What not to eat and drink when gaining muscle mass. Should you do cardio when gaining muscle mass? Examples of menus for those who want to gain weight

In this article we will talk about the ten most common typing mistakes muscle mass. Read and take note.

Take care of your body, build muscles, become strong and beautiful - all these are similar formulations of one question that almost everyone once asked. And the question is whether it’s time for me to start studying. Starting, of course, is not a problem, and the results will certainly be felt in the first months. Although this is not a fact. And beginners are not immune from injuries, because they don’t know everything, they don’t realize everything. It is precisely these mistakes that I would like to protect you from if you are planning to start building muscle.

This will be ten typical ones, i.e. the most common misconceptions for beginners, but you can easily supplement this list with your own examples of errors, leaving them in the comments to this material.

Mistake #1. Champion program
Many newcomers come to Gym“theoretically savvy,” that is, having read the literature of those whom they consider authorities in bodybuilding. This in itself is not bad, it is especially great if they read what they need.

But many make the same mistake: they take the program of some famous athlete who has achieved success (Coleman or Schwarzenegger) and start training according to it. The logic is simple: if it helps him, it will help me too.
However, three important factors are not taken into account here.

First: serious athletes constantly change their programs, sometimes they gain weight, sometimes they dry out. The program for what period do you have in your hands?

Second: any athlete is, first of all, a person with his own body type. The Schwarz program is in no way suitable for a person with an abdominal type (fat person), who was a muscular type.

And finally, thirdly, the most important thing. Let's be clear: in professional bodybuilding, only chemists achieve real success. No matter how famous athletes shout about their virginity from steroids, this is a pure lie. They are chemists. And their program is designed to be combined with steroid therapy. I will not give a moral assessment of this fact, everyone has the right to decide what is best for him, but it is USELESS to do the Schwartz program, eating only regular food and supplements.

Mistake #2. The bigger, the better
In order for muscles to grow faster, they need to be pumped. Logical. To make them grow even faster, they need to be pumped up even more. Logical? No. This is where other laws come into play.

What is muscle growth? During training, you lift large weights that are unusual for you in normal life. This causes muscle microtraumas - tiny tears muscle fibers. Hence the pain, because any wound is painful.

Having broken your fibers, you leave the hall. Eat. Sleep. When you eat, you give your body construction material for fiber restoration. At night, it is at night that the growth process occurs. The body envelops damaged fibers with pre-stored building materials - amino acids and proteins. They overgrow and... become thicker. It’s thicker here, thicker there, you look, and the whole muscle increases in volume. Height.

However, the body needs to have time to heal wounds. If microtraumas begin to appear too often, they will not have time to heal. Moreover, I would like to warn you: an organism that cannot heal itself will fall into a state of stress. This means that basic functions may fail.

The result is a depressed mood, decreased resistance to viruses and bacteria, constant fatigue, and most importantly - no growth!

It has been experimentally established that the optimal number of workouts per week is 2-3. Any more would be too much. And natural training guru Mike Mentzer insisted on more long breaks. What will be optimal for you can only be determined experimentally, but remember the main thing: too much is worse than too little.

Mistake #3. It's good to drink beer after training
Beer after a workout is a sure way to a hospital bed. There is a myth that beer after the gym is possible and even necessary because it contains energy-rich carbohydrates.
Oh-oh-oh... How many years have passed, and I still hear this myth. I don’t even know where it came from - they say from classical weightlifting from the times of the USSR. I doubt it, but that's not the point.

Drinking beer after a workout is a surefire way to end up in a hospital bed.

Let's start with the fact that there really are carbohydrates in this drink. But the problem is that they are complex. And it’s not easy for the body to break them down. He would rather put such nonsense into storage (i.e., fat) than get energy from it. Do you want to become the proud owner of a beer belly? I doubt.

But this is not so bad, or rather one tenth. I would like to emphasize that the main risk factor is that during training a colossal load is placed on your heart. And the need to do something with alcohol after such stress will not add strength to your main muscle.

I am familiar with a striking example: within a year, a young guy, indulging in beer after rocking, came down with a heart attack. Do you need it?

Mistake #4. The main thing is to exercise in the gym
No, in the gym you get only 30% (!) of your overall growth success. The rest comes from sleep and nutrition. I already explained how muscles grow in paragraph 2, but I won’t dwell on this in detail. Let me just say that don’t overestimate your training and don’t forget to eat properly and sleep a lot!

Mistake #5. Proteins, creatines and anabolic steroids make you impotent
A big problem for novice bodybuilders is the inability to distinguish steroids from nutritional supplements. A big problem for novice bodybuilders is the inability to distinguish steroids from nutritional supplements.

Let's clarify. Any food supplement, included in sports nutrition, be it protein, creatine or amino acids, acts indirectly. Sports nutrition provides the body with additional, easily digestible material for growth, as well as additional sources energy for training in the gym.

Steroids (aka anabolics) hit the forehead, increasing the level of the male hormone testosterone. The higher this level, the easier the growth.

So here it is. If the body does not have any special problems with indirect additives (it will either assimilate them or simply pass them through), then with a “frontal attack” everything is much more complicated. Anabolic steroids disrupt hormonal levels, and the body begins to have problems. Not for everyone and not always. But it happens often. Including problems with potency.

Mistake #6. The main thing is not technique, but weight!!!
Oh, how many young guys are chasing weight. I don’t care about the number of repetitions, I don’t care about the execution technique, just to lift, just to press the barbell of the treasured mass!

Well what can I say? You will flounder for a long time. The technique was not invented in vain; by following it, you will load exactly those muscles that are needed and relieve you of unnecessary stress vulnerabilities, such as the back or knees.

Mistake #7. I can handle the barbell myself!
The error seems small, but it is so common among beginners that I decided to focus my attention on it.

Mainly out of shyness, many beginners who come to the gym do not want to ask someone to belay them on the barbell, during the bench press and a number of other exercises.

This should not be done under any circumstances! In my life, I have removed the barbell from three suffocating would-be athletes, and once (let’s be honest) it was removed from me. This was a long time ago, just when I started working out in the gym. But I always remembered that moment when there was no one in the gym, there was nowhere to drop the barbell, and there was less and less strength left to hold it. Since then, my instinct of self-preservation has once and for all crushed my then shyness as a novice athlete!

In addition to safety precautions, there is another important aspect to remember. Any exercise, unless it is a warm-up, must be done all the way, to the limit. Especially the base that includes the bench press. So without outside help you simply won't get there. last time, when you push with all your might and really give it your all.

Mistake #8. Sex directly interferes with training
If you don’t have sex, then the overall level of testosterone will decline, as unnecessary. And we don’t need this at all. Conclusion: have healthy sex! The error is based on the fact that the amount of testosterone in the body is limited. This is another hilarious misconception that I have encountered in my life. Indeed, testosterone is a male hormone and, in addition to muscle growth, is also responsible for potency. So it can be assumed that by not having sex, we will save more potential for the gym.

But the assumption is wrong. The fact is that the body has such a thing as hormonal levels. It is maintained more or less smoothly and at a given level. If something is missing somewhere, the body will immediately restore its reserves, using reserves. And with good nutrition, good sleep and just healthy way there will be life reserves.

On the contrary, if you don’t have sex, then the overall level of testosterone will decline, as unnecessary. And we don’t need this at all. Conclusion: have healthy sex!

Mistake #9. To lose weight, you need to eat little
You won't achieve anything by fasting. A pressing issue for people of the abdominal type, and at the drying stage.

I’ll say right away that you won’t achieve anything by fasting. As soon as the body lacks resources, it immediately slows down the metabolism to save money. You become lethargic, apathetic, and prone to illness ( the immune system also requires resources for maintenance). Moreover, the food that we do eat tends to go into storage - you never know. Could there be famine ahead? That is, we get the reverse process.

No, you need to eat. Just eat mindfully – low-calorie foods. For example, fiber (vegetables). And no chocolates under the pillow! The body is lost: there seems to be food, but there is nothing to put in the abdomen - everything is at work!

In general, there is an ironclad method. Eliminate all sugar from your food for exactly one month. Can you?

By the way, do not forget that with the loss of fat mass, you inevitably lose muscle mass. As well as strength.

Mistake No. 10. I’ll become Schwarzenegger in a month!
This common mistake among beginners who, in a short period of time in the gym, want to see an immediate and fairly significant increase in muscle mass. And when they don’t get what they expected, they say that the gym is nonsense and give up further trips to the gym.

Bodybuilding is a sport for the patient. In it, the results do not come the next morning. However, already in the first year progress will become visible. Wait! The most important thing is that there is progress. When weight and body weight grow, at least slowly but surely, this is main feature that you are doing everything right and moving forward.


This type need to consume more protein and fiber, cereals should be minimally processed and cleaned; unpolished rice works well. Training should be both strength training and endurance training, that is, running, swimming, cycling. Such loads will help burn excess fat tissue.

How to gain weight as an ectomorph

This body type has a very difficult time gaining mass, both muscle and fat. “Dry” by nature, the ectomorph has a fast metabolism, which makes it difficult to gain weight due to fast burning calories. All food is easily digested to provide energy for the body, making it more difficult to create a calorie surplus. This body type is best suited high carbohydrate diet, should be predominant slow carbohydrates, which release energy for a long time. The main thing is not to starve. Since the body quickly digests food, it will take the lack of energy from the muscles. Therefore, poor nutrition will never lead an ectomorph to big muscles. Equally important is protein in the diet; sufficient intake will prevent the breakdown of your own muscle protein. Suitable for ectomorph sports supplements in the form and or . Especially, taking such supplements is important before bedtime; “slow” casein protein will prevent muscle loss at night.

Ectomorph training should last no more than an hour, mainly execution for the main muscle groups, 8-10 reps per set at high intensity.

How to increase a girl's body weight

The principles and techniques for gaining muscle for women are not particularly different from those for men. But the rate of muscle gain in girls is much slower, since there is not enough production of the required amount of testosterone to promote muscle growth. Girls need to be careful with high-calorie foods, on average, the weaker sex 2000-3000 calories is enough. An excess of carbohydrates and fats promotes fat gain, not muscle gain. The female body naturally contains more adipose tissue in percentage, in contrast to men's. Therefore, high-calorie foods threaten the rapid deposition of fats female type(on the thighs and abdomen), this is necessary for main task women - bearing and giving birth to a child.

Thus, nutrition should be moderate:

  1. complex carbohydrates and fruits in the morning;
  2. proteins and fiber - in the second.

Strength training to gain muscle should also include basic exercises 8-12 repetitions, 3-4 sets.

Common mistakes in gaining weight

  • Insufficient calorie and nutrient intake;
  • Infrequent meals;
  • Low fluid intake;
  • Exclusion from the diet (especially undesirable for an ectomorph);
  • Fasting before bed;
  • Consumption of only proteins and complete exclusion of fats;
  • Long-term exercise for more than 2-3 hours, which leads to a decrease in muscle volume.


For effective and rapid growth of muscle mass, men must not forget about main rules– consuming enough calories and nutrients, and intense loads.

Remember, a large number of repetitions (running, cycling), long-term training only lead to an increase in endurance and loss of fat tissue, but have no effect on muscle growth.

Switch to six meals a day, each appointment no later than three hours later. Don't forget, muscle growth requires at least eight hours.

Hasty attempts to gain weight and another extreme diet can have Negative consequences. Find out what not to eat when gaining muscle mass. Eliminate all mistakes on the way to progress.

Mistake #1. Excess sugar

Sugar is a close relative of carbohydrates. Sugar reduces anabolic potential and is harmful to health. It also helps reduce insulin sensitivity. Abuse of sugar leads to diabetes and increased cholesterol levels.

Conclusion. You should follow a diet consisting of natural products with a minimum of sugars. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of confectionery products and soda. Be sure to pay attention to the ingredients of the products!

Mistake #2. Beer after the gym

What are the consequences of drinking beer after the gym?

  • One bottle of beer corresponds to missing 1 workout.
  • Constant consumption of beer leads not only to stagnation, but also to a decrease in muscle growth.
  • Testosterone levels decrease.
  • Fat reserves increase.

Conclusion: beer after the gym will only do harm.

Mistake #3. Abuse of fast carbohydrates

Eating everything and more is a sure way to increase fat mass. Fast carbohydrates provide a lot of energy in as soon as possible. They are quickly absorbed, causing a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. In response to this human body converts glucose into fat.

But there are no such problems with complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates stabilize blood glucose and also help maintain normal insulin secretion.

If you have a lack of energy, you can use a gainer. There are 2 types of gainers: with fast and with complex carbohydrates. A gainer with fast carbohydrates is necessary when extremely intensive training in conditions of acute lack of energy. If everything is fine with this, then it is better to take a gainer with complex carbohydrates. Energy when taking such products will flow slowly and over a long period of time.

Conclusion. You should follow a diet consisting of natural products, controlling the amount of fast carbohydrates.

Mistake #4. You eat too much prepared meat

Prepared meat, which is sold in stores and cafes, contains a large number of preservatives, additives and second-rate proteins. These components, when used frequently, lead to a decrease in synthesis muscle protein. In addition, manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, replace product components with cheaper analogues. For example, soy has long been used in sausage, ham, and sausages. The amount of protein in such products often tends to zero.

The best sources of protein: fish, chicken, pork, beef, lamb. Also, we must not forget about milk, cottage cheese, eggs.

Mistake #5. Fast food

Food in restaurants fast food designed to fill you with calories. But no one thinks about what kind of calories these are, about the ratio of nutrients. As a rule, such food is extremely inferior food, consisting of a maximum of saturated fats and fast carbohydrates. They contain very little protein. As a result of eating this way, you will only gain fat.

Mistake #6. Saturated fats

Saturated fats are highly nutritious and high in calories. The body primarily uses carbohydrates to grow muscle and produce energy, so most saturated or animal fats will be stored as fat in a nutrient-rich environment. Therefore, try to limit your intake of foods that are rich in animal fats and other saturated fats.

What should you not eat when gaining muscle mass? It is necessary to limit the consumption of sausages, bacon, butter, margarine, lard, etc.


Building muscle mass is possible if you have enough nutrients. The best way their receipt is natural products. Understanding what not to eat when gaining muscle mass, as well as content control will help you choose the most complete products. This will reduce the number of mistakes and lead you to your cherished goal!

Often beginners don't realize that nutrition is the key to success. Training is, of course, important, but it comes second. What should proper nutrition be like for weight? This is what we will talk about now.

Basic Rules

Now we will try to talk as clearly and concisely as possible about the most important principles that should be followed in nutrition during regular classes bodybuilding. First of all, be aware of the fact that during training you are destroying your muscles, not building them. They grow during recovery (most of all during sleep), requiring a lot of energy for such a process. Where does this energy come from? Of course, from food. In order for your muscles to begin to increase in volume, they must first be damaged (which is what we do in the gym), and then supplied with a sufficient amount of so-called building materials (proteins) and energy (carbohydrates).

It's easy to guess that muscle growth requires an excess of nutrients, and therefore it is important to get more calories than you burn in a day. Of course, the food must be right, because fast food definitely won’t help here.

How many calories does an athlete in the process of gaining muscle mass need? The answer is simple: your weight x 30 + 500. Here is such a simple formula. For example, if you weigh 70 kg, then you need to eat 70 x 30 + 500 = 2900 calories daily. The more you ate, the more you grew. Such is the truth.

Body types

Nutrition for weight cannot be universal, because we are all different. As you know, there are 3 ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. The above scheme is ideal for a mesomorph (average type). For a skinny ectomorph, you can safely add 1000 rather than 500 calories, since such a person has an extremely fast metabolism. As for the endomorph (characterized speed dial fat mass), then such an athlete needs to be more attentive to the consumption of carbohydrates and fats (it is advisable to minimize their intake in the evening), and also reduce the increase from 500 to 200-300 calories. We will talk about diets in more detail below.

Nutrient proportions

This is a rather painful topic. Look around: nowadays there are a lot of obese people who eat an extremely large amount of junk food that gets stored in fat. How to prevent this? First of all, stop eating fast food and sweets (1-2 times a month is possible, of course, but know when to stop), and also take into account the very proportion of nutrients. Healthy eating for muscle mass (its gain) should consist of the following:

  • Proteins - 20-30%.
  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%.
  • Fats - 10-20%.

Protein (protein)

Don't forget that protein is the most important building material for your muscles. Keep in mind that animal protein (or protein) is much better than plant protein due to its higher quality amino acid set. Important information: the amount of protein consumed should be 2 grams (maybe a little more) per 1 kg of weight. Only in this case will increased growth of your muscles begin. Sports nutrition for weight gain will help fill the missing amount of protein if you are unable to consume the required amount of natural food.


Let's move on. Carbohydrates are the best source of energy. We think that you remember the most important principle in nutrition: you need to get more energy than you expend during the day. Only a figure of 50-60% carbohydrates in the diet should already indicate the importance of this nutrient. In principle, there should be 2 times more of them than protein, that is, 3.5-4 grams per 1 kg of body weight. It is worth noting that with them the story is approximately the same as with proteins (the presence of animal and plant), because carbohydrates are divided into simple (sweets) and complex ( pasta, cereals). The former, in turn, cause a huge jump in insulin, which is why they are absorbed by the body extremely quickly. This often leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Now you understand why eating sweets is harmful (however, fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, and therefore cannot be neglected). on the contrary, they are absorbed quite slowly (several hours), which allows you to gradually saturate the body with the necessary energy.


Nutrition for weight (as well as for cutting) must necessarily include fats. Their complete absence can threaten you with health problems. As in previous cases, there are 2 types of this nutrient: saturated (lard, margarine, butter) and unsaturated fish) fatty acid. The former should not make up more than a quarter of the total amount of fat in the diet. Try to use more fish, which is rich in omega-3, which normalizes metabolism and improves heart function.

When is the best time to eat and in what quantities?

Recipe for success. If you split your meals into 5-6 times throughout the day, this will speed up your body's metabolism, helping it better absorb nutrients and enhance fat burning processes. This approach will allow you to absorb more protein, which is so necessary for your muscles.

A diet for weight gain should clearly distribute all the food our body needs into equal parts. Remember the basic principle: carbohydrates always follow a descending line (that is, a lot in the morning and less in the evening), and protein (protein) always follows a straight line (it must be consumed in equal portions throughout the day). This is the golden rule of bodybuilding. Particularly important before and after strength training, since the body needs a huge amount of energy. So what should your diet be like to gain weight? Below is a great example:

2 whole eggs and 3 egg whites + 100 g of oatmeal (can be with nuts or raisins);

250 g pasta (durum varieties) / cereals (rice, buckwheat) + 200 g steak / chicken breast + vegetables;

200 g rice + fish / lean meat + vegetables;

200 g chicken breast with cheese;

200 g cottage cheese / casein shake.

This is how the mass gain turns out. In principle, such a diet is suitable for many athletes. What do we get? In the morning, the body is loaded with a high-quality protein-carbohydrate mixture, which prevents catabolism processes and triggers anabolic reactions.

Training should ideally be between the second and third meals. To maintain muscle glycogen and insulin production while working out in the gym, you can drink various carbohydrate drinks.

In the last two meals, carbohydrates are excluded. The main focus is on proteins.

We especially want to focus on the fifth meal (before bed). Cottage cheese or a cocktail contain casein (the so-called slow protein), which allows you to eliminate catabolism in the body during sleep, as well as saturate your muscles with the necessary building material.

This is what a nutrition program for weight gain looks like. Do not forget also about water (non-carbonated), because even with slight dehydration of the body, the recovery process in the muscles is inhibited. Golden Rule: 1 liter of water per 30 kg of body weight.

Weight gain for girls, whose diet generally coincides with that recommended for men, is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the fair sex has significantly lower levels of testosterone in the blood. Secondly, they need to receive much fewer calories (1500 kcal per 50 kg of weight), and therefore it is much easier to break down. All other principles remain the same.

Sports nutrition for weight gain

Many beginners overestimate it. In principle, for those people who weigh 70-75 kg, there is practically no point in taking additional nutrition. This is because 140-160 grams of protein and 250-300 grams of carbohydrates are easy to consume with natural foods. Of course, with a gradual increase in quality body weight (over 85 kg), much more nutrients will be required. Which sports nutrition Ideal for gaining muscle mass? This is whey protein. This protein supplement is ideal to take after a workout, as well as in the morning when the body is experiencing an energy deficit.

Usually, modern manufacturers with the world name Dymatize, BSN) make quality products with percentage protein up to 90%.

No less popular is the gainer. This carbohydrate-protein supplement allows you to replenish energy losses after training (100% recovery is possible only after a full meal, 40-90 minutes after the gym).

Next on the list is creatine monohydrate. This substance will help increase strength and overall muscle mass levels. BCAA will become excellent choice for use during and after strength training, as it will prevent catabolic processes in the body.

Sports nutrition will help you achieve your ultimate goal. But do not think that it will fully replace natural food. This is far from true. Imagine a cake. So, the cakes are ordinary food, and the cream is sports supplements. That is, the basis should always be standard food, which will definitely allow you to gain muscle mass. Sports nutrition will only speed up this process by 5-15%.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are pharmacological drugs that mimic the action of the male sex hormone testosterone. They allow you to speed up the synthesis of protein (protein) inside cells, which causes muscle hypertrophy (anabolic process). In addition, they significantly speed up recovery time, reduce the influence of catabolic hormones and accelerate metabolism. Of course, such properties allow you to build muscle mass very quickly. However, the use of such drugs entails side effects(liver problems, failure hormonal levels, testicular atrophy, masculinization and others), and therefore you always need to be prepared to deliberately cause harm to the body if you decide to take this path.

The nutritional program for gaining weight of absolutely all professional bodybuilders includes steroids, so do not indulge yourself with false illusions about a huge body without taking doping.

Basic Rules

Summarizing all of the above, we indicate the most important principles in nutrition:

  1. For quality growth, it is necessary to create a positive caloric balance.
  2. Divide your meals into 5-6 meals.
  3. Per 1 kg of body weight there should be 2-2.5 g of protein, 3.5-4 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat.
  4. Priority is given to animal protein, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as foods rich in Omega-3.
  5. Do carbohydrate loading before and after training.
  6. Carbohydrates should always go in a descending line, proteins - in a straight line.
  7. Avoid simple carbohydrates and fast food.
  8. You can add sports nutrition to your diet, but don’t overdo it, give natural products their due.
  9. Drink plenty of water.
  10. Anabolic steroids will speed up your weight gain significantly, but carefully weigh the pros and cons before you start taking them.


Gaining muscle mass is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. I ate more - I became more. If you are not gaining weight, increase your food intake (especially carbohydrates and protein). If you start to gain fat, reduce your calorie intake. Everything is very simple. Above we described all the subtleties that a weight gain program should have. Good luck in achieving your goals!

Many people mistakenly believe that it is enough to sign up for a gym and go there a couple of times a week to build muscle mass. Of course this is not true. Such training is certainly beneficial for the body; it will strengthen the muscles, but will not make them impressive.

The correct set of muscle mass includes a whole range of different factors - training, nutrition, regimen and rhythm of life. Let's look at each component separately to understand what underlies muscle mass.

Workout. During exercise, fat is converted into muscle. In this case, during training, the following rules must be observed:

The work should be intense, but not exhausting, so as not to harm the body. In addition, a very tired body will be less susceptible to subsequent training;

It is better to exercise more often, but less, so that the body has time to take a break. On the other hand, if you rest too much, no transformation will occur;

Training should be aimed at different groups muscles;

You should not overuse exercises aimed solely at burning fat (running, exercise bikes); they will make you healthier, but will not allow you to gain the necessary muscle mass.

The most popular muscle-building exercises are the bench press, squats, and deadlifts.

Nutrition. If a person wants to lose weight or make his body sculpted without gaining weight, he uses light products, including fat-burning components. But this option is not suitable for us, since our goal is the opposite - to gain weight. Bodybuilders advise eating nutritious foods that contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates (of course, without harm to health - burgers and fatty carcinogenic foods, although full of calories, are not very beneficial for the body as a whole). You can replace such food with all kinds of cereals, nuts, and cereals.

We must not forget about vegetables and fruits - they are rich in vitamins and microelements, which help food to be better absorbed and muscles to grow. Another important factor is water. Drink as much water as possible, it will also help digest food and protect your body from dehydration during training.

By the way, when eating, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the body cannot absorb more than 50-60 grams of pure protein at a time. It is necessary to develop your metabolism using the technique of fractional nutrition. In other words, a person who wants to gain weight should not eat very much, but very often, up to 5-6 times a day with breaks of 2-3 hours between meals. This is just enough time for assimilation.

Athletes who prefer to gain muscle mass without the use of drugs and supplements should consume approximately 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.

Mode. Rest and sleep play a very important role in weight gain. Sleep should be healthy, without lack of sleep, preferably 8 hours a day, and there should be enough rest. For example, after each workout, it is advised to devote as much time as possible to rest (up to a whole day), during which you should not be excessively active. Don't forget to eat actively.

Physical and emotional health also plays a significant role. When sick, a person often does not want to eat, and his body weakens. Such problems can easily lead to the failure of weight gain plans. The same goes for mental peace. Stress and depression, on the contrary, reduce weight and worsen sleep, which has corresponding negative consequences for our business, such as fatigue, lack of appetite and desire to exercise.

Only with a combination of all three components - competent training, healthy and proper rest and proper nutrition a positive result is possible. Please note that gaining muscle mass is not easy, but if you approach this issue wisely, then nothing is impossible. Do not try to determine your path to large muscles on your own; it is better to consult with personal trainer and a nutritionist to create an individual plan.