What is circuit training in fitness. Circuit training. The principle of constructing circuit training

Circuit training― this is a set of exercises that puts stress on all major muscle groups. The circuit training presented below is designed specifically for women, taking into account their physiological characteristics.

The benefits of circuit training include:

  1. Formation muscle corset, which is important for beginners and those who have had a long break between sports activities (from 6 months).
  2. Support muscle tone. Designed for women who periodically devote time to physical exercise.
  3. Strengthening the cardiovascular system, preventing concomitant diseases.

The exercises that make up circuit training also have their drawbacks, including:

  1. The presence of minimal variety when performing exercises.
  2. Short duration of classes. Circular training with an intensive approach becomes ineffective after 1.5 - 2 months.
  3. Circuit training does not allow for development aimed at specific muscle groups. During classes, the load will be distributed across all major muscle groups, regardless of the woman’s preferences.

Features of circuit training

The goal of circuit training is the development of muscle groups, divided into:

  1. Large muscle group - muscles of the legs, back, chest.
  2. The small muscle group includes the biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles.

Particular attention to circuit training should be paid to the following groups of participants:

  1. For beginners who visited the gym for the first time, as well as for women who decided to take up sports.
  2. If possible, pay attention to classes no more than once a week.

The effectiveness of circular training is 1.5 - 2 months. After this period, it is advisable to move on to the next stage of training - split - training that allows you to pay more attention to specific muscle groups.

Circuit training in the gym

Before you begin the exercises that are part of the circuit training, a warm-up is necessary. Target warm-up exercises- bring the heart rate to the target zone.

It is necessary to start with a load on large muscle groups, since a significant amount of energy is spent on them. If you perform this complex last, the remaining energy may not be enough.

Each exercise requires 4 sets, the recommended number of repetitions is 15. The weight is selected so that the load is noticeable. Over time, the weight of the load gradually increases. Below is approximate complex exercises for the gym when visiting 3 times a week.

The first day:

  1. . The goal is to develop the chest muscles.
  2. . Back exercise.
  3. . Shoulder muscles work.
  4. , that is, supination. The exercise is aimed at developing the biceps muscles. The hand is turned inward.
  5. Triceps extension down on a block using a V-handle.
  6. . Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  7. Ab development. Raising legs by bending the knees in a machine with elbow rests.

Second day:

  1. trains the back muscles.
  2. Lat Pulldown, Back Exercise
  3. Exercises for the chest muscles. .
  4. Impact on the shoulders - swinging dumbbells to the sides.
  5. - bending the barbell in cattle.
  6. Triceps exercises - extension of the upper block.
  7. Abdominal exercises.

Day three:

  1. . Leg muscles work.
  2. Lying position on a bench. Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides.
  3. . There is an emphasis on the back.
  4. Bent-over dumbbell raises. Rear deltoids are trained.
  5. Emphasis on biceps -
  6. Raising the legs from a hanging position on the bar.

Considering the number of exercises and approaches, the approximate training time is estimated at 30 minutes.

Circuit training at home

The conditions for doing circuit training at home do not differ significantly from general requirements. Before starting a set of exercises, it is necessary to warm up starting with the upper muscle groups.

The optimal number of approaches is 4 x 15 repetitions

The set of exercises includes the following classes:

  1. Twisting from a lying position on the floor. Abdominal muscles work.
  2. Squat with dumbbells, arms lowered parallel to the body.
  3. Side lunges with dumbbells, bending your elbows. When returning to the starting position while standing, the elbows extend.
  4. Exercise "boat" for the back and abs. You need to lie on your stomach, legs slightly bent, heels together. It is necessary to fix the body in this position for several seconds, raising your legs up.
  5. Dumbbell press up. Performed from a sitting position.
  6. from a support, which can serve as a chair or sofa at home.
  7. Standing dumbbell lateral raises.

Circuit training is great for beginners and those who have had experience long breaks in sports. It is best if the set of exercises is carried out in gym. However, if it is not possible to visit sport sections The exercises included in the circuit training can be performed while staying at home.

It should be remembered that circuit training is physical training to move on to more complex and intense sports activities. The approximate period for completing classes is approximately 6 weeks. To achieve significant results, further exercises must be aimed at specific muscle groups.

Be sure to read about it

What is circuit training and how does it differ from other types? physical activity? What is the purpose of such exercises, what are the benefits and why is it worth doing circuit training for weight loss? We tell you in detail about possible results and the processes in the body that this type of training triggers.

Just recently we published a review article about, today we will look at another equally effective training. Circuit training – great way lose weight and get your body looking great. Even if your figure is close to ideal, these intensive exercises will act as a “drying” exercise and will make your muscles visually more prominent. In addition, circuit exercises increase endurance (however, they will not significantly increase strength).

Circuit training is suitable for men and women and can be done at home, outdoors, in the gym, anytime, anywhere. It is flexible and simple, making it perfectly adaptable to personal needs. Just 30-40 minutes a day (or even once every two days) will significantly improve your appearance and physical performance. Despite the popular belief that the complex was developed in the 50s of the 20th century by two American athletes (Morgan and Anderson), its elements have been known for a very long time, since Ancient Greece.

Features and principles of circuit training

Cycles can include absolutely any exercise (strength, fitness, gymnastics, etc.). The main task is to cover the maximum muscles of the body in a short time. They must be performed with minimal “breathing breaks” and as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the effect will be weakly expressed. The number of repetitions of a single exercise is also not large, from five to ten times. After each circle it is recommended to rest for about 2 minutes. For beginners, these exercises will help you quickly feel the results, increase motivation and gain satisfaction from physical activities, professionals will be able to hone a specific element of body development (strength, endurance, relief, etc.). Naturally, circuit exercises will allow you to get not a flabby, emaciated body, but elastic and healthy forms. at the same time, it is an additional key to success.

Circuit training in the gym to develop strength

Suitable for professionals and beginners, with differences in load and weight. Circuit strength training is best done in the gym, using basic exercises: Extreme attention should be paid to the correct execution technique, which should be monitored and explained by the trainer (if this has not been done previously). The main exercise is preceded by a warm-up. On initial stage exercises are done in “pumping” mode, that is, in a large number of repetitions, with a weight that will allow this to be done. This tactic will cause significant muscle capillarization, necessary for their subsequent growth. Outside the gym, circuit training takes the form of “interval training”, in which high and low loads alternate (for example, jogging and sprinting, dumbbell swings/jump rope, active walking and pulling weights on a harness).

Before you start, do a warm-up and then a cool-down (stretching, easy running). The program can be divided into 4 periods, from mild to severe, plus recovery. A cycle of 6-10 exercises must be performed with such a weight that failure occurs after a 30-second approach. After a rest of 30 seconds, proceed to the next one, and between complete cycles take a break of up to 5 minutes.

Circuit training for fat burning for girls at home

If you are more interested in deleting extra centimeters on the waist or hips, use a lightweight circuit training program for home. It will also consist of exercises on different groups muscles collected in one cycle. Doing them with or without additional weight is a matter of personal preference.

If you don't have dumbbells or are uncomfortable to exercise with, try using bottles filled with water or a backpack loaded with bulky items and worn over your shoulders. This will significantly improve your workout results, especially if you can easily do 20 squats or push-ups.

Circular body training for “at-home” weight loss looks like this:

+ 20 squats

Keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet flat on the ground and not raised on your toes. Exhale when lowering, inhale when rising.

+ “Plank”, from 30 to 60 seconds

Raise your body above the floor, resting on your forearms or palms (if outstretched arms). Vary the exercises by lifting your left and right legs off the floor and stretching them up alternately. Hold it straight or bend your knee and push it up, squeezing your buttock muscles. The plank can be performed lying on your side and supporting your body weight with one forearm. This will strengthen lateral muscles. Don't hold your breath, breathe evenly and calmly.

+ Lunges forward/backward or rising onto a bench

Basic leg lunges are performed as follows: take a step forward and bend your knee without touching the ground with the knee of your other leg. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, changing legs. For an improved version, use a bench, step or chair on which the bent leg should rest. Inhale to bend, exhale to straighten.

+ Push-ups in circuit training for weight loss

Do as many push-ups as you can do as quickly as possible in 30 seconds (without breaking correct technique). If this is difficult, do push-ups against a wall, bench, or with emphasis on the floor, from your knees.

+ Pull-ups

Do as many sets as possible, or skip this step if you don't have a bar. If you have difficulty doing pull-ups, try placing a chair under the bar and doing pull-ups while lightly touching the surface with your toes on one foot.


Circuit training – a good choice for everyone who wants to improve their appearance, no matter what the need. They will help and increase strength; they can be easily carried out at home or in the gym, with or without the use of special equipment. The essence of circuit training is exercises for all parts of the body, performed as quickly as possible, enclosed in a cycle repeated several times.

Greetings. Friends, I am very glad to see you on the pages of this blog. Now we will quickly look at the main points associated with circuit training exercises and talk about the rules.

This set of exercises for circuit training is suitable for everyone and it is designed to burn extra calories, I want to say that listening to these simple recommendations, You can lose weight quickly!

Athletes working out in the gym have two body states

♦ weight gain

♦ and drying,

So, if you combine these simple exercises and additionally balance your diet, you will be able to dry out and remove subcutaneous fat. How to make a cheap but effective program workouts that will help you lose fat and gain muscle!

Basic rules of circuit training

And so, as usual, a small paragraph about the rules. The workout should be as intense as possible, the more sweat comes out, the better, do each exercise as in last time, but watch your pulse, no more than 150 beats.

This is a circuit workout, so there is no rest between exercises, only after completing a full circuit.

By the way, we also have:

Training plan

Let's go: circuit training, plan with exercises

Guys, I immediately have such a convincing request, you don’t need to think that you are such a cucumber, the weights should be minimal, for example 20% of the maximum, and do each exercise all the way, if this is 30 repetitions in the first round, then so be it, I I assure you, in the second round there will no longer be 30.

And so we drove the guys, we took this program and started bombing it once a week, mixing it with other training.

1. Pull-ups

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar, if you can’t do it, look for a special machine on which you can put a counterweight. If there is no such thing, then just ask a friend to help. Maximum repetitions in 1 minute

2. Bench press

3. Squats

As soon as the chest gave out, it was the turn of the legs, we looked for the bar, threw it on the shoulder blades and drove as hard as we could until the legs sagged.

Well, have you already switched on and gotten a taste for it? Moving on, that was just the cream

The sequence of exercises in circuit training is not particularly important, but I recommend doing it this way; here the selected muscles are antagonistic, while one muscle group works, the second rests.

4. Dips

Push-ups on parallel bars, for girls - from a bench, you need to do so that our triceps burn, only by diligently performing the complex can you achieve results.

5. Exercise bike

When our hands don’t know what happened to them, we look for a bike, of course a trainer, and powerfully connect our legs, pedal for 4 minutes at maximum pace, sparing no effort.

6. Biceps

We assemble a light barbell and start working, trying to engage the biceps in order to perform the exercise correctly: press your elbows to your body, keep your hands straight, pull exclusively with your biceps, it should burn. After the approach, the arm will not bend, so tell yourself that!”

7. Triceps

Are looking for upper block and slowly extend our arms, including the triceps, in lowest point, we fully align and squeeze the hand. As always, according to tradition, to failure, imagine that with each repetition, more and more excess weight leaves your body and abs begin to appear, “like snowdrops.”

8. Back

In each hall there is a vertical block, we look for it, sit down comfortably, press our legs together with a roller and move on. Above, the shoulder blades were relaxed, below, the back was pumped up, the fat was gone - beauty!

These are not just 8 exercises - this is a complex of gods that will pump you up like an Xzibit car, but of course, everything depends on you.


Let's go over it briefly.


  • Fruits
  • Sweet

Consume before 14:00 , and the rest of the day eat fish, cheese, milk, vegetables.

In order to recover better, buy a bottle with a complex of vitamins, just not steroids, but ordinary vitamins, well, there: E, A, B - you understand in short.

Okay, that’s all I wanted to tell you, I hope you liked it, if so, be sure to subscribe and I’m waiting for questions in the comments or on VK, also read information about me. I also forgot, this will also be useful, how to stop eating

Good luck to you!

Circuit training is considered very effective in burning fat. In just 30-40 minutes they help to work out all the muscles and activate the weight loss process. By using this type of training, we get all the benefits of increasing strength and endurance along with active cardio. Let's look at what circuit training for weight loss is and how it can be done.

Circuit training for fat burning is an excellent option for losing weight in combination with a healthy diet. Muscles make the most of the body's glycogen stores and force the body to use stored fats as an energy source. The essence of circuit training is as follows:

  • The workout includes 6-10 exercises, repeated one after another.
  • Each exercise is done a certain number of times or over a certain time interval.
  • Exercises within a cycle are separated by a short rest period. Between individual cycles the rest will be longer.

The total number of cycles performed during training can range from two to six and is determined by the following:

  • Fitness level.
  • Duration training stage(preparatory or before the competition).
  • The purpose of the training is to lose weight, dry, increase endurance.

Circuit training for fat burning: advantages and disadvantages

Please note that circuit training is very intense, and it is recommended to consult a doctor first, especially if you have hypertension, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

During exercise, blood glucose levels decrease, which can be dangerous for diabetics and people on a low-carb diet.

People with arthritis should choose exercises that don't put too much stress on their joints.

Also, circuit training may not be suitable for people with knee or back problems. After a recovery period and consultation with a specialist and trainer, you can adjust the program to minimize the risk of re-injury.

Concerning benefits circuit training, they are as follows:

  • Development of strength and endurance;
  • Versatility – Circuit training can be used for most types of activity.
  • The training can be adjusted depending on your health, age, and physical fitness.
  • Circuit training exercises are quite simple.
  • A large selection of exercises, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable ones.
  • Time efficiency.
  • Opportunity to work out both in the gym and at home.

Of the minuses As for circuit training, the following can be distinguished:

  • For many exercises you need this or that equipment: a ball, dumbbells, a bench, a barbell, certain exercise machines.
  • Exercises require space depending on the type of exercise.
  • Intense training has a number of contraindications, which we discussed above. Therefore, a figure is a figure, and you need to treat your health responsibly.

The principle of constructing circuit training

Circuit training for girls should be structured so that each part of the body is worked out in one cycle in a specific order. It could be as follows:

  • full body;
  • upper body;
  • lower body;
  • frame.

For convenience, write down 3-4 cycles on a piece of paper, including 6-10 exercises that can be performed with the resources you have. Each cycle should not include more than two exercises for the same muscle group. For example, don't do push-ups after lifting weights overhead.

Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up. It will help prepare the muscles and body for the upcoming loads. Cool down at the end. It may include simple exercises for stretching.

The duration of each exercise in a cycle can be determined by one of two methods:

  • based on a fixed time, for example, 30 seconds;
  • Based on half the number of repetitions of an exercise you can perform in a minute using maximum effort.

If your training is based on repetitions, then to ensure progress, take a repeat test every four weeks to determine the maximum number of repetitions you can perform for each exercise in a minute.

Training can be arranged in the following way for a four-week cycle: light, medium, difficult week and then a week for test/recovery. The load is adjusted by changing the number of exercises, duration of execution, number of approaches and recovery period.

The optimal frequency of circuit training is 2-4 times a week. More often it is not necessary, since they are very intense.

Circuit training: program and exercises

Circuit training for fat burning for girls and men can be designed individually. It is recommended to first coordinate it with a specialist. Classic exercises for such activities are as follows:

  • Squats. The exercise is aimed at developing gluteal muscles. You can use only your own body weight or increase the load with dumbbells or a barbell.
  • Push ups. During push-ups, your arms and pectoral muscles. Use your own body weight.
  • Emphasis crouching. The starting position in this case will be the same as for push-ups, and after jumping you need to move to the squatting position.
  • Jumping "starfish". During the jump, you need to spread your legs and arms to the sides and jump as quickly as possible.
  • Abs pumping. This exercise helps strengthen your abs. You need to pump up both the upper and lower abs.
  • Jumping rope. A wonderful exercise that works the leg muscles.
  • Shuttle run. During the entire time allotted for this exercise, you need to run from one end of the room to the other, while you need to sit down and touch the floor. It's better to run as fast as possible.

At the end of the workout you can go for a short run.

Circuit training at home

Circuit training for women

A huge advantage that circuit training has for women is its accessibility and the ability to do it at home. Of the most popular and effective exercises With own weight the following:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • jumping;
  • press raises;
  • swing your legs;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • lunges;

Circuit training in the gym

Circuit training for women and men in the gym can produce more lasting and quick results through the use of various equipment. The main exercises that can be used are the following:

  • Dumbbell press for chest and arms;
  • upper block thrust;
  • squats with a barbell or dumbbells;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • jumping rope;
  • deadlift with a barbell.

Circuit training example

Circuit training for fat burning can be designed so that you work a specific muscle group during one session. For example, on Monday you work on the chest, on Wednesday – buttocks and legs, on Friday – abs and arms. Using this scheme, you will achieve greater results. Now let's look at the circuit training program for a week.


  • Dumbbell chest press in a lying position;
  • Upper block thrust;
  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Hand spreads on a crossover;
  • Bent-over dumbbell row;
  • Push ups;
  • Running at the end of the lesson.


  • Squats with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • Lunges with dumbbells;
  • Leg curls;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Swing your legs;
  • Leg curls;
  • Running at the end.


  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Arm curls on the upper block;
  • Arm curls on the lower block;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Tilts;
  • Swinging of the upper and lower press;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • Finally, run.

Regular circuit training helps build endurance and accelerates combustion processes. subcutaneous fat and metabolism. In addition, due to the principle of repetition, muscle elasticity increases and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves. By independently determining which area of ​​the body needs more work, you can find the ideal physical fitness. Thanks to the constant flow of oxygen into the blood, the body actively starts recovery processes that slow down aging.

Circuit training is ideal for both women and men. The former can choose easier exercises without weights, which help to lose weight, while representatives of the stronger sex often use weights in their training. Where to practice - in the gym or at home, decide for yourself. The only important thing is regularity and safety - control your condition, and if training provokes Negative consequences in the form of dizziness, joint pain, and so on, if possible, consult a specialist and adjust the load. In addition, remember that it is very important to achieve results proper nutrition. A balanced healthy diet combined with regular exercise will help you achieve excellent results.

Circuit training in the gym for girls on video

These five fat loss workouts have nothing to do with your regular weight loss program, they are built on the principle of circuit training. You can achieve a flat stomach and the abs of your dreams while strengthening your entire body!

If you want to get amazing abs, you will, of course, have to work hard in the kitchen. But you also cannot do without high-quality metabolic training, which will help to significantly reduce the percentage of body fat.

Metabolic training is based on intense combinations of traditional strength exercises and high-repetition programs that will give you a serious cardio workout and are great for burning fat for men and women.

Any variants of circuit training for burning involve performing exercises one after another with short pauses for rest between them, resulting in an excellent load on the whole body, from which body fat begins to actively melt, while simultaneously improving the endurance of the heart and blood vessels and working out every muscle of the body in process.

Circuit training is a method of performing one set of exercises one after another at high intensity in order to increase endurance or to enhance fat burning while cutting.

Circuit training for fat burning can consist of both strength and aerobic cardio exercises. The entire workout is divided into a certain number of exercise circles, ranging from 1 to 6, with minimal rest between them, about 30 seconds or no break at all.

Rest between circles ranges from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on personal capabilities.

The lesson can be completed after one lap, or you can complete as many laps as your endurance allows. In one workout, all the main muscle groups of the body are worked out, one lesson can include from 2 to 6 circles, the total duration of classes is from 30 to 60 minutes.

This method of training is suitable for both beginner athletes and experienced athletes during drying or in the process of developing endurance. They can be of a wave nature (weak, medium and high). The intensity increases as the number of circuits, repetitions, and rest periods become shorter.

All exercises are done with 12 repetitions or more. If this amount is easy for you, then you need to increase the working weight or the number of repetitions.

To obtain a fat-burning effect, it is necessary to maintain a calorie deficit in the diet, but you should not go on a very strict diet– this will inevitably lead to a breakdown in the background regular training in the hall.


  • Complexes can consist of both basic multi-joint exercises and isolating single-joint movements.
  • You can exercise in machines or with free weights, but you need to select weights that allow you to follow a safe technique. Because drying is more likely to cause injury.
  • The entire workout should be done in a multi-rep pump mode in the range of 15 repetitions and above. This stimulates the development of the capillary network to improve the delivery of nutrients to the muscles.
  • You need to exercise 3 times a week or more, some people do 2 times a day, for example, cardio in the morning and in the evening power training with scales.

When is it more effective to use

  1. For beginners who have just started working out in the gym with weights, to create a base, preparing ligaments and joints for heavy loads;
  2. To develop endurance;
  3. Increasing functional indicators when playing other sports in order to increase explosive force, speed;
  4. Effective when there is a lack of equipment or time for training;
  5. For intensive fat burning while cutting.


  1. Circuit training allows you to lose weight by burning excess subcutaneous fat, strengthen muscles and improve body contour in a short time.
  2. Development and strengthening of the cardiovascular system,
  3. The ability to pump up with little or no equipment, using only body weight.
  4. The ability to train effectively at home, on vacation, a business trip or lack of free time.
  5. Accelerate metabolism and improve metabolic processes in the body not only for weight loss, but also for everyday life.


  1. Not suitable for extensions muscle mass, gives results only if there is a certain volume of muscle under the fat layer.
  2. There is a high probability of burning muscle along with fat, with a severe lack of calories or prolonged exercise for more than 30 minutes.
  3. It is almost impossible to pay attention to the lagging muscle group.
  4. When working out at the gym, it's critical to have a lot of free equipment on hand so you can do the exercises one after another. Therefore, it is better to choose a time when the hall is as free as possible.
  5. Exercising too often and for too long can cause a feeling of chronic fatigue with insufficient nutrition and recovery.


Circular exercise is contraindicated for people with heart problems. high blood pressure, the presence of injuries or recovery from illness.

How to create an effective outline

  • Before starting, be sure to warm up your muscles, ligaments and joints, at least do warm-up approaches, and after finishing, do a cool-down.
  • Choose a suitable complex from those presented below or make your own from 6-10 exercises for all basic muscle groups, but make sure that 2 consecutive movements do not load the same muscle.
  • You need to do one exercise for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Choose a working weight such that muscle failure occurs when performing the last repetition of the exercise. Rest for up to 30 seconds and move on to the next one. Between performing circles, you need to take a break of 2 to 5 minutes.

To increase efficiency, circuit training for men is based on the principle of periodization:

  • 1 week: light intensity;
  • Week 2: moderate;
  • Week 3: hard;
  • Week 4: recovery/selection of weights.

You can adjust the intensity by:

  • increasing the number of circuit exercises and the number of circuits;
  • duration of rest;
  • speed and number of repetitions.

Example program with periodization

A week Duration of exercise Rest after each exercise. Number of laps Rest after lap
1 20 sec 20 sec 2 2 minutes
2 30 sec 30 sec 2 2 minutes
3 40 sec 40 sec 2 3 min
4 20 sec 20 sec 3 2 minutes
5 30 sec 30 sec 3 2 minutes
6 30 sec 30 sec 4 2 minutes
7 40 sec 40 sec 3 3 min
8 30 sec 30 sec 3 2 minutes


To warm up, walk along the path for 5-7 minutes, then raise your arms in front of you and to the sides, bend over 12 times each movement.

Between circles we rest for 3 minutes and begin the circle again.

It is very important to choose the right working weight, you don’t need to take a lot of unbearable weight, but it shouldn’t be light either, you should perform each movement exactly as many times as the circle suggests.

If you work out with a trainer, ask him to determine the required weight for the exercises.

After completing all the planned laps, we walk along the path for 7-10 minutes.

Circuit training programs

The complexes proposed below have improved this principle by including more exercise on the core to stimulate the growth of the main muscles you are interested in: the obliques and rectus abdominis. Of course, you engage your core during every standing exercise. But these metabolic routines focus on movements that accentuate your visible abs.

You are getting slim stomach, while building your abdominal muscles and burning the fat above them, allowing your six-pack to pop to the surface. The presented complexes will take you no more than half an hour, so you have every chance to fit them into even your busiest schedule.

1. A set of exercises for men

This selection of exercises is ideal for beginners and people with an intermediate level of training. It will help you become not only stronger, but also more resilient.

This workout can also be done at home since all you need is a pair of dumbbells and an exercise ball.

Do all the exercises in order. Aim to do 20 reps of each before moving on to the next one. Having completed all the exercises, rest for 1 minute and repeat the entire sequence again. If you wish, you can go to the third circle.

This system can be used by girls to exercise at home with a minimum set of equipment, and even push-ups can be done classic with emphasis on the floor or sofa, if it’s difficult.

Sequence of exercises: perform 1-3 circles

1. Crunches on a fitball

15-20 repetitions

2. Walking with body weight lunges

15-20 repetitions on each leg

3. Climber
4. Pulling your knees to your chest on a fitball

15-20 repetitions

15-20 repetitions on each leg

15-20 repetitions

7. Bicycle

15-20 repetitions on each side

15-20 repetitions per horizontal bench or on the floor

9. Push-ups on the Bosu platform

15-20 repetitions using a medicine ball or fitball if there is no Bosu platform

2. Program with barbell and dumbbells

Sometimes the best fat-burning workouts come from focusing on balance. It may seem counterintuitive, but performing exercises that challenge the body can significantly increase the overall load on the core, thereby strengthening the core muscles. This principle underlies the proposed complex, using balance exercises that work all the main areas of the body, including the core.

Perform each exercise the specified number of times. When you finish one, rest for 30 seconds and move on to the next. Make four circles.

Execution sequence - 4 circles

1. Split squats

15 repetitions on each leg

15 repetitions on each leg

3. Army press standing

15 reps

4. One-arm dumbbell row

15 reps

15 repetitions standing on left leg

6. Lifting dumbbells forward

15 repetitions standing on the right leg

7. Step-ups with a barbell (dumbbells)

10 repetitions on each side

3. Training program without machines

The mountain climber is a great cardio exercise that engages your abs as long as you try to use your core every time you bring your knees toward your torso. The climber is also a great calorie-burner and upper-body workout.

As you perform this routine, alternate between mountain climbers and bodyweight ab exercises for a full core workout.

Sequence: complete 1 lap

1. Climber

25 reps

3. Climber

30 reps

4. Push-ups on the Bosu platform

20 reps using a medicine ball or stability ball if you don't have a bosu platform

5. Climber

35 reps

15 repetitions on a horizontal bench or floor

7. Climber

40 reps

1 min. on each side

9. Climber

35 reps

10. Bicycle

25 repetitions on each side

11. Climber

30 reps

12. Press fold

20 reps

13. Climber

25 reps

4. Leg complex

Another great way to tone your abs is to work your legs. Lower body workouts can be incredibly intense because they work a large number of large muscles at once, helping to actively burn calories. Your core will be engaged during each standing leg exercise.

The Metabolic Leg Complex may be the hardest workout you've ever done, but rest assured, you'll get great results. Move from one triset to another, performing all the exercises one after another, upon completion, take a two-minute break, and repeat the complex two more times.

After completing one triset three times, move on to the next.

1. Triset 1: 3 sets, 2 min. rest between sets
Barbell Squat

20 reps

Body weight squat

20 reps

Walking with body weight lunges

15 repetitions on each leg

2. Triset 2: 3 sets, 2 min. rest between sets
Leg bending while lying down in a machine

15 repetitions (alternative: perform with your feet on an exercise ball)