What outdoor activities provide. Outdoor training for girls - program, features and recommendations. Exercises suitable for outdoor yoga

Is sports in a big city really limited to exercise equipment? But it’s so nice outside! Anticipating the beach season and actively preparing for it, Yuna Kozyreva and Olga Siplivaya studied alternatives to fitness within four walls


A membership to a fitness club is, of course, wonderful. Especially if we had not only the wisdom to acquire it, but also the courage to use it at least sometimes during the year. After all, we, of course, believed (although this was not always obvious!) that summer would still come, which means that we could put on a swimsuit on our trained body and go to the beach with a proud, springy gait. For targeted body shaping, work on exercise machines with personal trainer- this is absolutely perfect. Especially if you like being persistently forced to do things that you would never do with your body of your own free will. However, this certainly useful - and even sometimes pleasant - entertainment is available to us even during the cold season (of which, by the way, our year almost entirely consists). And now I really want to take off my clothes and go to the sea! Well, or at least just outside - in a park, in a square, in the open air. For those of us whose vacation will not begin tomorrow or even next week, we have found several interesting and fashionable ways to spend time in the city open air with benefits for the body and soul.

Nordic walking

No, this is not a group therapy session for skiers who yearn for the impenetrable snow of winter. An excellent alternative to the treadmill and regular street jogging that has become boring over the winter, Nordic walking took shape as a separate sport in Finland in 1997 and has since become increasingly popular in the most different countries peace. Besides the fact that it can and should be done exclusively on fresh air, its great advantage is that it trains all the key muscle groups of our body, develops joints, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, restoring normal complexion, corrects posture and allows you to get in great shape both in sports and aesthetic senses this word. An additional pleasant bonus: you can enjoy this kind of walking in the company of good friends, and not the mind-numbing TV screen that hangs in the gym in front of the exercise machine and shows who knows what.

What does it look like Like a very energetic walk, in which each step needs to be assisted, literally using the whole body and pushing off the ground with special sticks. Well, okay: at first glance this may look a little unusual. But, if you master the movement and catch the rhythm correctly, such a feeling of flight arises in your body that you can walk ten kilometers without even noticing!

What is needed for this Special poles (not ski poles!) and good sports shoes. To undergo initiation, you should first find a group of experts and amateurs on the Internet and take the first lesson correctly.


Rock climbing

The only things better than mountains are mountains - even if it is a successful imitation of a sheer cliff in a city park or climbing center. The main thing is to start: after the artificial mountain, a real one will come to Magomed - alive, unlike any other, with ledges, crevices and depressions, with waterfalls falling from a height, and birds circling over the gorge. The history of rock climbing is not new: postcards from the last century with pioneer rock climbers are gathering dust in museums, and the main rock routes - mainly in Europe - are decades old. Unlike mountaineering, rock climbing does not require complex equipment. A rock climber does not use an ice ax to cut his way to the top, as a mountain climber does - he slides, plays with the rock, dances on its surface, trying to find the most accurate, reliable and beautiful hold. From the outside he looks like Spider-Man and definitely has super strength. When you climb a rock for the first time, you will feel pain in muscles that you never knew existed. And after just three or four sessions, you will feel that your body has become stronger, stronger, you have begun to get up easily in the morning, the once urgent need for coffee has disappeared, and the day seems to have been stretched in half. You get more done, although you spend a significant part of your time in a horizontal position - in the air, pressing your whole body against the uneven ledges of an artificial mountain the height of a five-story building. Rock climbing is a multifaceted story. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is now experiencing a rebirth. Rock climbing is a new running and a new yoga. Like anyone extreme sport, it makes it possible to test yourself and overcome internal resistance: at the very moment when you, without feeling your hands and freezing with fear, make an impossible leap upward, the world will change - and, of course, for the better. And then you will get involved, start traveling to “climbing” places (for example, to Spain, where there are the most picturesque routes for beginners), “collecting” mountains, bringing pebbles from the top and delighting your friends on Instagram with dizzying pictures.

What does it look like It's worth starting with bouldering - a subtype of rock climbing at low altitudes. Instead of a floor on the site, there are soft mats: it doesn’t hurt to fall on them, and it’s convenient to hone your “grabbing” technique. A special trainer for your fingers will also come in handy (yes, you can “pump” them too!), which consists of several pieces of wood driven at different heights: you grab them and try to crawl up, holding your own weight literally on your fingertips. Maxim Zvorygin, climbing instructor center Big Wall, one of the best in Russia, recommends unloading your arms during the lifting process, that is, not pulling yourself up, but pushing yourself up with your legs. During rock climbing classes, you are surprised to discover that, even without ballet stretching, you can place your foot on the ledge in the area of ​​your own ear - and rise to an unprecedented height.

What is needed for this A beginner rock climber's equipment is a safety rope, special climbing shoes and a bag of magnesium to prevent his hands from slipping. Even in the lap of nature, rock climbing is relatively safe (adjusted for your personal recklessness), and in a specialized center an instructor will always back you up. Professionals like Alex Huber, a living legend of modern mountaineering and rock climbing, make do with only magnesium, preferring free climbing. By the way, Alex, who can literally walk on the ceiling, does not consider himself an extreme sportsman: every movement of the physics department graduate is calculated, and the risk is always justified. Looking at him, you would never say: “This guy is crazy.” The only thing that comes to mind is: “He’s really happy.”


Yes, today a bicycle is very fashionable! It’s easy to verify this by simply going out into the streets of any European - and, more recently, Russian - cities. The sudden love for traveling on two wheels recently even prompted domestic legislators to make changes to the rules traffic: Now, when driving through intersections and turning right or left, drivers are required to give way to cyclists. However, if in addition to a mountain bike you also have a beloved dog (not too small in size and age), then these two objects of passionate affection can be combined in an effective and pleasant way.

What does it look like When engaging in bikejoring, you do not have to move a bicycle (in general, quite weighty) in space solely with the strength of your own muscles: you are additionally helped by a “tractor” in the person of a devoted pet. It’s especially good if he (she) really likes to run, but you, on the contrary, don’t want to run after him through the bushes.

What is needed for this An “off-road” bicycle - preferably light, durable, with good tires for riding on unpaved surfaces. The dog will need a special riding harness and a leash cord about two meters long, with a shock-absorbing insert. It is attached to the handlebars of a bicycle or to a special “fishing rod” that will prevent the leash from getting into the wheel and getting tangled there. Another mandatory accessory is a helmet: it is difficult to guarantee that even the most disciplined dog will not suddenly decide to turn off the path, for example, upon seeing a cat or a bird. And, of course, the pet must perfectly obey your commands, so it won’t hurt to work with an instructor-trainer beforehand.

He slides, plays with the rock, DANCES on it, looking for the most BEAUTIFUL and accurate hold

Rollerblades and scooter

If bicycle lovers are able to feel their car as a kind of “extension” of their own body, then a scooter or roller skates give him the opportunity to literally merge with the surrounding space. And even if you have never tried these devices, YouTube will easily explain to you “how to learn to ride in 5 minutes.” A scooter is generally a very simple entertainment that brings back to us the carefree ease of childhood. And with more technically complex skates, it is important to remember a few key rules: fasten them carefully; Always wear protection on your hands and knees; never drive through puddles and sand; don’t speed up too much, especially at first, and pay attention to what’s happening around you. Everything else is a matter of actively acquiring skills and personal practice.

What does it look like Wonderful! Or rather, you simply stop thinking about it when you begin to feel more confident and get the hang of it. The body is collected and at the same time free, the air filled with summer aromas flutters the hair and washes the face...

What is needed for this Of course, high-quality equipment and as smooth asphalt, without potholes. Good company is also welcome, especially if you are starting to skate after a long break or are just learning to rollerblade. Friends will tell you how best to keep your balance and brake, they will show you correct positioning body: tilt slightly forward, knees spring, one leg is always half a roll in front of the other. And your friends will carry you along with them: after all, it’s better to strive to have a beautiful ride than to worry about not falling!


Literally, this word means “mastery of energy.” The one that we sometimes lack so much to just get up and go, for example, to the pool or fitness center. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, man is nourished by the Earth and filled with the breath of the Universe. It is breath work that underlies the practice of qigong. Its task is to direct the flows of cosmic energy qi along the appropriate “meridians”, and as a result restore balance to the body and soul, which is daily disrupted by all sorts of stresses of the metropolis and the hectic rhythm of city life. Smooth, slow, conscious gestures in combination with breathing exercises and internal concentration allow you to get rid of accumulated tension, feel the integrity of your body and the harmony of its movements in the surrounding space.

What does it look like Like a kind of pantomime session in the lap of nature. They like to show such footage in television stories - not only from China, but also from the USA or Western European countries: on the morning lawn in some picturesque park a group of loosely dressed people of different ages smoothly changes poses, as if in slow motion or moving underwater.

What is needed for this For starters, a good teacher will explain how to breathe and help you remember the sequence of movements. One lesson can last from 45 minutes to an hour and a half and consists of several stages. First - breathing preparation and stretching to free the body and relieve internal tension. This is followed by basic static poses, exercises with smooth changes of positions, and at the end, perhaps, a little meditation or self-massage. Having mastered the entire sequence well, you will be able to restore your energy balance wherever and whenever you wish!

On the morning LAWN in the park, a group of people of different ages smoothly CHANGE poses

Meditation with trees

This energy practice is actively used by the Indian tribes of the Hivara, or Shuara, who live in the equatorial forests of the Amazon. Aborigines believe that the souls of their ancestors continue to live in the trees, to whom they can turn for help using meditative rituals. But this is the point of view of the Indians, and modern science reports that each tree in a park or forest produces about seven liters of oxygen daily. Moreover, it is “alive”, that is, saturated with beneficial negative ions, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of our blood vessels and tissues, and also reduce the negative impact of stress on the body. It’s always good to walk under the canopy of branches, but it’s even better to hug the trunk, says French energy therapist Patrice Bouchardon, author of the popular guide “How to Harness the Power of Trees.” Immerse your gaze in the green crown, put your ear to the warm or cool bark, catch mysterious rustles and sounds, learn to “listen” with your palms and fingertips, feel the energy emanating from the roots with your whole body... Such “communication” with trees powerfully opens all our senses and saturates with life-giving force. Or, on the contrary, it helps to relieve excessive excitement and tension - depending on which tree you choose.

What does it look like Generally speaking, it is better to communicate with trees in private, without prying eyes. Simply because they are distracting. And so - you just stand with your eyes closed, hugging a tree trunk or leaning your back against it, in the pose of a person who is meditating or resting. After all, this is exactly what you are doing!

What is needed for this The main thing is to choose a tree that you want to approach at this particular moment and in the emotional state in which you are now. Approaching the trunk, touch it, close your eyes and listen to your sensations: feel the soil on which you stand with your feet, internally “walk” through all parts of your body, from bottom to top. Then turn to the tree: run your open palms along the trunk, examining it “directly”, without resorting to analysis and reason. Breathe in the woody scent, with each breath trying to distinguish the shades of aromas - tart, sweet or bitter, and also paying attention to what exactly they remind you of. Finally, leaning against a tree, stand for a while, noting all the thoughts, associations and images that this living and silent contact awakens in you... Next time you can repeat such a meditation session with other trees, the energy of which you will gradually learn to feel and distinguish.

There is more oxygen outside, which means that oxidative processes are more active in the body. If you compare doing the same exercises in the gym and outdoors, you will burn a little more calories in the fresh air. And the training is easier to endure.

In addition, outdoor fitness is a very good conditioning. Those who often train outside get sick much less. In comfortable weather - below zero degrees and without precipitation - try to exercise outdoors as often as possible. For example, if you train three times a week, ideally spend all three times outside.

In winter, it is better to alternate classes in the gym and outdoors. You can run down to minus 15 degrees, but everything else no longer makes sense: regular exercises or Nordic walking cannot sufficiently warm up the body.

How to dress?

The most important thing is shoes. Her choice depends on what you are going to do outside. For Nordic Walking - Scandinavian walking - regular outdoor sneakers are suitable, but for running you need special ones.

They are different - for asphalt and rough terrain. Think about where you will run more often - in the city or in the forest along paths. For normal walking, asphalt running shoes are suitable.

When choosing the rest of your equipment, you should first pay attention to the weather. For a summer workout, shorts and a breathable T-shirt are enough. On a hot sunny day, don't forget to wear a cap and sunglasses.

Basically, now all manufacturers use artificial materials with Dry Fit technology, which remove moisture. In principle, a cotton T-shirt will do, but regular synthetics will be uncomfortable.

In cold weather, three layers of clothing are needed: thermal underwear, a fleece jacket and light sports jacket or vest on top. As well as gloves, a hat and warm socks.

In windy weather, it is better to wear a windstopper - a thin jacket that protects from the wind, and in wet weather - a raincoat; such jackets breathe but do not get wet.

Common Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes is inappropriate training intensity. For example, when a beginner decides to take up running, he often takes the wrong pace and runs faster than he should.

It is also important to remember to breathe properly. It's enough just not to hold your breath. After all, in general this process is controlled and regulated by the brain. A person, without thinking, if he runs uphill, breathes quickly and deeply, if he walks slowly, he breathes rarely and shallowly.

Taking a bad route for running or cycling is another mistake. It is better to choose a familiar path with a minimum of urban obstacles, such as traffic lights. It’s good to start riding a bike in the park and not listen to music on headphones for your own safety. It is also better to plan the duration of the ride in advance, for starters - an hour, and then add a little bit at a time.

1. Make a playlist. Because the rhythm of the music helps regulate your heart rate, choose a soundtrack based on your heart's beats per minute (bpm). Start with 2-3 calm melodies to warm up (100-110 bpm). Then speed up the pace to 120 bpm.

To stay on pace, aim for 120-125 bpm for the main part of the class. And in the middle of the playlist, record a couple of tunes with 130 bpm to maximize the speed. Return to 100 for stretches and cool downs.

2. Choose your sport. Don't like to run? Don't be upset. In losing weight, for example, walking is more effective than sprinting. And besides, it is safer for joints. A noticeable effect is achieved if the walk lasts at least an hour. Create a route alternating between uphill and downhill streets.

3. Motivate yourself. The best way to do this is with all kinds of fitness bracelets and applications that count steps and distance, measure time and speed. This way you can track your progress and set new goals.

About the expert

Andrey Paliy- Head of the “Running” direction at Pro Trener studios. Experience athletics 26 years. Specialist in training for marathons and half marathons.

During the research, scientists made a number of discoveries. It turns out that regular exercise in the fresh air promotes more active fat burning than grueling hours of training on a treadmill. This happens by saturating the body with oxygen. During outdoor training, blood flow to internal organs increases and metabolic processes, which as a result leads to the rapid disposal of extra pounds.

So, put on your sneakers. We're starting classes!

Normal walking

If you want to always be in good shape and in a good mood, but losing weight is not your priority, you can limit yourself to regular walking. Daily leisurely walks at a speed of 4-4.5 km/hour(approximately 90-100 steps per minute) will help avoid sleep problems, headaches, energize and give strength for new achievements. Average It is recommended to walk about 4 kilometers per day. By the way, in evening time Walking (even leisurely) dulls your appetite. So an evening stroll will help you overcome the urge to empty the refrigerator before bed.


Nordic walking

But if you still wonder specific purpose get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, you should act more decisively. Nordic Walking, or walking with poles, is the most popular and efficient look health walking in Europe. It appeared in Finland in the 30s of the last century, and today, according to statistics, every third resident of this country practices Nordic walking. Its essence is as follows: you just walk, pushing off the ground with special sticks(so you will have to buy them for classes).

To lose weight, it is recommended to combine fast and slow walking paces. Start the lesson at a low speed (no more than 5 km/h), move at this pace for 20 minutes, then increase the speed to 6.5-7 km/h and walk for 10 minutes, then switch to a slow pace again. The duration of the workout should be 60 minutes.

It is important that while walking, your arms and legs work in synchronization, and your legs seem to roll from heel to toe rather than hitting the ground. And keep your body straight. During such activities, more than 90% of the muscles are used, which allows you to burn 46% more calories than during normal walking. If you follow this program 3 times a week, you will notice the effect within a month. For two hours after class, do not eat anything (not even fruit), you are allowed to drink only water.

By the way, Nordic walking - great way lose weight after childbirth. You can exercise together with your baby (provided that his weight does not exceed 8-10 kilograms). Place the baby in the baby carrier and go for a walk. Additional load will maximize the effect.

Unlike running or aerobics, walking does not risk damaging your joints or causing sprains.

Thank you for your help in preparing the material “School Nordic walking"and personally to Anastasia Poletaev.

Outdoor training. Maximum benefit, minimum equipment

Being healthy today is fashionable. We learn to control our nutrition. Let's start reading labels and choosing healthy foods. If previously our neighbor or friend who jogged in the morning caused bewilderment and sympathy, now there is a desire to join them.

Let's talk today about why street sports are becoming more popular every day, and what outdoor workouts are most effective and useful.

So is it a hall or a street?

Let's give an example from real life. After a long maternity leave, Natalya signed up for a fitness center. Her office work ended at five in the evening. And the nearest one group lesson started at six.

It took her a whole hour to wait. But the desire to restore physical fitness was very strong. Natasha agreed with her mother to pick up the child from kindergarten and look after him until she returned.

She lasted in this mode for a month. The time before training deprived me of a whole hour of communication with my son. And grandma couldn’t always help.

A month later, Natalya was ready to quit sports. But she was inspired by her friend’s successes and, instead of visiting the club, started running in the park at a convenient time.

The benefits of street training

  • You you set your own time. Taking into account their physical capabilities regulate the frequency and intensity of exercise. You decide where to practice: at the stadium, in the park, next to the playground
  • Outdoor sports saves you money: no need to pay for a gym membership.

  • Outdoor training is more effective. Due to increased oxygen content The body's metabolism accelerates and calories are burned faster
  • Outdoor exercise increase immunity. In the summer, along with the sun's rays, we receive vitamin D, which is necessary for normal muscle function and bone tissue. In winter, at low temperatures, the body hardens.
  • The only obstacle to outdoor training can be bad weather. In this case, we monitor the forecast and reschedule the lesson. Or we wear appropriate wind and waterproof clothing.

How can you train outside?

You have decided not to spend your savings on the gym, but to start training outside. You have a difficult choice, which type physical activity give preference. Let's figure it out together traditional types street activities.

This is the most accessible sport. The number of runners is growing every day. All you need to run is a pair of sneakers and sportswear. The most obvious health benefits are the strengthening of blood vessels, joints, lungs and heart.

What benefits does running provide? During intense movement, the body is saturated with oxygen. After just two or three workouts, you will notice how your complexion becomes fresh and radiant.

More and more girls are choosing running. Moreover, running training help burn excess calories, thereby reducing weight.

“Running can change your life. How, for example, he changed the life of one young woman. This happened after a hike in the mountains. A married couple - Katya and Sergey - decided to diversify their beach holiday in Crimea. They ventured on an easy but lengthy climb with a guide. The trained participants walked at an average pace and with stops. But for beginners, such a climb turned out to be a challenge. Katya spent her energy not on steps, but on verbal outpourings. She blamed her physical weakness on the poor organizers of the trip, who did not warn that it was so hot, that it was so far away, that it was so difficult. The hike itself was amazing. And the heroine was delighted with the beauty of nature. But not from my own physical form. After the vacation, she timidly, short of breath, ran her first kilometer. Then it was two kilometers, four. After six months of training, she already ran her first half marathon in Berlin. She became obsessed with running! So running is a challenge to yourself. Be careful: it is pleasantly addictive!”

Do not forget that serious chronic diseases are contraindications for running. You should not put stress on your joints and if there is significant overweight. In this case, walking in the fresh air will be an excellent alternative to running training.

Approximate calorie consumption: 1 hour - 450 kcal

We all actually walk every day. We go to work, shopping, to the cinema, to see friends. But to achieve slimness, improve your physical fitness and health, such movements around the city will not be enough.

How to use walking for health benefits?

It is enough to allocate half an hour to an hour for walks. Combine calm and fast pace. If you walk regularly and at a good pace, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood pressure is normalized, and extra pounds are lost.

Walking in the fresh air accelerates metabolic processes due to saturation internal organs oxygen. Walking reboots your brain and improves your mood.

Approximate calorie consumption: 1 hour - 200 kcal


This toy, familiar to everyone since childhood, is gradually regaining respect among sports fans.

Do you know that this simple device allows you to burn much more calories than running?

When jumping rope, the load is placed on the most problematic parts of the body: the hips and abs. 10 minutes of exercise on a skipping rope is equivalent to 1.5 km of running. So jump to your health! And the faster, the more effective.

Approximate calorie consumption: 1 hour - 600 kcal


Depending on the season, you can choose an alternative cardio workout to running. The warm season is ideal for cycling. Skiing and skating are popular in winter. The frosty fresh air not only strengthens the muscles, but also hardens the body.

All these types of activities put stress on the legs, back, and also strengthen the muscles of the arms and abs. In addition, cycling or skiing is a great way to spend a fun and friendly day with family or friends.

Approximate calorie consumption: 1 hour - 270 kcal

Off-season - best time for practicing yoga outdoors. Break up your workday with enjoyable physical activity. Your mood will definitely improve if you meet a cool morning or spend a long day on a mat in the park, performing asanas and breathing exercises in the fresh air.

By regularly doing yoga, you can tone your body, calm nervous system and find harmony. If you're bored of practicing alone, look for company in the park!

Many yoga studios offer free classes. You just need to choose a convenient area near your home or work and don’t forget the rug!

Approximate calorie consumption: 1 hour - 290 kcal


This is a type of circuit training. Exercises are also performed alternately and are closed in a chain. But there is a fundamental difference: each lesson must include elements from weightlifting (working with weights), gymnastics and cardio.

The training takes place with maximum intensity and maximum speed, but in compliance correct technique. A variety of exercises are used for all muscle groups. The purpose of such training is the comprehensive development of the body.

Calorie consumption with such a load is very high. With proper training, you can improve your health and lose excess weight.

If you are new to sports, it is better to spend your first lessons with a trainer. Better yet, follow the announcements of free training in various cities of Russia, which are organized by companies of famous sports brands (Reebok, Nike, Adidas, etc.).

Approximate calorie consumption: 1 hour - 700 kcal

Circuit training is the most effective way to lose weight

Circuit training is becoming very popular today. The convenience is that you can exercise both in the gym and on the street. High intensity burns more calories in less time. The average lesson duration is 30-40 minutes.

Compose individual program circuit training It's not difficult on the street. Enough 3-5 basic exercises for all muscle groups. All elements are combined into one long link-circle. In this case, the rest between exercises is either very short (30 seconds) or completely absent. But a pause at the end of the circle is required (2-3 minutes).

At this intensity calories are expended in increased mode long after the end of the workout.

You can take as a basis: squats, push-ups, leg raises on the horizontal bar, lunges and planks. You adjust the number and complexity of elements to your level of preparation. Use your own weight, weighted cuffs, benches, parallel bars, horizontal bars. Everything you find in a park or on an outdoor playground.

Example workout

  • 20 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 20 lunges
  • 30 seconds press

Repeat 2-3 rounds. At the end of each circle, rest for 2-3 minutes. For results to appear, you need to gradually increase the load. Monitor how you feel and increase the number of laps.

Be sure to include it in your workout

  • warm-up (jumping rope, running, joint gymnastics) for warming up, to transfer the body from a calm state to an active one
  • cool down (stretching exercises) to return back to a state of rest

Circuit training will help you quickly recover sports uniform if you had long break in classes, for example, after maternity leave.

Due to the increased load, it is important to control the pace of your workout. It is better to consult a doctor before starting classes.

Your body is in your hands

Do you realize that by choosing to exercise outdoors, you have chosen freedom? Freedom of time, place, type of activity. There are no obstacles in front of you. It all depends on your desire.

Follow the most important rule - do it with pleasure!

Then you will definitely feel the result. Yours will appear before our eyes perfect body. You will notice how easily you can cope with exercises that were previously difficult. This will give you a well-deserved reason to be proud. You did a good job! And the important thing is that you like it!
Write to us in the comments, what is your favorite street sport? Why did you choose it and how often do you practice?

Daria Litovchenko,

founder of the outdoor fitness club Sportules

4 facts about outdoor sports

    The benefits of being outdoors have been proven by scientific research and practice. Physical activity in the fresh air is even more effective because the body burns more calories. For example, in studies that compared the load when riding a bicycle on the street and on an exercise bike, it was proven that a person spends more calories on the street. This occurs, among other things, due to wind resistance and changes in the surface on which a person walks or rides.

    Physical activity in the fresh air improves short-term memory.

    Oxygen-enriched blood transports useful substances faster and utilizes those already used. The process of effective production of serotonin and endorphin is launched.

    Regular physical exercise spending time in nature can cut your risk of suffering from poor mental health by half. Researchers from the University of Glasgow studied the use of natural and non-natural environments for physical activity (walking, running and cycling). And they discovered that regular workouts Being outdoors and contemplating nature helps to resist stress, while using an unnatural environment like the gym does not. Also, with prolonged exposure to fresh air, the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body decreases.

I'm afraid to start! 6 false fears before workout

With all the obvious advantages of outdoor activities in the off-season and winter, people have concerns. And even those who are used to starting the day with a workout in the park go to the gym or stop training altogether. And some are completely afraid to start.

1. “How will I train in the snow/in the rain?” Working out in cool weather is all about getting out of your comfort zone. When a person does this constantly, he gets a taste for it. Many sports fields have canopies, and you can train under them. The snow on sports fields is regularly cleared, so training takes place on comfortable sports surfaces. It is necessary to provide the right clothing: a high-quality waterproof windbreaker will not allow you to get wet.

2. “I'll freeze” You won't freeze if you're dressed correctly! For example, we always instruct our clients on how to dress correctly so that the workout is as comfortable as possible.

5−10 degrees: bottom base layer (long-sleeved jacket, leggings/pants) + temperature-regulating layer (long-sleeve sweatshirt/sweatshirt).

1 to 5 degrees: bottom base layer (long sleeve jacket, leggings/pants) + protective layer (light jacket) + accessories (light gloves and ear band).

6 to -1 degrees: bottom base layer (thermal underwear, pants) + thermostatic layer (fleece) + protective layer (jacket) + accessories (gloves and hat).

from -15 to -6 degrees: bottom base layer (thermal underwear, pants) + temperature-regulating layer (fleece) + protective layer (jacket and warm vest) + accessories (gloves, ear bandage, hat and neck buff).

3. “If I come with a child, he will not sit still, and I will have to be constantly distracted.” Children who are not yet walking usually sleep in strollers. Those who are older are happy to repeat the exercises after adults in their own manner.

4. “I’ll sweat during training, and I’ll still have to walk home to change clothes. I might catch a cold" Take an extra set of outerwear with you to change into immediately after training and stay warm.

5. “I will lose valuables” There is no comfortable locker room with lockers outside, where will I put the things I brought with me to training?” In our training, all things are put in one place in the trainer’s field of view. There have never been any problems with this.

6. “It’s dark outside in the evening. It’s uncomfortable to be in the park” Parks and sports grounds, as a rule, very well lit. When this lighting is not enough or renovation work is taking place, a portable flashlight can be used.

Train on an empty stomach

When receiving a load without reinforcement, the body becomes stressed. What and when to eat? You need to build on your training goals. If you want to maintain your health, physical fitness, and keep your muscles toned, then it is best for breakfast, about an hour before training, to eat food rich in complex carbohydrates and easily digestible proteins. In your diet before your evening workout, we also advise you to adhere to the principle “ complex carbohydrates+ squirrels.” Look for foods high in fiber, such as vegetables and lean fish. And don’t forget about the drinking regime! Before, during and after training, it is extremely important to drink clean water!

Do not cover extremities with fabric (bare ankles/open ears)

Don't wear thermal underwear

Thermal underwear is functional underwear. It helps retain heat and remove moisture from the surface of the skin. This allows you to feel comfortable during intense physical activity and after them, and also to avoid overheating. Thermal underwear is the best functional base layer option for cold weather.


Sport should bring not only satisfaction from the result, but also joy from the process. Outdoor sports are not just about fitness in the literal sense, but about caring for human health, the opportunity to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, and combine both walking and training. This saves time on travel to the fitness club. It is no coincidence that the trend of outdoor training is capturing an increasing number of people - those who understand how important it is to take care of themselves and their health, even from a young age.

Text: Daria Litovchenko