals at least 1 once a day.

Rule #15

The main goal of the diet, besides preserving muscle mass, is to maximize growth hormone (GH). It prevents muscle burning and stimulates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. GH levels rise for the first time 90 minutes after falling asleep, but the total amount of glucose (from digested carbohydrates) in the blood affects the release of growth hormone. Low glucose levels promote maximum release of the growth hormone. Therefore, if your training ends in the evening (after 7 ), and you go to bed in 23-00 , then refrain from taking carbohydrates in the last 1-2 taken before bed.

Exercises for weight loss. Body drying for girls:

Body drying as a term is most often used among bodybuilders. Usually the body before a competition to remove excess fat. This allows you to demonstrate your muscles in all their glory. Sometimes girls dry their bodies to look better. Excess fat is removed much easier by diet than by the most strenuous exercises. Every professional bodybuilder is familiar with diets in practice.

Why is body drying necessary?

When playing sports, strength training or aerobic exercise, the body's metabolism increases. This leads to the building of muscle mass and fat. Unfortunately, it is impossible to grow muscle and lose fat at the same time without resorting to dieting.

Body drying is designed to highlight beautiful muscles. If they are hidden behind a layer of fat, then they do not look as impressive as we would like. That is, drying the body is getting rid of fats to give the body a beautiful, almost ideal look.

For people who are far from sports, drying the body is perceived as getting rid of excess water in the body. In practice, fats are removed as lean body mass increases. Some professional bodybuilders manage to lose up to 30 kg of total mass in a couple of months, maintaining the beauty and volume of their muscles.

Is drying your body harmful?

Products that are suitable for drying the body contain virtually no carbohydrates and fats. The cutting diet is called ketone or carbohydrate-free. It is unsafe for health. If you handle the process incorrectly, you can greatly harm the body.

In ancient times, some convicts were fed exclusively meat. After a few weeks, this led to death, since the body did not receive the necessary fats and carbohydrates.

On competition day, an athlete has 7-13% body fat. This is very little; it is dangerous to live in such a state for more than a week. Perfect drying is achieved in several stages.

Stages of body drying

The first stage of drying is a low-carb diet. About 60% protein and no more than 20% fat are consumed. The rest remains carbohydrates. The period lasts from a month to a month and a half.

The second stage of drying is called a low-carbohydrate diet. Protein is consumed up to 80%, the rest is allocated to fats.

The third stage of drying is a carbohydrate-free diet, as well as “draining the water.” Minimum fats and carbohydrates. Almost all food is protein. In this case, only distilled water is used. You should not try to hold out at this stage for more than a week.

The fourth stage of drying is “carbohydrate loading”. You begin to take carbohydrates, which in three days can help build muscle to a decent volume. The athlete is ready for competition.

Body drying is a term that came into use relatively recently thanks to bodybuilders. So what is it and why dry your body? First of all, in order to destroy excess fat, which no gymnastics can cope with.

Drying the body is a unique way to make the body sculpted, toned, athletic, with beautiful noticeable muscles, without excess subcutaneous fat. This effect is achieved by special exercises and a diet in which no more than 50 grams are consumed per day. carbohydrates, some protein foods and fats.

You need to start drying your body gradually so that the body has time to adapt to the new diet. It is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed over several days. It is advisable to start such a diet under the supervision of a trainer, especially if cutting is carried out for the first time. Sometimes severe discomfort occurs. In this case, this diet will have to be stopped.

Some people think that drying the body means limiting water consumption. This is a completely wrong opinion. In fact, this is a significant reduction only in carbohydrates. Drying is good because when you lose weight up to 30 kg in three months, the muscles are completely preserved, but they become pronounced. The body becomes beautiful, athletic, healthy.

Products necessary for drying the body should be carbohydrate-free, with a minimum fat content. This diet can be quite dangerous, as we said earlier, and strict control is needed when maintaining it.

By the way, even in ancient times in the East there was a meat death penalty. The criminal was chained, not allowing him to move, and fed only boiled meat. Rarely could anyone live more than a month. Everyone died from terrible agony due to self-poisoning from decaying protein products. So if you decide to dry your body, be attentive to your well-being.

So how should you dry it so as not to harm yourself?

First of all, you need to understand what happens in the body when you are on such a diet and what foods you can consume.

Carbohydrates in the body are the main source of energy, built on the use of glucose, which requires insulin. It is the excess insulin that is deposited in the form of liver glycogen, and a little more in the form of muscle glycogen. If we consume more carbohydrates in food than required, glucose begins to be converted into fat deposits.

Products for drying the female body:

Boiled or raw egg white. No yolk!;
Boiled squid fillet;
Boiled or baked chicken fillet;
Boiled or baked white fish;
Buckwheat and oatmeal;
Pasta for diabetics made from rye flour;
Cucumbers, cabbage and greens;
Purified water without restrictions, green and ginger tea without sugar.

Prohibited when drying the body:

Salt (limit);
Potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips and other root vegetables;
Any fats;
Dairy products.

Any diet has contraindications, and a low-carbohydrate diet is no exception.

Various kidney diseases;
Pancreatic diseases;
Liver diseases;
Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
Pregnancy and breastfeeding.