What needs to be done to add growth. How to grow quickly? What should you eat to grow quickly? Produce a special hormone

Human growth is caused by genetic factors, depending on it by 70-80%. Parents with short stature are generally less likely to have tall children. But this is not a reason to think that it is impossible to influence it. - your goal is to remove all the moments that impede growth and delay it.

Alcohol and drugs are the main opponents of the formation of the body. During teenage development, large amounts of harmful substances and unhealthy diets lead to stunted growth.

How to accelerate the growth of a teenager 13-16 years old: what to expect maximum

Based on the height of your parents, you can approximately predict your future height, according to these calculations.

Sum up your parents' heights. To the resulting figure, add 13 centimeters if you are a guy, and if you are a girl, subtract 13 centimeters. Divide the final amount by 2.

At the end of the calculation, you will receive your approximate height with an error of 10 centimeters.

Proper nutrition is the key to healthy, accelerated growth

You should always follow a balanced diet. There are foods containing protein, such as fish and dairy products. They promote healthy muscle development. For healthy bones, eat foods containing calcium.

It has been scientifically proven that a lack of zinc in the body leads to slow growth, so you should eat pumpkin, peanuts, crab meat and oysters. In addition, proper nutrition is a guarantee of beauty, health and good mood.

Sports activities play an important role during teenage development.

  • To stimulate growth, you should perform exercises that involve jumping.
  • Spend at least 25-30 minutes a day on training.
  • To make your classes enjoyable, you can purchase a subscription to Gym, as it provides access to various exercise machines and a huge amount of sports equipment.

When you have a free minute, take it for a walk in the fresh air.

How to increase a teenager's height at home: sleep

Healthy sleep is a guarantee of full growth. Until the age of 20, it is recommended to sleep 10 hours. It is at this time that growth hormone is produced.

  • The girl will visually look much taller if she keeps her back straight and watches her posture,
  • Small girls over 13 years old are recommended to wear high-heeled shoes. At the same time, ballet flats and anything associated with low movement are contraindicated.
  • If you are the owner long legs, then feel free to wear skirts and shorts. This way you will highlight the advantages of your figure. Refrain from golf and bridge - they will visually shorten your torso,
  • To look slimmer and taller, wear clothes in dark shades: black, rich blue, dark green,
  • Items with vertical stripes will make your figure more graceful, while horizontal ones, on the contrary, will add visual appeal. extra pounds. Pay attention to this when choosing clothes

How to increase growth hormone production in a teenager

Unfortunately, it is impossible to instantly grow a few centimeters. Height depends on genetics. 60-80% of growth is determined by the DNA passed on to us by our parents, and about 20-40% of growth depends on external conditions. This means your diet, health, how much you exercise and sleep. Growth will continue until the growth plates (the places where bones grow) close, and during this period, if you eat right, do good exercise and get enough sleep, you can grow taller. For most people, the plates close when they reach their twenties, and after that it is no longer possible to grow even a couple of centimeters naturally.


How to grow bigger with nutrition, vitamins and minerals

    Eat right. Balanced diet A diet containing plenty of nutrients will help you grow strong and healthy and reach your maximum height. This means staying away from cakes, sodas and pizza, and eating more salads, whole grains and fish. If you don't feel like eating these foods, you can look for different recipes and food combinations that you find appealing.

    • To get a clear picture of what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet that includes protein, fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy, visit the USDA's MyPlate website.
  1. Add lean protein to your diet. Proteins are the building blocks of bone, muscle and cartilage cells and help you grow tall and strong. Therefore, if you want to maximize your potential height, you need to eat more protein foods. The recommended amount depends on age, gender and amount of physical activity.

    Get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps strengthen bones and promote muscle growth in children. A recent study found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with stunted growth and even weight gain in teenage girls.

    Increase your zinc intake. Scientific evidence points to a possible link between zinc deficiency and stunted growth, although research is ongoing. This means that if you don't get enough zinc, it can lead to stunted growth. Some foods that are good sources of zinc:

    Get more calcium. Again, there is little direct evidence for a link between calcium and growth, but calcium is an important bone-building component, which is important for growth. . Most calcium comes from dairy products. Boys and girls aged 9 to 18 years are recommended to consume 750 ml of calcium-rich dairy products daily.

    Avoid certain foods. Avoid foods that are too fatty and salty, as there are reports that some overall healthy foods may have a negative impact on growth. You need a balanced diet, although this is not an irrefutable fact, it is worth reducing your intake of soy products, tomatoes and beans.

    • Eating a healthy and balanced diet is more important than eating these three foods.
  2. Alternatively, take vitamin supplements. You can supplement your diet with a standard store-bought multivitamin. You could also focus on vitamin D and zinc by purchasing vitamin tablets that only contain these two important element. Fish oil tablets are also easy to find and are an excellent source of vitamin D and are great for bones and joints.

    Be wary of miracle drugs. You may come across some supplements that the manufacturer claims can increase your height miraculously. Remember that if the plates are connected, then you will no longer be able to grow. Some drugs claim to contain human growth hormone (HGH), which stimulates growth. You need to be careful with this, as growth hormone cannot be taken in pill form and should always be prescribed by a doctor.

Exercise and sleep to stimulate growth during puberty

    Get enough sleep. Did you know that a person grows only during sleep? The body produces human growth hormone (HGH) while you sleep. This hormone helps develop muscles and grow taller. So, if you are serious about growing up, then get enough sleep.

    Exercise. Whatever you do, make time for physical activity. Exercise is very important for healthy development and overall health. If you want to grow up in adolescence, get into the habit of doing physical exercise. All exercises are beneficial and there is no specific exercise to increase height, but stretching and jumping will help you stretch your spine.

    Try stretching. Some types of stretching can help you stretch your spine and improve your posture. Stretching should be done first in the morning and also before bed. It will help you straighten your back and thus become taller. Some stretches to try:

    • Touching toes. Stand up straight and raise your arms up, then bend down to touch your toes.
    • Cobra stretch. Lie on your stomach, place your hands at chest level, and then, pushing with your hands, lift your chest and tilt your head back.
    • Stretch "Bridge". Lie on your back, bending your elbows and placing them at head level. Then, using your hands, lift your belly off the ground to stretch your back.
  1. Wait to grow naturally over time. If you follow all the tips described above, you will have a better chance of becoming taller. Not everyone will become as tall as basketball players or models. Being tall isn't everything, so learn to love yourself for who you are.

    • Some people have a growth spurt and have a growth spurt when they reach 17, 18 or even older.
    • If you are truly concerned about this issue, contact your pediatric endocrinologist. This doctor will be able to tell you what medical treatments help combat low growth.

How to look taller

  1. Take care of your posture. If you've already done everything you can to grow taller, there are still a few ways left to appear as tall as possible. You may not even realize how much poor posture affects your overall height. Slight slouching of your shoulders, leaning forward of your head and neck, and the habit of putting your weight on one leg can visually reduce your height.

How to increase a person's height if he is naturally short? Stimulate natural process Maybe. To do this, doctors have developed several simple techniques that everyone can use. You can visually increase the height of an adult by using special devices. They are sold in specialized stores or on the Internet. It is also possible to activate the natural process by artificially introducing growth hormone. This procedure has many contraindications, side effects Therefore, it should be under close medical supervision.

At 30 years old, the average height for men is 178 cm, for women – 164 cm. These indicators can differ both up and down. It's quite normal. By the age of 30, the body reaches maximum height and no longer changes upward. Minor fluctuations of 1-2 cm are observed throughout the day. A 30-year-old man is taller in the morning than in the evening. This is due to the fact that throughout the day, as a result of upright walking, the intervertebral discs, which are formed from cartilage, become deformed and compressed. At night, when a person sleeps, everything returns to its original state.

You also need to take into account that starting from the age of 30, a person’s height decreases. This is due to the same deformation of the intervertebral discs, changes in size and bone density. Closer to the age of 70, a man becomes 2.5 cm shorter, and a woman - 5 cm. After another 10 years, representatives of both sexes lose 2.5 cm.

There are also certain norms for teenagers. A girl or boy of the same age has different heights:

  • at 14 years old. Girls – 155-163 cm, boys – 156-167 cm;
  • at the age of 15. Girls – 157-166 cm, boys – 162-173 cm;
  • at 16 years old. Girls – 158-166 cm, boys – 166-177 cm;
  • in 17 years. Girls – 158-167 cm, boys – 171-181 cm.

At 20 years old, girls already have a stable height as they grow until they are 19 years old. A guy can get taller before he turns 22. The most intense human growth occurs during puberty. For girls it is 10-16 years old, for boys it is 11-17 years old.

General description of the hormone responsible for growth

Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. It causes linear growth by increasing the length of the long bones that are found in the limbs. This hormone affects the body of young people. An important factor is the presence open areas growth in bones, which begin to decline after 16 years of age.

Somatotropin acts and enhances protein synthesis in the body and reduces the rate of its breakdown. Growth hormone helps reduce percentage subcutaneous fat, increases the amount of muscle mass. A substance secreted by the pituitary gland affects the amount of glucose in the blood. The hormone helps increase its concentration. Its immunostimulating effect has also been described. Due to the effects of growth hormone in the body, absorption increases bone tissue calcium.

The amount of somatotropin released fluctuates throughout the day. Throughout the day, there are several peaks when growth hormone is detected at its highest concentration. The frequency of somatotropin release is 3-5 hours. The highest concentration of the hormone is observed at night, 2-2.5 hours after falling asleep.

Growth hormone is used in livestock and fish farming to improve weight gain. With the help of specialized additives, milk yield and the number of eggs produced by birds are increased. The presence of hormones in food negatively affects the human body. This effect is also facilitated by the fact that these substances are not destroyed during heat treatment.

Also, the following hormones found in common foods have a negative effect on humans:

  • sex hormones (male and female). Contained in meat, fish, eggs, milk. They are identical to those secreted by the human body and have the same effect. Therefore, these substances are especially dangerous for both men and women;
  • sex hormones that increase plant productivity and accelerate fruit ripening. Do not have a negative effect on the human body;
  • phytohormones. They can be found in varying quantities in almost all food products. A diet that includes certain food groups can either have a positive effect on a person or harm him. found in increased quantities in flax seeds, legumes, bran, and peanuts.

Long-term consumption of harmful products containing synthetic hormones leads to allergies, the formation of various types of tumors, decreased immunity, and complete inhibition of the reproductive function of both men and women.

Artificial introduction of growth-promoting hormones into the body

The use of artificial growth hormone is prohibited for professional athletes. Despite this, drugs of this type are freely available and are widely used by bodybuilders or ordinary people who want to get positive effects from their use.

A medicinal product containing growth hormone has the following properties:

  • helps increase muscle mass;
  • the natural process of muscle destruction is inhibited;
  • the breakdown of subcutaneous fat is stimulated - a drying effect;
  • after using products with artificial growth hormones, energy use as a result of habitual actions will increase;
  • wound healing accelerates;

  • products with growth hormones are used to rejuvenate the body as a whole, including the skin on the face and body;
  • due to an increase in growth hormone in the blood, the activity of previously atrophied organs is observed;
  • it is possible to increase height by 5-10 cm at the age of twenty years (or a little more), when the growth zones have not yet closed;
  • when consumed at the age of 30-40, it helps to strengthen bones;
  • The body's protective functions increase.

A drug that artificially increases somatotropin in the blood, effective for improving relief and building muscles. But its regular use is fraught with serious complications. Side effects from drugs of this type include the appearance of carpal tunnel syndrome, increased blood pressure, and decreased performance. thyroid gland, organ hypertrophy. Of particular danger is the long-term use of such medications in doses that exceed those recommended by the doctor.

How to Increase HGH Release Naturally?

Is it possible to increase the height (about 5 cm or more) of a boy or girl starting from the age of 16? This cannot be done quickly, but a lasting effect is guaranteed. Growth at home increases by following the following recommendations:

  • long sleep. The best thing a person of any age can do to increase their height is to get enough sleep. Somatotropin is most secreted during sleep at night;
  • Eliminate foods with as much as possible from your diet high rate glycemic index. These include beer, dates, white bread, baked goods, potatoes, White rice and others. Their use causes a jump in blood glucose levels, which inhibits the production of somatotropin;
  • get rid of fat in the abdominal area. Obesity of this type will contribute to the suppression of growth hormone production at any age (even 16-year-old adolescents);

  • moderate physical exercise. Activity during the day can well increase the production of somatotropin in the human body. Positive effect even regular walking at a normal pace has an effect;
  • excluding late dinner. Children or adults who eat carbohydrate foods at night inhibit the production of somatotropin. For dinner, it is recommended to choose dishes containing proteins;
  • proper nutrition. Eating a variety of foods that contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals has a positive effect on the growth process. This is especially true for children and adolescents under 16 years of age, in whom the process of formation of all organs and systems is observed.

Stimulating growth at a young age with exercise

How to increase your height without negatively affecting the body? What makes us taller - proper nutrition, sleep or special exercises? People of different ages resort to all sorts of methods to increase height by at least 1 centimeter. How younger man, the better the result will be after applying a certain technology.

It is possible to increase height after 25 years using the following exercises:

  • using a horizontal bar. You need to hang on the bar every day for 15-20 seconds. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to practice 2-3 approaches;
  • spine stretching. To perform the exercise, you need to lie face down. Alternately, extend one arm and one leg on the opposite side. You should stay in this position for up to 25 seconds to achieve results;
  • cat's back. You need to alternately bend the spine in different directions, making a certain effort. The optimal number of repetitions is 5-10;
  • cobra. You should lie on your stomach, resting your palms on the floor and raising your body. In this position, you need to arch your back as much as possible, feeling the tension and stretching of the muscles.

If the question arises of how to increase the height of an adult, you can resort to professional massage. With the help of special techniques it is easy to become taller (about 5 cm) even in adulthood. This is the method used professional athletes, including basketball players.

How to visually become taller?

How to visually increase your height without resorting to grueling exercises or dangerous medications? For this you can use special insoles. They are easy to make yourself or buy at a shoe store. Insoles increase a person's height by at least 2 cm, and in some cases even by 4-6 cm. There are also special shoes designed for people who want to look taller. It's easy to look confident when wearing shoes with built-in insoles.

Clothes also have an enlarging effect. Even without using insoles, you can appear taller if you choose outfits with vertical stripes that run along the body. When decorating your look, it is recommended to use long beads, scarves, and clothes with stripes and V-necks. The opposite effect is produced by the presence of contrasts running across the body of lines. It is prohibited to wear cropped trousers or low-waisted clothing.

Shoe insoles have a purely visual effect. To truly increase growth, you need to work for more than one year, starting from the very beginning. early age. The activating effect promoting the production of somatotropin is produced by simple rules which are easy for anyone to do, including children.


  1. Hoffman D.M., O'Sullivan A.J., Baxter R.C., Ho K.K.Y. Diagnosis of growth-hormone deficiency in adults // Lancet 1994; 343:1064-1068.
  2. Jorgensen J.O.L., Thuesen L., Muller J., Ovesen P., Skakkebaek N.E., Christiansen J.S. Three years of growth hormone treatment in growth hormone-deficient adults: near normalization of body composition and physical performance // Eur J Endocrinol 1994; 130: 224-228.
  3. Androgen deficiency in women and the possibilities of its hormonal diagnosis 2011 / Goncharov N.P., Katsiya G.V., Melikhova O.A., Smetnik V.P.
  4. Features of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with hypogonadism 2010 / Gamidov S.I., Tazhetdinov O.Kh., Pavlovichev A.A., Popova A.Yu., Thagapsoeva R.A.
  5. Study of circulating endothelial cells in patients with surgical and natural menopause 2013 / Elena Anatolyevna Kolbasova, Natalya Ivanovna Kiseleva, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Tikhonova
  6. Govyrin V.A., Zhorov B.S. Ligand-receptor interactions in molecular physiology.
  7. Marinchenko G.B. Radioiodination of peptide hormones // Methodological recommendations.

Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, among his clients there are many famous athletes. The novel is with the author of the book “Sport and Nothing But..

Being small when most of your acquaintances and friends are taller than you is not very pleasant. Many people who find themselves in this situation want to know how to grow quickly and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.

Let’s say right away that, by and large, 80% of a person’s height is determined by genetics, the remaining 20% ​​depends on lifestyle and nutrition in childhood and adolescence. Therefore, increasing your height as an adult is quite difficult, almost impossible. To calculate your possible height, you need to add the mother’s height and the father’s height (in cm), divide by 2. If the height is calculated for a boy, then you need to add 13 cm, if for a girl, subtract the same number. In almost 90% of cases, the height will be the result obtained, plus or minus 10 cm. In addition, the amount of zinc and vitamin D in the first years of life significantly affects growth. If a child receives a sufficient amount of these substances, then he grows better and becomes taller. If there are not enough of them, then growth will be less.

Be that as it may, many people claim that you can influence your height, and special exercises and proper nutrition help with this.

Exercises to increase height

It is believed that the horizontal bar is great for increasing height. How to grow quickly using a regular horizontal bar? Do the exercises suggested below.

  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar. This exercise is performed in 5 approaches in the morning and evening. Everything is very simple: you need to comfortably grab the horizontal bar and hang on it for as long as you can stand it. You can modify this exercise slightly by decreasing the amount of time but increasing the number of approaches.
  2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar. While lowering after pulling up, you need to straighten your arms as much as possible and hang for 5-10 seconds, then repeat the pull-up again.
  3. While hanging on the horizontal bar, you need to turn your torso either to the right or to left side. You need to turn in each direction at least 20 times in total.
  4. Hanging on the horizontal bar, turn your legs left and right like a pendulum.
  5. While hanging on the horizontal bar, rotate your pelvis first in one direction, then in the other.

There are other exercises that will help you grow quickly. They should be done in combination. Detailed instructions you can find instructions on how to do them here:

Outdoor games, jumping, and swimming are also useful for increasing height. If you are still in your early teens, then it is too early to despair, since at this time many different changes occur in your body. You can dramatically “grow out” in just 2 years, but, of course, this can be helped. Exercise to grow, get active and eat right.

Nutrition to increase height

Zinc and vitamin D significantly affect a person’s growth in the first years of his life, so taking heavy doses of these substances as an adult is useless. You need to enrich your diet with vitamins, especially vitamin A. It is very important to eat foods rich in proteins. Protein is construction material for new cells, so it plays a direct role in the growth of the body. Meat, fish, seafood, eggs, nuts, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, soy curd and cheese, and buckwheat are rich in protein. There should be a lot of protein food, but not too much, so know when to stop.

How to grow quickly: other ways

There are other ways that will help increase height, but they are used in individual cases and are not suitable for everyone.

  • Growth hormone injections are used only when prescribed by a healthcare professional when a person has abnormal growth restriction.
  • Surgery to increase height. When the bone and adjacent soft tissue are stretched, tension occurs, resulting in the formation of new cellular tissue. This operation is performed on the legs, it allows you to grow by 6-7 cm. A special brace with knitting needles is installed on each leg, the top layer of the bone is cut, and the threaded rods of the braces are moved apart four times a day, thereby stimulating the growth of the legs. The patient will have to live with these braces for six months to a year, most of the time on crutches.

You can still try to grow quickly at home. To do this, you need to believe in yourself, really want to grow and do everything possible for this, and you already know what exactly.

Exist different ways increase in height. It is possible to grow in height quickly through medicine or naturally. Height is increased by eliminating scoliosis or correcting postural defects, depending on the characteristics of the person.

This path at home is not easy and long; it will take a lot of time to get desired results. But those who are purposeful and clearly set a goal will overcome difficulties and achieve their goal.

Statistical data

Scientists claim that the smallest were Neanderthals who lived in the Stone Age. The height was barely 160 cm. According to archaeologists, the tallest were the Cro-Magnons, who resembled modern people and grew up to 183 cm.

The Middle Ages once again introduced changes in human height, judging by the finds of human remains or by knight's armor. Scientists suggest that the height of medieval people was 160-170 cm.

In the 21st century, the average height of men is 172-176 cm, women - 162-164 cm. Girls grow up to 19 years old, and boys - up to 22. Noticeable changes in height are observed in the first year of life, during which time height increases by 25 cm. The next stage occurs at 4-7 years, and during puberty - 11-16 years for boys, 10-15 years for girls.

It is important to know

  • During puberty, a visible growth spurt occurs.
  • During adolescence, the body does not keep up with the growth of the child to build muscle mass and increase weight, so teenagers look too thin.
  • In adolescence, you should not go on diets or go hungry; this is dangerous for the body, especially for the brain, which does not receive nutrients during fasting.

We grow quickly by eating right

Proper and nutritious nutrition is the basis for fast and healthy growth. Standard Basics proper nutrition: breakfast lunch dinner. Let's take a closer look at what should be included in them.

Breakfast . Main meal for the day. You definitely need to have breakfast. After sleep, the body is relaxed, easily accepts and assimilates beneficial substances from food. Breakfast is the key to energy for the whole day. If you want to grow up, eat porridge with milk: buckwheat, pearl barley, corn, rice, oatmeal.

Porridge eaten in the morning will be beneficial. Whole grain bread, tea, coffee, and freshly squeezed juices are allowed at breakfast.

Some people prefer cereal, stars, etc., which are covered with milk for breakfast. They either have no growth-stimulating nutrients at all, or very few of them. It is better to avoid such a breakfast and add cereal to your diet to add variety.

Dinner . During lunch, eat protein and plant foods. Lunch traditionally consists of a first course, a second course, dessert and drinks.

Soups are hearty and easily absorbed by the body, improving digestion. Soups are rich in nutrients. Soup does not affect growth, but it activates metabolism in the body, which is important. Vegetable soups and puree soups are healthy. You should not cook soups from bouillon cubes, they contain harmful substances.

Useful vegetables include carrots, cabbage, legumes, greens, celery, onions, and rhubarb. Among fruits and berries, preference is given to bananas, oranges, strawberries, blueberries and cranberries. It is recommended to eat at least 1 kg of vegetables and fruits per day.

From meat, choose lean varieties, poultry, liver, kidneys, fish. It is better to boil meat than to fry it. Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, milk, kefir, cheese.

Lunch should be varied and nutritious, portions should be small and within reasonable limits. The main thing is not to overeat.

Dinner . You shouldn’t go to bed hungry, but you shouldn’t overeat at night either. Fatty and fried foods are not recommended at night. To help increase growth, it is advised to dine on dairy products, for example, cottage cheese with honey, sour cream, cheese or kefir. It is recommended to eat boiled eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Some, in order to grow up faster, prepare a cocktail based on milk and eggs. For 2 glasses of milk, take 1 fresh raw chicken egg (you can use a quail one), beat it with a blender and drink the mixture during the day.

Video tips

Physical exercise

Without physical exercise It is impossible to grow using only nutrition. The cause of short stature is considered to be a disruption of the hormonal system, which is changed with the help of exercises for growth zones.

Growth methodology of USSR coach V.A. Lonsky

Before the exercises, warm up for 10 minutes and run. Then the exercises that the trainer advises you to do for 25 minutes. These are swinging legs, bending back and forth, left and right, circular movements hands (first stretch your hands and elbow joints). Stretching exercises, try doing the splits. Each exercise is performed 10 times.

  1. Exercises on the horizontal bar. Hang on the bar for 4 sets (two with heavier weights, up to 10 kg), each for 30 seconds. Then hang on the bar upside down (attach your legs with special straps), 4 approaches, each for 20 seconds. One of them is with a load (5 kg), the load is pressed to the chest.
  2. Fifteen minutes are allotted for high jumps: 2 sets of 12 jumps on the left and right leg and 3 sets of 12 jumps on both legs. Try to jump higher. A jump rope is suitable for jumping.
  3. Then a game of volleyball or basketball (30 minutes). During the game, try to take all the top balls.
  4. At least four times a week, in the evenings, do stretching exercises. Rubber straps are suitable for stretching. Tie one to your legs, the other under your arms and pull to the sides. Perform the exercise for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Swimming. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and breathing. During swimming, all muscle groups work, the spine gradually stretches. To increase a person's height, swim 2-3 times a week for one session.

Video on how to grow 5-10 cm in 8 weeks

Sleep and grow

Sound, healthy and proper sleep will be the key to success in increasing growth. During sleep, the body produces growth hormone.

  • Sleep in a ventilated room, where it is quiet and dark. People live in cities where the noise level is high, and at night lanterns illuminate the streets and this makes the room light. A person gets used to it, but it does not promote sleep. It is recommended to use earplugs and hang curtains made of thick fabric on the windows.
  • The bed should be hard, so the spine is more comfortable. You won’t be able to sleep on a soft bed. Excessive softness will be removed by sheets of plywood placed under the bed and an orthopedic mattress.
  • The decor in the room should be conducive to sleep. The bedroom should be cozy, the bed linen should be beautiful and clean. Sleeping soundly on dirty gray sheets is doomed to failure.
  • A bulky pillow will not work. Scientists say a person should sleep without a pillow to improve blood circulation. To increase your height, sleep on your back, place the pillow not under your head, but under your knees, which are slightly bent. It’s a rather strange position, and it’s not easy to get used to, but there are a lot of benefits from it. While sleeping, do not tuck your knees to your chest or curl up; this makes breathing difficult due to a decrease in air flow into the lungs.
  • According to scientists, 6-8 hours is enough for an adult to get enough sleep. But it all depends on the body. For some, 5 hours is enough to rest, and for others, 10 hours is enough to feel fresh and invigorated. During periods of intense growth, the body needs more sleep, so teenagers are recommended to sleep at least 10 hours. Older people, from 16 to 25 years old, will need less time to recuperate; it is enough to sleep 7 or 9 hours.
  • It is advisable to maintain a sleep schedule - go to bed at the same time, and not stay up at night. Perfect time for sleep - from 23 to 2 o'clock. If time is missed, sleep will not be healthy and sound, and the next morning a person will feel “broken” and tired. Shaolin monks claim that you need to go to bed at 21 o'clock and get up at 7 am, neither earlier nor later. They found that during this period the body recovers faster. To fall asleep, drink a glass of warm milk with honey at night, which soothes and saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

Finally, I will dwell on some points. Don't forget, advice is individual. Go to the doctor, get advice on exercise, because excessive zeal will only do harm. No one can say whether a person will grow up or not, but if there is desire and aspiration on the way to the goal, everything will work out! Good luck to you!