What is the best thing to eat at night after training? Is it possible to exercise in the evening? How to eat during the day to lose weight

This article is entirely devoted to nutrition in later life. evening time and just before bed. How to properly take carbohydrates, proteins, nutrition examples, calorie content of food before bed.

There are times in life when you have to train after 21:00, in this situation many people have a question: Is it worth eating after training? and what to eat?, because at the end of the training, you need to go straight to sleep.

After training, you should always eat food, no matter whether you are gaining or gaining, a sufficient amount of calories should enter the body and the deficit in energy reserves should be replenished, the main thing is to choose the right ratio of foods and their quantity.

What to eat after training

Basically, at a later time, 2 main questions arise:

1) What to take after a late workout (around 21:00)
2) What to take after training right before bed (around 11:00 pm)

In the first case, you should definitely take proteins and carbohydrates, and it is desirable that the majority of carbohydrates be. If your goal is to gain weight, the ratio is 70% carbohydrates, 30% protein, if losing weight - 30% carbohydrates, 70% protein. Just choose fast carbohydrates with minimal fat content, which is not needed at all before bed. Protein should be quickly digestible, for example - Whey Protein .

In the second case, before going to bed you need to take more proteins, up to 80-90%, and carbohydrates up to 10-20% , while carbohydrates should be slow, and protein should be digested for a long time, for example - casein protein or cottage cheese, which contains calcium caseinate. Stick to this diet before bed and it doesn’t matter whether you gain or lose weight. Lots of protein helps restore muscle fibers, and the calories released after it do not go into subcutaneous fat.

Combination of 2 power schemes

1) Carbohydrates - 50% slow and 50% fast
2) Proteins – 50% quickly digestible and 50% slowly digestible.
3) Take - 70% proteins and 30% carbohydrates

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is that the protein is 50/50 with carbohydrates, and before going to bed, focus on proteins and choose the right carbohydrates. In this case, don’t even think about eating confectionery or sausages, it’s delicious, no one argues, but it’s harmful for your figure.

Example of a meal:

Rice, buckwheat porridge + chicken fillet + marshmallows, marmalade or chocolate (50g)
Low-fat cottage cheese + honey + low-fat yogurt
Casein and whey protein in milk with a fat content of no more than 2.5%
Muesli + milk or low-fat kefir

How many calories should you consume?

The table describes how many calories a night meal should include, depending on how many times a day you eat:

After training in the gym, the body expends a large amount of energy. The amount of calories lost depends on the type of activity and the person’s body weight. Athlete of average build with normal weight bodies in 1 hour intense workout loses up to 1000 kcal. Is there a need to replenish the body’s expended resources if the goal is to lose weight?

Why eat after a late evening workout?

No matter what time of day the training takes place, morning or evening, you always need to eat after it. During exercise, the body spends 70% protein and 30% carbohydrates.

What to eat after training in the evening before bed - detailed menu and calorie calculation you will find in our article

In order not to provoke the development of catabolic syndrome after training in the evening, the decomposition of the connective tissue of muscles, bones, blood vessels, the lack of protein and carbohydrates must be replenished: it is recommended to eat, even before bed, a little lean meat with vegetables.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating at night, but this does not affect active people who work out in the gym. They have a different diet. After a late dinner, it is advised to go to bed after half an hour.

The importance of proteins and carbohydrates in a late dinner

During active cardio and strength training, muscle connective tissue is torn. The athlete receives microtraumas. After some time, the tissues are restored, increasing their volume. The body is transformed and becomes more prominent. Successful muscle regeneration requires protein and carbohydrates.

After training in the evening, a “carbohydrate window” appears, during which you need to eat or drink something containing protein: low-fat meals are preferable before bed. The “carbohydrate window” is a period lasting 2 hours.

All calories that enter the body with food will be spent on restoring expended resources.

They do not contribute to an increase in fat deposits: a late dinner will not negatively affect your figure.

What foods to eat after training before bed

Dinner is considered effective if eaten within 2 hours after training and half an hour before bedtime. The diet depends on the goal of playing sports: increasing muscle mass or losing weight.

What to eat after training in the evening before bed
Weight loss Building muscle mass
Drinks: still water, fresh juicesDrinks: Protein shake half an hour after training
Lean beef, chicken fillet, seafood, fishChicken, baked or fried,

young veal, pork, seafood

Legumes, corn, non-starchy vegetablesQuail eggs
Protein omeletRice, buckwheat
Low-fat cottage cheese, kefirCheese, cottage cheese, dairy products
Tea with mint, chamomile, jasmine

Note! In order for training to be effective, without harm to health, eat food 30 minutes before training. rich in carbohydrates: muesli bar, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit. The stomach is not overloaded: the snack is made light.

Foods you shouldn't eat after a workout

After training in the evening, not wanting to cook and not knowing what to eat, many people make do with sandwiches. Both to lose weight and to gain weight, do not eat fast food, even during the “carbohydrate window”. It is not recommended to eat pasta and sausages before going to bed.

The products contain fast carbohydrates that will not saturate the body. Food will not contribute to the process of restoring energy balance. Dishes with mushrooms, roast meat, and high-calorie confectionery are reserved for lunch.

Alcoholic drinks, coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate - all this is prohibited.

The body is excited after exercise. Additional tonics will only harm him: they will increase blood pressure and worsen the destruction muscle tissue, will have a negative impact on your emotional state.

How many calories should a late dinner contain?

For an active person who goes to the gym 3-5 times a week, dinner is normally 500 kcal. If you want to lose weight, then the norm is reduced to 280-300 kcal.

When building muscle mass, the calorie content of dishes is increased to 800 kcal:

  • 50% of the evening meal's calories are protein;
  • 25% – carbohydrates;
  • 15% – fiber;
  • 10% – fats.

Recipes for culinary dishes always indicate calorie content, the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates contained in it.

After training, prepare dinner from the following dishes:

Tea without sugar contains no calories. 2 tsp. sugar will increase the calorie content of the drink to 5 kcal. Fruit juices are rich in carbohydrates, but their value is high, averaging 48 kcal. Dried fruits will increase the calorie content of dinner: raisins, apples, dried apricots. The products are rich in carbohydrates: 100 g of dried fruits contain on average up to 250 kcal, 2 pcs. dried apricots weigh 10 g, which is 25 kcal.

How to calculate the number of calories for a late dinner

To calculate calories, use the Harris-Benedict formula. Francis Benedict and James Harris studied metabolism in the human body: the effect of metabolic rate on physiological characteristics.

A man weighing 80 kg, height 190 cm, 30 years old needs to consume 1813.26 kcal/day. Calculation: 88.362 + (13.397 * weight) + (4.799 * height) – (5.677 * age).

The daily diet of a woman weighing 70 kg, height 160 cm, age 30 years usually contains 1013.07 kcal/day. Calculation: 447.593 + (9.247 * weight) + (3.098 * height) – (4.33 * age).

The indicators are adjusted by the activity index:

  • 1.2 – small;
  • 1.375 – weak active image life;
  • 1.55 – going to the gym 3 times a week;
  • 1.725 – heavy loads;
  • 1.9 – for an active person who does strength training every day.

The caloric intake norm for a man who goes to the gym 3 times a week is 2906.653 kcal/day. The caloric intake norm for a woman with identical activity is 1570.2585 kcal/day. The calculation is only suitable for healthy people who do not have chronic diseases.

Dinner makes up 20% of daily calorie intake. For men it is 581.33 kcal, for women – 314.0517 kcal. Physiologists leave an error interval of 42.6 kcal for men, 40.2 kcal for women. These calculations are used to maintain normal weight.

It is important to know! There are many formulas for calculating the daily amount of calories consumed. The indicator varies by 10-15%. The final figures are distributed according to the amount of food consumed: breakfast accounts for 25% of calories per day, lunch - 35%, dinner 20%. For afternoon tea and 2 breakfasts, 10% is left.

Healthy Post-Workout Dinner Recipes

After working out at the gym, not many people want to cook dinner. Cooks offer simple recipes for an evening dinner with 500 kcal.

Salmon with pesto sauce

Ingredients: fillet 2 pcs.; ½ tbsp. rice, broccoli – 150 g.

For the sauce: 1 bunch of basil, hard cheese – 50 g, olive oil – 100 g, cedar nuts – 50 g, 2 cloves garlic, ½ lemon, salt.

Cooking method. The sauce is made in advance and kept in the refrigerator. To do this, all ingredients must be ground in a blender. The fillet is fried on a grill pan. The finished hot fish is brushed with Pesto. Rice is washed and cooked for 20 minutes. Boil broccoli for 10 minutes, brush with sauce.

Chicken fillet with green beans

Ingredients: fillet 2 pcs., salt, ginger, onion, 1 tsp. soy sauce. For garnish: 150 g green beans, 1 clove of garlic, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. The fillet is marinated in seasonings, covered with foil, and baked in the oven for 20 minutes. Boil the beans for 7-10 minutes, season with salt and butter. For chicken or as a side dish, Pesto sauce with the addition of ½ tomato is good.

Salad with bacon

Ingredients: 4 things. bacon, salad 2 bunches. For the sauce: olive oil 1 tsp, balsamic vinegar - 1 dessert spoon, 1 tsp. mustard seeds, ½ tsp. Sahara.

Cooking method. Prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients. Chop the lettuce and season with sauce. The bacon is grilled and served with bran buns.

Important to remember! After training in the evening, before going to bed, you do not prepare flour products for dinner, but you are allowed to eat a little durum wheat pasta. Seafood is served as a complement, which will saturate the body with protein.

Late dinner after training is an important part of the diet. It is not recommended to ignore it. Sandwiches and hamburgers will satisfy your hunger, but the body will not receive the proper amount of protein and carbohydrates. Meals for the evening are thought out and prepared in advance, so that after sports there is no temptation to eat fast food.

Useful video about what to eat after training in the evening before bed:

Tips from a fitness trainer - what to eat after training in the evening before bed:

The rhythm and laws of the big city set their own rules, which force you to adjust your training to a certain schedule. The question of when is it better to train - in the morning or in the evening - interests many.

All the glory about the benefits physical activity got morning training. And, if you think about it, you can understand why. A person who wakes up before dawn, rushes through deserted streets or parks, breaks his body in the gym before dawn and still has time to have breakfast before going to work, undoubtedly deserves respect.

But not all gym goers are morning types. And that's quite normal. Some fitness enthusiasts benefit from exercising in the evening or even at night.

Therefore, if you prefer to work hard in the dark, we will tell you about the hidden benefits of such activities.

  • The body can cope with heavy loads in the afternoon.

Studies have shown that the body is 20% more productive in the evenings and is able to overcome more high levels intensity. For night owls, scientists from the University of Birmingham (England) determined the most productive time for training is 11 hours after waking up. Morning exercisers showed the best aerobic performance 6 hours after getting out of bed. During these periods, the body enters a peak of activity, as it has time to fully wake up.

It has been scientifically proven that strength training and endurance training is best done in the afternoon. Therefore, heavy exercise in the morning will become stressful for the body.

  • The body becomes toned faster.

In the evening, fluctuations in the production of certain hormones make late-night workouts more effective. In the morning we have higher levels of cortisol, which inhibits muscle growth. But by the end of the day, testosterone production increases, which contributes to the growth of mice. So says Heather Webb, a kinesiologist at the University of Corpus Christi in Texas.

  • Sleep becomes better after evening workouts.

Physical activity energizes the body, so it should be a real challenge for sleep. In reality, things are somewhat different. Scientists from Switzerland discovered that People who went to bed 90 minutes after a hard workout fell asleep more soundly. A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine showed that only 2% of respondents complained that exercise disrupted their sleep. 30% of the total number of participants in the experiment said that after a good load they fell asleep much better.

  • In addition, by tensing your body, you forget about the stresses you experienced during the day, freeing your head from unnecessary thoughts.

Sleep is perhaps the most underrated factor in training program. By getting a good night's sleep, you give your body time to recover from exercise and gain strength again.

  • Metabolism increases.

Also, don't be afraid to snack after a late workout. The main thing is to choose the right “menu”. For example, it could be a shake that includes protein, dextrose, glutamine and creatine. You won't harm your results if you eat after your evening classes and then go to bed a short time later. Excess fat this will not result, since at this time the metabolism is increased after exercise, and all proteins and carbohydrates will be spent on restoring the reserves of strength expended during training.

  • The choice is yours. The main thing is to maintain harmony. And a full life and training.

Source of information: www.fitfixed.com

When it comes to the best time to exercise, it is important to separate strength training in the gym for the purpose of muscle growth and cardio training for the purpose of losing weight and burning fat. These are fundamentally different activities, implying different metabolic processes - which is why it is extremely difficult for the body.

Workouts for weight loss are aerobic (that is, requiring the cells to consume oxygen), and strength exercises for muscle growth - anaerobic. Cardio's effectiveness for burning fat increases when blood glucose levels are low (which literally forces the body to burn fat reserves), while strength training is not possible under such conditions.

Why is it hard to exercise in the morning?

Strength training early in the morning is much more challenging for most people than training in the afternoon. The main reason for this is that the body simply does not have enough energy in the morning - and blood sugar levels are minimal, and the energy from fat stores cannot be used to perform strength exercises.

Let's say you are doing squats with a barbell - just a minute ago the body did not know about the upcoming load, but now it needs energy. The source of this “fast” energy can be exclusively glycogen reserves from the muscles working in this movement, but not fat depots. In order to get energy from fat, the body will need at least 15-20 minutes.

How to swing correctly in the morning

If you exercise early in the morning without sufficient glycogen stores, your blood sugar levels will drop, making your workout much more difficult and leading to brain fog or even fainting. For a full-fledged strength training for muscle growth, the body needs at least 100-150 g of carbohydrates, stored in the form of glycogen directly in the muscles.

A hearty breakfast an hour and a half before strength training will help saturate your muscles with energy, but in real life, not all athletes have time for such a breakfast. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in order to successfully gain weight at the end of the training, the body again needs calories for closure - or a second breakfast in the case of morning training.

Strength training early in the morning

For strength training early in the morning (especially when there is no time for a hearty breakfast), it is critical to take it immediately after waking up - otherwise the body simply will not have enough energy. By the time he arrived at Gym carbohydrates from sports nutrition will already be absorbed and their energy will enter the bloodstream.

However, after finishing your morning strength training, it is still important to have a full breakfast and provide your muscles not only with carbohydrates and proteins, but also with vitamins and minerals. Also remember that it will take about 1-2 weeks for your body to get used to this type of training regimen, and don’t be discouraged if the first few days seem too difficult.

Morning workouts to burn fat

Let us remind you once again that fat burning occurs exclusively when blood glucose levels are low. The reason lies in the fact that insulin, increased by sugar, is necessary for the formation of energy reserves, while the hormone adrenaline is needed to remove this energy from cells (1). In this case, insulin and adrenaline cannot be synthesized by the body at the same time.

For this reason for successful weight loss recommended - in this case, the body first spends glycogen and carbohydrate reserves, reducing insulin levels, and only then adrenaline increases, activating fat burning processes. Good news is that in the morning this process happens much faster.

How to get rid of and remove soft sides? Training strategy and cutting recommendations.

Cardio on an empty stomach

In most cases, immediately after waking up, glycogen reserves in the body are minimal - which is why the exercise performed early morning slow cardio results in maximum fast weight loss. Moreover, any breakfast (even a protein isolate that does not contain carbohydrates) will force the body to primarily burn the calories of this breakfast, and not fat reserves.

The main rules of morning workouts for weight loss are an empty stomach and the most moderate pace of exercise (running is definitely not recommended) lasting at least 30-40 minutes. Immediately after completing such a fat-burning workout, it is recommended to take 2-3 capsules, while a full breakfast is acceptable no earlier than half an hour later.

Is it possible to train in the evening?

Unfortunately, late evening is the worst time for both strength training and weight loss training. Fat burning training will be ineffective due to the presence of sugar in the blood (glucose levels decrease only 4-5 hours after the last meal), and strength training can cause sleep problems due to overstimulation of the central nervous system.

If you have absolutely no other choice and can only go to the gym in the evening, plan a large meal 2 hours before your evening muscle-building workout, so that only a light dinner is left afterward. Also carefully study the composition of sports nutrition, making sure that it does not contain other stimulants that disrupt sleep.


Morning workouts on an empty stomach are best for weight loss, but before... strength training For muscle growth, it is recommended to take a portion of gainer in the morning. Exercising late in the evening is the worst option - the presence of glucose in the blood will block fat burning, and general fatigue during the day will not allow for exercise. strength training with maximum efficiency.

Scientific sources:

  1. The Stubborn Fat Solution, Lyle McDonald,

Each athlete has a specific training program that is inextricably linked with the established daily schedule. Very often, the class schedule falls in the evening, just before bedtime. After intense exercise, the body requires natural nutrition in the form of food. This is due to several factors:

Losing a lot of calories.
A drop in energy balance.
The need to restore muscle tissue in the post-training period and replenish it with the amino profile.

However, the paradox is that the so-called supporters healthy eating and many doctors claim that eating at night is harmful, since the stomach slows down the digestion process, food is absorbed worse, which leads to metabolic disorders and fat deposits. This rule is indeed true, but not for people leading an active lifestyle, because they need to fill the protein-carbohydrate window, avoiding catabolic syndrome.

Why eat after evening workouts?

During the day, any person, for the proper functioning of the body, must satisfy the daily need for various nutrients. As you know, the most consumed of them are proteins (necessary for muscle growth, energy restoration and improvement of cognitive functions) and carbohydrates (the main, most important source of energy).

Many beginner athletes, after the first workout, notice that their muscles have significantly increased in volume. And most of them mistakenly assume that this is muscle growth. However, such an increase is associated with improved blood circulation and tissue swelling due to micro-tears, which urgently need to be regenerated and the voids filled with a building compound for development and growth.

The body draws strength for post-workout recovery from energy reserves, and building material, is a protein that makes up 80% of dry food muscle mass. If the body does not have enough nutrients, it begins to deplete its natural reserves. At the same time, the muscles do not increase in volume, negating the efficiency of the evening workout, the energy balance decreases, all forces are devoted to recovery, but they are sorely lacking, because almost all of them are spent during classes. A catabolic attack begins, and, consequently, the destruction of muscle tissue, decreased cognitive activity, lethargy, and fatigue. As a result, the next morning a person feels broken and sick.

This is why the evening post-workout meal is so important for all athletes.

If the gym is located at a considerable distance from your place of residence, you can quickly support your body after playing sports with the help of sports nutrition.
The ideal product in this case is whey protein. It is easily digestible and will provide the body with an instant supply of energy and essential amino acids. But, if you have the opportunity to have a full dinner, you shouldn’t miss it.

What food can an athlete eat at night, and what not?

The evening meal should be rich in protein, slow carbohydrates, maintain a balanced blood glucose level, be low in calories and at the same time provide a feeling of fullness throughout the night.
Foods that you can and should eat before bed and after training:
- rice;
- boiled chicken;
- cottage cheese and yogurt;
- seafood;
- cheese;
- herbal teas.

You should eat until you are completely full, without overeating, but also without leaving you feeling hungry.

Along with recommended products, there are also undesirable ones. Consuming them in the morning and afternoon is possible, but before bed is not advisable and can negatively affect metabolic processes, quality of sleep, and figure relief.
It is not at all advisable to eat before bed:

- coffee and cocoa products.
- foods containing large amounts of saturated fat;
- mushrooms;
- high-calorie meat products;
- sweets.

Foods prohibited for consumption by athletes at any time of the day, especially at night:
- pasta;
- factory-made semi-finished products;
- “quick soups”;
- sausages;
- all GMO products.

Speaking of cottage cheese. It contains complete casein protein - ideal for nighttime sleep. Casein supplies muscles with amino acids for 8 hours, ensuring their growth and effectively preventing catabolism. However, if there is no cottage cheese, you can also prepare a pre-purchased casein mixture, which is part of the sports nutrition.

How to calculate the number of calories

How many calories to consume per day and what is the calorie norm for a late dinner.

(Height x 1.8) + (weight x 9.6) + (age x 4.7) + 655

We multiply the resulting figure by:

1.55 - when exercising 3-5 times every 7 days.

1.73 - with daily, intense training.

Height 189 cm
Weight 89 kg
Age 32
1.73 - active training

We get(189 x 1.8) + (89 x 9.6) + (32 x 4.7) = 1,345 + 655 = 2,000 x 1.73 = 3,460 kcal

If you are a strength athlete or your day is active, add another 500 kcal, and if you also need to gain weight + 500 kcal.
When training for weight loss, daily norm calories are reduced by 20%.
Now let's calculate the calorie content of the late dinner diet. So let's say you eat 5,000 calories over 4 meals.
Then 5,000 /4 = 1,250 * 20% = 250 kcal, you should consume in the evening meal, after a late workout..

In addition, you should take into account the daily dosage of the body's need for certain substances and its balance in the evening. In just an hour, you can create a seven-day, perfectly delicious menu that will significantly increase the level of your physical abilities.

If it’s difficult for you to consider all this yourself, then it is recommended to consult a nutritionist to determine the individual needs of your body and the presence of certain contraindications. Be healthy.

Video about athlete nutrition. What to eat and drinking regime.