What do athletes need to know about whey protein? Which protein is best to buy for gaining muscle mass? Which protein is best for gaining

Every novice athlete should think about what kind of sports supplements can increase the effectiveness of training and help maintain ideal physical shape. The variety of modern assortment is truly surprising.

Types of sports supplements - for beginners

First of all, proteins are noted, which consist of 70–90% protein, but fats and carbohydrates are practically excluded. It is recommended to take proteins after sports training so that the protein can get into the muscles. Many athletes drink proteins in the gym to quickly replenish expended energy and ensure the restoration of muscle fibers. This is how active muscle mass gain occurs. The combined use of proteins and carbohydrates is prohibited, since the substances are radically different in their structure.

Gainers are special mixtures with a high level of carbohydrates (protein accounts for 15 - 30%, carbohydrates - 50 - 80%). Among the differences is the high level of calorie content. As a result, gainers allow you to gain energy and make your workout more effective thanks to improved performance. Gainers do not need to be taken on an ongoing basis, otherwise the growth of the subcutaneous layer of fat will be monitored, and as a result, muscles and relief will not be achieved. To eliminate this risk, it is recommended to combine the intake of proteins and gainers.

Energy cocktails should be drunk during training to replenish energy. Amino acids should be taken additionally to form beautiful muscle relief.

Protein with better absorption

Muscles need proteins. However, in what case is it possible to guarantee assimilation? Particular attention should be paid to the immediate quality of proteins: speed, degree of absorption.

Try to choose animal protein that is more similar in composition to the protein found in the body. Fast absorption is guaranteed. Plant proteins have a lot of fiber, which interferes with protein absorption. There is no need to expect that proteins from foods will be absorbed 100%. For successful results, it is recommended to successfully combine animal and plant proteins; only proper nutrition will allow you to obtain a protein complex with a biological value above 100.

If you want to achieve decent results, you need to understand the features of your diet and intake of protein mixtures throughout the day. Proteins come in different varieties, so there are certain aspects to consider.

In the morning, the human body lacks proteins; this deficiency needs to be replenished. For this reason, it is better to use whey protein.

You need to maintain protein balance throughout the day. To do this, it is recommended to supplement whey protein with casein or a special multicomponent protein mixture.

Before and after training you should take protein. The 2 hours after training are considered especially important.
At night you are allowed to take protein, which takes a long time to digest. You must ensure that amino acids are delivered directly to the muscles.
Now we know which protein is best for gaining muscle mass, you can already create a complex for the whole day.

The Best Proteins for Gaining Muscle Mass

  • Among the best proteins is Weider Protein 80 Plus, which is affordable, but has a thoughtful and complete composition. This protein guarantees quick achievement of the necessary results.
  • When purchasing Dymatize Elite 12 Hour Protein, you need to prepare for problems with dissolution of the product.
  • Optimum Nutrition Platinum HydroWhey is an expensive protein complex, but it is aimed at successfully gaining muscle mass and burning fat deposits.
  • Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100 contains 90% easily digestible protein but tastes truly delicious.

It is better to consult your trainer before making a decision.

Is there any harm from protein?

In reality, protein is not dangerous, but it must be taken as directed. Contraindications include kidney and liver diseases, otherwise the organs will experience increased stress. Every day a certain dose of protein is required: 2 - 2.5 grams per kg of weight. Based on these data, you can regulate the intake of the protein mixture and the inclusion of protein in the diet.

This article is a short, to-the-point guide to protein powders with no unnecessary facts or fluff! After reading it, you will become a real expert and will amaze your friends by always answering questions with confidence about which protein is best for gaining muscle mass.

So what do you really need to know about protein powders? As a newbie to bodybuilding, you naturally want to know the answers to the most important questions. At the end of the article you will find information on which protein is best to buy from domestic and foreign producers.

Do you need protein powders? Do they really work? How much should I take? Which to choose? Which one is the best? And finally, how soon will you start attracting the attention of the opposite sex?

This article is not intended for those who want to learn about ion exchange, genetic mutations, isotope-labeled protein tracers... and all that. This article clearly describes the basics of using protein powders without the unnecessary hype and confusion that usually accompanies the description of any sports nutrition. By the time you finish reading this article, you will become a real expert in this matter and surprise your friends on your next trip to the sports nutrition store. No more hours of wandering around the shops!

Is Protein Powder Really Necessary to Gain Muscle?

Protein supplementation is not an absolute requirement for gaining weight. It is unlikely that you will meet a person who can consume 400 grams of protein per day from their regular diet. If you need to get more than 200 grams of protein per day, using protein powder will make your life a lot easier.

Additionally, protein powders and meal replacement drinks tend to be more cost-effective than conventional products. Don't get me wrong - protein powders are still just a dietary supplement. Let us emphasize once again: the focus of any diet should be food. Natural products are preferable because they contain a full range of nutrients that powders do not.

The bulk of dietary protein should come from meat, fish, poultry and eggs. However, getting all your protein from food isn't always practical or convenient, especially if you have to eat 6 or more meals a day to get enough. Please note that for optimal results, you should limit your intake of protein shakes to a maximum of three times per day or 40% of your daily food intake.

Remember that food and dietary supplements must provide optimal nutrient intake, including adequate protein. Most of those reading this article do not have a personal chef at home to select dietary foods for you. And don't make the fatal mistake of thinking that protein powders can replace hard training and proper nutrition.

“Remember that food and dietary supplements must provide optimal nutrient intake, including adequate protein.”

Do Protein Powders Really Work? Are they harmful to health?

The most frequently asked question is: “Will protein powder actually help me gain muscle or is it a scam?” A better question is: “Does protein really work?” The obvious answer is yes.

Protein is made up of individual "blocks" called amino acids, which perform a variety of functions in the body. For example, they are responsible for the synthesis of muscle fibers and maintaining muscle health while following a diet and constant physical activity.

Protein functions:

  • Participates in the production of red blood cells.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Maintains healthy hair, nails and skin.

However, not all protein powders are created equal, and it's important to note that not all protein powders are as safe as they say on the packaging. Unfortunately, most protein powders are full of harmful ingredients such as artificial colors, fructose, saccharin and aspartame. Buy protein powders with natural ingredients rather than those that contain chemical sweeteners and other substances that do not promote muscle growth and fat loss.

You are harming your health when you consume low-quality smoothies with refined and processed carbohydrates (such as brown rice syrup, sucrose or fructose). Before purchasing, make sure that the manufacturing company is committed to keeping you healthy. Unfortunately, the production of low-quality, but cheaper products will continue because there is a demand for them among bodybuilders. So look for unbiased reviews, research the company's history and reputation. And only then make a decision!

Another criterion for the quality of a protein product is ease of preparation. Most protein powders can easily be turned into a shake even with just stirring with a regular spoon. But the proof of true quality is the lack of taste - this is an inevitable sacrifice to maintain the safety and usefulness of the powder. Once all artificial chemical sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) and simple sugars are removed from the product, it loses its taste and may even be bitter.

How to take protein to gain muscle mass?

How much protein powder should you consume?

A better question is: “How much pure protein do I need to achieve such-and-such?”

Protein is an extremely important macronutrient that needs to be consumed frequently throughout the day. The average amount of protein needed is 2 to 3 grams of protein per 500 grams of muscle mass. This means that if you weigh 75 kg and have 10% body fat (75 x 0.10 = 7.5 kg fat, about 67.5 kg lean muscle mass), then you need between 135 and 200 grams of protein per day.

Protein powder can be used primarily to make shakes that you drink before, during, or after a workout. It is preferable to consume a liquid food product at this time, since it has a higher absorption rate. You should not replace protein powder with more than two meals a day. Here's what your typical day might look like:

  • First meal (breakfast) – regular food
  • Second meal (mid-morning) – liquid protein food
  • Third meal (lunch) – regular food
  • Fourth meal (mid-day) – regular food
  • Fifth meal (before and after training) – liquid protein food
  • Sixth meal (dinner) – regular food
  • Seventh meal (before bedtime) – regular food

Which protein to choose to gain muscle mass?

Before you make your final decision, check out these short descriptions to help you understand the different protein powders.

Whey Protein

Whey protein makes up 20% of milk protein. Whey is an excellent, rapidly absorbing protein source with an excellent amino acid profile, high cysteine ​​content and a blend of peptides. Since it is absorbed very quickly, the best time to use it is before/during training or immediately after it. It is great when you need a lot of energy and when your body is in an anabolic state.


Casein makes up 80% of milk protein. Casein also has an excellent amino acid profile and an excellent blend of peptides, but it is slow to digest. Since casein releases slowly into the bloodstream, it should not be used during or after workouts - this is when you need a “fast” protein. Casein can be used in all other cases.

Soy protein

“It is best to avoid soy protein altogether and consume the other types of protein listed in the article.”

Soy protein is the most controversial of all protein types. Fans of soy products believe that soy products have an almost magical effect on the human body. But there is also a large body of research that shows that soy protein can be harmful in many situations. Because of this confusion, it is best to avoid soy protein altogether and consume other proteins.

Protein mixtures

Protein blends are typically a combination of several types of proteins, such as a mixture of whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, egg white, casein and soy protein. Why is the mixture better? You get a full spectrum of proteins that have varying degrees of absorption. The mixture creates an anabolic environment thanks to whey protein and provides an anti-catabolic effect thanks to casein. Use them at any time of the day, but NOT before or after a workout.

Whey hydrolysates

Whey hydrolyzate (also known as hydrolyzed whey protein or peptide blend) are the most powerful proteins and are the fastest to be absorbed; This is the best form of protein since your body prefers peptides to whole protein. Hydrolysates are produced at very low temperatures, low acidity conditions and mild enzymatic filtration (so they are full of essential and branched chain amino acids). They potentially promote short-term protein synthesis before and after exercise.

Which is better: whey protein or whey isolate?

Most whey protein powders on store shelves are made from whey protein concentrate mixed with a small amount of whey isolate. When comparing the two, isolate is more expensive than whey protein concentrate because it is higher quality (purer) and has a higher biological value. Whey protein isolate contains more protein, less fat and lactose per serving. High quality isolate contains 90-98% whey protein, while concentrates contain around 70-85% protein. Whey protein isolate contains the highest amount of protein found in milk. Due to its chemical structure, it is most easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Obviously, a supplement with a high concentration of protein isolate would be the preferred choice. However, this is an individual decision because isolate is more expensive and just because it is purer does not guarantee that you will get bigger muscles. It can't justify the extra cost.

So what's the bottom line? Which to choose?

Pre- and post-workout use of whey hydrolyzate will likely not be sufficient to affect protein synthesis. As mentioned, whey isolate is an extremely high quality whey protein. For best anabolism, isolates should be combined with whey hydrolysates only before or after training. A small amount of whey concentrates in your diet won't hurt you, but they shouldn't be your number one ingredient.

If you need a powder to support muscles during growth and recovery (any time other than training), use protein blends. You will receive a full spectrum of proteins with different absorption rates. In addition, you will maintain an anabolic state with whey protein, and casein will counteract catabolism.

Which protein is best among domestic producers?

When choosing the right nutrition for muscle growth, protein is very important. More precisely, its quantity and amino acid composition. When buying protein to gain muscle mass, it’s hard to say which one is better, from the point of view of muscle growth. Any quality protein works well for this purpose. But you will find out which one is better in the video below. You will learn the results of analyzes of domestic proteins: Pureprotein, Rline, RPS, Atech, KingProtein, Geneticlab, Academy T.

Which protein is best among imported manufacturers?

An analysis of foreign proteins was carried out here: MyProtein, Dymatize, Arnold, Mex, Universal, San, Ostrovit, Syntrax. All the results are presented in the video; based on the information received, you can conclude which brand of protein is best to buy.


We hope this article has introduced you to the basics of using protein powders and empowered you to make your own decisions when shopping at sports nutrition stores. Now you can ask the seller exactly what you are looking for, and not remain indifferent to the jars on the shelves without the advice of a consultant!

Oh yes, protein powder will also help you lose weight and gain success with the opposite sex. But he won't do it in an "ultra-short period of time" without appropriate adjustments to his diet and lifestyle.

Based on materials:


For those who have decided to improve their nutrition to improve athletic performance, we will tell you which protein is best to buy for gaining muscle mass. Almost any sport requires not only proper physical activity to obtain results, but also adherence to a special diet. In fitness and bodybuilding, the issue of nutrition is especially acute. Any athlete needs to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients so that the muscles recover well after training.

The sports nutrition market offers many products that can help achieve this goal. One of the most popular is, of course, protein. But here a completely reasonable question arises: which protein is better for gaining muscle mass? We will look at this issue in more detail later.

How does protein affect muscle gain - cause and effect relationships

The muscle tension we create during exercise is a signal for the body to begin the process of protein synthesis. The body receives this signal and starts a process, the purpose of which is to begin feeding the fibers “affected” by the load. This further provokes the appearance of new cells, an increase in the myoblast membrane and total mass. However, in order for this process to fully realize itself, the body requires the same source material for building muscles - protein. This is why protein is so important for gaining muscle mass. If it is not enough, then muscle mass will not grow.

Not everyone is able to build a diet that provides the required amount of protein for growth. Even if you manage to create it, sometimes you don’t have enough energy and time to prepare enough food to ensure the growth of muscle tissue. This is why sports nutrition was invented. A very convenient thing: pour the protein mixture into a shaker, mix it with milk and drink it. And now, you no longer worry about protein deficiency in your body, and your muscles have received the necessary fuel for growth.

Moreover! The concept of diluting protein with milk/water has long since become obsolete, and progress has moved on! Today they make a huge amount of really tasty proteins that allow you not just to drink yourself, but to enjoy using them. It has become especially popular to buy several flavors to create cocktails, desserts and even breakfasts (by the way, we’ll talk about recipes below).

Thus, we can say that protein for weight gain directly affects this process. And further, the question that worries many athletes is - is it really impossible to do without sports nutrition? Of course you can! Nobody forces you to buy and eat only supplements. But this method of gaining muscle mass, when you combine ordinary food with sports nutrition, is much better.

Firstly, the best protein for gaining muscle mass is a high-quality protein that will be absorbed faster and provide you with the amino acids you need. Secondly, it saves you time. You don't have to stand at the stove all day to prepare your meals for the day. It is enough to replace a couple of meals with a cocktail. And finally, it is useful and can even change your usual diet beyond recognition. The point is that using protein powder you can prepare all sorts of delicious things, from pancakes to excellent-tasting cocktails. And, if you have a choice, go to the nearest cafe and eat some pastries that you don’t know what they were made from, or cook them at home yourself, then the choice is obvious. You can be sure that you made the same pancakes from a quality product. But we'll talk about this later.

Main types of proteins: concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate

The sports nutrition market is overflowing with various types of proteins. For a beginner, such diversity makes his eyes widen. The main types of proteins are concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. So which protein should you choose to gain muscle mass?

Whey concentrate- This is the cheapest option. This is due to a simpler production mechanism. Modern concentrate contains approximately 70-80% protein. The only disadvantage of this type of product is associated with the protein content and also the presence of fat and lactose in the mixture.

Isolate is a product that has a high degree of purification. The protein content of the isolate is approximately 90-95%. Thus, whey protein isolate contains virtually no impurities (lactose, carbohydrates and cholesterol). This type of protein is recommended for allergy sufferers and those who are lactose intolerant.

Whey Protein Hydrolyzate- this is the same isolate, but has undergone additional processing. Thanks to hydrolysis - the breakdown of the isolate, the manufacturer achieves a product that will be absorbed by the body much faster. This protein is considered a standard, but it also costs more than the same isolate, and even more so the concentrate.

By the way, another essential form of protein is casein. In combination with whey, it will help you protect your muscles as much as possible from catabolism and will provide them with amino acids for several hours. So buying casein protein along with whey protein is a great idea!

As you can see, there are quite a few forms of protein supplements, but which protein should you buy to gain muscle mass? In general, ALL forms are great for this task, but if you want to gain as clean mass as possible, it is better to avoid whey concentrate and go for hydrolyzed isolate.

Why doesn't it make sense to buy cheap protein?

Many novice athletes prefer to purchase cheap sports nutrition as their first experience. Thus, they try to gain muscle mass as quickly as possible while saving money. This approach will not lead to anything good. There can be no talk of any increase in muscle mass, at least qualitatively.

Cheap protein has many disadvantages. Among the main and most common are the following:

  • Low amino acid profile (cheap proteins add soy protein, which is poor in amino acid composition);
  • High content of impurities (lactose, fats and carbohydrates);
  • Availability of various dyes;
  • Sometimes the taste is terrible;
  • Presence of preservatives.

If you don't get enough amino acids, your muscles won't grow. But for this, the protein must be of high quality, and cheap sports nutrition, alas, does not offer us such bounties. Cheap protein is often poorly absorbed. People complain that after taking the next portion of such a supplement, a very natural “mess” begins in their stomach. The result is an upset stomach, no progress and wasted money.

So, you should look at all offers to buy protein for gaining muscle mass at a bargain price with a great deal of doubt. In this case, it is better not to try to save significantly.

Very often you can even find proteins from such popular brands as ON, Muscle Tech, etc. at a very low price. In this case, you should not rely only on the popularity of the brand, but compare prices in different stores. If the cost is significantly different, then most likely they are offering you a fake. Popular (pop) brands are often guilty of this, unlike the underground.

Another advantage of the underground over pop brands as a choice. Yes, yes, precisely in quality, not breadth. Popular companies can offer you a wide selection of protein packaging, compositions, and flavors, but they do not know how to make “catchy” additives. The same proteins from Optimum Nutrition are good in quality and completely ordinary in taste. But if you want to try something truly unusual, then it is better to turn to the underground. Here you will find a smaller selection of flavors, but they will be much more interesting and natural. Underground protein, by the way, is produced in small packages (usually up to 1 kg), which allows you to buy several flavors at once and experiment!

By the way, most pop brand proteins consist of concentrate (low-quality protein), while underground is either a complex protein or an isolate/hydrolysate.

Best Protein for Muscle Gain Among Underground Brands

After analyzing reviews about which protein is best for gaining muscle mass, we compiled the following rating. Underground brands are those that are not heard by many. Simply put, manufacturing companies do not actively advertise and do not promote their product wherever possible. They simply produce a quality product, and those who are familiar with the brand purchase it. Naturally, among this category of protein there are many not very high-quality products. But we have prepared for you the top protein mixtures that are not too famous, but have an excellent reputation.

Our underground top looks like this:

Complex protein, including whey protein isolate and concentrate. This combination allows you to achieve maximum anabolism, delivering all the necessary substances to the muscles. Contains 24 grams of protein per serving and has an amazing chocolate flavor!

All representatives are predominantly isolate and hydrolyzate. Each of these protein mixtures has been on the market for a long time. There are many reviews that we also relied on when compiling the rating. All 7 representatives had more positive responses to the application than negative ones. It is difficult to say which is the best protein for gaining muscle mass from the “underground” category, since absolutely all supplements have excellent composition and tastes. They are no worse (or even better!) than the “pop” representatives of this segment. We'll talk about them further.

Protein Recipes

It was already noted above that protein powder can be consumed not only according to the instructions. That is, it is not necessary to mix a serving of protein with milk or water and drink it all. For some, this technique may make them sad; for others, over time, this method becomes boring. Agree, if you eat the same food every day, prepared in the same way, you can go crazy. With protein, of course, everything is not so tragic, but still a similar analogy can be drawn.

BONUS – What else do you need besides protein?

As a bonus, we decided to remind you of an important detail - high-quality results are only possible with an integrated approach!

Indeed, protein, as we have found out, is very important when gaining muscle mass. But it only allows you to make up for the lack of protein in your diet. In order for your muscles to be constantly protected from catabolism, you will also need BCAA, and for the coordinated functioning of the body - vitamin and mineral complexes.

Also, you must remember that your progress largely depends not only on nutrition, but also on the quality of your training. Pre-workout complexes and pills will help you with this. These supplements allow you to always train at your maximum and enjoy the process.

However, if you want to achieve more than nature gave you, then you need to influence your hormone levels. Growth hormone and testosterone are responsible for our muscles, and indeed for all health in general.

During physical activity, a surge of these hormones occurs in the blood, due to which the process of protein synthesis begins. In order to achieve maximum results and “break through your genetics” and “push back the plateau,” you need to remove the restrictions that the body itself sets. To exceed the capabilities that nature has given you, you can use:

  • SARMs;
  • Dough boosters;
  • Designer steroids.

The most harmless and simplest of these options is dough boosters. They allow you to safely increase the level of testosterone in your blood for your hormonal system. DS and SARMs are heavier artillery that artificially increases testosterone levels and helps preserve muscles even during the most severe cutting!

If you want to look good, be fit and feel good, then BCAA, protein, vitamin-mineral complexes, a pre-workout complex and a pill will be enough for you. But if you want to get in shape like the athletes in the pictures in this article and constantly keep that shape, then you will need SARMs and DS.


We've helped you find the best whey protein for muscle gain a little, but the rest is up to you. Be creative! Don't force yourself into limits! The point is that sports nutrition gives us great opportunities to diversify our diet. Protein can be mixed with anything: ice, milk, juice. Using protein powder, you can make delicious-tasting muffins, pies, and bars. Don't limit yourself to just one protein brand! We have offered you two TOPs of both underground and most popular protein mixtures. Underground brands generally offer 1 kg packs, so you can buy several flavors at once and create real culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. By the way, you can only buy protein in Moscow with cool flavors from exclusive manufacturers from us!

Monitor your daily diet to ensure your body receives the optimal amount of protein. Take 3-5 cans of protein at once and vary them, depending on the time of intake and goals. This way you will never get tired of the protein mixture, but remember that the main thing here is not to overdo it. Take 2 g of protein per 1 kg of your weight, and you will be happy! But remember that mass proteins help not only build muscle, but also diversify your daily diet.

In sports nutrition, protein is a nutritional supplement, the main component of which...

In sports nutrition protein is a food supplement, the main component of which is synthesized protein, usually presented in powder form.

Protein closes all 3 links of the chain “Training - nutrition - recovery”. It is used before and after weight training to help maintain anabolic processes (i.e., muscle growth) in the body. In nutrition, protein not only compensates for the lack of protein throughout the day, but also saves time - given that, on average, a bodybuilder needs to eat 6 times a day, a protein shake will be the best option if it is impossible to have a full meal. During the rest period, protein stimulates recovery processes and maintains the required level of protein during night sleep.

Currently the most popular are the following types of protein supplements:

  1. Soy protein.
  2. Egg white.
  3. Whey protein.
  4. Casein.

Before answering the question “Which protein is better for gaining muscle mass?”, it is necessary to consider the positive and negative aspects of each type.

Soy protein

Soy protein is a type of plant protein and is produced in 3 forms: from soy flour (about 50% protein), soy concentrate (60 to 75% protein) and soy isolate (about 85% protein).


  1. Hypoallergenic. Many experts note the high enzymatic qualities of soy protein.
  2. Balanced pure protein content (only soy protein isolate).
  3. Reducing total cholesterol levels in the body.
  4. Cheap and accessible. Soy protein is one of the cheapest sports nutrition products on the market.


  1. Low biological value - 73. This is the worst indicator among all protein supplements.
  2. Low efficiency as a factor in gaining muscle mass. The absorption of soy protein, like almost any other plant protein, is very slow. In addition, low protein content per serving minimizes anabolic processes and can lead to poor health due to lack of energy.
  3. A scientifically proven effect on the secretion of estrogen (the main female hormone), which is completely unsuitable for those who want to build muscle mass rather than fat tissue. As a result, an imbalance of testosterone (the main male hormone) and estrogen can lead to harmful disturbances in the athlete’s entire hormonal profile, fat deposits, and disruption of the secretive glands.
  4. Presence of heterogeneous impurities. By-products from raw materials are very common even in soy protein supplements from well-known manufacturers. By purchasing such a protein from a little-known company, an athlete runs the risk of receiving a completely unknown product, which not only will not be beneficial, but may even be harmful to health.

Overall rating:

Soy protein is the worst option for gaining muscle mass. The low price does not cover the weak anabolic effect. Only soy protein isolate can be considered a source of quality protein, but even this is inferior to most other types of protein supplements.

Egg protein

Most nutritionists consider egg white to be the standard both in terms of the balance of nutrients and in terms of the degree of digestibility by the human body. Egg protein contains all the necessary protein compounds and amino acids, promoting complete recovery and growth of muscle tissue.


  1. Optimal ratio of protein, nutrients, micro- and macroelements.
  2. High biological value - 88 for egg whites and 100 for whole eggs.
  3. Excellent digestibility and absorption rate (approx. 9 grams per hour).
  4. Almost zero impurities. Egg protein does not contain additional substances such as fiber, flavoring additives or processed by-products.


  1. High price. High-quality egg white protein costs significantly more than most other supplements.
  2. Slightly worse indicators of the anabolic effect in comparison with whey protein isolate and, especially, whey protein hydrolysate. The difference is approximately 15-20%. This is quite a lot, considering the cost of each type.

It is important! A separate point associated with egg protein is its effect on increasing the so-called bad cholesterol. This is one of the most famous myths about the dangers of egg whites. In fact, when you consume protein from egg whites, your bad cholesterol levels drop. Only the level of “good” cholesterol, which is responsible for the regenerative functions of the skin, hair, and tissues of the internal organs of a person, increases. “Bad” cholesterol increases only with excessive consumption of whole eggs, but this negative effect can be overcompensated by any vitamin and mineral complex. Thus, the adaptive effect of whole eggs cannot in any way be attributed to the disadvantages of egg protein - the protein on the market is precisely egg white protein with a minimal proportion of yolk or no yolk at all.

Overall rating:

Egg protein is perhaps one of the best options for gaining muscle mass. Excellent indicators of digestibility, absorption rate, protein completeness and hypoallergenicity create a standard natural protein that is equally beneficial for those who want to build muscle mass and those who simply want to keep themselves in good physical shape. The high price of the product is the only drawback that may prevent the use of egg protein for a long time.

Whey protein

Along with egg white, whey protein is considered to be the closest in amino acid composition to human muscle tissue. Many sports nutritionists and scientists recommend milk protein as a universal protein, suitable for increasing the volume of muscle fibers and for increasing strength and endurance. The balanced composition of whey fully complies with dietary standards during active training. In terms of the content of branched chain amino acids BCAA (leucine, isoleucine and valine), milk protein is the leader among all plant and animal proteins.


  1. Optimal ratio of amino acids (BCAAs and polyunsaturated microelements).
  2. Biological value – 90, higher than that of soy protein and casein.
  3. Good digestibility.
  4. Low price – approximately at the level of high-quality soy protein.


  1. Low absorption rate - approx. 4 g/hour. This is roughly equivalent to soy and casein protein supplements. Milk protein should not be taken before or after heavy strength training, because the protein will not have time to be absorbed, which means that the desired effect (launching anabolic processes) will not be achieved.
  2. Lactate content, which may contribute to gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction. Milk protein takes a long time to digest, and the lactose it contains causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, people with digestive problems should be careful when taking milk protein or avoid it altogether.
  3. Controversial anabolic effect. There are currently no clear recommendations for the use of milk protein as a bodybuilder's primary dietary supplement. Some athletes note an increase in muscle mass and an increase in strength. At the same time, protein does not have the desired effect on other people, and in some cases reduces performance and increases fatigue of the body.

Overall rating:

Whey protein, although considered a universal protein supplier, cannot be chosen as a basis for gaining muscle mass. Quite a lot of negative factors affect the effectiveness of its use. While some note a lasting positive result, others note the uselessness and negative impact on the body.


Casein, or calcium caseinate, is a compound of large protein molecules. It is considered a “slow” type of protein due to its low absorption rate (approx. 5 g/hour). A very popular product used as the main source of protein during nighttime sleep and during long breaks between training cycles.


  1. Balanced amino acid composition, in many ways similar to whey protein.
  2. An excellent option during passive rest, inter-training cycles and during the rehabilitation period after injuries.
  3. Availability and wide choice on the market.


  1. Low biological value – 80.
  2. Poor solubility and slow processing speed. Casein cannot be used before or after training as a “fast” protein.
  3. Like milk protein, casein can cause gastrointestinal problems, poor health and loss of strength.

Overall rating:

Casein, with all its shortcomings, is one of the best sources of “slow” protein. Casein is not suitable as a basis for gaining muscle mass due to the low activity of protein compounds. However, when combined with other types of protein supplements, casein promotes quality rest and good anabolic effects. However, modern types of casein protein (for example, micellar) are much more expensive than calcium caseinate and are successfully replaced with ordinary food - cottage cheese or fish.

Whey proteins (concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate)

The most popular type of protein currently. Large selection, high efficiency, no side effects - the choice of the modern athlete.

The most common and affordable of whey proteins. It is produced by filtering protein compounds from other elements - carbohydrates, fats and other substances.


  1. High biological value – approx. 100. This is comparable to egg protein and more than animal and plant protein supplements.
  2. High absorption rate – approx. 13 g/hour, which classifies the concentrate as a “fast” type of protein. The greatest effect is achieved when taken an hour and a half before and immediately after training.
  3. Low price - the lowest of all whey proteins.
  4. Good anabolic effect.


  1. Heterogeneity of products depending on the manufacturer. The content of pure protein varies from 30 to 85% of the total mass of the product. The rest of the volume is taken up by flavorings, aromas and vitamins. Sometimes the protein content itself is so low that the use of such protein neutralizes post-workout recovery.
  2. Useless as a “slow” protein, not suitable as a source of energy during night sleep or during a long pause between workouts.

Overall rating:

A quality whey protein concentrate is a good choice for the thinking bodybuilder. The relatively low price and a number of irrefutable advantages are the best choice for most people.


Whey protein isolate is produced by applying additional methods of filtration of the concentrate. The end result is a much purer protein with an average protein content of 90%.


  1. Protein with a minimal content of foreign impurities is better than concentrate and, especially, soy or milk proteins.
  2. One of the best indicators of anabolism.
  3. Like the concentrate, the isolate meets all modern standards for amino acid composition.
  4. Biological value index – 105-110. The second result after hydrolyzate.
  5. Completely hypoallergenic and no side effects.


  1. High price. Only wealthy people or professional athletes can afford the constant use of isolate.
  2. Relatively small share of pure isolate on the market. Manufacturers prefer to sell mixtures of concentrate and isolate, in which the mass fraction of concentrate is much greater than isolate. Despite the high cost of such an additive, the effectiveness, in comparison with whey concentrate, is unchanged.

Overall rating:

Whey protein isolate is a good combination of price and quality. If financially possible, one of the best options.

Whey Protein Hydrolyzate

Technologically advanced food supplement with a maximum active protein content of 95%. In fact, hydrolyzate is already amino acids, or split protein, which, when consumed, delivers protein to muscle tissue as quickly as possible.


  1. The highest levels of purification, protein content and active enzymes.
  2. Maximum biological value – 130.
  3. The maximum rate of absorption into the blood is approx. 13 o'clock
  4. The maximum anabolic effect among all types of protein.


  1. Very high price. Whey hydrolysate is the most expensive protein supplement available right now.
  2. Not suitable as a “slow” protein.

Overall rating:

The best protein for gaining muscle mass. However, the high cost is not suitable for most people.

So, drawing a line under the topic “Protein for gaining muscle mass - which is better,” we can distinguish several types of protein:

All whey proteins are effective, highly anabolic and widely available on the market.

Egg and milk proteins also perform well, but have several significant disadvantages.

Soy protein and casein cannot be the main dietary supplement for gaining muscle mass.

This material deliberately does not discuss mixtures of several proteins (for example, whey and isolate). The use of mixtures is only relevant for advanced bodybuilders who have an excellent feel for their body and the response of their muscles to this or that type of protein. The use of mixtures for novice athletes will not give a significant result and can only be recommended for medical or nutritional reasons.

Comparative characteristics of protein types

High protein contentEffective as a “fast” proteinEffective as a “slow” proteinLow price, availability
Soy proteinNoNo (Yes – for soy protein isolate only)Yes
Egg proteinYesYesNoNo
Milk proteinNoNoYesYes
Whey Protein ConcentrateYes (depending on the manufacturer)YesNoYes
Isolate SPYesYesNoNo
Hydrolyzate SPYesYesNoNo

Protein is an indispensable food mixture for athletes, which is a concentrated protein. Eating protein allows the body to establish a positive nitrogen balance: a condition in which protein is not excreted from the body, but accumulates, forming muscle tissue.

The daily dose of the substance compensates for the energy consumption that is inevitable for an athlete, strengthens muscles and other tissues of the body, keeping the body in good shape. When choosing a protein for muscle growth, it is important to figure out which one is best for you - taking into account the characteristics of your body and sports direction.

Protein shake or regular food?

It is easier for the body to assimilate liquid food than to digest coarser food.

With a lack of protein and the pace of physical activity, the human body will gradually begin to wear out. Theoretically, the required amount of the substance can be obtained from food, if you know which of them are richest in protein. However, experienced bodybuilders do not advise completely abandoning the use of cocktails. Why?

  • The maximum amount of protein is found in products of animal origin - meat, eggs, cottage cheese. However, this food is also saturated with fats, which do not contribute to maintaining athletic shape. Protein powder is almost completely free of excess substances.
  • Regular food does not always allow you to accurately calculate the amount of protein it contains. Cocktail manufacturers provide specific numbers indicating the substances present in the mixture.
  • The properties of food products directly depend on storage conditions, expiration dates and other factors that are not always possible to track.
  • Food may contain harmful impurities that can neutralize the effect of protein.
  • In order to constantly maintain the body in a state of anabolism, the athlete would have to eat at least 6 times a day. With intense training and a busy schedule, this option is simply not possible. But the drink in a convenient bottle is easy to take with you and take at any time.

What types of proteins are there?

drinking a cocktail is much faster and easier than eating a pack of cottage cheese

Three types of protein are used in the production of cocktails:

  1. Whey. This protein is most quickly absorbed by the body and begins to restore muscles. The product is the most expensive, but also loved by athletes, since it can be consumed directly. Depending on its internal composition, whey protein is further divided into three types:
    • Concentrate - 65% proteins;
    • Isolate - 85% proteins;
    • Hydrolyzate is a mixture that is maximally saturated with proteins and is absorbed by the body in the shortest possible time. But the cost of this drink is the highest.
  2. Casein. This species is absorbed for a long time and slowly, but at the same time efficiently performs its protective functions. Unlike the previous type, casein does not dissolve in water, which is why it takes a long time to digest. However, removing the substance from the body is difficult, so casein protects muscles from possible catabolism for a long time.
  3. Complex. This mixture includes different types of proteins and allows you to achieve the most attractive ratio for the athlete.

    The protein complex allows you to find the “golden mean” between the reconstructive and protective functions.

Which protein is best for gaining muscle mass?

How to take mixtures?

It is not recommended to save on protein; choose one of the expensive options

The daily protein intake and cocktail intake schedule are individual for each bodybuilder. What matters is weight, the ratio of fat to fat, age, the intensity of the load and the direction in which the athlete is engaged. Thin people need less protein than overweight people, and women need less than men.

The average figure is to consume 1 - 1.7 g of protein per kg of weight. On average, one serving of a protein shake contains 30 g of the substance.

The time of administration directly depends on the type of protein. For immediate effects, the whey can be consumed before and after, as well as between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner.

Which protein is better to choose?

Remember that you need to consume protein in combination with proper diet and exercise

Modern Western proteins are approximately equivalent in effectiveness. When choosing the appropriate option, you should first of all pay attention to the type and composition of the product rather than the brand name. We can certainly say that it is not worth using domestic products: our developments are still far from Western achievements. And here are the most popular brands of foreign proteins, divided depending on the type:


  • Whey Gold Standard is the absolute leader in the world market, recognized as the most rapidly digestible protein. Thousands of athletes have seen its effectiveness, and the price is reasonable in relation to the result.
  • Elite Whey Protein Dymatize is a product rich in substances that can compensate for lactose intolerance. It is easily accepted by the body and acts almost instantly.
  • 100% Pure Platinum Whey is one of the best products on the market today. By developing this protein, the company aimed to help athletes cope with catabolism caused by overload. In addition, the cocktail has a very pleasant taste.
  • Zero Carb is an isolate protein. The product is more expensive compared to other serums, but this is justified by its effectiveness. The production uses a complex purification method that completely removes carbohydrates and fats from the composition.


  • BSN Syntha-6 - the protein content in this product is low (only 50%), but this is fully compensated by the presence of other useful components. It contains valuable amino acids, fiber, and fats necessary for the body. The product is perfect for skinny athletes who need to gain weight without compromising their muscles.
  • Probolic-SR - ensures the supply of valuable substances to the body for a long period - up to 12 hours. It has a pleasant taste.
  • Matrix 5.0 Syntrax - has a universal composition, devoid of harmful components and unreliable sources of protein. Perfect for thrifty buyers, as it has an affordable price that does not compromise efficiency.


  • 100% Casein Gold Standard. The name of the company, Optimum Nutrition, a market leader, speaks for itself. A high-quality and healthy cocktail, known for its seductive chocolate taste.
  • Syntrax Micellar Creme - made from natural natural casein, which has not been processed. Recommended not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people struggling with excess weight.

Each of these brands is a time-tested product, tested by many athletes and has its own adherents. You can fearlessly choose any one and evaluate it yourself. But if you don’t want to experiment, try the products of the American leader Optimum Nutrition, and the result will not take long to arrive.

How a novice athlete can check the authenticity of a protein: